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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 167 KB, 720x1280, rovert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11630188 No.11630188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey Trevor.

I just wanted to let you know that dad is still supremely disappointed in you. He says you're not getting that "much needed" surfboard for Christmas.

Anyways, take care or something.

>> No.11630195

im growing beard hairs /jp/

maybe it will attract lolis

>> No.11630200

dat nose

>> No.11630208
File: 196 KB, 506x708, archduke-vipper-eq-tokiko-nameless--x153-namelssbookreadingyouko-moetron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11630208,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11630219

Does anyone have that trevor and his mom picture.

>> No.11630227
File: 159 KB, 720x1280, roverT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11630241

Da fuq is that?

He looks like a friken nerd there.

>> No.11630245
File: 1.76 MB, 660x4600, do_sudos_dream_of_NEET_pigs?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what to do, /jp/.

>> No.11630252

Do you really believe the badass routine?

>> No.11630260

He should cosplay as Green Arrow.

>> No.11630259

Dude, this guy is Robert, Trevor's successful older brother.

>> No.11630274
File: 2.36 MB, 3000x4604, 1377299840466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the /jp/ personality thread?

>> No.11630281

What the fuck, this was all the same guy?

>> No.11630286

I want to be him

>> No.11630289

Oh man I love this guy.

Did he also make the onahole cleaning video?

>> No.11630291


>> No.11630292

I knew the others were him, but the money one looks like something taken professionally. I'm surprised to see it's also him

does he fuck girls?

>> No.11630299

Given how he acts in the slut attack video, I highly doubt it.

>> No.11630306

Is it Arc?

Someone post that picture of him sucking a candy cane.

Also I remember a few /jp/ pictures with piles of money. Same guy?

>> No.11630308

it's funny because arc is black.

>> No.11630312
File: 29 KB, 474x595, thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oldfag five!

>> No.11630314
File: 219 KB, 700x560, ee8l9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it.

He looks white here.

Also I guess it's him. Toshiba laptop.

>> No.11630323

I think there is something wrong with this guy.

>> No.11630325

next you will be telling me jones isn't jewish.

>> No.11630326

This is amazing.

>> No.11630338

!ARCIkc4cG6 confirmed for smexiest /jp/er.

>> No.11630346

I doubt ``dick spammer"" is Arc, he lives in Arizona and Arc said he lives in Brooklyn or the Bronx or something like that.

Also wasn't he a cripple or had some kind of leg problems that would prohibit him from using a motorcycle?

>> No.11630354

I need more pictures of Arc for analysis please, the ones I'm finding in the archive are expired images.

There was one in particular that showed his desk with some figs on it, they might have been the same ones as on cockspammers desk.

>> No.11630354,1 [INTERNAL] 


Same ones.

>> No.11630354,2 [INTERNAL] 

Is that even Arc?

>> No.11630354,3 [INTERNAL] 

Could it be?? He has the same black spot(mole?) about an inch from the corner of his cheek as this

BUT he doesn't have that mole under his right nostril it looks like. This is going to require some serious investigation, I have my doubts but there are too many coincidences.

>> No.11630354,4 [INTERNAL] 

Yes. View same or something.

Same bed, same room, etc.

Newer pic: >>11578961

>> No.11630354,5 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu detectives are amazing.

>> No.11630354,6 [INTERNAL] 

that isn't arc but it is dick spammer

>> No.11630354,7 [INTERNAL] 

I'm unironically ashamed it's taken people this long.

Remember when people would know every milk pic was hers? The good old days...

>> No.11630354,8 [INTERNAL] 

Same monitor, same figures, different desk, same room.

>> No.11630354,9 [INTERNAL] 

It used to be cleaner. I wonder what happened.

>> No.11630354,10 [INTERNAL] 

>Newer pic : >>11578961
Wow, this guy must love apple juice.

>> No.11630354,11 [INTERNAL] 

>different desk



>> No.11630354,12 [INTERNAL] 

How long until we find out that Arc created the Trevor persona?

>> No.11630354,13 [INTERNAL] 

The first image was before 2010, but everything else is the same, stop being a douche, I'm getting sad for your post.

>> No.11630354,14 [INTERNAL] 


Based on his skin color, hair style and mole I think we can say for sure they are the same person. The same miku figure, laptop and possible monitor do help to confirm this.

I do however have sincere doubts that he is Arc though based on things hes said in the past compared to dickspammer's blogposts.

>> No.11630354,15 [INTERNAL] 

dick spamming faggot is a spic in denial
arc looks black
not rocket science here guys

>> No.11630354,16 [INTERNAL] 

You mean every didn't already know this? (; ̄Д ̄)

The one that spelled "/jp/"? That was me! (*^ワ^*)

>> No.11630354,17 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11630354,18 [INTERNAL] 

I thought dick spammer was mixed. That's what he said a few years ago.

>> No.11630354,19 [INTERNAL] 

Oh man I remember when
Dick spammer = CP spammer = NSJ = wtH = Quality Control = plsre spammer
The Good Old Days...

>> No.11630354,20 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not sure either, the dick spammer looks spic to me but he always said he was american, ARC looks like a nigger to me, but in the picture with the money he looks kinda white, probably he used photoshop or something.

>> No.11630354,21 [INTERNAL] 

I found another proof, is there a board to talk about this?

>> No.11630354,22 [INTERNAL] 

Just post it here.

>> No.11630354,23 [INTERNAL] 

Okay, but we really need our own thread to upload pictures.


>> No.11630354,24 [INTERNAL] 

What is the black on that right hand

>> No.11630354,25 [INTERNAL] 

That was just to compare the hairy hands.

This is the right hand comparison.
Left is the cousin butt pooping story.

>> No.11630354,26 [INTERNAL] 

Make a new thread or something. It'll just be deleted in the end and be no different than this thread.

>> No.11630354,27 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry, I meant board.

>> No.11630354,28 [INTERNAL] 

What about some spinoff? /ota/ or Sparky's is still up, right? What about neet.to?

>> No.11630354,29 [INTERNAL] 

We can't talk about that kind of stuff on /ota/ because the admin hates everything western and 3d, I fucking hate Sparks so no, NEET.to? I don't trust that guy.

>> No.11630354,30 [INTERNAL] 

>what about neet.to?


>> No.11630354,31 [INTERNAL] 

Not to alarm you guys but I'll be releasing my new /jp/ off-shoot site later tonight.

Expect a link in about 20 minutes.

>> No.11630354,32 [INTERNAL] 

Ironic or not, don't even bother.

>> No.11630354,33 [INTERNAL] 

Scared of the competition?~~~

>> No.11630354,34 [INTERNAL] 

You know shitposter-san, just because I delete something doesn't mean I don't like it. I didn't write the rules, I just enforce them! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

>> No.11630354,35 [INTERNAL] 

No, too many spin-off boards for this year, I also don't trust you.

>> No.11630354,36 [INTERNAL] 


Scaredy boy is scared of a little competition!!!!!!


>> No.11630354,37 [INTERNAL] 

I don't have a board dude, I asking for one to talk about White Ren, just go to another thread if you don't want to talk about the cousin/cock spammer.

>> No.11630354,38 [INTERNAL] 






>> No.11630354,39 [INTERNAL] 

Rhis new secret club will be destroyed by the shitposters face it T.

>> No.11630354,40 [INTERNAL] 

Attention Warosu Detectives!

I just found another good picture of him, was doing some unrelated archive searching and came across this



Same pajamas(?) as this
Also same hairy arms and moles.

This is fun, its like milky holmes in real life.

>> No.11630354,41 [INTERNAL] 

Dude anybody who's anybody already knew this

>> No.11630354,42 [INTERNAL] 

Well I suddenly feel a lot better about my own body. Geez.

>> No.11630354,43 [INTERNAL] 

We make a great team.


>> No.11630354,44 [INTERNAL] 

There is also an entry on the /jp/ meetup map in Arizona

>> No.11630354,45 [INTERNAL] 

lmao what a fag

>> No.11630354,46 [INTERNAL] 

let's talk about it on what-ch.

>> No.11630354,47 [INTERNAL] 

Guys, I found another one...

This time is the cockspammer with White Ren taking a bath.


>> No.11630354,48 [INTERNAL] 

Do you guys seriously want to pick on the original White Ren? Do you have something against good posters who were leaders against the swarms of normalfags(probably you guys) from ruining everything? He's a thing of the past anyway, he lost and the normalfags won. I'll always view him as a hero though.

>> No.11630354,49 [INTERNAL] 

Nothing is sacred.

>> No.11630354,50 [INTERNAL] 

this has already been known.

is what-ch down for anyone else?

>> No.11630354,51 [INTERNAL] 

That guy is not the original Ren

He's not even from Alabama

>> No.11630354,52 [INTERNAL] 

Whire Ren or not, I just want to be part of this mystery.

>I'll always view him as a hero though.
ZUN !beard was my hero but he started hanging out with Milgs, ♪ muh feelings can't explain ♫

>> No.11630354,53 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think anyone is picking on him.

>> No.11630354,54 [INTERNAL] 

He's so ugly
Balding, hairy, gross buttery skin tone, and negroid features.

The fact he is obsessed with taking selfies and talking about himself are just weird quirks.

>> No.11630354,55 [INTERNAL] 

not everybody can be a hairless feminine boy who produces more estrogen than testosterone. how are your hips and boobs coming along gurl?

>> No.11630354,56 [INTERNAL] 

Bodyhair is objectively unattractive on males or females. This isn't the 1950s, all cultures are shaving/waxing/lasering that shit off.

Nice try coping with the fact you're an ape.

>> No.11630354,57 [INTERNAL] 

People who don't let themselves just get as hairy as possible are missing out. As someone who lives in a place with a cold climate, it feels fantastic. What are you worried about, that the ladies won't like the way it looks? LOL what a fucking normal.

>> No.11630354,58 [INTERNAL] 

I find weird that I have nice beard but I don't have chest hair, in fact I have 3 small hairs in my chest, there are no balds in my family.

>> No.11630354,59 [INTERNAL] 

nope, women get wet just thinking about guys like hugh jackman. i know you're jealous cause your chest has less hair than even women cause all that estrogen you produce from rocking out to justin beiber all day.

>> No.11630354,60 [INTERNAL] 

If that were true then why I'm still a virgin LMAO!

>> No.11630354,61 [INTERNAL] 

I probably have more bodyhair than you but I take care of myself because I know it looks like shit and is unhygienic.

>> No.11630354,62 [INTERNAL] 

Some hairy fuck comes with a razor and you think that of me? I am the one who Waxes.

>> No.11630354,63 [INTERNAL] 

try bathing more than once a week loser. your leg hair, arm, and chest hair isn't unhygienic and doesn't smell unless you're homeless.

it's like god himself gave me the most beautifully shaped chest hair possible. your dark peach fuse doesn't compare.

you aren't a guy who's like hugh jackman LMAO!

>> No.11630354,64 [INTERNAL] 

peach fuzz

>> No.11630354,65 [INTERNAL] 

Finn-chan, please.

>> No.11630354,66 [INTERNAL] 

You know, one time I was pretty close to a little girl. We spent a lot of time together doing things. Mainy we'd do physical activities though, like play fighting, or hugging, or sometimes she'd use me as furniture while watching something on the TV, ect. Physical things. Anyway that's not the point of the story. The point of the story is that whenever we did any of those things, especially when we were in the bed or on the couch, she'd always play with my body hair. She'd run her hands over my legs and arms and tell me I was really hairy, and sometimes she'd just absentmindedly play with and twirl the same body hair she commented on. Whenever I had my arm above my head with my armpit hair showing, she'd always inquisitively look at it and giggle when I asked her what was wrong. Often times she'd rub her face against mine and tell me that it was too hairy. When I shaved she'd lick my face.

I'm pretty sure she liked my body hair. I do not shave just incase more little girls like body hair.

>> No.11630354,67 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, and she'd also stare at and laugh at my belly hair whenever I pulled my shirt up to wipe off any sweat.

Like I said, the body hair interested her and I think she liked it more than she disliked it.

>> No.11630354,68 [INTERNAL] 

She wanted the dick.

>> No.11630354,69 [INTERNAL] 

Do little girls like body hair that much or was she some sort of pervert?

>> No.11630354,70 [INTERNAL] 

>When I shaved she'd lick my face.
u wot m8

>> No.11630354,71 [INTERNAL] 

I could confirm this, my nieces and nephews also seem fascinated and like to touch my hairy legs and my stubble.

>> No.11630354,72 [INTERNAL] 

Average /jp/edo.

>> No.11630354,73 [INTERNAL] 

Read the comments if you want some inspiration to mow down some normies. Remember that this is the way the average person thinks. There's no reason to hold back.

>> No.11630354,74 [INTERNAL] 

The only woman I've ended up in bed with confessed to me that she loved my body hair the night we got drunk and got together. She was pretty cute for what I could expect from a partner. Don't worry though, we ended up not fucking because I'm low functioning so I can still be part of the club.

>> No.11630354,75 [INTERNAL] 

>she loved my body hair the night we got drunk and got together
>we ended up not fucking because I'm low functioning so I can still be part of the club.

that seems valid
everything you say is true anyway fucking non-virgin

>> No.11630354,76 [INTERNAL] 


fucking normie

>> No.11630354,77 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11630354,78 [INTERNAL] 

If my face wasn't smooth she'd lightly bite my cheek instead. I guess that girl was a bit odd, but all the things she did made me feel that she liked me.

>> No.11630354,79 [INTERNAL] 

ugly hands
overly hairy arms

>> No.11630354,80 [INTERNAL] 

White Ren has a lot of time on his hands.

>> No.11630354,81 [INTERNAL] 

Is this his twitter?


>> No.11630354,82 [INTERNAL] 

I don't have a twitter account.

>> No.11630354,83 [INTERNAL] 

keep up the good work pls

>> No.11630354,84 [INTERNAL] 

This is definitely one of my favourite fleeting memes of the year. Too bad that rich wannabe derailed the thread.

>> No.11630354,85 [INTERNAL] 

Please explain to me in bite-size format. I don't want to read the thread.

>> No.11630354,86 [INTERNAL] 

T-Dawg made a thread.

Someone posted a different attention whore.

Attention shifted away from Big T.

>> No.11630354,87 [INTERNAL] 

>T-Dawg made a thread.

Nope. The other guy.

>> No.11630354,88 [INTERNAL] 

u w0t
