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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 153 KB, 930x619, cool room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11786499 No.11786499[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's see your headquarters, /jp/!

Also, while I'm here, I'd like to know if any of you have a futon. I keep looking for good, cheap futons, but can't seem to find any and don't really know how to go about buying a good one.

Starting with a cool room I saw. I like how roomy is looks.

>> No.11786518

>otaku room
>only thing "otaku" about the room is 虎

>> No.11786527
File: 2.10 MB, 1400x4662, IMG_5429-20130928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11786543

I like the lighting but
>>11786518 this

>> No.11786552

I'm sorry. I really wanted to start a thread, though, and this computer doesn't have my images. I had picture of this one girl's room that was really pretty. I think her trip name was Milk or something. She had a kotatsu and everything!

Very envious.

>> No.11786560

Oh goodness, the onaholes caught me completely off guard!

>> No.11786562

cool room dude
whats in those silver packets near your glasses? drink mixes?

>> No.11786566

Why does it say tiger on your floor OP?

>> No.11786570
File: 2.84 MB, 3264x3264, This is my entire room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to update mine.

>> No.11786585

It is not my room.

>> No.11786592

It looks a little empty and sad. Perhaps a cute lamp might make it looks happier, or maybe a cute bed spread.

>> No.11786596

Hey, I recently got a futon OP. Its really nice. I prefer it over a twin bed, but when you have girls over its not the most comfortable in "extracurricular activity"making. Even then a twin is not the most room to work with. It adds some more Japanese/Asian appeal to the lay out though.

>> No.11786595


>> No.11786610

Thanks for your aesthetic touch. Yes, it certainly is bare when I look at my walls. I did buy a larger lamp from Ikea, but no glass figure case unfortunately. My desk, where I do art and work takes up a lot of room, so the lamp seems to be rather too much, so I stuck it in the corner where my CD case is. The Futon game me more space when I put it in couch mode.

>> No.11786618

That's fine. I won't be doing much extra-curricular wise since I'm going off to college, so I'll be fine~

I was looking for something cheap, space saving, and comfortable. If you don't mind my asking, how much was your futon? Secondly, would you say it was worth it? Where did you buy it from? Do you have any advice for a futon seeker such as me?

I am sorry for troubling you with so many questions!

>> No.11786623

Maybe you could put artwork on your walls, too. It would be a lovely, personal way to decorate your room. I really like how clean it is. Your dog looks nice, too!

>> No.11786638

I like your upside down AT poster. What's that about?

>> No.11786658

It's quite alright anon.
>Where did you buy it from?
This will be surprising, but I bought mine at a garage sale. It was near college campus during the summer. They had told me it had only been in the house for about 3 months and it just wasn't any use to them. I unzipped the cover and inspected the cushion . There were no stains or rips.
>If you don't mind my asking, how much was your futon?
I bought it for $40. I put it in my truck, haled it home, washed the cover, and halled it down stairs. It's about the size of full size mattress. It will probably cost you some where around $100 to $150 brand new.You're going to find most Futons are about the size of a Full when they are folded out to lay on. I have a wood frame to hold my mattress low to the ground.
> Do you have any advice for a futon seeker such as me?
I think its important to have a nice frame to rest your futon. Most metal frames I have seen are not sturdy, fall apart, and can cause some discomfort as they can sway with your body motion at night. I am sure you can order larger futon sizes as well; you just have to do good searching and ordering online. I once saw a great furniture company while working on a project for keeping your home energy efficient where the couch was huge if you kept the foot recliner inside. Maybe you can look up energy efficient furniture makers/companies. That might lead you to some interesting futon designs you can buy.recomend finding interesting design that fits your taste better than a regular futon
>Secondly, would you say it was worth it?
Even if I bought a new one for a higher price I think it is worth it. I am more comfortable with it.I fall off the bed often in sleep walking and such. It definitely helps with space as well. A futon is appealing to my eyes and when I walk into my room I can either sit while reading, gaming, or just chill in front of a little desk and do studying.I only live in the basement sometimes.I live @ college now.

>> No.11786666
File: 2.98 MB, 4320x3240, GEDC1171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you say that. I have vintage Japanese movie posters from the 80's that I am dying to frame for both their protection and to show case them. Here are a few that I have. Some are not picture due to delicateness and being too fragile until framed professionally. I don't have full wall space for all of them. Thanks, my dog is sweet.
Thank you. I am trying to get it laminated, so it doesn't fall apart anymore. It wasn't in the best condition when I bought it. I bought it from Hot Topic when I walked by the store and I saw it hanging up. I am a big fan of the show. One of only 2 on prime time CN. I need to laminate it with my book GUN AND SWORD: An Encyclopedia of Japanese Gangster Films 1955-1980.

>> No.11786685
File: 553 KB, 891x379, 2014-01-08 00.49.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be gentle...


>> No.11786691
File: 2.24 MB, 4128x2322, 20131220_043447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11786694

/k/ pls go

>> No.11786698
File: 17 KB, 480x360, Hayashida 57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those guns
That blade

>> No.11786699

Didn't we just have one of these threads like 2 weeks ago? I don't know if I want to repost mine.

>> No.11786708
File: 651 KB, 1520x2688, 1389160884580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a Mari poster

>> No.11786734

It looks like you live in a hotel....

>> No.11786883

It's always fun watching your room evolve~

>> No.11787129

My room is so nasty. I need to eliminate the clutter someday.

>> No.11788446

Where did you get the poster

>> No.11788995

how nasty

>> No.11789012

I have that same table, anon!

>> No.11789036

Thank you very much for all of your answers!

I will keep what you said in mind. Again, thank you very much, I appreciate the advice you've given me. Sorry for such a late reply.

>> No.11789229

I would like to see your room, maybe we have more than the table in common.

>> No.11789242

The only thing our rooms have in common so far is that they both have that table, they have a bed, and the walls are pretty bare.

>> No.11789243
File: 1.40 MB, 3200x2400, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to put some posters up.

>> No.11789256

Some wall decals would look really cool on the empty space you have above your tv.

>> No.11789780

Clearly a school shooter, get some therapy before you do something bad.

>> No.11789889

I hope you're joking, because I can't imagine why a school shooter would trigger lock his guns.

If you're serious, you're the one that needs therapy. All that projection can't be healthy.

>> No.11790197

Hmm, that's kind of a neat idea. I don't know what kind of decals I would put there, though.

>> No.11790755

Something tells me that if Otaku was a country it would have a pretty solid defence

>> No.11790832
File: 426 KB, 5000x5000, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11790879

my room has no otaku shit and is essentially just a pile of junk and kayaking stuff and SWR gear and a bed. and textbooks and reading books (like hundreds) and a few games on a bookshelf. I'm reorganising it at the moment, so when I've got hooks for all my kayaking and SWR stuff I might put some stuff on the walls.

>> No.11790893

You need to protect what you love

>> No.11790932
File: 1.60 MB, 2304x1536, DSC_2120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish there was a figure of alita out there

>> No.11791947


>> No.11791964

Why there is word for 'semen' on the floor?

>> No.11792085

I'd buy ball jointed doll of her in all her various bodies if they existed.

>> No.11792087
File: 2.13 MB, 4000x3200, 20130925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11792102

Why do you have hard drives and RAM on your wall? It actually looks pretty neat.

>> No.11792106

Are you a communist?

>> No.11792107


i think you just answered your own question

>> No.11792121

why not

>> No.11792135

Your desk makes me nope so hard. How can you stand to sit there with a window right behind your head?

>> No.11792415

Do you have any other flags? How do you reconcile your communist preferences with your hedonist lifestyle?

>> No.11792471
File: 462 KB, 4092x1536, P1010102x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be moving into a new place soon. Can't be bothered to keep this shithole clean cause its just so old.

>> No.11792470
File: 754 KB, 1898x1620, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was one that came with a limited edition of the manga, it seemed pretty mediocre though, as you'd expect.

>> No.11792485

why do you weebs have such clean rooms

>> No.11792487

we clean in between fapping

>> No.11792490

I'm afraid of posting a picture of my room because of the chance of someone recognizing it and laughing at me.

>> No.11792494

it's not like anyone will ever visit your room anyway

>> No.11792508 [DELETED] 

Dreamcast and evangelion/lain posters are nice.

You sure have a lot of drugs and booze.

Nice daki.

Nice monitor, school-shooter-san.

>> No.11792527

is your bed stuffed with h doujins?

>> No.11792533

I don't think posting with your epic avatar picture is allowed Sean.

>> No.11792540

I'm sure when he reaches his twenties he'll take them down out of embarrassment.

>> No.11792618

Looked like a racecar bed from the thumbnail.

>> No.11792626
File: 1.22 MB, 1500x1125, no bully please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11792641 [DELETED] 

This is the cutest room, I might have a heart attack.

>> No.11792653

>pins on messenger bag

What a fug man

>> No.11792665

are you a grill?

>> No.11792686

these rooms are far too clean and empty.

as if you none of you spend much time in them.

none of you are otacool

>> No.11792687


This is HELLA gay.

>> No.11792694
File: 210 KB, 1280x720, 1332104899790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never comfortably live in that because I'd feel like somebody put me in that room to taunt me about how uncute I am.

>> No.11792696

Except for that creepy ass window

>> No.11792699

I am the owner of the gay room and I have been NEET for 6 years so shut the fuck up your disgusting pig

>> No.11792700
File: 181 KB, 1024x768, 1324822755709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My room is plain and boring, but now it has a few figs and fumos, but its the same as always.

Do I see a Youmu?.

I will pin you down at night kiss your girlbelly!

>> No.11792703

Is that an old bus?

>> No.11792706

More like its because I spend so much time in mine that I have the time to keep it clean.

If I'm spending my life in one place, I can at least make it appealing to me.

>> No.11792707


I was going to make a witty remark about all that Vaseline on your night desk.

But then I saw the closet.

>> No.11792708

What the fuck

>> No.11792710

I really wish i could hug that k-on and be k-onfriends with her

>> No.11792715

He needs it for when he goes out and rapes little girls on his motorcycle trips.

>> No.11792716

Why would someone need vaseline with a little girl? Don't little girls usually get super wet?

>> No.11792720
File: 488 KB, 1600x1200, 1314422886802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. But I think the bus was only in the "backyard" of the house.

This one if from an actual /jp/er, I hope he hasn't killed himself yet as he said he would.

Do someone have pics from that anon who lived in the cellar of his mother's house and bathed and stole water when she wasn't at home?

>> No.11792737

I don't know, ask the dickspamming rapist.

>> No.11792751

There was a gigantic reddit post on it awhile back, maybe check there.

>> No.11792770
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, 20131129_141125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's orange.

>> No.11792783
File: 132 KB, 1024x768, SCM_042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll check. Thanks.

Good night.

>> No.11792791
File: 15 KB, 334x390, rika_3820750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice monitor, school-shooter-san.

I know you were probably joking but man why you gotta say stuff like that. not even him but it hurts my feelings.

>> No.11792812


>> No.11792813

I didn't think he meant to bully him.

>> No.11792830

why does Rika-chan have no nose??

>> No.11792832

who nose?

>> No.11792833

ur mum

>> No.11792865


>> No.11793131
File: 519 KB, 5000x937, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally posting in the proper thread...

>> No.11793135

What's in the tank?

>> No.11793158

it's a 10 year old Gecko
anyone who claims to be NEET is probably very active in comparison to this pet.

>> No.11793190

one earthquake and that glass case is done

>> No.11793211

you get what you pay for. I don't there ever been an earthquake larger than magnitude 5 in the region in the last century so I figure it's all good.

>> No.11793227

I was fine untill I saw the DDR set up
Now I'm too jealous for words. great home.

>> No.11793241

gotta stay fit somehow, screw gyms with their douche bags and monthly fees. That and I hate dealing with people.

>> No.11793249
File: 869 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20121028_174028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about my otaku culture yard

>> No.11793253

Where do you live?

>> No.11793255

back to kortex...

>> No.11793258
File: 998 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20121028_174054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a forest in a mountain chain

i took that in the summer and forgot about it lol

>> No.11793259

Nice room anon

>> No.11793305

Beautiful. It looks like someone could get raped there.

>> No.11793315
File: 59 KB, 500x500, 1379873125776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh ty i guess

>> No.11793494
File: 117 KB, 893x669, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a few days my room will completely change, this is my way to say goodbye to it.

>> No.11793552 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 3072x2304, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11793581

Is that a kukri?

>> No.11793599

You can do a lot with free weights, Anon! I haven't been to a gym once.

>> No.11794505

Is that Marpat and multicam?

>> No.11794531

Wow, someone actually replied.

Yes, I'm a Marine, those are my "civilian" multicam pants that I wear when I go out for late night walks.

>> No.11794534

I want the crossies/normies with huge clean rooms to leave.

>> No.11794552

Shut the fuck up kid, I bet your mom cleans your room for you still.

>> No.11794680

Whats your MOS and how long you been in?

I'm just curious, I dont see many military people on /jp/.

>> No.11794826

Yep. Awesome tools, I highly recommend them for their toughness and versaility.

>> No.11794844

What's that chunky thing next to your bed?

>> No.11794872
File: 342 KB, 1331x696, desparation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11794888

Obviously they clean before they take a picture.
Why wouldn't you?

>> No.11795023

It's not DDR, it's In The Grove 2.
How lame.

How can someone even play that?

>> No.11795098


owning lots of guns reflects the violent/paranoid thoughts that person has.

>> No.11795099

Nice room man. I was actually thinking of buying a midi key like that, it would be great if you give some tips about it.

>> No.11795110
File: 195 KB, 800x600, 1383388002407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have those exact same monitors
Bonus points for best wallpaper.

>> No.11795129
File: 618 KB, 4080x1348, RoomTwoPic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11795130

Congratulations, that post was so senseless, illogical and shallow that you deserve an award.

I bet you think car collectors are speed freak adrenaline junkies that drink and drive all day.

You are what is wrong with the world.

>> No.11795139

People who watch anime and play "touhou" specifically are all child-raping killers. "Otaku" reflects pedophile thoughts and violent impulses.

>> No.11795423
File: 2.25 MB, 1400x4635, IMG_6009-20140110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me.

>> No.11795425

How the hell do you manage to take the exact same pictures? Do you have camera mounts set up at these locations or something?

>> No.11795440

I thought you were quite the ordered and healthy person until I saw the piles of onaholes, sweets and porn you own. I hope you live alone.

>> No.11795454

Very nice set up! Everything is there at your hand when needed!

>> No.11795455

Your pee on the glass is quite dark.

>> No.11795468

>getting the defensive over a joke.

/k/ommandos are to 4chan what raytheists are to reddit. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11795478

>I was only pretending

No, you are the fedora-wearing reddit-tier poster.

>> No.11795480

That wasn't even me. That joke was the same tier as >>11795139. Nobody actually believes these things.

>> No.11795485


That is the cutest Christmas card ever.

>> No.11795498


You have a lot of Scarlet Weather Rhapsody gear? What? Why? How?

>> No.11795639

I'm sure you can. Just not my thing, weight and regular fitness machines are just too boring IMO.

not only does it usually have better stepfiles I can load any song I want to the machine, including every single DDR game ever made.

>> No.11795924
File: 484 KB, 1224x1632, 20131220_035540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a wooden sculpture of the African big five game.

It's not like I've ever gotten to leave. Fug.

Thanks, anon.

>> No.11795984

I like how you have to explain it in every one of these threads.

>> No.11796002

It looks weird and out of place enough that it's no wonder.

It's not even a wooden sculpture of the 2hu stage 6 bosses or so.

>> No.11796024

I just take the pictures from each corner of the room.

I do not live alone.

>> No.11796145

What do you do with the ear plugs, candy, and funnel? I couldn't help but notice that they're on your onahole shelf and since everything else is sectioned into general categories...

>> No.11796161

I thought I was having Deja Vu

>> No.11796195

What's the hose in your closet for?

>> No.11796239

The pill crusher and massager make me nervous for some reason. They're normal items, but in that room I can't be sure.

>> No.11796510

Where do you see those?

>> No.11796515

Both in the closet. Pill crusher next to/in front the duct tape, massager on the floor between the fan and the onaholes.

>> No.11796590


>> No.11796656

Rude. It's to siphon the first few gallons of water from the big jug.

Earplugs to plug my ears, candy for eating, and the funnel to pour water into the smaller jug from the larger one once it's light enough to pick up.

>> No.11796683

>Communist Flags
>No Viet-Cong
Uncle Ho isn't pleased.

>> No.11796868
File: 1.22 MB, 2000x1000, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lazy to use a wide angle lens, and I can't afford a full-frame

>> No.11796886
File: 106 KB, 1600x1200, DSC 518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11796895

I notice many rooms that have anime figures and other merch in them, just a friendly reminder

>Consumption has never been what otaku culture is about, that's a myth propegated by people who don't know any better. Otaku may be antisocial to the public, but not around their own. Akihabara was a very sociable place and wasn't all about consumption, that's something that big otaku-targeting industries have encouraged to make more money from the mainstream boom. Being otaku has always been about being productive rather than consuming merchandise. Just 15 years ago (Maybe even 10 if we eliminate gachapon) the majority of the 'figure market' (or rather, anime/game/etc figures in circulation as it wasn't much of a market) were garage kits made by otaku, not Good Smile Company mass produced tripe.

This thread is probably more fitting on /a/.

>> No.11796946

are you from Minnesota by chance?

>> No.11796951

let me bunk with you i abuse prescription meds and alcohol too we'll make great friends and /jp/

>> No.11796953

>Otaku may be antisocial to the public, but not around their own.
Too bad none of us are ever around our own, seeing as how the nearest thing that can be termed an "otaku community" is a thousand miles away.

>> No.11796957

Afraid not.

>> No.11796960

why is everybody rich but me?

>> No.11796962

damn your room looks exactly like mine hue

>> No.11796965

He who does not work (in this context scamming the government counts as work) does not receive figurines.

>> No.11796976

birthday/christmas money over years adds up.

>> No.11796994

Which of you guys posting rooms has loli girlfriends? I want to study your habits so I can make my room look similar and hopefully get one for myself.

>> No.11797060

>If it doesn't have a daki, it's not otaku!
Go back to reddit.

>> No.11797075

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11797091

I dunno ,maybe to >>11786518 but you're to new to know it right?

>> No.11797096
File: 516 KB, 4000x996, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need action figures.

>> No.11797454

I wish. Swiftwater rescue.

>> No.11797461

still molesting children I see. are you that guy with the 200mm that posts pictures of school girls on /jp/ aren't you?

>> No.11797548
File: 69 KB, 640x480, snacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, I used this before, but it will work.

>> No.11798712

So he uses the candy to lure them, the duct tape to cover their mouth, the earplugs to filter out their muffled screams, and the cameras to take pictures.

>> No.11798886

Don't forget the crushed sleeping pills in the tea

>> No.11798962

I want that Yuki Nagato figure.

>> No.11798978

>Consumption has never been what otaku culture is about
Not true at all. Otaku culture is rooted in fervent media consumption. Merchandise proliferation is simply a reflection of that. Granted GSC is cashing in on the new otaku and I hate how /a/ sucks dick for figma/nendoroid, but otaku have always been consumers. So today we have an industry that makes what otaku used to make themselves. I don't exactly see that as a bad thing except for perhaps the increased accessibility; it means I can buy a figure of a character I really like.

What makes an otaku is the depth of involvement, not whether or not they consume merchandise products. That said, almost no one in this thread is otaku by virtue of the fact that they are not Japanese, are separated geographically from the culture, and are not intimately involved in the subculture.

>> No.11799188

>Consumption has never been what otaku culture is about
If there was no consumption, otaku culture wouldn't exist anywhere close to the extent that it does. If otaku didn't spend money there would be no new anime for your garage kits to take inspiration from. Money goes in and out, anon. Thinking otherwise is ignorant.

>> No.11800078

What gear did you use to take this photo, anon?

>> No.11800092


Considering shows now are starting to make the majority of their profits from merchandise instead of the show itself, there is a major problem with the industry and with the consumers. It is now hip and respected to own a lot of merchandise even if you know very little about the source materials. The kinds of people that often have these big collections of figures and dakimakuras and such are not otaku, they are normal, functioning people with a shallow hobby and a need to flaunt their money. But I'm sure you're content with your moe drivel and slice of life shows aired on crunchyroll, so I must be the ignorant one here of course.

>> No.11800113

>Considering shows now are starting to make the majority of their profits from merchandise instead of the show itself
I'm sure this has nothing to do with the proliferation of piracy and the exorbitant prices that companies charge for the media.

>> No.11800286

Digital piracy isn't much of an issue in Japan, don't even try to make that argument. And they set the prices of the media themselves, I don't see why they would keep the prices that high if they knew i twas alienating profitable customers. .

>> No.11800720

which one?
EOS T3i (600D), 40mm f/2.8 lens. Shot at f/7.1.
The sharpness of this lens can rival my canon 70-200mm f/4, and it's fairly cheap + portable. You won't walk around looking like a stalker with it!

>> No.11800724

The eroge industry has been having quite some problems due to extensive piracy. They're already quite expensive so people jut go and pirate them.

>> No.11800885

can we be friends? my room looks very similar!

>> No.11800935

>bicycle inside your room
That's disgusting.

>> No.11801065

That depends how closely your room resembles mine. Have any pics?

>> No.11801073
File: 400 KB, 1024x768, 1361383247843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a true otaku room looks like.

Anything that is significantly different from this is false.

>> No.11801077

Setting aside the fact that people don't normally invite people into their bedrooms anyway, I can't imagine the context in which you think proudly showing your fuck pillows off to your real-life acquaintances is normal. Your co-workers certainly won't think any better of you for it.

Basements are rare in Japan.

>> No.11801123
File: 64 KB, 500x336, Chink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are some nice rooms you got here.

>> No.11801126

I kill Communists.

>> No.11801134
File: 661 KB, 1600x1200, 1389549132460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Props for Lain!

>> No.11801139

Is that a TPB dev?

>> No.11801177
File: 88 KB, 960x717, 1389551120493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11801309

What's with the mylar? Makes me think there's nothing beyond it but broken walls and scaffolding.

>> No.11801315
File: 2.13 MB, 1600x2697, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11801329

Is that a dildo?

>> No.11801351

is that a bunk bed? the lower one would make me claustrophobic as fuck

>> No.11801569

There are wheels at the bottom, I'm assuming it pulls out.

>> No.11801620

>For my Boyfriend


>> No.11801633

boyfriends have feelings too ;_;

>> No.11801644

Totoro too.

>> No.11801662

is that the fucking megatokyo guy

>> No.11801669
File: 339 KB, 1538x1026, battlestation - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have cheap, shit hardware because I'm poor and live with my parents.

>> No.11801684

>Too bad none of us are ever around our own, seeing as how the nearest thing that can be termed an "otaku community" is a thousand miles away.
I think this is one of the more peculiar things about American (possibly Western in general, but I don't really know) Japanese media otaku, the complete lack of any actual community.
I don't really know how the sci-fi otaku communities are these days, but even they don't seem to be nearly as vibrant and dedicated as they once were. Obsessed fans aren't even the subject of much ridicule, it just seems like they don't exist in as far as nobody really notices them and they don't know each other.
I don't really know how things are in modern Japan though.

>> No.11801688

I like your Hercule figure.

>> No.11801692

Thank you.

>> No.11801699

Are you a rebel?

>> No.11801703

Secession is otaku culture, right?

>> No.11801702

that looks like one fancy ass mic. do you have a talk show?

>> No.11801706

I have a YouTube channel where I make videos, but it's embarrassing to post on /jp/

>> No.11801707

are you that UK /a/non that got a confederate flag for no reason this christmas? That flag looks new

>> No.11801712

That's me. It's been on my wall ever since.

>> No.11801761

>Considering shows now are starting to make the majority of their profits from merchandise instead of the show itself
That's not a new trend. We've seen this since at least Eva. And it's not as if the shows themselves aren't profitable when otaku are still buying multiple copies of ridiculously overpriced BDs. You should also consider the purpose of anime which has, for a long time now, been a platform to promote work instead of creating original work; it has always been an industry oriented around money and thus consumption.

>It is now hip and respected to own a lot of merchandise even if you know very little about the source materials
Not here. And I've never given a shit about what people own. I even understand where you're coming from. I sense disingenuousness when I see people showing off their "buyfag" collections, especially the majority of the shit is nendoroids/figma/shows within the past 3-5 years.

That said, I like seeing my figures every time I wake up. I like hugging my dakimakura and talking to her late into the night. That industry has grown because it fills a purpose, much like what you call "moe drivel" slice of life shows. Your elitism is completely misguided and reminiscent of another faction of the /a/ trash you're purportedly against.

You've completely forgotten the thing that matters: love. Love for stories. Love for the characters. Love for the medium. It's not what you love, but the fact that you truly, unashamedly love something (to the point of obsession) that makes a fan or otaku or what have you. I couldn't give a fuck about what people are on; I have my own shit to take care of. And that's why I've even typed up this wall of text. Not because I think rich kids flaunting their money should be defended, but because you're insulting a medium I love with your elitism and you're implying that I don't care.

>> No.11801774

>I can't imagine the context in which you think proudly showing your fuck pillows off to your real-life acquaintances is normal.
You don't show it off to RL acquaintances. You show it off online and in books like Otacool. The internet has made this sort of ダメ masturbation easier than ever. People revel in how disgusting or inappropriate they perceive themselves to be. Sankaku Complex and 4chan to an extent thrive on this mentality. The modern otaku's pride is perverse. The irony is that as a result, this shit now seems to be socially acceptable, if only as a joke in most cases.

>> No.11801780

Good god, this is niwaka as fuck.

>> No.11801783
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x1920, 1367304995792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one am not perverted at all.
I own a few figures, but that's because I like the characters and nothing else. I also try not to be a huge weeaboo faggot or a pervert when talking to people.

>> No.11801804

I'm talking about the fucks with "powerlevel" wallpapers on their new iphones, "pomf" shirts, and ties with anime chara on the inside. Exposure of these things is supposed to violate some norm (anime is unacceptable). It's the knowledge that they're "in" on something that gives them a perverse sense of superiority and thrill. Granted "powerlevel" shit is weak because it's designed to be innocuous. In more extreme cases it manifests as people dragging around and fucking up their dakimakura ala melonpan (I wish he would die). It's an advanced system of attention-seeking through various levels: online, through peers, and through those in the immediate proximity who acknowledge the violation.

It's the niwaka equivalent of a girl pissing in the street and walking around with a hidden vibrator.

>> No.11801806

I am perverted, but I can't help it. It makes life funner to live with a perverted mindset. You begin to think things like "I wonder if she's old enough to masturbate," followed by, "I bet she lets her dog do lewd things to her," if she's walking a dog. In addition, if you see some on a bike, your mind naturally wonders if they feel anything from the seat. Same goes for seeing some on horseback. Perhaps most of all, you naturally pick up on clothing types and angles of viewing that may allow various parts of the body to be left exposed.

Then at the end of the day you can unwind with some perverted masturbation. What would happen if someone saw you masturbating to that kind of stuff, with those sorts of things? You'd definitely be made fun of. There is no way you could live something like that down.

This all sounds a bit creepy, but I'm not creepy, I guarantee it. I'm just a bit perverted.

>> No.11801810

I hate these people just as much as you, then.

>> No.11801817

Last night my girlfriend came home earlier than she ever has and caught me, naked, watching porn, and stroking it with a mask and snorkel on.

There's not really much to say at that point. She walked right past me and went into the bedroom. I quickly turned the porn off, put on some pants, and took the mask and snorkel off. Five minuets later she came out of the bedroom and asked how my day was... it was like she didn't just catch me throttling myself with a mask and snorkel on. The rest of the evening went as normal. We had baked chicken and green beans for dinner, and then watched the simpsons.

I don't really don't know what else to say.

>> No.11801826

Nice zoids. I only have the old models but wanna get on the new ones from kotobukiya.

>> No.11801830

How many rooms got shown in Otacool? A hundred? There are hundreds of times more figure owners than were represented there, generalizing owners off shit like that is retarded. (On that note, I saw Gailbraith's "Otaku Spaces" for sale at the bookstore, it looks like something that might actually be worth reading.)

You might post a picture in threads like these, but spending a thousand or more dollars on your room for the sole purpose of being able to post a picture of it online once a month on an anonymous imageboard is too retarded even for /jp/. At the end of the day, if you own an onahole, you probably own it because you want to fuck it (although one of my favorite artists did post one to his eminently SFW twitter a few days ago and it blew me away), and not because posting pictures of it online makes you cool.

>> No.11801846

>spending a thousand or more dollars on your room for the sole purpose of being able to post a picture of it online once a month on an anonymous imageboard is too retarded even for /jp/
That's because it's not limited to /jp/? A trip to MFC reveals that many people buy figures simply because they "look nice" and plenty show off their ridiculously stereotyped "otaku" rooms. We should consider the implications of taking a picture and showing others. We don't show pictures without the desire that others see it.

I'm sure plenty of people have extensive collections that will likely go unseen by people. I'm obviously not talking about them. Nor am I talking about people who have sites dedicated to cel collections. I'm talking about the people who have gone out of their way to make their rooms "otaku" and feel the need to show it off.

>> No.11801847

If you truly loved the medium, you'd care about artistic integrity and having a community that involves meaningful discussion about said characters and stories. Go on /a/ and look at how little meaningful discussion about all these things you claim to love there is. You're just personally insulted that you've been bulked in with an abhorrent group of shallow consumers.

>> No.11801860

>We should consider the implications of taking a picture and showing others. I'm sure plenty of people have extensive collections that will likely go unseen by people. I'm obviously not talking about them.
Someone who has played, say, four thousand hours of DotA II may post a screencap of his time logged but he didn't spend that time just so he could brag about it afterwards. It's more likely that he's an actual addict aware that he an exceptionally bad case. The posting is secondary.

Obviously there's no shortage of people who dress up their rooms for the primary purpose of online social validation but assuming that most people who own figures like that is a huge leap.

>If you truly loved the medium, you'd care about ... meaningful discussion about said characters and stories
It's perfectly possible to enjoy a story without discussing it to death.

>> No.11801862

Get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.11801873

>you'd care about artistic integrity and having a community that involves meaningful discussion about said characters and stories
Who said I didn't? While some might be against them, blogs are much better sources of discourse than 4chan when it comes to anime/manga. And still, I've enjoyed plenty of meaningful discussions here on /jp/.

>Go on /a/ and look at how little meaningful discussion about all these things you claim to love there is. You're just personally insulted that you've been bulked in with an abhorrent group of shallow consumers.
Of course. Who wouldn't be insulted? And I'm aware of how bad /a/ is. It's why I'm here and not there. The point is that you're judging people based on the fact that they own merchandise which is largely irrelevant to one's enjoyment of media. A guy who has nothing is not "more otaku" than the guy who has a lot. That's not how it works. By using such a metric, you're falling into the same mentality /a/ holds, but on the opposite end of the spectrum (i.e. you think ownership of merchandise is a reflection of involvement). It's particularly silly when you consider that otaku is a consumer subculture that is now largely made up of middle-aged workers.

>but assuming that most people who own figures like that is a huge leap.
I'm not saying that at all. I personally own a fair amount of figures. It's the act of dressing up and showing off that's the issue here. One that you already admit occurs. I feel you're misinterpreting me or confusing me with someone else.

>> No.11801870

I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya?

>> No.11801878

>It's perfectly possible to enjoy a story without discussing it to death.

>> No.11801885

/jp/ should be a bloody place.

>> No.11801908

I'm judging people for mindlessly consuming media/merchanidse they don't fully appreciate to fit in or garner some sort of respect. There are reasons a lot of "otaku rooms" are designed in a very showy, but impractical ways. E.g. not fitting in the maximum amount of books possible onto a shelf as opposed to having a single, neat row. There's nothing wrong per se with buying merchandise, but it should be secondary to their involvement to medium unless of course they're a "figure otaku" or some such, which I heavily doubt most are since they just buy w/e name-brand figures they can.
Anime is already a very shallow medium compared to most media already, but onslaught of people like melonpan and Danny Choo is just annoying. Also, there's almost nowhere to have good discussion about anime with, but if you know of any specific sites could you link me them 'cause I'd be interested in seeing if they're not overly simple and pretentious as say the standard MAL user is.

>> No.11801976

>onslaught of people like melonpan and Danny Choo is just annoying
Trust me, I hate them just as much, if not more than you do.

>Anime is already a very shallow medium compared to most media already
I would suggest you approach it differently. It's shallow in a modernist sense which demands that it contain some sort of meaning and relevance per se. In this sense, it's pure shlock. From a postmodern perspective, anime is one of the most involved, complex, and incredible things to happen in pop culture, moreso than other mediums due to its intertextuality and varying degrees of narrative and context (creator/viewer, references, source material, historical/cultural context, implications in a post-millennial global culture, etc.). Anime now is a pastiche of itself, something explored by Anno with Eva, especially in the rebuilds (a lot of people seem to miss this).

To offer an example: "Moeshit" is interesting in the intimacy between creator and viewer. That something so knowingly artificial, reliant on recycled industry-established signs of what is now moe, can still elicit an organic response is amazing. Even more amazing are how the signs come to represent bits of meaning per se to the point where real life begins to adopt the signs (e.g. tsundere maid cafes). I think this is what Azuma touches on when he talks about "database consumption."

I find anime to be fascinating.

>but if you know of any specific sites could you link me them 'cause I'd be interested in seeing if they're not overly simple and pretentious as say the standard MAL user is.
It hasn't been updated in a while, but there were good articles: http://www.heiseidemocracy.net/



Lainspotting has some good articles: http://www.cjas.org/~leng/toppage.htm

There was one blog dedicated to traditional animation with a long and in-depth history of Toei and their works, but I can't seem to find it.

>> No.11801988

I'd find it pretty disappointing if I could only enjoy something through the filter of postmodernism, which on it's own sounds like something someone came up with while he was super high.

>> No.11802008

>I'd find it pretty disappointing if I could only enjoy something through the filter of postmodernism
I don't enjoy it through that lens; enjoyment is separate and its hard for me to justify without resorting to ambiguities. I simply appreciate it further on that level, much like one reads a book critically.

At any rate, anime is not as shallow as most people make it out to be. People who rely only on the strict plot of a show fail to understand where media sits in our lives today. Anno explored these ideas almost two decades ago. Today's anime is less about story and more about a dialogue between creator and viewer; this explains the highly referential nature of anime and the obscure quality of much moe fanservice. Anyway, I'm rambling again, but I hope you get the point.

>> No.11802009

>Anime now is a pastiche of itself
But most self-referential art is so pandering and simplistic. It really doesn't take a lot of talent to parody a topic and write it off as post-modern. I feel like the original EVA series and even shows like Suzumiya were apt-enough with that approach and more recent works are merely just lacking creativity.You seem to be elaborating heavily on what has now become a parody culture, which I don't particularly think is some poignant statement on the loss of the grand narrative from media as some would like to claim.
>I think this is what Azuma touches on when he talks about "database consumption."
As interesting as that book/short essay (I don't recall the duration exactly. I only remember it being 150 pages or something) was, I found it kind of meandering and inconsistent. He tried to use Saber Marionette J as an example of post-modernism, while I don't see much evidence of such. And if generic modernist art and post-modernist art are so hard to contrast then the entire movement itself seems like just a small section of modernism as opposed to its own artistic movement.

Thanks for the links. I'll check them out.

>> No.11802013

Also, post-modern art styles such as pop art and superflat have already covered much more substantial ground in this area and in much more interesting ways than anime has.

>> No.11802018
File: 722 KB, 1396x872, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11802019

>power puff girls
mein neger

>> No.11802024

Superflat and pop art are just that, art. It is created and criticized and ignores all the shit that anime has to worry about (that is, actually selling).

>there's almost nowhere to have good discussion about anime with, but if you know of any specific sites could you link me them
I'd be interested in this also, we're derailing this thread something fierce. I can't think of anything other than bunbunmaru's /general/ which I don't like for various reasons.

>> No.11802027



>> No.11802037

>You seem to be elaborating heavily on what has now become a parody culture, which I don't particularly think is some poignant statement on the loss of the grand narrative from media as some would like to claim.
Not necessarily parody, but pastiche culture. Anime and all its constituent parts is now constructed via pre-established signs endlessly recycled. Over time, these signs have come to form their own narratives (e.g. 4th episode dip in quality parodied in Gurren Lagaan). This has in turn spilled out into real life. People now simulacrize anime narratives. To some degree, I think the modern otaku is not otaku, but is simply a person adopting the signs they've encountered in otaku media--this includes owning merchandise, liking moe, being "dame," etc. Akiba, then, is not Akiba, but a hyperreal simulacra of Akiba in which people can simulate being otaku. Like an otaku Disneyland or something.

How this ties into the idea of a loss of grand narrative I'm not entirely sure, but it's clear that the signs of anime and life itself are heavily fragmented. It's in this way that people can buy a figure and it comes to represent them as "otaku." Nothing profound here, it's simply an acceleration of consumer culture.

Of course much of the self-reference of anime is shallow and simplistic, but it doesn't try to be more than that and it doesn't have to. The fact that it can transmit meaning through such pastiche, even when obscured, is evidence of the adoption of local narratives. An otaku watching Nyaruko will get something different out of it than some Westerner just getting into anime.

>Also, post-modern art styles such as pop art and superflat have already covered much more substantial ground in this area and in much more interesting ways than anime has.
That would ignore the position pop-culture as a whole in postmodern society. Superflat especially is heavily influenced by otaku culture, especially Eva.

>> No.11802062

its fukkin anime man

>> No.11802083

Is /jp/ truly the most post-modern of all the boards?

>> No.11802080

>And if generic modernist art and post-modernist art are so hard to contrast then the entire movement itself seems like just a small section of modernism as opposed to its own artistic movement.
Oh, before I go, I'll try to make it a bit easier to understand. Modernist art, in it's barest form, tries to be "art." Postmodern art does not ascribe to that since it counters the notion of high/low culture dichotomy. In postmodernism, art doesn't really exist since everything, and thus nothing, can be considered art. Modernist art is that contained in galleries and sold at ridiculous prices fixed by profiteers. Postmodern "art" is that which is mass-produced and recycled: web-art, kitch, "conceptual" art.

Murakami's work with Superflat is an interesting case in which it is both modern and postmodern depending on the piece. Some he mass-produces and sells at fairly affordable prices. Other pieces are much more traditional (and go for "traditional" prices). We mustn't forget that Superflat is a brand and that Murakami is a businessman. In the end, though, the concept is very postmodern in that it blurs the distinction between high/low culture by appropriating otaku signs.

>> No.11802115

Well, it was a good discussion. I still vehemently disagree with trying to attribute the recent anime trend all to post-modernism, although the appropriation of low/high brow art is kind of an interesting concept since I tend to dislike both overly grandiose art and overly banal. I'm reluctant to believe shows like Yuru Yuri are nothing but revenue generators with fops trying to over-analyze it. Unless that's the point of post-modernism in which it seems like nothing but regression.

>> No.11802707

Thank you.

>> No.11802760

Desk, bed, laptop, cupboard with some old cameras and lenses. Apart from the shitty furniture, I could fit everything I own in a backpack.

I don't know. Having stuff just depresses me.

>> No.11803128

>some old cameras and lenses
Anything good?

>> No.11803149

Pretty much worthless from a collector's point of view. The best in terms of usability are a Nikon F3 (for b/w) and Nikon FM3A (color, flash) with some fitting lenses and stuff.

I also have a shitty Nikon DSLR but I would rather not mention which it is.

>> No.11803718
File: 44 KB, 251x211, 13555889304511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are real /jp/ girls with cute, warm, soft, and silky smooth girlbellies browsing /jp/ this very moment.

>> No.11807540

and i bet he uses all those blank CDs to store the pictures on after he saves them. That CD case in the bottom right just looks too damn suspious

>> No.11807545

I wish I could live in a nice attic

>> No.11807559

It looks like a pretty normal room if you hid the onaholes.

Have you ever had a girlfriend? Don't tell me you're married or something.

>> No.11807561

What is that digi cabi thing? A NAS?

>> No.11807579


I don't know why anyone would need this.

>> No.11807609

He probably lives in some shitty country with high humidity and doesn't have A/C.

>> No.11807626

Just look at the room. He's a giant hipster and bought it because it looks cool.

>> No.11807653

Or maybe he actually gives a shit about keeping his camera equipment in working order.

>> No.11807728

holy shit, that's bourgeois as FUCK

meanwhile, I had buckwheat for both lunch and dinner.

>> No.11807971
File: 1.30 MB, 1508x2155, room (2013-2014).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11807973

If your home home is ever hit by an earthquake I will laugh and then feel a bit sad.

>> No.11807992

Damn that looks pretty cramped.

>> No.11807998

country otaku! Do you live on the touge ?

>> No.11808007

I live in a city (small house).

>> No.11808029

thats it anon, im moving in

>> No.11808032
File: 406 KB, 1600x900, DSC_0270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a country otaku...

>> No.11808035

Fungus occurs inside of lenses fairly often and for modern lenses it's a gigantic pain in the ass/nearly impossible to dismantle the entire lens by yourself just to clean one or two elements that have fungus spread across them. Most of the time cleaning inner elements will also remove the very soft coatings that were originally put in place assuming they'd never have anything touch them. It's also worth noting that if fungus is left long enough in a lens it will permanently damage the glass because the fungus will actually etch itself into the glass. It can also spread from lens to lens and ruin an entire collection. If you're in a humid climate, you really should storing your gear in some sort of dry box exactly like that to prevent any of this from even happening in the first place.

Never had a girlfriend and definitely never married, what the hell.

>> No.11808040

Anyone that loves attention as much as you has got to be a normalfag

>> No.11808065

Don't you think that's a bit mean?

>> No.11808074 [DELETED] 

Sorry, obviously there's no room for you. I'm about to pop out myself.

I truly don't go out often so it's all the same at this point. However, living in a city is convenient for finding books and electronics and having your packages delivered more easily... I think.

>> No.11808105

That's where I store all my lenses.
I do have A/C. I do not have turned on 24/7, and Singapore is a very humid country. A/C alone doesn't help a lot with the humidity here.
I don't understand the hostility.
Exactly :)

>> No.11808126
File: 9 KB, 92x86, touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11808129

stop taking pictures of your imouto's room

>> No.11808134 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 2052x819, 1389762427327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11808145

Ironical funposting is still shitposting.

>> No.11808173

my imoutos room is full of garbage condoms and dirty panties

trust me

you dont wanna see it

>> No.11808871
File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11808887
File: 1.30 MB, 1440x3840, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi jaypees

Any of you going to Sakuracon

>> No.11808898

Is that top shelf really that curved or is it just the picture?

Nice dog, by the way.

>> No.11808984

I like cramped as fuck rooms. I am jealous

>> No.11809026
File: 190 KB, 816x612, 2013-09-24 12.39.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice dakimakura. Since dakimakura tend to usually be 150cm or 160cm, is yours a 150cm since it's shorter than the Miku one? The official one is 160cmx50cm.

>> No.11809088

Your dakimakuras are crying because you hang them on a wall and won't cuddle with them. So is your dog if you keep him/her cooped up in a tiny ass room like that without taking it out regularly.

>> No.11809109
File: 583 KB, 2000x1101, collage111213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dated pic, I've rearranged some. (Moved the bookshelf next to the desk and put the TV where it was so I can actually use it in a way that's not insanely awkward.)

This isn't all my figures, I had a crapton of nendos and figmas as well as some other figures but I fell from the divine path for a few years and dated a 3DPD (forgive me, oh /jp/) and when I returned to 2D righteousness she ended up with them and I still haven't gotten them back.

>> No.11809115
File: 319 KB, 1000x668, P1000114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also do dolls and used to have them out but this room opens to the outside, so it gets really dusty quickly. I packed them up because I was worried about stains/damage but here's from when they were out. (When I first moved in, you can tell there's way less on the walls here.)

>> No.11809155

>real /jp/ girls
Check your privilege.

>> No.11809238

Has anyone ever asked what are those silicon peach things on your shelf?

>> No.11809242

I wanna see this. So much.

>> No.11809866

It's nice to see fellows from the BJD thread here.

>> No.11809980

I haven't posted over there in a while actually. Need to get some new outfits and take some new pics. A lot of the good wigs and stuff left with the 3D mistake so I don't have anything good to put on them now.

>> No.11810573

You guys probably aren't here, and this isn't really related to the topic of the thread, but do you know of any other works like Azuma's that examine more in-depth contemporary "otaku culture"? Although I don't mean necessarily like his in its conclusions or postmodernist views. I find the topic interesting, but I don't even know where to look for anything worth reading.

>> No.11811305

I've put up some make shift shades since then.
The desk does take up a lot of space, but since I have replaced the bed with a futon I have a lot more room.
It's cool. Anytime man.

>> No.11811317

That sega Saturn
That Vampire PS2 collectors game
And you seem to have some what ran out of space pm your bookshelf like me.

I'm digging it.
Can we get a closer look at your games?

>> No.11811321

I remember him

>> No.11811349

I'm neither of the people you talked to and I haven't read it Fandom Unbound looks like it might not suck.

>> No.11811351
File: 248 KB, 648x1458, Rooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R-rate me oni-chan?

>> No.11811355

The apartment is cool but it's too empty

>> No.11811365


>> No.11811370 [DELETED] 

would rob/10

>> No.11811444

I am when is it again April right?

>> No.11811447

Will there be lolis? I'll go if there are lolis.

>> No.11811465

Ugh this looks like the condo of the guy I dated this summer. So fucking boring and dismal...
Decorate those walls!

>> No.11811514
File: 1.01 MB, 200x150, 1381178210969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the hostility? First off, post your room if you're going to be like that. Secondly, did this guy you dated get you pregnant or something? What's wrong with his walls? Not everyone can afford to fill their walls. Especially considering how his room looks bigger than a few of these combined. How about you date the guy and bring some of your stuff if you want the walls filled. Problem solved.

>> No.11811525
File: 602 KB, 1700x1450, games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And you seem to have some what ran out of space pm your bookshelf like me

Yeah, the big black bookshelf is overflowing with manga. Some of the excess is on another smaller bookshelf that wasn't pictured, but even that's full now too.

I'm just stacking books anyplace I can around the room at this point.

>Can we get a closer look at your games?
Here is a very lazy collage. I don't have many retail Saturn and Dreamcast games because I just burn them all. I've got 200 something games burned though, and I play those two systems the most by far.

>> No.11811560 [DELETED] 

Dont we have any weed smokers in here? Anime high is the best thing ever

>> No.11811566

Everyone has such wonderful rooms filled with the things that make them happy. Very passionate and dedicated. I wish I weren't poor so that I too could indulge in my hobbies.

>> No.11811590
File: 658 KB, 634x845, 1385845122597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You own that awesome DD in the BJD thread. You should take some more pics. Yours is my favorite. I wish I could afford something like that.

>> No.11811739
File: 1.90 MB, 2576x1952, HPIM0618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bookshelf!

>> No.11811747

Cool pinecones, dude.

>> No.11811750

>Dusty as fuck

>> No.11811752

limited edition deluxe magna pine cones (1 of 100)

>> No.11811754

yeah the dust is something I wish I could do something about...but no idea how to prevent it

>> No.11811757
File: 1.43 MB, 2576x1952, HPIM0619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of my room, the dust is from all 3 people living here having fans running all the time

>> No.11811760

my room is disgusting because i never clean.

>> No.11811761

I clean...try to dust even but nothing helps

>> No.11811828
File: 1.88 MB, 2576x1952, HPIM0622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better pic after I moved some things

>> No.11811834

Nice Deathscythe...Figure or model?

>> No.11811887
File: 70 KB, 480x640, deathscythe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! It's a model, and its gotta be like 14 or 15 years old. I used to have a ton of them like Tallgeese, Epyon, and some others, but somehow this is the only one that has survived the passage of time.

>> No.11811891

oh wow..the OLD HG 1/100....they just recently remade the Deathscythe in 1/100 Masterg rade EW version that is amazing

>> No.11812499

They were selling Devil Summoner 2 special edition for $21 at a local store and I didn't pick it up. Now I feel dumb. Its going for $48 used. Nice collection. I saw a few ps1 games. I am actually banned from buying anymore books since I've ran out of room and have a very small pile next to the book shelf its self.

Do you like Harvest moon?

>> No.11812507

Do you realize you have pine cones and and ponies next to your animu and gundams?

I'd be betting money /m/ kicked you out for the ponies. What makes you think you belong here with Ponies? Are you autistic? Not just because of the ponies, but you have darn pine comes on your shelf.

>> No.11812943
File: 1.61 MB, 2576x1952, HPIM0624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like what I like, not gonna fight about it. But I don't see why everyone is "bothered" by the pine cones...

>> No.11812986

Some people collect pine cones. It's whatever.

>> No.11813111


I don't really care about the pinecones, but the ponies bother me plenty.

>> No.11813335 [DELETED] 

Thank you very much; I do plan to take more pics later (I'm currently waiting for a larger cap and another wig, cause that one gave her stains).

>I wish I could afford something like that.
Actually, she left me penniless atm. But it was totally worth it.

>> No.11813339

Thank you very much; I do plan to take more pics later (I'm currently waiting for a larger cap and another wig, cause that one gave her stains).

>I wish I could afford something like that.
Actually, she left me penniless for a while. But it was totally worth it.

>> No.11813412

Do you have a 4chan pass?

>> No.11813441

No. Why?

>> No.11813456

Double-posting while having to solve capchars is quiet a feat.

>> No.11813590

This thread is depressing. Not a single piss bottle anywhere. Where's the real /jp/sie rooms?

>> No.11813763

Most people willing to post on this thread take care of their homes.

>> No.11814112

it happens to me from to time. If you have a laggy connection, or wireless acts up
I have looked on ebay, but it looks like the only way to really get what you want is to just bite the bullet and do it. I am currently broke from finishing my AR upper, so thats out of the question for a while.

>> No.11814648

When one truly spends almost all the time in one's room, every single day, on tries to make it comfortable as possible, being surrounded by things you like. And the way to the bathroom is never that long if you live in a place with internet to be posting here.

>> No.11817010

>2-3 computers, figurines, piss jars, mini fridge, a bunch of fleshlights

Is this person living the dream or what?

>> No.11817035

>clutter everywhere

You're one step away from being a hoarder.

>> No.11817165
File: 930 KB, 3536x1931, Panorama1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more shelves

>> No.11817169 [DELETED] 

You sound like an unpleasant person.

>> No.11817171 [DELETED] 

how about DUSTING.
Clean your ac/air filters.
Get a glass shelf that's sealed.
