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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11341750 No.11341750 [Reply] [Original]

What's so great about Touhou? I don't get the hype.

>> No.11341753

it isnt.

just a bandwagon on /jp/

>> No.11341758


ITT: someone trying too hard to be a troll

>> No.11341761


>> No.11341762 [DELETED] 


>> No.11341763

New much? If you aren't even bothering about finding out the answer by yourself you should leave.

>> No.11341764

Music, games, porn, doujinshi, and the list goes on.

>> No.11341768
File: 558 KB, 800x900, 1350370902527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking about the fandom.

The fandom is unbelievably huge, and for the large part literally autistic.

>> No.11341769

Get out of my head, onegai.

>> No.11341782

what anime is OP's image?

>> No.11341790 [DELETED] 

Yuru Yuri

>> No.11341791

yuru yuri

>> No.11341795

I like Zun's drawings aside from the early PC98 games.

It's not even bad what the fuck.

>> No.11341800

To someone new to the series it's quite off-putting.

>> No.11341808

The porn.
Seriously, I'm not even joking.

>> No.11341816

As far as STGs go it's one of the best designed. CAVE and Touhou are the two most popular STG "groups" I guess for a good reason.

Also the music.

>> No.11341898

It's a bandwagon that grew too big too fast, and over time it eventually got so big it got a gravitational pull and now no one can escape.

>> No.11341914
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>> No.11341942

People get sucked in by the music and all the fan-made stuff like remixes, videos and games.

>> No.11342058
File: 2 KB, 354x353, japanese touhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touhou is reclining

>> No.11342081

Did fake birds save Touhou?

>> No.11342091

Like every major fandom ever?

>> No.11342111

2hu has catchy music and shits out waifus. That's 90% of the reason why it's so popular. The other 10% are lore and the games themselves.

>> No.11342218
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The games are so ridiculously tedious to learn that it's not even fun. ZUN's art is shit, too. So why is it popular? It somehow made a fan base large enough to draw in artists that make awesome porn, music, animations, indie games, and even anime. Really just gathered great artists in general. I was, at one point, getting into it until I realized how much I don't enjoy the original games. Just the games that the fans make, as well as the music and of course the porn.

>> No.11342219

Jappenese Homestuck fail.

>> No.11342245

not a big touhoutard, but i have seen some quite good art and doujins of it.

why it got so popular is pretty baffling to me though

>> No.11342264
File: 634 KB, 1800x1000, cirno daiyousei lm7_(op-center) remilia_scarlet rumia touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>difficult games (makes the fans more respectable)
>dozens of interesting female character to call your waifu
>great music
>crappy, but somehow likable Zun artwork
>the most productive and crazy fan base (artwork, anime, manga, remixes, and other games)
Whats not to love?

>> No.11342265

opps *What's*

>> No.11342268

So, it's like MLP?

>> No.11342274

It's the predecessor to MLP. If you were here in 2006, you'd remember that Touhou was relentlessly spammed in every thread in the same way ponyfaggots do now.

>> No.11342278

Good characters and music, interesting lore and world, fun and unique fighting games. I can't play the STGs worth shit though.

>> No.11342279
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, [rori] Natsuiro Kiseki - 07 [BC1982A2].mkv_snapshot_06.18_[2013.08.08_07.37.27].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> >difficult games (makes the fans more respectable)

>> No.11342289


>> No.11342323
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What have MLP fans ever produced, besides OC, do not steal?

>> No.11342341
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"E" is for "effort," OP.
Touhou was started by a do-it-yourself developer, and now it's like an avalanche of people putting serious effort into comics and games and things on their own without regards to whether they're going to get to sell it for money or not.

The community is like 4chan, only with content instead of crap, and news instead of pranks and invasions.

>> No.11342386

the west doesn't have comiket etc., it's all strictly commercial or promotional, so the fan efforts are all from little kids, redditor types or whatever it is, "rule 34" /b/tards, and people who need to be in some kind of home

and MLP is as silly as that letter is. Is that for real?

>> No.11342390
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>> No.11342403
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It's fun, cute, and the music is catchy.

>> No.11342405

>difficult games (makes the fans more respectable)
But isn't Touhou entry-level

>> No.11342469

Just weaboo shit that not worth your attention, dude.

>> No.11342478

This, sans the irony tho.

>> No.11342550
File: 438 KB, 1920x1080, Ducks_wallpapers_144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autistic people are similar to baby ducks.

Touhou's entire fanbase is filled with people who are autistic and the reason for this abnormally low amount of non-autistic people within the fanbase is because of autistic imprinting.

When an autistic person plays something then many times they will become obsessively attached to it for irrational and unexplainable reasons. This is what happened with the whole Touhou phenomenon. People who like Touhou can't really tell you why they like it because they don't even know. They're just compelled to obsess over it because they had the misfortune of imprinting on the game.

>> No.11342588

I can somewhat confirm this, although the buzzword is a little exaggerated.
I've lost my ability to objectively view touhou games, and simply consider them masterpieces regardless of content quality.

>> No.11342597

Boy that certainly explains how i've come to like the games after 25 years of playing hundreds of other games. Thanks Dr. Anon PhD

>> No.11342632

>It got a gravitational pull and now no one can escape

It happens to me.
Sometimes I want to leave/forget this franchise but somehow it always pull me back.

>> No.11342633

This shit reeks of secondary.

>> No.11342646

>irrational and unexplainable reasons
It wouldn't matter what reasons they gave, shitposters would just shoot it down.

>> No.11342664

The reason of Touhou popularity is similiar to Yume Nikki, Ib or Ao Oni, just more bandwagoning people as the time goes on.

Yume Nikki is even far more bland than Touhou but somehow it got a fanbase, so the popularity of Touhou that has more content shouldn't be something that really buffled you.

>> No.11342670

>Yume Nikki is even far more bland

Spoken like a true pleb who cannot recognize a higher form of art when he sees one.

>> No.11342674

It's only tedious if you're bad enough that you actually need to grind. Most people just play a few runs a day, it's not like half of the fanbase have to grind for hours at a time to clear Lunatic. EoSD taught me that using practice mode and grinding is a waste, spent somewhere around 50 hours in practice alone, came out, found out that the invisible rank system fucks over anything I had learned. Thanks, EoSD.

>> No.11342675
File: 317 KB, 676x600, 5a8f9e354824d90f8846e149a784e0f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's so great about Touhou?
Reimu is.

>> No.11342690

I only say about quality at face value in the eye of common people so it'd be easier to understand because that's how most people judge things, anyway.

I like Yume Nikki, but you can't deny that Touhou has more content and somehow more attractive, because of the music, characters, setting, lore, etc that's why it got a big fanbase that even keep growing until now, but the basis of their popularity is pretty much the same.

>> No.11342699
File: 2.85 MB, 4000x3000, bhutred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the hell did anybody reply to you seriously?

There are all of like 2 busfulls of autisms in the entire U.S. and canada, and most of those have never heard of Touhou. Most of 'em operate on like a Fringe season one Walter Bishop level, they're untrainable, and some of 'em are outright vegetables. Actual real Assburgers is even rarer.

And everybody knows this, already.

>> No.11342762


I have to agree with you. I can 1cc any Touhou game on Hard and beat the crap out of some Ex Bosses.

And then there was a Danmaku game called Hitogata Happa that got on sale on Steam so I bought it.

After several weeks of practice, I can't reliably 1cc this fucking game on "Normal" difficulty (it has a wacky name scheme for the difficulty levels). Meanwhile, I just downloaded DDC and I 1cc'ed on Normal on my first try. The same happened when I got TD.

Touhou is pop casual shit compared to Hitogata Happa. I might buy the other danmaku games on Steam as soon as I have some money to spare, so I'll see if Touhou really is an easy game compared to other games of it's genre.

>> No.11342768


Touhou and MLP are exactly the Eastern/Western sides of the same coin. A coin made of shit, mind you.

>> No.11342772


Sad but true.

Also, don't forget that the japanese have a slightly lesser tendency to be lazy consumerists than western people. It makes them a bit more prone to get shit done.

>> No.11342773

>"4Chan is shit"

The summer shall never end...

>> No.11342775

Lolis >>> Horses, mind you

>> No.11342779


You are more paranoid about autists than /pol/ is paranoid about jews and /r9k/ is paranoid about socially skilled males.

>> No.11342782 [DELETED] 

Stop talking to me you fucking assholes.

>> No.11342788

>Yume Nikki is even far more bland than Touhou

I wouldn't say it is bland. I would say that it just exploits an idea that wasn't much exploited by the mainstream.

I mean, all that unexplainable random weirdness is somehow fun for me. It makes me want to explore the game world in a desperate (and ultimately vain) attempt of understanding what the crap is going on.

But yeah, Touhou is better, anyways.

>> No.11342808

Hitogata Happa is an... Interesting game. You need to have a completely different skillset to be able to play it competently, so you're probably just playing it wrong. If you want an idea of a good shmup fundie building game is, go play DoDonPachi Dai Ou Jou Black Label. If you can clear Touhou on Hard, you'll be able to clear this game in 3-5 hours. Second loop, not so much. It's a babby's first STG, but it's a good play nonetheless. Almost all of the difficulty comes from learning how to chain, but goodness it's satisfying.

Not a bullet hell, but the Raiden Fighters series is also a good baby's first shmup. Jet especially.

>> No.11342846

Crossboarder containment thread.

>> No.11342979


go back to

fucking crossie normies. i can tell by the way you guys type that you're mostly from /v/

>> No.11342989
File: 30 KB, 300x100, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some bait here! please flame me
yeah yeah yeah, suck my perfectly normal 13 inch dong

>> No.11343058

I love Touhou and all but it hasn't been a "hype" since like 2007

>> No.11343148

Am I really in /jp/?
I had to check to make sure.

>> No.11348521

