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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 167 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11463420 No.11463420 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11463421

what's on the stage

>> No.11463427
File: 128 KB, 1024x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11463430

I was there. The ordor was overwhelming. Cheese and onions with a hint of dried semen, musty clothes, and baby powder.

>> No.11463438 [DELETED] 

Is this the new blog thread?

>> No.11463436 [DELETED] 

ur mum, m8 lool

>> No.11463448


>I'm going to cosplay as a female character, but I'm actually male! Comedic genius!

This is like when a hundred people tell cashiers the same joke every day and think they're hilarious.

>> No.11463450

You don't think it's just a good excuse to cross dress?

Right here we are witnessing the absolute relatedness of crossdressing to otaku culture.

>> No.11463457

At least they don't really think they're cute like delusional fat female cosplayers do.

>> No.11463462

Who cares about this gook
I want to see moot

>> No.11463464

Would the loli in the front row please turn around, thank you.

>> No.11463465

Male, female, all cosplayers are equally annoying insults to the characters. There's no point in making distinctions.

>> No.11463466

I don't understand people who fall at this meta level, surely they know criticism is normality

>> No.11463477
File: 488 KB, 1510x1000, DSC_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11463479

This is a smaller turnout than I expected

>> No.11463481

Who's getting raped

>> No.11463487

What's this? Why are they all bunched together like that?

>> No.11463488

probably a guy in a reimu outfit.

>> No.11463490


Shit tier: Cosplaying a character of the opposite gender when you can't pull it off

Meh tier: Cosplaying a character of the same gender when you can't pull it off. Note that if you are particularly ugly or fat or otherwise wildly incapable of approximating the physical look of your chosen character, this devolves to Shit tier

Good tier: Cosplaying a character of the same gender when you can pull it off

Creative tier: Cosplaying a character of the opposite gender, but changing their costume and look to be recognizable yet match your own gender

God tier: Cosplaying a character of the opposite gender but being able to pull it off anyway

>> No.11463494

The Official 4chan Meetup™. They are all standing around moot, who could only be heard from a foot away. Anyone not directly by him is literally just standing there doing nothing.

>> No.11463499

Exciting as HELL D00D!!

>> No.11463501

I don't know why you expected anything different.

The best is when there is a meet up in a restaurant and everyone tries to sit at the same table with the "cool kids" lol.

This is why I don't even mess with this kind of stuff anymore.

>> No.11463502

I think I could pull off a crossdressing cosplay. I've been told that I have a very squishy nose and extremely soft legs

>> No.11463504

>squishy nose

dats racist!

>> No.11463505

I don't think the consistency of your body parts really plays into how well you can crossdress.

>> No.11463508

So the ZUN panel already happened? Was it recorded?

>> No.11463510 [DELETED] 
File: 2.59 MB, 1920x1080, asuka rudely opens mouth while eating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I went to a gathering of normies and it turned out everyone was a normie!

>> No.11463511 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting, crossie?

>> No.11463513 [DELETED] 
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, asuka angry in elevator door.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're practically begging to be owned.

Back off or I'll troll you so hard you won't know what's up and what's down, youngster.

>> No.11463514 [DELETED] 


Hey! He's been shitposting on /jp/ way longer than you have, buddy!

>> No.11463519 [DELETED] 

Is this the new NEET thread?

I'm looking for a boyfriend...

>> No.11463515 [DELETED] 

Say that to me on warosu, trevshit, and not here and see what happens

>> No.11463520

There will be another one today and Sunday so sit back and relax

>> No.11463524 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 450x360, there are no boys on the internet_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry Anon but most of us are straight here. Good luck in your quest, though!

>> No.11463529 [DELETED] 


The tags I browse on exhentai suggest otherwise.

>> No.11463531 [DELETED] 

I'm not really into other girls but a NEET girlfriend might be cool... I just want someone to care about who shares the same feelings as me.

>> No.11463532

So is there going to be a /jp/ meetup today?

>> No.11463534 [DELETED] 

But you're never going to get that. Girls can't into complex emotions.

>> No.11463535 [DELETED] 

wwwww post pics pls

>> No.11463542

Just post the stream with ZUN, I don't wanna see pathetic crowds.

>> No.11463564

They don't allow streams during the panel.
Also, did ZUN ever get suspicious as to how his games got to America?
Most of us just pirate them


>> No.11463570

>Most of us just pirate them

Please stop projecting.

>> No.11463577

But i've seen pictures from a nicovideo stream showing stuff and ridiculous cosplayers at the convention.
Touhou doesn't get sold overseas, so the answer should be clear.

>> No.11463583

I specifically said they don't allow streaming during the ZUN panel

>> No.11463594

That's lame, then why do these anime-convention-threads exist if we can't see and discuss about ZUN?

>> No.11463599

This is pretty frustrating.

>> No.11463606

How don't you realize that you're the one projecting? What makes you think that you speak for the majority? Do you actually expect that the majority of American touhou fans actually purchased legitimate copies from Japan?

>> No.11463614 [DELETED] 

Is this the otaku culture thread?

Who otaku here? What kind of otaku are you?

A hiki is fine too

>> No.11463623 [DELETED] 

I just enjoy anime, video games and vocaloid music. I don't even label myself otaku.

>> No.11463624 [DELETED] 

shut up

>> No.11463630 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 300x211, hehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have absolutely no reason to be posting here

>> No.11463632

>all those fucking manchildren and kids

Why am I posting on this website anymore. Moot already ruined everything I loved.

>> No.11463644 [DELETED] 

New shitposting thread?

>> No.11463647

I might fall in the creative tier then. I could never manage to look remotely female so why trying. Instead I go for manly as fuck, with beard and sunglasses.

>> No.11463667
File: 498 KB, 935x381, usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11463680

So is /jp/ the /con/ substitute now that moot never adds /con/ any more?

>> No.11463688

If you're DYEL tier (which you probably are) you fall straight to Shit tier.

>> No.11463691

protip /con/ was made for people at the actual convention, not some neet losers browsing 4chan from home

>> No.11463689

That is your guys thread. Do not make another one. The mod even removed the bump limit from it. Janny delete this thread. The mods have authority over you. You cannot disobey the mod.

>> No.11463694

This is all kinds of disgusting. I just hope there's no TRU/jp/sie there.

>> No.11463700

This thread is not even filled with one tru/jpsie.

>> No.11463705

Are you that one guy with the red beard whos cirno picture got posted the other day?

>> No.11463710
File: 237 KB, 320x420, 8e370f3dc306d5b461940a9edd903065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you didn't know, you are replying to and being responded by one.

>> No.11463713

No tru/jp/sie would deem themselves a tru/jp/sie.

>> No.11463722

Well I just did, what you gonna do about it dweeb?

>> No.11463724

Can we have sex?

>> No.11463731

I don't like you, you stink.

>> No.11463734

no pls

>> No.11463740

aren't there male designs for touhou characters? why not base it on those instead of outright cross dress.

>> No.11463744 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 529x1000, IMGP0518r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think I could pull off a crossdressing cosplay?

>> No.11463748 [DELETED] 


>> No.11463750 [DELETED] 

That's gay.

>> No.11463752 [DELETED] 

Too edgy manshoulders

>> No.11463753 [DELETED] 

i think i know you

>> No.11463758

Is that Fraya?

>> No.11463765

Why would anyone dress up as someone they wouldn't fug?

>> No.11463805

I would fug wriggle.

>> No.11463819

>God tier: Cosplaying a character of the opposite gender but being able to pull it off anyway

I have seen maybe 10 male cosplayers that could pull off a female character in all my time on the internet. 99.99% of the time its some fat fuck with a beard who thinks he's XD ironic.

>> No.11463822

As a male character? Sure!

>> No.11463824

Those tiers don't make any sense. Cosplaying is supposed to be about effort. Being naturally born with an effeminate male body doesn't take any effort at all.

>> No.11463830

Get out of /jp/

>> No.11463829

No its not. Cosplaying is about trying to reproduce the character at an amateur level. You can have a getup you spent several hundred dollars and dozens of hours on but it won't mean shit if your body doesn't match the character at all. Find someone who can pull it off and let them use it.

You "its about effort!" types are a joke. You're the kind of person who expects children sports teams to get trophies even if they lose.

>> No.11463842

Anyone else can't see the stream? I get an error.

>> No.11463858

So as a short and fat person I should be able to pull off Pikachu with no prob, right?

>> No.11463860
File: 676 KB, 1993x1494, golden_ticket1018987964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a ZUN tcket for those who are interested.

>> No.11463871

lol u got a shit 2hu, m8... can you exchange it for a better one?????

>> No.11463867

Did he get that stupid scroll yet? I'm not keeping up with anything

>> No.11463869
File: 636 KB, 2038x1529, golden_ticket_238594291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So who is ready for 5 straight hours of Touhou panels? I expect the worst in the fan panel.

>> No.11463873

It's not ZUN art? Someone somewhere's been cheated!

>> No.11463881

Secondaries everywhere.

>> No.11463879

Better than you can pull off Tenshi

>> No.11463882

I've been here since the split and haven't browsed another board since 2009. I took the photo.

>> No.11463883

This reasoning pisses me off to no ends. Fuck man, if you're going to cosplay as someone, you should at least try to look like them, and not burn everyone's eyes. I'm a crossplayer, but I actually make the "effort" to look like a female. Being 200 pounds, and dressing up like a random touhou takes as much effort as a dude with "naturally born effeminate" features.

>> No.11463890
File: 471 KB, 1000x1000, 1329817436904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this end to staff

>> No.11463893

Sorry kid but shaving all the hair off your body and putting on a wig isn't going to cut it. Trust me, if I could pull it off I'd be a trap too. But I had to come to terms with the fact I'm too bulky, tall, and naturally jacked to ever pull it off so I deal with being male.

All you can do is hope you roll as a female next time around.

>> No.11463903 [DELETED] 

'I'm a crossplayer'

take a hike queerboy. /lgbt/ is that a way.

>> No.11463912 [DELETED] 

Making something work with what you've got does take effort, which you're apparently against. Hiding from the reality of a situation under the guise of "effort" is horseshit.

>> No.11463910 [DELETED] 

Holy FUCK you just destroyed that nerd

>> No.11463920 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't know crossplaying pulls mad pussy

Stay virgin, pleb.

>> No.11463923

lol subhuman thinking his posts mean anything

>> No.11463929

Yeah I bet you pull 'mad pussy' from all the gross pizza faced pudgy anime convention babes.

>> No.11463934

How does it even happen
Do they just walk up and say something like "hey want to go to my hotel room after this" and fuck or what.

Loser geek normalfags are even more of a mystery to me than the regular normies.

>> No.11463942 [DELETED] 

You just have to hint at it. People are scared if you ask them to fuck, but if you go about it casually like "oh, you know, I have a hotel room and it's awfully lonely there at night want to go there later", then it's practically in the bag.

>> No.11463943

Stop believing everything Trevor-sama says.

>> No.11463946 [DELETED] 

So how do you pick one out that will agree to it?

>> No.11463951

They have "the look" on their face. Trust me, it's easy. You just need to pay attention. Keep your eyes set on the slimy, hairy, warm hole and it will be yours.

>> No.11463959

Pick out an uggo, compliment their shitty outfit, and then blurt out "L-Let's have sex!" in front of their friends. If you're lucky, you'll end up the only man with a half dozen pudgy ladies to satisfy. If not, you'll probably get a pity fuck off the hot one for being so adorably awkward.

>> No.11463961

>They have "the look" on their face.
the what
>Trust me, it's easy.

>> No.11463969
File: 61 KB, 400x236, 1370707421160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys shouldn't have sex before marriage. Even if it's gay!

>> No.11463978

Every time you post in any given thread, I go out and deflower a girl.

>> No.11463991

I still find it strange there are normals that have had sex frequenting /jp/. I can't even imagine myself having sex, the whole thing just seems otherworldly.

>> No.11463995


That's quite a statement. You're going to be busy, then.

>> No.11463996

They're around, but none of them are posting in these threads.

>> No.11464052

That's cute, I would have sex with you if you were at least a 6/10.

>> No.11464059

We deleted your image on /ota/ for a reason

>> No.11464113
File: 73 KB, 640x450, team rocket_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>As a short and fat person

Find a short and fat character to cosplay as

This isn't a hard concept to grasp. Yes, cosplay with a lot of effort and good design put into it can look good, but if you on a fundamental physical level do not resemble the character you're trying to portray, it IS NOT GOING TO WORK

>> No.11464127


Note that if you don't change up the costume to be more masculine and just slap sunglasses and a beard on, you fall to Shit tier by default

>> No.11464123

>I can't even imagine myself having sex, the whole thing just seems otherworldly.

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.11464129

Are you a girl? This is important.

>> No.11464171
File: 225 KB, 723x1024, 38298076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find a short and fat character to cosplay as

>> No.11464169

Are they going to kick people out for the trivia panel? And are they going to kick the trivia people out for a Zun line?

>> No.11464208

Why is this black guy with the mask being so loud on the stream? He is also yelling things like "UR MUM" and "UM BLACK".

>> No.11464213


>> No.11464218

>but if you on a fundamental physical level do not resemble the character you're trying to portray, it IS NOT GOING TO WORK

At least if you're cute the result will likely be cute even if it's not a good resemblance.

Attractive people can do as they please in public as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.11464225
File: 161 KB, 510x680, 1258101789099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least if you're cute the result will likely be cute even if it's not a good resemblance.

But that's still not good cosplay. A cute thin girl cosplaying Zangief might be cute, but it'd be garbage cosplay

>> No.11464227

Musashi from Getter Robo

>> No.11464230

In that case I'm not interested, sorry.

>> No.11464238

>A cute thin girl cosplaying Zangief

Muh dick.

>> No.11464258

Was the smell over there as bad as any other con?

>> No.11464262

So how long exactly until this 4chan panel starts? I can't believe moot couldn't even implement a fucking timer here instead of having to try and work out what piece of shit daylight savings timezone applies to the area he's in.

>> No.11464264

When the moonis highest in the sky

>> No.11464268


>> No.11464284

We ready have a con thread up cock suckers.

>> No.11464285

is there a better stream besides crucnyrool

>> No.11464292

I can't comment on crunchy.

>> No.11464294
File: 117 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11464295

>That's cute, I would have sex with you if you were at least a 6/10.
Why is being above average a requirement? I bet you aren't even a 5.

>> No.11464298

I am, it works for me. Not much effort and people like it, more men than women, but it's a nice way to find other 2hu fans. There aren't that many 2hu fans in germany, or rather we aren't organized at all. It feels a bit like it's slowly improving, especially with Ironattack doing a concert here.
Crossplaying is a bit stupid, to be honest, but I like doing it anyway, no matter what sad lonely people on /jp/ think.
It's a good excuse to hug cute girls and people recognize me on recent cons.

>> No.11464300

People who have poor aesthetics are going to have poor aesthetics regardless of the clothing they wear.

People who have good aesthetics are going to look good regardless of the clothing they wear.

That's why you need to groom yourself, clean, work-out and have good posture. Then you can cross-dress without looking like a retard.

>> No.11464301

What a normal gag.

>> No.11464308

He should really be doing kaiji cosplay

>> No.11464304

>cosplay without looking like a retard
Top rei

>> No.11464307


Well, everyone wants to have sex with someone who is at least moderately above average, looks-wise Anon.

Wait, I take that back. I don't, because sex is gross and also for nerds. But, you know, people who'd entertain the thought of sexual relations probably think that way.

>> No.11464311

>e-mail: pwieu@yahoo.pol
>username: pqowuryt
>password: dfisdfiusdf
>go back to the stream

>> No.11464312

"i don't care what u think i bet ur a lonely virgin lmao i do what i like and thats just me girls like it to lol if u dont like it then fuck u"
just shut up

You may be too retarded to know this but aesthetics vary by the gender. A girl can be skinny and have a nice body but if a guy has the same body he'll be laughed at. Just like a guy can be jacked and he impresses everyone but when a girl is jacked its usually creepy.

So if you're a man dressed like a girl you're making it look like shit either way. And lets be honest, these people do it for the xD factor more than actual cosplaying.

>> No.11464316

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.11464323

wow you suck /jp/. i'm going to another thread. bye.

>> No.11464316,1 [INTERNAL] 

Get in here warosubros.

>> No.11464327
File: 604 KB, 1112x619, pqowuryt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks but that didn't work. Chat is not loading for some reason.

>> No.11464332

it's an ip ban...
if yours is static, i think it's a one day ban because i am able to post comments again today.

>> No.11464334

Holy shit those are some ugly chicas.

>> No.11464340

I meant to write random stuff but oh well

>> No.11464342

The one in the yellow looks like a girl I liked for the entirety of high school in many ways except she was really slim unlike this one.

>> No.11464347

Shitty lazy cosplay 2/10 wud not fuk

>> No.11464353

The Misty? She's worse than what I think is the Madoka.

>> No.11464357

>Everyone's so ugly that Madoka looks pretty

>> No.11464359

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11464367
File: 29 KB, 986x343, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop hacking.

>> No.11464362

Any cute otaco girls on cam yet?

>> No.11464365

Why would they start now?

>> No.11464370

That image

>> No.11464373

>"i don't care what u think i bet ur a lonely virgin lmao i do what i like and thats just me girls like it to lol if u dont like it then fuck u"
just shut up

are you perhaps mad that people have fun doing stuff you hate?

>> No.11464374

No, who were you quoting? Where was your post previously posted?

>> No.11464376


I was just using that login but logged off, take it its yours now

>> No.11464380

Fuck off normalfag and go back to your board.

>> No.11464383


>when a girl is jacked it's usually creepy

No. Muscular females are improving on the physical features that makes female look female to begin with.

>> No.11464388

/jp/ was made to be for otaku interests. normalfriends and hikkifriends are both welcome. didn't you learn anything from posting anonymously? the point is that you don't know who the other person is.

>> No.11464389 [DELETED] 

I was quoting the situation :)

>> No.11464389,1 [INTERNAL] 

Oh hey I thought we had a whole thread without bump limits for the convention.

>> No.11464391 [DELETED] 

Where was it posted?

>> No.11464392

you aren't my friend, you can go die normie

there is a cosplay board for you and your kind

>> No.11464394

In my heart

>> No.11464395

Where was it posted in this thread?

>> No.11464400

Normalfags ruined 4chan. They need to fuck off entirely.

>> No.11464401

/jp/ is my homeboard. Are you angry that not every user follows your stereotype of anti-social, sex hating people?
I think normalfags make a big part of /jp/. They are just people liking otaku stuff.

>> No.11464398

please take it easy. /jp/ isn't for hate.

>> No.11464399

My heart is in this thread

>> No.11464404

Show me the post then.

>> No.11464403

While you have a point, this is not the 'normalfag lifestyle discussion board'.
Take your normalfag topics and leave if you can't keep them to yourself.

>> No.11464407

You can't see it, but it's here

>> No.11464408

Normalfags can't be otaku. And if you have a "home board" that means you visit other, so please fuck off you normal cross boarding scum.

>> No.11464412

Normie pls go.

>> No.11464415

If its wasnt posted, then who are you quoting?

>> No.11464417

that's not true. they've been here since the start. it just wasn't relevant back then. lately it seems like it's important who you are offline. what's the point of going on 4chan if you want to know what every person is like in the real world?

>> No.11464418

Do you fug random con sluts in that Cirno costume as well?

>> No.11464420

It was posted, you just can't see it

>> No.11464422

Then why are you abusing the quote function?

>> No.11464423


>> No.11464432

>actually I go on /jp/ more than /a/
lol................ pretty epic I must say *bows*

>> No.11464433

Don't worry. Misusing quotes in /jp/ is a 3 day ban.

greentexters and meme arrowers beware!

>> No.11464427

Fuck off normie. Stop trying to justify being here, you newb.

>> No.11464436

I-I'm not

>> No.11464442
File: 61 KB, 425x677, ss (2013-09-28 at 02.48.02).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11464438

Then who were you quoting?

>> No.11464439 [DELETED] 
File: 355 KB, 1332x761, 1380346977027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my otaku culture face when

>> No.11464440

you can actually ask moot next time. just because a person is into guro and loli doesn't mean they don't have a life. even moot was too "normal" for those things. the originalfag! the one here since the start! oh dear--

>> No.11464443
File: 527 KB, 695x377, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what they call a ``con sex otaku''?

>> No.11464445

Didn't I tell your normalfag ass to leave? Don't make me repeat my self.

>> No.11464446

They're just doing it for fun, nothing serious. Take it easy man.

>> No.11464448


>> No.11464449

is that you
sweet 318 bud

>> No.11464448,1 [INTERNAL] 

Which one of you guys is this cosplaying faggot? Prett epic troll I must say.

>> No.11464451

lol man.
well if you are being ironic someone will eventually take it seriously and believe it. we both know that.

you might not think much of it, but /jp/ is all we have.

>> No.11464452

Where was the post you quoted previously posted in this thread?

>> No.11464453

stop using that word like you're one of us

>> No.11464455

gb2/cgl , queerlord

The FUCK is happening to muh /jp/? Have the mods forsaken us completely since moot isn't around?

>> No.11464457

/jp/ isn't for you normie. Go update your Facebook.

>> No.11464461

He just admitted to hate Janny.

>> No.11464463


>> No.11464464

Mods are at the con too. They're having a reunion.

>> No.11464467

Cons here usually don't have the right location to pull that off, unless you somehow manage to bang her in a toilet or some shit. You would need a sleeping place close to the con and one that isn't your fucking car.
I personally don't do it and I don't go to cons for that. Cons aren't sex pickups here.

>> No.11464468

please go back to wizardchan. please...... onegai.

>> No.11464469

You don't have to quote something from this thread, but it's here anyway, you can't see it

>> No.11464470

I guess it must be free then.

>> No.11464471

Mootikins is leaving 4chan unmoderated?

>> No.11464473

Why are you abusing the quote function then?

>> No.11464472

Are you thinking what I'm thinking

>> No.11464474

Perfect. Welcome to: /jp/ - normie general

See ya guys after this fucking convention is over

>> No.11464475

Janny should still be here, so don't whip out that CP just yet!

>> No.11464480

Jannies are still here.

>> No.11464476

>this feels like 4chan
>who /sp/ here

>> No.11464477

Most likely not, no. There’s more mods than would go to the con.

>> No.11464481

I'm not

>> No.11464482

Are you thinking about tacos? Because I could really go for some tacos right now.

>> No.11464484

Ahhh I wish I could have gone! It looks like everyone is having a lot of fun. Sure they might be normals or crossies or genuinely bad people but everyone's having so much fun and that's what matters. And I'm just stuck across the pond sitting in front of this shitty computer. I wish I was rich so I could buy everyone who wanted to go tickets, we would have had a great time too!

>> No.11464490

If I was rich I'd run my own con, with blackjack, and hookers, and sign on the front saying no normies allowed.

>> No.11464487

Then who were you quoting?

>> No.11464491


0/10. You're going to have to troll harder than that, son.

>> No.11464492

I already said it twice

>> No.11464493

We don't want Brit scum here. There's a two teeth minimum to get in.

>> No.11464495

Lets have our own /jp/ meetup at a mexican restaurant. You can come dressed up as your favorite female japanese-mexican character so we can be ironic and fun.

>> No.11464497

Shut up and take my money.

>> No.11464498

>Then who were you quoting?


>> No.11464502 [DELETED] 

I'm thinking pizza would be preferable.

>> No.11464504

Can we have it in Albuquerque?

>> No.11464505

People keep saying this but they don't look like they're having all that much fun to me. They're just enjoying themselves because they're with their friends, like they would anywhere.

If a tru/jp/sie were to attend it probably wouldn't be as fun and they'd just stand around for hours looking at things and ignoring eye contact.

>> No.11464506

And we can impregnate each other's boypussies and come back from mexico with half-breeds in our tummies

>> No.11464508

> two teeth minimum to get in.

The convention is in fucking Georgia, dude. All the city negros and rural rednecks are being let in.

>> No.11464511

I'll whip something else out DUDE!!

>> No.11464514

you're so kind anon. i would love to go to a con with you.

>> No.11464515


I don't want to scare away the lolis, man. Let's stick with tacos

>> No.11464517

What exactly?

>> No.11464518

I'd be grabbing asses.

>> No.11464522



>> No.11464520

I would be honored to carry your babies in my belly

>> No.11464528

Where my /jp/sies at?

>> No.11464524

Save the jay
Slay the gay

>> No.11464534
File: 18 KB, 240x225, 1166640084461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm downvoting as fast as I can. I don't know how much longer I can last....

Long live /jp/!

>> No.11464535

I'm not gay dude I just want to be impregnated

>> No.11464537


>> No.11464538

Posting from a smartphone isharder than it looks..

>> No.11464541

jus b urself

>> No.11464546


>> No.11464552

My apologies, sir. This current influx of normals and crossboarders has me a bit on edge.

>> No.11464551

just b 2 wc :/

>> No.11464554

based wc bro

>> No.11464558

Just be to water closest colon slash?!

Sounds violently lewd

>> No.11464563



>> No.11464568

holy NIGGERS less than 7 hours to go!
I'm so excited!

>> No.11464573

Less than 29 hours to go!

>> No.11464578

I don't even go to /cgl/, only /jp/. Maybe you should go back to where you came from.

>> No.11464584

You still cosplay, so you don't belong here.

>> No.11464590

so you guys shitpost this up, so more AWA threads spawn to escape the shitposting, further fueling your rage.
An average intelligent person can figure out that that strategy is counter productive.

>> No.11464591

Wishing you could spend thousands of dollars on strangers just to make them happy isn't trolling, you know.

>> No.11464597

cosplay is otaku culture you fucking poopyhead

>> No.11464603

>An average intelligent person
Have to find one first

>> No.11464602

No it's not. It's normie culture and we have a board for it, so go there.

>> No.11464607

normies dont cosplay, they just party all the time and do other weird normal things.

>> No.11464612

A soldier cannot choose the ground he fights on. We've been invaded and I'll be damned if I run away and hide.

>> No.11464613

You're a nice person and I wish we could be friends and do fun stuff together. There should be more people like you both in the world and on this board.

I don't like conventions but I bet if I went to one with someone like you we'd have a great time.

>> No.11464614

I think he may have been refering to
>looks like everyone is having a lot of fun.

>> No.11464615

Cosplay is at cons.
Cons are for normies.
Therefore cosplay is for normies.

>> No.11464618

You get to pick where you go in the military.

>> No.11464625

You are so fucking gay. I wish we were in Russia.

>> No.11464620

Guys you're supposed to sit back and give up when a bunch of normals decide to have a gay orgy in your front yard

>> No.11464626

You need to decide if you hate gays or normals

>> No.11464627

dont normal people think cons are weird though? they would think anybody whos like whatever happens at cons is a creep, so how do normies go to cons?

>> No.11464632

kind of, sort of

>> No.11464629

People go to cons to socialize.
Normal people love to socialize.
Therefore con goers are normals.

>> No.11464630
File: 454 KB, 1200x800, 1372454126553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11464631

wait where did russia come from

>> No.11464635

with all the shitposters in here, the rest of /jp/ should be less shitty.

>> No.11464634

Look idiot, they're normies. They have different tastes as other normies, but they're going to a place to meet with other people to socialise and share their common interests. If this was a baseball club they'd be normies since they're going to socialise around baseball. But at a con they're going to socialise around anime and 2hu.

They're normies.

>> No.11464636

Russia hates gays.

>> No.11464637

All 5 of /jp/ is in this thread.

>> No.11464638

my friend, you on /jp/, not on /wiz/.

>> No.11464640

If my country was being invaded, why the FUCK would I ship off overseas?

You coward

>> No.11464641

Read the fucking news.

>> No.11464642

true. but they're still not normal, just because normal people and cong oers go to places to socialize doesn't make them both the same! besides, you don't know if the said people going to the con actually like to socialize. nerd

>> No.11464650


>> No.11464645

Gonna become admin and get laid :>>

>> No.11464648

Why would you go to a closed off area full of hundreds of people if you don't want to socialize?

>> No.11464656

to go buy stuff? i don't know. maybe they just wanna chill and go people watching or some shit

>> No.11464652

They're literally going to a place full of people so they can share their like of weeaboo shit.

>> No.11464654

Take the fight to them.

>> No.11464657
File: 684 KB, 905x1032, autism_yukarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the stream link

>> No.11464659

>Read the fucking news

Get a load of this nerd. He actually believes what he reads is true! My sides are approaching light speed.

>> No.11464661

crunchy rollz / live

>> No.11464669

Thanks m8

>> No.11464671

So they're paying money so they can go and pay more money for things they could buy online at a cheaper price? They're paying money to "chill and people watch"?

>> No.11464673

Oh huh, why are they so ``afro-american''-looking in appearance?

>> No.11464674

Get the fuck out crossie.

>> No.11464675

It's in Georgia.

>> No.11464676

m8 don't bully I'm your ally

>> No.11464678

Any submissive /jp/sies want to roleplay? :3

>> No.11464682
File: 91 KB, 256x256, hcrakers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap their skin is so dark and black.

>> No.11464683


ur mooma

>> No.11464686

/jp/ is a racist!!!

>> No.11464688

>Read the fucking news.
yeah i bet you got a subscription to the newspaper too normie

>> No.11464689

It's cool g. /jp/ was raised on the street, grew up around them. It's no big thang.

>> No.11464693

I get my news from /pol/, nerd.

>> No.11464697

I like the idea of conventions more than the conventions themselves.

The panels and dealers rooms and opportunities to meet industry and media guests is cool if you can handle those kinds of interactions but the people who treat it as a swingers party or straightforward social affair really weird me out.

A lot of them have very little interest in the hobbies and that irritates me. I can't get comfortable and reveal my power level when there's a bunch of normies around who are secretly judging behind the thin veneer of a "shared" interest.

>> No.11464698

How thug is /jp/? Are they thug like me?

>> No.11464703

/wiz/ is full of fucking normals
i'm permabanned from it for calling some whiny virgins "gf" ugly

>> No.11464704

only hiki shitposters and butthurt europeans left on /jp/, the rest is in atlanta. Atleast you guys keep your autism contained in this thread.

>> No.11464709

No /jp/ers are at the convention. Only crossboarders.

>> No.11464708

don't worry i'm none of them. just enjoying myself and taking it easy until the panel. haha.

>> No.11464713
File: 480 KB, 1326x860, 1372659604542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11464716

Atlanta, Georgia, motherfucker. It goes without saying.
You clearly aren't from the south.

>> No.11464721

you're so silly and close-minded. i don't live in the us, i dont vote, dont own an iphone, have 0 dollars in total money, dont have facebook, or a masters degree plus my hair doesnt look like that i also dont own a mac


>> No.11464726

Who is that asian trap-guy on the phone? Is he actually posting ITT?

>> No.11464725

Well you have to have all those to post on /jp/.

>> No.11464727 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 467x720, normalfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new normalfag general?

What are my normalbros up to? nm for me at the moment, my gf is having to do some repairs on her cosplay outfit so I'm taking the chance to scope out some of the babes here at awa ;)

>> No.11464728

He's accepting steam friend requests.

>> No.11464731

Yeah, i've never seen so many black guys. It's like 70% of the convention is black.

>> No.11464734

Is there another pov? The darkie is too loud.

>> No.11464736

Does anyone have an update on the orgy?

>> No.11464738
File: 229 KB, 1024x1450, 1316136436460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said Janny sucks, plays dota2, uses steam and cosplays a shittyronpa character.

>> No.11464739


>> No.11464746

King of the Normies.

>> No.11464743

He said /vg/ something

>> No.11464745

Only dudes showed up, some of them weren't even gay. I left but I guess the rest stayed and had homosexual anal sex.

>> No.11464750

wow flan is nice!

>> No.11464751

We're under the stairs, there are more girls than expected so we're deciding who gets to suck cock first.

>> No.11464748

Slay the gay

>> No.11464755

What's his steam account, I intend to add him :3

>> No.11464756

slav marisa is back

>> No.11464760


>> No.11464759

How do you know she's slav?

>> No.11464762

She's a slav for my dick.

>> No.11464763

just listen to her talk.

>> No.11464764

Kimchi Rukia

>> No.11464771

Slav Marisa is struggling to read the words on the screen

>> No.11464773

Why is she so tiny

>> No.11464777
File: 100 KB, 665x374, capture_28092013_220924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11464778


>> No.11464781

Why are 2 niggers controlling the crowd?

>> No.11464782

Opposite Day

>> No.11464789

Marisa is gone!

>> No.11464786

which stairs

>> No.11464787

I don't know, man. She doesn't sound very slav to me

>> No.11464794
File: 269 KB, 600x845, 1361522092453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's cute

crossyuyuko, crossmoko and a cutie marisa

>> No.11464795

Haven't you heard her "SpaaaaaRK"?

>> No.11464797

she's barely talking. yesterday she had the spotlight for 10 minutes where she kept talking. today the blacks have taken over the stream and keep yelling things instead of letting others speak.

>> No.11464799

She mumbled it pretty quietly.

There's far too many lonely creeper guys on the camera today.

>> No.11464805

that black girl on the right looks really cute!

>> No.11464813

Is it possible to watch this later?

>> No.11464814


>> No.11464818

"I'm not a girl" - grey haired trap's saying that in manly tone to camera


>> No.11464820 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 517x614, orin_37689926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Daft Punk!

>> No.11464822

not that cute anymore on her fanpage pics

>> No.11464823

That autist with the coke bottle needs to fuck off

>> No.11464826

Glad you realised.

>> No.11464829

where are they? can i see em?

>> No.11464831

I've done hardly any socialising at the cons I've been to, mostly because its actually really hard to do so in the first place unless you're in a cosplay group (you'd talk to them more on a forum or Skype group before going anyways from what I've seen) and/or only sit around in those stationary rooms like game ones. Since panels only last an hour or two at most you have to keep moving around, and if nothing is happening the only thing you can really do is waste time in the dealer's room/artist's alley/your hotel room/getting something to eat until something else you want to do is happening. And even if you're staying in the same place the chances of you actually talking to someone is pretty low since nearly everyone who goes to cons is autistic or is really shy. Hell, even if you're in a cosplay group that doesn't instantly mean you're good at socialising. I was dragged into one and only the people who were already friends talked to each other while the rest of us just sat around in silence. Of course every group is different with different people in them though.

I'm really not sure how people began thinking that cons are for socialising and that con sex is a regular thing that happens between strangers? That really doesn't happen unless you're a popular cosplayer and fucking other popular cosplayers.

>> No.11464836
File: 19 KB, 320x438, 1315963511239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, they're banning people from the comments. I only called fat people fat, that's just the way it is. And you call this freedom, USA?

>> No.11464843

You get banned from /cgl/ for calling people fat.

>> No.11464845

It was modless until about 10 minutes ago. Conversely when the fun ended. Very much like /jp/.

>> No.11464847


>> No.11464850

I glanced at the stream and instantly had flashbacks from people like this in highschool. I was happily friendless and better off than I'd be if I hung around these convention-attending types.

The weird part is janny just showed up around 10 minutes ago. Coincidence?

>> No.11464855

Janny is a... CR mod?!

>> No.11464858

That trap

>> No.11464861

no wonder everyone gets b& on CR

>> No.11464864

I can't believe people in this thread are being sincere.

Fuck off to >>>/cgl/ if you want to talk about cosplay, normies.

>> No.11464862

not only is she cute, she's pretty! i want to steal her looks.

>> No.11464863


is autistic as HELL. He keeps making weird faces

>> No.11464865

4chan rocks

>> No.11464866

me in the back with the aviators

>> No.11464868


>> No.11464869

Janny approved shitposting thread

>> No.11464874

God, had that landwhale to jump in front of the camera and shout that way?

>> No.11464875

lol at his reaction when that guy jumped in, he got scared
would marry

>> No.11464886

I have a question, are the comments in the stream being shown in some screen? Why are they just standing there looking at the camera?

>> No.11464887


>> No.11464891

Oh, that seems kind of awkward.

>> No.11464892

You got probably banned from comments.

>> No.11464895
File: 109 KB, 306x320, 1263827771280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mot's panel is at 4am... I hope he'll do more than just repeat what he said during his 4h long PMQ.

>> No.11464898

um its a panel, q+a is only small part of it...

>> No.11464901


He's going to talk about all his favourite epic memes from /sp/ and then unironically blame the same shitposting memes for ruining 4chan

>> No.11464904

Time to go to bed I guess. See you in 5 hours, shitters.

>> No.11464903

What? Isn't 4am pretty much extremely early in the morning in murrican time convention?

>> No.11464908

It's 10:00PM ET.
ET is 4chang time right? So 0200 GMT.

>> No.11464912

Them tits

>> No.11464914

Thats still really late , hope everyone there is sober and not just start group fuggin during q and a

>> No.11464921

I think it's 3am BST.

>> No.11464923

Yup, 4 am. I'll take a quick nap and then wake up to watch the livestream.

>> No.11464945

Why? It's just moot talking about 4chan, nothing interesting or important stuff.

>> No.11464947

I enjoyed the otakon panels. They make me a bit nostalgic, I've seen them many times

>> No.11464996

I don't really know why. I just want to watch it. I've been looking forward to it and that alone made my life more interesting.

>> No.11464997

Slav Marisa is back

>> No.11465002

Why so tiny.

>> No.11465006

That trap will not let anyone else get near the camera. All those cool, well made costumes and he has to be in front of the camera answering stupid questions about CS 1.6

>> No.11465011
File: 235 KB, 476x346, sanga, african researcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still better than those loud niggers.

>> No.11465015

holy shit, the trap guy is literally smaller than alice

>> No.11465014

alice-chan kawaii

>> No.11465018

Where is slav Marisa...

>> No.11465031


she couldn't do much because the weird trap and Alice were hogging the space

>> No.11465033

He own fault for being so short.

>> No.11465035

it's what makes her kawaii though

>> No.11465040


>> No.11465041

slav marisa is a girl

>> No.11465043

The livestream is boring as HELL. They don't even have cute interviewers like the old nico streams.

>> No.11465046

I bet you think alice is a girl too. Silly you.

>> No.11465048

And stream chat is /a/ thinking posting spoilers is funny.

>> No.11465053


There was only one.

>> No.11465055
File: 46 KB, 635x360, 1357905563205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darkies, everywhere.

>> No.11465060


There were at least 3 different cons covered by the nico stream

>> No.11465073

four hours. i can't breathe from this anticipation

>> No.11465078

I'm too tired to shitpost (´・ω・`)

>> No.11465082

No one will ever top this girl.

>> No.11465086

oh lord i remember this one.

>> No.11465093

What happened? I'm too scared to watch it.

>> No.11465099

It's a chubby girl with a stutter dressed like Miku talking about her K-On merch.

>> No.11465106


>> No.11465114

Red Vest dude is steaming that he's not getting any attention

>> No.11465131

black people being loud and primitive
q.t pie 15 year olds acting all cute for attention and not knowing anything about anime
autistic normalfags everywhere

fuck cons

>> No.11465148

crunchyroll pls

>> No.11465171

That's interesting.

>Q: Are there any characters that hold a special place in your heart?
>ZUN: Hakurei Rin.

Did the author mean to write Reimu or am I missing something? Who's Rin?

>> No.11465180

> Hakurei Rin

>> No.11465184

Rin-chan now. Rin-chan now. Rin-chan, Rin-chan, Rin-chan now.

>> No.11465211


/jp/ is filled with underage people

>> No.11465217

18, even said so on the stream. but yeah man people get old and die and then other people replace them. its multilayered tho

>> No.11465222

Fuck off, faggot

>> No.11465224

jeez louise what happened today anon.

>> No.11465225

fuggg that Bible Black girl is hot

>> No.11465228

Not as hot as Marisa.

>> No.11465236

I want to softly impregnate slav Marisa. I also want to do sexual things with Trap-chan and maybe Misty because >>11464342.

>> No.11465241

Why don't you refer to him directly, he's right here >>11465217

>> No.11465244

I want to be bullied by Trap-chan.

>> No.11465248

dat homu fugggggggggggg

>> No.11465259

looking for group
wheres everyone at

>> No.11465268

wait really?

>> No.11465270

I've always been here

>> No.11465271

Thanks for discussing the stream with me /jp/.

>> No.11465273

This was only the prelude to the stream that will move worlds. Less than three hours /jp/...

But you are welcome. I am also grateful for your presence.

>> No.11465277

Yeah really

>> No.11465284

I don't get it. I referred an earlier post of mine detailing why Misty was special to me. I'm also happy that I got her and her friend to kiss. One of the best /u/ moments I've seen in a while.

>> No.11465281

It's probably just the person who recapped its' fault. Maybe he misunderstood him.

>> No.11465293 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 630x507, bold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, this is really offtopic but is nearly everything bold for you guys now? It just went like this.

>> No.11465296

Do the streams get archived?

>> No.11465298


>> No.11465300

moot breaking the site with his announcement which he updated just now

>> No.11465311

Oh, didn't notice that. Good to know it isn't just me then.

>> No.11465317



>> No.11465838

btw does anyone have any info on marislav?

>> No.11465893

Who cares. Go back to the cosplay board.

>> No.11465893,1 [INTERNAL] 

guide me Jesus through the night
