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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 320 KB, 1280x1445, 36966696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11712907 No.11712907[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Don't forget, we're all waiting for you at ota-ch.com!

>> No.11712911

sage for homosexuals

>> No.11712914
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, MAH00477.MP4 - 00007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this cute, /jp/? A cute scooter with a cute trailer.

>> No.11712916
File: 108 KB, 451x311, 1375859473806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you advertising my website?

>> No.11712922

That's awesome! I kind of wish it was yellow, though.

>> No.11712928

Don't bring in these /jp/ normies to our secret club 下さい

>> No.11712926

They only come in black, black and red, and cream. None of those colors are very cute...

>> No.11712929

... bike rack? fucking scooter mongoloids

>> No.11712930

Don't forget we're all waiting for you at http://what-ch.mooo.com/what

>> No.11712932

What's the matter, too friendly for you? (only warosubros will get this)

>> No.11712933
File: 173 KB, 950x713, 1384551081945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the fastest you've ever riden a motorcycle?

>> No.11712936
File: 230 KB, 700x700, 1382773133128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the great schism ever be mended?

Will the otaku ever be united again?

>> No.11712937

You don't sound too enthusiastic about it.

>> No.11712938
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, MAH00474.MP4 - 00004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with parking at the bike rack. Better than having someone turn into your parking space and knocking over your scooter or bike.

Thank god Sheriff J didn't get me the other day.

>> No.11712940

Oh, sorry. Here.


>> No.11712947

I'm sorry for offending you, I will avoid the site to avoid offending you further.

>> No.11712949

no one posts there anymore, not even #Trevor or whoever.

/drive/ is the new hotness

>> No.11712953
File: 91 KB, 1440x1080, 1387176428747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derek? Is it safe?

>> No.11712957
File: 1000 KB, 1920x1080, MAH00211.MP4 - 00005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

110mph, only once. Been over 100mph a handful of times aside from that.

Could have sworn I had a screencap, but I don't. I found the screencap of a little girl sticking her tongue out at me instead.

>> No.11712958

Nope, both viruses, Norton alerted me right away.

>> No.11712959

This thread has about the same quality as /ota/, and has generated as many responses in 20 minutes as /ota/ did in the last 12 hours. Behold the appeal of funposting.

Also thanks for the links to those other empty places, guys.

>> No.11712960
File: 93 KB, 1920x1080, 1387176604784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not Derek...........

>> No.11712964

And sadly it's still better than /jp/. Unless you're into sex toys, I guess.

>> No.11712966

saw this on /o/ a while ago.


how good of bike and how much riding experience do you think someone would need to win something like that?

>> No.11712969

I am Derek, just ask me a question

Do it in a cute way though

>> No.11712974

So why aren't you posting there? Checkmate, shiteposter.

>> No.11712981

ota sucks

The posts aren't even amusing. /jp/ is leagues better.

>> No.11712988

From the dealer all motorcycles that can reach speeds of over 299kmh (185mph) are limited to 299kmh due to an agreement made between manufacturers in the past to stop the top-speed test/dick waving contest and focus on other things. Unless it's a factory-made bike or has somehow otherwise had that limiter removed, it'll be impossible.

That aside, I'm sure an ordinary liter bike like an R1 without the limiter would be able to go faster than the max speed. Maybe even those bikes in the video with the limiter would be able to beat the car.

>> No.11712991

I'm not sure why you think I don't.

>> No.11713004

The front pages look pretty much the same

>> No.11713013

Oh, I didn't watch all of the video to see that they didn't actually hit that speed. Maybe it was a lack of skill or confidence for the riders, or the unwillingness to race against a one ton piece of steel driven by somebody who is more likely to mess up and cause problems. Who knows.

>> No.11713017
File: 775 KB, 1000x783, 18001847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people that still post on imageboards with the delusion that there's anything of value to be found on them?

>> No.11713018

Where can I go to find valuable posts?

>> No.11713021

Something Awful or Reddit.

Read the post again, dipshit.

>> No.11713029

Don't forget that we're all waiting for you at http://goodpostersclub.com/jp

>> No.11713030

You know you can just post shit on /b/ right? Those people would be happy if you joined them with your funposting.

>> No.11713033
File: 1.03 MB, 640x360, 95174965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the janitor comes back and this good feeling goes away just remember, we'll all be waiting for you!

>> No.11713034

I definitely think the riders didn't want to push their bikes to the limit/weren't that confident and it didn't look like they were equipped with the protective gear to go that fast.

>> No.11713038

It's about the company you're keeping, not the content you're posting.

>> No.11713042

Reddit is stealing our memes...



>> No.11713039

reddit actually has some interesting stuff on there. I like to go and read the posts where parents ask about their children. Last night I read one about a mother whose 8 year old was just entering puberty. There are also posts about childhood masturbation, and incest, and bestiality and nudist families! Just the other day a mother made a post about being a nudist with a 10 year old daughter, a 16 year old daughter, and a 12 year old son.

Also people tend to post pictures of their children. Stuff like http://imgur.com/a/WIXxA gives me hope that somewhere out there, a loli is looking up to the stars and wondering what's out there. I want to go stargazing with such a loli. It would be great.

I just need to start that stargazing club for kids.

>> No.11713040

If the thread is similar to /ota/ and is active on /jp/, I guess that just means there's a lot of people on /jp/ that resonate with the /ota/ spirit!

>> No.11713043


Stuff like this too. It's cute.

>> No.11713046


Why are you still sharing your thoughts with us? You understand literally no one cares about them, right?

>> No.11713045
File: 107 KB, 558x850, 1387178293315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day I pay to post on a forum is the day I commit seppuku.

I forget that place is even apart of this website.

>I just need to start that stargazing club for kids.

I remember you talking about this.

>My 6-year old likes doing girly things. Like creating her own solar system.

Creating a solar system is very feminine!

>> No.11713051

Why would i go to ota-ch.com? What could i possibly want there? What otaku culture interests could compel me to leave /jp/ and post there?

>> No.11713052


This is the only car vs bike video I can find where the bike hits the limit. You can see it around 1:40

>> No.11713057

What otaku culture interests are keeping you on /jp/?

Running your computer to post here costs money, not to mention all the opportunity costs. 10 dollars is a drop in the bucke, I think you're short-sighted.

>> No.11713056

Because pretty much nobody posts there.

Oh, that's true, and it would be very convenient if we could just ship them there. Unfortunately, it won't work. Shitposting requires an audience. When you're talking like a retard to yourself, you're no longer being ironic, you're just a retard.

>> No.11713067

Do you need 10 new posts a minute to like a board? Do you not have other things to do, like read VNs or play Touhou? I'm starting to think you're an angry shitposter in disguise.

>> No.11713071

They were going over 265km/h in that video, would even matter what gear you're wearing? You fuck up and you're probably dead right?

This is very silly. The intrinsic act of posting here cots 0 dollars. The intrinsic act of posting on SomethingAwful costs 10 bucks.

I could afford 10 bucks, it's the principle that I have an issue with, being that I will never pay money to post on a forum

>> No.11713077

No, it may not cost you money because you're not paying the bills but it does cost money. It's fine to be a NEET but please don't be delusional.

>> No.11713080

Touhou and VN. You didn't answer anything so i guess there is nothing anyone could want there besides circlejerking.

>> No.11713086

Probably. I know one piece leather suits can take a ton of damage, especially ones with sliders, but at those speeds I'm not sure exactly how they'd hold up. Still, the bigger threat would be from oncoming traffic and other impacts.

http://i.minus.com/iby9GtJqheFCs8.gif This guy slides pretty long and has a one piece suit.

>> No.11713087

I like the tight-knit feeling of /ota/, but there's just not enough posting. For a board that has been around so long, it has nothing to show for it.

>> No.11713088
File: 14 KB, 252x200, 1357432716043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11713089

Yes, that's all true (except the angry part, that's just you projecting). I wllingly became a shitposter when I entered this thread. The difference between us is that when it disappears I'll just keep posting normally in on-topic threads, or just go do something else, while the /ota/-spirit crowd will start spamming anime and generally throwing a fit that they can't funpost anymore.

>> No.11713096

If you don't feel enough comradery with people from /jp/ to think it would be nice to talk with them in a similar but less restricted environment, I think that's more of a personal problem than an issue with /ota/.

>> No.11713101



Everyone knows what it means, you're just a retard trying to justify your dumb logic with semanticism so everyone is ignoring you.

>> No.11713102

Shut up imposter! You're not Derek! You can't even pretend to be him right!

>> No.11713103

You're including a prerequisite cost in your "intrinsic" act of posting on SA, dipshit. You're extremely narrow-minded, please don't reply to me anymore.

>> No.11713122

/jp/ is not a restricted environment by any means. And I certainly don't feel any camaraderie with people who think it is, but I'd hardly consider "from /jp/".

>> No.11713129

*consider them to be "from /jp/"

>> No.11713138
File: 48 KB, 317x342, 1358212229319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intrinsic isn't a pretentious word, I don't know another word that means what it means.

You're being a huge smartass is what you're doing. Equating the cost of the prerequisites needed to do something, with the cost (or lack of it) of doing something.

I tell you you can go to the parade and view the parade for free. Only a smartass would come in and say "To get to the parade from this distance you have to drive, and gas costs money, therefor viewing the parade costs money".

I am not, that's what he was doing.

>> No.11713147

No one on /jp/ feels restricted, which is why moot gets more emails from /jp/ per capita than any other board. Don't be silly or you'll make yourself sound like the outsider.

>> No.11713155

You literally said it, not anyone else. Posting on SA costs nothing. Getting access to SA costs money. It's effectively no different than every other cost required to get access to 4chan. And I said not to reply to me, your retardation is going to rub off on me.

>> No.11713170

The only people who feel restricted on /jp/ are shitposters.

I'm happy to be an outsider to your little circlejerk. On /jp/, however, I am the native, and you are the outsiders. This can't be emphasized enough.

>> No.11713174

well even if you're not going to crash, wearing jeans and sneakers like those guys would not be optimal for going 250kmh+
that was pretty freaking intense. I imagine the guy must have been a little frustrated being limited like that.

I think its fascinating that a literbike with serious mods has the potential to beat actual supercars that cost 10 times as much but you will literally die if you mess up in the tiniest way, even if you are a professional you never know what could happen on a public road like that.

>> No.11713177



>> No.11713178

The people who feel restricted are the kind of idiots who think blogging and /b/ level threads should be the main purpose of /jp/. That seems to be the main purpose of ota.

>> No.11713192

I'm pretty sure you're the retard here. He said he didn't want to pay money to post and you know what he meant.

>> No.11713200
File: 166 KB, 394x480, 1341170740591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You win this time.

>> No.11713209

>Posting on SA costs nothing. Getting access to SA costs money.

Flying a plane costs nothing. Boarding it costs money.
Watching a football match costs nothing. Entering the stadium costs money.
Eating food costs nothing. Acquiring it costs money.

>> No.11713215
File: 460 KB, 440x248, 1349116646962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /̶o̶/ i mean /jp/ so good right now?

Nice dubs!

>> No.11713227

Remember that all posts hating on /ota/ are all /ota/kids doing a reverse psychology on you

>> No.11713224

Cute Akari pic., dude.

>> No.11713229

I'm pretty sure I'm the one-eyed man amongst the blind, I was pointing out to him why his perspective was flawed and he tried to break it down into a word battle. I'm also pretty sure you should get on your knees, now.

>> No.11713233

You're way too negative to be a national.

>> No.11713238

Getting a computer and internet service costs money. You've obviously never been broke before if you think posting on 4chan is free. Pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.11713240

>he tried to break it down into a word battle

>Running your computer to post here costs money (Therefor, posting here costs money)

~ >>11713057-san

>> No.11713251

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.11713252

That's not a semantic issue, that's a reality and also a more resourceful way to view the world if cost is an issue to you. Don't get snarky with me, retard.

>> No.11713258
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, 1373364010093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if someon offers you a free beer is it really free?

what does ``free as in freedom'' mean?

is there such thing as a free lunch?

>> No.11713265
File: 158 KB, 600x340, 1369874674725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11713269

If you work for youth associations in the EU, you get a ton of free lunches.

>> No.11713273
File: 32 KB, 143x266, 1387181599255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if someon offers you a free beer is it really free?

Only if the beer is licensed under the GPL and you can fully modify, redistribute, and consume the beer anyway you want.

If you did not receive a license of the GPL with this beer, please contact Richard Stallman at the Free Software Foundation. https://www.fsf.org/about/contact/

You're not getting me this time.

>> No.11713274

Living costs money. You've obviously never starved to death before if you think anything at all can be done for free.

>> No.11713280

You can lead a retard to water, but it's still a retard.

>> No.11713287

Did he call for his retarded reinforcements? I'm not the one that's trying to avoid costs, shit-for-brains.

>> No.11713293
File: 35 KB, 800x473, yuuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man you should buy an old stickshift dodge neon for like $400 on cl and then go on midnight NEET adventures.

>> No.11713298

"I don't want to post on Something Awesome because it costs money" more like "My parents won't buy me a Something Awesome account"

>> No.11713304
File: 119 KB, 308x235, rustle tom cruise so handsome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you possibly flip flop some more?

You're the one arguing that cost of prerequisites = cost of the thing the perquisites were for.

Intrinsically posting on 4chan doesn't cost money. Intrinsically posting on SA cost 10 bucks.

I know you're just trying to rustle me, fug off.

>> No.11713310
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, MAH00477.MP4 - 00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I want to bring a loli here on a date.

>> No.11713319

What the FUCK are you talking about? Why are you still talking to me? Yes, posting on 4chan costs money. I never said it doesn't. You are the one that doesn't want to post places that cost money. Why don't you just kill yourself already? It would be easier on everyone.

>> No.11713353

You're mean. Why would you bully someone on the internet like that?

>> No.11713369

Being right doesn't make me a bully. If you don't want to argue, don't start arguments.

>> No.11713383

Posting on 4chan doesn't cost any more money than picking my nose. Did I use up valuable calories to do that? Yes. Would I have saved those calories if I didn't? No, I'd just do something else or just use them up on my bodily functions. There's a minimal intake of food I need to live a healthy life, and when I've eaten it, I may just as
well use it.

A modern person can't function without the internet. He can function without a single website. If I had no access to 4chan, I'd just do the things I do here somewhere else. I'd still have the net connection and a computer, though. In effect, posting on 4chan carries no additional cost.

>> No.11713384
File: 141 KB, 551x621, Ika4893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, like bro im serious, go on your local craigslist or autotrader and start lookin at sum cars under 500 and ill tell you if their good or not

>> No.11713394

Is that Ika Musume?

>> No.11713403

Do you need an apparatus that costs hundreds of dollars to pick your nose? No. I'm not reading the rest of your post, so you'll have to reply again if you actually had anything of value to say.

>> No.11713404 [SPOILER] 
File: 201 KB, 5000x5000, big josh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one and only

>> No.11713412


For that price, you could get a kickass bike.

>> No.11713426

Yes, my body, and it cost way more than "hundreds of dollars" to develop.

You not reading what people tell you explains a lot.

>> No.11713428
File: 234 KB, 1200x800, IMG_0976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honda makes real good bikes, I admit.

My uncle taught me how to ride on one of these, I forgot if you even need an endorsement on your license for its size.

>> No.11713434

You can't decide to not "buy" your body, you fucking imbecile. Holy shit, what you're suggesting right now is literally like buying a SomethingAwful account and then not posting there because it costs money and you're broke. How fucking stupid are you, really?

>> No.11713447

As I said, you not reading what people tell you explains a lot. Please have fun discussing with yourself.

(I can decide to not maintain my body, until it stops functioning and I won't have to pay for anything anymore.)

>> No.11713461

You keep validating that I was completely correct in not bothering to finish your post. Do you think that proves my idea wrong? People DO decide to stop maintaining themselves. In fact, they speed up the process on a daily basis by putting lead through their skulls and using other creative methods to avoid the costs their body imposes. Why don't you do the same? At least don't breed, please.

>> No.11713475

If you think you're going to "win" an argument by what amounts to covering your ears shouting "La la la, I can't hear you"... well, suit yourself.

>> No.11713477

Honda makes the best bikes. They've done tons of cool stuff.

>> No.11713486

Who's trying to win anything? I was trying to teach someone simple economic principles and you decided to barge in and try to stick your dick in your ass. I literally can't believe that you think you actually have a point.

>> No.11713504
File: 2.64 MB, 1920x1080, me and my mom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit these nerds are mad as HELL lmao

>> No.11713511


>> No.11713507
File: 490 KB, 1000x667, IMG_5885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11713526

Well, that's right, you're not even trying. My bad.

>> No.11713553 [SPOILER] 
File: 402 KB, 1000x667, 1373098764081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm I wonder who could be behind all these motorcycle related posts...

>> No.11713577
File: 65 KB, 626x719, 1386822539407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drivig a motorbike looks real scary and they are loud i dont awnt to die i just wanna stay homr under covers posting on ota wheres its safe

>> No.11713577,1 [INTERNAL] 

Only some of them, not all of them! There were at least two other people posting about motorcycles here! Don't blame me!

>> No.11713577,2 [INTERNAL] 

What would you do if someone knocked on your door and said ``I'm from /jp/ and I'm here to suck it''?

>> No.11713577,3 [INTERNAL] 

Ne dickposter-san, why an SV650 and not a supersport? GSXRs are pretty cheap, aren't they? ~(˘▾˘~)

>> No.11713577,4 [INTERNAL] 

otamin my cock isn't as big as his but will you suck mine ? please

>> No.11713577,5 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off dude otamin is sucking MY cock

>> No.11713577,6 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't fight.. (⌒_⌒;)

>> No.11713577,7 [INTERNAL] 

turtletron said you were all talk no balls and never showed up to race against his raceporsche

>> No.11713577,8 [INTERNAL] 

Mostly price, but it was also the nicest looking naked standard when I checked, and the twin engine seemed interesting.

"Cool thanks" and then pull down my pants.

>> No.11713577,9 [INTERNAL] 

please keep yourself trimmed like in that pic or id have no desire to sugg it.

youd also have to be be hard and unclothed before i start, im not going to play with some floppy thing pants around your ankles like some porno vid

>> No.11713577,10 [INTERNAL] 

Are you really Arcueid kun?

>> No.11713577,11 [INTERNAL] 

i want otamins soft lips on my cock

>> No.11713577,12 [INTERNAL] 

My favorite meme

>> No.11713577,13 [INTERNAL] 

Amazing that T didn't spam his site in this thread. Does he event want to kill /ota/ or is he just that incompetent at marketing?

>> No.11713577,14 [INTERNAL] 

He's a 220-pound tranny with stubble.

>> No.11713577,15 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11713577,16 [INTERNAL] 

Go cyber him up or something.

>> No.11713577,17 [INTERNAL] 

don't ruin my fantasy f###ker

>> No.11713577,18 [INTERNAL] 

So you want to be gay, but your mom won't let you?

Get hardcore first.

>> No.11713577,19 [INTERNAL] 

no i want to be sucked by a cute otamin as what i pictured him in my mind not how you described her

>> No.11713577,20 [INTERNAL] 

That's strange, I was there all day that Saturday on my 636 and I didn't see a single 944.. (︶ω︶)

>> No.11713577,21 [INTERNAL] 

are you really a 220 pound tranny with stubble?

>> No.11713577,22 [INTERNAL] 

bread on seat liar

>> No.11713577,23 [INTERNAL] 

I've been mostly ignoring the tranny joke because I think it's omoshiroi, but I'm actually pretty comfortable with my gender.. If you want to know more about me you should take me out some time! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

>> No.11713577,24 [INTERNAL] 

Do you like Italian cuisine? Do you drink? ;))

>> No.11713577,25 [INTERNAL] 

are you feminine? you don't deny that you're 220 pounds?

>> No.11713577,26 [INTERNAL] 

Ano ne, it's in storage for the winter.. I'm not really willing to take an hour or more trip to prove that I have a bike which is only worth about 50 Benjamin-sans. (^~^)

>> No.11713577,27 [INTERNAL] 

Sure I do! My favorite Italian dishes make bad date food though, like cioppino.. Also, I only pour my own drinks so I hope you're not relying on any funny plans! (。≖ˇ∀ˇ≖。)

If I had something to be insecure about, don't you think I'd deny it? (。ゝω・。)

>> No.11713577,28 [INTERNAL] 

>because I think it's omoshiroi

You don't even know what omoshiroi means, do you?

>> No.11713577,29 [INTERNAL] 

I've heard it in anime before! ヾ(^∇^)

>> No.11713577,30 [INTERNAL] 

>My favorite Italian dishes make bad date food
>I only pour my own drinks
I am at loss of words. I don't know what to do.....
Would it be inappropriate to ask for an advice?

>> No.11713577,31 [INTERNAL] 

I would like to help but I can't, it's irresponsible to ask someone out and then to ask them to help plan it.. Ganbatte! (‐^▽^‐)

>> No.11713577,32 [INTERNAL] 

Well it means funny or interesting... I don't think you'd ignore a joke you found funny...

>> No.11713577,33 [INTERNAL] 

I corrected them and made it less funny, people might stop making the joke! (✿◠‿◠)

>> No.11713577,34 [INTERNAL] 

will you suck my 4 inch cock? nobody wants to suck mine becuse they all say it's too small

>> No.11713577,35 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit this guy doesn't know the true meaning of shitposting.

(....this is the kind of shitposters /jp/ is creating these days...)

>> No.11713577,36 [INTERNAL] 

I can't just commit to something like that with someone I don't know, but I don't think that's too small! Maybe if you post it you'll find someone that's willing to do it NSA. (^_−)

>> No.11713577,37 [INTERNAL] 

/ota/min, I would like to take you out on a date! Tell me where you live so I come pick you up!

>> No.11713577,38 [INTERNAL] 

You're still not taking enough initiative! The proper thing to do would be to tell me where you live and ask how far away I am. (ヘ。ヘ)

>> No.11713577,39 [INTERNAL] 

You're the girl, though. Answer to all my questions obediently.

>> No.11713577,40 [INTERNAL] 

I think you're on the wrong track, I would regroup and try again when you're ready! (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.11713577,41 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry but our date is off!

>> No.11713577,42 [INTERNAL] 

It's a bit disappointing, but you don't have to be sorry. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ

>> No.11713577,43 [INTERNAL] 

You made so many preparations and I cancelled so close to our date, of course I'd be sorry!

>> No.11713577,44 [INTERNAL] 

Kinishinai! Just remember, it's good to be confident but people want to feel respected. (๑^ᴗ^๑)

>> No.11713577,45 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry but our date's really off...

>> No.11713577,46 [INTERNAL] 

yo bitch wanna hop on my dick? its 9 inch long a real black beast

>> No.11713577,47 [INTERNAL] 

Listen, it's fine.. People get cold feet all the time, don't be too hard on yourself! ヾ(・ω・`。)

>> No.11713577,48 [INTERNAL] 

Listen you're really cool and all and I really wish we went on our date, but some stuff came up that's gonna get in the way of that... If you're really that determined on going on a date with me, come up with a time and a place, okay? I'm really sorry that this had to happen, please try to understand...

>> No.11713577,49 [INTERNAL] 

That's really impressive but it's not a selling point for me, sorry! (*^▽^)/

If you're just determined to know where I live, I've probably already posted enough to give it away. (o´ω`o)

>> No.11713577,50 [INTERNAL] 

Please just calm down... We can have our date at a later time. I really won't be able to make it. You're taking this a lot more personally than I thought you would. I would tell you what came up but it's something related with my personal life and I don't feel like we know each other well enough to go around telling you about all this... I realize dates like the one we were supposed to have are perfect for us to get to know each other and that this creates a vicious cycle, but it's really just a bunch of extraordinary circumstances that's preventing me from going on a date with you right now. Once I've dealt with what I have to deal with (it won't take that long, either...) we can go on a date. I'll even let you decide where you want to go and it will be my treat.

>> No.11713577,51 [INTERNAL] 

The man should really be deciding on where you will be going. If you aren't assertive, you'll never win /ota/min's heart.

>> No.11713577,52 [INTERNAL] 

God damn, I never thought /ota/min would be such a psycho bitch.

>> No.11713577,53 [INTERNAL] 

What's that, bitch-san? Did you get afraid by any chance? (´・_・`)

>> No.11713577,54 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry to hear that, I'll hope for the best for you.. (´・ω・)

I think people take that to heart in the wrong way sometimes! I don't think there are a lot of people that enjoy being bent to another person's will forcibly.. Well actually I guess there are, but executing a well-organized date is more about showing that you can take care of someone by giving them a nice evening. ( ´ ▽ ` )

>> No.11713577,55 [INTERNAL] 

Homosexuals are all like that.

>> No.11713577,56 [INTERNAL] 

Not bad, but you still have some work to do! (*≧▽≦)

>> No.11713577,57 [INTERNAL] 

Just stop it already... I already said I'm sorry what more doyou want met o say im tearing up an dits' like youre doing this on purpose jstu STOP harassing me PLEASE.........

>> No.11713577,58 [INTERNAL] 

Ano ne, Anonymous-san, you would know that very well, wouldn't you? (´∀`)

>> No.11713577,59 [INTERNAL] 

Omoshiroi, whore-san, aren't you perhaps a bit on the M side? (´⊙ω⊙`)

>> No.11713577,60 [INTERNAL] 

As would anyone else that lives in any major metropolis these days, freaks like you are in abundance.

>> No.11713577,61 [INTERNAL] 

You guys are really silly.. (。≖ˇ∀ˇ≖。)

>> No.11713577,62 [INTERNAL] 

By the way, I have to go.. Try not to cause too much trouble by impersonating me! And don't try anything funny on /ota/, the GENUIS is still active. (⌒▽⌒*)

>> No.11713577,63 [INTERNAL] 

It's cute how afraid you are of my hip new site killing /ota/.

It's pointless trying to delay the inevitable.

>> No.11713577,64 [INTERNAL] 

T, you've really sold out with this. It won't be long before you're selling ``T-Shirt'' T-shirts.

>> No.11713577,65 [INTERNAL] 

Why, what are you going to do about it? How are you going to stop me? I will do it just for the 1u1z. Just watch me, You shouldn't have fucked with me, n00b.

>> No.11713577,66 [INTERNAL] 

Check 'em ;)

>> No.11713577,67 [INTERNAL] 

Checked ;)

>> No.11713577,68 [INTERNAL] 

It's even cuter how this has been around all day and you waited until I said I was leaving to speak up, roleplayer-san! (•ˇ‿ˇ•)

I'm not going to do anything about it, but impersonating people isn't nice you know. ╮(•˘︿ ˘• )╭

>> No.11713577,69 [INTERNAL] 

Muda muda, impersonator-san, you are trying too hard. (▰˘︹˘▰)

>> No.11713577,70 [INTERNAL] 

I already go there to shitpost. /ota/ is getting owned....

>> No.11713577,71 [INTERNAL] 


Holy Shit!!!!
/ota/ getting OWNED!!

Shitposting rampage

>> No.11713577,72 [INTERNAL] 

One guy shitting on a dead dog isn't hard to do.

>> No.11713577,73 [INTERNAL] 

wtf where are the mods on /ota/????

>> No.11713577,74 [INTERNAL] 

Getting fucked in the ass by their boyfriends.

>> No.11713577,75 [INTERNAL] 

Well party's over the monkey is here.

>> No.11713577,76 [INTERNAL] 

What is ur problem?

>> No.11713577,77 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11713577,78 [INTERNAL] 

Guys, Nagi is getting owned by Suika and Mugen on Trev's shithole.

>> No.11713577,79 [INTERNAL] 

No one even posts there though.

>> No.11713577,80 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone can own Nagi

>> No.11713577,81 [INTERNAL] 

You know your board is too fucking shitty when the only thing entertaining going on around the place is Nagi getting owned time and time again.

Also fuck you T for bringing back the flags on /drive. you'll never quality shitposts from me again.

>> No.11713577,82 [INTERNAL] 

>you'll never


>> No.11713577,83 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah that's right.

>> No.11713577,84 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit the /ota/ admin really is dead.

>> No.11713577,85 [INTERNAL] 

Instant AIDS, its new virulent form of HIV.

>> No.11713577,86 [INTERNAL] 

Why the fuck is mugen posting on T's site? Did he betray /ota/?

>> No.11713577,87 [INTERNAL] 

He probably got bored of /ota/.

>> No.11713577,88 [INTERNAL] 

I like how no one ever spams /om/ and /2d/.

>> No.11713577,89 [INTERNAL] 

It's dead

>> No.11713577,90 [INTERNAL] 

No they're not, and they're much better boards than ota/jp/.

>> No.11713577,91 [INTERNAL] 

Yea 2 posts per day what a party!

>> No.11713577,92 [INTERNAL] 

Shut up.

>> No.11713577,93 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11713577,94 [INTERNAL] 

You only spammed 6 pages out of 15?

This was the most pathetic raid in the history of /jp/ raids.

>> No.11713577,95 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11713577,96 [INTERNAL] 

I just wanted to see if the /ota/ admin was still alive.

>> No.11713577,97 [INTERNAL] 

>call me a dirty ape

Funny coming from that long hair dirty flip LMAO

>> No.11713577,98 [INTERNAL] 

If that was why you would have done it when most people in the Americas were awake.

>> No.11713577,99 [INTERNAL] 

I could barely understand what you posted learn English before you post here.

>> No.11713577,100 [INTERNAL] 

It's a grammatically sound sentence minus a comma, I'm sorry to break it to you but you don't meet the IQ requirements to even be browsing here.

>> No.11713577,101 [INTERNAL] 

Whatever you say you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.11713577,102 [INTERNAL] 


I guess this means spammers really are subhuman?

>> No.11713577,103 [INTERNAL] 

Oh I apologize I don't consider inferior countries to be part of America.

>> No.11713577,104 [INTERNAL] 

I guess this means racists really are subhuman?

>> No.11713577,105 [INTERNAL] 

Okay I'm racist and black what about it?

>> No.11713577,106 [INTERNAL] 

Man that was a fun night on /ota/

>> No.11713577,107 [INTERNAL] 

Please stop paying attention to /ota/.

>> No.11713577,108 [INTERNAL] 

Man, that site is NEATO.

/ota/'s FINISHED.

>> No.11713577,109 [INTERNAL] 

virus do not click );

>> No.11713577,110 [INTERNAL] 

do you ever think to use a free dynamic dns or is this another one of those 'ironic' things

>> No.11713577,111 [INTERNAL] 

It's funny because it's everything that people claimed was wrong with /ota/ and has none of the redeeming qualities. And a few weeks in it's already down to 10 posts a day. Trevor, I think it's time for another staged suicide.

>> No.11713577,112 [INTERNAL] 

He made a ton of them. How new are you?


>> No.11713577,113 [INTERNAL] 

I really wanted to discuss Golden Time in there, just not with Finns, brs and Nagi.

>> No.11713577,114 [INTERNAL] 

Do you seriously not understand the intentional irony of the site's shittiness?

>> No.11713577,115 [INTERNAL] 

Kawaii new banner, T. Keep up the good work. Maybe if you spam Golden Time enough it'll become good.

>> No.11713577,116 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you even like this animu so much T.? It's so shitty it's painful.

>> No.11713577,117 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe he's being ironic?

>> No.11713577,118 [INTERNAL] 

Hiding stupidity and shit taste behind irony is so modern 2006.

>> No.11713577,119 [INTERNAL] 

How am I supposed to post on your websight when there is shitty music playing in the background?

>> No.11713577,120 [INTERNAL] 

You don't. It keeps the rabble out.

>> No.11713577,121 [INTERNAL] 

Then why are you still around.


>> No.11713577,122 [INTERNAL] 

Who's more autistic, /ota/min or Trevor?

>> No.11713577,123 [INTERNAL] 

They're the same person.

Tokiko = /ota/min = Trevor = Asuka Spammer = Gaybanana = Tohno-chan

>> No.11713577,124 [INTERNAL] 

Saa~ naa~, detective-san. |ω・)

>> No.11713577,125 [INTERNAL] 

is ota down for anyone else

>> No.11713577,126 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11713577,127 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11713577,128 [INTERNAL] 

its up for me

