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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 120 KB, 348x450, 1358983343009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11119544 No.11119544[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wait, do normals actually think we hallucinate secondary sexual characteristics onto children?

This kid is pretty ugly, too. Good 3D is often better than 2D, but bad 3D is just awful.

>> No.11119548

normals think what they are told to think

>> No.11119549

Girls in their early teens I can definitely understand, but not small children. I can find them cute and I get that cuteness and lewdness sometimes overlap, but it just makes no sense in my mind that you could look at a cute little girl and see her the same way I'd see a cute 13-year-old girl.

>> No.11119551

lol i never realized how dumb normals are

>> No.11119553

But they have such cute butts.

>> No.11119554

normals are unable to comprehend anything that isn't normal

>> No.11119559

>the same way I'd see a cute 13-year-old girl
I'm pretty sure you don't LOVE every cute 13 year old girl. You only want to fuck them, their happiness is secondary.

I want to do lewd stuff with lolis because I love them so fucking much. A hug isn't enough.

>> No.11119561

I hate that normals think pedophiles are interested in 15 year old girls. As a pedophile, I honestly find that insulting. 15 year olds aren't even cute.

>> No.11119565

normies make compromises in their freedom of thought so that they can function in society and build the infrastructure that supports your neet ass, faggot

>> No.11119567

They should do one for homosexuality, have the top half be a man and the bottom half be a woman. Replace child with man in the text.

>> No.11119568

Only their pubic hair is cute.

But they all shave it, so...

>> No.11119572

You can function just fine in society no matter what you think. As far as I am aware, nobody possesses the ability to read minds.

>> No.11119570

I do hallucinate secondary sexual characteristics onto kids, what now nerd?

>> No.11119578

You must be a woman.

>> No.11119580

I am having a right laugh at your wageslave arse.

>> No.11119581


Better yet: top half white girl, bottom half black girl.

>> No.11119577

Then it would look like your average Hollywood actress or Bethesda female, and apparently "straight" men find that hot.

>> No.11119582

The fact that my parents are normals make me feel awful. They actually want people like me dead.

Are they even worth loving?

>> No.11119583

there's too much dissonance, it's easier for the subconscious to just censor things

>> No.11119590 [SPOILER] 
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pls dont sexualize little girls

>> No.11119597

Bethesda girls are so fucking ugly. I remember how some tumblr feminists threw a fit over mods for Skyrim that made the females more attractive, but fortunately they failed to get the mod nexus to take those sorts of mods down (which was surprising since feminists managed to get them to prohibit mods that involved child nudity or lewd children's outfits in the past)

>> No.11119599

Girls have a full bush by that age.
A friend of mine was dating an underclassman in highschool, he told me when he was going to fuck her, her pussy was a forest and he stopped and said he had to go downstairs and eat dinner.

>> No.11119600

Can you imagine how great the world would be if incest and sex with underage girls were encouraged? If you and your sister/cousin/niece were bored, you could just do lewd things together. Without a doubt it'd be some of the best bonding imaginable.

>> No.11119612

That would be a dream come true. I've always wanted to fuck my older sisters.

>> No.11119613

I prefer the vanilla little girls to the "improved" ones, though.

>> No.11119609


>> No.11119615

What do you mean by a forest?

Uncontrolled forest = bad

Full bush = good

>> No.11119617

No such things as too much dissonance, humans are walking paradoxes. Someone who is not a hypocrite would be the abnormal one.

>> No.11119620

As a pedophile, this kind of thing makes me angry. I'm attracted to them because of their youthful characteristics, which may or may not include how their bodies look, but it almost always has to do with their personalities.

I think this ad is just so people can group together and feel better about themselves.

>> No.11119628

That's the whole point of public service announcements.

>> No.11119629

2D loli would be better if it was more realistic.

They can't end a doujin without penetration + orgasm. The girls are too slutty or too innocent to be believable. Everything is so exaggerated...

I don't know. They are doing something wrong. Even the best loli artists do that shit all the time.

>> No.11119631 [SPOILER] 
File: 475 KB, 1119x1600, 1367595836158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls don't sexualize 14 year old girl

>> No.11119642

>Everything is so exaggerated
All cartoons are like that.

>> No.11119647

i'm not a pedo but I like remilia and tewi

>> No.11119653

no you are a pedo

>> No.11119656

She aint 14

>> No.11119657
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>> No.11119658

Even most normals I know think statutory rape laws are ridiculous, unless the girl is really young (ie genuine pedophilia) or there's a huge age difference.

>Good 3D is often better than 2D
Why is liking 3D only acceptable when it's you pedos? Fuck off normalscum.

>> No.11119665

>or there's a huge age difference.

AKA 'You shouldn't be allowed to do something because it disgusts me.'

>> No.11119663

She's hasn't changed since she was 14.

>> No.11119668

you havent seen those touhou milf threads where everyone is like "I wish I could fuck my mom"

>> No.11119675

I think it has more to do with the fact you have a power advantage over people significantly younger than you. People are expected to follow orders from their elders.

>> No.11119672

I hate how loli vampires, 500 year old lolis and characters like Konata from Lucky Star trivialize pedophilia.

It all feels very silly for some reason. Vampires are cool and all, but a normal little girl is way better in my eyes. I don't understand why people go crazy over magical lolis.

>> No.11119678


All I know is Konata is cute and I wanna kiss her on the lips.

>> No.11119680

When it's something like a 50 year old man and a 16 year old girl it is most likely a predatory relationship.

>> No.11119681
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I just like their design

>> No.11119682

It's the desire to have a public sexual relationship with a little girl. Clandestine sex is for fags.

>> No.11119683

>Why is liking 3D only acceptable when it's you pedos?

What does this even mean? Are you trying to say that only pedos like actual little girls? That's kind of obvious.

>> No.11119689
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This argument sounds awfully familiar...

>> No.11119692

The normalness from liking 3D comes from the fact you likely have a girlfriend and are having sex. Pedos obviously don't get to do that even if they are into 3D.

>> No.11119694

I completely agree with you. I want to fantasize about living with, going out with, and having sex with a 7 year old girl, not a 700 year old girl who looks 7.

>> No.11119698

Because little girls are the only good thing about 3D. You know it deep inside.

And unless this shit
gets fixed, good 3D lolis will always be better than most 2D lolis.

>> No.11119699

Women aren't expected to listen to men ever since feminism happened.

>> No.11119708

Does this mean that when I ask a loli to do something for me and she says no that I can start dating her?

>> No.11119703

I want to rub her pubic hair and force her to expose her bush to the world.

>> No.11119705

What if you have a power advantage? That doesn't mean you WILL use it.

>> No.11119714
File: 13 KB, 267x400, 11325914-boy-in-an-office-standing-behind-a-girl-working-on-a-computer-is-pointing-her-a-gun-ready-to-shoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what if I pull out a gun whenever I ask for a raise? That doesn't mean I'll fire it.

>> No.11119715

Men are evil and disgusting pigs! They're all out to rape everything that moves!! #feministpride #downwiththepatriarchy #freedomsucks #slaughterallmen

>> No.11119719

Again, why do people care so much about some stranger? It's like they only want to "save" the girl because it would reinforce their moral beliefs.

They wouldn't fucking care so much if she only was murdered.

>> No.11119722

I like 15 year olds with hairy bushes but I would never love one. I only want to fantasize about raping and humiliating them.

Am I a normal?

>> No.11119723

Murder is already illegal.

>> No.11119729

But pedos hate children! They WILL take advantage of them just for the hell of it!

>> No.11119731

>It's like they only want to "save" the girl because it would reinforce their moral beliefs.
Yes, that. It also gives them something to talk about with their friends to make themselves look and feel good. That's also the nature of most hate for pedophilia among people who don't have children or really young siblings.

>> No.11119733

You sound aggressive enough to be normal, what with the humiliation fetish and all.

>> No.11119736

50 year olds fucking young women is already a social suicide.

>> No.11119740
File: 107 KB, 460x630, esq-hugh-hefner-0413-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come again?

>> No.11119746

>The normalness from liking 3D comes from the fact you likely have a girlfriend and are having sex.
You can't be serious. 4chan is filled with >tfw no gf fags who clearly like 3D but don't have sex.

/jp/'s double standard is really just another example of being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, i.e. being edgy. Normalcy itself is what's wrong, there doesn't have to be any explanation for why a particular "normal" behavior is wrong. If you told them it was normal to breathe they'd suffocate themselves rather than be normal.

>> No.11119747
File: 324 KB, 600x784, 1346545159940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. I also wish it was more realistic. I want to see doujins about young men and little boys hugging, kissing, and sucking each other for "experimentation". Instead we get rough anal sex where both have huge cocks and ejaculate tons of semen.

>> No.11119751

Normals already consider him an evil pedophile.

>> No.11119754

Those people are, like 14. They will eventually have sex.

>> No.11119755

>being contrarian, i.e. being edgy
Being contrarian and being edgy are not the same thing, and complaining about double standards doesn't give an excuse to throw out either one.

>> No.11119758

What a specific filename.

>> No.11119761

For some people, yes, it's more about moral outrage. But laws exist to protect people (well, some of them do), and if wanting laws in place to protect people from certain situations means you "care too much about strangers" then we should get rid of all laws. If you believe in laws against theft or murder you care too much about some strangers who might get robbed or killed, after all.

>> No.11119765

Hey /jp/: It's normal to breathe!

>> No.11119771

The whole quote is "being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian," which yes is effectively what "edgy" in 4chan vernacular means.

>> No.11119772

>It's like they only want to "save" the girl because it would reinforce their moral beliefs.

This. I have a similar problem with people who think all murderers are crazy sickos that will do it again.

Most people who have lost a love one want the murderer to rot in jail. Others even want the murderer to face capital punishment (which is the worst form of torture, by the way).

I can understand why they want the murderer to suffer. I'd be the same in their situation. But WHY do they need to excuse themselves?

"He has killed once! He will probably kill again! I don't care if he doesn't have any mental issues, he is a sicko and will do it again! He IS dangerous and must rot in jail!"

Fuck that bullshit. He is not a deranged sicko and you know it. You just hate him for what he did and are making up shitty excuses. Why can't you just say the truth? Too afraid to admit that you want revenge?

>> No.11119778

Capital punishment is painless nowadays.

>> No.11119779

Not many normals can understand humiliation.

It requires some form of intelligence.

>> No.11119783

Shotas ejaculating tons of semen. I hate that.

The best part about being a shota was dry cumming. What's wrong with shota artists?

>> No.11119785

But that's not quite what edgy means.

>> No.11119788
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>What's wrong with shota artists?
I wonder the same thing. The only explanation I can think of is that they're conformists who feel the need to do exactly like regular straight hentai. Because I don't know why any real BL would do that.

>> No.11119789


Who tells the normals what to think?

>> No.11119796

More can imply a lot of things. Do I see my young neice as a future doctor, teacher, or lwayer? That can easily account as 'more' they are using such a random criteria that a LOT of the populus would apply for the paedo criteria.

>> No.11119801

When I fantasize about having sex with a loli, I never imagine them as being small. They are always my size and height.

It's probably because I want to fuck lolis as a shota, instead of being an adult.

My first love is often smaller than me, though. I was 11 when I met that cute 7 year old loli, so I was bigger. But I rarely masturbate thinking about her. I miss her so much I only want to do romantic things with her.

>> No.11119817

Living so many years knowing that the state will eventually kill you. The fear must be unbearable sometimes.

It's fucking torture.

>> No.11119821

I agree with you. Normals are so hypocritical.

>> No.11119823

I think it'd be a lot better than life imprisonment.

>> No.11119826
File: 69 KB, 500x720, 1357630066885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't sexualize 14 year old girls

>> No.11119829

Loli and shota are now mainstream. Most of it is pretty shitty pedo-wise.

>> No.11119841

They aren't mainstream. In fact, they're illegal in my country.

By the way, just by curiosity, has anyone else noticed how indifferent women seem to be to real pedophiles? I once tried to troll an anime community full of females by telling them about my 2D and 3D pederastic tastes in detail, even saying I want a real little boyfriend, and nobody seemed to find that strange.

>> No.11119844

>Who tells the normals what to think?
The TV.

Who tells the TV what to say?

Society. The TV will only say things that are socially accepted in order to gain audience.

What things are socially accepted?

What the TV says.

Also, the "it's wrong because it's illegal, it's illegal because it's wrong" mentality.

>> No.11119848

How retarded. If someone wanted boobs (s)he wouldn't be interested in children in the first place.

>> No.11119849

The fact that this is actually happening somewhere in the world makes me want to kill myself.

I don't care what they did. Just leave them alone.

>> No.11119855

Some people pray to "God" for forgiveness after they illegally download music and shit.

Do they actually think God makes the laws?

>> No.11119858

That community must have not been very normal, since most woman would likely respond "I hope you fucking die, creeper scum".

>> No.11119857

What's it like to touch a loli's butt? How does she react?

>> No.11119864

It's www.zerochan.net . Specifically in the shoutbox and in PMs. They're typical dumb yaoi landwhales. And yes, they were more offended by the "bad language" that I used than by my tendencies.

>> No.11119867


Is this guy a normal, /jp/?

>> No.11119876

Why would a normal upload so many videos defending us?

>> No.11119886

Why do non-pedos have such a hard time understanding this?

We don't see lolis as they would see their average slut. We still see them as children.

>> No.11119892

You don't see them as children if you want to fuck them.

>> No.11119893

Lack of perspective. They don't have any pedo friends to explain this to them so they just roll with what their best pals and TV say.

>> No.11119899

What if you want to hug them and play with them?

>> No.11119897

But I do...

>> No.11119902

I want to fuck them BECAUSE I see them as children.

I hope you are trolling. You can't possibly be this retarded. What is so hard to understand?

>> No.11119913

Why don't they ask the pedos themselves instead of believing other people's unfounded opinions?

>> No.11119919

They're trying to help normals understand why we see what we see.

>> No.11119927

They typically think that nothing someone they consider to be a criminal or evil can be believed or trusted.

>> No.11119930

And this is why I do not buy into pedophilia being a viable and healthy sexuality.

>> No.11119934

Of course it's not viable you idiot. You can't have a baby with a kid who is too young to get pregnant.

>> No.11119935

*nothing said by someone

>> No.11119941

>100 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

This is just yet another pedophilia junk/trolling/bs-ing thread, it should have been flushed after 20 replies just like most of the anime screenshot spam gets.

>> No.11119947

What's wrong with pedophilia?

>> No.11119948

It's been said time and time again that loli and pedophilia are /jp/ related.

>> No.11119950

Being unable to admire the beauty of little girls must make for a dull, boring, maybe even infuriating existence.

Being incapable of having romantic feelings towards them, seeing them as annoying brats... I wouldn't want to reincarnate as a normal.

>> No.11119954

Pedophilia threads have usually lasted for about 75-400 posts for the past six months now.

>> No.11119960

I have like 5 female friends that know I'm into loli and they don't think it's that weird while my male friends think it's kind of odd.

>> No.11119967

Does /jp/ actually want to assfuck the kiddos?

>> No.11119972

I would, but in my fantasies I usually imagine oral sex. It's more realistic. I don't think a boy would enjoy getting fucked.

>> No.11119977

Isn't 300 the limit?

>> No.11119988

The thread stops being bumped after 300 posts but that doesn't mean discussion has to stop.

>> No.11120007

I don't thing a bossy little girl would enjoy getting assfucked either. That would be humiliating.

>> No.11120019

I don't think any kid would enjoy getting assfucked.

>> No.11120085

I think the same too, but sometimes I still wonder. Some kids are REALLY gay.

>> No.11120093

Well if it's a girl wouldn't it be more pleasurable for her to just have sex with her vagina? If not, you could always performing oral on her, specifically her clit. I bet she'd really, really enjoy that.

>> No.11120094

I try to think about vaginas as least as I can.

>> No.11120098

What if she had an embarrassingly large clitoris? Would you suck it? Imagine how good that would feel for her.

>> No.11120102

Wait what.

We have actual pedos here?

I'm all for 2d loli, but 3d is gross. Sorry.

CP just makes me feel sad because the kids never look like they're enjoying it. It's so horrible. Also, real kids smell and are generally gross.

>> No.11120103

That's actually even more disgusting. It's really grotesque compared to a cute, tiny boycock.

>> No.11120108
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>> No.11120113

I think it'd be cute if she were ashamed of it, and even more ashamed at the pleasure she got from it.

Whatever you want though. If you wanna suck kid dicks like some sort of degenerate then don't bother me while I'm licking a loli's cute clit and slit.

>> No.11120120

If you've visited /jp/ at all for even the last month or two you'd have already seen countless loli threads in which people discuss fictional and non-fictional little girls.

>> No.11120124

Fat and ugly now.

>> No.11120126 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.12 MB, 1600x1200, 1333099436344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing degenerate about it, though. On the contrary.

>> No.11120157


>> No.11120171

It's turning /jp/ into a strange morph of anon talk and /r9k/. 3DPD is universal, and the vast majority of children under 16 aren't even cute to begin with.

>> No.11120186

>3DPD is universal

What does this even mean?

>> No.11120194

3D is always PD

>> No.11120210

What does it mean that it's universal? Universal where? 4chan? Real life? The post doesn't make much sense and quite honestly sounds like yet another idiot saying memes just to say them.

>> No.11120219

3DPD should never have been taken seriously in the first place.

>> No.11120224

Regardless, there are a ton of people who tout it as some sort of rule to live by. I also still don't understand his post.
