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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 22 KB, 256x256, Anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11242875 No.11242875 [Reply] [Original]

Did you do your reps yet /jp/?

>> No.11242886

Why don't you make me?

>> No.11242896

Why would I want to learn moonspeak?

lol @ u nerds. Keep that fan translation pipeline open for me, faggots.

no bully, I just think you are silly

>> No.11242904

I'll do them soon after making some tea.

Almost skipped yesterday but made myself do it.

>> No.11242905

>making some tea.

Green tea, no doubt. Could you be anymore weeb?

>> No.11242914

Not him but I only green tea. The others taste like shit.
Also, I currently have 997 cards to review, so I'm scared of starting.

>> No.11242930

So does green tea. You've just convinced yourself you like it because you're a weeb.

Brits do the same thing with tea. Americans do it with coffee.

We swill down hot shit to get a caffeine fix and pretend to like it. I suppose you think straight sake taste good too, eh?

>> No.11242935

whats your prob bud?

also no its genmaicha

>> No.11242960

Just in a bad mood today I guess. I really don't mean to be a bully. I feel like pointing out the truth is all.


That's even more weeb than regular green tea.

>> No.11243036

nope, but doing raw eroge at work gets me at least some credit right?

>> No.11243168

yep, i'm learnding!

>> No.11243175

Of course. As long as you practice your japanese, anything counts.

>> No.11243194

burning turtles everyday

>> No.11243331

if it makes you feel better I changed my mind and made some earl grey with a little honey

>> No.11243352

It does make me feel better. Thank you.

>> No.11243368


>> No.11243416

>500+ cards to review. Fug.

>> No.11243888

I'm keeping up with my WaniKani.

>> No.11244556


>> No.11244630

how is anki related to otaku culture?

you better explain how the program is otaku culture, not how japanese is.

>> No.11245113

Because true otaku's use it.

>> No.11245140

How else are you going to memorize the names of the various hairs on your seiyuu? Or sections of their house? Or the chemical process for making chlorophorm?

>> No.11245149

Anki is a Japanese word: 暗記, memorization.

>> No.11245160


>> No.11245211

i havent done them.since early april. i feel like shit.

>> No.11245241

what does chemical process for making chloroform have to do with otaku culture? what does srs memorization have to do with otaku culture?

neat, that's japanese. this time explain how the program related to otaku culture, not how japanese is. here's a tip, you fucking can't.

i don't even understand why these threads absolutely have to be on /jp/ at all times. if it's pruned from no replies the autistic op has to make another. i would even give a fucking shit if these were some actual japanese learning thread but its not even that. its about a program that isn't even slightly related to anything otaku related. learning japanese is otaku related, yes. SRS programs? no.

>> No.11245245

Hide the thread and go whine on /q/ you fucking nerd.

>> No.11245258

dude nobody gives a shit about what you think is related to /jp/ and what isn't

not a single person

>> No.11245280
File: 11 KB, 424x335, joke_over_head-(n1297144930266)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11245300

>Learning Japanese, the language of otaku culture isn't otaku culture

What the fuck is wrong with you? What is it you have against people doing something you obviously can't that makes you so fucking angry?

"Misery loves company" is a factual statement.

>> No.11245526

The language threads in /a/ and /jp/ both should have moved to /lang/ a long time ago.

It's just that nobody wants to because "nobody else is there."

>> No.11245683

barely finished in time for rollover

>> No.11245738
File: 303 KB, 850x1201, sample-9478b6255df1b1a0d1e72a3fdf338bd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished and reviewed tae kim's guide played a bit of flyable heart raw at a snail's pace and am on day 3 of Heisig Anki

livin' the /jp/ lyfe nigga

i also saged a lot of threads today and hit new lifting prs

>> No.11245749

Just change the time if you need more.

>> No.11245915

ehh it's more psychological than anything, adding a few cards to the next day isn't a huge deal.

>> No.11245928

I don't get why people treat Anki like this. Changing some shit doesn't hurt anything. A while back I had the day set to end at 4AM, I was usually done by then, but I was busy one day and it took me until after 4AM, so I changed it to 5AM. It's the same fucking day for me. There's no reason not to accommodate yourself. It's not "cheating." It's an arbitrary time limit you can set to whatever is convenient for you.

>> No.11245970

see >>11245928
Yes (not) exactly. But the basic thought counts.

>> No.11245986


My point was it doesn't matter if the extra cards are on todays stack or tomorrows stack. Who the fuck cares if your rep count is zero or 30 at the end of the day. It makes me feel pretty to have zero, but will it affect my recall or progress in any way? No.

>> No.11245998

How does any non-NEET have time to study? When I get home it's 5 PM. After that review kanji, review vocabulary, learn new vocabulary, review grammar and learn new grammar from book, review the new grammar and it is 9 PM already, fuck.

>> No.11246007

>will it affect my recall or progress in any way?
It will. The real question is if it is big enough to warrant corrective action.

>> No.11246011

Get anki mobile for your phone and just belt out a few reps whenever you can throughout the day.

>> No.11246020

Make use of the time throughout the day like doing Anki or other small practices (speaking to yourself, describing everything you experience, etc) whenever you have the time. 4 hours is actually a lot of time spent on studying and probably doesn't really give you much of a disadvantage against NEETS aside from them being well rested and you tired.

>> No.11246027

I have bad experiences from anki droid because for some reason the font size was totally different and because of that I didn't recognize most of the kanji. For voca and grammar study I type everything with IME, so I need computer for it. Typing Japanese on mobile is awful.

Yea I don't study constantly, I have small 10-15 min breaks (food, drink, toilet). Still if I want to study all I want, it takes 3-4 hours per day.

>> No.11246028

You could try getting a job where you sit around and do nothing a lot. Night auditor, security guard maybe, other types of night shift jobs.

>> No.11246037

>complaining about fonts
>not removing the need for typing in answers
Now you're just making excuses. You know what you to do Anon, you're a big girl now.

>> No.11246038

They have mobile IMEs, work the exact same way as computer one. Though admittedly mine has a mini-keyboard so its probably easier for me.
I think you can change the size and the font in the settings for the newer versions of mobile.

>> No.11246101

I don't type in Anki. I type in notepad.

Also I don't see it is excuse not to use app which shows totally different sign than I have learned before.

>> No.11246109

so change the fucking font in anki mobile you retard
rocket science it aint

>> No.11246134

>excuses quotes
Don't bother. He knows what he wants.

>> No.11246152

And you think I haven't tried? Seems you aren't the sharpest pencil in the box.

>> No.11246180
File: 9 KB, 203x21, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11246182

True, i may not be the sharpest. But at least i can change a font.

>> No.11246189
File: 10 KB, 432x768, Screenshot_2013-06-18-17-31-30-1715374229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I have tried all possible font options in ankidroid. Still for example 肩looks like this. Changing font affects only on Latin alphabets ('shoulder' text in this case). This is where I got stuck.

>> No.11246190

did you download the font into your fonts folder?

>> No.11246193

Seems you aren't very sharp if you think someone would be here complaining without research on the app. Of course I can find option to change the font but if it won't change it then it won't. Tell me how the problem could be solved >>11246189

>> No.11246206

Yes otherwise I wouldn't have been able to select them.

>> No.11246213

You do understand that what you're looking at is Japanese and though it is slightly different you should learn how to read it if you're trying to learn how to read Japanese? It's not even one of the stranger differences, it's just the "handwritten" dot changed to typeface dash.

>> No.11246236

I understand that, but when one is still a beginner, it is confusing as hell.

Maybe it is because I am still a beginner, but that difference seems huge and that's why I am not using ankidroid. For me it looks like the whole kanji has been formed by using different radicals than 肩 and then the mnemonic won't work for it. It looks like combination of 广 and 尸 instead of 戸.

>> No.11246284

Nothing that can't be solved by studying (or downloading and configuring the proper font). You have yourself not being able to use Anki anytime anywhere on one side and you have yourself studying a bit more for a percentage of Kani in another. On the left you're studying word lists, on the right you're cursing that メス豚.

>> No.11246358
File: 31 KB, 682x566, guide to learning japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learning kanji with mnemonics.

>> No.11246386

>learn kana
>few days
No. 1 month. I remember the struggle all too well.
>learn vocabulary
>download core 2k deck
>forgetting core 2k deck has sentences
>grammar is step 3
>constantly getting raped with fuzzy squiggles because you aren't using vivid visual aids for kanji.
>"learn" grammar
No. You didn't need to "learn" grammar at age 5 when you picked up green eggs & ham. You reference grammar. Which leads me to step 3.
>step 3, read.
There is no point in step 2 if you can just read in context in the first place.

>> No.11247275
File: 209 KB, 600x662, 791316429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more about seeing what grammar exists so you can pick it up as fast as possible.

It is NOT about memorizing stupid rules.

Ideally, you would want to consume material which then contains the grammar forms you have just read about, but this is close to impossible (adding sentences to your SRS works pretty good but it requires that you find good sentences).

>> No.11247373

Do you have any card deck suggestions? I want some useful verbs, nouns, and Kanji!
(With English translations, ofc.)


Please, link ^.^

>> No.11247506
File: 215 KB, 468x263, 2013-07-17 01.13.17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done them in 3 months please help

>> No.11247516

(any) core decks
edict if you want to hurt yourself
Start over or start reading, faggot.

>> No.11247525

How the hell do I switch so it shows the kanji first and not the english word? Is this because of the deck I downloaded or is there an option I can't find somewhere?

>> No.11247540

buy a new computer

maybe a mac

I heard they just work

>> No.11247544
File: 124 KB, 563x472, 1371954085959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do DRUGS so I can study hard

I'm addicted to otaku power pills. I can't stop myself. I have a need for speed.

>> No.11247546

If you're using CorePLUS:

There's a problem with the default card formatting for that deck. It displays the english meaning and other information on the front side, meaning that the information about the card gets spoiled by simply looking at it.

For changing it:

Go into the deck, Study Now, Edit and Cards...

Change Front and Back template to what's in the pastebin and save.


>> No.11247557

Is it bad to do vocab before grammar?

I have around 300 reps a day and I power through them, but I never have any energy remaining to go through Tae Kim. I know plenty of words now, but I don't know any of the basics of grammar.

How long does it normally take to rush through the basic rules of grammar?

>> No.11247563

what are these otaku power pills and where can i get some

>> No.11247617

It took me 13 hours to master all of the contents of Tae Kim.

>> No.11247658
File: 17 KB, 288x352, WWII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Otaku power pills are prescription amphetamines.

The brave Japanese soldiers in WW2 took similar substances. It's a Japanese tradition to consume 覚醒剤。

>> No.11247670

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.11247677



I think you mean "The War of Western Aggression"

>> No.11247702

Isn't that the same thing? Limped dicked (master race) Nips coming from the west aggressing poor FREE America then get's gojira'd in response

>> No.11247729
File: 41 KB, 496x773, McCollum_memo_Page1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It is not believed that in the present state of political opinion the United States government is capable of declaring war against Japan without more ado; and it is barely possible that vigorous action on our part might lead the Japanese to modify their attitude. Therefore, the following course of action is suggested:

>A. Make an arrangement with Britain for the use of British bases in the Pacific, particularly Singapore.
>B. Make an arrangement with Holland for the use of base facilities and acquisition of supplies in the Dutch East Indies.
>C. Give all possible aid to the Chinese government of Chiang-Kai-Shek.
>D. Send a division of long range heavy cruisers to the Orient, Philippines, or Singapore.
>E. Send two divisions of submarines to the Orient.
>F. Keep the main strength of the U.S. fleet now in the Pacific in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands.
>G. Insist that the Dutch refuse to grant Japanese demands for undue economic concessions, particularly oil.
>H. Completely embargo all U.S. trade with Japan, in collaboration with a similar embargo imposed by the British Empire.

>If by these means Japan could be led to commit an overt act of war, so much the better. At all events we must be fully prepared to accept the threat of war.

>- H. McCollum

America instigated the war. FDR wanted to get into the fight from the start, but he was having trouble with cooking up enough propaganda to convince the American public to go along with it. The U.S intentionally baited Japan into an attack and allowed Pearl Harbor to get hit so that they could use it to convince the American people to support their entry into the war.

>> No.11247928

He wanted to get into the war for good reason though. To help British and French allies against the Italians and Germans.

>> No.11247959

le sutema thread XD

>> No.11247982


>British and French

Their own fault. If the British and French hadn't declared war then Germany never would have gone west of the Rhine and communism might have been stomped out before the Cold War even started.

>> No.11248015

What measures do you take to remind you and motivate you to do your reps every day, /jp/?

I'm thinking of hanging up a picture of Eazy-E on the wall, so that I can always see it from my computer chair.

>> No.11248023

I don't want to spend the next day doing double time. That's enough. Also I've spent way too much time in learning this language so giving up is not an option.

>> No.11248058

Nothing much. I do it everyday so it's not something I tend to forget and as for motivation? I just start then stop if I want to. I won't punish myself if I do something like just 5 cards but I would take note and start asking myself why and how to remedy it if it happens again. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.11248078

Pretty much >>11248023
It can lead into a slippery slope of endless leftover cards especially if you have a large amount set each day. Also things like having invested so much time that it'd be silly to not see it toward the end.

>> No.11248112

I have some obsessive compulsive issues, and if I didn't do them all every day it would cause me mental anguish.

>> No.11248113

>using braindamage and not jisho

>> No.11253832

how to into japanese? I want to learn the moon and more

>> No.11253834

>how to into japanese?

Start with learning one language well.

>> No.11253851

my first language is russia, please how to into japanese

>> No.11253866


>> No.11253873

excuse me?

>> No.11253909

play of many little girl game all time yes. every time japanese on make language good fast.

>> No.11253917

any recommendation?

>> No.11253931

>What measures do you take to remind you and motivate you to do your reps every day, /jp/?
Check VNTS thread everyday...

>> No.11253966


>> No.11253977

Lots of text, at its core a game which gives you a break. and boobs, lots of boobs

>> No.11253983

whats the best way to set up AGTH for learning?

>> No.11254012


>> No.11254027 [DELETED] 
File: 266 KB, 185x178, tsukasa cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I want to be a translator of media (vidya, movies, books) and will never be one
Just a moment, tying my noose

>> No.11254038 [DELETED] 

EPIC blog dude I literally LOL'd

>> No.11254043

You know you're in the blog thread right?

>> No.11254045 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting? Nice anime reaction picture, by the way. Did you come from /a/?

>> No.11254050


>> No.11254054

Do you have some kind of obnoxious checklist that you consult when posting?

>> No.11254314


>> No.11254346

I have a picture of my waifu pinned to the wall.

If I don't learn Japanese I won't be able to speak to her and get to know her and touch her soft, sensitive skin. Not doing my reps for one day means plus one day added to the day I'll meet her.

Wait for me, Shinji.

>> No.11254361

Hello/konbanwa all you guys/minna anatas

I just finished one core deck and I'd like to start the next one, is there some way to add the new one to my old core deck so that I can study both together without fucking anything up?

I don't want to study 10 decks, I'd like to keep all the core decks in one big deck. CorePLUS is not an option because I already finished core 2000 step 01 and I like the layout better.

>> No.11254375

Create an empty super-deck and drag&drop your old and new core deck onto said superdeck like this:

- I am a weeaboo
--> Core deck 1
--> Core deck 2

Now, whenever you study the superdeck, all cards from the child decks will be considered.

>> No.11254381 [DELETED] 

LMAO dude stop!!!!

>> No.11254383

konnichiwa man, I mean it.

>> No.11254386

straight sake is good though

>> No.11254389

That still does them in order unless there's an option to mix the decks in reviews i haven't found yet. Setting all the cards in a deck with a label and then merging it is an alternate option but then you dont get deck specific stats.

>> No.11254394

Only the dry stuff, a lot of them are far too sweet

>> No.11254398

It's fine even if I do them in order. All I care is doing them all together and not having to switch from one deck to another every damn time.

>> No.11254403

Why would you care about deck order when you do hundreds of reviews a day? At one point, you will be finished, and I highly doubt that getting card X or card Y first will make much of a difference in your learning.

>> No.11254409

Because it's a matter of false associations, if you have two similar cards with different clozes in different decks you can determine it from the timing rather than just the information at hand.

>> No.11254413

>not learning with the superior loli or traps method, that have been shown to greatly speed up language acquisition
It's like you don't even want to learn japanese.

>> No.11254415

In his defense they do both have lolis, more so the second one. No traps though unfortunately.

>> No.11254427

What's the best way to learn spoken language? I'm doing the vocabulary stuff in the JLPT currently, that's pretty good. Certainly much more effective than simply grinding Kanji.

Any better way?

>> No.11254435

Well. You know. I could possibly wrong. But, did you consider... wait for it... actually speaking?

>> No.11254439

niconico or penpals or moving to Japan. From least to most effective.

>> No.11254440

Any heavily voiced eroge that I can easily get absorbed in? I need more practice in listening.

By heavily voiced, I mean that all or nearly all the text in the game is voiced, either because it focuses heavily on voiced dialogue rather than narration, or because narration is voiced.

>> No.11254453

Shadow that motherfucker, little girl screams expletives when being raped, repeat that shit.

>> No.11254456

You could look up "protagonist with voice" on VNDB. With that, you're probably up to 60% or 70% voice coverage.

>> No.11254472

That and voiced narrator tag and you're set

>> No.11254492

Does it have to be eroge?
The OreImo games for the psp are 100% voiced and quite easy to understand (except for Kuroneko, Chuunibyou-speech is annyoing)

>> No.11254500

I was thinking about doing the vocab list. I'm almost 700 kanji in, so I'm hesitant to stop

>> No.11254497

Kokoro no Connect game too IIRC

>> No.11254502

Flyable heart uses a lot of Hiragana and Katakana with little Kanji. If you still don't know enough

>> No.11254511

If you want to actually speak it, you have to find a way to practice conversation. Best way to do that without moving to Japan is probably to go to one of those language exchange sites and look for Skype friends. Writing in Japanese also helps (penpals, lang-8, etc), but you'll never be conversational without using the language verbally too.

But if you don't know enough Japanese to form a sentence, you'll need to start with the basics: Studying grammar, grinding common vocabulary, and watching raw anime or playing untranslated voiced eroge. You'll never get conversational doing only these, so as soon as you start noticing diminishing returns from the effort you put into it, you should try to move to the next level.

>> No.11254533

do both. knowing kanji helps you with vocabulary, because then you know the characters in the words. makes it easier to remember than just "I've never seen these characters or any of the radicals in them before, but it makes up this word!"

>> No.11254543

That might be the kinda thing I'm looking for. Ero scenes are usually a chore anyway when you're inexperienced with Japanese, can't maintain a boner while concentrating on understanding the exact kind of stickiness being described.

>> No.11254539

What kind of flash cards do you use? Do you do from Japanese to English or the other way around? Sentences or just words? I'd like to know how intermediate to advanced level guys study.

>> No.11254542

yup agree completely.

Normal learnding(until you can form basic shit)

Penpal(until you don't need to think for a minute to write a thought)

Skypepal(until you get a sugarmama to buy you a ticket to the moon)

Live on the moon

>> No.11254552

Would Pokemon special be easy enough to start on if I have a serviceable grammar base?

>> No.11254555

I need to study harder so I can find my very own sugarmama.

>> No.11254570

We all do
We all do
>We all do

>> No.11254579

In eroge, do the Japanese rotate through a list of penis and vagina synonyms like we do, or do they just use one or two for each?

>> No.11254602

Depends on the game. Some games, call nipples protuberances, or the genitals as "his/her place", while overs just call nipples as nipples and genitals as penis and vaginas. So probably the first one.

>> No.11254604

>tfw I enjoy all tea and coffee varieties
Open-minded master race.

>> No.11254606

Yup pokemon games are good, they're all the same general idea so you'll survive even if you miss something, and it tends to have simple words.

>> No.11254773

They mostly stick to the same words, though different characters within the same eroge might use different words depending on how shy and innocent or experience and lewd they are.

In the first place, Japanese don't have as many synonyms as English, and they don't seem to treat constant synonym rotation as a necessity for colorful writing. I think it's because Japanese grammar allows you to leave out repeated words altogether. Like if you say "I love dicks", you can keep making sentences that just consist of a single verb, and people will understand that you're still talking about yourself and dicks, while in English you'd have to remind people in every sentence that the sentence is about dicks.

>> No.11254813

>Land of the rising sun is called moon
>Rising sun language is called moon runes

>> No.11254839

The sky is blue.
You are a faggot.

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11254905

After only adding 10-20 words for a 3 month slump I've decided to go back to the 40-50 or so I was at before. I've added 60 words so far today and it feels good.

>> No.11254941

That brings up a question. What's a good number for a beginner, because I'm going through core2k at 20 a day. It feels kinda slow, but I'm not sure how high I can go before it stops sticking.

>> No.11254961

20 is not much considering there are like 3 cards for each new word or something.

>> No.11254960

80% of 50 is better than 90% of 20. Just saying.

>> No.11254964

I'm assuming he meant words, plus not every core deck has the same layout as yours.

>> No.11254971

I meant word. Every new word has 3 cards usually. One for listening, one for the reading, and the other incorporated in a sentence.

>> No.11254972
File: 1 KB, 240x327, Clipboard02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11254981

20 new words each day wouldn't be slow, so he probably meant 20 cards.

>> No.11254984


Fuck numbers, add until you dont feel comfortable adding more that day.

Reccollection percentage is probably a better metric if you don't want to go by feeling.
Anything above 70's probably fine.

It's better to have a decent grasp on a huge number of words than to have a perfect grasp of a few.

>> No.11254993

Decide how much time you want to invest per day.
If you have time left over/nothing better to do, add more words.
If you fail too much, your reviews take longer, so you don't have the time to add more cards.
It's self-regulating

also: >>11254960

>> No.11254998

20 new words is pretty easy, only 30 minutes per day. Personally I would say try and aim to as close to about 1 hour per day / 80-90% correct as possible.

>> No.11255001

>socially awkward people
>talking to strangers on skype

>> No.11255005

Surprise surprise most people here are normalfags.

>> No.11255009

why not? Just make a fake account, what the fuck do you care what they think if they have no way of ever finding you if you delete it.

>> No.11255015

if you're that level of socially awkward why the fuck would you care about being able to speak japanese so long as you can listen/read

>> No.11255040


>> No.11255060


>> No.11255075

Figure out how much time you think you can invest in it every day without wanting to skip, and stick to however many you can do in that time.

5 a day for a year adds up to a lot more than 50 a day for a week before you burn out and quit. Trust me, when you burn out and get used to letting the day pass without doing any reps, those unproductive days will stack up really, really quickly, and suddenly the year has passed while you've only studied a fraction of your goal.

I'd also say that once you get to 20 cards a day, any remaining time and energy you have for studying is better invested in trying to read Japanese, because the time you invest every day in spaced interval cards has diminished returns.

>> No.11255087

If he doesn't want to talk to people, why does he want to learn spoken Japanese in the first place?

Also, the average Japanese person is more shy than the average /jp/er, so there's really nothing to fear.

>> No.11255092

I find words like this are one of the reasons Japanese is an interesting language.
I have to google it now though, because the dictionary definition is definitely not detailed enough.

>> No.11255100

>Also, the average Japanese person is more shy than the average /jp/er, so there's really nothing to fear.
So it would just make things extremely awkward.

>> No.11255101

Yeah there are a lot of metaphors like that which while initially what the fuck, once you look up make complete sense.

>> No.11255103


>> No.11255124


>> No.11255130


>> No.11255133

The existence of the word sure is a mark of the times though, isn't it?
Can't help but put a bitter grin on my lips.

No, I'm not gay.

>> No.11255177

But yeah, 20 a day looks a bit too much why don't you try 5 a week?

>> No.11255220

Japanese study can get pretty interesting

>> No.11255222

Clearly you're just jealous that other people are progressing quicker than you, or that they have more motivation. I averaged 40 a day for my first 6 months, then slowed down a bit after I finished the core 6k. You don't need to go that slowly, I think you are just scared of forgetting or something.

>> No.11255230

Trust me on this, I've had times when I've done 100 a day, but in the long term it's really, really unproductive and I would have gotten much more done if I had stuck to 5 a day since the beginning.

The whole spaced repetition method is designed for routine studying, not hard studying. If you want to spend hours a day studying, that's great, but you'll be better off using another method. Unless you prefer just sitting there clicking through card after card that you won't remember the next day and convincing yourself you're being productive.

>> No.11255275

I don't know about you, but on days when I added 60+ cards per day, I would get almost 100% on them the next day. It was usually the 4 day interval where I would forget some of them. 5 a day would be less than 2000 per year, that is pathetic. Every single person here with 30-60 minutes per day can do 10,000 words per year.

>> No.11255287

I giggled, hope its as lewd as i think, if not i like my version better

>> No.11255298

I just do 20 new kanji and 20 new vocab so far. Probably will increase the daily vocab once I start hitting 100 due a day.

So far no problems.

>> No.11255299

50 cards a day is the most optimum number.

>> No.11255302

full pleb
10k a day is optimal

>> No.11255311 [DELETED] 

XD #rekt
I learned 1 billion kanji in 1 millisecond lololol

>> No.11255324

It depends a lot on the individual, I'm just recommending some foresight. Spending a few days studying intensely is easy, but keeping a routine is hard, especially for /jp/ NEETs who haven't had any kind of routine in their lives for years. And in the end, you absolutely need routine if you want to achieve things that take longer than a few weeks.

If you have the drive to do 50 or more cards a day, every single day without ever wanting to skip, that's awesome for you. I just recommend for anyone new that before they commit themselves to an ambitious routine, they should keep in mind that their motivation a few weeks into it won't be as high as their motivation when starting it. And as soon as you reach the point where you tell yourself "nah, I don't really feel like it today, I'll just study extra hard tomorrow", you're almost certainly fucked, slippery slope style.

>> No.11255322 [DELETED] 

who are you quoting?

>> No.11255336

>tfw did 234020342 vocab since my last post
#swag #yolo

>> No.11255333

I did hundreds of new cards back when I started and for a few weeks I had more than a thousand reviews. Took me less than an hour to finish. I can read pretty well now. The key with any kind of efficient and effective study (not just with Anki) is that if it's too hard for too long then you're doing something wrong.

>> No.11255349

when do most people burn out?

>> No.11255346

>"nah, I don't really feel like it today, I'll just study extra hard tomorrow"

Those people should just refrain from even attempting the language.

>> No.11255352

or anything long term really

>> No.11255353

>nah, I don't really feel like it today, I'll just study extra hard tomorrow
I've never let myself think that. I have 0 missed days.

>> No.11255367
File: 2 KB, 172x18, 52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those 2% piss me off. I think those 5 days were days where I pulled an all-nighter and got lazy.

>> No.11255371

No Chinese here please.

>> No.11255375

>having a sleep schedule

>> No.11255389
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 1346849753423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble with ichidan and godan verbs still. How did you memorize them, /jp/?

Also, does any one have a helpful guide for particles? I'm still having trouble with はand が .

>> No.11255383

Cards reset before 5AM.

>> No.11255384

Sleeping at random times stops becoming a point of pride once you become an adult.

>> No.11255393

If you mean
>浮気をしない (funny how this is considered a special characteristic)
Then yes, I guess I am.

>> No.11255390

get out normie go back to /a/ or /int/ or wherever the fuck you come from

>> No.11255398

Can easily be changed.

>> No.11255394

Well, I wasn't technically right. The only people who have that as a point of pride above the age of eighteen are university students.

>> No.11255399

Early on.

You have to get to the point where you feel like quitting now would be a waste because you've learned quite a bit already. Then if you're not an unproductive faggot you won't quit.

>> No.11255405

>tfw kanji was fun until you hit 900~
>tfw vocab was fun until you hit 3k words

>> No.11255410

Only reason doing hundreds a day worked for me at all is because I backed it up with reading frequently. So even when I lost the motivation to review, I was still reviewing them by playing eroge. For someone who is a NEET and has the motivation to spend like 8 hours a day for a few months in order to reach basic proficiency as quickly as possible, I guess that approach might work for them. Just be careful what you gets yourself into.

No, they just need to set a pace they're actually able to follow and save those sudden bursts of motivation for non-routine studying.

>> No.11255413

Or people who aren't wage slaves like yourself. Thanks for paying for my NEET bux though >>>/soc/

>> No.11255419

>tfw ~2500 kanji ~14k vocab words later it's still fun because erogealldayerrday

>> No.11255420

Nobody other than children and immature university students gives a fuck when other people are going to sleep. Fuck off.

>> No.11255427
File: 26 KB, 476x351, 1369308419676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an easy way that will help you while learning the differences between は and が

が refers to what is before it
は refers to what is after it

boku が ringo wo tabemasu (see this apple? [ I ] am eating it)

boku は ringo wo tabemasu (see this [ apple ]? I am eating it)

I hope it's clear enough written like that. There's a picture going around too that will explain it better than me if some anon is kind enough to post it. Keep in mind that は and が go a little deeper than that but this will help you shed some light while starting to learn.

>> No.11255428

tae kim's a good start, beyond that it's just exposure, you'll mess up は and が occasionally until you get really good.

>> No.11255430
File: 2 KB, 182x21, 965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should clarify what you mean by giving the specifics of how you study and how long you take, since every one has different goals and methods not to mention mental capacity.

>> No.11255437

>14K words
What language are you learning?

>> No.11255434

Stop getting so angry that I have 24 hours of free time every single day and you have 5 if you're lucky.

>> No.11255435

Fuck /jp/. /djt/ is up.

>> No.11255440

Except for that picture is wrong and it was made by some guy who just started learning and didn't know what he was talking about.

>> No.11255443

I'm not angry that you sleep whenever you want. Lots of people do. I just think that you're retarded for parading it around as a status symbol.

>> No.11255445

>tfw you can't quit now because you're too deep inside

Get an online Japanese waifu. Keep learning new words everyday and use them with her. It will motivate you.

>> No.11255452

What is that supposed to mean?

>> No.11255448
File: 7 KB, 377x231, ss (2013-08-01 at 06.30.28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not finished yet.

>> No.11255454

Not him, but you still have to add a word or two every 3-5 sentences even with 10k words. Mostly expressions though, shit like 風を吹かす and the like. Have you ever played a VN in Japanese?

>> No.11255458

I just think it's an easy way to spot a wage slave like yourself. Why are you still here? It's going to take you years to learn Japanese with that job of yours.

>> No.11255471

Guys I have a Kanji deck where the kanjis are the same color as the background with a little story below them to remember them.

I basically have to put over the mouse and highlight the kanji so that I can see it in blue and white and then I can tell which kanji it is and answer, this takes away precious seconds out of every card.

>inb4 change deck

I can't, I already almost finished it and I would just like to be able to change the font color of the kanjis so that I can see them right away, I don't give a shit about mnemonics, I don't need those anymore. Is this possible without huge amounts of work?

>> No.11255474

Lots of NEETs have sleep schedules. Even fucking cats and dogs have sleep schedules and they do jack shit all day. Parading around your own lack of a sleep schedule like it's a status symbol is retarded behavior, which is mostly the domain of children and college freshmen competing to see how quirky they are.

It's like making fun of people for brushing their teeth or "only a total normal would brush his teeth." Is it true? I've got no fucking clue. Maybe all truNEETs are too goddamn lazy to take care of their dental health. Still stupid.

>> No.11255482

Read the Anki guide and about html

>> No.11255494

Sorry I can't hear you all over that normalfag

>> No.11255490
File: 55 KB, 725x291, 1354256066631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much, kind anon. That really does help a lot.

>> No.11255491

I brush my teeth whenever I work up the motivation to.

>> No.11255498

I started doing anki reps last month. 25 new cards a day. So far I've put on 5 pounds of muscle and my penis has grown 2 inches. Is this normal progress?

>> No.11255501

Did you go over puberty while doing reps?

>> No.11255502

You don't have shitpost whenever somebody calls you out on your idiocy.

I guess you can if you think it's fun, though.

>> No.11255508

I think your homies are waiting for you outside

>> No.11255506


>> No.11255509


>> No.11255512

Kill yourself.

>> No.11255515

You're the one shitposting about being a normalfag.

>> No.11255516

If you actually give a shit about "NEET culture", you should stop making it look like being a shitposting retard is part of the requirements, because that's what you're doing.

If you don't actually give a shit and are just here to troll "normalfags" into the stratosphere because it's hilarious then carry on.

>> No.11255527
File: 142 KB, 1326x1079, Troll_Face[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11255531
File: 340 KB, 1280x960, 1343611365386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11255554

That first quote is bad ass

>> No.11255562


>> No.11255573

Words to live by.

>> No.11255594

What's it say. Without rikaisama I have pains reading the moon.

If you would transcribe it then that would be extra nice.

>> No.11255611


>> No.11255636










>> No.11255644

The last two panels, my life now has meaning, i want to see cirno.

>> No.11255666

>I'm still having trouble with はand が.

は is a topic marker.
が is a subject marker.

That's it. They mean different things. They aren't even remotely similar. The only way you could have problem with them is if you attempt to understand Japanese grammar by translating sentences to English and back, which is a bad idea in general. Stop doing that, and you'll stop getting confused by "ZOMG they translate to the same thing".

I really, really hope you're just trolling.

>> No.11255691

そんなことを考えたらみんなの夢と希望が滅ぼされるよ。 信じるな、感じろ!

>> No.11255745 [DELETED] 

If the vowel sound perceding the verb is an A,U or Osound it will be classified as an u-verb, ru-verbs if the vowels are I or E.

起きる(OK_"I"_RU)=ru verb
思う(OM_"O"_U)=u verb

>> No.11255754

If the vowel sound preceding the verb is an A,U or O sound it will be classified as an u-verb, ru-verbs if the vowel are I or E.

起きる(OK_"I"_RU)=ru verb
思う(OM_"O"_U)=u verb

>> No.11255765

>I'm having trouble with ichidan and godan verbs still. How did you memorize them, /jp/?

Ichidan verbs always end in る. Godan verbs end in any う sound (including る). So if the word ends with an う sound other than る that means it is Godan. But if it ends with る it can be either. It's only ambiguous if the word ends in る. So just pay closer attention to verbs that end in る.

>> No.11255776

Stop giving advice on things you don't know anything about. There are Godan verbs that end in the sound いる or える.

>> No.11255788

>Also, does any one have a helpful guide for particles? I'm still having trouble with はand が .

Read the entry on the subject in the Dictionary of Japanese Grammar. It has a good explanation of it.


>> No.11255797

"If the vowel sound preceding the 「る」 is an /a/, /u/ or /o/ vowel sound, it will always be an u-verb. Otherwise, if the preceding sound is an /i/ or /e/ vowel sound, it will be a ru-verb in most cases"

It's from Tae Kim. I just forgot to mention that there are exceptions.

>> No.11255801

I know what Tae Kim says. And he is correct because his explanation contains more than what you said. If he only said what you said, he would be wrong.

>> No.11255962

There are a lot of common exceptions too. It's just setting someone up for confusion if you don't mention exceptions.

>> No.11255974

So...... who likes lolis?
Watching Psychic Squad atm.

>> No.11256015
File: 33 KB, 800x600, Project-LRNJ-Slime-Forest-Adventure_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do after I get the ship?

>> No.11256020

Uninstall the game and reconsider your method of studying.

>> No.11256022


listen to
then force your potato in her

>> No.11256025

Every rule that refers to reality has exceptions, except this one.

>> No.11256035

I use multiple methods. This is faster than the others though.

>> No.11256053

>all that gradient

>> No.11256217

I wonder how many of you actually know Japanese enough to give real advice. I recall this one thread from a couple of months ago, some sort of /jp/ bingo, where several people actually checked off that they don't know shit about Japanese but still give advice or something similar.

Reading this thread makes me remember that for some reason.

>> No.11256861

The correct answer is 7. Hope that's as helpful as your post.

>> No.11257168

You swim to the west, find an island, then realize there's nothing there because the game isn't finished.

Many enough for someone to answer, usually. Consider the type of questions that get asked. It's not an advanced stuff.

>> No.11257233

It's not a rule then. You clearly don't know the definition of a rule.

>> No.11258499

I've been reading about this since yesterday, it is quite fascinating.
Maybe I should've picked sociology instead of some IT stuff.

>> No.11258579
File: 298 KB, 702x992, original_unknown_812476c5a689c3c0428928d5e1989c90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been putting it off for a few days now. I just don't feel like doing them, not when I can read instead.
Though I guess even if I can read some of the easier stuff I shouldn't neglect my reps.

>> No.11258592

~800 to do.
It's getting worse with each day and I keep telling myself that I will take my time someday and do them.

>> No.11258619

just do them all now.

either that or kill yourself

>> No.11258627

>You clearly don't know the definition of a rule.
le irony

>> No.11258739

why not both?

>> No.11258741

no bully

>> No.11258764

And as usual, the western perspective is completely wrong
>think this is something unique to Japan
>think that the main cause is economic situation and not the fact that modern women are whores because muh feelings

>> No.11258763

I didn't want to skip so I didn't go to bed last night.

>> No.11258771

Thanks. There's a dungeon, that's good enough.

>> No.11259767


There's a lot more to the game than that, actually. Sail east (I think?) with the ship and you'll find an island. Keep going until you've cleared that dungeon. It's usually not too hard to figure out how to advance past that (sail, find island, do things on island until done, talk to someone on main island, repeat). Here's a link to the full version if you don't have it.


>> No.11260240

I prefer the term Englaboo myself.

>> No.11261532


Close-minded retard; you haven't pointed out any "truth", just your opinionated drivel. That's the only way to describe how stupid and toxic your posts are.

>> No.11261582

Yes, but his point was that having missed days on Anki doesn't mean that he has a sleep schedule.

In other-words you're wrong and didn't want to admit it.

>> No.11261632

You're mixing me up for someone else. I'm just telling him it can be changed. Sorry for butting into your argument or whatever you guys are talking about.

>> No.11261767

>learning kanji

>> No.11262324

>tfw going to gym in a few hours to do mad reps
>tfw I'm a filthy crossboarder from /fit/ and thought this thread was actually about /fit/ /jp/ers
>tfw my extreme disappointment at actual topic

>> No.11262336

Nice crossboarder impression. I almost thought you were the real thing.

>> No.11262360

I have no idea why you would even begin to question my authenticity

>> No.11262392

Are you saying that you actually *are* a true, honest-to-god /fit/ poster? Wow, impressive! Never thought I'd see one in real life! This is so exciting. Can I have your autograph, maybe? I-it doesn't have to be right now, of course. Just drop it whenever it feels convenient for you.

>> No.11262414

because if you were serious your sheer level of stupidity would make scooby and zyzz sad inside.

>> No.11262471

real men only use romaji

>> No.11262486

Oh, and here I was under impression that the development stalled forever. Thanks for the link.

Too bad I'm now past the point where it'd be of any use to me...

>> No.11262516

At least I'm not a manchild weeb that worships a culture that will never return your love, or appreciate you in any way. That's rather more stupid than getting fit, objectively.

>> No.11262538


>> No.11262556

It's always the DYELs that try and convince you they're a badass. I get that it makes you feel better about being a fatass, but put that energy towards the gym and you'll be a lot better off. Unless you're a crossfit fag, then kill yourself.

>> No.11262578

I'm neither a crossfitfag or a DYEL, but you're just gonna have to take my word for it, since I'm also not stupid and therefore won't be posting pics.

>> No.11263097

Boobs or GTFO
Just GTFO and do your reps

>> No.11265447
File: 424 KB, 600x852, 1375332835108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I just installed Anki 2 after years of no reviewing. Here I come, my 11000 cards.

>> No.11265453

It's easier to just start over at that point.

>> No.11265528

It's not

even if you only remember 20% of your cards, that's 2000 cards you don't have to learn again.
Anki's algorithm will take care of the rest

>> No.11266275

>start over
With an attitude like that it's no wonder you're going to give up in a couple months and never become fluent.

>> No.11266596

Can someone tell me if this sounds natural? Because it sounds rather weird to me.

>> No.11266952

probably a stupid question but when i learn new vocab should i be adding the individual kanji to anki and learn them or just focus on the words that contain them?

>> No.11267019

Just words.

>> No.11267104

Does Anki SRS really work?

>> No.11267211

i slacked the past two days but im suru right now

>> No.11267225

Nah millions of people use it just for shits and giggles

>> No.11267223

it honto ni does

>> No.11267226

ideally the sentence, cloze that motherfucker

>> No.11267337

Some days you struggle and other days you just fly right through the cards

>> No.11267389
File: 226 KB, 482x441, 1307177554051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you got stressed out and forgot to do your reps for 3 months

I'm never going to learn enough of these moonrunes to play lewd dating sims at this rate. :(

>> No.11267398

It's the only way to learn Japanese! Make sure to to by the Iphone app :D

>> No.11267463

yup. honestly you should just leave this board on go post on the vn thread on /vg/

eop get out

>> No.11267589

wait seriously, you have to pay for the iphone mobile version? top kek androids free

>> No.11271730

There was a story on the web recently that revealed online travel agencies generally charge more for people with Apple user agents. The reasoning was that these people were more willing to pay for a "premium" experience. Of course, there wasn't anything premium about offers other than the price, but there you have it.

Oh, by the way, the Anki android version doesn't cost anything because it's a piece of shit software.
