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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 11 KB, 285x285, anki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10988246 No.10988246 [Reply] [Original]

Did you do them yet?

>> No.10988260
File: 6 KB, 307x301, anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oniichan please do me

>> No.10988269

I've missed 4 days.

>> No.10988272

your momma and your sister? Sure

>> No.10988366

I want to die
there's too many reviews

>> No.10989722

but i already did the max for today!

>> No.10989749

I've also missed 4 days, since the beginning of last year.

>> No.10989832
File: 596 KB, 1181x1748, 1368053800153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best deck a beginner like me could import ?

>> No.10989849

your own

>> No.10989854

Does anybody have any simple touhou books or mangas that have a minimal of kanji to read? Preferably non pornographic

>> No.10989859

how mny cocks did u suk today?

>> No.10989867

Why is going from some intermediate reading material to harder material such a huge gap?

I tried reading through bakemonogatari and it's killing me. Not only am I reading at a crawling speed again but I don't get what the hell the descriptions are trying to convey.

I think I should read some eroge instead for a change. Been reading nothing but LNs for a while now.

>> No.10989910

what about simple novels? Not LNs but full novels

>> No.10989911

just yours

>> No.10989924

is this a good resource?


>> No.10989948

Your max should be set to 9999.

>> No.10989957

fucking this

>> No.10989972


>> No.10990024
File: 3 KB, 264x202, words.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you need more words. Grammar is easy (takes less time) compared to it.

>> No.10990046

I don't know any simple novels. For the most part I know where I can find a bunch (aozora bunko), but I don't know any authors or anything about that. I don't really want to go to /lit/ to ask. The only novel I have right now is 新世界より which would probably take me forever to finish and I'd lose hair trying to read it.

>> No.10990161

>so many words
>an endless stream of fucking words
How many new words are you guys learning per day?

>> No.10990185

I've been sick for two days and now have about 40 piled up I'm guessing. damn

>> No.10990227

I just finished Kana, and I'm wondering where I go now.
Grammar or Kanji, or both?

>> No.10990234

Stop saying learn for add
You're better off knowing how many words natives know or the unique word counts of novels/corpus then doing math to find out how long it would take you to get to a specific level or how many words you need everyday to get to where you want.
20K Junior? HS
40K HS
45K College

>> No.10990240

I went from kana to fighting though parallel text books. Its like how you learned in school, with your finger on the line

>> No.10990263

I should add that this may not have been the best idea. Someone with more common sense then me might be able to assist you.

>> No.10990278

I think the Kanji basher has the intelligence of dead bacteria but when I see people neglect to mention vocab study and reading when asking about what to do after Kana I can kind of sympathize with his frustration.
He's still a maggot though
Do bits of everything, then adjust occasionally. You only need a bit of grammar before you can try tackling reading using tools. If you find yourself having trouble recognizing Kanji then go study radicals/heisig/kd.

>> No.10990321

>20k words Junior high school
>40k HS
>45k college
[citation needed]

>> No.10990347

小学生レベル: 5千〜2万語
中学生レベル: 2万〜4万語
高校生レベル: 4万〜4万5千語
大学生レベル: 4万5千〜5万語

>> No.10990377

>Tfw 19600

Time for sudoku

>> No.10990390


>> No.10990400
File: 12 KB, 275x213, 1263448396756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 40 reps tomorrow
goddam I hate hard days. I can't wait till Wednesday when I have fewer than 30 scheduled.

>> No.10990398

>tfw 0 missed days since I started 6+ months ago.

>> No.10990415

What kind of reps are you doing that a difference of 10 makes you complain about it? Maybe you're making it harder than necessary.

>> No.10990440

I know. Yesterday I had (literally) almost 100 reps. It was too much so I just did like 60, but now I have almost 100 again today! I think I'll stop adding for a week to let things cool down!

>> No.10990474

Front: the name of a visual novel or anime that I haven't watched/seen yet
Back: empty

>> No.10990491

1 瞬間的に大きな力を物体に加えること。また、その力。「衝突時の―を吸収する」

What does the また mean here? I always see it in J-J definitions.

>> No.10990494

I have over 600 due tomorrow, you lazy whiners.

>> No.10990506

"Alternatively, ..."

>> No.10990509

So it can be both the power, and the event the power creates?

>> No.10990536

So you read whole novels for reps?
Your reps involve 600 novels or the equivalent ?

>> No.10990619

I reached 750 kanji yesterday. Currently learning 30 new per day. I started learning basics of grammar too and I tried to translated Yotsubato manga. I was able to translated first three pages and it was really exhausting, because my grammar is shit and knowing lot of kanji doesn't help much when reading manga for kids.

Kanji. How do plan to learn the language if you don't know the alphabets? After you know enough kanji, you can approach Japanese like any other language. My guess is, after 300-700 kanji (depends which order you use) you can start learning grammar and vocabulary, but don't stop studying kanji. Of course, best way to study is the read something in Japanese and translate it.

I suggest to follow Ixrec's guide http://amaterasu.tindabox.net/guide/

>> No.10990692

There we go, more people who don't realize that most official Touhou manga have furigana.

Also, read porn. Most of it is so formulaic and repetitive, you'll soon be recognizing every word in it.

>> No.10990818

Oh look, a beginner giving out shitty advice, what a surprise.

>> No.10990842

Don't give advice if you just read 3 pages of Yostuba, and by the way you can't read anything with just 750 kanji, you need to know actual words to read.

>> No.10990845

>I reached 750 kanji
>tried to translated Yotsubato manga
>it was really exhausting

>> No.10990871

Kanji are words, genius.

>> No.10990888

Some are, most aren't all that common. Usually just nouns and stuff. Definitely not going to help you read Yotsuba very much. You should start learning actual words to make it easier.

>> No.10991138

That's what I said but seems you can't read.

>> No.10991479

yeah but porn is gross and my roommate would have objection.

>> No.10991525

anything in the Kodomo genre.

>> No.10991690

Where is Anki thread anyway?

Did he got tired creating threads?

>> No.10991914

>kanji are words
I don't know if I want you to be a troll or not.

>> No.10997936


What a coincidence that we're about at the same pace with kanji. Of course I'm following aaerusama's superior guide to learning japonase found: http://visualnovelaer.fuwanovel.org/2011/12/how-to-read-visual-novels-in-japanese-in-2-years-time-step-by-step-guide-%E2%80%95-learn-to-read-through-vn-or-anime/

>> No.10997980


This is more for speaking than reading.

>> No.10998002

>guide to learning japonase

Note the author's admonition in the comments:

>Aedes: I already did steps 1-4. Does that mean I know Japanese?
>(Reply) Aaeru: No, that only means you can play japanese video games. You don't actually know Japanese.

>> No.11000607
File: 35 KB, 513x542, ASd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That no more new cards feeling

>> No.11000940

Just wondering, how do you learn vocabulary now? Do you just pick it up from reading and don't add it?

>> No.11001000 [DELETED] 

start playing liar-soft games

>> No.11001014

does it really help? I know a couple hundred but last time I used anki my retention was like 0%. can anyone recommend a good deck or tips?

>> No.11002365

Make your own.

>> No.11003016
File: 70 KB, 746x361, reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss last year's September ;_;

>> No.11003045

Hey, I've seriously tried to learn Japanese the last year but I've been seriously bogged down by school. I'll be on break soon so I want to get into it. My question:
Is there a good connection between learning kanji and learning how to recognize and speak words (I care much more about the latter). As in, should I bother learning kanji if I only have two months, and I only really want to learn how to listen/speak.
If the answer is no, how do I go about learning how to speak it? How did you guys learn how to speak/recognize Japanese words?

>> No.11003068


you can't learn japanese

>> No.11003070

tfw you just want to learn the syntax

>> No.11003071


A feeling that I know.

>> No.11003080


>> No.11003087

Thanks for the reminder. Just starting to get back into this.

>> No.11003088

syntax is whether you rtype in big letters or small letters

it doesn't exist in nihongo ;_;

>tfw when ur dream can not come tru ;_;

>> No.11003089

language is just a primitive form of programming

>> No.11003138

I kind of have the same question as this guy, but I'm already learning kanji through heisig + anki and I have no idea how I'm supposed to learn how to say these words.

>> No.11003144


>> No.11003211

My deck is over 20k, my vocab probably over 25k and I still come across lots of new words.

>> No.11003221


>> No.11003252

if you want to program you just need to differentiate the language.

>> No.11003423

I'm no expert, but I don't think learning individual kanji is a good way to start.

You should just start with grammar and if you get a guide that uses kanji while teaching you grammar that will give you a decent start.

Then after that just keep learning words and the kanji that go with them, not individual kanji.

I think you'll be wasting your time doing it the way you are because you'll spend countless effort trying to remember individual kanji without the aid of context... and when you're done you'll realize you still don't know words.
Just start learning them as they appear in words as you go.

I also hear that learning with context is the best way to remember them, grab a manga or something and try to translate it, that will make the kanji and words more memorable.

>> No.11003433

forgot to post a link.

Here is the grammar guide I've been using, it seems really good for a free source:

>> No.11003448

>I'm no expert

Then stfu

>> No.11003476


I know man. Seriously.

>> No.11003696

Suck my massive black cock you piece of shit.

>> No.11004883
File: 31 KB, 682x566, guide to learning japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11005445


Fck that shit. I just figured out how to finish RTK in 1 month (2 more weeks for me) and it's working

1.Wake up
2.Find one music track you want to listen to that is no longer than 5 minutes
3. Have your card program and koohi ready to add stories quickly
4. Hit the play button on the song and begin speed reading+adding new cards
---only add 5 cards--------
5. When the song ends you should have 5 cards added for the hour.
6. Do this every hour. You should have at least 75 cards if you're a NEET bum loser like me.
7.Review before going to bed

>> No.11005465

oh I forgot, read the book ahead of time for new primitives.

>> No.11005522
File: 1.91 MB, 473x348, 高!.gif.gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11007174

Anyone know where I can download Anki 2.03? It's the last one before they included that "fuzz" shit again, and I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.11007498

Nevermind I found it. Does anyone else dislike the fuzz feature, though? For example, I was adding in some new cards last night, with the graduating interval set at 1 day. I marked all of them as one day, but the fuzz bullshit kicked in and changed them all to 2 days, of course without telling me. I woke up today with nothing due. I get why it does that, but it pisses me off that the program isn't doing what I tell it to do. If I wanted them on 2 days I would have set it to 2 fucking days.

>> No.11007554

confusing the celsius and the fahrenheit scale.gif

>> No.11007837

hu many coks did u suk tudey?

>> No.11015929

otherwise they are mis-aligned, as in the left
