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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11591339 No.11591339 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, anyone ever been to a 2hu concert before?
Thinking of taking a week off and getting a flight there for this one. Would they even let a non-nippon in their clubs, though? Anything else to do while around the area?


>> No.11591352

ZUN does concerts?

>> No.11591353

Just wait for the Flowering Night.

>> No.11591354

Jesus get over Touhou already it's dead.

>> No.11591365

Its that Cytokine is there that interests me, to be honest. I'm only aware of two other times they've done anything live, though I might be wrong.

>> No.11591373


You can call touhou dead when you can find more musical arranges of another series.

Don't worry, a few dozen terabytes will do. Get cracking!

>> No.11591393

>a week off
get OUT of /jp/

>> No.11591399

>implying all weebs are neets and poorfags

>> No.11591430

Beethoven's Symphonies? ¯\(ツ)/¯

>> No.11591448

I went to one of them and the people made me feel uncomfortable so I took a HELLa lot of drugs so that it was possible to ignore them and have a good time. It would not be possible under sober circumstances.

>> No.11591455

Holy fuck, that sounds fucking pathetic.

An event for normies, except it's full of weebs and fat NEETs!

>> No.11591462

Yeah, that's a nice series

>> No.11591471

1. IOSYS song plays
2. Everyone does the dance from the Flash video
3. Pass out from overpowering stench of sweat

>> No.11591500

Looks like it will be more of a dance party or club night than a "concert" but then again all that stuff is overlapping like crazy these days.

I am huge fan of Linjin, one of my absolute favorite arrangers, so i'd love to attend this if I had the chance. But on the other hand the more important something is to me the more anxious I get about it so it might not be such a good idea, I might just have a total meltdown. It's the same with going to events. I love Touhou but I can't even imagine myself going to a Touhou event without shitting myself.

>> No.11591645

What did you take, anon? I'm interested.

>> No.11591665

Any drug will do but you shouldn't take a very high dose that will make you feel like you have died or anything like that. Just enough so that you tune out your surroundings and prejudices against other people. It's really enjoyable when that happens. Feels like you are being wrapped around in the music.

>> No.11591696

Mmmm, that sounds nice. The only thing my brother would be able to get me is weed though.

>> No.11594494

OP here, still alive, still scheming.

Tbh I know what you mean. I'm a bit of a nervous wreck in general but I'd love to try it out just once anyway. If I can't enjoy it sober, I'll try drinking some.

Thinking of sending the organizers an email just to check out a few things about it.

I'll have about 5 days i think there, so where do I go, /jp/? Wheres good in Shinjuku? Where can I go outside of Tokyo even you'd recommend?

I'm thinking of going in a Cubical hotel so I can do this on the marginal cheap, has anyone gone to one of those?

>> No.11594549

Guys, I am at the store and it's not going well. I'm hiding in the employee bathroom and browsing on my phone. I think they think I am using drugs in here. I didn't think there would be so many people here.

I havent been out alone in years. My roommate is sick so I had no choice.

Help me please I am freaking out

>> No.11594565
File: 113 KB, 716x999, 2hou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We tried to warn you, never trust the normies, never leave the room.

>> No.11594569

We need food ;_;

This is a disaster.

>> No.11594572

>Man is by nature a social animal
Don't worry, anon, believe in yourself!

>> No.11594577

Takeaway food delivers, so do supermarkets.You fucked up big time.

>> No.11594593

How do you have a roommate if you're not used to social contact?

>> No.11594600

Never leave the boat.

>> No.11594611

My sister's ex boyfriend. He kind of takescare of me. I made it out! I got like . Week's worth of soup. I am shaking so bad.

Thanks everyonr for the support!

>> No.11594629

OP here, woah where did this come from. You the fella who went over there once or the guy who doesn't want to go to one because worried about it?

having a go at writing the email now. My Japanese sucks. Trying to figure out how to write "are foreigners welcome" lol

>> No.11594703

Yes, they let foreigners in. You won't be the only one out of place there.

I encourage you to not even buy tickets unless you have a clear plan in your head of what you want to do before and after the concert though.

>> No.11594772

Thanks, that's cool to hear. You been before?

Honestly I've been trying to write an email to ask them about this, and I've finally got something I think is almost comprehensible.

Laugh at my gaijin, /jp/. I can japanese for shit. (But if you can fix anything dumb here I'd appreciate it)

How insulted they about to be and is this even slightly readable?


こんにちは。 私はCytokineの音楽が大好きです、と、”Into the Fantasy"二いきたい。
飛行機でいく必要は行きます。 私は必要がたずねる、私はイギリス人です、外人はいきますか?



Hello, I love cytokines music, and I want to go to "Into the Fantasy."
I need to go on a plane to go. I need to ask, I am British, can foreigners go?

sorry, my japanese is bad. I tried!

Please reply soon.
Thank you very much.

>> No.11594805

こんにちは。 俺様はCytokineの音楽がクソだぞ。”Into the Fantasy"に行きたくねぇ
飛行機でいく必要があると思うだけで吐き出そー。 俺様は必要がたずねる。優秀な人種、イギリス人っす。俺様の外人チンポに羨ましい、イェローモンキーめ?



>> No.11594813

Is it ok to go alone?
do most people go alone?

>> No.11594822

Fucking lol, I'm glad I had the sense to put that in google translate first for a quick check over. That's brilliant.

>> No.11594856

It's a mess and they won't understand it, seriously. Don't send that. I'd offer help but I'm not an authority and I'd just elevate it to a higher level of still-awkward foreigner Japanese. You'd get better results from a native speaker on the Japanese thread on /int/.

>> No.11595115

proper mdma is good stuff for that sort of thing. It's what feeling loved by the universe feels like.

>> No.11595165

fuggin' normies

>> No.11595180 [DELETED] 

Us neets, huh bro? ;)

>> No.11595181

Try this, I'm native.

Cytokineの音楽が大好きだから”Into the Fantasy"に行きたい。

”Into the Fantasy"に外国人は立ち入りことが出来ますか?


But how will you do well in Japan without knowing Japanese?

captcha: fluence veneroe

>> No.11595187

You should say how many people will go together with you.
Nobody wants 20 gaijins at once.

>> No.11595203

your mom does

>> No.11597758

OP here

I don't particularly know Chinese, but I've been China and made it work with a pocket dictionary. (then again I had taken evening classes for a year...) I've got a system I worked out there, which is know numbers, colours, do eat don't eat, yes, no, how much. and the dictionary the rest. But I'll do my best to learn what I can again before I go.

I've booked the flights today, and I got an email back from the organizer. He's really pleased to see someone from abroad wants to go is even making sure I get in for less (a really nice gesture! Flights compared to the entry fee is literally more or less nothing)

Feeling pretty positive. Its a costume party I've found out, and I've never been in cosplay let alone a party for one. So I'm thinking of buying but I might just make one before I leave. I've got something fairly simple in mind for a 2hu, so hopefully I can make it work. Otherwise, I land at 4PM in Narita the day before - Though Akibahara isn't that far and on-route, I doubt I'd be able to find anything in that much time before places close - though I have no idea when anything closes.

Basically walking blind here, but at least I know I'm not blindly walking into a closed door.

This is 100% the maddest thing I've tried to do in my life.

>> No.11597772

Seriously, there is no need to ask. I lived in Japan for years and went to scads of clubs, lives and weeaboo events and I was never so much as stopped at the door, aside from one time at a host club (and even then, it was probably just because I was with a loud and drunken group of other whities, and once they realized that there were a few fluent Japanese speakers they welcomed us in). As long as you have the proper ticket and follow the rules you will run into no trouble save maybe that of the language barrier. If anything, people may be more friendly towards you just because it's so comparatively unusual to see non-Japanese people attending niche events like this.

>> No.11601114

Yeah after talking to a few more people I'm starting to get that impression.

On that note, I've been investigating Flowering Night and found out Yuuhei satellite are heading, which Liz Triangle (who I've always imagined could be amazing live, their music has that kinda flow to it that it could be performed well imo) and Kairo who sound like bands I used to like when I was more edgy, but they're still good. Sounds of Swing and Sound Cyclone sound okay but not quite my thing. The MC bit I won't get I reckon but maybe it'll suprise me.

Basically, I'm getting tempted to spend some time at intothefantasy, then go to flowering night, buying entry at the door as close to dead on the start as I can to get all the time at intothefantasy possible. I might find the first event is fantastic and not want to leave, but I think for getting lots of variety in, this might be the best way about it.

I wasn't even considering flowering night before, but somehow I didn't even notice or click that it could actually be really good. Feels like it'd be a shame to miss out on it, especially since its live over DJ.
