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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 300x338, rsz_1367429341801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11339581 No.11339581 [Reply] [Original]

Guys... is 2chan better than us?

>> No.11339583

no they never do anything good these days and their threads are all even worse shit than whats here

>> No.11339591

why don't you go there and ask them yourself, uh?

>> No.11339598

I don't speak Japanese...

>> No.11339602

They've produced something at least.
What /jp/ have produced so far?

>> No.11339605

Us? It's /jp/, not "us".

Both futaba and 2ch are places filled with subhuman filth that is worse than any redditor or /b/oi.
If I was ordered to choose with who to discuss Visual Novels and other otaku stuff, I'd easily choose a non-native Japanese speaker or even EOP, instead of a deranged gook.

>> No.11339625



>> No.11339641

I want you and me to be an "us", anon-kun...

>> No.11339642
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or whatever I dunno

>> No.11339648
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>> No.11339649

2 themesongs.

do they have a themesong? no they are do not.

>> No.11339653


>> No.11339670


>> No.11339681

They've created many 2hu fan characters and they even made a stage and theme for one of them

/jp/ will never accomplish something like that

>> No.11339694

>created many 2hu fan characters
so writing fan fiction is an accomplishment now?

>> No.11339696

Please marry me!

>> No.11339703

Stop. He's mine... I'll fight you to keep him away from you.

>> No.11339712

Mitori is the only one I consider as accomplishment, the rest are abomination.

Still, /jp/ will never make something like that.

>> No.11339716
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>> No.11340163
File: 106 KB, 191x349, rgdrapunzel_7783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's not that hard.

>> No.11340182


>> No.11340203

They are freakishly similar. Must be a social effect of anonymity.

>> No.11340204

no they didn't

>> No.11340206
File: 235 KB, 800x720, 1376531549428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11340208

That was 2ch. 2chan, like 4chan, has never done shit.

>> No.11340210

What exactly qualifies as creating a character? Because we've made thousands over all the ``how to draw a touhou like zun'' threads.

>> No.11340212

>"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."
Perfect. This was just perfect.

>> No.11340213

Futaba has been using a lot of green text lately.

>> No.11340214

make your character some hella sweet spellcards in danmakufu

>> No.11340217

that's /jp/'s mantra newfriend

>> No.11340222

Are you just being stupid, or do you seriously not know how long > has been used for quoting?

>> No.11340224

How new can you be?

>> No.11340233

No, you're the stupid one.

>> No.11340236

They made some flash movies I think

>> No.11342717

I want to hug you for being German it makes me feel better because that way I know that /jp/ isn't being browsed by niggys. Thank you for existing anon-kun.

Yes "we" did, Zone is very talented. Nothing about Touhou through.

>> No.11342857

Put decent background story, maybe put relation to other character, put her in her own danmaku game, make her own theme song then see if it can capture Japanese fanbase's interest enough for them to make a lot fanarts of your character.

These things must be done superbly.

>> No.11342871


>> No.11342875

There are many immigrants in germany as well.
I don't want to think I'm racist,
but I do like the idea of all the people talking to me being the same as me, some how.

>> No.11342888

Deranged subhumans are better than ignorant normals.

>> No.11342885

2channel is funny. VIP is really active and generally entertaining. They are assholes for blocking Softbank iPhones though.
Futaba channel (2chan) is pretty boring, IMO.

>> No.11342926

Muramasa fag detected

>> No.11342938

what about deranged normals or ignorant subhumans

or normal normals for that matter

>> No.11342941

At least they're not /b/ or Reddit normies, right?

>> No.11342942

>being a nazi

>> No.11342961

I don't think the Japanese of most people here is skilled enough to properly compare them.

>> No.11344666

That's just normal.
I like the idea that /jp/ is probably 20-40% spic, and hopefully more.

>> No.11344719

>Futaba has been using a lot of green text lately.

>> No.11344727

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11344728
File: 15 KB, 320x240, Wapaneseniggaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to hug you for being German it makes me feel better because that way I know that /jp/ isn't being browsed by niggys. Thank you

But they are anon they are...DEAL WITH IT

>> No.11344733

>Who are you quoting?

>> No.11350224

holy FUG guys 2ch is getting haxxed

>> No.11350226

I hope those gooks don't move here.

>> No.11350271


>/jp/ is probably 20-40% spic

top lel

More like 0.5%

>> No.11350284

I'm spic and have always been here m8 there's plenty of us.

>> No.11350290

Have you guys considered that there are just levels of humor going on there that you with a (probably) limited knowledge of japanese didn't quite pick up on?

To those saying it's shit, how long did you lurk there before posting. Is it possible it wasn't quite long enough and you got told how much of a faggot you were for ruining their fun and so you decide to come to /jp/ and tell us how shitty you perceive 2chan to be now because they were mean to you?

>> No.11350300

All the oldfags have gone to 8chan.net. 2chan and 4chan are shit.

>> No.11350306

Nice man I love old Japanese TV shows

>> No.11350308

futaba and 2ch are pretty bad. If otaku here represents just someone who has an enjoyment of a series, the otaku of the east represent obsession of an unhealthy sort. Many of them are hikki, and many of them are lost in their own world.

2ch used to be a good place, and still has it's good points like 4chan does, but it's otherwise a cesspool. Also, the owner of 2ch didn't declare his income.

>> No.11350312

I wonder how is it, to type without a head on your shoulders.

>> No.11350326

16chan is now all the shit. 32chan is opening.

>> No.11350330

Why not just visit 2^nchan?

>> No.11350333

People use "spic" to refer to all hispanic people, not only those living in some town near the US border.

>> No.11350338

> You don't have Flash or JS, and you're stupid.
Yeah well screw you too, nerd

>> No.11350336


>> No.11350339
File: 107 KB, 1832x922, shitwebsite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.11350342

Ah yes, the newfag detector seems to be working.

>> No.11350350

Um no, I'm sure the retards who have flash and allow random webpages to run any JS scripts they please are super smart types of brodudes

>> No.11350352

Get a load of Mr Serious over here.

>> No.11350367

This is an actual problem on Futaba because people will sometimes just quote "honbun nashi" (a post with no text) and if their comment doesn't specifically address anything in an above post it's hard to tell who they're actually quoting.

>> No.11350374

what the fuck is 8chan

some kind of 2013 7chan?

>> No.11350378


You better shut your fucking mouth, boy.

Or do you want a dick in there?

>> No.11350385


Word on the street say it's where w.t.snacks ran off too.

>> No.11350388


>> No.11351023

I only browse this chinese 2hu board nowadays. I don't know chinese, but it is still better than /jp/.


>> No.11351061

Epik maymay /b/ro niggy.

>> No.11351093
File: 784 KB, 800x800, 985828e3-1efa-41c4-a491-e187a57c9ecc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing is that the admin added default watermarks some months back. There’s an option when uploading to turn that off but it’s still an awful feature.

>> No.11351132
File: 103 KB, 1176x749, 0bf122bcaf080341717ce5acb6796803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because /jp/ isnt one of the worst community of fucking moronic retards to ever grace the internet? You fucks dont realise it but you're on par with /b/, reddit, and whatever shitty sites you claim to be better than.

I have met a lot of /jp/ers online, and you're the queerest fucks around Most with some form of pseudo mental illness used to garner pity and attention.
Why dont you all go fuckin s-stutter more!
or circlejerk over l-lewd images!
dont bully me /jp/! ;_;
NEET 4ever, yeah normals are disgusting right guys!? (when most of you have/had girlfriends, and will go out and get a job once you hit 25 and mature late)

At least you're not as bad as those dumb cunts over on ota-chan or whatever. Although I'm sure a most of them are just /jp/ers too.

The mere fact that this board is on 4chan makes all your superiority complexes invalid.

But hey, there is small amount of you guys that are alright. The MMD and Vocaloid threads can be enjoyable, if only for the music and pictures. Oh and you're good to piece together comiket uploads.

Whats that? I'm projecting,
I'm a normal
I should go back to /b/
Ironic post

saved you all your responses.

tldr your all fucking faggots, try not to get upset.

>> No.11351146

W-Why are you so mean?!

>> No.11351149

No, /b/ is particularly bad.

Depends on the subreddit.

>whatever shitty sites you claim to be better than.
/jp/ is very far from good but there's lots worse.

>saved you all your responses.
You left off the most generic one, where we just call you a retard.

>> No.11351153

In my opinion we didn't get rid of enough people to ota.

Too bad the board is dieing (like every other great migration) and they're all coming back with their circlejerking and shit threads.

>> No.11351198

Its inevitable /jp/ the cancer consumes everything... and its not in our power to stop it... Its too late...

>> No.11351201

Still better than the typical niggers but please take your stupid "noone" name away.

>> No.11351202

fuck u queer

>> No.11351215

From what I have seen, 2chan is immune to the cancer that plagues 4chan.

>> No.11351224

i bet you suck dicks with a mouth like that

>> No.11351226

Well for one thing they have a filter to keep out the filth.

Something that 4chan would do well to learn from.

Would be nice to have some kind of US filter to keep out the spics niggers and towel heads and just have the Aryans race post.

>> No.11351230

I honestly can't get upset after reading such an analblasted post such as yours.

You are so mad.

>> No.11351236

Can yuros come too?

>> No.11351243


>> No.11351254


Yes except for the swe and dutch. The swedes, and dutch are nothing but absolute retarded cancer.

While I'm here, I should say that mods are total fucking niggers too.

>> No.11351257

The /jp/ filter should be the same as the 2ch block. Japanese IPs only.

>> No.11351270

Hmm hard decision since 4chan hates censorship but yes I think that would filter a lot of cancer.

Ban this website on Africa and Israel and we're good to go. Shame about the USA lets cross our fingers that the majority aren't niggys.

>> No.11351278

>Also, the owner of 2ch didn't declare his income.
What does it have to do with anything?
Honest question.

>> No.11351290

>the otaku of the east represent obsession of an unhealthy sort. Many of them are hikki, and many of them are lost in their own world.
I am pretty sure there those like that here. Just saying.

>> No.11351301
File: 20 KB, 32x387, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is バーケンタッツ a real word? sorry, this is the most japanese related thread i could find.

>> No.11351306

Most of Africa is blocked. India is blocked too. And the west coast, specifically California is where all the American shitposters. British and South American posters are the worst offenders.

>> No.11351333

I think that brits, french and swedes are the worsts, for totally different reasons.
Then again, I live in a very racist country of Europe..

>> No.11351435


stop cancerposting pls

>> No.11351443

Stop getting offended for everything first, niggy.

>> No.11351486

Nords are pretty bad posters too, and the French are just horrible people to begin with.

>> No.11351530

That's just Mexico, nerdo

>> No.11351877
File: 168 KB, 468x652, girls_onanie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11351889

I can't read those little smushed up characters.

>> No.11351909

her fantasy of the nude dude made me laugh.

>> No.11352102

Of course 2ch is better, we're are mostly trying to copy them in term of content and behaviour.

>> No.11353152

No, that's just 4-ch and SAoVQ. /jp/ isn't THAT autistic.

>> No.11356632

hint: ice cream

>> No.11358748

So, how can I post there? Some sort of proxy? I am not good with computer.

>> No.11358760

well ya, if you're region blocked from it for whatever reason..
idk who's allowed to see it or not, but I'm in america and I can view it.

But if you can't a proxy or VPN from japan (or any country that isn't blocked on that site) should do the trick.

>> No.11358764

Well, then I'll just try a Japan VPN, apparantly Canada is a no-go.

>> No.11358813

From the perspective of someone that remembered various original staffers from 2 other sites before 4chan was started, it's people like you that are part of the problem. Quick to hate. Quick to go nuclear. Intolerant. Of course, some of the weird posters exist, but they don't cancer things up and you can spot their threads and choose to post or not post in their topics.

Generally, the intolerant angry posters are the ones that have the most determination and volume of posting to cancer things up. In terms of thread failures and derails, most of those have been due to the intolerant angry ones wielding their self-rightous anger.

4chan used to have many small communities. But so many of the self-rightous intolerant conservative posters hated that. We've seen that kind of intolerant anger directed at those who bought doujins to fill requests posted on /jp/. Helping others was spoonfeeding unworthy people they cried out! That must stop! And how dare uploaders appreciate receiving thank you posts! Community is communism! We've seen that intolerant anger directed at the download URL organizers and uploaders of doujins from comikets since C79. After they made others quit, others sprang up such as yuyucow and Hong, but even they were driven off.

>> No.11358831

I still have a bunch of stuff that probably hasn't ever been uploaded yet and a lot of the more obscure stuff too. But screw it, for various reasons also including the sorts of people you mention, but also all the know it alls and self styled managers/coordinators. People that interfere with anything that gains traction and decide its their job to moderate and post new threads but contribute nothing new.

>> No.11358833

Is this a self parody of shit posters?
If you're serious, what do you have lying around? Nothing lewd, I hope.

>Generally, the intolerant angry posters are the ones that have the most determination and volume of posting to cancer things up. In terms of thread failures and derails, most of those have been due to the intolerant angry ones wielding their self-rightous anger.
Have you seen /pol/ lately?

>> No.11358881

Like you, I stopped scanning and uploading my doujins and manga due to the entitled assholes. They started appearing in force around 2007 onwards probably because of the 2008 election. Back then, the republican campaign was urging all their faithful conservatives to stamp out liberalism wherever it could be found. That ideology started appearing on 4chan more and more.

I have plenty of stuff not at e-hentai. I've traveled a number of times to japan and timed my trips for conventions or for animation studio special tours (because I was a fan club officer back then). I know some basic japanese, and even took some japanese courses at a community college which my corporation paid for as part of its self-improvement education support for employees. Career jobs at a good company are great and have a lot of benefits including access to databases with many electronic versions of japanese publications which I sometimes and still do read.

>> No.11358900

Yeah, some of those threads were all about entitlement. To avoid them, we didn't put them on XDCC but instead stuck to our private FTP site where the regular contributors in past years still hang out and upload the C84 finds or scans. It's understood we are not to take the stuff and post it to e-hentai since these are uploaded for us only and not meant to support the assholes and self-entitled jerks that forced us to go to private channels and ftp in the first place.

>> No.11358912

I agree, actually.

>> No.11358947

That would be poor design philosophy.

Not that it isn't fine, it's just that you're denying things for those who do appreciate the work and effort because of the actions of those that don't. It's kind of sad.

>> No.11359327

They aren't denying anyone money or things. If you want what someone else has, you can go work for one too. You have the freedom to choose to do so or not to do so. If you choose not to, and blame other people for not having something, then your attitude fits right in with ENTITLEMENT definition.

And that is yet another problem. So many people don't believe the entitlement definition applies to them anymore.

>> No.11359334

God damn this is depressing.

>> No.11359350

That's pretty petty. Understandable, but petty.
Hope I never end up like that.

>> No.11359359

In the past, 2ch blocked access to troublemakers. A number of times in the distant past, people from the usa went over there and spammed or posted typically offensive 'Murrican arrogance. What doesn't seem offensive to some or many 'Murricans is actually offensive to the rest of the world. It's just how these 'Murricans have created their own belief system in what's right and wrong.

The best answer to dynamic IP addresses is blocking a block range. Especially if your service is not intended for foreigners to come and shitpost.

>> No.11359368


>> No.11359484

There is nothing petty or vindictive about having a community instead of bunches of ungrateful spiteful people. The real pettiness occurs from people playing the petty card and accusing others of being for not giving their time or money away to those who spit on them.

Bullies use the petty attack to try to regain their doormats that ran away. Why should people be called petty when they refuse to be doormats? Self-entitled people need doormats to stomp on. And heaven forbid anyone saying thank you! That is terrible to self-entitled people as it makes them feel guilty. So they try to stomp that out when they can and just stick to the entitled greed theme of Yo hurry up dammit, buy and upload that stuffz faster you selfish bastardz. Yo Why cantz you can faster since you have http://www.amazon.com/Plustek-OpticBook-4800-Book-Scanner/dp/B0059DZ4W2 that scans without debinding.

>> No.11359492

>It's just how these 'Murricans have created their own belief system in what's right and wrong
Like every single last fucking culture on the face of the planet?

>> No.11359504

That post reeks of a gook-lover.

>> No.11359506

I am a gook.

>> No.11359518

You're hugging two words too much and trying to apply entitlement and pettiness to everything.

>> No.11359627


Do not mention that place here.

>> No.11360403

Don't you label me.

What about the people who did like and appreciate the stuff you guys did?

>> No.11360498

>Don't you label me.
When you act that way, then that is your label. Blame avoidance is another thing about ungrateful people.

>What about the people who did like and appreciate the stuff you guys did?
The conservatives have won because as you see in this year, everyone is urged to not thank the buyers, scanners, uploaders, or organizers. As expected, those with the desire to exert their ideology power over others applied to be janitor in /jp/ and maintained the no thank you attitude.

>> No.11360513

Nobody fucking cares, except you, who comes back to lord it over us every three months.

>> No.11360519
File: 125 KB, 1437x805, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of SAoVQ, which one of you retarded faggots decided to grace it with your typical /jp/ pity-party blogging?

See pic, 1/2

>> No.11360522

/jp/ in SAoVQ seems even sadder than SAoVQ in /jp/.

>> No.11360525

Nobody cares

>> No.11360527
File: 134 KB, 1425x806, fag2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty plain to see that this moron roamed in from /jp/ because of his incessant yammering, ME ME ME.

The worst part is most of you idiots put up this wall of "politeness" so you can just "no bully" your way out of everything. Sad, really sad. You'll never really know how much people dislike you because they don't have a bad word to say, they just have to deal with how much of a pathetic bootlicker you are.

The average /jp/er lacks so much character, I don't know how you duluded yourselves, let alone the rest of 4chan into thinking you're somehow "above" them when it comes to TOP-NOTCH POSTAGE.

>> No.11360535


Who are you?  ( ´ー`)

>> No.11360537

The "no bully" people are a recent infestation. We're still trying to exterminate them even now.

>> No.11360539

You sound pretty buttranged about your precious secret club. I think I'll pay it a visit.

>> No.11360540

I'm pretty sure someone from /jp/ would know what buttranged means.

>> No.11360544

>I'm pretty sure someone from /jp/ would know what buttranged means.
If he's one of the "no bully" people he probably got here at the end of 2011.

>> No.11360547

Nobody cares

>> No.11360548

what do you have against them?
Sounds to me like you just want to bully people around

>> No.11360554


It's an epic meme, you wouldn't understand why nobody likes it since your I.Q is clearly in the double digits and english isn't even your native language.

>> No.11360555


Sick misquote brah, posting on the jay via smartphonecan be tricky.

>> No.11360564

Why are you arguing with yourself, Anonymous?

>> No.11360579

If people are "bullying" you it's because you are being an annoying wanker.

Nobody can actually stop you from being an annoying wanker but they can point it out or request that you stop.

>> No.11360587

You didn't make any case for grateful doujin consumers because there essentially aren't any in meaningful quantity nowadays in /jp/.

>> No.11360591


inb4 he blogposts his tragic past of being bullied when he was just "minding his own business" in school or something dumb like that

>> No.11360593

Why would you even talk to one of those attention whores? He has no intention of ever releasing any of his goods to /jp/ ever again. He only visits to complain about how shitty it is and ask us if we're jealous of his secret club.

>> No.11360605

*in Eminem - Stan voice* Damn

>> No.11360607

Horseshit. You're deciding I'm a petty bully trying to get back my punching bag when all I've called you is understandably petty.

>The conservatives have won because as you see in this year, everyone is urged to not thank the buyers, scanners, uploaders, or organizers. As expected, those with the desire to exert their ideology power over others applied to be janitor in /jp/ and maintained the no thank you attitude.

This is true.
There also aren't any doujin providers in any meaningful quantity.

>> No.11360615 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, Promise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many of the doujin contributor types seem to have wandered off years ago and communicate with each other in their private forums and private archive sites. Sure, we get downstream scans from them via e-hentai.org but it isn't quite the same as before.

Back in those days, I was able to download HQ nearly-raw scans in the +150MB range for doujins especially color ones. Since at least two of the scandudes had +$1000 scanners with great dynamic range, not too much needed to be done for leveling (just cleaning) as they were expert shoppers at level matching.

I miss those downloads. One of the guys would even buy doujins that other posters recommended after discussion and voting. That was good for rare collector issues that e-hentai didn't have. A bunch of /jp/ attacked him for wanting thank-you so he ran off without fanfare. He now gets private translations but doesn't distro them outside of the group of people that buy, share, scan, translate, upload to each other. A friend of mine is part of one group and he passes copies of the issues he buys and has translated, but not those by other group members because that would be breaking trust. I'm glad to get them. I understand why these doujin fans did what they did so I dont resent them. It's their money, will, talent, chutzpah, and work to organize and keep these private groups going.

>> No.11360618

You've told this story at least four times and nobody cares now who didn't care the first time.

>> No.11360625

why don't you quit telling people what people are thinking and let them think for themselves.

Or is your plan to just catch the lazy people off guard with your attractively small posts
>nobody cares
and hope they'll just take your word for it, in an attempt to discredit the people you disagree with instead of actually saying anything meaningful?

>> No.11360628

>There also aren't any doujin providers in any meaningful quantity.
They eventually ran off to their private groups.

>> No.11360632

>As expected, those with the desire to exert their ideology power over others applied to be janitor in /jp/ and maintained the no thank you attitude.

Please refer to this.
The "thank you" spam was literally that, spam. A (not very) organized effort to shit up the comiket threads and was dealt with accordingly.

The idea is to thank all you want, just don't clog up the uploads thread with useless replies.

>> No.11360633

I can tell because nobody cared the last three times he posted it (probably way more). He's posting the same essays about how Obama ruined everything and how great his private club is, despite the fact that nobody fucking cares anymore, if everyone ever did.

Making a post longer doesn't actually make it any more interesting.

>> No.11360636

You and your mockery are part of the reason why many contributors (especially those with tripcodes) left.

>> No.11360638

Except, apparently, this one cocksucking faggot who thinks our ex-uploader didn't know about the "organized campaign" and thinks he'll be able to come back to /jp/ and share his goods if he only explains the situation convincingly enough even though it's been explained to him at least ten times before.

>> No.11360641

>when most of you have/had girlfriends, and will go out and get a job once you hit 25 and mature late
Wait, what. So I'm actually in the minority for actually not having a gf, not going out, and not having jobs?

>> No.11360644

Yes. You are in fact, entirely alone. I hate to break it to you.

>> No.11360646


You must have only got here this month, or at least before the "NEET" threads were banned.

Yes, you are the minority.

>> No.11360647

You're the historical revisionist that is calling obama the ruination, not those other posters. Your attitude and revisionism reminds me of those past posts attacking contributors.

>> No.11360648

So because the doujin providers ran off to their private groups, there aren't any grateful doujin consumers anymore, which the lack of caused the doujin providers to run off to their private groups.

>> No.11360649

Nobody in the history of ever has mentioned the 2008 election in context of doujin uploads besides you, ever, who somehow manages to bring it up every single time.

>Your attitude and revisionism reminds me of those past posts attacking contributors.
That's great. You should cry to your friends about it.

>> No.11360651

I don't think you know what that word means.

Describing the flaws in someone's attempt to garner people on his side of an argument by making sweeping statements is hardly mockery.

>> No.11360652


>> No.11360654

I only read a few threads and ignore the rest of the board/politics most of the time. I've been here since /jp/'s creation. I don't even know any trip users beyond tonberryking.

>> No.11360656

>I've been here since /jp/'s creation.
Nobody who has been here since /jp/'s creation would ever ask a question so fucking stupid.

>> No.11360657

Looks like the entitlement freaks are still as vocal as ever. Stay entitled /jp/.

>> No.11360661

I just never imagined most /jp/ers having girlfriends, I guess.

>> No.11360663

I look forward to see you dumping your essays in the next "why is /jp/ so shit" thread a month from now. Maybe you'll have better luck getting anybody to care next time.

>> No.11360665

One of those doujin translators has two kids in college, so there seems to be a fair age range. Not everyone is a teen or angry angsty forever-alone manchild.

>> No.11360671

Do they even visit /jp/?

>> No.11360675

They seem to be different posters. You keep trying the /b/ tactic of "everyone that disagrees with me is the samefag" ad hominem attack.

What's more telling is that you don't attack the idea, you consistently attack the person. You make a poor case especially when it's already clear that a great many contribotors have left over posts like yours.

>> No.11360679

>Do they even visit /jp/?
That would require mindreading or being a janitor to see IP addresses or other data. But then, posting or implying who posts what is illegal for janitors and they can and should be reported and fired for doing that.

>> No.11360681

Are you sure those translators are all /jp/ers?
Sorry, I don't know anything about translators since I read things raw myself.

>> No.11360682

>They seem to be different posters.
Different posters who continually complain about how conservatives are ruining everything and how great their little private community is? Is your club dispatching different people every to do this every month, or is this just some sort of massive coincidence?

>You make a poor case especially when it's already clear that a great many contributors have left over posts like yours.
You're still here. Looks like people didn't make enough.

>> No.11360683

>That would require mindreading or being a janitor to see IP addresses or other data.
No, actually, you don't need to be psychic or a moderator to ask somebody a question.

>> No.11360684

Well, what the fuck do you want us to say, then? Tell me that.

>> No.11360685

they are actually better
fuck you /jp/

>> No.11360688

Then why the fuck would you mention him in a conversation about people who visit /jp/, if you don't even know if he visits /jp/?

>> No.11360692


Then why are you still here instead of using the "superior Japanese imageboard"?

Checkmate, gook lover.

>> No.11360695

Not him, but I visit both boards. Nothing wrong with having two communities to visit.

>> No.11360696

Nice kopipe! saved!

>> No.11360699

This thread reeks of normalfag.

No wonder the janitor is babysitting it.

>> No.11360701

Hurry, post about piss bottles so he deletes it.

I've got enough to fill a small box.

>> No.11360702

I don't even go there very frequently nor I go here
but judging from what I saw they are better than you fags

>> No.11360703

Janitors can't see IP addresses you dounce

>> No.11360705

Thanks for sharing your uninformed opinion with us.

>> No.11360706 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 500x328, 1365525441231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the /jp/ cock suck meetup thread? Please surround me with fat juicy /jp/sie dicks and let me service them all!

>> No.11360708

I love how the usage of furigana implies it's intended for children.

>> No.11360709

you're welcome

>> No.11360709,1 [INTERNAL] 

I guess it's not...

>> No.11360715

Judging for what I see you seem to be rather anally pained. How about applying some anusol before you leave us?

>> No.11360715,1 [INTERNAL] 

There's regular shitty, like this entire thread, and then there's so shitty that it would be a crime not to delete it on sight.

>> No.11361106
File: 263 KB, 1280x1024, robogirl213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys... is 2chan better than us?

OP asked that and this thread's discussion seems to provide insight into the comparison.

>> No.11361154

Guys... is /a/ better than us?

>> No.11361155

Probably. I don't understand why we have to deal with loli pedoshit threads while NEET threads are killed on the spot.

>> No.11361159

There is nothing wrong with pedophilia, you subhum/a/n. NEET threads are just crossboarder blog threads and don't have shit to do with otaku culture.

>> No.11361171

Not that anon but
>NEET threads are just crossboarder blog threads and don't have shit to do with otaku culture.

You have a point, you can see that easily in most of them. They just enter some crossie subject and their OP image is always a Touhou because for some reason they think that if it has a Touhou everything is justified.

But there are true NEET threads which get deleted as well. By the way I have never done any thread of the sort I'm just saying that those ones are about /jp/ being /jp/.

>> No.11361176

If you're a true NEET waiting a few years for the janitor to move on won't be a problem for you.

>> No.11361179

>There is nothing wrong with pedophilia
Say that to ANYONE IRL and see what happens, come back and post the response here. I'll be waiting!

>> No.11361187

I don't give a shit about what delusional normals think so long as they're not on /jp/. Unfortunately you're here.

>> No.11361197

>delusional normals
Because there's something wrong with people not wanting to fuck kids, am I right? Take it to /b/ kiddie fucker.

>> No.11361200

No, but there's something wrong with people thinking there's something wrong with people getting sexual arousal from visual representations of children. Go back to any place that's not /jp/, you freedom-hating piece of trash.

>> No.11361209

What does freedom have to do with fucking kids? Your kind isn't welcome here or anywhere.

>> No.11361214


Not that other guy, but you do realize wanting to do something and actually doing that thing are two different things, right?

>> No.11361215

You're trying way too hard. You need to tone it down a little or else not even I will continue to take you seriously.

>> No.11361222

Go ahead and run away, you'll be doing all of us a favor.

>> No.11361234


There's no reason anything should be wrong with people masturbating to children all they want, other than because of close-mindedness that's so typical of the delusional normals I mentioned.

>> No.11361288 [DELETED] 

So what is wrong with it then?
Is it because it's not natural? Well then why don't you find homosexuality to be wrong as well?
You're probably ok with it because the general population is right?

Why don' you learn to think for yourself... The _only_ reason pedophilia is looked down on in society is to protect children. Even a harmless pedophile creates problems if he is able to pay money for CP, because then it encourages people to make it.

If 100% of pedophiles just got off to 2D pictures and never raped and murdered little kids then I gurantee you society would have nothing bad to say about pedophiles. They probably wouldn't even know what the word meant and it would be just like any other strange internet fetish.

>> No.11361291

[sry for deleting post, I misquoted]
So what is wrong with it then?
Is it because it's not natural? Well then why don't you find homosexuality to be wrong as well?
You're probably ok with it because the general population is right?

Why don' you learn to think for yourself... The _only_ reason pedophilia is looked down on in society is to protect children. Even a harmless pedophile creates problems if he is able to pay money for CP, because then it encourages people to make it.

If 100% of pedophiles just got off to 2D pictures and never raped and murdered little kids then I gurantee you society would have nothing bad to say about pedophiles. They probably wouldn't even know what the word meant and it would be just like any other strange internet fetish.

>> No.11361296 [DELETED] 

Yes, because they don't have fucking horrible neckbeard fatass loser janitors who THE MAJORITY OF THE BOARD HATES doing retarded crap based off their arbitrary opinion, which happens to be horrible because they're sub 100 IQ minds are nothing but rotting shit.

>> No.11361304

you sound hella mad dude!

>> No.11361313


Please fuck off to Something Awful and never come back.

>> No.11361314

No, no on the contrary! I love that meido is here its better than no meido.

I mean its not the best Janitor but she is trying... She has removed crossies and requested bans for them. It works.

But don't get me wrong, not all NEET threads should be deleted.

>> No.11361321 [DELETED] 

Just saying, if the neet threads didn't turn into blatant shitpost central they might not be deleted immediately.

Theres a reason this thread hasn't been deleted yet despite all the heavy criticism... Just sayin.

>> No.11361326


>> No.11361328 [DELETED] 
File: 352 KB, 1600x1200, mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you, janny?

>> No.11361328,1 [INTERNAL] 

lmao janny is butthurt

>> No.11361384

I'm not from that hellhole of mainstream anime jerkoffs. Don't worry anon.

I must think about it twice before using the "word" NEET I guess.

>> No.11361405

Are you some kind of parody?

>> No.11361527

You /jp/ guys keep attacking the poster instead of trying to refute or support the idea. The people who do stuff (buy, scan, upload, organize) have mostly left /jp/. The people who discuss things have left this thread as you can see the quality has degraded to the standard ad hominem responses once those interested in discourse gave up.

This >>11360625 person also had a correct observation of several angry shitposters who were unable to overturn any of the facts (since they are historically correct) and resorted not only to ad homimen, but the old tactic of saying that "no one believes you are right" type proclaimations.

I guess that is the new tactic of hardcore /jp/ residents. Ad hominem, declare no one in /jp/ accepts those facts, and then switch topics to CP to get the moderator to delete the thread.

>> No.11361532

Kill yourself.

>> No.11361573

At least /jp/ knows when someone's taking the piss out of them.

>> No.11361972
File: 32 KB, 501x707, satenga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill yourself.
You or someone with your attitude said things like that to the doujin scanner/uploaders. It's no wonder they left.

>> No.11362010

And that right there is why we can't have nice things. Rather depressing if you think about it.

>> No.11362349 [DELETED] 


>> No.11362365 [DELETED] 

Janitor is a piece of shit fucking loser.

He's delusional. No one in real life, or online, can stand his autistic bullshit. No one likes it. Do you hear that janitor? Everyone fucking hates you, it is not a select few people, it is the majority of this board. There is a huge problem with that and guess whose fault is? It's yours you fucking dipshit, stop blaming everyone else.

The mods even hate you. You think they like dealing with your 70 stupid ass ban requests everyday? No, they don't. Why don't you just fucking leave already.


>> No.11362397 [DELETED] 

Janitor is a piece of shit fucking loser.

He's delusional. No one in real life, or online, can stand his autistic bullshit. No one likes it. Do you hear that janitor? Everyone fucking hates you, it is not a select few people, it is the majority of this board. There is a huge problem with that and guess whose fault is? It's yours you fucking dipshit, stop blaming everyone else.

The mods even hate you. You think they like dealing with your 70 stupid ass ban requests everyday? No, they don't. Why don't you just fucking leave already.


>> No.11362437
File: 32 KB, 640x688, 1338038268181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The general tone of this thread has alot of anger. Can't we all just calm down?

>> No.11362457

I cannot state than one is better than the other because my japanese is still terrible, however I think that this thread is not particularly encouraging to anyone who may say that we are at least on equal footing.

>> No.11362709

Calm down this, Nerd

*whips out dick*

>> No.11363768

Get a load of this fuckin nerd

>> No.11364154

Only normals hate /jp/ this much. I've yet to be convinced otherwise. You hate freedom so you hate people who like freedom.

>> No.11364162

anything is better than /jp/

>> No.11364171

They're Japanese so they're automatically better

>> No.11365133 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 579x329, 1374481262674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw it's a turk
>yfw mudskinsies on you're favourite imageboard

>> No.11365146

That's what otaku has always meant, holy hell. If anything, the western "otaku" you're describing are just casual weebs.

>> No.11365189

yeah 2chan is better, duhhh

>> No.11365620

>You /jp/ guys keep attacking the poster instead of trying to refute or support the idea.
>The people who discuss things have left this thread as you can see the quality has degraded to the standard ad hominem responses once those interested in discourse gave up.


>> No.11365665


>If otaku here represents just someone who has an enjoyment of a series, the otaku of the east represent obsession of an unhealthy sort.

That's what otaku actually means, moron.

>> No.11365717

Haha, no. 2chan are worse than 4chan because americans are more individualistic. The other site is just people posting in chain threads and mumbling things they heard from other people, like a chinese telephone.

>> No.11365725
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, OP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is better?

A website full of Australian and American teenagers, bronies, furry autists and Nintendo fanboys


Japanese website where none of them post

>> No.11365724

Christ, this thread is painful to read. Some of you fags should seriously consider lurking a little while before posting.

>> No.11365725,1 [INTERNAL] 

What you see here is a massive circle jerk for attention whore uploaders and attention whore "oldfags". You can tell a good 12~20 posts in this thread are by this autist >>11351132, who is probably just feeling angry that people won't suck his dick like they most likely do everywhere else he goes.

>> No.11366063

No, seriously, kill yourself.

>> No.11366063,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11366063,2 [INTERNAL] 

is this true
