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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11155322 No.11155322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no friends who share your hobbies
>Hide hobbies from friends you have.
>All of your friends like clubbing, going to bars and invite you
>You go all the time, because its the only time to see your friends.
I just want someone to go to cons with.

>> No.11155326

Only normals go to cons.

>> No.11155329
File: 49 KB, 640x480, Idoun50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you need someone to go to cons with?

It'll be much easier to make friends there and then explore. Plus if you do something socially embarassing, it won't follow you around back at home.

>> No.11155332

>tfw friends that share your hobbies
>they're too pleb so you just ignore them when anime or VNs come up

>> No.11155335

I know that feelio, brah. Fuck normies.

>> No.11155336

It is impossible to make friends unless you already have friends or are a charismatic normal

>> No.11155339

Bro, you can't get that cosplay pussy with weeab friends around. You gotta rock it solo and get them desperate bitchs.

>> No.11155341

>not being able to be normal when the situation requires it
top lel

>> No.11155342

I don't have any friends

>> No.11155343

It's more plausible to makes friends at a convention then to make friends to bring to a convention.

>> No.11155345

>tfw only close friend is gay furry

>> No.11155347

I'm your friend.

>> No.11155349

I chased my last friend away a couple years ago. Felt great.

>> No.11155351

what does having friends feel like?
is it fun playing video games together

>> No.11155352

Cool thanks

>> No.11155354

Top ramen.
Am I right otacool people?

>> No.11155360

I don't know. I've never had a friend that shaved my hobbies, just normies I hung out with in high school.

>> No.11155355

Get the FUCK out of here normies.

>> No.11155356

that means you were a normal the whole time
would make for a good movie

>> No.11155358

I AM the gay furry

>> No.11155362


Me too. At that point I felt my power leave the level of just a regular NEET and take one step closer to truNEET, of which I wouldn't unlock for another couple of years.

>> No.11155365

Don't you have a diaper rape dungeon to be maintaining in that case?

>> No.11155369

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11155370

and u got owned at life HARD bcuz you're a beta faglord that can't function in society LMFAO

>> No.11155372

back to /sp/ you go

>> No.11155376

Last time I met an old friend I started rambling about societal collapse and I haven't heard from him since.

>> No.11155377

I rose above society
At that point I became euphoric

>> No.11155382

go cry 2 mum nd ask for pizza money u nerd

>> No.11155386

No, I don't. Who the fuck are you?

>> No.11155390

Stop shitposting on /jp/ please.

>> No.11155394

shat threads deserves to get shat on

>> No.11155398
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>tfw you get asked out.
She has nothing in common with me, but christ she was attractive.

>> No.11155404
File: 7 KB, 160x120, Blush1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitpost threads are the only fun part of /jp/ though...

>> No.11155411

And don't come back.

>> No.11155414

she was making fun of you with her friends

>> No.11155416


It's fun until chance time, then someone gets angry.

>> No.11155424
File: 110 KB, 512x768, Idoun26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there actually a board like that? I may investigate. Last time I tried /bun/, and that was boring.

>> No.11155458

But that's the beauty of the convention. Those folks waiting in the line are there for the same reason you are. It's incredibly easy to strike up conversation.

>> No.11155461

Go to a con with a camera. Best way to meet people, just comment something about the cosplayer bitches you take.
"Hey nice wig, where do you got it? Can i have your mail?" Well nowdays people ask for Shitbook rather than mails. Most people won't see give you their fbook as a problem, there, you have friends and bitches.
Btw i'm a grill

>> No.11155479

yes, its one of the best feelings ever

>> No.11155483
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I wish I was a k-on and had k-on friends

>> No.11155497

Wanna give me your fbook, darling? ;)

>> No.11155501

sent ;)

>> No.11155503
File: 51 KB, 720x480, 1323623482282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get approached by sluts and autistic fat guys.
Why do bronies go to cons that aren't for them

>> No.11155519

it's really boring

>> No.11155539

I used to have friends, back in high school. They were good friends.

We grew apart when I went to university, and we stopped talking entirely when I became a shut-in due to social anxiety.

I had a dream about them a few days ago. It was nice, but also kind of sad.

>> No.11155563

It feels terrible when you dream that you are having fun with other people and then wake up. Worst kind of dreams, even worst than nightmares.

>> No.11155571

don't we all

>> No.11155572
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be gentle this time

>> No.11155574

this only happens to me with fictional characters

what on earth do you see in real people that isn't just nostalgia?

>> No.11155584
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>> No.11155582

Oddly enough the only weebs I am able to befriend are borderline autists who don't want friends to start with. Therefore I'll only ever have an internet social life.

>> No.11155596

She's so cute. Please stop bullying her.

>> No.11155594

Sometimes I dream about having fun with Touhous, sometimes even going on dates with them.
And then I wake up. It's absolutely horrible, but at least you tend to forget most parts of a dream, if not forgetting it entirely.

>> No.11155607

/jp/ is reaching a critical mass of shitty threads again.

>> No.11155600
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If only...

>> No.11155601

The only people I can make friends with online are 15 year old weeabo girls because they're just like /jp/.

>> No.11155627

I've realized that very few people share a love for my hobbies like I do and that's why I love /jp/. Every time I see normal people, I feel a little sick inside. I feel like they're slowly denaturing the fabric of everything by their very presence. That's why I hate most people at cons; they turn passion into a mockery.

Still, I've seen tru at cons before. Maybe it isn't so bad.

I can never dream of the character, I keep dreaming of my dakimakura. All these dreams involve me hugging her close to me and running away from staring people. So close, yet so far.

>> No.11155639

I only have one single friend and I only see him every 2 months or so these days, but he's interested in anything I am and will take all of my recommendations, and generally likes them. He's basically me but an extrovert version.

>> No.11155646

This thread is otaku culture.

>> No.11155649

Normals are barely even alive. Their entire existence is just drifting from one fad to the next while following out their mapped way of life that has been ingrained in their minds from childhood.

I've seen normals say they're 100% for one side of something only to flop over to another side once they're in different company. I used to pity them but now I just look at them as NPCs.

>> No.11155656

I used to have a friend like that but then he got a girlfriend

>> No.11155666

>I've seen normals say they're 100% for one side of something only to flop over to another side once they're in different company.
Player characters are given the option to lie all the time in RPGs. It's how the game is played.

>> No.11155679

Being a Mexican /jp/sie is suffering.

>> No.11155688

>Their entire existence is just drifting from one fad to the next
Do you really think you're so different from them?

>> No.11155711

I want Antoinette route.

>> No.11155708

he's autistic

in truth we're not different from normals at all

just different hobbies and a lack of social skills

though I think there are lots of us here who can get by out there but just find it exhausting pretending to be a normal person who is social and all that

>> No.11155745

Whatever you do, don't go to a con alone, thinking you can make friends there. All those extrovert underaged weebs ...

>> No.11155752

I dream about real people that are not my friends. I like some idols, sometime i dream i'm hanging out with them. It's almost the same as fictional characters.

>> No.11155758

Janny approved thread.
