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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11573790 No.11573790 [Reply] [Original]

What are we doing for Halloween?

>> No.11573800

Why is Meiling carrying that tray on her head? The only reason she'd need to do that would be if her hands were already full, but all she's carrying in her right hand is her hat, which she took off her head to carry the tray, which she should be holding regularly to begin with.

>> No.11573802
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>> No.11573809
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>> No.11574210
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>> No.11574211
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eye'm the grimmest

>> No.11574304
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>> No.11574309

Nugget pumpkin carving.

I'm going to help my imouto carve a pumpkin.

>> No.11574379

im gonna dress as 2hu and go out for cnadies!

>> No.11574396

I'm probably just going to jerk off all day.

>> No.11574420

Going to play Halloween Game.

>> No.11574443

Get drunk and watch Hammer Films.

>> No.11574450

Guys it's the one time of year you're not only allowed to interact with lolis, but socially EXPECTED to. And they're all wearing cute costumes, to boot!

>> No.11574471

It's the one time of year I thought I'd be allowed to dress up and pretend to be a loli but it seems like even now that's not the case. ;_;

>> No.11574534
File: 77 KB, 480x640, 006ooeoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Kalk Zamen Kuri no Hana while waiting for trick-or-treaters to show up, then answer the door wearing this.

>> No.11574617

Rewatch the first movie.

>> No.11574622

Based anon, I'm gonna do the same thing.

>> No.11574702

I want to wear a costume.

>> No.11574706

Do it anyway though.

And post pictures.

>> No.11574793


happy halloween /jp/

>> No.11575173
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>> No.11575182 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 242x208, 1359956838689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw halloween in your country isn't well celebrated
>tfw the children make no effort to dress up and and just view it as a way to get free candy
>tfw halloween is your favorite holiday
>tfw there are no cute lolis having fun

>> No.11575236

Same thing we do every night, Anonymous.

>> No.11575258
File: 227 KB, 600x600, Kisumween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11575268
File: 245 KB, 800x1067, 39419245_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doesn't even feel like Halloween this year.

>> No.11575293 [DELETED] 

Now wait a sec here, dude... who the heck are you quoting!?

>> No.11575302

I'm quoting myself. I voice my thoughts as I type.

>> No.11575625


Are 2 and 3 worth watching? I hear 2 was a different story, so I'm a little curious.

>> No.11575632

Wait, apparently that was 3.

>> No.11575633
File: 409 KB, 1350x1350, 1378724208311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't celebrate this christian holyday here.

>> No.11575658

Have some spooky 2hu music!


>> No.11575661


To amuse those around her I guess.

>> No.11575690

So droopy...

>> No.11575694


Nue is the sppokiest!

>> No.11575700

Turn off the lights and pretend no one is home.

>> No.11575739 [DELETED] 

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ give diretide

>> No.11575753

carving cute and spooky 2hus in pumpkins!

>> No.11575796

Is that psychopass?

>> No.11575847
File: 49 KB, 579x562, 1376940064275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 2hu

>> No.11576296
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>> No.11576337

twitch autists please leave.

>> No.11576340

What Touhou game is most Halloween-y!?

>> No.11576343

If you live in a house make sure to put your car in the garage, because thats how we always knew who was only pretending to not be home.

>> No.11576402
File: 866 KB, 1561x1555, 39419085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, 3rd isn't with Myers.

>> No.11576404

watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX_sdrOpn4I

>> No.11576408

Drinking beer by myself. Time to time there's some children at my door, I give them candies and pretend to be friendly and not drunk. Also, I browse Danbooru for Halloween related pictures and I post on /jp/.

>> No.11576428

Someone throw stuff at EVERY SINGLE window on the bottom floor of the apartment block i'm living in. They are not even ringing anywhere.

>> No.11576437

Patchy sure looks scared in that video.

>> No.11576514

Sounds like you've been tricked, keep the treats for yourself.

>> No.11576528

what are some good otaku scary games?

>> No.11576535



>> No.11576536

DDC, duh.

>> No.11576542

I'm going to carve a pumpkin for milady. What should I carve /jp/? I want it to be special.

>> No.11576549

Oh man Reisen's outfit is too fucking cute

>> No.11576567

carve chen into it

>> No.11576570

would anyone be interested in me streaming ao oni?

>> No.11576575

Carve youmu or reisen, or something cute.

>> No.11576576



>> No.11576594

Cirno, stop that. You look silly.

>> No.11576621 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 540x415, 110909_debbiedowner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are we doing for Halloween?

spend literally 14 hours working on heavy equipment just like I do fucking every day.

>> No.11576650


>> No.11576682
File: 76 KB, 794x1024, michael-jackson-thriller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Jackson was so great.

He made some damn good pop music and rightfully deserved his title of The King of Pop, then pedophobes ruined his life and career.

I don't even care if he was a pedophile. Personally, I believe he wasn't, he just wanted to have innocent fun with kids. But either way it's depressing how people were willing to ruin a man's life because he enjoyed hanging out with children.

RIP, MJ, you will be missed.

>> No.11576716

RIP in piece :(

>> No.11576722

I agree.
He was just a molested child star who wanted to relive his stolen childhood by hanging out with kids. I hope this pedo thing blows over in a decade or two, it was obviously all faked to set him up.

>> No.11576744

The first child abuse case (the one in 1993 that everyone forgot about) was actually proven to be false, to the point where they examined Jackson's genitals to refute a testimony.

Opinions on actual pedophilia aside, it's fucking disgraceful that a man can't have child friends any more. So many classic stories and movies are rendered "creepy" by this notion, and it's a huge shame. Even if you absolutely despise pedophiles, it's nothing worth ruining a huge amount of existing/potential friendships for.

>> No.11576786

he obviously did it more than once, if it's brought up several times how many more were unreported?

>> No.11576844

going to the arcade, fuck it

>> No.11576852

Are you implying that only someone who lost his childhood would want child friends or fall in love with little girls?

My childhood was good, but I wish it lasted forever. I'd rather play pretend with my cousins than being allowed to drink. I'd rather fall in love with some little girl in my class that doesn't even talk to me than have dirty sex with a "hot" woman.

There are things that only children are allowed to do and things that only adults are allowed to do. I'm not interested in driving or living alone, so give me my child status back! I can't enjoy any of my "adult rights". I only have responsibilities with no reward.

>> No.11576877

Just leave out a sign that says "No candy."

>> No.11576884

>Even if you absolutely despise pedophiles
Is there a valid reason to EVER despise them? You can't reason with evil normies.

>> No.11576887

when they're trying to lure children into a van with candy so they can fuck them

>> No.11576889

So long as they don't act on it, I don't give a fuck what they're into. But I do believe that you should have sex with someone who is mature enough to understand the act and the possible consequences.

>> No.11576900

some pedophiles are child rapists
and that's really really fucked up

>> No.11576904
File: 196 KB, 1032x581, 20131031_180632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are we doing for Halloween?
I carved a pumpkin!

>> No.11576908

share with me your tricks of the trade

>> No.11576912

I'm not sure if he was a pedophile. He was definitely unwell psychologically. Here in Europe people like MJ get picked up by nice men in white coats.

>> No.11576947

Very cute!

>> No.11576958


>> No.11576960

Good job anon! It's super adorable.

>> No.11576971

I'm going to go on a ride during trick or treat time. I hope there are cute lolis.

>> No.11576976

If a pedophile molests a child against their will, that's bad just like any form of sexual abuse.
If a pedophile has some sort of sexual interaction with a child and that child agrees to it, it's a gray area. I'd like to see some more impartial studies (at least one study found the psychological damage of adult-child sex to be greatly exaggerated).
If a pedophile never even speaks to a child, or if they just hang out and play board games, so what? I'm not a rapist for being a heterosexual man who is friends with a woman.

I think MJ was the third category. Just a guy who had a strict upbringing, so he wanted to do childish things, including stuff with other children. I have a feeling that a lot of /jp/sies can relate.

>> No.11577025

So many people keep coming to my house, I hate it.

My mom is away so it makes me really nervous. I left a bowl of candy out there so hopefully they will just take that and not ring the doorbell.

>> No.11577035

Don't worry, I always thought those were the best houses. Then again, I didn't have much honour and would just take a handful or two.

>> No.11577100
File: 1.88 MB, 1240x1753, 14317707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No kids came to my house again this year. Why do kids always skip my house?

>> No.11577111

What if a little girl knocks on your door?

>> No.11577112
File: 371 KB, 1000x1459, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tutoring physics and then later I'm going to a lame party with my fellow physicists. No alcohol but I'm going to get shit faced anyway.

>> No.11577119

'cause you are the sicko rapisto

>> No.11577129

I'm dressed up as my favorite 2hu and handing out candy to the kiddies that come to our house.

>> No.11577132

nice. i like it.

>> No.11577133

Depressed. Going to sleep. Maybe I'll shed a tear or two in the dark. Good night.

>> No.11577138

Probably watch a movie or two

>> No.11577142

Good night. Me? I'll probably watch a movie or play some vidya.

>> No.11577159

Please tutor me physics!

>> No.11577161


>> No.11577164

This looks like shit.

(Posting now in 2013, so that when faggots repost this in 2017, I can say I always found it shit.)

>> No.11577169

I would happily do so.

>> No.11577215

>had a strict upbringing
>he wanted to do childish things, including stuff with other children
>I have a feeling that a lot of /jp/sies can relate.
No. Read >>11576852

>> No.11577258

That would be even worse and make me even more paranoid.

If I even think of trying to answer the door to a cute little halloween girl I would probably get arrested or shot. The world is too scary these days.

>> No.11577281
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Giving out treats!

>> No.11577307
File: 58 KB, 800x600, pumpkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made one too this year

>> No.11577310

what's the halloween game?

>> No.11577316

Ain't Halloween unless someone posts this.

>> No.11577373

I had planned on shooting paintballs at any non-white children who would show up to my doorstep, but none have
shown up yet! Only white children so far.

>> No.11577460

Then you havn't painted enough targets yet.

>> No.11577489
File: 324 KB, 864x852, 1363532003491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11577715

Do Japanese lolies count as white?

>> No.11577729

I hate blue eyes Marisa, she looks too much like Kyouko

>> No.11577735

hope you choke on a dick you racist scum

>> No.11577751

>never caverd a pumpkin
Might i ask why it is green on the edges?

>> No.11577759

Hey bro chill its not racist its just called proving dominance over the other race.

>> No.11577781

Maybe anon grew it himself, but picked it while it was still unripe? If so, that makes it even more special!

Some people grow pumpkins for long amounts of time, until they're the size of small cars. That's what they do at my town, and they keep them on display outside.

>> No.11577808

I want /pol/ to leave.

>> No.11577850

Why do people draw her with blue eyes, anyways?

>> No.11579860
File: 2.13 MB, 1250x1600, d9d82f5ee934a6d1561bad95e0130e34c06cb5fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you have a nice Halloween?
