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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11539154 No.11539154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

w-who introverted ..otaku h-h-here...?

>> No.11539160


>> No.11539163
File: 1.35 MB, 1366x768, I've been seen by a stranger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-how did you find me?!

>> No.11539165
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>> No.11539169
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Have you tried pooping?

>> No.11539171

Extroverted otaku are some of the most annoying people on the planet.

Just watch those con streams or get within earshot of your friendly neighborhood neckbeard.

>> No.11539172
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I enjoy Yukari's neuroatypicalicity.

>> No.11539177
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>> No.11539180
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>> No.11539182

Normally I keep to myself and don't particularly enjoy physical contact with another person, but when I'm around lolis I find myself being able to relax and act like a normal person around them. Lolis tend to be pretty touchy feely too so this normally means hugging and stuff like that. I'd normally never let another person hug me, but if it's a loli then it's fine.

>> No.11539185
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I feel the same way except around my waifu.

>> No.11539186

kids are gross

>> No.11539187
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Children =! Lolis

If you actually refer to 3DPD Children as Lolis, you have problems.

>> No.11539188
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>> No.11539191
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I don't really talk to people. The people I'd be interested in talking to don't really talk to me.

I don't really like having conversations because most of the time a conversation just ends up being two people talking at one another.

It's easier to just have conversations with myself. Maybe some day I'll talk with someone though.

>> No.11539197
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>It's easier to just have conversations with myself.

>> No.11539198


People always pull negative facial expressions when I reply to them, or interact with them in any way.

>> No.11539200
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It'd be harder to find extroverts dude, 4chan is full of INTJ and other I-variations

>> No.11539203

>If you actually refer to 3DPD Children as Lolis, you have problems.

Please don't try to troll.

>> No.11539207

Only a fucking weeb would refer to 3D children as lolis.

>> No.11539210

Please try to include more variety in your sentences, you used ``really'' 3 times!

>> No.11539211

He's nervous. You can tell he's trying to share his opinions on socializing without making himself sound too certain and get made fun of.

>> No.11539212
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It kind of sounds weird I guess but it gets me through the day so I figure why fight it.

It's not like I talk to myself out loud or anything, I just think about having a conversation with someone instead of actually having it. When that conversation is over, I generally don't feel like I need to have a conversation with the real person anymore.


>> No.11539215

Please don't lecture me.

>> No.11539216

It seems you are using words you don't understand.

>> No.11539217


>It's not like I talk to myself out loud or anything, I just think about having a conversation with someone instead of actually having it. When that conversation is over, I generally don't feel like I need to have a conversation with the real person anymore.

It's called 'thinking', you stupid fuck. You're not some special savant with the unique ability to 'talk to themselves in their head'.

>> No.11539222


Do you debate with yourself? which side wins?

>> No.11539223

my brother caught me talking to myself in the kitchen at 3am
he just sort of looked at me and didn't say anything


>> No.11539228

there were a handful of E-s in the threads from earlier, even on /jp/. They are just scared of angry introverts bullying them.

ISFP here

>> No.11539230


Did You Know: autistic people think mostly in images depending on the severity of their disorder.

Did You Know: you're a normie fuck

>> No.11539235

I talk to myself probably nine hours a day, and my roomate has never said anything about it, even though that's very unusual. If my door is shut, I'm probably at least mumbling to myself, or giggling.

I really don't care at this point. I've been talking to myself since I was a kid. There's no reason to stop now.

>> No.11539236

>which side wins?
That's a matter open to debate, really.

>> No.11539239


My head conversations always annoy me to the point of giving me chest pains because they always react in the worst possible way to everything.

>> No.11539240

A little girl is a loli and a loli is a little girl.

>> No.11539247
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That's a little scary. You should allow yourself more leeway to fantasize. Just tell yourself, "this is totally an unrealistic situation, but I'm just going to go with it anyway."

>> No.11539250

which garupan wud u fuq

>> No.11539256
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>> No.11539257

Those are not the same things at all, you retard. We are talking about 3DPD Children, not 2D.

A 2D child is a Loli, but a 3DPD is not.

>> No.11539265

Lolis and little girls are the same.

>> No.11539262

Isn't "loli" an abbreviation of "lolita," which refers to a sexually promiscuous young female? And didn't that term get its meaning from the book Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, in which the character known as the "Lolita" was 3DPD?

In other words, wasn't the first loli 3D?

>> No.11539282

If you surrounded yourself with material that is affectionately referred to as "loli", and enjoyed by people who are not pedophiles, you would probably never even think to use the word to describe actual children. It makes no sense.

>> No.11539289

So are cartoons and people.

That is why you deserve to go to jail for watching Mahou Shoju Ai.

>> No.11539293


>> No.11539296

Please discuss anime in /a/.

>> No.11539298

I wish I could be someone's imaginary friend.
That would be the best.

>> No.11539301
File: 47 KB, 500x339, le honk cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is weaponized /a/.

Who weaponized /a/ here?

>> No.11539306

I was discussing cartoon people rights.

Check your automotive privilege.

>> No.11539305

The better question is who gave /a/ weapons.

>> No.11539307

You're discussing loli.

>> No.11539311
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>> No.11539315


Do they actually see imaginary friends, or just pretend they're there?

>> No.11539316

>Lolis and little girls are the same.
ME>So are cartoons and people.
>Please discuss anime in /a/.
ME>I was discussing cartoon people rights.
>You're discussing loli.
Says the automotive-privileged. For that matter, -YOU- mentioned anime, not me.

>> No.11539319

my hands are lethal weapons

have you watch con-air???/ that is basically me

>> No.11539320

It's sort of like having a Pokemon, only the Pokeball is your skull

>> No.11539322

My hands are lethal too. I almost stabbed myself yesterday!

>> No.11539329

>go up to movies by myself
>ticket gives me a student discount even though I don't ask for it
>don't make eye contact, but she seemed cute
>put my coins on top of the dollars, though, which made me kind of mad
>watch film
>it was okay
>leaving theater, cash register girl is outside talking on her phone to one of her friends
>standing a few yards away, putting on my gloves
>cash register girl ends her phone call and looks over to me
>"I hope I wasn't too loud."
>stare at her for a bit, say "I was going to call the cops."

>> No.11539331

You mentioned watching an anime and going to jail.

>> No.11539338

First of all, who are you quoting?

Why would putting the coins on top of the bills bother you? You can use the bills like a little slide to drop the coins into your hand.

>> No.11539340

I don't get it.

>> No.11539341

In reality, you should blame yourself for not using a credit card.

The joke is that her friend was a cop.

>> No.11539348


I'm just defending a underprivileged and underrepresented class of people.

>> No.11539350
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>> No.11539360

>You can use the bills like a little slide to drop the coins into your hand.
Thank you. You just made consumership better for me.

>> No.11539364

If he had really been offended, he would have thrown down the glove.

>> No.11539410

Shyness and introversion are 2 different things, Faglord.

>> No.11539412

Please respond to this post.

>> No.11539415

>ittle slide to drop the coins into your hand.

They can also slide straight onto the floor. Coins on the bottom is best.

>> No.11539417

Please respond to this post.

>> No.11539418

I like to immediately stick the change I get back up my anus.

>> No.11539423

You have to be pretty uncoordinated to let that happen. When coins are on the bottom, you have to pick them up with your fingers. Also, the cashier has to pick out the coins first for them to end up under the bills, which doesn't make sense. You always take bills out of the register first.

>> No.11539441


hi zunbar

>> No.11539459

>You mentioned watching an anime and going to jail.

No, he didn't. Why are you so racist against the inadequately self-motivated? Cartoons are people too, remember?

>> No.11539467
File: 1.56 MB, 2333x3000, 1378022349152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Anonymous. I think you have me confused with some other tripfriend.
