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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11581486 No.11581486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

truFujoshi thread.

>> No.11581491

I wish I have a qt fujoshi gf to talk with.

>> No.11581496
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Had. Sorry I'm a bit sleepy.

>> No.11581519

I heard fujoshi have an even deeper connection to their hobbies than male otaku.

>> No.11581521
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I want to fuck a smelly unhygienic NEET girl with a smelly NEET pussy.

>> No.11581528

But pussies are already smelly.

>> No.11581535


It's true.

>> No.11581539

well yes they have vaginas after all

>> No.11581545
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>> No.11581567
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>> No.11581563

I wish I had a smelly fujoshi to bully and humiliate

>> No.11581572

Would a fujoshi make a good wife and mother?

>> No.11581585
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>> No.11581606

> tfw can't fuck your fujoshi little sister because you're blood related

>> No.11581614


I bet she's fat

>> No.11581617

Absolutely not. They would probably be horrible at being both, since they obviously don't even have the skills to be a functioning member of society.

>> No.11581616

That feelio when you don't know who you are quoting.

>> No.11581620
File: 76 KB, 308x300, trying to trick me again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's even better.

>> No.11581622

I didn't ask you.

>> No.11581626

There's No Way My Little Sister Can Abuse The Quote Feature Like This

>> No.11581641

fujoshi suck. every fujoshi i met just is a video game addict who watches some anime once in while. i don't even think actual fujoshi exist in the west. just females who like shit tier console video games, cartoons, anime, and watch trash tv series.

i watch all the fujoshi anime and not a single "fujoshi" i met even likes them.

>> No.11581635
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I bet she fucks like a tiger.

>> No.11581645

Is your shift key broken?

>> No.11581642

She probably wants it bad too.

>> No.11581655

is your refrigerator running?

>> No.11581659

oh, false alarm

>> No.11581658


>> No.11581662
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>> No.11581665

You talking about shoujo/josei anime/manga.

How can you read them? I'd rather claw my eyes out than sit through shoujo manga, very few I could deal with.

You pretty much have to actually be a girl.

>> No.11581683

i'm talking about all the popular fujoshi series even shounen/seinen, but especially josei/shoujo stuff.

every western fujoshi just plays pokemon and happens to watch some anime. i'm a gay that's why i like all the bishounen stuff.

trying to talk to any "fujoshi" about otaku stuff is the biggest waste of time on this planet.

>> No.11581688

High school sounds tough.

>> No.11581689

If I was a girl I'd take the throne from milk as queen of /jp/

>> No.11581702

>i'm a gay
The "a" isn't necessary.

>> No.11581697
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>i'm a gay

>> No.11581705

Bigotry at work

>> No.11581716

/jp/ doesn't work

>> No.11581714

Guys I need to have sex NOW

I can't take this virginity shit any longer

>> No.11581728

i wrote i'm a guy gay, but found it redundant. didn't clean it up properly afterwards. maybe it's subconscious bigotry like the other guy said.

are you the autistic guy sulking about the lack of capital letters or some pokemon playing fujoshi who doesn't know shit about otaku culture?

>> No.11581732

Just shut up normie.

>> No.11581741

Looks like it's the former

>> No.11581748

Neither. I'm refer to you bitching like a high school kid.

>> No.11581753
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This bothers me too. I can't stand it.

>> No.11581754

w-why h-hello l-ladies

>> No.11581762

Never introduce a fujoshi friend to a BL anime.
I jokingly suggested Gravitation.
She would not shut up about it for a month.

>> No.11581764

We all aren't weeaboos like you.

>> No.11581767

Le ebic reddit tread

>> No.11581768

That's what you get for being a normie.

>> No.11581766

I had my phase is highschool...

>> No.11581774

Yet you continue to bitch like a high schooler.

>> No.11581770

moron, i know you're slow on the uptake, but even being stupid has its limits. i was asked a question by somebody else and answered along with explaining my views further. fujoshi suck and trufujoshi don't even exist in the west. sorry to burst your bubble, but i'm sure you like the same trash /v/ideo games they do.

>> No.11581772

We're all normal here dude

>> No.11581775

I forgot I was in post anime con /jp/.

>> No.11581777

No, being a virgin with no friends, job, or priorities makes me special.

>> No.11581781

You are literally a faggot.

>> No.11581785

You need to check yourself sweetie

If you're not a faggot in 2013 then you're doing something really wrong

>> No.11581783

Surprise, everyone in this thread is a huge fucking faggot. This is a honeypot thread and we're all going to get ass raped by janny.

>> No.11581788

You need to check your privileges.
I can't be gay if I don't have a gender.

>> No.11581790

Pokemon goes on /vp/ brospeh.

>> No.11581789

I am the last virg on /jp/...

>> No.11581799

>You need to check yourself sweetie

Are a you a sassy middle-aged white woman?

>> No.11581798

are you trying to be ironic? you're whining about me expressing an opinion when talking to somebody who asked.

i see, you're offended cause you're a kid who plays video games still. when you become an adult you'll realize how crap they are.

>> No.11581801

*tips fedora*

>> No.11581803

I'm not "whining" about anything. I'm telling you, you sound like a little bitch.

>> No.11581807

>sitting on the floor
but that's uncomfortable as fuck

>> No.11581809

Not as uncomfortable as misusing the quote feature.

>> No.11581810

Calm down guys we're all bros here

>> No.11581816

no, you're whining, kid. you're making a compliant about how i "sound" and i can practically hear your little girly intonation and weaselly whimper as i read your message.

>> No.11581814

Shut up nerd, I don't know you. I'm not your buddy, pal.

>> No.11581815

No, that's not uncomfortable at all

>> No.11581817

It really isn't, even in her exact position
Can lean to back problems though.

>> No.11581818

He's the cutest Reimu I've ever seen.

I hate Taiko.

>> No.11581820

I live on the floor.

>> No.11581824

I'm not sure if /jp/ is the right board for you if you don't speak with a little girly intonation.

>> No.11581825

I like how you keep using the word "kid". It makes you look really mature.

>> No.11581831
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I love jaypee!

>> No.11581832

What board did your fag ass crawl over here from?

>> No.11581838

Do you want to go see the new movie with me?

>> No.11581847


>> No.11581855

you don't ever look mature exchanging words with a teenager as an adult, kid.

>> No.11581861

Who cares? You're gay.

>> No.11581864
File: 10 KB, 200x257, KidNPlay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid N Play

>> No.11581889

who cares?

>> No.11581928


>> No.11581928,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm tired of this shit, why is the janitor deleting the fujoshi threads?

>> No.11581928,2 [INTERNAL] 

definitely not cause he was raped by a fujoshi as a child since we all know hes a virgin

>> No.11581928,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why is she holding the controller under her legs?

>> No.11581928,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's comfy.
