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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 147 KB, 550x614, 1387793964915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11732759 No.11732759 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11732764

How do you even get 15 tiles?

>> No.11732773

That's the joke.

>> No.11732778
File: 86 KB, 480x480, christmas tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forget to discard, then only pay attention to the sequences you have instead of total number of tiles, and only realize when you're close to tenpai. Happened to me. Solution: hide one tile until the end of the game and pretend nothing happened.

>> No.11732782

Are you playing with retards?

>> No.11732788

Not really. We're just, you know, casual.

>> No.11733361

I didn't even notice she had an extra tile. I was mainly being upset about why that isn't an actualy hand since it totally looks like one.

Well that explains it.

>> No.11734569

It's Churenpoto with an extra 1 or 9

>> No.11734577

I've never played Mahjong so why should I start now?

>> No.11734668

I don't know how Mahjong is played, so what did cirno do wrong?

>> No.11735275

she has an extra tile so that hand doesn't actually mean anything despite looking really impressive
furthermore she should get a penalty

>> No.11735684

And those penalties are killer, since you basically fucked everyone else over in the process

>> No.11737149

Play Shogi

>> No.11745805

Only weeaboos and old people play shogi.

Fun fact: Chess is more popular than shogi in Japan.

>> No.11745832

What is best japanese game?

>> No.11745850

Dodonpachi Daioujou: Black Label

>> No.11745856

Bullshit, it's Mars Matrix.
Play Mars Matrix.

>> No.11745864

It's Final Fantasy faggots.

>> No.11745867

I spent $50 on a set of mahjong tiles and about 5 hours of my life learning how to play, and I couldn't convince my friends to play with me. It actually made me very sad.

>> No.11745894

Yeah, most people are reluctant to try unfamiliar games where they have to learn a bunch of rules, especially if it's as alien-looking as Mahjong.

>> No.11745907

Teach them just how to make 4 triplets and a pair and ignore all the stuff about yaku requirements and scoring. I find it fun enough to play in groups with forced tenpai declarations and basic hand making. Lots of people know how to play rummy. Just play it like that. The more complex stuff can come after.

>> No.11745931

This is a bad idea, because you're just setting them up to say "these new rules are complicated, I liked it the other way!" And then for the rest of their lives, they'll be playing a watered-down fast food version of mahjong (and god forbid, teaching that version to others)

>> No.11745944

You think too lowly of others. If they find it fun, they'll want to learn the more complex rules.
If they don't, then you shouldn't be trying to force them to play.

>> No.11745974

Let's play a game /jp/

>> No.11746194

ya i know, i am waiting.

>> No.11746208

bump need 1 more, come on people.

>> No.11746262
File: 400 KB, 1024x576, Mahjong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need 1 more, new game.

>> No.11746287

le 100% luck based chinese anime game

>> No.11746296

More like overcomplicated Chinese gambling game. All gambling games have some amount of luck and skilled involved in it.

>> No.11746323

Double closed hand kan

Boy I fucked that up

>> No.11746327

I hadn't played for so long that I couldn't even tell what kind of hands I was getting.
I just don't have any motivation to play anymore. Maybe once that anime starts back up.

>> No.11746338
File: 831 KB, 1455x1033, Mahjong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here i help with old ass copy pasta. I am not the best at this either.

>> No.11746339
File: 31 KB, 208x199, yuppp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helps if i post it.....


For beginners
Everything you need to know about tenhou itself can be found here http://arcturus.su/tenhou/

Explanations for the tiles, rules, scoring etc can be found here:

Games to test your Knowledge:

Hand Calculator: http://no-info.no-ip.info:6224/mj/mahjong.html

Try the singleplayer games first.

Playing without knowing what you do is not only frustrating for yourself but also for your opponents, a player that left because he couldn't ron for his no Yaku hand or because someone ron'd his discard just kills the whole fun for everyone.

Usually, a game lasts around 30 minutes, so please, if you're not going to stay until the end, respect the other players and don't join a new game.

Also keep in mind that Mahjong is more a game of "not losing" than straightforward winning.
Furthermore you play with 3 other people and luck plays a big part in it, so don't expect to win more than 1 out 4 games, especially not as a beginner.

If you read some of the linked sites and still have questions feel free to ask.

>> No.11746375
File: 21 KB, 787x525, MahjongPointsTable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do have it memorized... right?

>> No.11746379

nope! I need to though.
It's too easy to let the computer just calculate my score and to not think about which hand would be better and just pick something.

>> No.11746391

Lets bring back 3P
All these 4P shit is boring as fuck.

>> No.11748731

But Shogi is easier to learn and just as fun as Mahjong.

>> No.11748738
File: 74 KB, 535x241, retardmaster13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a sane person, 4P is for pussies.

>> No.11748750


Play Go

>> No.11752515

Bump for 1 player in 7447

>> No.11752537
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>> No.11752578

How do I learn?

>> No.11755379
File: 137 KB, 620x271, akagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read "Ten" by Fukumoto Nobuyuki

>> No.11755390

jesus christ im so pissed im not akagi
I want to have a burning spirit like the one Akagi has, to live truly

How do i achieve Akagi /jp/? should i just become a wanderer and challenge people to idiotic suicide gambles?

>> No.11755401

As long as you are comfortable with that, you'll either enjoy yourself or die.

>> No.11755494

XSA is king of comebacks

>> No.11755593

can't wait for all the retardmaster funposting when she shows up in the new saki

>> No.11755695

what the FUCK is a retardmaster
is this a weeaboo nerd thing only?

>> No.11755734

- retardmaster
- turbonerd
- weebster
- sperglord

Someone should make a dictionary out of those, since I'm pretty sure that people out here are actually using then un-ironically.

>> No.11755799

It sucks when one guy has such shit luck dealing into other hands that he leaves the game halfway through.

>> No.11755810

oh wow, kog is playing, nice

>> No.11755812

fag just got a 3000 tsumo and ruined my high scoring hand ;_;

>> No.11755835
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>> No.11755866
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>> No.11756104
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pon palace?

>> No.11756107
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>> No.11757549
File: 10 KB, 250x390, tenhou_prof_20131230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember now why I stopped playing on tenhou. There's just too few high rate players in the dan lobby. A few continuous loses and your rate is gone.
I just made 4 dan, with a rate of 1639.

Is there anything I can do? I already play at the nip peak hours, hoping for "better" players.

>> No.11757558

Wrong prof, I'm an idiot.
Actual rate for my main acc is 1679.

>> No.11757669

If these stats are representative of how you play on your main then I would advise you adept the strategy of aiming to get 2nd and avoiding 4th places like the plague. But given that you made it to 4dan I doubt that's the case.

It can be really easy while the number of games you played are still low, say 200ish. But it's true that it becomes almost impossible if your count gets too high.

Maybe you should try your luck in some odd hours, I've seen plenty of 1900-2000 guys (who lost their 4dan rank and are forced to downgrade) play there regularly in US evening/afternoon time.

The rate will come eventually but the real problem is not going down in rank because of the diminishing rewards.

Don't feel bad if you're having a hard time. It's mostly luck even if you play considerably well/constant.

>> No.11757737

>Don't feel bad if you're having a hard time. It's mostly luck even if you play considerably well/constant.
Unless you cheat. Which tenhou does nothing to prevent in any way other than the same IP limit.

You're already using minhoulib. Just setup a laptop with it, route through VPN/proxy, done. If you throw in 1 or 2 rigged games here and there and no-one's gonna notice.

>> No.11759035

Other than http://www.gamedesign.jp/flash/mahjong/mahjong_e.html is there an offline way of playing to practice? I know there are some PSP games or something like that, but any alternatives?

>> No.11759044

You could do 2hu mahjong, but that also has cheating 2hu powers so it might not be the best if you want to actually learn the game.

>> No.11759699

if you have an iOS device you can download Janryumon, i dont know the specifics about the AI, but its good to practice tile efficiency under the pressure (you only get 5 seconds to pick a discard), its good to kill some time

it also has online matchmaking but the servers are closing soon sadly, next year before february

>> No.11759813

to pussy to play a rea game?

>> No.11759822

Please don't play a real game if you don't know what you're doing. It makes it really annoying for everyone else.

>> No.11759866

LOL tpycal 3p weebster, isnt it time for your diaper change?

>> No.11765315

No New year Mahjong games going?

That's a shame, especially with Saki Season 2 (3 if you count Achiga-hen) airing this weekend

>> No.11765335

What about some Nashi?

>> No.11765411
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Also retard master's big match against that Korean girl in the manga the day before that.

>> No.11765630

Mahjong be dead, yo.

>> No.11769581


Lets 4p and 3p all then night long !

>> No.11769608

please get in L7447

>> No.11769851
File: 618 KB, 887x749, anonn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so happy~

>> No.11770232
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i want to play all night with /jp/

>> No.11770323
File: 675 KB, 480x400, 1350790585701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two days left!

>> No.11770343

Man really?


>> No.11770355

We're all waiting for you in 3P

>> No.11770535

And then not a single Yakuman was called this night.

>> No.11770549
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, 1348231024710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 3p back?

>> No.11770599

whats so good about 3p?
is it actually different or literally just mahjong with 3 people

>> No.11770621
File: 216 KB, 1280x960, 1345207553068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3P never left

>> No.11770623

3P is a direct faceoff competition against 2other players where you play to win
4P is a boring game where you play against your own luck to not lose.

>> No.11770632

3P is mahjong for adults.

>> No.11770666 [DELETED] 

sasuga crossie

>> No.11770713
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Do you even 2p?

>> No.11771629

It's for people who can't handle the heat when trying to touch the sands of hell

>> No.11771651
File: 24 KB, 400x305, mahjong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you are smalltime. 1p is the game real adults play.

>> No.11771750

play you faggots

>> No.11771923

is there a difference playing the majong game that is preinstalled on my computer and the one you guys are talking about? do you still play it the same way?

>> No.11771928

The one we play has more rons and tears.

>> No.11774295

>Fun fact: Chess is more popular than shogi in Japan.
No way. I grantee it as a Japanese.

>> No.11775758

bump 3:0

>> No.11775760


>> No.11778430 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1388964917278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you watched it yet?

>> No.11778442 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 1280x720, 1388965234156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have. Pretty solid first episode. Also that fucking floating towel.

>> No.11778479

Not even the Kodomo was spared.

>> No.11778493 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11778501
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Maybe because they're watching for something else than HS.

Oh my.

>> No.11778546

I wouldn't count on another group to do it. Few groups want to sub it probably because of mahjong terminology, and underwater-mahjong delayed subbing Achiga for a year so I'm not waiting for them again.

Who knows though, maybe some group will step up and rid us of HS.

>> No.11778575
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Aislinn very cute.

>> No.11778587

FFF-Underwater joint. Achiga only got done because of FFF decided to sub.

>> No.11778642

Why so much hate over crunchyroll rips?

>> No.11779138
File: 124 KB, 1012x866, cheating fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck was this bullshit?

Is this mahjong, or match-14 lottery?

>> No.11779189

Calm down man. It wasn't even a yakuman.
It could have easily been with pinfu and one uradora.

>> No.11779279
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>> No.11779402

I should've provided some context--this buttfuckery occurred on the 4th turn

there I was, discarding my winds, when suddenly SANBAIMAN

I hate this game

>> No.11782147

Judging by those stats, you should be looking for worse players rather than better ones. Even if that's not your main account, R1679 is quite low for 4d. The average is R1828.

>I've seen plenty of 1900-2000 guys (who lost their 4dan rank and are forced to downgrade)
It's more likely that they're tokujou-level players who are grinding new accounts.

>> No.11782479

I stopped playing on tenhou because the 4th place avoidance crap wasn't fun. It should be based on points and mean place like on the monthly rankings.

>> No.11782479,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why was I only banned for this? Janitor hates Saki-chan?

>> No.11782479,2 [INTERNAL] 

He doesn't understand mahjong thread culture

>> No.11782479,3 [INTERNAL] 

Because you asked if anyone viewed anime, which would lead to off-topic discussion. In short, don't post anime on /jp/.

>> No.11782479,4 [INTERNAL] 

No one that frequents the threads cares if it's anime, it's still mahjong and Saki has been part of the mahjong threads since /jp/ was created. Deleting it was totally unnecessary.

>> No.11782479,5 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11782479,6 [INTERNAL] 

I do not believe he is protecting ''purin''. He has posted many, many screen shots of that steamid.

>> No.11782479,7 [INTERNAL] 

Saki is a murderer.

>> No.11782479,8 [INTERNAL] 

>No one that frequents the threads cares if it's anime

Unfortunately, one thread does not decide what stays and gets deleted. As long as it's posted on /jp/, it's subject to the same rules as all the other posts.

>> No.11785404
File: 81 KB, 728x618, Bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kokushi Musou destroying all my hopes and dreams.

>> No.11787341

Does anyone know where one could find videos of tournament play?

>> No.11787400

There's some on Youtube, and there are lots of livestreams on Nico.

>> No.11787447
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, 1389184131159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who retarded here?

>> No.11790166

theres thousands of hours of tournament play on youtube, search marujan, then work your way up from there

>> No.11790191

I'm the retard master.

>> No.11790212
File: 85 KB, 618x344, 1379888176405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on niggas

>> No.11790220

i like majhonge

>> No.11790393
File: 228 KB, 500x333, 1379789153302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit fucking Renchans
i felt i touched the sands of hell

>> No.11790393,1 [INTERNAL] 

Explain >>11764755

>> No.11790860

What's a good place to buy a set of tiles that are of this size? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID7Elq_UtOQ

Every site I've found so far only has those small tiles for sale.

>> No.11795194

Let's keep this thread till Christmas!

>> No.11796887

Didn't a dude get kicked out of a tournament for fucking sighing? They take those penalties seriously

>> No.11796896

My yellow mountain set sits on my desk collecting dust, I've only ever played one hand with it and only with 3 players. I swear no one in Portland plays riichi, just American and Chinese

>> No.11796898

No but I printed that exact scoring table and put it in my mahjong case. Still not used to counting fu

>> No.11799420

im in a similar situation but i dont care, i happy i got my yellow mountain set

>> No.11799428

Oh yeah I'm not sad I got it still, it's beautiful and I like practicing handling the tiles and setting up walls. I just wish I could find a group to play a hanchan with once a week

>> No.11807494

The fuse has been lit

>> No.11807501

Get old Asian women friends. Friend's stepmom invites friends over and they play all the time

>> No.11807520

Or if you can carry yourself outside, befriend some old wrinkly white folks at your nearest mahjong club that plays riichi. I don't know how it is in America but in western Europe there are quite a few clubs you could check out.

>> No.11807586

Why do they have 2 doras right from the beginning? Is this some tournament rule? Why do they want to make the game even more RNG-based than it already is?

>> No.11807873
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Welp, Still got a Yakuman hand.

>> No.11808022


In America old people only play American or Chinese mahjong.

>> No.11809878
File: 171 KB, 738x628, 159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going through some old screenshots and found this. What were some of your most undeserving wins?

>> No.11809896

That does not look like an undeserved win to me. The opposite, in fact.

>> No.11809906

If I hadn't gotten the ippatsu, tsumo or the 4s I wouldn't have won, that's why I think it was undeserved. Too many luck factors were involved.

>> No.11809943

And if you'd have gotten a better hand earlier, you'd have won more decisively. Luck is involved from start to finish, it's mahjong.

You have no control over most things in the game, the whole point is to maximize your chances and hope for the best. A high-scoring hand means you constructed it well. It doesn't matter that it could have been worth less if another tile came up. And it's not like you had any reasonable immediate way to improve it at that point.

More importantly, one thing you do have a reasonable degree of control over is not dealing into others' hands. You did that exactly zero times in a 13-game match. This alone makes that win fully deserved.

>> No.11809969

Not dealing in isn't so hard on its own, it's not dealing in while still completing several hands that's more challenging and I didn't do any of that in this game. I can't remember exactly how the game went but assuming those wins weren't all very early wins, anyone could've played 100% safe tiles and achieved the same.

That hand had a minimum of 2 han and an absolute maximum of baiman, getting away with a haneman is already extremely generous of the Tenhou gods especially considering I did nothing for the rest of the game.

>> No.11809983

Well, you can certainly judge your own play better than someone who just looks at the score. If you know you sucked for the rest of the match, fair. The screenshot does not tell that story to me, though. It can just as well mean a 12 game long drought of winning opportunities that you did not allow to sink you.

>> No.11811000

I was going to buy a set but then I remembered nobody in my area plays

>> No.11811919
File: 49 KB, 539x375, Stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been winning too much lately /jp/.

>> No.11812122

Lets 3P nerd

>> No.11816593
File: 19 KB, 476x211, rating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently my ID got reset at some point between Achiga airing and now. RIP Koromoe. You almost made it to tokujou


>It's more likely that they're tokujou-level players who are grinding new accounts.

This. Fucking smurfs

>> No.11817391
File: 145 KB, 423x470, rage3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you tanechan, I was sitting on a riichi with a monster chi-toi hand.

>> No.11817419

I can never seem to memorize any yaku. How do you people do it?

>> No.11817424

git gud

>> No.11817505

Think about any arrangement of tiles that feels/looks like it would be tricky to get.

It's probably a yaku.

The only yaku that are hard to remember (for me at least) are ryanpeiko and daichisei. They're the only yaku I've yet to see in an actual game (excluding the ridiculous ones like tenhou)

>> No.11817516

question for pros:

I'm in tenpai
they're in tenpai

what the fuck do I do

>> No.11817535


Decide if keeping your hand is worth the risk of dealing in. Look at the scores, how late it is in the game, whether your winning tiles are safe against them, how many winning tiles you have left in the game, etc.

>> No.11817544


Also, this blog might be worth your time.


Fix the formatting as needed

>> No.11818083
File: 369 KB, 360x640, 1380432470843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has there ever been a /jp/ mahjong meetup irl? i wouldnt care to hang out with you neets as long were playing mahjong

>> No.11818117

It's very discriminative that guests can't use the chat.
Those backwards nips should really learn some equality.

>> No.11823391
File: 284 KB, 1280x963, P1207264-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got these :)

>> No.11823699


I had a board game night at my house last night, it was fun. My brother wanted to play Mahjong, but the other folks felt too intellectually tired (we had just played a 2+ hours very complicated economic euro game, heh) to learn it.

We ended up playing a 2-player variant I'd come up with, and it was quite enjoyable. He agreed to only play a few hands, but each hand I won he'd say, "One more hand!" after.

Basically, it uses only 2 suits, and only the 1 through 8 of each suit. All dragons, only the East and South winds. If you tsumo, you just "get" your point value, if you ron, you take it from the other player's score. So a ron is basically twice as many points, which gives the incentive for defensive play, even in a 2 player game. Also, the dead wall was bigger proportionally. We used Zung Jung rules, btw, not riichi (since I hate riichi mahjong).

>> No.11823720
File: 14 KB, 302x167, retard master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Retard master" is /a/'s nickname for the character Hiroe Atago from the moe mahjong anime "Saki"

>> No.11823737

>I hate riichi mahjong

Let me get my pitchfork.

You should have just played minefield mahjong. It's perfect for 2 people.

>> No.11824712

How much did you pay for them?

>> No.11824774
File: 1.08 MB, 1249x1055, MAKO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I'm never getting this again.

>> No.11824965

equivalent of $42 at an auction. The person selling them didn't really seem know what they were. The table is a bit fatigued from normal use, but I'm already working on restoring it (the scratches that were somewhat visible on top are now gone). Tiles are in pristine quality.

>> No.11825328 [DELETED] 

That's easy as fuck

>> No.11825342
File: 30 KB, 225x350, Mai_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

Wow, I thought you guys stopped playing mahjong

>> No.11825382

Are there any software or games which teach you how to play that are worth checking out?

>> No.11825394
File: 396 KB, 739x631, Hell Wait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>south 3
>down to 1500 points
>calls chiitoitsu on 9-man, with 2 already discarded
>riichi discard as dora

This fucking lifesaver.

>> No.11825401
File: 58 KB, 600x800, BRWPu6hCYAAWYWX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i met up with three other jpsies at otakon last year, we played all weekend

>> No.11825408

If I ever found anyone who played, I'd play all weekend too. Of course I don't really care enough to go to anime cons anymore, so there's also that problem.

>> No.11825411

>I don't really care enough to go to anime cons anymore
Years ago, I felt that way too. But mahjong brought me back.

>> No.11826251

Oh good lord I need that statue

>> No.11826261
File: 4 KB, 240x180, my face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought an expensive mahjong set using Shopping Mall Japan as a middleman, and they keep ignoring my request to pay for it using the money in my deposit.
I just want my set.

>> No.11826270

Nano-chan is best girl.

>> No.11826682

having a set is the shit
youre really missing out man

>> No.11827466

Do they want cash?

>> No.11827527

Nah, they have the money, it's just in my deposit. I payed for other items like this and it worked fine. They're just ignoring me for some reason. If they wanted cash, they'd tell me probably.

>> No.11828359

i bought a take-set which is a bit over a hundred, but I can never find people to play so the tiles are just scattered around my table...

>> No.11828383
File: 73 KB, 570x503, 1380549059246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of table do you nerds have? Is the junk mat good? Playing on something without a raised edge to push the tiles against sucks.

>> No.11828397

Do you guys actually play with your mahjong sets? I bought one a couple years ago but I didn't have anyone to play with.

>> No.11828558


When I was at uni we had a mahjong club and a guy there made tables himself. He sold them to members of the club for like $40 and they're pretty amazing. I doubt the supplies cost more than $15, so if you have any wood working experience, that's something to consider.

I've played on the junk mat before and it's good. It's easy to set up and the mat won't scratch up your tiles or anything. Having a place to put your point sticks is nice. It's a little expensive though, isn't it? If it's more than $30, I'd rather suck it up and play on a regular card table.

>> No.11828764
File: 48 KB, 640x328, Junk Mat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly recommended, if you wish to be mobile and able to set up at almost any table.

>> No.11832893
File: 109 KB, 318x524, SeganetMJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyone here play SegaNet MJ?

>> No.11832990

Tell me what it is and I might.

>> No.11833046

Such discards.

>> No.11833265

Only tonpuusen and 3p
Better indicator than Tenhou (dora, winning tile, tsumogiri/not, etc)
More Japan-like yaku announcement (mentanpin instead tsumo tanyao pinfu)
No replay link, only score records

Overall I still prefer Tenhou.

>> No.11833503

What about ranking?
Here's hoping it's not the 4th place avoidance crap tenhou does.

>> No.11833647

You can get negative rank points even since 9-kyuu rank.

>> No.11833683

Go play on JRM if you don't want to learn how to play well.

>> No.11833687

Another notes
There's a coin system that if you can get 5 matches in free mode with total score +100, you will get coins for 'premium match'. Don't know what it is, but I assume it's where you can get things like new clothes, etc.
Uma system and certain yaku like Renhou are decided differently, check rule page.

So yeah, pretty much it's like JRM. Not worthed if you only care about gameplay.

>> No.11833705

>Aim for 2nd place
>Get either 1st, 2nd, 3rd, sometimes 4th
Wow so hard.

>> No.11838663

download it straight to PC and register directly in the game
crossplay with ipad too if you prefer portable game

>> No.11842902
File: 724 KB, 2048x1536, 20140126_184926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, my first real match was an 2p. Is this hand worth of any point?
Pic related.

>> No.11842905

I just want to say, there should only be 4 of any tile. It looks like that set has 4 of each regular Five, then Red Fives in addition. You're supposed to take a normal Five out (two for dots) when you put in the Red Fives.

>> No.11842910
File: 721 KB, 2048x1536, 20140126_184933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11842913
File: 698 KB, 2048x1536, 20140126_184948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My hand.

>> No.11842924

Oh, I'd not knew that. Thank you.

>> No.11842929

I just forgot to mention. It's a tsumo.

>> No.11842967

discards in rows of 5 and not 6

>> No.11842992

I hate even numbers.

>> No.11843011

You must hate 4p then.

>> No.11843055

I don't have weebs enough to play a 4p without be insufferable. So 2p it's the best alternative for me. Number two is an exception.

>> No.11843135

merru kurisumasu

>> No.11843732


>> No.11846990


>> No.11847213



>> No.11847224

>renhou kokushi musou
What the fuck

>> No.11847404
File: 36 KB, 848x480, 1336968303221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to die from a mahjong related epileptic seizure, then I would die happy.

>> No.11847479
File: 523 KB, 731x600, picrelated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing a game of mahjong each evening with a internet friend for some time now (AI fills the empty spots), we determine score by how we rank at the end of the game. So if he's in number 1 and I'm number 3, he'll get two points. This (and watching saki/akagi) got me interested in trying to find people to play riichi mahjong in real life but there is literally nobody around here in the netherlands. Every offical mahjong club only seems to play chinese mahjong ;_;

We've been using Elf all stars datsui-jan3 to play (over hamachi), has anyone heard of that? I downloaded it with the purest of intentions (strip mahjong) but it seems like not even the internet is truely aware of its existence.

>> No.11847909

>literally nobody around here in the netherlands
Pretty sure the Dutch are actually crazy about riichi mahjong, moreso than most of Europe.

>> No.11847944

>there is literally nobody around here in the netherlands

Get in on it, man.

>> No.11848094

>Furiten Riichi Mahjong Tournament
Great name.

>> No.11852315

Guys does tenhou have bots? If someone leaves a bot takes over correct?

I'd like to know if I played live players or bots so I can improve my game.

>> No.11852329

No bots. If someone disconnects, Tenhou just discards all their draws.

>> No.11852394

The only Tenhou based bot that I know of are stat trackers.

>> No.11852422


Thanks guys. I went back and looked at the replay and you're right. After someone leaves every draw is just discarded. I'm kinda bummed because I thought I played really well (also lucky) and ended with +73. Heres my replay. I'm junkhand.


Please let me know what I can do better. I know I made some mistakes.

>> No.11852467

You discarded pei at the very beginning even though you had a pair. You discarded 5s from 335s. 9m and ton should've been discarded instead.

Going open with no yaku, then forcing toitoi. Bad bad idea. Also avoid declaring open kans when you don't need to. It just gives the other players more dora.

Toitoi again? Don't do that. It may seem like a fast yaku but it's really not.

Stubbornly holding onto yakuhai like that will slow down your hand a lot. Also it's risky to go open without your yaku confirmed - in this case it was sanshoku, but you did the same thing in E1 with hatsu.

Another toitoi, again on a single wait. You were lucky in this game, but the chance of winning with a single wait is quite low.

I'm going to stop here. Some general advice - stop trying to force toitoi. Don't open your hand so much. Read up on tile efficiency.

>> No.11852496

Thanks. Reading osamuko's article on tile effciency now.

>> No.11852531

East 2: You leave your hand without yaku after the 8m call, destroy the 789p set for no good reason, and then manage to escape with toi toi for no reason other than pure dumb luck.

East 2-1: Again, destroyed the 123p set for no good reason, questionable discards that break apart two-sided waits in favor of closed waits, break incomplete sets of tiles in favor of lone tiles, and end up 18 turns in without even tenpai

East 3: Worthless chii destroys an otherwise decent hand. Let go of the character tiles and go for riichi tanyao pinfu instead. With the dora 5m in your hand, you can get at least mangan on ippatsu, tsumo, or ura 1+. You're stuck in the end with a terrible no-yaku tenpai, which could have at least been tan'yao if you'd dropped the 9p instead of the 6p on turn 5

East 4: What the fuck did you break up 5567p into 556p for?

South 1: Discarding the 6s on turn 3 is far less effective than dropping the ungrouped 27m or 48p
The 6s can go with your 4s if you draw a 5s to make 456s

When you discarded 7m, 8p was a better choice because 8p goes only with 6789p while 7m goes with 456789m

South 3: Don't fuck around with kans when you don't need to. Increasing the number of dora mainly serves to work against you when you're in the lead. At this point, your main concern is protecting your points, rather than earning extra.

South 4: Stop wasting time with the chun and drop it already. Keeping it over other tiles like the 3m slowed your hand down and narrowed your waits. You also should have dropped the 9s over the 4s on turn 8. When you're this far in the lead, dora shouldn't matter to you. You would have been able to wait on completing the 45s with 36s (8 possible tiles) instead of waiting on 55p55s (4 possible tiles) while adding one han to your hand with pinfu.

>> No.11852571

Thanks. Having other people watch the replay and pointing these things out helps a lot.

I usually don't catch lot of my mistakes and now I'm noticing I got really lucky.

>> No.11852628

I got really embarrassed by that too. I thought I had played a perfect game but then when I watched the replay I realized everyone had disconnected after east 2.

>> No.11854543 [DELETED] 

>>11842913 here.

I will dump the hands I got in another 2p match with another weeb.


>> No.11854559
File: 653 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140129_211258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot the pic.

>> No.11854566
File: 588 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140129_211055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11854785
File: 84 KB, 650x110, _delicious-riichi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat riichi button mang. I can't stop myself from hitting it. And it always screws me over every time.

>> No.11856328



>> No.11856346


>> No.11856384

god you faggots just do a 3p

>> No.11856478

delicious riichi i must hit it

>> No.11857159


>> No.11861254

akadora are like the random crits of mahjong

>> No.11861461


>> No.11861471
File: 337 KB, 1024x768, Untitled14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just pathetic.

>> No.11861546

I don't get it. Who are you complaining about?

South guy letting go of 1p...
West declaring another Kan, rinshan kaiho, new dora being a 9p.

Would still only be a baiman.

>> No.11861560

Mostly SHODAN breaking his 233445p shape for no discernible reason, ruining a decent dealer hand and calling into no-yaku furiten, then passing Wakanne the dora and eating a baiman ron with yakuhai + dora 6 revealed when he should have given up on his hand a long time ago.

>> No.11861565

Also, for open kans on Tenhou, kan dora is revealed after you discard the rinshan tile, so it wouldn't be factored in for rinshan kaihou.

>> No.11861581

I didn't know that.

Anyway, I think you forgot to post the replay. It's hard to determine what was happening from just a screencap.

>> No.11861583

I wasn't in the game, so I wouldn't have one, unfortunately.

But this his how that round ended: >>>/a/101335433

>> No.11861587

This is what happens when a new Saki season starts airing.

>> No.11861605

Is that an official rule or just another tenhou thing like renhou?

>> No.11861607

It's differs between rulesets.

>> No.11861623

I always played that way, must be common enough rule to make it to every guide I learned from.

>> No.11861627

Fuck it guys I'm not going anywhere. I've been going up/down between 3dan - 5 dan for over a year now.

I think I'm already playing my best. I could try a more aggressive strategy but I guess I could only judge if it is working on a new acc and I really don't feel like starting over.

>> No.11861651

Being able to maintain 4dan isn't bad. You can take pride in that and hope for more.

There's not much else to do really.

>> No.11861683

You can do it, anon! Aim for houou!

>> No.11861798

Post your stats.

>> No.11861890

平均順位: 2.418
1位率: 0.269
2位率: 0.266
3位率: 0.244
4位率: 0.222

>> No.11862011

Anyone here is using tool like Kansenkun?
That's average for 4-dan players. How many games have you played?

>> No.11862038


>> No.11862489

I meant the red tiles. I don't know why I called them akadora--I don't know what they're called.

you are asking to get fucked by uradora if you deal into a riichi

but there's no predicting aka tiles. It's just stupid point inflation. This game depends on enough luck as it is. I don't need some gobshite's shitty open yakuhai hand turning into a mangan because he has some red turds mixed in that I couldn't possibly predict from his pond

>> No.11862598


But you have the same chance of getting them for your hands, so I don't see what the problem is. You could also say the same for dora in general. Go play Chinese style if you hate it.

>> No.11862624

They're called akadora.

>> No.11862711
File: 99 KB, 872x716, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we not have shit like this

im trying to play mahjong

>> No.11862733
File: 57 KB, 650x366, 236ebe64s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you tsumo after kan



>> No.11862796
File: 46 KB, 568x566, dora3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets dora 3
and people say this game isn't rigged

>> No.11862831
File: 64 KB, 872x718, kankore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also I don't understand this rule

>> No.11862979

If you call 4 kans, the round ends in a draw.

>> No.11862977

Theres only 4 tiles in the dead wall before the dora indicator. That's why there can only be 4 kans in a game and when that happens the game ends in a draw.

>> No.11863082


if you call 4 kans, it's a yakuman.

if 4 in total are called and not from the same person, it's a draw as there are so many dora shit gets crazy and some shitty hand would unfairly be worth 10x-20x what it should be worth.

Think of it as a gentleman's courtesy so one of the guys at the table doesn't get fucked over, and instead they all agree to a do-over.

>> No.11863113

Yes, that's what I meant. Thanks, I should have phrased it better.

>> No.11863145
File: 390 KB, 785x653, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking shitty low value hands.

>> No.11863178

Your hand wasn't much better,and what was he supposed to do? Let someone tsumo?

>> No.11863180

You're being a hypocrite right now.

>> No.11863210

I didn't know they made hands that shitty.

>> No.11863506

SHODAN here.
I stopped playing for 8 months, and have been playing a few rounds because my friend has been telling me too.
I kind of forgot how to play.

>> No.11863664
File: 1.49 MB, 1549x1549, 1379214686042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my 7447 numbers
試合数: 884
試合時間: 0.0 hrs
平均順位: 2.424
1位率: 0.259
2位率: 0.267
3位率: 0.265
4位率: 0.209

>> No.11864191

>I think I'm already playing my best
With that attitude, you'll never improve.

>> No.11864499

>not studying players better than you

>> No.11864545

>implying there's any measurable "improvement" in anything less than a few thousand games
>my sides

>> No.11864568

There's a significant difference between - for example - a 9-dan player and a 7-dan player. Y'think that play styles of 5-dans are any different?

>> No.11864613

Sure buddy.

I question how you could possible judge if your own skill level is increasing after you got a working strategy that yields average results. Even if you were to sample 1000 game batches from this point on, that's not even remotely enough to mitigate, not even to mention ruling out, any effects that happen because of luck/chance.
You could be getting better, or you could be getting worse, there's no way to tell.

>> No.11865435

7447 lobby is super busy right now.

>> No.11865756

Last time I remember that happening it was because it was league night. I don't remember what league it was though

>> No.11867759
File: 134 KB, 1088x930, doratheexplorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit my fucking sides

>> No.11870536

Talk about asking for it.

>> No.11871223
File: 126 KB, 1148x955, not ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is the "not OK" button?

>> No.11871447

>trying to score yakuman as a NoName

>> No.11871838

do you know how many live tiles I cut during that fag's riichi?

a NoName account is just about the only account I'll try to pull this shit (especially when I'm leading)

good thing it was a good hand with a good wait; else I would've gone apeshit

>> No.11871902

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11871920

Can't play in the dan room anymore since the last update. Is minhoulib being updated?

>> No.11871982
File: 4 KB, 190x190, 1325498810370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you are going apeshit

>> No.11872016

no that's not apeshit

I never lost the lead in that game and I've gotten daisangen several times

apeshit was about a week ago when I dealt into a closed wait yakuhai hand while getting nine gates tenpai

I wasn't posting online or making a screen cap about it because I was fisting my router

>> No.11872649

The last update just came few days ago, but it doesn't mention about that.

>> No.11872650

Screw that, forgot that it's 2014 now.

>> No.11873037
File: 86 KB, 1184x992, i was west, ittuuu was east.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did this get decided?

>> No.11873047

Clockwise, starting from winner.

>> No.11873050

Counterclockwise, sorry.

>> No.11873148

I can't play at all since public is capped at 4dan R1800.
>top lel

>> No.11873331

Just use the economy client.

>> No.11873393

That does nothing.

>> No.11873955


>> No.11874150

I'm not having any problem with minhoulib. I can still play in joukyuu and tokujou just fine.

>> No.11874179

Idk what I'm doing wrong then.


>> No.11874182

It's coming with latest patch, so probably unpatched client still make joukyuu lobby open for NoName.

>> No.11874293

Come one faggots. Show me how you play mahjong on /jp/.

>> No.11875060

They apparently play by getting junsei kokushi.

>> No.11876443

I just started a new account. Does this mean I have to get 1級 before I can play in dan room?

If so, that sucks balls. The rate boost you could get from playing inthe dan room from the start was great.

>> No.11876462

I think so.
If this rule applies to everyone (including bought IDs) then it's change that should have happened long ago. No more NoName/R1500 guys in the dan lobby? Fuck yeah.

>> No.11876936

>If so, that sucks balls.
Not that it's hard to do anyways. If you're used to playing in joukyuu, then you can work your way up easily.

>> No.11878997
File: 9 KB, 250x390, tenhou_prof_20140207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I didn't say it was hard. I just don't like playing with idiots that do retarded shit for no reason.

>> No.11879095

What 4p video games do you nerds recommend?

>> No.11879143


>> No.11879505

Gang rape

>> No.11881024


>> No.11881472
File: 39 KB, 369x440, cosmic-encounter1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got invited to a mahjong meetup this Sunday night. But at the same time, I also really want to play Cosmic Encounter. Not sure what to do...

>> No.11881495

>cosmic encounter

>> No.11881707


>47 Hitler 2208M 八段

>> No.11881742
File: 232 KB, 730x452, ICPz4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11881789

Hey /jp/, /a/ is making fun of you again because of your 3p-Fu.

>> No.11881798

People who play 3p are not entitled to an opinion of any kind.

>> No.11882269

I finally got around to learning how to play. Where do I go in this thing to find other bad players? I don't really know any japanese.

>> No.11882308

>implying eleveners are good at mahjong

>> No.11882332

Take your pick. Both are full of bad players.

>> No.11882379
File: 109 KB, 405x352, Some Chinese shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I went and played a game. I got this message afterwards. Could someone tell me the gist of it?

>> No.11882388

You advanced in rank.


>> No.11882425

Oh neat. That was fucking stressful though. I'm too used to playing video games with unlimited time for turns.

>> No.11882426

Your powers are growing. With enough practice you will eventually be able to class change into a Lesbian

>> No.11882433
File: 252 KB, 180x180, 312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh gosh

>> No.11882633

Oh and http://tenhou.net/0/ is the ranked lobby, and http://tenhou.net/0/?L7447 is the english lobby.

>> No.11882681

>not playing anything that involves a time limit

Get your game on, man

>> No.11882685

I only learned because of Yakuza. The only penalty for taking too long is old men yelling at you

>> No.11882962

Does that crack to play on the windows client still work? If it does, where is the default install folder for tenhou because i can't find it anywhere

>> No.11883068

Actually disregard that. But I do want to know how to change the voices in the game. I got all these voice clips and nowhere to put them.

>> No.11883115

Either Program Files or Local folder in AppData. I don't know, somehow my installation folder moved to the former from patch months ago.

As for change voice, go to 設定, SE or BGM.

>> No.11883172

Oh wait does the injector not work on 1.3? god damnit everything is so confusing and I keep being retarded. Sorry

>> No.11883190

My folder is named 130, so I guess that's my Tenhou version. And I'm using the crack all fine.

>> No.11883205
File: 32 KB, 589x430, Im retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could just be retarded and not know how to navigate the menus too. This is what I end up with when I log in with the injector running.

I also still can't find anything dealing with voices

>> No.11883211

Restart the client without crack, then move to normal lobby and restart again with crack. Once you move into tournament lobby, the crack stops working.

>> No.11883221

Ohh thank you so much

>> No.11887682

Man, the more I read about Majong the more certain I become that it's just Calvinball with tiles.

>> No.11887690

I wonder why I even bother. I'm sure to get one of my mood swings sooner or later and become too scared to play. Which seems to be about now. Pathetic.

>> No.11887976

If you're talking about American mahjong, yeah it is.

>> No.11888450
File: 10 KB, 250x390, tenhou_prof_20140211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a bullshit stat or can I gain anything from placing?

>> No.11888486

It will show on the monthly toplists. I don't think anyone cares about them though.

This should be the listing based on mean placement.

The best they could do in terms of rewards is free premium time, which I doubt you could do anything with so eh.

Nice job anyway.

>> No.11890589

dude just get 4 melds, 1 pair and be sure to have a yaku. its not rocket science
