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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11104358 No.11104358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just spent the last twenty minutes rubbing a twelve year old girl's bare chest.

"How?" you ask. Well apparently there are a select few contexts within which such an action is acceptable. For instance, if your niece has a hacking cough and your sister asks you to "put some of this on her" while she calls the doctor.

"Putting some of this on hear" meant using my bare hands to rub this vapor ointment shit all over her BARE NAKED CHEST. My heartbeat is still all erratic from it. I had a boner the size of manhattan the entire time. She's sleeping now and I guess she feels better because she stopped coughing.

Details: She's about 5 feet tall, has long brown hair, a cute face, a thin waist and long skinny legs. She's in jammies I think because although I'm pretty shaken up right now I know I unbuttoned something before I went at it.

God I feel so great. I just rubbed my hands all over her FUCKING TITS, you guys. Well the puffy parts of her chest anyway. Her nipples got hard. I just about wept tears of joy.

I didn't do anything else because I'm a coward and rubbing was enough. Plus it was legal and I didn't technically do anything wrong, so I'm in the clear.

I'd write more but I seriously have to go fap while the memory is fresh in my head.

>> No.11104359

le oldefag pasta face

>> No.11104363

5 feet is too tall.

>> No.11104364

you know, I never really thought about the fine details of this pasta

Why the HELL would a 12-year-old let someone else do it for her? And even if she did, in what case would she let a guy do it? 12-year-olds aren't 5-year-olds, man.

>> No.11104372

His sister told him to rub it onto his niece's chest.

>> No.11104374


>> No.11104387

Why wouldn't she?

I'm a 25-year-old male and I allow other males to rub suntan lotion on my back. I doubt she saw it as sexual, just a medical procedure (and maybe she was slightly delirious).

>> No.11104399

Liking 3D little girls sexually is pedo shit, I only want to cuddle and protected them from pedos like you, I don't care if that's an old pasta.

>> No.11104421

>5 feet tall
What is she, a spawn of Violence Jack?

>> No.11104427

What would it take to make a loli that aroused? Do they get aroused as easily as boys at that age?

>> No.11104432

Then have a daughter.

>> No.11104435
File: 10 KB, 94x115, 1292106585950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys you really need to stop. Looking at this stuff will only hurt you.
Think about it, is it really healthy to look at these pictures. What happens when you start looking at your daughter, sister, or little girl down the street sexually?
Look at it logically, your lives will be ruined by this stuff. Other people, like your family will find out. Trust me they will.
Imagine yourself walking um.... with your girlfriend. You are a the park just walking, then it happens. A 10 year old with skin tight short-shorts is sitting on the ground next to the walk way. You avert your eyes, but she is (at least in your eyes a 10/10) Great body, great face, Great ass, tits, I don't know... Then two other girls come over and pour water over her head. You can literally see her small perky tits show as her t-shirt melds around them. and next think you know, your fapping in plain public sight, next to your gf.
What happens when they find out? I'll tell you:
>Lose your job/never will be accepted to job
>Can't see your children/sisters
>Can't go near schools
>Have to tell everyone you're a pedo, when you move to someplace new.
Ya it sucks. But only some of that stuff will happen to you if you look at loli, and aren't a full blow pedo.
But trust me, you will become a pedo if you keep looking at this stuff. I swear it.
If you stop now, there is hope; If you don't stop, you have no hope.

>> No.11104438

it's a cough, not a coma

she still has a say in the matter

again, she's 12, not 5. 12-year-olds know that the chest area is sexual and would never let a guy touch them there

your back isn't sexual in any way so it's a pretty bad analogy

>> No.11104448


If you believe there is a difference between simulated murder and real murder then you must also accept the difference between simulated rape and real rape lest you become a hypocrite.

>> No.11104453

Maybe if you took a loli on a really long ride on a dirtbike that vibrates a lot it'd cause her and the girl in the OP to look pretty similar, with the large wet marks. Maybe if she sat on a washer for a really long time too, or one of those vibrating pillows. I don't think a loli can get that aroused without some sort of stimulation.

>> No.11104457
File: 177 KB, 850x837, 1359284832970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a loli (age 5-12) as a friend. We'd hang out, have fun, I'd follow her home from school, we'd do homework, watch Disney films together, I'd teach her stuff, etc.

I am 100% serious when I say that I honestly don't think I would attempt to molest this girl, or even have any such real thoughts. Of course I would THINK about it, but never actually consider doing it.

I think I would be a great friend to a lonely little loli. But just like their grown sisters, they don't want anything to do with me...

I'm lonely. Very, very lonely. In fact, even a male geek friend would be nice to have. But I actually have no friends IRL. Barely even on the Internet.

Anyway... do you understand what I mean? A loli to care for. Preferarly she should be lonely and miserable, so that she wants to be with me and enjoy my company. Getting a hug from a cute little girl would mean so much for me.

Sigh. It's not gonna happen. Fuck.

>> No.11104472

Sounds more like you want a daughter.

>> No.11104473

kill yourself, nerd

>> No.11104476

I really want a loli to look after and have fun with too, pretty much exactly how you described. It's the worst feeling in the world to know it won't happen though.

>> No.11104480

my bitchy cute niece is coming over next week, fml

>> No.11104481

Stop calling 3D girls loli seriously you're making my balls hurt.

>> No.11104492

You can always adopt a cute loli, Anonymous. :3 It's not easy, but at least it is in the possible domain.

>> No.11104502

That's going to be the only safe route to take. If somehow I got married and if somehow the the girl wanted kids, adopting a loli would be the only way to ensure I don't end up with some kind of boy.

What a living nightmare my life would be if I had to father a boy.

>> No.11104508

single parents can't adopt

>> No.11104510

Even if it's a boy you can always make him a cute loli, especially if you start early.

>> No.11104514


>> No.11104518
File: 337 KB, 725x800, 1370185583675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, I am not gonna lie here. I seriously think I am a pedophile as I am sexually attracted to small children (generally girls). I am a 23 year old guy but there is something very wrong with me.
My aunt always sends over her daughter to me every Sunday (apparently, I am very fun to be around). She is 8 years old, we always have a blast together. But unfortunately the whole ``pedophilia'' thing ruins it for me as I am sexually attracted to her.
I would never harm my cousin in any way but I hate myself for thinking about her like that.
I indirectly asked my mother about pedophiles and according to her ``they are monsters who don't have feelings, they should be locked up and should face the worst death possible''. Her words broke my heart into pieces because I am one of those monsters. My dad has a similar view about them as well. I googled information about pedophilia and apparently there is no cure for this illness.
``Pedophiles are very dangerous and they'll all harm kids in one way or another at one point'' is what a doctor researching pedophilia wrote.
You know guys, I can't share this secret of mine with anyone and that's why I am asking you.
I know I am a monster and I hate myself for it. I am very depressed right now.
I don't want to go near to children. In fact, I never want to see them again. But I know that's impossible, and I know that's not what I want deep down in my heart.
Why did God curse me like that? Am I really such a bad person?
What did I do to deserve this? And what should I do?
Please don't say ``get help'' because I already know there is no cure for it and I also can't tell anyone because pedophiles are always seen in very negative way.
I really love my cousin. I'm really in love with her. Why must this happen?
Why only me?

>> No.11104519

Single men can't adopt girls.

>> No.11104522

Regardless, if you have children then take responsibility even if they're not the gender you are looking for. If they have gender identity issues then help them through it. Otherwise don't have kids in the first place if you're just going to fracture their lives instead of being there for them.

>> No.11104528

1.get a gf/bf
2.adopt daughteru
3.make gf/bf life a hell

>> No.11104531

white american redneckbeard piggu detected

>> No.11104533

They will take the kid back or give it to the woman. You'd only get it every other weekend. Very few circumstances will they let a single dad rather a daughter.

>> No.11104532

implyinig that being a single parent isnt already a living hell

>> No.11104534

Then you would have to win a custody battle.

>> No.11104538

Just get a loli onahole and mount it to your loli dakimakura. That's how I deal with it.

>> No.11104541


You just let their opinions touch you so it hurts.
If you disregard them as normalfags and their shitty socially enforced opinion then you will feel better.

>> No.11104543

Weird, I'm also 23 and for lack of better, I also really like my cousin. I hesitate to call it love, but I definitely think differently of her compared to other people.

The only advice I can give is to just try to steer her in the right direction, and to be there for her, and to give her good memories.

>> No.11104546

You guys are beyond saving if you would go that far just to fulfill your sick pedophile fantasies. Just go turn yourselves into the FBI. I hear that after all the sex you have in prison, you'll lose your sexual interests in defenseless children pretty quick.

>> No.11104549

Stop using ``faggot" quotes, ``please!"

>> No.11104551

It doesn't matter how old you are, relatives dont expect you to think sexual things when you rub stuff on them.

Me and my sister got sunburned a while back, and I spent a bit rubbing lotion all over her back and the back of her legs, she did the same for me. Yeah she is good looking, but there is no reason for it to get sexual. Its not like you can love your sister anyways.

>> No.11104559

This thread.... real nice /jp/.

>> No.11104553

hint: it's because you're a white inbreeding redneck degenerate

>> No.11104554

Break free from the cultural chain and you have your own moral compass. Regardless nonconsensual sex is bad.

>> No.11104555

You seem to be misunderstanding something. If I can't adopt, then I am not having kids. Simple. There will be no neglected child because they're not the gender I was hoping for, because there will be no child who isn't the gender I was hoping for.

>> No.11104561

Non of the people here that said they wanted daughters said they wanted to do sexual things.

>> No.11104562

Just go to Cambodia and fuck a lil' girl there.

>> No.11104564

And if the girl you adopt wants to be a boy?

>> No.11104566

What if your ex-girlfriend has no interest in the girl? You have to pick a female that generally doesn't like much kids.

>> No.11104567

She isn't even blood related though, so it's not really inbreeding.

>> No.11104569

>I am 100% serious when I say that I honestly don't think I would attempt to molest this girl, or even have any such real thoughts. Of course I would THINK about it, but never actually consider doing it.

Yeah in your fantasy land somewhere. You need to improve your reading comprehension.

>> No.11104575

>And if the girl you adopt wants to be a boy?
maybe I want to be a firetruck or an airplane, what is your point?

>> No.11104573

Feelio when there are still true oldfags

>> No.11104574

Then I won't marry her in the first place.

>> No.11104576

>tfw awkwardly and reluctantly agreeing to your parents about how pedophiles should be shot whenever the subject comes up

>> No.11104577

It still makes you a pedophile redneck freak.

>> No.11104579


Is this really true? What a fucked up world we live in. This modern male rapist 'save the children' paradigm needs to die. So asinine.

>> No.11104581

Point being that if you aren't helping your daughter through a gender identify crisis, you're a douche.

>> No.11104584

Can single men adopt at least boys? ;_;

>> No.11104585

Said every child molester ever.

>> No.11104586

>12 years old
She wants the dick.

My ex-girlfriend had medium sized boobs at 12. I'm sure this story was true and that right now, he and his niece are married.

>> No.11104587

Here's a little story from /a/.
-Guy is married
-adopts a korean girl with his wife
-wife divorces him after a few years because she wants a blood related child and he won't give her one
-He ends up with full custody after major court struggles just to keep her
-Gets to raise his daughter as a single father

>> No.11104588

>Having retarded parents
I've had that conversation before and anyone sane knows its a mental issue. They need to receive therapy if they cannot control their impulses, or find other outlets to express themselves that are seen as positive.

If you just shoot pedophiles, where do you draw the line for other problems people might have?
If you are a child molestor, then you should be prosecuted in the way that the law is set at the moment.

>> No.11104591

If my child has mental issues I'll get them medical help. If he is gay or a lesbian I dont care, but mutilating your body is another thing entirely.

>> No.11104593

Yes, a single man can only adopt a teenage male or a young male with a disability.

>> No.11104594

That's really mean. I may be a pedophile, and a bit of a freak, but I'm not a redneck!

>> No.11104595


maybe you subhuman XY carriers should stop trying to put your penis into everything and start thinking using your brains instead of your balls

>> No.11104598

fuck man
i wish i could dip my 7 inch slanger into a 9 year old's ass without going to jail

>> No.11104599

What if they are homosexual.
Not like it matters, plenty of orphans live better lives than kids with parents.

There was an adoption site linked here with children that had their own pages of things they liked to do and how their personality was. Some of them enjoyed horseback riding, car racing, and other hobbies for rich fucks. Why do you even need parents if you're living in paradise.

>> No.11104601

Not samefag, but are you an existentialist?

>> No.11104603
File: 52 KB, 376x419, 1361736239044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

edgey {P}

>> No.11104604

Single homosexual men can't adopt daughters either. If you're married or in a civil union with another man, you can adopt.

>> No.11104606


Your trolling ass and I both know damn well that the 'fight against child porno and molestation' is just a political stunt using a hot topic to justify security breaches. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.11104610

>If you're married or in a civil union with another man, you can adopt.
I thought America was backwards. How did it get so progressive? There's hope yet.

>> No.11104611

Well, those pastas weren't really that old. I'd post some more, but I'm kind of tired.
Good night, /jp/.

>> No.11104617

Well the child gets to choose the parents most of the time. I know I wouldn't want a faggot fudgepacker dad or a pair of kikes raising me. I'd rather stay in a humble little catholic orphanage.

>> No.11104618


>thanks for reading my post

>> No.11104620

two `s two 's, not "

>> No.11104625

China is just giving out babies.

>> No.11104626

>Nice greentext, dude!

>> No.11104627

Next goal: Stop Jewish lesbian feminists from forcing 6 year old boys to undergo mutilation surgery and hormone therapy.

>> No.11104631

No one wants to adopt kids anyway. They only want babies.

>> No.11104634

* Those inmates who were convicted of committing violent acts against children were more like to have been white, a percentage of nearly 70%, than any other race.
* White inmates were nearly three times more likely to have victimized a child than black inmates.
* About one in every seven Hispanic convicts had been convicted for a crime against a child.
* Nearly two-thirds of convicted child molesters and/or offenders were or had been married.
* Child molesters and offenders were more likely to have grown up in a two parent home and were more likely to have been molested as a child.
* Approximately 22% of child offenders reported having been sexually abused as a child.

>> No.11104636

Please don't reply to me if you have nothing to contribute to my query.


>> No.11104641

Wouldn't a vigilant parent be able to detect a child molester, just by their actions?
Not necessarily. Remember, sex offenders who prey on children:

Are notoriously friendly, nice, kind, engaging and likeable.
Target their victims, often insinuating themselves into that child's life - their family, school, house of worship, sports, and hobbies.
Are professional con artists and are expert at getting children and families to trust them.
Will smile at you, look you right in the eye and make you believe they are trustworthy.

>> No.11104643

and it's fake

even if the mother doesn't want the kid, she'll still get custody as long as she isn't going to prison

>> No.11104644

Please don't randomly use the quote function.


>> No.11104647

That should set off warning flags, and it does given that those cases are sensationalized because they are rare.
I have distant relatives that my mother has contact with, and they have people come to check up on the house and the child that they have adopted. So in a sense adopted children have more surveilance and care than the average child.

It was a baby.
Those cases are very rare, and I think the child should be taken away from those parents if something like that happens.

>> No.11104650

Single parents can't adopt. Period.

>> No.11104657

no, i am who i am

>> No.11104681

>Getting a hug from a cute little girl would mean so much for me.

I will never forget the first hug I got from a loli. It was everything I had thought it would be, and then some. It completely lifted my spirits for quite some time, and it still does when I think back to it.

Don't give up hope, 4457-san, little girls don't think hugs are as big of a deal as you and I. Surely there's some girl out there who will hug you. No, I know there is! Don't give up!

>> No.11104677

>83 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.11104678

My Mom's female friend adopted a Russian boy ~5 years old. This was 15 years ago.

>> No.11104686
File: 87 KB, 505x576, deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11104690

Single women can adopt.

>> No.11104694

Do you live in a 3rd world country?

>> No.11104696

Their hugs are so adorable. They're just so fragile you want to protect them.

>> No.11104700

Based on
police-recorded incident data, in 90%
of the rapes of children younger than
12, the child knew the offender; two thirds of the victims 18 to 29 years old
had a prior relationship with the rapist.
The FBI’s UCR arrest data, as well as
court conviction data and prison admissions data, all point to a sex offender who is older than other violent
offenders, generally in his early thirties, and more likely to be white than
other violent offenders  characteristics that match the information obtained from victims who describe the
offender to interviewers in the National
Crime Victimization Survey.


Age at current admission: When looking at the age of offenders at the time of their current
admission, child molesters and offenders with multiple age victims tended to be older, while
teen molesters were the youngest. It is commonly found that child molesters tend to be older
than teen molesters and rapists (Jayjohn, 1995; Konicek, 20015
). The youngest sex offender
assessed was 15 and the oldest offender was 85. Both were identified as child molesters.
The reception centers can designate an offender as “Sexually Oriented” if not done so by the court. Only the
courts can designate an offender as “Sexual Predator” or “Habitual Sexual Offender.”
Konicek, Paul. 2001. “Ten Year Recidivism Follow-up of 1989 Sex Offender Releases.” Bureau of Planning
and Evaluation. Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.


>> No.11104705

Shut up, woman.

>> No.11104708


>In 1968, the Child Welfare League of America stated that married couples were preferred, but there were "exceptional circumstances" where single parent adoptions were permissible.
>Not much has changed with the adoption process since the 1960s. However, today, many countries only allow women to adopt as a single parent, and many others only allow men to adopt boys
>Single parent adoption is legal in all 50 states, a relatively recent occurrence as California's State Department of Social Welfare was the first to permit it in the 1960s. Still, the process is arduous, and even next to impossible through some agencies. Adoption agencies have strict rules about what kinds of people they allow, and most are thorough in checking the adopter's background. An estimated 5-10% of all adoptions in the U.S. are by single persons.

>> No.11104717
File: 55 KB, 666x514, gross1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go home white pig

pic related

>> No.11104724
File: 53 KB, 652x497, gross2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and stay out. Think about that one next time you wave white pride's flag. I'm ethnic Chinese & Japanese and disgust with the racism here.

pic related

>> No.11104725


other races are STILL more represented than whites when taking population into account

and that's just for sexual abuse, I think blacks are like 80% of prison population or something like that

>> No.11104731

equal rights my ass, and women act like they're treated badly in society.

>> No.11104743

Sexual abuse isn't nearly as bad as physical abuse, which Chinese people love.

>> No.11104744

That is because of racial stereotyping.
Characteristics of Offenders Who Violate and Assault Children

According to the Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities by the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics, the following statistics have been recorded concerning the characteristics of offenders who violate and assault children.

* Those inmates who were convicted of committing violent acts against children were more like to have been white, a percentage of nearly 70%, than any other race.
* White inmates were nearly three times more likely to have victimized a child than black inmates.
* About one in every seven Hispanic convicts had been convicted for a crime against a child.
Even if you take the population into account, whites are the most likely to be the child sex offenders. Adding to the humor is the fact that this group of people is also extremely racist.

>> No.11104744,1 [INTERNAL] 

>this faggot doesn't know Hispanics get counted as white

>> No.11104744,2 [INTERNAL] 

She's your fucking niece fagbag

>> No.11104744,3 [INTERNAL] 

He was just rubbing vapor ointment on her chest.

>> No.11104744,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's not like he was doing anything sexual to her.

>> No.11104744,5 [INTERNAL] 

>Sizzle confirmed for pædo

>> No.11104744,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11104744,7 [INTERNAL] 

LOL Siz is kiddyfugger

>> No.11104744,8 [INTERNAL] 

There's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.11104744,9 [INTERNAL] 

