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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11703870 No.11703870[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/,

How are you doing? Still in the same old spot, rooted to your computer, drinking the night away?

Let's have a NEET/hikkikomoti general.
How far will you go just to not leave your room? How much sunlight do you see a week? You know the game.

>> No.11703874

NEET threads aren't allowed anymore OP.

>> No.11703880

>How far will you go just to not leave your room?

I don't have one.

>How much sunlight do you see a week?

Most of the time only the sun that comes through windows.

>> No.11703879

Good one, dude.

>> No.11703883

What is it that you are trying to do by posting this thread?

>> No.11703884

Shut up dyke.

>> No.11703894

How do I leech off the gubment? Who do I fake disabilities to?

>> No.11703901

My piss jugs are starting to worry me. They're turning darker. One of them smells like beef jerky when I open it. I didn't have this problem ever. I did have a problem with one of my piss jugs turning brittle and shattering after sitting for a while, though. Rotten piss ended up leaking onto my floor.

>> No.11703903

Does anyone know what happened to Jani-kun? I'm afraid to go to bed and miss the great purge.

>> No.11703909
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Shit that was a disgusting post. I'm not grossed out by much but something about that I found exceptionally disgusting.

It's thursday night, he's off partying with his college bros.

>> No.11703919

It's a test to see if we manage without moderation. Guess how we're doing so far.

>> No.11703923

Absolutely great?

This is fine.

>> No.11703932

Well I'm doing you're mom

>> No.11703936


I almost pissed myself in fury when I logged into /jp/ today.

I see the usual... hmm, kancolle thread, touhou general, idols, anime cosplay general... all good... WHAT??????? FUCKING FUN THREADS? WHO ALLOWED THESE FUCKING FUN THREADS THAT DEVIATES FROM WHAT IS TYPICAL OF THIS PLACE?

It was really traumatic, still recovering. I just wish /q/ was still here so I could complain about it there.

>> No.11703944

One or two fun threads is fine but when /jp/ is overrun by fucking retards like Trevor, fake Trevor, and you who constantly shit on /jp/ for being boring and full of generals while idolizing and making off-topic dumb shit threads en masse the whole board becomes hsit.

>> No.11703954


>One or two fun threads is fine

Yes, I agree. We should keep the amount of pleasure people can derive from using this board to a minimum. We can't have its users being content with its quality. It needs to be shitty because my gay asshole decrees it.

>> No.11703953

Good? None of the on-topic threads are effected at all.

Remember the diet thread jani had to baby-sit for days?
Here's a similar thread >>11701437 doing fine without any moderation or shitposters.

>> No.11703955

Just ignore the threads you don't like dipshit.

I'm not a very big fan of 3D idol threads, but the difference between me and you is that I don't try to kick you out viciously for liking them.

>> No.11703957

The jani only has to baby-sit threads because you get mad when you can't have your shitty circle-jerking threads and shit them up for days.

>> No.11703962

I put up with shit on-topic threads I don't like and report shit attention-whoring off-topic threads I don't like. It's really easy. Go fuck off to Trevor's new board or something, I'm sure you'll like it there, since all you ever do is bitch about the janitor and talk politics/philosphy.

>> No.11703965

If this is a meta thread, can we talk about why kigurumi is still not deleted?

It is anime cosplay. Its only separating feature is that it's proprietary-only/mass-produced costumes instead of home made ones Why isn't it on /cgl/ with all the other anime cosplay? This is really confusing to me.

>> No.11703968

Da~ka~ra~ , it's the new /jp/ deshou!? Shouganai, imawa anta should just deal with it desuyo!

>> No.11703970

Protected /jp/ heritage. Don't question it.

>> No.11703971


Are you that one retard who throws a tantrum on any time people talk about the janitor's fuckups?

Actually that's rhetorical, it's clearly you from your writing style. I was just pointing that out.

>> No.11703974

>Its only separating feature is that it's proprietary-only/mass-produced costumes instead of home made ones Why isn't it on /cgl/ with all the other anime cosplay?
Do you mean the other way around? There are a bunch of places I could order an entire Reimu cosplay set from right now, but the people in the kig threads are always bitching about individual masks and makers.

>> No.11703975

>Are you that one retard who throws a tantrum on any time people talk about the janitor's fuckups?
Only when the people doing the complaining are Trevor, fake Trevor, or normieshitguy.

>> No.11703976
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Sorry for the quality, it's all I have at the moment. The one on the right is about three months old.

>> No.11703977


Why does all kigurumi look identical and nearly all come from professional vendors? Sorry, you aren't convincing anyone.

>> No.11703981

How do you know it's one of them and not some random guy who got his thread deleted?

>> No.11703979

>Why does all kigurumi look identical
Because anime face.

>and nearly all come from professional vendors?
Such as?

>> No.11703986

Because he put "4Pq7ZkSFpA" in the name field.

>> No.11703992

Definite proof yeah.

>> No.11703993

>I'm sure you'll like it there, since all you ever do is bitch about the janitor and talk politics/philosphy.

No it's not.

Why don't you pull out the stick you have shoved up your ass and co-exist with other posters?

Are you kidding me? /cgl/ is the girl board. Kigs would freak them out and they would nonstop bitch.

Furthermore almost everything officially allowed on /jp/ could go on other boards if you want to bring that up.

>> No.11703995

>Definite proof yeah.
Sorry - either Trevor, fake Trevor, or people pretending to be fake Trevor.

>Why don't you pull out the stick you have shoved up your ass and co-exist with other posters?
Why don't you fuck off and stop trying to proclaim that garbage shit threads are the only good thing about /jp/?

>> No.11704000


Listen, retard: this isn't hard to understand. Kigurumi is anime cosplay. The only thing that makes it 'kigurumi' as opposed to just 'cosplay' is that the suits are proprietary and low quality (painted fabric or foam; no dimensional texture) and nearly identical.

>> No.11704004

>The only thing that makes it 'kigurumi' as opposed to just 'cosplay' is that the suits are proprietary.
If you repeat yourself over and over again instead of identifying the vendors you were asked for surely you can bully anybody onto your side.

>> No.11704007

You never cease to disgust me anons.

>> No.11704006


Sorry, this isn't how arguments work. Anyone non-retarded can tell what I'm saying is right. You can't go "UNLESS YOU CAN PROVIDE PROOF THAT EVERY APPLE WHICH EVER FALLS ON THE PLANET WILL CONVEY ITSELF DOWNWARDS, GRAVITY IS FAKE!" and expect to be taken seriously.

>> No.11704009

>Sorry, this isn't how arguments work. Anyone non-retarded can tell what I'm saying is right.
Then you're not having an argument. You're just posting an identical unsupported speech over and over and again in the hopes that people will get sick of talking to you.

>> No.11704010

Did someone link /a/ to this thread? It smells like troglodyte in here.

Particularly strong odors from these posts:


>> No.11704012


Nah, I'm clearly not doing that. It's plain as day to anyone with eyes that kigurumi is identical and low quality and that these things are the only special things about it. Beyond that it is simply plain jane anime cosplay.

>> No.11704013

3 months? That's kind of hard to believe. Mine turns almost black just after a few days.
That's normal, right?

>> No.11704015

That last one's a pun, right?

>> No.11704017

>Nah, I'm clearly not doing that.
Right after saying that, you did it again.

I suppose retarded troll attempts (are you attempting to piss off the kigmod now) are also a part of otaku culture, so have fun.

>> No.11704024

This guy.

You still haven't posted any vendors that mass-produce kig masks.
The quality and similarity of kigs is not in question here.

>> No.11704020


The last one is probably arc/dickposter/cousinfucker/motorcyclerider, notorious normal person, non-human and /a/ user.

>> No.11704025


People who ignore their opponent's argument do so because they realize they are wrong and have no chance confronting the issue directly. Nice to see you're admitting that I am the dominant logician in this case and that you are objectively incorrect.

>> No.11704027

>People who ignore their opponent's argument do so because they realize they are wrong.
I'm glad you've conceded defeat, having ignored basic logic and reality for five posts running.

>> No.11704028

I thought the walls of his room were white.

>> No.11704030


Why are you still talking to me...?

You've forfeited the argument, it's over.

>> No.11704032

I'm simply make it clear to all observers that you don't actually care about being right, just trolling people who disagree into the stratosphere (which is pretty easy when you just make shit up and adamantly stick by it).

Anyway, your threads are shit, your posts are shit, get the fuck off of /jp/ and stop bumping your shitty Asuka thread, thanks.

>> No.11704034


What are you talking about? Has losing the argument turned you into a raving retard?

>> No.11704035

I don't even particularly like kigurumi so I'll say that it looks like shit and doesn't belong on this board.
Now please, for the love of god, post some kig vendors.

>> No.11704036

Please don't pretend to be retarded ^_^

>> No.11704041


What does kigurumi vendors' existence or nonexistence (obviously they exist since there is demand for them, I just don't feel like doing your job for you) have to do with the fact that kigurumi is shitty anime cosplay and, beyond its shittiness, there is nothing remarkable about it which sets it apart and makes it belong here instead of /cgl/?

>> No.11704039
File: 469 KB, 720x720, 1381880771055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the funniest post I've read all day, dweeb.

Grade A stuff right there, top notch.

>> No.11704040

You're wasting your time if you think you're going to get anything remotely coherent out of /jp/'s queen shitter.

>> No.11704044

I want a NEET GF
jp pls

>> No.11704048

I'm sure you can find a cute /jp/ boy who will pretend to be a girl for you!

>> No.11704050

I was just curious if you were actually going to post anything. No need to be so aggressive buddy.

>> No.11704051

I want a loli girlfriend.

>> No.11704053


>> No.11704054

I want any girlfriend ;_;

>> No.11704062

>niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea)
Do you also want to move mahjong to /tg/ and tea to /ck/?

Or better still, move touhou to /v/?

>> No.11704066

You're nothing more than an animal looking to satisfy its urges with an attitude like that. Disgusting.

>> No.11704068

Me too jp, me too.

>> No.11704069


So your reason that kigurumi is "AoC said so"?

Literally, that's all? No logical basis, just 'AUTHORITY SAY SO THUS IT MUST BE TRUE'

>> No.11704071

Even a girlfriend who would call me a disgusting animal would be okay as long as I could do ecchi things with her...

>> No.11704073

Even if she were an old lady? Things like that are gross.

>> No.11704074


that kigurumi is board-related*

>> No.11704077

Well, when I said "girlfriend" I was thinking of someone not so old, so I guess I wouldn't want that... Like, maybe if she was over forty that would be pushing it.

>> No.11704078
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So? Nothing wrong with that.

A strong libido is healthy.

>> No.11704079

/jp/ has literally always been "shit that no-one else wants". No-one else wants kigurumi.

>> No.11704082

so that's why we're stuck with all the retards

it finally makes sense

>> No.11704084


Sorry, this isn't an excuse.

>> No.11704087
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>> No.11704088


Why are you still sharing your thoughts with us? You realize nobody wants to see them, right?

>> No.11704096

I think people should have some discretion, especially over who they choose to do lewd things with. Would you rather put it in some old dried up lady whose vagina is loose, hairy, and feels like leather, or a loli whose vagina is dripping with excitement, is hairless, and is nice and snug and makes you feel like your dick is being given a world-class massage when you put it in?

>> No.11704098

My mom lured me out to a seafood restaurant tonight so long as I Drive
She embarrassed me a lot with her ways.

First of all she asked for just water to drink as she brought her own coffee from the gas station. Then she asked for a plate of lemons and started making a lemonade right in front of the waitress.
When they brought her food it wasn't what she thought it was supposed to be and had the manager come out and listen to her complaints because she wanted to order something that wasn't on the menu. The manager stood there for 5 minutes or more as my mom tried to comprehend that they couldn't make her what she wanted so she eventually ordered salmon, she described the way she wanted it to be cooked as "only garlic, no butter unless it's pam." The manager kept looking at me the whole time.
When they finally brought her food out the vegetables apparently didn't have the minimum required amount of broccoli so the waitress had to come and redo that as well.

I felt all of the other customers staring at us so once I finished my mom got a to-go box for herself and I said I'll go get the car ready and sat in it outside until she was done.

>> No.11704099

beggars can't be choosers

>> No.11704100

Oyasumi /jp/~

>> No.11704103
File: 49 KB, 197x330, goodnight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 story, I was amused.

I can picture your mom in my head.

I wouldn't, I can't even afford a lawyer.

>> No.11704125

Is my piss purifying because my soul is so pure? I work hard to keep it that way.

>> No.11704122

They are going through a process of purifying. Fun fact if you boil purified urine you can get a form of phosphorous.

>> No.11704128

That is probably the case.

>> No.11704149

>I'm sure you can find a cute /jp/ ________
I swear to God you just copy/paste this post, OP. How many times have I read the same fucking line over and over.

>> No.11704152

Every day is repost day.

>> No.11704156



Close, but no.


>> No.11704160

I'm taking a break from NEET life to work a temporary Christmas job. Don't forget about me /jp/...

>> No.11704174

But Siztra!4Pq7ZkSFpA is from /a/ though, so we got a melting pot in here

>> No.11704178

do your best!

>> No.11704184

I wish to sexually abuse a cute neet girl. Any cute neet girls here

>> No.11704198
File: 145 KB, 1200x676, 1340817976265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET girl here...

>> No.11704203


>> No.11704206

are you really a gril?

>> No.11704214

You sound very condescending in your post, like you're a normal taking a peek at the "/jp/ weirdos".

Anyway, I fucking hate the time around christmas / new year. The atmosphere is noxious and the fake, put-on "joy" and "happiness" are annoying.

>> No.11704221

> /jp/er
> gets drunk

Does not compute.

Most likely kigurumi is on /jp/ because it's still too edgy for most people. If any board were to accept it, it would most likely be /jp/, so that's why its here.

>> No.11704224

Yeah... is that weird?

>> No.11704224,1 [INTERNAL] 

I think janitor shits up these threads himself so he can justify their deletion.

>> No.11704224,2 [INTERNAL] 

I think you are legally retarded and should suck my cock.

>> No.11704224,3 [INTERNAL] 

I thought it was 2kike putting the #trevor tripcode on his name, or is he just trying to steal someone else's effort again?

>> No.11704224,4 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks for the encouragement. I've bought some games with the money I earned but still, I am really looking forward to NEETing it easy again

4Pq is a subhum/a/n who didn't quit at the height of his meager popularity and is now just making himself look worse with every day. I don't think anyone would want to impersonate that.

>> No.11704224,5 [INTERNAL] 

today i pooped
