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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 157 KB, 772x564, 133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11964022 No.11964022 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

Previous thread: >>11940775

>> No.11964190
File: 242 KB, 700x784, okuuiscurious!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposted from the old thread since i failed to see it was over bump limit

>> No.11964194

>pocky erryday :3
> :3
/jp/'s homework assignment for tonight is to draw the author of this picture

>> No.11964203

He didn't do that ironically
The author is actually a cat

>> No.11964205
File: 103 KB, 640x480, raperidinghood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In order to appeal a wider audience we have been forced to change Rapecat name to Bullycat and his favorite hobby "Rape" with "Bullying".
We're terribly sorry for these changes and we hope you could keep supporting us this year.

>> No.11964221
File: 11 KB, 700x485, jnwr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11964223

Bullycat doesn't roll off the tongue like Rapecat does
rape > bullying

>> No.11964237
File: 20 KB, 535x530, madotsuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this months ago for a tiny thread on /v/

>> No.11964239

And go back there

>> No.11964240
File: 2.70 MB, 582x333, jumpp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11964243

I'm the best.

>> No.11964244

I won't eat my hat

>> No.11964245

I love Okuu and I love your Okuu especially.

>> No.11964258
File: 160 KB, 650x700, jkbawebhk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my best.

>> No.11964271

Does he bully

>> No.11964277

Only his canvas, I hope.

>> No.11964278

Is that kitty jesus

>> No.11964295

I like rapecat more than bullycat. Any person could bully, but it takes a unique individual to rape.

>> No.11964314

I imagine bullycat as someone who is depressed, drained, and running on fumes from all of the bullying that he has to do, day in and day out. No rest, no deviation from his wide-reaching, ever-increasing campaigns of little girl bullying for the pleasure and entertainment of /jp/sies.

Some days he wakes up, a full day of bullying little girls ahead of him, and he just stares at the ceiling from his bed for a good 15, 20 minutes, before slogging himself out of bed and into the bathroom.

There, bullycat flicks on the lights and turns on the cold water to splash his face with. As he does this, he surveys the toll his chosen profession has taken on him. Stress shows its mark in innumerable wrinkles, canals irrigating his forehead. Two days of stubble infest his jawline. His bloodshot eyes complement the bags that hang underneath. He asks himself again why he keeps doing this, with no end in sight. Nothing but the omnipresent demand to top his latest act of bullying with an even greater one, to constantly push the envelope, to satisfy the growling mob's endless demand for bullying. As if he was answering his own reflection, he speaks his first words of the day.

"It's the only thing I'll ever know."

September 2014
Directed by Michael Bay

>> No.11964331

Is that Thomas di Leva?

>> No.11964441

Whoa hella cute image d00d

>> No.11964471
File: 127 KB, 640x480, imthebulliest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your post.
Your description is no far from reality. Bullycat is a tragic character, but he's always doing his best for the sake of his fans!

>> No.11964483

He wouldn't bully a 2hu

>> No.11964601
File: 752 KB, 1360x1360, 2014-03-13_censored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had to edit it slightly so it'd be okay on a blue board.
I'll try to stop drawing lewd things now. I really want to try drawing fashionable little girls.

>> No.11964617

The original penis is too small so it can't be me.

>> No.11964640

Sandwiches are very fashionable.

>> No.11964650

No, I think you'll have to continue with the lewds.

>> No.11964725

I used mine as a reference. I always thought I was pretty much average.
I actually prefer doujinshi where the guy doesn't have a giant dick. It makes it alot easier to self-insert. When self-inserting into the girl it doesn't make much of a difference, though.

>> No.11964750

I think it's a good size.

As for the girl, I think the hat is pretty cute. But if you want 'fashionable' girls, they've totally got to have long hair. Down to their hips, even.

>> No.11964788

How do you get lines like that? they're really nice.
>I'll try to stop drawing lewd things now. I really want to try drawing fashionable little girls.
Why can't you do both?

>> No.11964796

I bet he would bully Cirno.

>> No.11964818
File: 338 KB, 747x960, rockpass copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what it is.

Recently I've been attempting more SAI because I still feel so lost in regards to lineart. I just don't get how to make my lines look nice.

I guess I could use a basic round brush in photoshop the issue is when trying to block in solid blacks becomes troublesome but I suppose I could do it on another layer.

>> No.11964892
File: 82 KB, 182x527, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. It's actually a hat that I own. I think drawing real fashion might be the best way to get a feel for what might look good.
And I agree, extremely long hair is very cute on little girls! But sometimes short hair just works better. It kind of has that certain innocence.

Thanks! Those are the settings that I usually use. For this sketch, I duplicated the lineart and blurred it. I don't know why, but I like that effect.
>Why can't you do both?
Whenever I try to draw clothes, I quickly give up because it's a pain. It's easy and very rewarding to draw naked girls, but that way I'll never get better.

>> No.11964904

>I used mine as a reference.
>It's actually a hat that I own
So is that drawing you fucking the girl and self inserting as the girl at the same time?

>> No.11964921

It might be. I never really thought about it. It does sound kind of hot.

>> No.11964927

Well there seems to be a lot of "you" in it so I wouldn't be surprised

>> No.11964973
File: 354 KB, 1645x1046, LilySpringIsComingIdea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been hoping to see a Lily Black "spring is coming" parody of the titular Game of Thrones "winter is coming."

>> No.11964995
File: 281 KB, 800x609, excited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


D-does that ropey thing come in a toy size?

>> No.11965013

I always say I'm going to start drawing, get real pumped up for a few days, then give up and ignore it for another month until the cycle repeats itself.

How do you guys stay motivated?

>> No.11965015

Looking at young girls is all the motivation you should need.

>> No.11965018


My motivation is that not doing the only thing I am semi-decent at will make me go insane.

>> No.11965020

I can't concentrate with a throbbing erection, anon.

I don't think I'm at the semi-decent part yet.

>> No.11965025

>I can't concentrate with a throbbing erection, anon
Well then from now on you're not allowed to look at lewd pictures.
You have to draw them yourself.
If your boner has any standards you'll be a god of drawing by the time you need to fap.
Get learning dork.

>> No.11965034

I imagine I'm more famous than I already am. I make art for imaginary books, games, comics and other projects I know I'll never finish and most of the time I never start.

>> No.11965050
File: 106 KB, 657x892, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think I'm at the semi-decent part yet.

I'm >>11964818 although I have a lot of personal and insecurity issues I should try to resolve. I often am distraught at how the concept art industry works, specifically in regards to meshing images together and painting on top of it. I feel too dirty doing it.

>> No.11965069

>specifically in regards to meshing images together and painting on top of it. I feel too dirty doing it.
You shouldn't, images are just tools, just like texture brushes and so on. All they do is help you represent the idea you have and add texture detail to your scenery.
Do you really expect all those super detailed concept art paintings to be done pixel by pixel?

Give images to a beginner and tell them to use that and try paintovers and it won't turn out any good.

Look at the FZD videos on how to use them correctly, you still need to learn your fundamentals.

>> No.11965155


I am self taught so it has been very hard. I'm not really sure where to even look to learn about this stuff.

>> No.11965162

>I am self taught
So are a lot of artists, no biggie
>I'm not really sure where to even look to learn about this stuff.
FZD link at the bottom

>> No.11965190


ok I will check it out.

>> No.11965375
File: 82 KB, 407x540, flckdrwbrvlydflt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11965397

Cute girl. Would bully sexually.

>> No.11965419

This reminds me of something but I can't remember what.

>> No.11965424

Probably flckdrwbrvlydflt.

>> No.11965435

I don't know what that is.

>> No.11965449

It's the filename.

>> No.11965463

Well, I knew that.

>> No.11965468

Is it Final Fantasy Tactics?

>> No.11965470

To be honest, I more meant the style.

>> No.11965614
File: 203 KB, 600x470, scapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been trying what he suggested by working in a thumbnail sized where I zoom out and make the canvas small enough for me to just see basic shapes. I think when I have enough that I am satisfied with I can then worry about detail. It helps me feel more productive to do this too although I should incorporate more human aspects into them. I still feel I can use the brushes alone to paint these and seeing how I don't do these as a job there's no real reason to rush them I guess.

>> No.11965982

I can't get out of the sketch-phase.
I sketch things that could be turned into something much better if I had the patience to give them clean lines and improve them more, but then I get really uncomfortable and start a new sketch with the thought "I'll just make that one more detailed than the current one".

What's annoying about it is that I have no real problems drawing smooth lines or thinking in 3D while drawing. Redrawing things isn't much of a problem either.
Something is holding me back and I just can't get rid of it. I don't know why I have it.
I believe that I could become a lot better if I could just overcome it.

>> No.11966623


I imagine myself in the future doing it for a living. Either I draw or get a real job .

>> No.11966633

but what will you draw?

deviantart commisions? can't live off those.

landscapes/portraits? see above, and you'll be forced to draw 3d people and landscapes, no /jp/ tier stuff.

cartoons? the 3d is all the rage now, but you may have luck with mlp tier stuff.

animu? they don't accept gajins.

>> No.11966682

Koreans are also gaijin for them.
It's by the way a good thing they don't accept Americans.

>> No.11966691

>deviantart commissions
When I get that far where people pay me pocket change that would be a good feeling. Got to start somewhere.
I don't mind 3D. I want to try my hand at zbrush stuff.

I draw cartoons whenever. What do you mean by 3d all the rage? You're not talking about film are you?

People get commissioned by japs all the time.

>> No.11966733

i mean stuff like shrek. the 3d animation that pretty much overtook and phased out the regular drawn cartoons here.

>> No.11966737

>deviantart commisions? can't live off those.
I bet you don't charge $300+ dollars per drawing for every mediocre drawings that many people actually pay for. Or you don't draw furry porn.

>> No.11966762

You mean working for DreamBerg for their shitty feature films? Not even once. You can live off doing your own thing and that's where things are heading. Still, working in a studio is steady work.

>> No.11966777

>deviantart commisions? can't live off those.
you can easily make like $30+ an hour if you're any good
you cant live with that? stop eating caviar every day

>> No.11966775

Not bad

>> No.11966793

what will it do to your brain though? all that constant drawing of furry gay sex is bound to make you shoot yourself after a while, or at least crush your desire to draw, because every time you draw, you'll be reminded of all the horrible furry shit you had to draw to stay alive.

>> No.11966797

I never heard of people making more than 40-80 for one drawing. Where do I go to make that kind of money?

>> No.11966804

Deviantart? The fuck, mediocre artists charge tons of money and people pay for it. Being good is not all you need, you also need to be consistent in your deliveries and develop somewhat of a fanbase though. Starting out randomly fresh and being good won't do you much if your shit is also expensive off the bat and you have zero support. Better pick up a popular fetish or two while you're at it.

>> No.11966813

>$30+ an hour
You are really fast.

>> No.11966818

how long does it take you to do one sketch

>> No.11966826

Draw shitty webcomics. Make teh next homestuck and sell t-shirts and shit on the side.

>> No.11966827

I can draw fast but painting is a pain in the ass, it can take me like 3 hours.

>> No.11966831

>Better pick up a popular fetish or two while you're at it.
Is loli popular enough? Japanese style loli, not the pedo pseudo-realistic shit western artist and furries pump out. The cute, soft, and hippy kind.

>> No.11966834

Probably not, might depend on how good/bad you are in comparison to make up for it. If you only draw lolis people probably won't care that much.

>> No.11966856

What are popular fetishes anyway? Being almost solely on /jp/, I only see people spamming about feet and asses/farting and giantism, besides loli.

From what I gather from japan/internet in general, isn't drawing girls with breasts larger than the head enough?

>> No.11966873

Huge breasts, "Healthy" women, MILF, expansion of all variations, furry porn and futanari are especially popular in the west. Those will garner the most money gained here.

Foot fetish is not something that will usually make a person lots of money if they focus on it, though it is popular. An artist that is open to nche fetishes might find that those people that can't find anyone to draw their shit are much more willing to pay more and return more often if you are willing to draw it for them.

>> No.11966891
File: 90 KB, 961x1400, kame_091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is loli popular enough? Japanese style loli, not the pedo pseudo-realistic shit western artist and furries pump out. The cute, soft, and hippy kind.

You make it sound like Japan doesn't do dark realistic loli constantly.

>> No.11966899

that looks more like a tiny old woman

>> No.11966916

It's the glasses.

>> No.11966921


>> No.11966930 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1600x1309, IMG_8758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you never looked at a little girl from profile before. You should get some reference material if you want to be a respected loli artist even if you want to go the not realistic route.

>> No.11966934

maybe you should get better reference material

>> No.11966954

There are plenty of stock photo sites to choose from.

>> No.11966985

I don't know why you added dark, but I'll point out hat I said hippy, not happy. As in with hips.

West tends to make skinny, formless 6 year old looking loli, whereas a lot of Japanese type loli are more like early double digits and have things like hips and soft looking thighs and bellies and butts and budding boobs. Not all of it is that way, but I basically never see that type in western stuff. They're either midgets or kindergartners, and lack the moe moe faces, of which your art also does of course.

"Furry porn" isn't a fetish imo, because most, and that's only going from what 4chan provided mind you, have like 1 or 2 at least accessory fetishes going on with it, like they just use furry as a common ground for their fetishes.

I'll never get why people like fat old ladies so much but it's as expected then. Expansion isn't the same as inflation is it?

Futa is basically the reason I can never do commissions. That shit is gayer than actual gay.

>> No.11966988

>hippy, not happy

I thought you meant hippy like in flower child.

>> No.11966996

>Futa is basically the reason I can never do commissions.
that's stupid
every artist has a list of stuff they wont do commissions of
just say you wont do futa

>> No.11966998

Insecure faggots still believe this? There's a big difference in between liking a girl with a dick and a man.

>> No.11967004

>There's a big difference in between liking a girl with a dick and a man.
Yeah, men who like men aren't confused or in denial.

>> No.11967007

Sure, if you're stupid enough to believe that, believe it. A girl with a dick is just a girl with a dick, if it's a man and a man then it'd be gay faggot.

>> No.11967010

If you don't stop right here, this discussion will not end and the thread will become more derailed.

>> No.11967011

Futa is just a way to add penetration to what would otherwise be a boring tribadism. Of course you could just have men too, which would be less gay?

>> No.11967012

if a girl with a dick is a man, is a man with a vagina a woman?

would you do ahnold with a pussy?

>> No.11967015

I really like the one on the right.
I'm pretty similar. I just don't have the patience to finish anything, I'll try but if it takes longer than a couple hours or if I don't finish it in one sitting it'll lay around half finished. It's probably helped that I haven't finished anything in years at this point.

>> No.11967020

> flckdrwbrvlydflt
> flock draw bravely default

Not that hard to figure out.

>> No.11967031

What happened to the pixiv drawbuddy thing?

>> No.11967033

Does anyone want to request a specific little girl?
I'm kinda in the mood to draw another one right now.

>> No.11967047

Not a request, I just wanted to ask how long you take for a picture like the above one.

>> No.11967059

Rape morning!
If possible draw a girl being bullied. That's all.

>> No.11967080

I didn't really pay attention to the time, but I guess around 2-3 hours.
I usually do a very rough sketch (1 min) just to get the layout/idea of the picture and then directly start doing the final lineart. I guess that's kind of weird, but it works for me.

>> No.11967082

Good question

>Futa is just a way to add penetration to what would otherwise be a boring tribadism.
FxF is objectively equally gay to MxM. Your question is silly. Read the above manga if you disagree.

>A girl with a dick is just a girl with a dick
It can only be /y/ if it's with a male, /u/ if it's with a female, or you like looking at women stroking their own dick, which boils down to being a woman who likes looking at women or a guy who likes looking at dicks. It's kind of like being a furry and saying you don't like animal sex, but then being unable to get around by images where the characters don't have animal snouts

>> No.11967084

I want to request a n adorable catgirl.

>> No.11967109

Please mix >>11967059 and >>11967084.

>> No.11967111

An adorable catgirl getting bullied, it is. Coming right up.

>> No.11967210

Sexuality does not apply to an interest in the genitals only.
There are also secondary genitalia, facial features, bodily features like hips;curves etc.

Basically, I'd say Futanari is the embodiment of what bisexual individuals with the main focus set on females crave, as the penis (and in some cases, testicles) is the only male feature.
So if anything, Futanari bi, not gay. Equally hetero and homo, as Futanari still requires a vagina.

It goes without saying that there are probably many bisexuals who enjoy men and women body seperately.

>> No.11967356

>There are also secondary genitalia
Dude, there are only dicks and pussies unless you are some non-human creature.

>> No.11967409

Get back to work.

>> No.11967424

But we're all NEET

>> No.11967433

Wish people would pay me for making my dream game. I'd even bother to learn how to code.

>> No.11967440

What's your dream game and why wouldn't it make money?

>> No.11967446

I know how that feels. I would even bother writing the whole plot and dialogues, but I know fucking nothing about drawing/music/programming.

>> No.11967453

Just make it shitnerds, and let us play

>> No.11967470

I want to make a raising sim but with more rape. Wish I could steal the code of those weebs at hanako games, they kind of modified renpy to suit their needs.

>> No.11967525
File: 1.81 MB, 582x288, collisions2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried out a handful of action/fighter games to study their mechanics and what they do for collisions.
Turns out some even let you go through the enemies entirely.

I realized it's mostly you're focused attacking and getting attacked by enemies so it really doesn't matter as long as the combat works appropriately

>> No.11967531

Oh you mean like that game that's like princess maker except you run an orphanage full of prostitutes or whatever?

>> No.11967547 [DELETED] 
File: 514 KB, 900x1272, 23130178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11967548

If you're gonna have enemies hurt you on contact, you'd better have them knock you back some or have you become invincible for a couple seconds.

>> No.11967560

I think he was talking about sexual characteristics.

>> No.11967565


>> No.11967627 [DELETED] 

kind of cute, i'm not feeling the shirt/sports bra though

>> No.11967712
File: 514 KB, 1440x1296, 2014-03-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>U-Umm... C-Could you please stop that? Just because I'm a cat doesn't mean I'm into those childish games.
>Stop it! I-I'll scratch you, you know?

It's not exactly bullying, though. Because the truth is, she's enjoying it a little bit. But of course she won't say it.
What do you think? Drawing hair always takes a really long time for me, but I guess that's normal.

>> No.11967719

Do you have a pixiv/blog where you keep your works?

>> No.11967723

your linework is really clean too

>> No.11967736

I have to agree with the anon above, your lines are really nice, thank you for creating such a bulliable cat girl.

>> No.11967743

How do you even draw the hair, it looks so perfect
Do you use a line tool or just do really long strokes?

>> No.11967750

I want to bully it.

>> No.11967751

I'm guessing it's the line weight and the eraser tool.

>> No.11967766

Thanks so much. I don't really post most things I draw nowadays, but maybe I'll start a new pixiv soon. I'll let you know.

No, just long strokes and alot of CTRL+Z. I actually draw with my right hand and keep the left hand on CTRL+Z the whole time. It's really comfortable in a strange way.

>> No.11967794

Well I'm sorry for being dumb.

>> No.11968018

Just post your pixiv and we can make it happen.

>> No.11968037

Which is gayer? A dude fucking a girl who's not a futa or a futa fucking a girl who's not a futa?

>> No.11968046

A couple of people who wanted one added me on Pixiv but they just stopped talking all the sudden. Guess they didn't really want one after all, or social anxiety.

>> No.11968103

Post your pixiv.

>> No.11968115

>What's more homosexual, heterosexual sex or homosexual sex?
Let it go and go draw and post dickgirls or whatever.

>> No.11968119

How do I draw good?

>> No.11968121

Post content
Go have your discussions in the lewd boards

>> No.11968126

Practice drawing the cutest anime girls till the bones in your hand crumbles to dust.

>> No.11968290
File: 219 KB, 800x705, boogienight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting content

>> No.11968302

Poor girls are my fetish

>> No.11968351

I'm getting back into playing the piano and am looking for some suggestions for things to teach myself. Looking for preferably something upbeat, moderate difficulty.

If I actually end up finishing anything I do I'll post it here.

>> No.11968359

You can start by not misusing the spoiler function.

>> No.11968532
File: 34 KB, 172x203, 1394862807349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this recently what do you think /jp/

>> No.11968589

All right, /jp/, as per usual, I want to draw a 2hu. Open for requests.

>> No.11968602

Mokou and Kaguya fighting

>> No.11968636


>> No.11968692 [DELETED] 

draw Marisa with a dick

>> No.11968689

Can we post our generic anime pics here or does it have to be touhou?

>> No.11968707
File: 295 KB, 1000x1000, 20140314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been awhile

>> No.11968799

I love you.
Nue enjoying some pancakes.

>> No.11968801


I think the table should be closer so you can get all the nice stuff on it in frame and also the legs of the chair are too short. The girl looks really nice though. maybe her nose could be a bit lower but other than that she is good.

>> No.11968825

If you're the one I think you are, you're hard to talk to.

>> No.11968840

>maybe her nose could be a bit lower but other than that she is good.

I like the way he draws his girls. This isn't /ic/, man.

>> No.11968855

not him, but that last tidbit sounded more of a personal suggestion if anything, not an order. don't be defensive over nothing.

>> No.11968870

All critiques and feedbacks are "suggestions" but unless the artist asks for it here it belongs in /ic/. Don't get offended over nothing, dude.

>> No.11969029

Um, yeah, >>11965034
this still the thread for game ideas? Because the established fanartists are crawling with game ideas I'm sure they'd get a kick out of seeing done, even "poorly"/"badly" or whatever.

>> No.11969086

Your lines looks like masterwork. Could you record your process of work? I would like to watch and learn.

>> No.11969103

They look good for sure, but it isn't so hard to draw them if you know where to place them. Figuring that out is the hard part.

>> No.11969274

Neat, I love pancakes. Gonna to draw that later.

Not sure if I can make it before this thread dies, though.

>> No.11969294

You have good taste at picking 2hos.

>> No.11969642
File: 347 KB, 675x540, AWA satori koishi draft 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

continue from my last WIP
coloring up WIP

yes I am

>> No.11969678

There is no sign of depth in the background, and the eyes of the characters are not looking at the same spot.

>> No.11969691

Do you seriously expect Koishi to do what you tell her to do?

>> No.11969723

Speaking of depth, that doorway is pretty tiny according to the perspective.

>> No.11969789
File: 63 KB, 788x701, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i learn to read music

>> No.11969810


>> No.11969839

Just email me your ID and I'll follow you.

>> No.11969895

awful. just awful


>> No.11969946

This whole thread?

>> No.11970021

When it's for piano at least, reading music is pretty easy. I don't know any good sources to learn it, but for what's on there, probably anywhere will do since there doesn't look to be anything complex.

>> No.11970362
File: 479 KB, 1380x2000, 1286449593753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /jp/ have any good resources to start learning how to draw?

I don't even know where to start.

This is really nice.

>> No.11970429

I think I'll don't give any advices anymore.
I don't know what type of person you are and I don't want the wrong westerners to draw my characters.

>> No.11970439

That's pretty rude, dude.

>> No.11970453

Maybe. Sorry about that.

There are just times when I'm annoyed about all the western artists who shouldn't have started drawing, and I start to think that I should prevent new ones to come into existence.

There are some who are alright but I only tend to think about the annoying ones.

>> No.11970459

>I don't want the wrong westerners to draw my characters.
Are you ZUN?

>> No.11970464

>western artists who shouldn't have started drawing
We're not on tumblr, so you shouldn't worry about that.

>> No.11970465

You don't know how good he might become if he practices a lot,

>> No.11970468

Did Zun ever give people drawing advices?

>> No.11970471

Only he'd know.

>> No.11970482

western or eastern, all artists are whores

>> No.11970487

Prove it

>> No.11970526
File: 145 KB, 1000x647, asdfasdfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that kind of guy. I'm a fan of Scott Robertson and watched some of his lectures but I feel like I'm not at the level I need to really start drawing intricate stuff.

I just really want some basic stuff where I can start.

>the wrong westerners to draw my characters
If you mean the tumblr garbage we see constantly, then yeah I agree but there are some really talented western artists in the video game/animation/design industry. Something I've noticed is that western artist tend to be really good at environment and mechanical design while eastern artists are good at character design and coming up with interesting characters.

>> No.11970637

please draw a girl that will become my wife, we will name our children after you
alternatively, a pteranodon
seriously though, your drawings make me feel like when you eat those seltz candies. I don't know, its a magical thing

>> No.11970686
File: 476 KB, 1032x1160, 2014-03-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I don't think I could ever do a livestream, but if it's just a recorded video I'll think about it.

When drawing, one thing I always do it making up backstories of the characters I'm drawing, even if it's just a small sketch. Does anyone else do this?
For this sketch, it was something like this:

>Anon-kun, I came over to play!
Recently, the young girl from next door started coming over right after getting home from school. Apparently her parents are always at work until late and she doesn't have any friends at school to hang out with, but she doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe she's getting bullied because she's so small?
When I asked her whether her parents know about her coming over she quickly changed the subject. I wonder if this is really okay...

>> No.11970753

they prove it themselves every time they post.

>> No.11970789

Draw her getting bullied at school.

>> No.11970800

How long have you been drawing for, Anon, and how often do you draw?

Is that story... real? I want to believe.

>> No.11970806

>I wonder if this is really okay...
For your sake, I hope this story isn't based on what you're going through right now.

>> No.11970819

wow, that also is really cool
the hand and expression are fantastic. I like how /artists of the jay/ pictures leave an impression even if they're not perfect. its like if there's actually an emotion in the file

>> No.11970827

There's nothing great about what emotions the artists of the jay feel.

>> No.11970832

its because the good ones go in the drawings.

>> No.11971141
File: 1.63 MB, 696x356, wave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Messing with shaders

I'll be sure to do so

>> No.11971173

Dropped, impossible to play it like that.

>> No.11971969

Of course it isn't. But if that were to ever happen to me, I can guarantee you that I'll know to do the right thing. I'll leave it up to your imagination to figure out what that means.
I'd say about 4 years. But I often got discouraged and stopped drawing for months. That's really the worst mistake you can make.
Thank you! I'm glad some of the feelings made it through.

>> No.11971975

Its bad enough for me stopping for just 1 month, but I've only been drawing for 8 months.

>> No.11971985

That gives me who has drawn for a year and a half a little more hope, though you have probably started at a younger age than 25... (have you?)

I slowly start to grasp things better than before but I'm still far away from getting any praise from others for my pics.

>> No.11972001

Probably around 19-20 but it doesn't really matter, does it?

>> No.11972027
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1500, onepanelleft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really proud of these but what does /jp/ think?

>> No.11972050

Very cute! I was actually just watching the PuyoPuyo episode of GCCX.

>> No.11972058
File: 46 KB, 640x1200, vgoestothemovies 1 of idunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um.. Speaking of GCCX I was.. Drawing this too.

>> No.11972062

Although I hate /v/ (specially now) I always liked those comics, I close my eyes and I start imagining 4chan being actually good.

>> No.11972067

Most here hate /v/, with good reason, but I still think the drawing is decent.

>> No.11972127

/v/ has not been very good for awhile now, I'm sure everyone on 4chan knows this, but yes. I do like those comics a lot. I'm going to make more parts for this and hopefully make it worthwhile.

>> No.11972135


read the fucking sticky

I hope he didn't

>> No.11972147

I wish 3 angled blue wasn't in prison. Anyway your drawings are cool.

>> No.11972149

pretty cool comic, unlike Amitie

>> No.11972152
File: 138 KB, 550x772, wazzap4chins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can lick my boots

>> No.11972159

One of the questions at AWA was for tips (at being an indie developer or something, I forget) and he responded that he refused to give any tips or help, but said the most important thing was to just do it.

>> No.11972235

I love /vr/

>> No.11972235,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's over we've truly lost /jp/ to the crossies orz

>> No.11972280

Would you share your pc-98 games with him?

>> No.11972299

Any requests for the recording? Make it something simple.

>> No.11972320

Do you color?

>> No.11972359

Sure, but this being the first time and all I'd like to keep it at just the lines.

>> No.11972360

A girl with bunny ears?

>> No.11972360,1 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, even that now-irrelevant /v/ hack has moved here. This is awful.

>> No.11972370

Why won't you stream?

>> No.11972370,1 [INTERNAL] 

Jen approves it and the neo-neo-neo-neo-/jp/ isn't elitist because it is actually made of post-2012 /v/ crossies, if anything they are going to ask him for more

>> No.11972370,2 [INTERNAL] 

Haven't you heard? Being elitist is the bad thing that killed /a/ in 2013!

>> No.11972391

What a shitposter would look like if drawn as a little girl.

>> No.11972391,1 [INTERNAL] 


Funny, only /a/ and /v/ babbies think this is still cool to post and effectively conveys senior status in the thread.

Seriously, that shit is so 2012

>> No.11972391,2 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like a neo-neo-neo-post-/q/ shitlord is upset at being called out on his newness.

>> No.11972391,3 [INTERNAL] 


Way to out yourself while being the pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.11972391,4 [INTERNAL] 

So it stopped being ``cool'' around when? It's not my fault, I don't attend to moots boards so I wouldn't know. Guess I gotta drop all my old epic meems now and get on with the times :).....

>> No.11972391,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11972391,6 [INTERNAL] 

When it was used as a prefix for everything, it was the top of its meme epicness when it was neo-NSJ or neo-/jp/

>> No.11972499

I prefer downloads over streams so I think a recording is a good idea from him.

>> No.11972532

tried to give stream links, but it gets delete

>> No.11972543

I would make a contribution but I feel bad because my parents are fighting because of his NEET son. Maybe other day.

>> No.11972559

More of this cutie please.

Also could you make it a little ``scenic''? Like having a bg even if it's light sketch. Cheers!

>> No.11972613
File: 629 KB, 4393x3194, Drafts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try illustrating a story for once. I'm not really good but not too bad either, technically, but I want to make the experience anyways.

Those are some ideas for the main characters. I already kind of set on the design of the male protagonist, but I have trouble figuring out a fitting design for the female.
There are two raw drafts for her, from which I like the left and bottom one the most, but I feel like they don't fit the personality I had in mind for her (cheery, maybe tomboyish).
Do you guys have any suggestions on how to make her seem more active? Hairstyles, eyes? It would be a great help.

Also, some general criticism or tips are welcome.

>> No.11972638 [DELETED] 

Fucking crossboarders....

>> No.11972641

If you have troubles with the female character. Just make her a boy, since you already know how the male brain works.
Then make your buffed macho character to rape his boypussy.

>> No.11972696

That's a lewd way of expressing your anger anon

>> No.11972718

He isn't a macho, he is a cuddly teddybear who happens to be buff.
Lolicon masterrace

Though seriously speaking, I meant the design of her looks. Not having trouble with her personality.

>> No.11972738

I personally don't like her hair much because it looks adult like when the hair goes up and then down. I don't know how to explain it in english...
I like bangs a lot though with short hair. Just look for "short hair kids" on google image.

Hope your lolicon finds love, I like when they succeed

>> No.11972777

Thanks, anon.
Her looking too much like an adult was actually my most significant concern.
I want her hair to be at least long enough to reach the shoulders though, or be braided. But I guess taking a shot at short hair should be worth it.

>> No.11972788
File: 589 KB, 1178x1302, 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what she would look like.
I'd have to turn off Skype and couldn't take breaks. That sounds very uncomfortable.
Will do next time. I actually have to study right now so I prefer small, quick portraits.
I went for this. Unfortunately, ezvid crashed at the end and I think the files are lost. Can you recommend a better screen recorder program?

>> No.11972796

>couldn't take breaks

a lot of people on niconicolive take breaks during their stream. And why would Skype need to be off? Can you share your ID?

>> No.11972803

It has my real name and everything. Wouldn't want that on 4chan.

>> No.11972805
File: 596 KB, 854x2078, chickenscratch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just mention what service you use and what is your username. Stream links get deleted by the filter because streamwhoring for views was notorious and they wanted to avoid that.

I haven't forgotten about you. I ended up being totally distracted by Twitch Plays Pokemon and my birthday, and then I couldn't find the thread anymore.
Some artists should really hone their handwriting too. It's so awful and rough most of the time. I feel like handwriting is an art in itself as well.
The terminology used was a bit tough for me since I haven't done any studying on Japanese drawing terms and words could be interpreted in various ways and such so its bound to have mistakes but I tried my best... also that handwriting.

I recommend Open Broadcaster Software. It doubles as a broadcaster as the title implies, and it's easy on your computer resources.

>> No.11972809

then could you email me it?

>> No.11972815

You can set the size of your streaming broadcast window so it only broadcasts part of the stream instead of your whole desktop, in this case you could set it to the canvas and just drag Skype to the side.

>> No.11972836

Those are some cute girls. Could you also draw more of their body, it's a bit boring to always see the same parts ind the same position.

>> No.11972870

Thanks. Yeah, the faces are also almost exactly identical. I'll try to be a bit more creative with that from now on.
Open Broadcaster Software looks really good. I'll give that a try.
Sorry, I'm just not comfortable with giving my personal info to people on the internet.

>> No.11972874

Why don't you draw a cute loli with a scar?

>> No.11972883

That's a pretty lame excuse, but alright.

>> No.11972889

Ohohoh yeah yeah this

>> No.11972898

What's stopping you from turning it off or getting a dummy account? What a retard

>> No.11972917

That's really cute anon, thanks for drawing her.

It will be very nice to see one of your drawings coloured, but it's always good to take it easy

>> No.11972946

I can understand him and I think it's good that he didn't contact you.

>> No.11972954

>That's a pretty lame excuse
Considering the kind of people that can browse these sites, I totally agree with his decision.

>> No.11972968

Why are you white knighting?

>> No.11972975

Because I have an allergy against too social people.

>> No.11972978

Why aren't you?

>> No.11972981

/jp/sies are frail creatures in need of protection.

>> No.11973006

>too social people
It's pretty obvious he's here to be social and seek attention more than anyone, not that I have a problem with that. If that's what gets you to draw, then great.

>> No.11973022

I said I don't like "too social" people and he's not exactly shoving everyone his deviant art/pixiv account or other stuff like pseudo intellectual explanations about his drawings like that Asuka poster in the face.

>> No.11973030

That was pretty funny.

>> No.11973033

Posting here and getting replies means you seek attention now?

>> No.11973039

Actually if you've been around 4chan long enough, you'd remember the time where 'drawfags' were always known as attention whores. While they're almost some of the better posters these days, it doesn't change the fact that they'd still be known as attention whores. Not that I really care, just throwing in my 2 cents on the topic.

>> No.11973157


>> No.11973177

Stolen to use as inspiration for a Traveller campaign.

>> No.11973262

Honestly, I don't have anything against whores as long as they put out.

>> No.11973265

Why is the flockdraw room always dead? ;_;

>> No.11973274

All the times that you've seen it dead, you were there.

I'm starting to see a pattern.

>> No.11973353
File: 486 KB, 1826x1970, OkuuLingerie_linework.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how much more detail I should sketch in for the eyes to tell if they're really looking at me or not.

>> No.11973376

I like eyes with lots of detail just like my little girl mangas.

>> No.11973392
File: 80 KB, 512x650, 700pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't take much detail to tell if eyes are looking at you or not.

As it is, it looks like one eye is looking at you but the other isn't, yet it doesn't matter which eye you look at. They both give that effect.

>> No.11973415

That torso anatomy is awful but you'll probably ignore this and continue like you always do.

>> No.11973424

awful how?

>> No.11973433

It's not even colored and I already find this very fappable.

>> No.11973439

Midsection too long, her ribcage is fucked up, and her breasts are askew.

>> No.11973438

he's bullshitting you dude it's fucking perfect

>> No.11973463
File: 118 KB, 704x537, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this helps (or is even accurate), but try to think of the eyes individually looking at an object (or person, etc).
This guy >>11973415 is right, you really need to work on your anatomy, it's all wonky.

>> No.11973473

I don't understand

>> No.11973474

Pretty cute but like others said try to work a bit on that torso. Try looking at some references, even with a stylized look you want to have an understanding of basic anatomy.

>> No.11973493

It would look fine if the torso was simply shorter. There's a bit of perspective at a low angle, making her lower body look wider than it actually is.

>> No.11973516

please do not sexualize the okuus

>> No.11973548

I want to put my control rod in her!

>> No.11973856

She's not poor, as far as I know.

>> No.11973867

Fucken picked up!
Drunk meido modo, on!

>> No.11973875
File: 681 KB, 972x1340, MinpoC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw sketch of Minpo from Towelket.

I need to buy a new tablet...

>> No.11973889
File: 41 KB, 258x242, wakasagihime2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wakasagihime trying to catch a biscuit but failing.

>> No.11973897 [DELETED] 


i agree it makes me mad

>> No.11973908
File: 1.53 MB, 1850x1500, Okuu is an Okuute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11974016
File: 48 KB, 527x390, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11974036

Your Okuu looks familiar. Did you post her once before here?

>> No.11974040
File: 636 KB, 850x645, Okuute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this a while back.

>> No.11974174
File: 358 KB, 700x672, wonderifshelikesfishfood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11974180


>> No.11974212

Well shiiit nigga, that's kawaii!

>> No.11974375 [DELETED] 
File: 379 KB, 530x668, レ級.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has /jp/ drawn her yet?

>> No.11974467 [DELETED] 

Why is she blue?

Why are her eyes glowing?

What happened to her legs?

Why is EVA-02's head with attached cannons growing out of her tail?

Why is she floating?

>> No.11974608 [DELETED] 

We don't want to draw something from that little forgettable game.

>> No.11974638 [DELETED] 

Speak for yourself, please.

>> No.11974687 [DELETED] 

I know this is bait, and I'm not even into it, but Kankore took up 30% of comiket this past winter, second only to Kurobas and Touhou, and it's still just in its first year.

>> No.11974699 [DELETED] 

Does it have its own seperate conventions and fangames yet?

>> No.11974707 [DELETED] 

only a matter of time. 2hu didn't have those when it was just starting out either.

>> No.11974767 [DELETED] 

Kancolle has exclusive events, but something doesn't actually have to be very popular to get one of those. A lot of seasonal anime get them. Touhou's popularity is at a level where they can have exclusive events for the Sealing Club alone.

>> No.11975049

Your faces are extremely lewd

>> No.11975221

They are? I've never heard this before.

>> No.11975305

Can't tell about other faces of yours, but I would rather describe the look on this particular face as "a little bit dreamy", maybe "far away", but not "lewd".

>> No.11975478

>I want to make a raising sim but with more rape. Wish I could steal the code of those weebs at hanako games, they kind of modified renpy to suit their needs.

You don't need our code to make a raping sim, the only thing we really hacked renpy for was additive blending.

>> No.11975504

Everytime I try to draw something and it comes out ugly and worse than I hoped, I lose confidence in my ability and it becomes harder to get myself to draw the next time. How to avoid this?

>> No.11975508

I find that dreaming expression very sexy.

>> No.11975571

Don't listen to /jp/, for starters. It only promotes mediocrity.

>> No.11975572

Keep drawing, eventually you'll be less shit than you were before.
Or give up like a pussy and never improve and repeat this cycle.

>> No.11975584 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 480x480, 1377937473311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't listen to /jp/, for starters. It only promotes mediocrity.
>mfw your promoting mediocracy right now

>> No.11975769

I meant /jp/'s usual 'corrections' of course, but I forgot some have to be spoon-fed even that. anyway:

/jp/ only wants you to draw the cute or lewd oekaki they enjoy, so don't think you'll learn anything from here. if you start to show major skills or invest more on your work, they'll actually ostracize you so it's better to search for feedback in places where people don't take offense in others' talent. conceptart.org critique forum will help you a lot with structure, anatomy and such, as long as you show commitment.

>> No.11975819

I don't lose confidence because of /jp/, the shitposters here aren't anything to get worked up over anyway. I know when something looks bad just fine on my own, but its frustrating when I don't know what to do to fix it.

>> No.11975823 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to >>>/v/

>> No.11975889 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 379x364, 1392117464438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad
make me

>> No.11975900

Please do not misuse the quote function on /jp/. Most importantly, please do not use reaction images (unless you drew them yourself) in a drawthread to prevent confusion and to conserve the image limit. Thank you.

>> No.11975904

The image limit argument doesn't really work anymore, does it?

>> No.11975929 [DELETED] 

I think you don't really understand what a shitposter is.
What you consider "major skills" may be not as good as you make it out to be.

Maybe you were criticized in the past yourself even you thought you were more talented than others?
Sometimes it's good to get down from your high horse and accept that your drawing lost against a more simple looking drawing.

>> No.11975942 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1024x1024, 28627006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11975948 [DELETED] 

Not really.

>> No.11976258
File: 2.05 MB, 1800x1200, 2014-03-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try working with references from now on, until I get better at coming up with poses by myself. It's really frustrating when you can't match the beauty of the original.
Now I just need to find a good place to get pictures without ending up on every NSA watchlist. Though it's probably too late for that anyway.

>> No.11976280

Cute. If you wanna get better with poses you should practice with those figure drawing websites. Even though they won't be having lolis on those websites it still helps you get used to drawing more interesting and dynamic poses.

>> No.11976284 [DELETED] 

There was a nn - cute and candid threads in 12chan but I'll swear its dead now.

Also, a friend of mine told me that there are some boards with not lew pics in the deep web, so you may try using tor, but is a bit slow.

Another good place can be fashion catalogs. I really like artist who can dress their girls, like Barasui or Rustle.

>> No.11976282

Can you crop it please? Some of us don't want to see real photos.

>> No.11976297

that's one large penis on the left.

>> No.11976323

Shit... Cannot unsee

>> No.11976327

This is good. The texture of the dress works nicely too. Don't mind using references as much as you need.

>> No.11976344

>Now I just need to find a good place to get pictures without ending up on every NSA watchlist
Take a look at ***48 groups members' pictures. They'll help you more than you imagine.

>> No.11976362 [DELETED] 

Thank you. Do you mean those 1-minute-pose websites? I heard posemaniacs is pretty good, but I haven't tried it yet. How would you even draw a pose in such a short time?
Hasn't 12chan been dead for years? Kinda went down around the time renchan died, if I remember correctly.
I'm actually re-reading Ichigo Mashimaro right now. I wonder where barasui gets his clothes from.
Also not going anywhere near Tor with all the shit going on right now.
Aren't those usually pretty fancy? I'm not very familiar with those idol groups, but I'm more into casual clothes.

>> No.11976397 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck was my post deleted? Just because I mentioned Tor, even if it was in a complete legal context? Go eat a dick, mods.

Thank you. Do you mean those 1-minute-pose websites? I heard posemaniacs is pretty good, but I haven't tried it yet.
Aren't those usually pretty fancy? I'm not very familiar with those idol groups, but I'm more into casual clothes.

>> No.11976403

There is pose maniacs and a few others. You can just search up figure drawing and you'll find some things. And you can set them to different times for each pose. But for practice to get a feel for many poses its good to do the 1 minute sketches. Be confident with your lines and don't worry about erasing. Just try to capture the general idea and shape of the pose. They will probably start off really bad at first but don't be deterred. Your first initial sketch will almost always be the defining part of an entire drawing. A bad base will result in a bad finished product, but figure drawing practice can help get that together. Also if you really want to draw lolis and have a good understanding of loli proportions you can do all the poses with lolis instead. That's how I stay motivated with my practice.

>> No.11976408 [DELETED] 

Some of us on the other hand do

>> No.11976421 [DELETED] 

Why'd you delete my post?

>> No.11976422

>But for practice to get a feel for many poses its good to do the 1 minute sketches.
I don't know, it just sounds crazy to me. Shouldn't alot of thought go into creating a good pose? But I'll definitely try.
>you can do all the poses with lolis instead
That's of course what I'm going to do. No point in doing anything else, really.

>> No.11976425

it's a tree

>> No.11976441

Of course you should take some time into a good pose, but the quick figure drawing is more for practice. To get more confident with your lines and expand your knowledge. Think of it like grinding, you are building up experience and exposing yourself. But don't just copy blindly, try to take the time to study and actually understand why a pose works a certain way, the proportions of a loli, etc. Also being able to do quick sketches will also allow you to get your ideas out quicker and you will more quickly be able to see whether you wanna go through with a full version of it or you still need to modify and tweak it. The initial sketch lets you see the big picture quickly so you don't get caught up in the small details too early in the process.

>> No.11976447 [DELETED] 

why not lol #jannyhijinks

>> No.11976451

Drawing loli is easymode and takes no skill.

>> No.11976462

please draw suika being deeply penetrated and impregnated by big oni trobing cocks

>> No.11976931
File: 34 KB, 673x577, hitbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was planning on making a program for this but
I found one that does exactly what I need, now I can work on the animation system.

There goes 1/3 of my future players
I'm holding you to this anon

>> No.11977143
File: 1.52 MB, 1000x2300, wazzupcomic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finiiished. Time to work on something else.

>> No.11977165

I hate this style with a passion, please don't post it anymore.

>> No.11977260
File: 4 KB, 127x115, klk_ragyo no transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Chiptune Blumenkranz intensifies]

>> No.11977346

I agree with you, I hid his posts because they are literally an eyesore.

>> No.11977476

So mean. I think it's very cute.

>> No.11977539

>everyone should love me and my style

I don't think so, bub.

>> No.11977559

now do the Salty tsuki

>> No.11977602

I don't even want to know where you come from, but you don't know what this board is about.

>> No.11977687

Very nice.

>> No.11977694

Are you visiting from the AKB thread or hating with passion became a /jp/ trend?

>> No.11977733

Are you visiting from the AKB thread or are you just a /jp/ meme expert to know the origin of "hating with a passion"?

>> No.11977868

Please tell me what's wrong with it so I can avoid any future works looking like trash. Is it the dry brush I'm using? Do you prefer the lines I used for Ametie in the final panel?

>> No.11977905

>Do you prefer the lines I used for Ametie in the final panel
Nah. the lines in the final panel look cheap.

>> No.11978080

They don't like it because it looks too western, that is all. don't puzzle yourself beyond the necessary

>> No.11978152
File: 1012 KB, 398x258, 1395164858356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animations work

>> No.11978488


Except no.

>> No.11978536

I don't dislike Western art, I just despise the style, which may be mainly Western, that he was drawing in.

>> No.11978585
File: 207 KB, 1536x1691, a9QED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of any good eye drawing tutorials with lots of angles?

>> No.11978597

If I made a Touhou text adventure/CYOA game would you guys play it?

>> No.11978598


>> No.11978599

I guess I'll get started, then. It'll be a good way to get more programming experience even if no one plays it.

>> No.11978604

What is it going to be about? Am i supposed to self insert or will I be playing as Reimu/Marisa?

>> No.11978611

Which would you prefer? I was going to write it as self-insert (though I've always despised self inserts and OCs in general, not just in Touhou), but I could also try making it from the PoV of an established character. The plot so far is "anon finds himself in Gensokyo after a car accident, shenanigans ensue."

>> No.11978622

>with lots of angles

What you need is to learn some fundamentals on perspective and the "realistic" shape of eyes before you can stylize. Learning how the eye looks and functions as far as opening and closing of eyelids and relationship to the eyebrows should get you very far. Remember, facial features aren't stickers or stamps. They always should have underlying construction that makes them look right but still be able to be stylized. Don't make the mistake of drawing realistic sticker eyes. Learn the construction, not the rendering process.

If you ignored most of my post but still waiting for me to give you a link to the easy way to learn, here it is: >>>/ic/1579290

>> No.11978625

Choose whatever you like. I usually don't really self inserts or OCs in Touhou either but for a text adventure it can be fine.

>> No.11978629

Someone call the fashion police!

Next time do some Popoi, I always thought he was an under appreciated Puyo fever character.

>> No.11978689

>Remember, facial features aren't stickers or stamps

They are in Jap style, and not doing so makes them look weird. Stickers still have perspective though.

>> No.11978701

>They are in Jap style
Mabye for bad artists.
Good ones show knowledge of form and represent a skull and it's indentations in a stylized manner, and it shows when the former ones can't draw a good head at more than a few generic angles.

>> No.11978705

Stickers are flat, 3d forms aren't.

>> No.11978712

Even something flat is 3d.

Go model an anime head in 3d and make it look good and anime without making the eyes stickers.

>> No.11978733
File: 16 KB, 203x294, haruka HOME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you that ignorant twat who worships anime stylization and ignores drawing fundamentals because you believe it's what "western artists do and western art is inferior"?

You shouldn't spread more of your ignorance. I realize that it's a doggy dog world out there and competition is tough but it's wrong to mislead budding artists.

>> No.11978804
File: 65 KB, 960x402, g-wash-franklin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11978858 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 1200x1950, elsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you an 80s?

>> No.11978859 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 1200x1950, elsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you an 80s?

>> No.11978862 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 1200x1950, elsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you an 80s?

>> No.11978861

Sure, if you fix her face and give her scapulas

>> No.11978866 [SPOILER] 
File: 143 KB, 1200x1950, elsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you an 80s


>fixed small line error

>> No.11979092

>Go model an anime head in 3d and make it look good and anime without making the eyes stickers.
Dollfie Dream?

>> No.11979298

>Dollfie Dream?
Are absolutely disgusting compared to Excute

>> No.11979379
File: 100 KB, 912x455, really......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to understand some of you guys' taste. No wonder you draw and judge the way you do.

>> No.11979384 [DELETED] 

>Now I just need to find a good place to get pictures without ending up on every NSA watchlist. Though it's probably too late for that anyway.

Krautchan's /b/ has a lot of threads about cute, non-lewd little girl pictures. There are also certain other German chans.

The Germans really love cute little girls!

>> No.11979460 [DELETED] 

There is nothing cute about the real world.

>> No.11979584 [DELETED] 

No, little babies are cute for lots of species.

>> No.11979691
File: 4 KB, 142x127, klk_satsuki2 no transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So shine
So kamui

>> No.11979719
File: 312 KB, 800x800, 20140315d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11979722

I seriously love your art. So cute.

>> No.11979934

If it's about lewd things I wouldn't mind self-inserting.
If it's about adventuring it depends if it's more about the world (both are good) or the 2hus/accident solving (established 2hu is prefered).
Of course, this is just my 2cents.

>> No.11980024

This makes me extremely happy.

>> No.11980200


>Whaaat's wrong with your faaace?

Srsly, I don't see much wrong with the face except it's not the style that most /jp/sies draw.

>> No.11980219

Oh boy

>> No.11980323

Those ears are so cute fuck
She's just too cute

>> No.11980346 [DELETED] 

Yeah nice how unnaturally shaped they are... and look at that super long skull! What a perfect drawing....

>> No.11980354 [DELETED] 

Are you what they call ``hard to please otaku''?

>> No.11980357

I'm not saying it's perfect, I know it has issues. I still think it's cute, though. I also really like ears.

>> No.11980360

i don't think he is.

a "hard to please otaku" would be one who would go "hey this character's face has 4 dots, it needs 5" or "the shirt is ugly color, make it different" or something that nitpicks on completely trite and irrelevant things, not one who points out anatomical mistakes.

if anything, his comment reminds me more of a guy pointing out when a character has 6 fingers or two left hands.

>> No.11980369

His style also shows that he's trying a little too hard to be retro, but that's only my personal opinion and has not really anything to do with all the mistakes in the pic.

>> No.11980476

Who said it was perfect? All he said was that it was cute.

>> No.11980482

now do the Sam Kensu pls

>> No.11980494 [DELETED] 

Hi, my name is Anonymous and I'm a 32 years old boy
I like 1000 times your drawings and I always watch and save them togheter with my mom.
I have a yellow dog named Eddie, even if she's a female. I showed your drawings to my dad, and he liked them too. my mom and da are divorced, so I don't see dad much time. but thanks to your drawings we discovered we like the same things, cute underage girls! I was very happy.
well thank you and best wishes from me, mom, dad, and my dog!

>> No.11980501
File: 2.71 MB, 640x360, 1393042742259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck?

>> No.11980509
File: 586 KB, 1000x1000, mage_demon3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redesign of an old boss, she only uses magic.

>> No.11980556

I want to bully her lovingly.

>> No.11980614

she kinda looks like one who would lure you in with that idea, then counter-bullied you so hard you'd be crying and begging for mercy, your pride shattered, your manhood forever lost, your desire to bully forever stained by the shame.

unless you're into that, then you're golden.

>> No.11980638
File: 179 KB, 704x400, OH NOSE!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's probably because there's a discernible nose and lips, there was some guy in the last thread arguing that lips and nose are too 'western'.

It would be actually funny if it was the same guy since he showed up at the end of the thread too.

>> No.11980645

My dick.

>> No.11980740



>> No.11980770
File: 691 KB, 810x648, satori koishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11980773

Could bullycat counter counter bully her?

>> No.11980786

I love the lighting, but I still feel like the perspective is a bit weird. The window in the back seems a bit short. Otherwise though I like it quite a lot. I want to hold Satori's hand.

>> No.11980791

bullycat is a poser.

he pretends to be the shit, but when he meets someone who outbullies him, he curls up into the corner and cries. just look at his face, it's the face of a nerd.

imagine how would he end up if he tried to bully some yakuza shithead.

>> No.11980797

Nice concept. From the thumb I was certain that the thing in the back would be a hearth but a stained glass is nice too.

>> No.11980801

What if he's doing it ironically?

>> No.11980812

then he's a hipster, and in the end he'll still end up crying or venting his frustration on the internet after getting thoroughly destroyed by a little girl.

>> No.11980825 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 587x595, 1391584406026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was my post deleted? This is the worst.

>> No.11980963

I guess you ignored the advices from last time to sink even deeper into your flawed style instead to improve the pic. Well, it's still enough to get people who can't draw at all to kiss your ass.

>> No.11981029

All this tryhard.

>> No.11981034

No need to be so bitter man, take it easy. But I do get what you are saying, he didn't do anything to fix the perspective or depth issues that we addressed last time.
The composition is a nice idea but next time just try to work on that depth with the background. It looks like there is only a few feet behind them but considering how short that window is it looks like you were intending it to be back much farther.

>> No.11981049

Writing some piano sheets. I got a melody, but I don't really know where to go with this.
Works as a short loop so far, but for some reason I can't even come up with a working title. Any input is appreciated.

>> No.11981055

I think it was good already last time. don't stick too much to finished stuff dude, ride the wave until its hot and make a new one. don't dpubt yourself, you're very good

>> No.11981059
File: 288 KB, 700x500, chocolate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I do dreamy faces (at the least often), but I'm happy you like it.

I should try to work with colour more often.

>> No.11981061
File: 53 KB, 622x562, 1380635488999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The way he writes I think it's a buttflustered /ic/ refugee who probably got shat on in /ic/ and now tries to take his frustration out on /jp/ because it won't fight back. Most of his 'advice' shows that he has no clue what he's talking about but the rethoric still reeks of /ic/.


You forgot to mention loomis. Your posts feel like they are lacking something without it.

>> No.11981063

I like it quite a bit, but I don't really know too much about music composition so I don't know what kind of input I can really give. But I would love to hear more, its nice to listen to while drawing. It has a bouncy kind of feeling that makes me feel like I'm on some sort of trek or mission.

>> No.11981080

Thanks, glad to hear that. When it comes to music, you really can't not have a helpful opinion, since every melody should be written so that it appeals to non-musicians. Just saying what it feels like is already a great help.

I'm guessing it's the same with drawing too though, once you look at your picture for a hundred times or listen to your piece just as often, you stop noticing the little things that stick out because you're so used to it by then. It really helps if there's someone a little further away.

>> No.11981093

Yeah with drawing I try not to work on a single piece for too long cause everything starts to blend together. I come back after a break and its like holy fuck how did I not notice that glaring flaw. Taking a step away can help give you a fresh perspective. But I look forward to some more piano music from you, its nice to see a different variety of OC coming from jaypee.

>> No.11981245
File: 409 KB, 1000x1000, mage_demon5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should I give her leggings or something? I realized the dress is rather short

As long as it's with love
She's too pure and innocent to do something like that

>> No.11981252

She'd look cute with some dark tights/leggings. But I want to bully her and steal her hat. And then afterwards I'd comfort her and we'd have hot chocolate.

>> No.11981320

>leggings or something?
ZR (remember 2.5:1:4) or maybe high boots, witches wear boots.

>> No.11981408

>and steal her hat.
She will die

>> No.11981412
File: 388 KB, 1089x1000, darklight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug, forgot picture

>> No.11981419

I didn't think anyone liked my art, thanks! I'm kind of inspired by retro stuff like ham is (at least it looks like it), so maybe that's it?
Black pantyhose/tights, and boots like >>11981320, maybe knee high?

>> No.11981420


>> No.11981427

i want to see regular pantyhose with mary janes that have that yellow heart on the strap, maybe a slightly longer skirt too

those white thighhighs are nice too

>> No.11981430


>> No.11981431

Delicious. I think I am leaning towards the darker ones though.

>> No.11981458

The general consensus tended towards dark
It looks like I'm going with that, and boots
Thanks anons

>> No.11981584

Why not a color that matches her outfit?

>> No.11981619 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 700x500, goodnight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11982033
File: 82 KB, 649x913, nue-wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to learn perspective...

>> No.11982058
File: 170 KB, 800x800, gdsfgsdfgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to look at some references for perspective and foreshortening practice. I'm not the best with perspective but I tried to draw up a basic idea of how I try to deal with it. I imagine the object/character as a single shape(such as a rectangular prism) to get a better of idea of what you should be able to see from a certain perspective. If we are supposed to be looking down at Nue for example we'd see a lot more of the top of her head.

>> No.11982095
File: 112 KB, 467x773, perspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So would something like this work better (sorry if this looks terrible, I didn't really search up a reference)?

>> No.11982112

That's a good step in the right direction I think. I think the face ended up too small but you are getting the idea. Another way to practice that I've done before is drawing lines all around the body as if I was actually drawing on them physically. Think like a wireframe character. It'll help you perceive all of the curves of the body and how they would be affected by perspective.

>> No.11982136
File: 142 KB, 645x850, perspective2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you for the tips. I plan to do some coloring to finish up the Nue picture sometime, and then try to spend more time on the perspective etc of the next picture / sketch.

>> No.11982143
File: 595 KB, 1162x539, land_04 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emotions are supposedly good for paintings. Anger must not be one of those.

>> No.11982153

Depends on what you are angry at. Anger can be used to motivate you if you can look at it the right way. Regardless I like the concept of those flat top trees. I've never been good at landscapes so I find it quite refreshing to look at.

>> No.11982168

Just keep practicing, learning to draw is a cumulative process.

>> No.11982186
File: 1.27 MB, 625x484, BobRossPhilosophy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This is the third thread on the third board today that I've found opportunity to post Bob Ross.

>> No.11982226

Those lines you're drawing should all lead to a vanishing point and can be used to determine proportions instead of just all having uniform spacing in between.

That wireframe you're drawing over the boob there isn't really necessary

>> No.11982598


Your stuff kind of reminds me of Studio Ghibli which is nice.

>> No.11982636

Why my light never shows even if there's all this dark

>> No.11982653

Maybe there is so much light that you are blinded.

>> No.11982667

I think you're mixing me up. I'm not >>11979719

>> No.11982693

Your heads are better shaped than that other guy's heads.

>> No.11982873
File: 101 KB, 1585x1527, 1388683788005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't give up, do you

>> No.11982917

I still have a lot of things to work on...
Besides, iirc ham doesn't do any pre-sketching, so it isn't a good comparison. He'd improve a lot if he just did that.

>> No.11983685

Why do Western imitations of manga-style art always end up looking at least a bit different?

>> No.11983717


Because they put their own twist to it?

>> No.11983719

Fucking gargantuan bright red noses.

>> No.11983720
File: 503 KB, 1400x993, escaflowne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


inb4 noses are western

>> No.11983729

wide, red ones usually are.

>> No.11983732


Yeah, especially those on tumblr, fucking every drawing has huge glowing red noses there

>> No.11983738
File: 186 KB, 1151x660, poppysafe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11983742

Nobody is safe.

>> No.11983743


Reminds me of Wak-Fu (this is a good thing btw)

>> No.11983750


The image is safe because the bottom half is cut off.

>> No.11983764

It's largely the facial expressions. Americans like contorting the faces into weird expressions, like in Pixar and Disney movies, and it just doesn't work with the simple, moronic expressions anime characters should have.

Another problem is, even more so that Japan, Americans tend to emphasize the size of boobs over anything else that makes a body sexy. That is, they put less effort and detail into a body and its curves and don't exaggerate them in the ways manga artists do. Everything's just big eyes and boob size to them. (Though admittedly, usually only westerners can draw perfect asses.)

They are also, for some reason, scared as hell to not have the top of the eyes connect to the bottom, creating an enclosed eye, instead of just drawing where the eyelashes are and defining the rest of the eye with the whites.

Other mistakes are something with the eyes. Not drawing them to look eye-ish even when they don't draw the top connected to the bottom and not letting them touch the sides of the head when its angled.

>> No.11983810


>> No.11983822
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, sweat-and-youth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I should be already sleeping because I have to get up early tomorrow but I can't stop drawing

>> No.11983859


Probably the wrong kind of paint. Try oil-based, but keep things well-ventilated.

>> No.11984449
File: 439 KB, 1011x1109, all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11984463

Your art always brings a smile to my face.

>> No.11984534
File: 88 KB, 383x783, mandy copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully I can have Mandy doing something besides look disgruntled. Something that involes p0n0s

>> No.11984715

Glad it did, anon

>> No.11984743

I'm glad you're always drawing your cute drawings.

>> No.11984751
File: 1.78 MB, 634x475, 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I finally finished this thing.

A quick explanation: you can import an Anki deck and study while playing. There is a spaced repetition system similar to Anki, though you don't have any daily limits. Instead you can customize how often new cards appear, and just play as much as you want.

Further instructions are in the included readme.

Please let me know what you think!

>> No.11984758


I still think having to use the flappy bird mechanics is awful enough to make me not want to try it. Were it a simple up & down input system it'd be a lot better.

>> No.11984764

I don't know, I think it is actually quite fun to play as it is. I think a simpler input system wouldn't be as fun. And of course I'd like to do something more ambitious than this, but it would take a lot more effort and I'd probably never finish it.

Do you hate the flappy bird mechanics just because one game using them is popular?

>> No.11984766


No I hate it because there's superior mechanics.

>> No.11984771

Well, fair enough. I just went with something that's easily doable since I didn't really want to spend months developing this.

>> No.11984773


oh ok.

>> No.11984878

Cute! Marry me!

>> No.11984935

I thought this was cooking mama.

>> No.11985086

You actually took a more difficult and less interesting approach. Having up to go up and down to go down would make you focus more on the learning aspect and less on trying to get through the fucking hole.

>> No.11985106

"That" Mandy?
brace for Bleedman

>> No.11985112

New thread


>> No.11985182

But if you make the game too easy then it kind of misses the point. If you want more focus on learning, you can just have two buttons which you click to choose the answer, but at this point you might as well just use Anki because there's no game left to play.

The challenging gameplay is supposed to make you more focused and engaged, making grinding reps a lot easier. Well, it works that way for me at least, but maybe I'm just weird.

>> No.11985203

Are you by any chance the programmer of the marisa platformer from the project threads?

>> No.11985240

I like it. It's too hard for me through. Althrough I have to concentrate too much to get the fish through the hole so I can't concentrate enough on the question. I'm not for changing the controls but an option to make the holes bigger would be appreciated from me.
