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11370516 No.11370516 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite Rinnosuke pairing? Mine is AyaRin.

>> No.11370525

Rinnosuke and Merlin Prismriver

>> No.11370527

MariSuke. Because I enjoy the thought of Rinnosuke awkwardly turning down her attempts of engaging in a May December romance.

>> No.11370535

AyaRin has the best doujins but it just seems silly in canon. Have they even had any interaction outside of her breaking his window?

I personally prefer SakuRin since they have color schemes that work together as well as looking similar in age. Plus they're both quite proper and adult-like.

>> No.11370540

Wouldn't it be spelled (Mari)SaSuke since your using the last part of his name (Rinno)Suke?

>> No.11370545
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>> No.11370558

Rinnosuke x his right hand

>> No.11370591
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Only the best

>> No.11370604
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You have good taste.

>> No.11370673
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As if there was ever any doubt.

>> No.11370760

I'll spell it RinnRisa if it pisses you off.

>> No.11370770

I like rinnosuke but I can't actually picture him involved with a girl like that.

>> No.11370817
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>> No.11370845
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Everyone who comes in contact with him will end up wanting the dick.

Being the only living and humanoid named male ain't easy.

>> No.11370849
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I like the silly ones.
Although with his power, the tsukumogami pairings are more endearing.

>> No.11370880

I am so mad nothing ever came of that.

>> No.11370895

rinnorisa makes sense to me.

I could see Rinatchouli working too.

>> No.11370916

His hand. He should stay away from Touhous altogether.

Okay, I guess I can make an exception for Tokiko, since that's a rare opportunity for her to show up at all.

>> No.11371244

I like MariSuke. Only as brother and sister.

Otherwise, Yukari X Rinnosuke. I love me some adult love.

>> No.11371249
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>> No.11371274

That series could've used more Ran, I agree.

>> No.11371334
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Him with Marisa.
Well, anything is fine as long is not Sakuya.

In most print works he just seems not interested in girls at all... or about anyone at all.

And he doesn't seem to care too much about them either.
He didn't attend Youmu as a proper gentleman when he found her buried in the snow.

>> No.11371430
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I respect your opinion but I have to disagree. I think he works infinitely best with Sakuya as >>11370535
pointed out.

Though I say that, I can't decide between SakuRin or KeiRin.

>> No.11371441
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and this.

>> No.11371439
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But then again my favorite Mannosuke pairing pics are this...

>> No.11371460
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I was responding about my preferred pairings.

I did never say they didn't look good together I never said it didn't work infinitely best with Sakuya I never said nothing about them being together wasn't good in fact that pairing looks lovely too lovely

>> No.11371559
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>> No.11371862
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>> No.11372073
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>> No.11372095
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>> No.11372234

I don't like him paired with 2hus. I like to believe that he cycles through a fair number of young Human Village women due to the perceived glamor of his workplace and dealings with important people.

>> No.11372296
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>> No.11375397


>> No.11375453
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>> No.11376283

I wish this got scanned

>> No.11376386
File: 340 KB, 708x1000, Okuute1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I wish it didn't sell out, otherwise it would be ;_;

>> No.11376389

Can't someone just get in touch with the artist and ask for another print?

>> No.11376405
File: 327 KB, 550x3500, Okuute2642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried asking some other artists about that for some different books but they said they couldn't help. They could possibly reprint multiple copies though and distribute it again on Toranoana if they think it will sell well. I might try to convince him at one point.

>> No.11376408

Go for it! We're all counting on you!

>> No.11376421
File: 297 KB, 850x1194, actuallythiswasterrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing him paired up with anyone makes me sad for some reason

seeing him FUCK someone just makes me upset. Can't really explain why.

>> No.11376424

Futa is great. His H stuff is pretty cute.

>> No.11376459
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Is there actually a non-pre-EoSD 2hu without a single Rinnosuke pairing pic? DD doesn't count. Yet.

>> No.11376491
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>> No.11376495
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>> No.11376497
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>> No.11376504
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>> No.11376507

Rinno x Youki, as Touhou Soccer told me.

>> No.11376540
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I think byakuren, in her search for balance between human and youkai, would be interested in him. Not romantically.

>> No.11378180
File: 559 KB, 1023x1512, Ojamashimasu (satou yuuki).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YukaRi~n is the best pairing.

Also the most amusing.

>> No.11378253

To me, the only Rinnosuke pairings that make sense are with either Marisa or Reimu. And, I guess Yukari too.

Everything else is just crack pairings. And Marisa/Reimu/Yukari all have more interesting relationships with other characters, so if we're talking about romantic involvement I don't really see the appeal.

>> No.11378493

******* is a piece of shit fucking loser.

He's delusional. No one in real life, or online, can stand his autistic bullshit. No one likes it. Do you hear that ******? Everyone fucking hates you, it is not a select few people, it is the majority of this board. There is a huge problem with that and guess whose fault is? It's yours you fucking dipshit, stop blaming everyone else.

The mods even hate you. You think they like dealing with your 70 stupid ass ban requests everyday? No, they don't. Why don't you just fucking leave already.


>> No.11378608

>Everything else is just crack pairings. And Marisa/Reimu/Yukari all have more interesting relationships with other characters, so if we're talking about romantic involvement I don't really see the appeal.
He has the only named dick, and only filthy yurifag peasants believe the characters to be gay.

>> No.11378653

It's not about lesbianism, it's about making an interesting story.

>> No.11378991

You can make an interesting story with a long of things. Rinnosuke certainly isn't out of the question. I could name some stories that I've read featuring him, but that'll take some digging up.

However, Rinnosuke is no way uninteresting.

>> No.11379555
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>> No.11380656

YuukaRin is my favorite

>> No.11380676


>> No.11380874
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>> No.11386798
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I like Bococho's Rinnosuke. He is so smooth and just don't give a fuck when someone tries to hit on him. Way better than most people who tried to make him into your average japanese beta male.

>> No.11386821
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He's probably oblivious to what's going on.

>> No.11386828
File: 145 KB, 600x847, 0d2733e552c982aa615006098963ced6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitayan is (internet) DEEEEEEEEAAAAAAD

Not that he was very nice to either Aya or Rin, but still.

>> No.11386848

I still can't believe this.

>> No.11386855
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>> No.11387225
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>> No.11387412
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I remember the 200 Yojana in a Flash doujinshi, where it pointed at this.

