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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11727775 No.11727775[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How old is /jp/?

I was chilling on some other boards, and there are always occasional posters talking about their wives or how they did some grown-up activity "twenty years ago". It doesn't sound like they're lying, it's just like they're telling anecdotes and they happen to be in their thirties.

I thought /jp/ was supposed to be the oldest board, yet everyone here is like 16-25?

>> No.11727781

Some recent poll showed /jp/ the oldest 'popular' board with an average age of 25. /v/ and /b/ were the youngest with 17 and 16 respectively.

>> No.11727783

Everyone is in their early-mid twenties, like me. I'm actually one of the youngest and there's nothing wrong with me being here!

>> No.11727787

I feel like /jp/ is the board most likely to lie about age. On /3/ or somewhere they'd say "Yep, I'm 19 and in college, whatever." but on /jp/ you have to pretend to be older because of elitism. (This is a good thing.)

>> No.11727791

Yes, and I think /trv/ is the oldest.
I like it there, it's like of hanging out with your uncles on a saturday night camping.

>> No.11727792

>one of the youngest

I doubt it.

>> No.11727793

I think this elitism actually achieves the opposite. /jp/ is the board most likely to realize how pointless it is to lie on an anonymous website.
Except when ironic shitposting, naturally.

>> No.11727798

Most of 4chan's old timers probably don't browse /jp/ because this isn't a Japanese image board. Otaku culture in the west hasn't been around for long enough (or popular enough) for older people to have grown up with it.

>> No.11727800

Yeah /trv/ seems pretty old. Teenagers and college students don't have the time or money to travel. Real adults can be travelling NEETs or take time off their proper job.

>> No.11727806

You shut your whore mouth.

>> No.11727807

/diy/ seems pretty oldpeopley.

/ck/ is a weird one. It feels like a board populated entirely by 12-year-olds and 50-year-olds.

>> No.11727812

/diy/, /adv/, /soc/, etc. are all normalfag boards and populated by the mainstream 4chan audience i.e. late teens and early twenties college folk.

>> No.11727821

There are boards like /jp/ and some of the textboards where the people clearly get 4chan, have been here since the Good Old Days, and take it easy.
Then there are boards like /po/ and /diy/, which don't really have a lot of the "board culture" associated with other 4chan boards, they're just message boards dedicated to a hobby. Anyone can post there and who cares, it's pleasant.
Both these are fine. The worst boards are the "in between" boards, like /tv/ and /mu/. They're so wrapped up in being these communities with their own memes and tripfags and generally retarded shitposting that if you actually want to discuss television or music, you're out of luck.

>> No.11727830

Indeed. Those who have fallen to the cancer can't comeback.

>> No.11727833

I'd assume /p/ and /o/ have a decent number of oldfolks.

>> No.11727855
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>Otaku culture in the west hasn't been around for long enough (or popular enough) for older people to have grown up with it.

Some of us are mid-80's Starblazers and Gamelan-Embassy old. We're the weird old folks in the background running cons and stuff now.

>> No.11727860
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>not phrasing the question in the form of a Touhou

I agree, some other boards are chilling.

>> No.11727861
File: 1.79 MB, 1200x1500, でこ+短眉+へたれ女王様=超かわいい_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm too old for this shit

>> No.11727870

/k/ has guys in their sixties on it, as well as a lot of little europeans, airsofters and kids

>> No.11727876

I hope when I'm old enough to talk about things that I'm doing now in the past tense, I will have saved my pictures and bookmarks enough to get a general idea what things were like.

>> No.11727960

I'm 28 and I've been on 4chan for almost ten years. Am I old enough to fit in yet?

(For some reason, everyone on /jp/ is obsessed with "fitting in" even though /jp/ is supposed to be the take-it-easy board.)

>> No.11728050

>(For some reason, everyone on /jp/ is obsessed with "fitting in" even though /jp/ is supposed to be the take-it-easy board.)
Because /jp/ is full of normies and normie NEETs who all think they are not normies.

>> No.11728047

Old people went away. The board now has more or less /a/ demographics, with all this implies.

>> No.11728053

And you know this because you migrated from /a/ just yesterday, right?

>> No.11728065

No, Anon, I know this because I can recognize posting habits of people from both boards, including all the changes to them from the last seven years.

>> No.11728066

This. There are people deluded enough to think Robotech is better than Macross, just because it's what they grew up with.

There were plenty of otaku/anime newsgroups in the early 90s, not to mention things like zines, tape trading, etc.

>> No.11728089

You turbolarvae have it easy. Back in my day we had to go outside to swapmeets to get expensive VHS fansubs

>> No.11728121

23 ; ; ; ____ ; ; ;

>> No.11728127
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>paying for VHS fansubs
>not learning moon from Hepburn and writing subs in haiku below each frame of a phenakistoscope of you're waifu flashing her ankle

/jp/ - Fetal Stem Cell Research

>> No.11728126

I guess people just want to know they are taking it easy in good company. Or at least in the company of people who understand.

Maybe that is unseasonable, but I think if we truly didn't long for human contact we would have all become true hermits long ago.

>> No.11728218

It blows my mind that in the pre-internet dark ages, even nerdy hobbies required extensive socialization. I guess there was mail order for books and some collectibles, but beyond that you'd pretty much HAVE to go outside and convene with fans just to BE a fan. I guess this is still true of hobbies like pen-and-paper role-playing games.

>> No.11728235
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I'm 20 and young, deal with it

>> No.11728242

it's all downhill from here
in fact it's been downhill for a year or two already

>> No.11728240

I'm 19 and I honestly feel like I'm near the end of my life, I can't wait to die.

>> No.11728283

I'm 23.

>/v/ and /b/ were the youngest with 17 and 16 respectively.
I believe it. But /jp/'s average age can't be 25.

>> No.11728301
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Don't say things like that! I'm here for you!

>> No.11728309

What the hell are you going to do about it? You're only going to corrupt them further and encourage them to be helpless NEETies.

>> No.11728315
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I'll do whatever I can, it's better than letting them wallow in their self pity.
