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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11249702 No.11249702[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Depression, NEET & hikikomori thread.

>> No.11249706

Why are you depressed, OP?

>> No.11249707

truNEETs aren't depressed. They have achieved complete control over their emotions. Like the sages of old.

>> No.11249708

cause he doesn't want end up like you

lol owned 4life

>> No.11249710

im debressed DD------------------------------:

>> No.11249721

I'm attached to someone who doesn't like me anymore. It's hard to let go.

>> No.11249724

I am NEET and suicidal.
My life is going no where but I don't have the willpower to change.

>> No.11249728

lol what is this livejournal shit

here is a spoiler about ur life

no one likes you

>> No.11249729

Feel when you get easily attached to people.
Feel when they always stop talking to you after a week or so.
Bad feels

>> No.11249731

wow rude

>> No.11249753

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.11249755

You don't have to change. Changing is only the world of karma. To find liberation, you have to find the unmovable Buddha and achieve eternal bliss.

>> No.11249757

message to everyone coming here to talk about there feelings and shit (lmao): your gay

>> No.11249763

I hate the future. Fuck the future. Let me take it easy already.

>> No.11249770

what do you have against homos dog?

>> No.11249779



Normalfag circlejerk general

>> No.11249786
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Normalfag life is boring,why are you depressed?
Just have fun on the internet , Life is not a race and there is no result in the end.

>> No.11249787

rude as heck

>> No.11249790

You can't because it wourd be shamefur dispray for your famiry rerererererererere

>> No.11249798

one can like neet life but still want a person that hold them dear
it's not really hurr normalfaggotry

>> No.11249794
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I'm depressed because I'm stupid. I never went to school so now I spend all my time alone with no job and can't do simple math or science or anything like that.

>> No.11249804

me too

>> No.11249807

actually that is like the most normal thing of all.

if you want a romantic relationship than spending your life indoors shitposting isnt it

youre so fucking pathetic if you really believe that

enjoy your shit life never getting what you want

because here is a protip no one wants a useless fuck like you as a significant other

>> No.11249810
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I bought a watermelon and just had some Shin Ramyun. I think I'll make myself a latte soon too.

>> No.11249817


So you're a failure at life normalfag

Fuck off


>> No.11249816
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No bullying on the jay, shitbreath.

>> No.11249819

Where my sickNEETS at?
I've been laying in bed watching anime all day because I have an ear infection that's making me feel feverish.

>> No.11249821

>I've been laying in bed watching anime all day
i do that every day

>> No.11249826

Welcome to my every day life.

>> No.11249827

what if I want to spend my life indoors shitposting while having company?

>> No.11249835
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>> No.11249837

stop being rude shithead

>> No.11249844

I bought a fan to help cool me down in this hot summer.

But now I'm too cold. It's hard taking it easy like that.

I'm going to bed now to listen to some music.

>> No.11249852

so dark and edgy.
don't cut yourself with your skinny arms

>> No.11249853

I got up early today and am having a beer.

I'm not too depressed since I got medicated though.

It helped me learn to accept my lot in life, and to not be beholden to normalfag ideas of society.

>> No.11249858

You are an odd one. I don't know Japanese language and I'm not ever sad about it so I'm sure no one would be depressed over not being able to solve math or science problems since that's the last thing anyone would care about.

>> No.11249855

Why did you come back? Stay your ass on /v/.

>> No.11249868

Please don't bully /jp/ users, we are very sensitive here.

>> No.11249873


Eat my dads crispy dick.

>> No.11249877


Too bad you aren't /jp/ users you are crossboarding normalfag scum

>> No.11249881

No, YOU are crossboarding normalfag scum.

>> No.11249888

Keep adding sage, it will make you look like a native here.

>> No.11249889

No, YOU are!

>> No.11249890

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.11249893

>stay your ass

Are you mentally retarded ?

>> No.11249897

Your crossboarderment is showing, faggot.

>> No.11249902


I didn't have my fruit loopies yet.

>> No.11249904

some anon seems to think this kind of thread is a gateway for normalfags to /jp/ and is spamming it.

>> No.11249908

Drop your trip and join in. It's fun for everyone (tripfucks excluded).

>> No.11249910
File: 350 KB, 748x765, file name goes here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some good NEET drugs?

my doctor prescribes me almost anything i want so gimme some suggestions please.

im going to sleep now so i will read your answers on the ghost board after i wake up.

>> No.11249925

when they bitch and whine about not having a girlfriend then yeah it is

and youre one of them


>> No.11249928


speed ;)

>> No.11249930


>> No.11249931

>what are some good NEET drugs?
Baclofen, Amantadine.
The first one will made you love the world, the second may fuck your life pretty bad, usually cause hallucinations I used it to call my tulpa

>> No.11249947

I liek deh lolis too do i fit in yet gaiz

>> No.11249966
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i couldn't fall asleep so im still here


yeah i already got me some of that. i have a panic attack every time i take some. even at low doses i freak out. i would appreciate any advice on how i can calm down. benzos don't help sadly.


i already have klonopin. i don't know if i should switch over to xanax or not.



seems pretty neat. i'll check it out further.


im not sure i want schizophrenia..
thank you guys for responding.

>> No.11249976
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ITT: normals.

>> No.11249978

This is the kind of threads where we take a break from discussing Touhou to talk about life problems. They were popular and had many replies not because the outsiders invaded /jp/ but because the /jp/sies are lonely and need to talk about it with others.

>> No.11249992

It's never too late to start learning. I believe you can do it if you try.

>> No.11250006

Also, these threads are here instead of other boards because /jp/sies are autistic enough to limit social interact with each other.
It's hard to relate to people who don't like Touhou and Vocaloid.

>> No.11250010

Most of /jp/ doesn't actually like Vocaloid. Shows how much you know I guess.

>> No.11250015

That's just me. I love MMD and Vocaloid.

>> No.11250017

More than half of /jp/ doesn't even like Touhou.

>> No.11250018

Just download For Dummies books or watch Khan Academy videos to learn basic things. Not knowing things doesn't mean you're stupid, just ignorant. You have Internet access and time, so you have a choice to get rid of that ignorance and better yourself.

You can do this.

>> No.11250028


You need to stop this shit. There's nothing special about you on this site just because you play Touhou all day.

>> No.11250033


Dummies books are fucking horrible. If he has money, he should go to his nearest community college and buy their superior textbooks.

>> No.11250042

I'm depressed because /jp/ is so shit.

>> No.11250053

I like the fandom more than the games (*´∀`)

>> No.11250055

So does just about everyone in /jp/, besides the five people in the STG thread. Assuming you mean secondary creations.

>> No.11250059

>tfw /jp/ is really shitty and depressing

>> No.11250074


i am in the same boat dude. i bought a bunch of learning books to help my uneducated self out. i only read a few pages though. i learned that there are 8 parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, interjections, adjectives, and prepositions. i learned this by repeating those 8 words in my head for over two hours straight.

>> No.11250076

Someone who "never went to school", shouldn't be expected to understand college-level books. First the breast milk, burgers later.

>> No.11250079

I used to feel like that, but then I just stopped caring. You know this might be posted to death already and have lost its meaning but still d00ds, just take it easy.

>> No.11250085


How can you take it easy when you're in a stinky cesspool?

>> No.11250089

I don't have autismbux.
Should I just donate sperm?

>> No.11250092

Sage report hide.

>> No.11250094

If it's an option, sure. Blood can more helpful too, if you don't have any diseases.

>> No.11250105

[ - ] is an amazing tool

>> No.11250109

Blood? All you get is free sandwiches where I live for that shit. I want to know there is another me out there before my parents decide to kill the real me

>> No.11250147 [DELETED] 

kaguya misses you, come back to tc

>> No.11250159

Are there any /jp/ people in London who could give me some cannabis? I've heard it's good for depression. But of course, I'm a NEET and have nobody to buy it from.

>> No.11250171

What are you talking about, officer? We don't deal with drugs, little girls or illegal weaponry here.

>> No.11250183

nobody wants your sperm, loser
