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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 55 KB, 640x458, xperia-a-miku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11224932 No.11224932 [Reply] [Original]

Are you getting this master race phone /jp/?

>> No.11224934

>not having an iphone

>> No.11224941
File: 1.61 MB, 245x180, 1374680980587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using lock down shitty OS

>> No.11224943

what the fuck is this new age touchscreen shis
its just a fucking phone, why does it need a touchscreen
you dont need a touchscreen to call somebody

i miss floppy phones

>> No.11224945

My shit phone's memory keeps plummeting for no reason that I know so that it says that it doesn't have enough memory to receive text messages. Plus, I can't connect it to any computer because it won't recognize the phone.

So I'm in the market to get a new phone. Which one should I get, /jp/?

>> No.11224947

Say that to gooks. They don't use anything else.

>> No.11224953
File: 29 KB, 500x500, Nokia-301-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nokia Asha is top tier. Phones should be for phoning. Apps are for fags.

>> No.11224957
File: 665 KB, 1111x626, hatsune-miku-xperia-smartphone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's motherfucking Miku smartphone.

>> No.11224962

>buying mikushit
Do you really want to use a green phone that scream miku miku ni shite ageru everytime you received a phonecall?

>> No.11224964
File: 133 KB, 750x519, ZKvMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.


>> No.11224965

i dont think japanese phones work on gaijin networks, so no. otherwise yes, as long as its <$500 or maybe as long as <$1000

ive wanted a sony phone for awhile since if i have to live with shitty spyware mobile OS then it may as well be something thats compatible with my vita

>> No.11224966

also, how the fuck is it a miku phone in any way except for the cover and package? so what? i can get a box with miku on it or a miku phone cover anyway and not pay an extra $200 for it...

>> No.11224968

>My shit phone's memory keeps plummeting for no reason
Planned obsolescence

>> No.11224974
File: 133 KB, 305x458, NOKIA-300__1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about smartphones?

Even the Asha phones can do Facebook or whatever.

How about an attractive, modern-looking device with a colour screen and buttons? You press the buttons in a certain order to make a phone call. You can also bring up menus to send someone a short text message.

Sooner or later there's going to be a "oh fuck we just remembered what phones are for" revolution and Apple/Google's stock will plummet. I can't wait.

>> No.11224971

here... basically THIS >>11224953

>> No.11225008

>Sooner or later there's going to be a "oh fuck we just remembered what phones are for" revolution and Apple/Google's stock will plummet. I can't wait.
Yeah keep telling yourself that.

>> No.11225016

Great, they better fucking rip all the tones and shit from the Miku phone so that I can put it in mine.

>> No.11225023

i only use iPhones

i have like 500 dollars worth of apps that i downloaded over the years since my uncle gives me a 100 dollar itunes gift card every christmas for some reason...i think he steals them from his job

>> No.11225037

But this is a recurring pattern in technology and engineering. People add all these bells and whistles, then every so often someone says, "Wait, what if we just do the simple thing we originally designed these for?" and we take a sensible step backwards.

Just as people don't use Flash intros and Java applets any more, nobody is going to care about Facebook or Twitter apps in 2020.

>> No.11225040

so you're dead gets apple points from jobs.......haha ha ha haaa

>> No.11225043

>facebook and twitter

Is that all you think smartphones can do?

>> No.11225058

if anything, your smartphone will be able to do everything that your computer can do and more

mobile computing is where it's at now...it's okay, i'm sure they'll continue making dumbphones for dumb people like you

>> No.11225060


All you /jp/sies with lame phones better watch out.

>> No.11225068

I bought a smartphone to play games.
It doesn't even have a SIM card.

>> No.11225071

>being a poorfag

>> No.11225075

No, but they're where the portability is apparently a benefit.

One day someone will say, "You know what, all these games and useful applications...you tend to use them in one place. What if we made some sort of performant computer terminal that could draw power from a power outlet, or perhaps a folding, portable variant that could also run on a battery? Why, we could even give them full-size keyboards and a mouse and..."

>> No.11225077
File: 28 KB, 590x400, Xperia-ZR-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can just buy a Xperia ZR and get a custom decal or something, it's much cheaper this way.

>> No.11225087

>I'm gonna rape you ho cuz you got shit phone
lel sounds like just an excuse for the fag to rape the boy.

>> No.11225094

"I-It's not like I want to have sex with you or anything, baka m8!"

>> No.11225098

what the fuck are you on about? my phone can already do everything my windows xp (BEST windows) computer can do and vice versa, jsut my computer can do it faster, besides the non-x86 architecture its just the software that is differnt

in b4 using old pc, of course i have one for all OS

>> No.11225100

What's a mouse?

>> No.11225103

>Master race

>> No.11225104

>make a phone call.
>text message

I have no one to call or text. My phone is another toy. The phones we have now are everything I wished we had when I was a kid. They're tiny and portable and capable of so much and they fit in my pocket. If I have to leave the house I'm definitely not going to be bringing my clunky laptop with me.

>> No.11225108

Why won't that Jew Steve Jobs let me delete the Facebook and twitter apps?

>> No.11225113

That's the root of all your problem.

>> No.11225121

>Sooner or later there's going to be a "oh fuck we just remembered what phones are for" revolution and Apple/Google's stock will plummet
Smartphone can make call and do a fucking bunch of stuff like shitposting on /jp/ while taking a dump.
Can your phone do that?

>> No.11225122

You didn't have a gameboy?

>> No.11225124

Put it in a different language.

>> No.11225128

It's a gameboy with music and an Internet browser. I don't even have a phone plan.

>> No.11225143
File: 492 KB, 460x345, 1369735411709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have a lot of things.

>> No.11225184
File: 14 KB, 610x400, Nokia-N9-SIM-USB-Slot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>11225068

>> No.11225196

Janitor, do your job and delete this thread.

>> No.11225201

Some retrofag analog shit.

>> No.11225202

Those are some cute colors.

I want to like the Sony phones but I can't help but doubt their software quality.

>> No.11225215

Or you could, I don't know, focus on whatever is drawing you away from your house so you can finish and get back home, like a rational person would do.

>> No.11225222
File: 104 KB, 1024x768, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which phone is more otaku culture: Samsung Galaxy S4 or iPhone 5?

>> No.11225234

I want to sex Miku!

>> No.11225241

Smart phones are pretty cool, but don't get any kind of contract or sim card.

>> No.11225247

That's like korean shit

Pfft ha ha

>> No.11225255

Galaxy. iPhone gives you no freedom.

>> No.11225275

Unless you are using a mouse ball, it's optical, not analog.

>> No.11225276

"Freedom" is my favorite gimmick.

*buys products based on FSF recommendations instead of how good they are*

>> No.11225295

By the time everyone has smart phones as computers, we will have augmented reality gloves to make virtual keyboards and mouses.

>> No.11225321

I'm not giving up my freedom over build quality.

>> No.11225323

Samsung don't give you freedom either.

>> No.11225328

We won't need gloves. Keyboard will be projected onto surfaces of tables and even our own skin.

Visual and Tactile Cues for High-Speed Interaction - YouTube
OmniTouch: Wearable Multitouch Interaction Everywhere WWW.GOODNEWS.WS - YouTube
Celluon Magic Cube - World's only virtual projection keyboard and multi-touch mouse - YouTube

>> No.11225343

Don't be stupid. It's about striking a balance between features, usability, and freedom. We already know we can't have everything so you have to find what takes all three into consideration and do your best.

>> No.11225370
File: 261 KB, 640x539, xperia-z-ultra-vs-xperia-z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've still got my heart set on an Xperia Ultra Z. Super powerful, super big screen. Waterproof. I may never have to get out of the shower.
Plus that low-light camera will be good for all the clubbing and afterparties I go to.

Problem is I don't want to leave AT&T (grandfathered in on cheap unlimited data plan) and I'm not sure if there's a model of this phone that works on their network.

>> No.11225374

That is a tablet with a built-in phone.

>> No.11225377

How do you get one? Don't you have to be japanese or jump through thousands of hoops to get jap phones working outside?

>> No.11225383

It's a phablet

Can't you just buy an unlocked phone directly from Sony?

I live in an asian country and I already found a middleman who can import it for me.

>> No.11225385

Galaxy is better.

>> No.11225386

All current smartphones are either fucking huge, or suck dickballs.

>> No.11225394

I think docomo charges around 3000 yen to have the phone unlocked.

>> No.11225396

I refuse to have a cell phone because they are tracking and surveillance devices. They all enable the phone system to record where the user goes, and many (perhaps all) can be remotely converted into listening devices.

In addition, most of them are computers with nonfree software installed. Even if they don't allow the user to replace the software, someone else can replace it remotely. Since the software can be changed, we cannot regard it as equivalent to a circuit. A machine that allows installation of software is a computer, and computers should run free software.

When I need to call someone, I ask someone nearby to let me make a call.

What to use instead? The most obvious alternative is a long-distance phone card. They are quite cheap nowadays, and they work with any phone.

>> No.11225442

I still need to upload fsfe-gplv3-richard-stallman.theora.ogg. I don't think it's seeded any more. There's a great bit where someone's phone rings and he talks about how it's a portable surveillance device, completely straight-faced.

>> No.11225519

Guy who wants the Ultra Z here. I think I can just buy it straight out (Yurop is getting it too, no US confirmation yet) but I just don't know enough about network types/bands to sure rhis thing will work on AT&T. http://www.gsmarena.com/sony_xperia_z_ultra-5540.php can anyone?

That and I want to be sure using custom ROMs is easy enough and doable.

>> No.11225540

I want a cute landline phone with the curly cord.

>> No.11225560

It varies on the model. On your link, it shows 3 models: C6802, C6806, and C6833. The C6802 model supports HSPA+ which would be sufficient if your data plan is only 3G.

If you want it to work with 4G LTE, one of the C6806 or C6833 models will be the one you go for. One of them is for international LTE networks (C6833) and one is specifically for the US network (C6806) which should work with AT&T. I just looked it up so this should be right but correct me if i have them mixed up.

>> No.11225571

Recent Sony devices are fairly easy to root and stuff so no worries.

>> No.11225625

Sounds like a pain to import, doubt I'd be able to get one without paying out the ass for one.

>> No.11225635

Really! That's very helpful, thank you.

Unfortunately it seems now I have to wait for the dang thing to go on sale, I'm seeing no purchase stuff for the C6806.
