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11704404 No.11704404 [Reply] [Original]

Please use Good/Neutral/Evil to judge these actions:

1. Cover the sky with red mist to go out without using umbrella.
2. Steal the spring to resurrect yourself and unseal an evil tree.
3. Gather people to party nonstop.
4. Make a fake moon to stop the alien from kidnapping people.
5. Take a nap and let the spirits run rampage.
6. Move your temple to a new location to convert more people.
7. Cause earthquake for fun.
8. Give an animal fusion power for industrialization and let it melt the world.
9. Unseal a youkai loving monk.
10. Gather spirits to resurrect to fight the youkai loving monk.
11. Start a revolt for no reason.

>> No.11704416

1) E
2) E
3) N
4) G/N depend on the effects
5) N/E
6) N
7) E
8) N/E (gotta keep a close eye or it end up like Chernobil)
9) G/N/E (depend on wether the monk is favorable to humans too)
10) G/N/E (still depend on the monk in question)
11) E

>> No.11704421

1: Neutral Evil
2: Chaotic Evil
3: Chaotic Neutral
4: Chaotic Good
5: Neutral
6: Lawful Evil
7: Chaotic Evil
8: Negligence
9: Accidental Good
10: Lawful Evil
11: Chaotic Neutral

>> No.11704452

1. Evil
2. Evil
3. Evil
4. Evil
5. Evil
6. Evil
7. Evil
8. Evil
9. Evil
10. Evil
11. Evil

>> No.11704458
File: 21 KB, 190x180, 1362853126123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu pls

>> No.11704469

EoSD - Evil:
> At the rate it was moving, the mist would reach past the shrine and descend to where humans lived. (...) The lake was entirely covered by the mysterious fog. A normal human would only survive for about 30 minutes in that fog, but non-humans too would have about thirty minutes.

PCB - Neutral:
The lack of spring would propably cause some agricultural damage in addition to cold and lack of cherry blossoms, but Yuyuko acted in good faith, if rather absentmindedly.

IaMP - Good:
Was there any consequence to Suika's mist other than constant parties and lack of summer heat?

IN - Good:
Temporary and done in self-defense. Not much to say here.

PoFV - Good:
It's not like she intended for that to happen and the incident resolved itself.

MoF - Good:
The reliance on faith to live that the gods have is justifying enough, especially since they ethics are propably a little bit more loose than that of a normal human.

SWR - Evil:
Causing people anguish for lolz, could have killed some unlucky people as well.

SA - Evil:
This time Kanako acted in a retarded way. Why the fuck toy with something so powerful and not even supervise it properly?

UFO - Good:
Why should she remain imprisoned if she's not a threat and only intends to gather faith.

TD - Good:
Also intends to gather faith and wants to keep Byakuren in check.

DDC - Neutral:
Seija DID seem to share Shinmyoumaru's ideology about the weak being oppressed.

>> No.11704470

1. Cover the sky with red mist to go out without using umbrella.

2. Steal the spring to resurrect yourself and unseal an evil tree.
Neutral depending on if spring is gone forever or not. Even then, it's just spring. You still get your other seasons.

3. Gather people to party nonstop.
Good or neutral depending on how out of control the partying gets.

4. Make a fake moon to stop the alien from kidnapping people.

5. Take a nap and let the spirits run rampage.
Neutral. It's not directly evil but shit, you only had one job.

6. Move your temple to a new location to convert more people.
Neutral. Even if people don't like your religion it's within your right to move it wherever you want as long as it doesn't cause trouble.

7. Cause earthquake for fun.

8. Give an animal fusion power for industrialization and let it melt the world.
Neutral but not evil due to irresponsibility.

9. Unseal a youkai loving monk.
Good as long as her agenda doesn't involve wiping out the humans to make room for the youkai.

10. Gather spirits to resurrect to fight the youkai loving monk.
Good or neutral depending on if the monk tried to pull some shit or not. If the monk didn't do anything then you're just being a dick.

11. Start a revolt for no reason.
Evil. Without a cause it's just a riot.

>> No.11704483

Lack of summer heat? Damn, I would lay down my life to protect that party.

>> No.11704486

>Was there any consequence to Suika's mist other than constant parties and lack of summer heat?

>A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those others suffer).

As terrible as the nine-alignments thing is, its a little more specific than three.

>> No.11704488

Someone post that ``political satire'' image.

>> No.11704502
File: 291 KB, 778x608, 1361308493135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.11704517

>Operation Makai Freedom
Every time

>> No.11704540

>Even then, it's just spring. You still get your other seasons.

Enjoy the ecosystem screwing up for the whole year then.

>> No.11704558


>> No.11704575

>1. Cover the sky with red mist to go out without using umbrella.
Red mist is not known to hurt anybody. It's just pure selfishness. Not that evil.

>2. Steal the spring to resurrect yourself and unseal an evil tree.
>Unsealing of an evil tree was an unforeseen threat. But prolonging the winter is against the law of nature itself, thus it's evil.

>3. Gather people to party nonstop.
I can't see anything wrong with that unless they causes public annoyance or vandalism.

>4. Make a fake moon to stop the alien from kidnapping people.
More accurately: Make a fake moon to cover themselves from being endangered. They are doing it to protect themselves, the method isn't evil at all and so does their intentions.

>5. Take a nap and let the spirits run rampage.
It's just pure laziness.

>6. Move your temple to a new location to convert more people.
They move to a place that was claimed by someone without permission. Could be evil, but since they manage to come to terms with the original land owner, it's no longer an evil thing.

>7. Cause earthquake for fun.
Evil. Even if questioning the motive and psyche, They are endangering others.

>8. Give an animal fusion power for industrialization and let it melt the world.
Pure Evil. Letting a mortal swallow a god and let her go on an outrage is never righteous.

>9. Unseal a youkai loving monk.
This matter is depended on an individual ethics. You make your own decision if this is good or bad.

>10. Gather spirits to resurrect to fight the youkai loving monk.
Refer to above. The chain event that lead to such thing however may causes damages to others.

>11. Start a revolt for no reason.
There must be a reason. We need to get into her psyche and analyze why.

>> No.11704577

>Red mist is not known to hurt anybody. It's just pure selfishness. Not that evil.
refer to
>>11704469 >> At the rate it was moving, the mist would reach past the shrine and descend to where humans lived. (...) The lake was entirely covered by the mysterious fog. A normal human would only survive for about 30 minutes in that fog, but non-humans too would have about thirty minutes.

>> No.11704582

Good * 11.

I don't see anything evil or neutral here.

>> No.11704589


>> No.11704591

>8. Give an animal fusion power for industrialization and let it melt the world.
Anyone got that picture of Kanako dangling the third eye in front of her like she's hypnotizing her? That's the picture I think of for this.

>> No.11704644
File: 1006 KB, 1122x958, ThGKPartIV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?

>> No.11704673

1. Evil
2. Evil
3. Good
4. Good
5. Neutral
6. Neutral
7. Evil
8. Evil
9. Neutral
10. Neutral/Evil (depends of the spirits and the monk in question)
11. Evil

>> No.11704966
File: 49 KB, 500x500, tenshi_corndog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look like everybody agreed that Tenshi is evil. Damn, she just wanted to have some funs. She also repaired what she did in the end.

>> No.11704971

1. Neutral Evil
2. Chaotic Evil
3. Chaotic Neutral
4. Chaotic Good
5. Neutral
6. Neutral
7. Chaotic Evil
8. Stupid Evil
9. Neutral Good
10. Neutral Evil
11. Chaotic Evil

>> No.11704974

Yeah, she repaired it, so it's all fine in the end, but doing it in the first place was the evil thing. She just atoned.

>> No.11704990

1. Evil
2. Evil
3. Neutral
4. Good
5. Neutral
6. Good
7. Evil
8. Evil
9. Neutral
10. Neutral
11. Evil

>> No.11704998

Tenshi did nothing wrong!

>> No.11704996

1. Fun
2. Fun
4. Fun and good!
5. Fun
6. Fun?
8. Fun
9. Fun, I guess
10. Fun
11. Fun

It's all fun!

>> No.11705063

>1. Cover the sky with red mist to go out without using umbrella.
well, she is a kid after all [Neutral]
>2. Steal the spring to resurrect yourself and unseal an evil tree.
that tree would keep in netherworld so...[Good]
>3. Gather people to party nonstop.
pary=fun [Good]
>4. Make a fake moon to stop the alien from kidnapping people.
They aren't pretty smart but still legal [Good]
>5. Take a nap and let the spirits run rampage.
Fault of the boss. [Neutral]
>6. Move your temple to a new location to convert more people.
You can't convert people using violence. [Evil]
>7. Cause earthquake for fun.
dangerous fun [Evil]
>8. Give an animal fusion power for industrialization and let it melt the world.
stupid as hell [stupid]
>9. Unseal a youkai loving monk.
Youkai are evil [Evil]
>10. Gather spirits to resurrect to fight the youkai loving monk.
Level the playing field [Good]
>11. Start a revolt for no reason.
no reason? this is oppression!! [Good]

>> No.11705076

>well, she is a kid after all [Neutral]

>At the rate it was moving, the mist would reach past the shrine and descend to where humans lived. (...) The lake was entirely covered by the mysterious fog. A normal human would only survive for about 30 minutes in that fog, but non-humans too would have about thirty minutes.

>> No.11705265

You forgot
-5 Destroy the shrine responsible for keeping you pock dimension separate from the outside world
-4 Steal the power of the shrine maiden responsible for keeping you pock dimension separate from the outside world
-3 Kidnap people in an attempt to prove your theory magic is real.
-2 Whatever was going on in LLS. I never really got that one
-1 Open a tourist agency to another realm without telling anyone causing it to be mistaken for an invasion

>> No.11705280
File: 32 KB, 226x161, chen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if both humans and non humans last 30 minutes in the mist, how did reimu and marisa not die

>> No.11705285

They were faster than 30 minutes.

>> No.11705310

1. N
2. G
3. N
4. G
5. N
6. N
7. E
8. E
9. G
10. N
11. N

The questions are asked in a way to suggest this sort of outcome.

No ghosts were going rampage.
Tree wasn't really evil.
Earthquakes(probably) didn't hurt anyone.
Etc etc

>> No.11705338

>Please use Good/Neutral/Evil to judge these actions
Why people still trying to judge actions like that? This shit is dumber than religion.

And touhou is meant to be morally ambiguous (if not completely lack it) anyway

>> No.11705376

1) neutral evil
2) neutral evil
3) chaotic neutral
4) neutral good
5) true neutral
6) lawful neutral
7) chaotic evil
8) lawful evil
9) chaotic good
10) miko isnt a youkai lover, but chaotic good all the same
11) chaotic neutral

>> No.11705390

2/5/10/11.... wut

>> No.11706886

Unless you do a pacifist run or time out every spellcard, the game ends in less than 30 minutes. Also Sakuya stopped time a few times.

>> No.11706895

This isn't D&D

>> No.11706916

They aren't normal humans.

>> No.11706941

So I can add a third term?

>> No.11707952

>1. Cover the sky with red mist to go out without using umbrella.
Considering it kills people, Evil

>2. Steal the spring to resurrect yourself and unseal an evil tree.
A very long winter in a non modern society might kill people of starvation, so Evil

>3. Gather people to party nonstop.
Cant remenber if there was a counterpart to it, so Good, i guess

>4. Make a fake moon to stop the alien from kidnapping people.
More like make a fake moon that makes people and youkai crazy to prevent moonbitches to go after them. Neutral

>5. Take a nap and let the spirits run rampage.

>6. Move your temple to a new location to convert more people.
The "move the temple" part is not bad, trying to absorb Reimu's shrine its bad, so Evil

>7. Cause earthquake for fun.
Thats fucking Evil

>8. Give an animal fusion power for industrialization and let it melt the world.
Good intentions but very bad conclusion. Neutral, i guess you could say it was an accident

>9. Unseal a youkai loving monk.
Good, for the youkai at least

>10. Gather spirits to resurrect to fight the youkai loving monk.
The spirits gathered themselves around Miko.The one behind the resurrection is Byakuren. Placing her temple on top of the mausoleum to try to stop the resurrection, actually triggered the resurrection. So that was pretty Evil and Dumb at the same time

>11. Start a revolt for no reason.
That would be Chaotic Good if we talk about Sukuna or Chaotic Evil if we are refering to Seija

>> No.11708809

>Take a nap and let the spirits run rampage.

OP confirmed for doesn't understand words

4. The moonmen weren't doing anything, Eirin was paranoid and had no justification, Kaguya was exiled forever from the Lunar Capital, why would they want to forcibly bring her back when she's one of the most heinous criminals in the eyes of the moonmen?

5. It's clearly stated that the events of PoFV are a natural phenomenon which occurs every 60 years; Komachi is the lazy one napping, not Shikieiki, Komachi's not the final boss.

10. The Divine Spirits were naturally drawn to Miko, Miko's resurrection was not dependent on them in any way, Miko's resurrection was a part of becoming immortal. There's no evidence of Miko being aware of Byakuren's existence prior to her resurrection.

11. Seija and Sukuna clearly state that the weak have had enough of being bullied and pushed around by the strong.

>> No.11708819

D&D doesn't even follow that system any more. Right now it's:

Lawful Good <-> Good <-> Neutral <-> Evil <-> Chaotic Evil

"Lawful Good" is "more" Good, and "Chaotic Evil" is "more" Evil. Chaotic Good and such no longer exist.

Basically, they ruined one of the coolest systems ever because the MMORPG crowd didn't understand it. Just like THAC0.

>> No.11708833

It's amazing how none of you morons have played/finished/read translations of Double Dealing Character's plot.

It's a populist rebellion of the weak and underprivileged against the oppressive powers that be;

Reimu B

Sukuna: I won't rest until you all know
the kind of humiliation that
the inchling race has endured!

Reimu: Inchling?!
They really exist?

Sukuna:Yes, of course!
You've always ignored the inchlings.
None of you understand the feelings
of the weak.
That's why I'm going to overthrow society!

Reimu: If you know you're weak, then
you should behave yourself.
That's the law of Gensokyo!
And besides, how does someone weak like you
expect to win against me?

Sakuya A
Sukuna:A human?
Do you need something?

Sakuya: Umm,
there was something I wanted to ask you about.

Sukuna: Hm?
That blade...
There's no doubt about it.
That's something I made into a tsukumogami as an experiment!

Wait, what?

Sukuna:You brought it all the way here?
Even humans are good for something.

Sakuya: No, well, I, er...

Sukuna: Thanks to the physical traits of the inchlings,
no matter what we do, we're powerless.
There's almost nobody who wants to ally with us.
We're just used, then thrown away.
I'm so glad you came all this way
just to meet me...

Sakuya: Excuse me, I am sorry to
kill the mood,
but things just kind of led me here.

Sukuna: Yes, I see.
You've been led by your tool.
Now, won't you join me
and turn the world upside-down?

Sakuya: So you are complicit in the amanojaku's resistance
as well.
I am already aligned with another influential power.
Unfortunately for you, I have no intention to
support rebels of any kind.

>> No.11708845
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>> No.11708857

Couldn't you just use the old version or something?

>> No.11708859

1. Chaotic Neutral
2. CN
3. CN
4. G
5. N
6. N
7. CN
8. CG Depending on if "melt the world" was foreseen.
9. Depends on purpose.
10. Depends on purpose.
11. CN

Gensokyo: the reason "Sealed Chaotic Neutral in a Can" should be a trope.

>> No.11708866

You could and a lot of people do. The problem is that all the rules and stats use the new system, so it's up to you to decide things like whether that Evil monster is Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic.

There might be balancing issues, e.g. with spells and classes that apply to specific alignments, but I don't think it would be a big deal.

>> No.11708868

And that's why 4.0 is shit. I chose to migrate to Pathfinder after that shit.

>> No.11708870

1) Neutral
2) Evil
3) Neutral
4) Good
5) Neutral
6) Neutral
7) Good/Evil depending on the damage done.
8) Good, in regards of industrialization
9) Good
10) Neutral

>> No.11708875
File: 105 KB, 850x577, sadm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does anyone have these for the PC-98s?

>> No.11708880

You could just use the old version completely and not use any new stuffs.

>> No.11708908

But then you're missing out on all the fantastic new Wizards of the Coast® merchandise!

>> No.11708960

1. evil
2. neutral/evil
4. good
5. neutral
6. neutral
7. evil
8. who cares we got some sweet tunes out of that game
9. neutral
10. neutral
11. *justified revolt, good

>> No.11708987

What is this corndog meme?

>> No.11709031


I thought the moon coverup was to prevent the Lunar Emissaries from bringing back Reisen who had recently run away from the front lines, not Kaguya.

>> No.11710073

>she's one of the most heinous criminals in the eyes of the moonmen
Huh, wasn't she forgiven? From Kaguya's profile:
>Kaguya is a former Lunarian who was expelled from the moon. [...] A few years later, she was allowed to return to the moon

>> No.11710106

>1. Cover the sky with red mist to go out without using umbrella.
Evil. Inconveniences others for your own benefit.
>2. Steal the spring to resurrect yourself and unseal an evil tree.
Evil. Inconveniences others for your own benefit.
>3. Gather people to party nonstop.
Good. The intention was benevolent, even if it had a self-serving element, and the way the intention was fulfilled was benevolent.
>4. Make a fake moon to stop the alien from kidnapping people.
Neutral. Not good, because this was done in self-defense and not in the interest of others.
>5. Take a nap and let the spirits run rampage.
Neutral. No ill intent behind the actions, despite the detrimental effects.
>6. Move your temple to a new location to convert more people.
Neutral. The move was out of desperation, but in the end was self-serving.
>7. Cause earthquake for fun.
Evil. Significant damage wrought for no good reason.
>8. Give an animal fusion power for industrialization and let it melt the world.
Good. Even though the project was irresponsible and the supervision was lacking, it was done with other people's benefit in mind.
>9. Unseal a youkai loving monk.
Good. The underground crew was resurrecting their master out of loyalty and gratitude, not for their own benefit.
>10. Gather spirits to resurrect to fight the youkai loving monk.
Neutral. Seiga was resurrecting the others for shits and giggles, but didn't have anything particularly malevolent in mind.
>11. Start a revolt for no reason.
Good. Minor demons and household objects need to be treated as equals and only a bigoted racial supremacist would claim otherwise.

>> No.11710163

OP doesn't imply these actions were done by the final boss. See:

>Give an animal fusion power for industrialization and let it melt the world.
Kanako didn't appear in SA at all but she's still the one responsible.

>Unseal a youkai loving monk.
Shou, Ichirin and Murasa organized it.

Most of the time the culprits are the final bosses but some cases like SA, UFO and DDC the final bosses aren't.

One thing more interesting about SA is some people say Okuu want to melt the surface world to get attention from Satori because it will stop Koishi from going up and Satori won't be sad any more.

>> No.11710218

>and let it melt the world

Speaking of this, it's one of the weirdest misconceptions I've seen. Everything went according to their plan (which did not include any nuclear disasters), and you won't know how much they'd let Okuu do if it didn't, since she'd never actually done anything. Most likely, nobody would even know about the whole ordeal if Orin didn't panic and cause an actual incident with her spirits.

>> No.11710847
File: 360 KB, 903x956, 40277519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okuu wanted to melt the surface world to get attention from Satori because it would stop Koishi from going up
It's implied Koishi wasn't interested in upper world until she found out about Okuu's power:
>She heard that a human had come from above ground and had fought with her sister, Okuu, and the other pets, and was amazed at the incredible power-up Okuu had gotten, so she decided to go see the above ground world herself.

Anyway Okuu is not evil because she is so cute and I want to cuddle with her and have sex with her and impregnate her and raise children with her.

>> No.11710854

Typical dumbfuck Okuutard

>> No.11710862

Your post made me smile

>> No.11710870

You people make terms for everything.

>> No.11710890
File: 1.65 MB, 2480x1753, 1387122791923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason Okuu wanted to set fire to the surface to help fuel the Hell of Blazing fires. She really couldn't think of anything else since her power was just becoming too much for her to bear both physically and mentally. She couldn't control her power at all at first and had to release it, hence the geyser. The Yatagarasu pretty much drove her mad until Reimu came along and set things straight.
