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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11148271 No.11148271[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I never really understood the concept of thanking a healer.
Players don't thank tankers for tanking bosses.
Players don't thank DPS for being good/fast/efficient.

Why should we thank healers? They're only doing their fucking job.

>> No.11148276

I thank the entire group at the conclusion of a dungeon.

>> No.11148279

That sounds like something Konata from Lucky Suta would say. Are you Konata from Lucky Suta?

>> No.11148283

Because healers are generally rarer, and so it's nice to get on their good side.

>> No.11148285

Japs thank everybody for everything.

>> No.11148301

Healer here.

You're welcome, you dick.

>> No.11148304

Heal this
*grabs dick*

>> No.11148312

Tanker here

You're welcome, you dick.

>> No.11148313

Leecher here.

You're welcome, dicks.

>> No.11148315

The difference is that a healer can choose to let a teammate die out of spite and still win the round/dungeon/quest/whatever. But if a tank chooses not to tank then the team has a bigger problem. People thank healers to gain their favor.

>> No.11148324

Doesn't really make sense for the tank to need to thank the healer, that's just business as usual; but if DPS needs healing because they're being fucking retarded and standing in fire or whatnot, then yeah, it makes sense to thank the healer for bothering to heal you instead of letting you die. (or if it's a fight where you can't afford to let a DPS die no matter how much he sucks, then the rest of the party/raid should be thanking the healer for keeping the guy alive despite his best efforts to die).

>> No.11148326

It is quite simple, healers are the best.

>> No.11148328

I loved clerics in D&D 3.5. I feel like I'm the only person who enjoyed playing as them, but they were so cool. You were a soldier of the church, not just some old pansy in white robes.

>> No.11148336

I like helping other people in games because it's a passive role where I can just take it easy. I don't get why people want to be the big bad warrior or the powerful mage. Just being thanked for healing makes me nervous.

If I was transported to some fantasy land and I could be anything, I'd probably be a baker or work in a tavern or something. How cool would it be to serve the food and drink you made to the band of heroes that just slew a dragon?

>> No.11148352

>it's a passive role where I can just take it easy.
are you fucking kidding me? you have to pay attaention to EVERYONE in the party at ALL TIMES and if you fuck up once its all over

not to mention you have to manage your rotation and your mana and also be aware of where you are so as to not get any aggro by accident.

fuck I was always so scared to try to be a healer in any game. but deep down I always loved to be a kind of healer in games. it is just too stressful and it all hangs in your balance

>> No.11148357

Healers are special.
Healers can take it easy.

>> No.11148356

But there's no adrenaline. I'd rather be part of the dragon slaying, since that sounds exciting while baking bread sounds kind of lame. There's just more involved.

>> No.11148359

Is this the netoge thread? Will anyone be playing RuneScape 3?

I'm looking for someone to roleplay as my friend.

>> No.11148360

In real wars are there rules of engagement that say soldiers aren't allowed to shoot medics?

That sounds like it would be cool if you were a medic, but I don't get why you would want wounded enemies to get treatment instead of dying.

>> No.11148364

I agree with this.
Healer is possibly the first one blamed when things go wrong. I find it a lot more stressful than just worrying about what i'm doing

>> No.11148369

are you crazy? everyone depends on you as a healer. parties are ALWAYS looking for a healer.

it is too fucking stressful to be a healer. Being a healer is the exact opposite of taking it easy

being a tank is taking it easy. All I have to do is just pull the necessary amount of mobs and keep aggro and tank away. I never have to worry about healing myself or others

>> No.11148370

Runescape? Ew.

>> No.11148372

Support-type characters normally have much more control over the flow of the battle than any other type of character.
Crowd control, teleports, shields, healing, situation nukes, vision, etc.
Because of this, they also require that their team mates be coordinated so they can be effective, making them natural leaders.

>> No.11148377

Healers are right up there with tanks in terms of self importance and need for validation. You always thank the healer because on top of being just as much of egomaniac as the tank they wield a much more subversive way to ruin groups (by stopping heals) and they do do it often.

Nothing will hold you back more than a healer who can't get over not getting their way. This is why people are constantly groveling toward healers, they don't want to upset some of the most hair trigger yet passive aggressive ragers of MMOs.

Oh come on it depends on the fights. There is always stuff that will be a joke if a proper spec.

>> No.11148381

Any WIZARD otaku here? Anyone knows that feel when someone asks you to make a portal/teleport them and they just disappear without ever saying "thanks"?

>> No.11148395

Well I have never tried to be a healer so I dont know how it all goes down.

I just hate the feeling I get about being responsible for others if I were to mess up somehow.

And I never got how they could just target heal to effectively without misclicking on a mob by accident or something.

My body says I want to be a healer and to help people but my mind says you have to take on a lot of responsibility for your actions if you mess up just a little.

Especially if you try and start out to be a healer. Everyone seems to expect you to know what you are doing and to heal the right person at the right time ;_;

>> No.11148400

Epic /v/ template thread.

>> No.11148401

It's pretty easy actually, after a while you learn to see who in the group takes a lot of damage.

Targeting party players can usually be done with hotkeys like F1, F2 and so on.

>> No.11148402

Healer here.
I thank people when they save my ass by either doing damage to whatever is hitting me or tanking for me, whichever the case.

>> No.11148404
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>that feel when



>> No.11148425

1. Being a healer is a pain in the ass. If you decide to save the tank instead of a DPS than the DPS bitches at you. If the party wipes it is the healer's fault. People are assholes to the healers.
2.Being a healer can be pretty damn hard when dealing with extremely large mobs. If you misclick a single spell your entire party is fucked.
