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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11480718 No.11480718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shobon omurice

>> No.11480720
File: 1.61 MB, 2448x3264, 244010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11480740

Japanese ketchup looks disgusting. And they ruin their sub-standard food with it (´・ω・`)

>> No.11480751
File: 143 KB, 642x1546, Ketchup_Deppenleerzeichen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best ketchup

>> No.11480754

That looks very cute and very tasty! I want to try omurice at some point!

>> No.11480784

Thank doesn't look like good old American ketchup to me fag boy.

>> No.11480785

One of the only Ketchups worthy of being eaten.

>> No.11480793

is this the blog thread

>> No.11480802

Are you fool?
Do you want to die?

>> No.11480835
File: 259 KB, 1116x1348, sanwidtch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jan man can

>> No.11480838

That's not ketchup.

>> No.11480902
File: 258 KB, 398x304, sakuya beatdown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the spicy version

>> No.11480908

Both are great, what are you talking about

>> No.11480941
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>> No.11481059
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, 1369748185447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not heinz

I thought I knew you /jp/, but obviously we have a lot less in common than I originally thought...

>> No.11481068

Don't worry, I use Heinz.

>> No.11481594

Nice tears. ;_;

>> No.11481640

Heinz is shit-tier. Even Hunt's is better.

>> No.11481662

Has anyone tried the banana ketchup thing?

I didn't like it.

>> No.11481676

I feel just like a Japanese meme master...

>> No.11481680

Got a problem with America kid?

>> No.11481719

Wie kann man nicht den "scharfen" Ketchup nehmen? Du darfst erst wieder posten wenn du den richtigen gekauft hast.

>> No.11486238

What does that even mean?

>> No.11486252

this is my fav ketchp pic related its tomatoes

>> No.11486261
File: 2.80 MB, 3456x2304, fresh tomato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the pic

>> No.11486286

yeah. it's pretty good on fried chicken.

>> No.11486299


>How can not the "sharp" you take ketchup? You can only post again if you have bought the right ones.

using google is hard and this is such a bad translation.

>> No.11487045

Looks gross.

>> No.11490974


Truly excellent and refined cuisine. I actuallly grew up eating this. I didn't know the Nips liked it too

I think I invented this

>> No.11490982

>I think I invented this
Why are you not suing Japan? Protect your IP!

>> No.11490988

Isn't it just delicious though? The omelette and ketchup's flavor with the warm rice really feeds your gourmet cells. The happy face you draw on it really enhances the presentation too.

There should be a restaurant here in America that serves Omurice. I invented it

>> No.11490994

share us your recipe, anon.

>> No.11491015

1. Make omelette
2. Cook rice
3. Put them together
4. Add ketchup

If you're serving to your little sister, make sure to draw a happy face on it (or her favorite anime character)

>> No.11491037
File: 39 KB, 440x440, wilknstomatosauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you go to Tesco, you can get this ketchup. It's the nicest ketchup I've ever tasted. More expensive than Heinz though if I'm not mistaken. But Heinz tastes like factory shit, where as this Tiptree tastes home made (´・ω・`)

>> No.11491056

It's just tomato sauce, man. It's not worth spending crazy amounts of money on.

Unless maybe you're underage and your parents still pay for everything you eat.

>> No.11491059

My parents pay for everything I eat but I’m 23.

>> No.11491075

>crazy amounts of money
Except it's not crazy. It's just like £2.60 or something for a bottle.

>it's just tomato sauce
And sugar and vinegar and it's delicious.

>> No.11491076

>My parents pay for everything I eat but I’m 23.
Oh dear.

>> No.11491084

No bullying.

>> No.11491090

It tasted horrible the last time I tried, it was without the ketchup but I doubt it matters.

>> No.11491091

I'm about to turn 20 and I still live with my parents.

No job, no money.

I just give no fucks anymore

>> No.11491101

Why? I'm turning 26 already and my parents still love me so much that they pay for everything I need even though I'm just always at home.

>> No.11491113

can your family adopt me, please.

>> No.11491119

£2.60 for some tomato sauce?? Underage rich kid confirmed for never having to go grocery shopping or pay the bills

>> No.11491140

I don't know. Would you come to a third world country with very slow internet connection?

>> No.11491153

I kind of want to make this now, but my mother's scraping a deerskin downstairs and it smells really bad.

>> No.11491277

You can't afford to pay £2.60 for some ketchup? Are you some kind of tramp? Do you even have a job? I bet you aren't old enough to have a job, oh wow hahaha!

>> No.11491282

I already suggested that the other anon was underaged and doesn't work, instead relying on his parents for everything. After reading that and then accusing me of being too young to have a job just makes you look ignorant.

If you're going to shitpost either do it well or ironically bad. When it's just plain old bad nobody enjoys it.

>> No.11491285

This thread is reaching dangerously shitty levels.

>> No.11491289

You can't afford to pay £2.60 for some ketchup and then call someone who can underage. Oh wow. An adult can find £2.60 on the floor in shopping areas quite easily, yet you can't.

Must be awful being an underage tramp.

>> No.11491295

You can spend like fifty fucking bucks on a jar of ketchup if you've got any disposable income, too, but most people have better things to do with it.

>> No.11491292


>> No.11491297

wow this dweeb was monitoring the thread probably hoping for some serious ownage and maybe someone would congratulate him on his sick shiteposting. instead he's just upset everyone and ruined the thread unironically

>> No.11491317

>but most people have better things to do with it
Like collecting dolls?

>> No.11491321

The people with dolls are loaded, they don't count.

>> No.11491426

Without the ketchup it just taste bland and dry.
Try with ketchup.

I just heat a pan, thow in cooked rice, some olive oil and seasoning, and after 1 minute I crack several eggs over that.
I used to put emental and some different seasonings before the eggs and not use ketchup, but I've discovered that adding ketchup is more efficient and I'm lazzy.

Nice /ck/ thread.

>> No.11491563

I bet that he was calling him edgy or something.

>> No.11491661

>this thread is shitty

Just like every other thread on this board

>> No.11497879

You're too young to give no fucks.

>> No.11497893
File: 112 KB, 800x600, hela-curry-gewuerz-ketchup-scharf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In German we use the word sharp for spicy, just like in English hot.

>> No.11497897
File: 2.97 MB, 440x248, mattoi's new uniform.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Curry ketchup?

>> No.11497901

Yes, it's thick like cum and tastes good.

>> No.11497902


>> No.11497947

Eggs are in the top 5 most disgusting foods on the planet. That putrid color, the stench, the god awful sponge texture, and the taste? Horrid.

Ketchup is equally awful and is the worst condiment in existence.

>> No.11497976

Why is jap food so gross?

>> No.11497978

Eggs are one of the best things you can eat, up there with nuts.

I agree on ketchup though, people who put that stuff on everything make me want to vomit.

>> No.11497980

I eat ketchup with eggs

>> No.11497983

Anon, why are you eating rotten eggs? You know salmonella is very dangerous!

>> No.11497990

Eggs (especially that quantity in OP) give you gyno or cancer if you are a woman.

Ketchup is industrial shit.

>> No.11497996

Also japs like that disgusting yellow mayonnaise.

Doesn't surprise me that their stomach cancer rate is the highest in the world.

>> No.11497998 [DELETED] 
File: 631 KB, 1280x720, mattoi looking angry with gearlike eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eggs are one of the most commonly misprepared foods. Most people don't know this, but you can overcook eggs drastically by a margin of five seconds.

Omurice is unnaturally tasty, also. It's just a perfect blend of textures.

I won't try to change your mind about eggs, but try cooking one to perfection some time and see if it isn't good.

>> No.11498001
File: 274 KB, 1024x683, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there aren't any women here.


>> No.11498005

What would be the perfect time and way to prepare one?

>> No.11498012


Time depends on too many factors for there to be a one-size-fits-all thing. Room temperature, egg consistency, total amount of egg, container type, etc.

One thing you shouldn't do is add seasoning to your eggs before cooking them, because that will cause protein separation.

>> No.11498016

Yes, it increases the chance of breast cancer.

>> No.11498026 [DELETED] 
File: 2.96 MB, 306x172, mattoi speaking in a kind of pontificatory way.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everything you can eat increases the chance of breast cancer.

>> No.11498031
File: 242 KB, 800x534, omurice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry but Google says otherwise.

I've eaten some omurice before and it's disgusting. It doesn't go well with rice at all and the gooks don't put any salt in their omelette.

>> No.11498032

Not really...

Eggs have estrogen.

>> No.11498049

>1 in 8 American women will get breast cancer. At Harvard University (International Journal of Epidemiology v. 31, 2002) the doctors found breast cancer to be clearly related to egg con-sumption studying 351,041 women. That is one third of one million women. This is right from Harvard, folks. One third of a million women prove eating eggs causes cancer.

Search harder.

>> No.11498046

Sexual development in chickens is guided by chromosomes, not hormones.


>> No.11498054

>Sexual development in chickens is guided by chromosomes, not hormones.
>Believes the chicks that shat the eggs you eats aren't full of hormones and other chemicals.
Hahahaha oh wow.

>> No.11498059

Sorry again but that isn't a viable source for me and since I can't find the paper the article mentions, I will have to assume that site has some hidden agenda against eggs.

>> No.11498064
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, rape analogue 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>One third of a million women prove eating eggs causes cancer.

When a journal prints something like this, it's a good sign that they are full of shit. You can not link correlation to causation with sureness like that. Saying 'PROVE' in these circumstances is what only somebody with a conflict of interests or mental retardation would do. There's also no Harvard study like that on scholar.google.com.

>> No.11498068

Vegetarians, Tofu

>> No.11498070

I'm also talking by experience, since I have (a little) gyno and I ate basically eggs everyday when I was a kid.

>> No.11498075

>There's also no Harvard study like that on scholar.google.com.
>"google must have everything!"
You are a child.

>> No.11498077

Fuck off, T.

>> No.11498085

I eat and still continue to eat eggs pretty much every day, I don't have any gyno. I eat and bake cakes that use eggs, I eat omelette pretty much once every week. So does my father and so did his mother and both are doing just fine. I will have to conclude that something else is causing your gyno. Although I accept that both our stories are at best anecdotal, there might be some incidence in some people. Just like me drinking too much milk gives me acne but I cannot guarantee it's the milk causing it.

>> No.11498082

/jp/ - Ketchup & Eggs

>> No.11498089 [DELETED] 
File: 2.24 MB, 1280x720, mattoi's panties exposed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It would be on there if it was on the Internet, unless whatever study archive it's on specifically forbode Google from indexing it. Unless you can link the study there's no reason for us to believe there is one.

>> No.11498151

FUCK ameriKKKa.

>> No.11498161

My dad is about to be forced out of his well paying job into a crappy pension

I wanna get drunk, I am living in despair knowing that I am going to have to start earning money in the big bad world...I have no skills...

>> No.11498189 [DELETED] 

He's incredibly lucky to have any pension at all.

>> No.11498212

But the moment he retires we'll fall out of the second quintile...we'll just be middle class...I won't be able to afford to ear good food in restaurants every day...or order stuff over the internet every week...

Please, no bully...

>> No.11498216 [DELETED] 
File: 2.24 MB, 1280x720, mattoi's panties exposed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Be strong!

>> No.11498218

My dad has about 10 years left before he is put into retirement and he makes about $150k a year. It could increase it that time, but fuck we still have tons of debt.

I dread the day that he can't support NEETdom

>> No.11498222 [DELETED] 

My mom's boss was abused by her husband. Then after divorce she got breast cancer and went bankrupt. Now the hospital's firing 100 people to save money. She just lost her job and she's 3 years too young to get the pension. So now this broke 60 year old cancer survivor is going to be homeless.

>> No.11498223

At least you can eat at all.

We used to spend days eating nothing but biscuits and water.

>> No.11498239
File: 434 KB, 1070x600, 35219917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds horrible!!...

I don't know how to get a good job...I'll just go through life robbing people, it's what my grandpappy did...

>> No.11498253

If you still have Internet access you have no reason to complain.

>> No.11498258

>"awwwwwwww look at me, I'm a cry baby!"
First world problems

>> No.11498259




>> No.11498289

Do you know how expensive women's clothes and underwear are?...especially when you have to pay $240 a year to keep a P.O. box...and many companies won't ship to P.O. boxes...

I can understand why people go crazy and shoot up D.C. because hey can't afford nice things...

>> No.11498320

Haven't you ever heard of Goodwill?

>> No.11498340

Well yes...but I don't want to shop in public for "faggy" clothes...I wanna be normal...

>> No.11498372



>> No.11498992

Where THE FUCK is the NEET thread?

It's pissing me the fuck off that almost fucking everything that has a tangential relation to japan gets to stay on /jp/ while NEET threads which have always been here, get deleted.

>> No.11499082

Dude, it's been like this for awhile. It was decided NEET threads belong in /r9k or /b. We're fucked.

>> No.11499116

they are in neet.to

>> No.11499123

Yeah, I know, but just looking at the catalog and seeing all those shitty threads pisses me off.

What's one shitty thread going to change? Jesus.

>> No.11499142

If you can start a NEET thread with:
1. A decent OP that isnt "who neet here" or blogging.
2. Minimal blogging and "heres how I lusted over my underage cousin and how creepy i'm being"
3. Without a massive amount of blatant shitposting so the mods don't have to come fuck with it.

It likely wont be deleted. Good luck with any of that though.

>> No.11499149

I know it's possible if you mask it as a generic picture dump thread, or a "Japenese X" thread, but I'm not very good at that, and I have a static IP and don't want to get banned.

>> No.11499152

The most you'll get is a 1 day, MAYBE 3 if the OP is really fucking awful. Good chance it'll just be deleted with no ban though, only the shitposters inside get bans. The last 3 i've tried over november haven't gotten me muted.

>> No.11499168 [DELETED] 


only janny approved shitposting is allowed. janny is a normalfag so he doesn't approve of NEET threads

>> No.11499168,1 [INTERNAL] 

me -1
janny - 0
