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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 609 KB, 800x800, 1370055319541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11138806 No.11138806 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't /jp/ make a LN? I assume it will be easier than a VN since you don't have to work with programming and stuff.

I feel like writing a good Light Novel but I can't draw. Not to mention I don't know the guidelines of what constitutes a good LN (formats, etc.)

Maybe an one-volume LN is a good way to start?

Can't find related image, so please have a blushing Reimu.

>> No.11138807

cuz wer 2 busy drawing munkee man


>> No.11138811

post your ideas and a sample chapter

>> No.11138812

There was the "anons are in fact little girls" attempt at LN if I remember correctly.

>> No.11138831

It is not made yet, I am afraid it is not good enough. Especially plot flows and character development

Really? How was the progress?

>> No.11138832

Some of us know about programming and stuff. But each time we tried to have a gamedev general in here it's mostly filled with haters/trolls/fake-pros and bunch of people who don't really plan to make anything at all in the first place. Not to mention the artist issue.

>> No.11138839

yeah these are lns tho

I mean quality western vns will never happen so no reason to chase that dragon

>> No.11138852

writing with multiple people is hard

>> No.11138952

Isn't that what that Nocturnes thing was?

>> No.11138958

This? I watched it for quite some time, and Author-chan actually reworked it, but never added anything again (In fact, a part he had already written is missing).

>> No.11139001


>> No.11139004

Because LN's are shit.
The ones made in Japan are only popular because they're Japanese. If you changed the author names from Kumihiko Watashiwaramerusaki to Bobby Spangler, it would be on deviantart instead of being praised on 4chan for being 3deep133u deconstruction of the deconstruction genre.

>> No.11139014

basically this

if you want to write trash then write urban fiction or some shitty romance novel

relatively easy to write and from what ive heard the cash is good even for the bad/mediocre shit

>> No.11139036
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I have an idea for a small project.

It would be a browser-based text adventure with a twist. It records all the commands people try to use and arranges them into a list, then a writer can take some of the most used commands and they can write something for them.

Would anyone be interested in working on this with me? I can do web development.

>> No.11139047

ya sounds fun

make a thread about it tomorrow or something

any idea what kind of setting you want?

>> No.11139113

As i said, I want to write a good one.

Then English VN popular because of the art and gameplay, but not the story?

>> No.11139144

unless youre willing to pay for art out of hand then it isnt going to happen

>> No.11139158

Isn't a LN just books that were too shitty to even be called books?

>> No.11139165

I want to write a LN, not a fanfiction of existing series.

It's true, even some of the published LNs are heavy on art but quite weak at story.

But then again I don't know anything about publishing and selling it.. How can I afford to pay for artists?

>> No.11139178



>> No.11139189

That is an "IF" scenario, do you expect to pay for art without getting anything back?

So I assume you can write a good one? Then please help me.

>> No.11139198

gotta spend money to make money baby

>> No.11139208

I never planned to make money from it in the first place

Although it will be good if it sells.

>> No.11141660

Would it be nice?
Would it be epic?
Would I like it?

>> No.11141722

I'm already making an official touhou manga so I can't help. I'm sorry.

>> No.11141726

I'm trying to pool up things that people will consider nice and like it.

Or should i just write anything I want and have a baptism of fire?

>> No.11141736

If you're gonna write an LN you need an artist. Make sure you have a very nice cover and an image every five or so thousand words. Don't forget the style in which these are made. That is very important. Don't just write like a westerner for a western audience. Imagine you're actually writing something for japanese teenagers. As in, low kanji, onomatopoeia and stuff like that.

>> No.11141741
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Because /jp/ can't commit to shit. These things are easy to say but difficult to do.

If you're actually serious about this, write the story first. And not just a 'rough draft with outlines' but the actual fucking story, rev 1 (unedited is ok). The art can be added later, and having an actual story to draw images for will help the artist immensely.

But, more importantly, it shows that you're actually committed and can do work. That's what makes things happen, plain and simple. If there's no one to work, nothing gets done. Also, you're not going to find a 'buddy' to 'cheer you on' through the thing, you're going to have to do the whole thing yourself and have the satisfaction of getting it done be your motivator.

Once you get past that and have something to present, there won't be much in your way from doing a 'project'. The hard part is doing the initial work.

>> No.11141746

The one with youmu? Keep up the good work.

>> No.11141756

What are some things other than manga illustrations that make a light novel a light novel?

>> No.11141761

Easy to read in all areas. No deep themes and no complicated prose. You can still be clever while working in those limits, but that's the maximum extent of your ability.

>> No.11141764

Thank you, I will!

>> No.11141775

1) Come up with a relatively interesting idea
2) Start to write
3) Realize your idea is shit halfway through
4) Re read the whole thing, realize how cringe worthy it is
5) Come up with a better idea
6) Try to rewrite the whole thing
7) Back to point 3

Been stuck in this cycle for the past 2 years

>> No.11141782
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Your own works will always be cringe-worthy to you, get over it and publish. Use the reactions from the audience to see if they're -actually- cringeworthy or not.

>> No.11141784

weekly 'y dont jp make another katawa shitjo?'


started by

the same /a/non

for the last few years

>> No.11141805
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Never work on it in one big clump because you get too involved and wont recognize the crap from the good.
Hide your story away for a week and work on it again later with a fresh mind. Sooner or later you will recognize a sentence or paragraph you still like after several weeks and thats when you know you got something good.

>> No.11141806

Part-time /v/irgin here. This is not hard.

Locate writers willing to write.
Locate artists willing to art.
Locate someone who knows the fundamentals of Python.
Compile with Ren'Py.
Post download link so everyone can hate it.

>> No.11141807

There's no going back once you publish something though, all the blue boards are archived, and /b/ doesn't want to read my walls of text. They've been pretty helpful with my drawings though

>> No.11141810

We must take this man's word. He comes from the holy land of enlightenment. I wish I was good enough to browse /v/ ``part-time''.

>> No.11141811 [DELETED] 

because katawa shoujo was moved to /vg/

>> No.11141819
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Yes, that's the point. It forces you to move forward. Here's a challenge for you: Find a writer you respect (preferably one you can actually talk to, but a documentary should suffice) and ask them about their works. Ask them if they're 'happy' with everything they've written. If there are stories they would love to go back and revise, or perhaps they didn't express something correctly, etc. Ask them about their early works and what they think of them. Ask them about how -many- early works they had, etc.

Writing is a skill, much like everything else. Getting feedback is an important part of improving that skill.

And no, don't go to /b/, they're just a collection of stupidity. Go somewhere which actually critiques stuff and gives you useful feedback (will vary depending on what you're writing).

>> No.11141864

How long do you think a volume of a light novel should be? I write erotica on the side while I work on my short stories/novels and I've got a longish TS story (guy becomes a girl and gets fucked by everybody) that's at about 12,000 words right now. Could make for a light novel with a little more work.

Alternatively I've been considering self publishing on Amazon because apparently people make decent money selling shorter erotic works there.

This is very true. Even the best writers are often unhappy with their works, particularly early ones.

>> No.11141875

This isn't a thread about VNs, this is a thread about YA novels, I mean LNs.

>> No.11141893

The problem here is having my awful OC recorded somewhere for all eternity. I couldn't bear the shame.

For the record there are a lot of skilled artists on /b/, finding them is difficult but they've helped me a lot every time I've managed to run into them. If only there was some other non archived board or site where I could go for all this.
Maybe a IRC channel?

>> No.11141898

there's always #writingcl/a/ss on rizon

>> No.11141923


Someone published twilight and 50 shades of grey. Even more people bought it and called it 'good'.

What is shitty OC to you might not be shitty, but you'll never know unless you post it. Use a pseudonym if you're overly worried; no one but you'll know that you have a fake name.

(I actually haven't been to /b/ in a long time, but I doubt it's changed significantly, I still expect them to try to be 'ironic' about your posts).

>> No.11141924

Don't do this >>11141898, unless you're really feeling you should stoop that low or those people are your audience. Look for forums that allow thread OP's to delete their own threads. I think any forum hosted with invision powerboard allows that, but I'm not sure anymore.

>> No.11141940

Even if you wrote it under a pseudonym? Can't say I really understand that fear. You need to work on your thin skin before you'll get anywhere as a writer.

Although I have never been there, getting writing advice from /a/ posters sounds like a god awful idea.

>> No.11141947

They also go to /jp/. It's not as bad as you think. Probably.

>> No.11141964

The monitor was filled with text, with two shades of purple serving as a background. An imageboard thread about yet another attempt at creating 'original content'. A futile attempt, as experience had taught Anon so many times. Yet, at the same time, he couldn't just close the tab and move on. He still felt some attachment to the many projects that had come before, even if they all had failed, even if they served as undeniable proof that all projects to come would be just a waste of time. "Why don't /jp/ make a LN?", the monitor read. There had been many light novel projects before, yet only one had succeeded: the single project that did not originate from /jp/ regulars. Although the poster posited that such a project would be easier than a visual novel, technical difficulties had never been a problem, nor had skill in any of the fields involved. No, the real problem had always been the contributors themselves. No matter how well one could write, how beautifully one could draw, how efficiently one could program, no matter how good any person could be in any part of the creation process, it didn't mean anything if it always stayed at a 'could'. For any project to come to completion, work had to be done, and work had to kept being done. Yet, that one simple requirement had time and time again proved too much for an entire community. "Well, it's not like I'm any better," Anon reprimanded himself. How long had he written nothing? He kept telling himself that he had no audience, but was that really the reason? "A hypocrite, that's what I am. Writing nothing myself, and suddenly I'm acting all high-and-mighty, writing some pretentious garbage to admonish people who at least try to do something?" [...]

>> No.11141966

[...] It was one of his few pleasures in writing, spinning low-quality stories on the spot to post them in discussions were they were relevant. He hated himself for it, but it was the only thing that still got him to write. However, anything beyond that was too much to ask. A light novel project, requiring him to write a complete story and show dedication to see the project to its conclusion? Please. Could you really expect something like that from anyone on /jp/?

>> No.11141976

I like it.

>> No.11141977

The problem I've found with nerds on the internet is that their perception of good writing is often terribly skewed because they only read fantasy, sci-fi, manga, LNs, etc. It sets a very low bar. Reading good literature is one of the best things you can do to improve your own writing.

If the people on that channel read Joyce I will consider checking it out.

>> No.11141981

They do. All of them. In fact, it's required reading.

>> No.11141983

break your fucking paragraphs

also (...) is a sign of omission, i.e. missing text. go learn yourself a book

>> No.11141992

The only difference between "literature" and fantasy/sci-fi is that fantasy/sci-fi doesn't have it's head up it's ass for the most part. People only make draw this ridiculous line because it's a popular opinion among normies and writers in general, because if you admit liking space ship stories you're obviously a manchild who can't articulate a single sentence.

>> No.11142000
File: 2.53 MB, 1920x1080, dear esther.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good writing according to the mainstream.

>> No.11142032

We are talking about writing not reading. Reading a novel on the bus is one thing, a man over the age of 13 writing fantasy stories and drawing cartoons is on a whole different level. Sometimes I try to do stuff but then I step back for a moment, look at what I just shat out and get the intense urge to jump off a building out of embarrassment

>> No.11142040

>a man over the age of 13 writing fantasy stories and drawing cartoons is on a whole different level.
Wow. You're on a whole different level in having your head up your ass.

>> No.11142042
File: 136 KB, 705x741, tou-rea05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Except not:

> receiving an average score of 70.96% based on 27 reviews and 75/100 based on 37 reviews on review aggregators
> Eurogamer also offered criticism of the plot, calling the writing "purple in places and wantonly obscure in ways which will draw accusations of pretentiousness", and joked that "the [game's] tendency to deploy extended car metaphors occasionally steers the writing into oncoming traffic."

It was praised for the art and blurring of game/movie.

>> No.11142047

>The only difference between "literature" and fantasy/sci-fi is that fantasy/sci-fi doesn't have it's head up it's ass for the most part.

You're right, though the way you phrase it is biased. Literature tries to be art and "genre" fiction tries to be entertainment. This is a significant difference, so it's reasonable to draw a line.

>> No.11142049


Oh, I know that one, Dr. Seuss, right? Or was it Disney, I can't quite remember...

>> No.11142052

Entertainment has been far more artistic to me than art ever will. I really think the only reason people try to put entertainment below art is because they've been told that's the way it is all their life.

>> No.11142058

The entire supposed 'dichotomy' between 'entertainment' and 'art' is bullshit. Art made to entertain is still art.

>> No.11142059

This is like that "nocturners" thing with the deviantart owl, yes? Take your "lets make an online project club" crap to one of the boards where it's actually on-board-topic so I can offer to help you write a "LN" about tearing both your arms off and cramming them down your throat and up your ass.

>> No.11142062


>> No.11142099

And for my part I find art more entertaining than entertainment, at least when it comes to books (I still enjoy anime, eroge, video games, and don't require them to be "deep" or anything). It's simply a matter of personal preference.

Well yes, like I said I find art entertaining, but I chose words I felt would quickly and clearly get my point across even if they leave plenty of nuances uncovered.

>> No.11142124

>"deep" or anything
Down your throat and up your ass?

>> No.11142762


>> No.11142768

What if it was about crippled girls?

>> No.11142855

>go into this thread to pitch my story
>it's full of hatedrones and idea guys and an autist who thinks art can't be entertainment

>> No.11142857

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11142860

It's obvious this thread was made by crossboarders, like yourself.

>> No.11142922

Literature is any work of fiction that is widely considered to have artistic merit.

The opposite of genre fiction isn't literature, it's nongenre fiction.

>> No.11142917

I have the talent. I have the drive. I can deliver a momentous LN or VN that will make ALL people reconsider their values as well as the very genres that wait upon mass acknowledgement of global chance and acceptance. Chance such as that of Voltaire and Locke .But I'm a fucking lazy faglord loser NEET wwwww.

>> No.11142932

Those were philosophers, not novelists.

>> No.11142980


What's the diff?

>> No.11143013

La Li Lu Le Lo

>> No.11143157

One makes novels, one makes speeches.

>> No.11143926

>I have the drive.
>But I'm a fucking lazy faglord loser NEET
That means you don't have the drive. If you had the drive you'd make shit even if you sucked at it and weren't even that interested in it.

Voltaire was also a novelist (and a poet, and a playwright).

>> No.11143928

Is it hypocritical to write when you don't like reading stuff others write?

>> No.11143946

It's called a "short story" in english.

>> No.11143977

No, it's not.

>> No.11144071

>score of 70.96%
That's well above average. I.e. "good".

>> No.11144074
File: 382 KB, 708x1000, 54c5d4adc5875da9b606a63f55e87170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't /jp/atriots write 2hu fanfiction? Everybody loves the 2hus, so you already have a readerbase.

>> No.11144094

Fanfiction is a pretty low form of writing.

>> No.11144098


There is already enough shit in that category.

>> No.11144100

Nothing's wrong with writing low fiction.

>> No.11144106

There's nothing wrong with it, I persobally just feel so wrong doing it. I love to write, but fanfiction runs me the wrong way and I know I'm not the only one who feels that way.

>> No.11144147

What, the CYOAs don't count?

>> No.11144148
File: 102 KB, 800x600, good fan fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody loves Touhous, but nobody likes fanfic writers. Though there is nothing inherently wrong with fan fiction (it can be done well), the abysmal average quality of fan fiction has attached a stigma to it that stops any remotely serious writer from touching it with a ten-foot pole.

>> No.11144206

Average readers are secondary, why should we write something they will not understand?

Not to mention we don't want to add in unnecessary fanon elements

>> No.11144210

>why should we write something they will not understand?
Normies adore that sort of thing.

>> No.11144214

All the script is available online. The endings are, too. There's nothing complicated about the game plots.

>> No.11144285

What CYOAs?

>> No.11144288

Why should any of that matter if you have fun writing it and your readers, reading it?

>> No.11144340

We used to have our own Touhou versions of /tg/'s quest threads. They got banned though.

>> No.11144363

Are you talking about You Wake up in Gensokyo?

>> No.11144653

1) It stops many people from trying in the first place,
2) It will be received in a very hostile manner by those who do not enjoy it (for example, if you post it on /jp/, even if many would love it you'd still get a shitstorm),
3) If you attach your name to it, you will never be taken seriously as a writer (oh, it's that fanfic writer), and
4) Even if you don't attach your name to it, the internet will forever make you carry the shame of writing fan fiction.

I once accidentally wrote a fanfic, and even though it's probably my best work, I still don't feel comfortable having written it.

>> No.11144711

Way to be overly self-conscious.

>> No.11146498

It's too bad the LN magazine dream died, that was a neat idea.

>> No.11146559

It didn't die, it went back to /a/ and released 2 volumes.

>> No.11147121

Nah, it went to the tumblr crowd.

>> No.11147188

Same thing.

>> No.11147216

Good point.

>> No.11148134

Can /jp/ make another LN mag?

>> No.11148167

LN about /jp/ NEET daily life.

>> No.11153150

LN about Nocturnes

>> No.11153379

I might be interested to join this as a side project if you're serious about it.

How can I contact you?

>> No.11154971

A war.

>> No.11155245

I'm actually working on writing something at the moment.

This thread has me bummed out.

>> No.11155262

Don't worry, as long as you don't act obnoxious about it, at least two other people will like it.

>> No.11156672

That reminds me, it's been over a year since that guy in the OC thread said he was going to write something for nocturnes.

Wonder if he killed himself.

>> No.11156676

If it's lewd you can post it here and it will be well received.

>> No.11156709

Obnoxious about writing it? I'm more worried that the writing itself is obnoxious.

It's not lewd, but it's about /jp/! Does /jp/ like absurdist metafiction?

>> No.11156716

sounds deep

>> No.11156722

>and ask them about their works. Ask them if they're 'happy' with everything they've written

A lot of writers are full of themselves and justified in it too.

>> No.11156729

If I were honest, in developing the themes, it IS pretty deep; at least, deeper than your run-of-the-mill fanfiction. But I think this would only be picked up by /jp/ers or similar people (e.g. otaku).

>> No.11156730

I'd read it.

>> No.11156731

I like beer. You should add some to your story.

>> No.11156733

Scifi is nearly always shit because they fall back on LE SCIENCE where they make stuff up that is magic but they call it THE SCIENCE.
A lot of ideas are never carried through all the way and a reader will end up with questions, like how the universe is poorly built and there are holes everywhere.

Its possible that so many people see this shoddy writing and dont consider those scifi stories quality.

>> No.11156735

That makes me happy. It's actually a VN, not a LN and I'm working on it with a Japanese anon. When there's another project thread, we might post something.

I've contemplated adding hard liquor, but not beer.

>> No.11156762

>Scifi is nearly always shit because they fall back on LE SCIENCE where they make stuff up that is magic but they call it THE SCIENCE.
That's a huge problem in SF movies that really bugs me. I personally don't mind science acting like "magic" (who knows what futuristic tech is capable of?), but I want things to be explained thoroughly. It should not be an excuse for bad writing.

>> No.11158920


I have a few small servers laying around that I could host it with.

If it got enough traffic; I might be able put it on a production server if I can convince my boss.

>> No.11159010

Did you ever watch Gunbuster?

Each episode ended with a super-deformed "science lesson" that explained the series mythos in terms of both real-world physics and in-universe science fiction. A lot of the time, it foreshadowed what happened in the next episode.

It was pretty cool. That way it wasn't like, "Oh by the way our ships can warp now because we say they can warp," out of nowhere.

>> No.11159013

Suspend your disbelief more.

I was super pissed off at new Doctor Who for the longest time because it kept pulling this shit. "There's a psychic field that gave me super powers through the power of love. 'Nuff said."
In classic Doctor Who, they would generally try to explain it, even if it was all technobabble.

But then I kind of realized that the "science" aspect wasn't the point, it was about drama and character development. In a way that's what a lot of classic sci-fi was. They were writing about robots, but really it was about the Russians. If you want science that is consistent in its own universe, take a physics degree.

>> No.11159078

I hate hard scifi. Spend more time on the story, taking forever on explaining the plot mechanics drags the whole thing down.

>> No.11159101

I guess it depends on the story.

This is why I think computer games are at a huge advantage. I loved reading about the politics and tax laws in Morrowind. It was an interesting, optional foundation to the things I had already learned.
But I hated those long passages in those stupid Lord of the Rings books. "From there, they ventured to the Fields of Elzebar, where the great Elf King Lezoraath had forged an alliance with Men in the First Age and..." Jesus shut the fuck up nobody cares. Put that in a separate book, or at least an appendix of some kind. I know some hardcore Tolkien nerds will disagree, but nobody remembers The Lord of the Rings for that. Sure, it's great that he put that much thought and effort into his world. But people remember a party of fighters, rogues, and a wizard on a quest to stop an evil necromancer. That's why the books were good, not because Tolkien wasted my time with lore when I might as well have learned real world history instead.

>> No.11159112

My little NEET can't be this pathetic!

>> No.11159138

Yeah, that's true. Computer games have the advantage of letting people spend time on that on their own terms, instead of being forced to cowtow to the author's whims of reading the lore right at that point.

>> No.11159139
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>Put that in a separate book, or at least an appendix of some kind

>> No.11159151

>Why don't /jp/ make a LN?
Because LNs are some of the worst writing in existence. Only bested by fanfics in how bad they are.

>> No.11159446
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Go on.

>> No.11159754

I have and yeah, I really liked that. I remember them explaining the time dilation concept which essentially ties the whole thing together. I love that. I don't need it to be scientifically accurate, but I'd like them to dig into the "science" aspect of science fiction.

Themes, drama, and development can work just fine with the scientific aspects. The problem arises when we use "science" as an excuse for bad writing and asspulls. The science aspect is not the "real" point, correct, but it is still what makes SF "S"F and should create a believable universe.

>> No.11161989

if it is that easy then why don't anyone do it?

>> No.11165840


>> No.11165925

This, and nobody cares if you're not Japanese.

>> No.11165977
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I used to write pretty well, or at least was developing my own style and found it amusing to write stuff.
Then i stopped reading.
Now it's pretty hard to write normally, much less write anything worth of decency.

How do i get back into reading books? The ones' i already have seem so boring and unreadable now, is there any simple stuff for retard getting back into reading?

>> No.11165978
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>> No.11166080

Everything worth reading was written so long ago the language seems boring, and so many people have attempted to reproduce it, that it almost feels like you've read the classics even if it's your first time. I have the same problem you do - I stopped reading, because books, well... they just go fucking boring. I mean, once you've read all the greats of modern literature, you're left with contemporary literature, which is just.... Yeah, your options are either to read something which began from an original idea but what poorly written or executed and falls flat, or cookie-cutter, guaranteed-sales plots that at least succeed in proving the author's control of the language in their execution, if not much else. I mean, like most things of today, the market for literature is so over-flooded that it's difficult to find well written, well executed, original stories that don't suffer from all the downfalls of novelty. Shits fuck yo.

>> No.11166144

I don't think you have to read to write.
