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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11411210 No.11411210 [Reply] [Original]

Share otaku culture games with each other in this thread.

>> No.11411216


translate it natives

>> No.11411267

Isn't that the game when you can inadvertaly kill the girl in the end?

>> No.11411269

No, that was Chrono Trigger

>> No.11411272

Just tried it again. If you slap her right before she leaves the bath, she falls down and break her neck.
Truly a shame. But I guess you could still do some things while her body is still warm.

>> No.11411283 [DELETED] 

I can't find the game on the site linked. Someone please help?

>the game


>> No.11412272

How do I unlock the ??? option at the menu?

>> No.11412291

Beat 1200 points

>> No.11412311 [DELETED] 

So what are the damn keywords for the download file? ><

>> No.11412332

Retards shouldn't be playing it anyway.

>> No.11412342 [DELETED] 

I'm not Japanese you cock sucker. Sorry?

Sorry that I can't read Japanese you stuck bitch.

>> No.11412347

I don't know any Japanese and I figured it out.

>> No.11412369 [DELETED] 

>Implying you know how to do it

>> No.11412381 [DELETED] 



>> No.11412383

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11412384 [DELETED] 

What are the key words?

>> No.11412391

Now shut up.

>> No.11412394

How do you beat her?
I keep slapping her tits but I'm barely getting any points.

>> No.11412395 [DELETED] 

So what are the keywords? No matter what I've done I can't get it to work. If you know what they are, then fucking say something instead of making fun of other people. I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't speak Japanese. So if you figured it out just say it.

>> No.11412397

It's there exactly for this reason, that is to keep retards like you away.

>> No.11412400

Fuck off.

>> No.11412402

>I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't speak Japanese.
Maybe you are, faggot.

>> No.11412406 [DELETED] 

We're at least three people with this problem, now stop being a spoiled brat already, cunt

>> No.11412409 [DELETED] 

It's not a real game, you dunce.
The entire thread is OP samefagging to get people to download his malware. Check the archive if you want, he's been at it all day. Just report it like everyone else.

>> No.11412410

There's a "sweet spot" between her tits that you have to aim at to get points. Don't look at her health bar, just look at the counter for the points and you'll know when you're hitting the right place.
Just keep pressing left and right and don't hold down your mouse button, aim at her face when she starts to block, don't mash or you'll lose too much stamina.
This shit is easy as HELL I don't know why people find it difficult.

>> No.11412413 [DELETED] 


>> No.11412424
File: 121 KB, 644x199, spoonfeeding - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they didn't see any of the videos where someone dominates the game with light hits over and over again. It's more fun if you take opportunities to give her a few hard hits or go for her crotch.

Gosh, you guys desperately don't want these threads here don't you?

>> No.11412425 [DELETED] 

That sucks because this looked like a fun game. I was hoping for some nerco too. ><

>> No.11412429


>> No.11412430

Only if we could pretend to be retarded off boarders demanding to know the password AND retards insisting it's a virus. Then we won't have to deal with people talking about the creator's fun boxing game when it's released.

>> No.11412449

The guy was asking me how to beat the game, not how to have fun with it.
I didn't have to watch any videos to figure out how to beat the game. It was my first idea to just keep hitting her with light hits and see if she has some way to counter them. She obviously hasn't. After that I tried some things in nude mode like beating her up with hard hits or keeping her inside the bathtub for as long as possible but it got boring pretty quickly.

>> No.11412456

commercial advertisement is against the rules anyway.

>> No.11412465

It's a free game. No ones making any profit off of it.

>> No.11412471

You don't know that.

>> No.11412484
File: 1.13 MB, 1359x781, tasukete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tasukete, onegai

>> No.11412493


I'm in the bath! Don't come in!
Get out!!

Don't just come in okay..

>> No.11412517

It's still hard as hell. No matter how well I do I can't even reach 1000 points before running out of health. She does this bullshit thing where she gets you caught in a flurry of hits, then you're stuck not being able to hit back while she takes out a third of your health.

>> No.11412520

Theres a glitch where if you look at the ceiling you wont take damage.

>> No.11412522

Or maybe I was just really unlucky, since I was able to get through it really easily all of a sudden just now.

>> No.11412582

Is that Miki? Do you get to have sex with her?

>> No.11412610

So what? You just slap her until she leave, there is nothing else to do?

>> No.11412622

They've ?????, but i don't know how to get it.

>> No.11412623

You can knock her back with a hard punch to the face when she does that or you can just keep alternating between clicking the left and right mouse buttons, some of her hits will get interrupted that way and she'll stop eventually.

>> No.11412625

Score above 1200 to unlock nude mode.
Just keep clicking on her tits.

>> No.11412641

If you are that bad at this game, just use cheat engine

>> No.11412647

Maybe it's just in nude mode, but if you don't hit her for long enough she'll stop hitting and say something while doing a bit of a pose. If you use the middle-level hit, which is basically a grope, on her tits over and over she won't fight back and will just let you grope her and even smile sometimes, but she'll get angry if you start groping her face or crotch, or if you start punching her, or if you don't do anything for a few seconds. The best one she does is when she leans forwards and presents her tits to you while telling you to go ahead.

>> No.11412683 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 295x295, 295_295_Waifu_feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op's game
>3dpd shit
I was exited.

>> No.11412692 [DELETED] 


>> No.11412808
File: 135 KB, 869x610, こわいasfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair, that particular video wasn't actually available for download anywhere for a while.

>> No.11412855

>Brown eyes
Non white/10

Also, why is she trolling the japs?

>> No.11412861 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is the keywoard?

>> No.11412879

It's written in his twitbookformspring article.

>> No.11413344

Wait, this game doesn't save your data? I have to unlock nude mode every time I want to jerk off to this? What a ripoff!

>> No.11413397

Because kawaii burondo waitu girr.

You can see her roots.

Is this all she's done? A one hit wonder?

>> No.11413401


>> No.11413482
File: 808 KB, 869x610, notwhite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep. definitely not white

>> No.11413507

why's janny babysitting this thread guys

>> No.11413550
File: 11 KB, 192x128, oppai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working hard to protect /jp/ from shitposters and and crossboarders (ignoring this thread was made by one.)

Also my favorite otaku culture game


>> No.11413588


Why are you stupid? This game is a demo.

>> No.11413811
File: 787 KB, 891x638, unity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I punched her tits out

>> No.11413815

also just looked down for the first time


>> No.11413827

>The game is hard!
No, it's fucking not.

Just keep on light-slapping her tits, and when she goes into defensive mode covering her breats, just slap her vagina for a wonderful stun effect. Rinse, and repeat.

>> No.11415365

Almost looks worth it.

>> No.11420871

with more dramatic music


>> No.11422333

I finally reached the 1200 mark. It was sweet since she knocked me at 1190 one time. Angry bitch I just wanted to take a bath!

>> No.11422357

>enter bath
>slap ONCE her cheek
>she got mad, entered assault mode and drained 3/4 of my health with a barrage of punchs
Geez... There's no need to be that mad bitch.

>> No.11422568

Just the fact that you slapped her once let alone harming her period justifies her anger

>> No.11422629

Yea, people tend to be mad if you hit them.

>> No.11422637

That's not what eroges told me.
In that specific situation, she was supposed to go all trembling while crying and protecting her special place with both hands.

>> No.11425134

Is it just me or the high score isn't saved after you exit the game?
Went to sleep and when I woke up the special feature was locked up again.

>> No.11425159

Yes. It's an unfinished game after all, you have to redo the score to get the naked part again.

>> No.11425177

Ah, that isn't nice. Oh well, at least I'm used to the game and getting that score again is not an impossible task. Still a very bad decision that leave it like that.

>> No.11425296
File: 902 KB, 1920x1080, mitsurugi_trial 2013-09-01 20-21-22-706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone ever upload the full version of this?

>> No.11425306

Just load up CE and edit the score value, it's faster. And since you already beat it once there's no shame in it

>> No.11425433

What do when Purin freezes?

>> No.11425465

It's already out? Game doesn't look fun though, would play only for the girl and the p-shots.

>> No.11425591

>MFW you can drown this bitch when she reaches 0% health

Rip imouto chan

>> No.11425618


>> No.11426013


>> No.11426465

Thanks a lot, it actually worked. Now that I don't have to beat Purin everytime I want see her undressed, she is kinda cute instead of a bitch.

>> No.11426815
File: 83 KB, 1278x800, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i win?

>> No.11426837 [DELETED] 


>> No.11427803 [DELETED] 


>> No.11427890
File: 885 KB, 1023x745, purin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does this and doesn't move.

>> No.11427930

is this danganronpa?

>> No.11428079

I dont want to beat her, I just want to love her tenderly.

>> No.11428301
File: 977 KB, 500x281, 1379413188173.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even foolish crossboarder got the password right

>> No.11428445

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.11428461


Release your inner Irish man.

>> No.11428473

abandon her and go to the pub?

>> No.11428478

Only casuals punch her to win that game. Real brothers just constantly slap her breasts and her very special place.

>> No.11428564

That was intense. This was only a demo right? When is the full game being released?

>> No.11428615 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 800x600, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are fucking losers and assholes.

Are you really that fucking pathetic in real life that you do what you're doing? Fucking moogys, pic related, it's you people.

>> No.11428632
File: 619 KB, 1200x1200, Kirisame.Marisa.full.1178829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rape. ;_;
I used to ask for rape mechanics in my favorite western games forums when I was younger but people was mean to me.
I don't understand what's wrong with raping fictional beings, they don't have rights...

>> No.11428647

Password/keyword is purin

>> No.11428671

Seriously though, everyone not just doing this in this scenario, as in saying the password instead of calling others stupid because you're a fucking prick, is a huge shitposter that shits up threads just because they want to feel elitist about something in their life.

It's fucking pathetic. Next time something like this happens, just say the password when someone asks or shut the fuck up, like anyone who isn't a fucking 13 year old douchebag would. This thread was the most childish fucking thing I've seen on here in a while.

>> No.11428694
File: 524 KB, 1027x764, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't missing anything anyway, it's just you sitting there having a slap-fight with a girl in the bathtub.

>> No.11428769

4chan has changed, this isn't the place where you can get piece of information effectively anymore. Each time you're asking something you'll get "lol spoonfeeding @edgy" replies all the time.

>> No.11428779

Slap her vagina. Seriously, do it. It's worth the animation she's doing if successful.

>> No.11428802


Looks like the newies are out in full force today.

>> No.11429079

It's written right on the blog page you damn nerdologue.

>> No.11429095

You wouldn't be able to pick that out without knowing japanese or having a translation tool.

Fuck you elitist cunt.

>> No.11429126

its called common sense codfag

>> No.11429173


Wow. Just, wow. I'm not even going to sage this.

>> No.11429179 [SPOILER] 
File: 249 KB, 480x640, mary is UBER FUCKING CRAZY AS FUCK!!!! WWWW1377928799598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play Ib
Play Ib
and you will understand me 9999% more!

>> No.11429183
File: 124 KB, 670x504, 1340068188153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you?!

>> No.11429182

codfag, like in call o doody fagmeister

>> No.11429186


Just wait until that one /jp/er in the project thread finishes his loli rape simulator!

>> No.11429233

What are you talking about, they have both right and left!

>> No.11429391

Sparky calm down please.

Also the self portrait of Guertena is a scary concept

>> No.11429409

I am just very very lonely!

>> No.11435076

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.11435317

what is this from?

>> No.11435676
File: 250 KB, 1280x720, mitsurugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the game on all 4 difficulties. Damn, it was hard.
I figured out the pattern for the final boss second form, but her first form is still VERY brutal.
The knights that can counter attack are also major pain. They even come in groups of 3 on the last difficulty.

I'd REALLY like a walkthrough on this, because I feel I only survived those encounters because of luck. Damn, it's almost impossible to connect the counter attack to beat those assholes.

Is there a different ending? Are there only 3 costumes?

>> No.11435702

So when shes out of hp she gets out of the tub, and thats when you punch her in the neck?

>> No.11435711

My tip to get through the game more easily:
Hold 奥義 and press 解放 twice, release; rinse and repeat.
Spams AoE attacks. You can recover the sword bars that are spent by pressing the sheath sword button.

>> No.11436350

Can you really know her down when she gets out of the bath?

>> No.11436362

Yeah dude my dad works for parabolica and he said it's true

>> No.11436746

yes, at least it just happened to me in nude mode.

i attacked as she was getting up to get out, she fell back into the bath with her legs sticking out and her head underwater.
then i clicked and it went back to the main menu. i am a terrible human being

>> No.11439185


>> No.11440734 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 270x270, Pokemon_Red_Version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good, short length RPGs I can play on a fossil of a computer? So like, SNES, GBA, those types of systems.

Picture related. I played this once. It was OK.

>> No.11440740

Just imagine it

You're sitting there trying to take a bath, and then your autistic brother just barges in without saying a single word. He walks over and into the tub with little to no visual emotion, and then proceeds to slap you in one of his asperger induced potato fits and you don't know how to react. First it seems like light tapping and you just hope he goes away and stops, but this quickly turns to bruising.

And then during your escape, he yanks you back in. You hit your head and die.

>> No.11442906

where did you get this? or you actually bought it?

>> No.11442978


>> No.11443294
File: 6 KB, 300x200, TouhouMotherBanner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good, short length RPGs I can play on a fossil of a computer? So like, SNES, GBA, those types of systems.

Picture related. I played this once. It was OK.

>> No.11443342

I would seriously consider buying it, if the price was right. Alas, I downloaded it somewhere and can't seem to find it. Google Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae.

>> No.11445559

found it, cheers

>> No.11447281


>> No.11447409

oh so that's where vgperson's avatar comes from

>> No.11447692

Isn't the full version of that game going to be like Idolm@ster, but with boxing?

>> No.11454571

>game about slapping tits
looks like anything'll entertain /jp/

>> No.11456050

how to counter attack?

>> No.11456196
File: 573 KB, 1024x426, packagell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one know about Soulsaber?


>> No.11456224
File: 2.22 MB, 568x308, s_gif_purinstraddle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make her do that?
It would be nice if I could make her stand still, while they finish the game so you can do stuff like in the pic.

Also, am I right in understanding from the blog that there is a 1.1 version out, and another demo with the boxing gym?

>> No.11463972

I did play SS1 for a bit, it was OK.
Tried SS2 a couple of times, but the menus and settings are too unintuitive, so the moonspeak really gets in the way. I gave up.

>> No.11464396

When you've been a NEET for so long you start to run out of things to enjoy, something new is something great.

>> No.11465024

Where did you get that picture from?
This is exactly how this game should be: less gameplay, more porn.

>> No.11465080

That isn't a glitch. It's your block move.
