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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11873358 No.11873358 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get autismbux?
I think I already have autism, although I haven't been to a therapist since I was a child.

Do I just apply for SSI and wait?
I don't want to do the Remus suicide thing.

>> No.11873362

Obummer won't be president for much longer; you'll need a different plan for when the government ends all benefits.

>> No.11873367
File: 67 KB, 463x484, uiharu making that one face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic /a/ pic, crossbro XD

>> No.11873375
File: 23 KB, 207x275, tomato_rumia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same twat? Anyway it's called disability benefits and I guess it varies by state not federally.

And you need to have lost an arm in the war or be in a wheelchair or some shit, in addition to being both crazy and retarded to the point where you piss yourself and don't even notice. I know you joke about that but I doubt you got the lost limb cripple part of it taken care of.

>> No.11873377

girl needs to be in a porno VN where you make her do stuff in public. In my opinion, anyway.

>> No.11873387
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I'll deal with that to the best of my ability when the time comes.

Nah, this is first post on /jp/, I know there are a ton of NEETS here so I decided to ask here.

I don't think it works that way, I think if you can simply prove that you cannot function in society they will provide you with a check that'll help you survive. Its kind of like welfare but for crazies and autists.

>> No.11873399

the only person I know on permanent disability only has one arm left. The other ends right up at his shoulder.

And the other thing
> I know there are a ton of
That's just people junk-posting. Thanks for the wacky anigif, though. Fucking furries

>> No.11873407
File: 309 KB, 400x343, 1269165224415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying autism exists

>> No.11873412

Why do you dismiss everything outside of your personal bubble?

>> No.11873465

A friend of mine is diagnosed with Asberger, he gets money, but on the other hand, we are swedes, we get money for everything.

Maybe you should move to another country? USA is a pretty shitty country compared to many other. Generally if you have an education you can come to any nordic country and do decently, get a citizenship and then NEET it up.

>> No.11873472

>/jp/ gets autismbux and NEETs out and lives off 400$/month in a nigger infested hellhole, always worried the government will realize their scam
>Dives so deep into escapism they get chronically depressed and invaribly commit suicide before they hit their mid 30s


>/g/ mines bitcoins, litecoins, dogecoins, etc, makes tens of millions of dollars (if starting in 2011) or 'only' a a few million/hundreds of thousands (starting in 2012-2013). Lives like a king, never works a day in their life. Acquires actual useful technical knowledge and skill, are significantly happier and set for life.

Why didn't you get on the true NEET welfare /jp/? You're all turbonerds, mining bitcoin should have been a no brainer.

>> No.11873481

I missed the gravy train, and I don't have anything to mine with effectively.

I have 4000 dogecoins and like 8000 fedoracoins currently, I doubt they are going anywhere but I'll hold on to them.

>> No.11873482

I really doubt many people who mined in 2011 hung onto them that long

>> No.11873483

Only a complete idiot would ever sell all 100% of their coins

The golden fucking rule of crypto is sell half, at most.

sell half at 30$? sure it sucks, but you still have thousands of coins when it hits 1200$.

>> No.11873489

You don't need to greentext.
As for why I did not invest into digital coins, I was never that interested in being rich, I am getting an education, and plan on living a normal life after that.

>> No.11873491

They're not mutually exclusive. Mining is a 'set and forget' thing. People can choose to retire, or they can keep living a normal life, except with a 7 figure retirement fund.

>> No.11873495

also the format of

>thing A

by comparison

>thing B

doesn't have another functional way to achieve the same 'thing' on 4chan

you'd have to do something dumb like

* bullet point A


* bullet point B

greentext serves as a superior function in this regard

>> No.11873500

Well you could just do it like any normal person would do it. But there's no need to discuss this.

>> No.11873506

Which is how exactly? Because what I did is how the vast majority of people do it on 4chan, because it's objectively the best way. Only a contrarian would disagree

>> No.11873514

>implying anything other that bitcoins will ever be a viable source of income

oh /g/

>> No.11873513


Point A


Point B

Would be the correct way if you would be writing outside of 4chan. Generally it's not excepted to use greentexting on /jp/ outside of quoting, which it was originally designed to be used for. This is a pretty obvious time to say "Keep lurking". But as I said, there's no need to keep talking about this.

>> No.11873515

I don't see why bitcoins should be worth any more than litecoins or dogecoins or monacoins or whatever the fuck they're coming up with these days, besides the fact that they're harder to produce.

>> No.11873520

I had you pinned for an empty contrarian, good to see I'm still keen on this

You're doing things wrong, there is no better way to make a comparison than greentext on 4chan. Because of the limitations of this site, it's the only way. If you cannot see this, I don't know what to say.

There is a reason color coding is a 'thing'

>> No.11873522

redtexting in the tradition of umineko is better

>> No.11873527

The value of any of these makes little sense

>> No.11873529

Litecoin's 550,000,000$ Market cap begs to differ

Network effect. Also if bitcoin crashes, every single coin crashes.

Also far harder to 51% attack because of the cost of acquiring enough hash power, the whole lynchpin of the distributed proof of work concept

Yes if 4chan had more than one color-texting i'd use that. But it doesn't. So green it is.

>> No.11873533

If you think you have autism you don't have autism.

>> No.11873535

>1 : 0.02

The actual price begs to differ

>> No.11873536

>Network effect. Also far harder to 51% attack because of the cost of acquiring enough hash power.
The other coins are also using distributed proof-of-work and I can assure the reason the dogecoins aren't worth shit is because people are paranoid that someone's going to hijack the blockchain, they aren't worth shit because they're shit.

>> No.11873541

>The other coins are also using distributed proof-of-work

And a different algorithm.

Yes the copies that use the same algo are almost always shit and won't stand the test of time, but the ones that actually have fundamental technological implementation will.

>> No.11873542

i have 2 7970s in my desktop but i'm too lazy to mine coins with them

i don't even know why i spent my xmas money on them when i don't even play video games...

>> No.11873544

This, my cousin has autism, it's closer to mental retardation. 95%+ of people who have 'autism' are just anti-social ugly socially retarded nerds

>> No.11873548

