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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 42 KB, 500x353, Touhou-Halloween-touhou-horidei-26082603-500-353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11578336 No.11578336 [Reply] [Original]

Did you had a nice Halloween /jp/?

>> No.11578425

I went to go throw eggs at houses in my town. It was fun! I stepped on some human feces though but other than that FUN.

>> No.11578430

>I went to go throw eggs at houses in my town.
You dick.
That feces and you belong together.

>> No.11578438
File: 23 KB, 400x398, 1366083530903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was worth it.

>> No.11578451
File: 15 KB, 320x180, tomo_screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got up at 10, played Binding of Isaac for four hours, ate some cereal, and played The Walking Dead until midnight, only interrupted by eating a pizza.

>> No.11578464

I don't think you are old enough to be on 4chan.

>> No.11578468

I woke up, shaved, walked like twenty miles to buy a down comforter and some sheets, ate at an udon place, and took a taxi back to my apartment, where I bundled up and downloaded a bunch of new music. I played Ten Desires a little, and fell asleep.

>> No.11578470

Could be, could not be, how old do you really have to be to not get caught for throwing eggs at houses in Halloween.

>> No.11578486
File: 23 KB, 256x285, 1383021950224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I talked with other males about male things and, luckily, didn't have sex with a female.

>> No.11578505

Why luckily? Were they ugly, sexually unapealing to you or something else?

>> No.11578524


They were sexually appealing, but otherwise un-enticing.

>> No.11578578

I had a pretty nice Halloween. If I had a loli girlfriend it would have been much better.

>> No.11578582
File: 447 KB, 500x500, captcha understands the soul of japan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like there's only two kinds of 3D women. The kind you mention, and the uglies.

>> No.11578587

You have weird standards but who knows, what if you are super autistic and can't tell if those girls wanted to have sex with you.

>> No.11578588

No pedos allowed on 4chan.


>> No.11578595

Three dimensional girls are one dimensional girls in disguise.

>> No.11578596

Anime girls are much better, but for me that doesn't mean I wouldn't have sex with a girl I think it's attractive.

>> No.11578605


If only...

>> No.11578617

Yeah my gf dressed up like Patchy and i was Reimu and we went to a party. Then a guy hit on me and my gf was jealous because i'm a guy.

>> No.11578627

I spent it wishing I worked harder which is just like every other day. although I seem to be doing so as of late. No I don't have a job I mean work harder on my neet activities.

>> No.11578631
File: 58 KB, 496x500, Godspeed! You Cat Emperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are doing divine work. Keep it up.

Ever since I've slipped into the hell that is normie life, I've been praying for someone to take over my share of the neet life that is no longer being lived.

>> No.11578634 [DELETED] 

>I was wondering if mootykins is happy to see me, this is Alison and I was able to make it to the panel.
>This is Alison she is 14.


>> No.11578635

I had a 2 hr fap session and watched Trailer Park Boys. I would have preferred to get drunk and listen to music/watch a movie, but I don't have any alcohol.

>> No.11578642

>I wanted to ask mootykins if he was glad to see me, this is Alison and I made it to the panel.
>Everyone, this is Alison she's 14.


>> No.11578650

What are you doing quoting such a garbage post? The video is even more garbage but that's self explanatory.

>> No.11578651


It is a life of dedicated constant self improvement! It can be a little stressful though.

>> No.11578658


ahhh the legendery /l/ board...

>> No.11578661

Excuse me sir,

Please try to take it easier or we'll have to ask you to leave.

>> No.11578663 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 287x468, 1382173014219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you doing quoting such a garbage post? The video is even more garbage but that's self explanatory.

>> No.11578666 [DELETED] 

Is that how you look? You would be welcomed by those ugly and deformed people in the video.

>> No.11578674 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 500x327, shiggy_nipples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why thank you kind sir.

>> No.11578676
File: 272 KB, 680x360, sorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only I could alleviate your burden...why must we sacrifice good things in this life?


>> No.11578679 [DELETED] 

It's a shame you decided to be ugly and deformed in this thread though, it's even worse considering you are posting those kind of pics in this thread.

>> No.11578685 [DELETED] 

You are trolling? Those are /b/ level pics.

>> No.11578682 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 280x239, 1380957723744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a shame you decided to be ugly and deformed in this thread though, it's even worse considering you are posting those kind of pics in this thread.

>> No.11578692 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 346x347, 1371613578696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are trolling? Those are /b/ level pics.

>> No.11578706


It's fine. And thank you.

>> No.11578804

I played kerbal space program and sat around.

>> No.11578832

woke up at 1900
ate lasagna
went back to sleep
wake up 0500
considering going back to sleep
also i forgot to say rabbit rabbit

>> No.11578884
File: 481 KB, 838x616, 1379662385018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad went to the airport and we didn't even have any candy for trick-or-treaters, so I went to the store and bought some with my own money, but kids only rang the doorbell once the whole night.

>> No.11578888

Remove the normalfags.

>> No.11578905

If you continually get a small amount of trick or treaters, it may be best to give them king-size or full-size candy bars next year.

>> No.11578913

From where?

>> No.11578919

I thought about this as well. At least I shoveled a lot to the only two kids that came, but it still wasn't even close to make a real dent in the candy bowl.

>> No.11578920

How much did you spent on candy?

>> No.11578937

It was a big $8 dollar bag with 95 pieces.

>> No.11578947

Sounds nice for 8 dollars.

>> No.11578961
File: 1.05 MB, 1800x1200, meinmyroomduringhalloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11578974
File: 89 KB, 750x484, ii_yukkuri pumpkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent it wishing I could have spent it in a more interesting manner. Halloween has a nice atmosphere to it and I'd have liked to enjoy the occasion, but there's not much I could do. For a second I even contemplated putting on my three-sizes-too-small-by-now Harry Potter costume from the third grade.

I wish I knew some of you people in real life. We probably wouldn't do much, and if we did, it probably wouldn't be much -- but at least it's good company. Anyway, happy belated Halloween, happy start-of-November, happy all that stuff. I hope you all enjoy the upcoming festivities as the year draws to a close. Cheers.

>> No.11578981

Is that fan for you, or for your computer?

>> No.11578984

You too!

>> No.11578987

Halloween does not exist here. Wait, why am i on this thread again?

>> No.11578997

the one on the left looks like there sayin "wtf?? this guy serious? wahaha, what a loser"



>> No.11579036

stealth normie. true/jp/sies only meet up for mating purposes, otherwise they are naturally solitary and uninclined towards the societal norms of 'epic holiday activities'.

>> No.11579041

I lost my virginity with the mom of a friend.
we had sex for an hour and half. being naked with another human and having sex is really fun, I really can't understand why people makes things so complicated about it

>> No.11579045

My guess is that you didn't did anything productive in those one and a half hours.

>> No.11579051

Uh, what do you mean? fun things aren't always productive

>> No.11579055

You asked a question and I tried to answer it.

>> No.11579063


do me a favor and tell me more. how did it even happen? she just asked to have sex with you or something? where was your friend? im going to sleep so ill read your answer on the archive.

>> No.11579069

Sex is really gross dude.

Although when I was 15, I was involved in a really shady job that paid a lot and there was this genki about 8-10 years older than me. I really wanted to have sex with her. Then one of the other people my age was talking to me one time and he said that he gets really turned on by her and wants to have sex with her. I got mad at him even though he was a good friend of mine. I went to the same school as him and he constantly outclassed me in every way. The worst part is that he was a really peaceful person so I could not even think of hating him.

But I always cry the most when I realize that he probably did have sex with that girl that I wanted to have sex with. He always got what he wanted in life. I was fortunate to be close to him but after school ended he started ignoring my calls. I stopped making friends and going outside after that. This was 10 years ago, to the day.

>> No.11579097
File: 7 KB, 400x400, 51p+Gr2xaTL._SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really haha. I wanted to cosplay as Hatsune Miku but i couldn't. Yes i'm male.

>> No.11579102

Don't you know? It's a funny joke when you cosplay a female character despite being a male.

>> No.11579113


>sex is gross
>talks about not having sex

'the grapes must be sour' saith the fox.

>> No.11579115

im still awake for now. probably going to sleep after this post. for real this time.


thanks for the interesting story. the ending made me sad though.


dude come on. please tell me.

>> No.11579118

Well, when I normally think about it, it's really gross, but this was just an exception. Plus I was 15.

>> No.11579123

woops forgot to sage. i apologize for bumping with an unworthy post.

>> No.11579139 [DELETED] 

I went to my friend's home for halloween togheter with the other three usual friends. we spent the evening drinking a

little and talking about nerd topics. when it was late, they decided to go for a walk with a couple of silly homemade

costumes, but I was tired and asked the friend's mom to drive me home.
during the short trip she asked joking if I was going to watch some of those erotic anime before going to sleep, and I

answered not today laughing. when we arrived, she stopped the car , looked in my face and asked if I ever had a girlfriend.

I simply said "well, no"
then happened something, because she didn't say anything, but in some way it was clear that she wanted to sex me. we didn't

say anything particular, just chit chat, while entering my apartment. she just sat on the bed, and made me sit beside her.

>> No.11579140 [DELETED] 

sorry for bad formatting.
I was sweating like pig, so she said to don't worry, and that being inexperienced wasn't a problem. then she kissed me on

the cheek and started to undress
I started to undress too, and the strange thing is that once we were both naked, I felt almost all the pressure go away.
I even said, pulling away my foreskin, "its pretty little eh" she chuckled and said it was little, but not too much and at

least it was cute.
then she came close in front of me on the bed, and started masturbating me slowly. I started to touch her vagina and pet

her pubes, that were really soft. I started to touch the labia, and she said to be delicate pay attention to the nails,

because apparently it hurts a lot. well, I put a finger inside, and tasted the vagina juices.
well, in short we explored all our bodies at first, then we alternated masturbation, vaginal penetration and oral sex.
the first time I came on her leg near the vagina, from her masturbation. I felt my legs weakening while cumming.
she ate the cum while fingering herself, and I tasted it too. it doesn't taste bad also, its just very salty.
the second time I came on her bush from vaginal, and the third I just masturbated in front of her, cumming on her hands and

belly. we took a shower and said see ya.
the thing is, it wasn't anything like porn. its completely different, relaxing, and actually fun.
there's no ntr happening also because she is divorced and doesn't have boyfriends. so I'll probably ask to have sex again soon

>> No.11579150

look, I think I've understanded an important thing lately: you should reaaly just do what you feel to do. mean, if you feel you're alone, reach out for someone, and accept the possibility that you could end up getting hurt. I don't know why, but since i started to think like that, I feel like life is a little better. I even managed to make some new friend.

>> No.11579155

is she fat

>> No.11579164
File: 154 KB, 999x1000, 1327792114441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asked the friend's mom to drive me home

>> No.11579168

still awake. im going to sleep after this. im serious this time.


dude thats fuckin crazy. you are one lucky guy!!!! im also surprised she even knows about anime and stuff like that. thanks for posting your story. now goodnight for real this time.

>> No.11579174

>tfw morning /jp/

>> No.11579175


>> No.11579178

Thanks Anon that was a really nice story.

>> No.11579229

I really hope people still virgin will do sex sooner or later, its really a beautiful thing.

>> No.11579236

You are making a big deal out of it though.

>> No.11579249

its normalfag propaganda do not fall for it!

>> No.11579284


I'm not really interested in sex at all because my imagination ruins a lot of real life equivalents.

>> No.11579350

From here.

>> No.11579356

When girls crossplay is legitimate but when guys do it it's a joke, huh.

Why do we not allow ourselves any fun?

>> No.11579379

No. I had a cold

>> No.11579495

How did you take this picture? It's a very good picture. I can't imagine it was easy to get that angle while still getting the correct shadows and the exposure for all the monitors and lights.

>> No.11579509

Enjoy your testicles cancer

>> No.11580664
File: 225 KB, 768x516, 18875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those the undergarments belonging to the opposite gender?

>> No.11580674

I think they come free with an onahole.
A guy on /jp/ said he likes to wear them on his head while masturbating.

>> No.11580679 [DELETED] 

All the panties are stolen.

>> No.11581944

Same as the others. A tripod, a timer, and editing.
