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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 369 KB, 1024x768, 1218046376622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1096891 No.1096891 [Reply] [Original]

Smuggled Danmaku

>> No.1096908

Dear god that is hideous. Delete it please.

>> No.1096909

So they store it in ammo crates when no one's fighting?

>> No.1096922

Revi Udongein Inaba.

>> No.1096923

Don't know if want..

>> No.1096925

Looks to be Remi from Black Lagoon, only with bunny ears and a whole lot shittier drawn.

That said, the pose is hardly unique, so I could be wrong. But since this is the internet, and the artist is [most likely] western, I'll claim copyfag.

What, me? Cynic? Never.

>> No.1096928
File: 27 KB, 465x379, 1218051275370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1096929

Remi, Revi, whatever her name was, even.

>> No.1096939

The dead giveaway is the clothes she is wearing

>> No.1096941

I sense pooshlmer had something to do with this

>> No.1096961

The worst part isn't that it's a blatant copy, although that's pretty bad in itself; no, the worst thing is that it's a SHITTY copy. Look at it - that head is HUMONGOUS in relation to the face, the legs and arms are all wrong (or it could be the upper body), and ...

yeah, it's shit all through.

>> No.1096965

Her shoulder connects to her neck.

>> No.1096968

It really is horrible. It makes me feel sick to look at it for more than a few seconds with all the incorrect perspectives.

>> No.1096969

Aww!... You beat me to it!

I'm planning to post that earlier... whoever you are...

Oh well...

>> No.1096975

Is it yours? Are you responsible for this...


>> No.1096981

Sir, Are you the drawfag who created that piece of trash in OP's picture?

Please take this shit back to /a/ where it belongs. We don't want your shitty western art here. This board is for Japan and Touhous only.

Also, fix your anatomy.

>> No.1096980

If he drew it there'd be more spears in Raisin

>> No.1096982
File: 442 KB, 640x480, 1218052668606.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1096988

>shitty western art
It is more than just being western art it is just really badly drawn full stop. The legs, the knees, what the fuck?

>> No.1096989


Someone requested it a few days earlier.

>> No.1096993


>> No.1097003
File: 50 KB, 544x640, 1218053186289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Udongein is not amused.

>> No.1097014

I, for one, welcome our new badly anatomically structured moon bunny overlords.

>> No.1097016

>mugenjohncel !!Oy+LavZ+kRU
Of all the girls why Reisen?

This is worse than your previous arrow-infested guro works. You're even worse than Dan Kim.

>> No.1097027

Please, Anon. Let's not bring up Dan Kim.

>> No.1097028

same person

>> No.1097034

This is serious. I bet Dan Kim could do a better version of Reisen as Revi, in what ever style he felt like.

>> No.1097041
File: 84 KB, 1024x768, 1218053585961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shape is that box meant to be?

>> No.1097049

dan kim reminds me of marisa mckenzie
god damn i hate marisa mckenzie

>> No.1097048

Nope!... I too am suprised to see my work here posted before I did.

C'mon, why so serious?

>> No.1097070

Mugen, post that Remi picture I requested, please. I didn't see the finished picture.

>> No.1097076

You mean the one where Remi beats Yuka?

>> No.1097082


>> No.1097097

I'd smuggle some danmaku into her harbors.

If you know what I mean.

>> No.1097099
File: 382 KB, 800x600, 1218054235353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1097106

Awesome, thanks.

>> No.1097110

You really, really suck, you realize that, yeah?

>> No.1097111

wasn't this posted just yesterday?

>> No.1097115

Fucking, leg, huge, etc.

>> No.1097124

Remi beating the crap out of Yuka?


>> No.1097119

If you're so good a critic, post better stuff, faggot.

>> No.1097121

I came

>> No.1097127

Needs some "after" pictures, if you know what I mean

>> No.1097137

I don't think that is necessary for this low level of stuff. Just look in any other touhou thread on this board for better stuff.

>> No.1097142

You don't have to be an artist to know something's shit, you know.

Also, I'm going to assume you're that mugenjohn guy - nobody else would be butthurt over someone claiming that pic is shit.

>> No.1097154

You REALLY need to work on your coloring as well as your proportions, seriously. You coloring is really ugly.

>> No.1097167

I'm not, but I could hardy complain about someone doing anything.
If it doesn't suit you, just hide it.
It's not like saying it's shit will change anything.

>> No.1097185

>If it doesn't suit you, just hide it.
Not thanks, better to criticize and sage shit when it is posted.

>> No.1097193

On the contrary, he improved considerably compared to his previous works.

>> No.1097198

I'll call Mugen's and Doyora's art shit all I want.

>> No.1097203


>> No.1097215

You're such a rebel.
Don't worry, you'll get tired of doing "all you want" when puberty'll be over.

>> No.1097253

And you of defending the tripfag because we're being so mean to him and it must feel awful.

>> No.1097262

Reisen always results in failure.

>> No.1097266

Pick up a torrent of good drawing tutorial books and search for coloring tutorials. Then...you start all over from the basics (just because they are called "basics" doesn't mean they aren't important for pros too).

>> No.1097270

leave doyora out of this, he's not the one being a creepy bastard

>> No.1097279

Take it easy, son. Go suck Doyora's and mugen's dicks some more.

>> No.1097317
File: 5 KB, 261x212, RAGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1097338

Any tips for an aspiring drawfag? I don't want to end up like the real ZUN.

>> No.1097347

I think ZUN's pretty cool, has his own style and everything.

>> No.1097355

start copying stuff you like and claim it's yours, ignore basic anatomy and generally spam comments on DA.

>> No.1097356


So do I. It's like 90's anime art or something.

>> No.1097381

What is this?
Anon hating original content?
Fuck, is it really that /co/ is the only place where you people don't become huge faggots and start hating every drawfag
At first I thought /tg/ was atleast somehow safe, but then there was that Miko scandal
Fuck you fags, I love this art

>> No.1097385

Enjoy your shit art.

>> No.1097391
File: 173 KB, 1024x768, 1218057124184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1097401

/jp/ - Artwork/Critique

>> No.1097409

I have seen much worse yukkuri art floating around here and nobody starts crying how shit it is.

>> No.1097429

Yukkuri goes hand in hand with shit

>> No.1097430

because yukkuri is a meme that emerged from shitty art, it's SUPPOSED to look bad

>> No.1097432

Take it easy...

>> No.1097441

The fingernails look hideous.

>> No.1097484


>> No.1097485

mugenjohn started his drawfaggory with pictures of various touhous getting skewered and arrowed. I personally think his stuff is alright, but it seems as though he wants anon to rage against him, so I act accordingly.

>> No.1097511

We have lots of fan artist we idolize, this is just shit.

The entire hands look wrong. This image is a prefect example of how to draw badly.

>> No.1097574


YOUR Reisen? Get the fuck out.

>> No.1097600


Sorry, only one waifu per person.

He gets Reisen, you get Milfeulle, and I get Mamiina from Simoun. That's how things work.

>> No.1097629

Wow, it's beyond horrible. mugen and kilgayman in one thread, it's like a critical mass of fail.

>> No.1097717


Oh shit, you're right. Never mind then.



>> No.1098819

But compared to those shitty Yukkuris, his original content is alright.

>> No.1098820

can I touch her? plz

>> No.1098860

But Yukkuris are meant to look shit. His art is just plain shit.

With all that live danmaku around, handle it with care.

>> No.1098889

His drawing is sooooooo bad it looks good.

>> No.1098910
File: 115 KB, 641x1000, 1218073003578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pardon me while I wave my e-peen around in this thread

>> No.1098932

What is wrong with her ears, f-anon?

>> No.1098942

perhaps they're fake

>> No.1098975
File: 179 KB, 1024x1024, 1218073741346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1098997

I agree, he sucks at drawing as well, but if an anonymous Japanese guy drew this, you guys would be lapping this stuff up. If you're going to complain about stuff, be consistent about it, goddamn. I don't like Mugen's art. I don't like Doroya's art. I don't like 50% of the Touhou fanart out there. I'm pretty sure 80% of you guys are just jumping on the bandwagon of hate,m and flaming and nitpicking for no reason. If you're going to pick on Mugen, pick on him for being a complete moron, not because of his drawings.

>> No.1099075


He's getting better, surprisingly.

I don't LOVE ZUN's art, but I don't hate it. At least, I haven't since Perfect Cherry Blossom. Everything before that, well...

>> No.1099124

Anons were RAGING at his minor guro. Then he tried drawing something not guro but anon still RAGED.

Anyway, the only thing I didn't like is that the coloring looked to CGed. There seems to be something wrong with the legs but if you think it carefully, she's sitting there that's why it looks like that. There's something wrong with the position of the left arm too. It's hard to describe it but, there's definitely something wrong with the position.

Geeze... the guy needs nice criticism not some RAGED. Do you know that it's hard to look for an error on the things you worked with your own hands? Huge faggot anons going "IT'S SHIT." "SHIT RIGHT." without explaining why it's shit is the cancer that's infesting /jp/

>> No.1099143

You say you hate him but deep inside we know you love him.

>> No.1099156


So tsundere it's cute~

>> No.1099517

bump for lulz

>> No.1099526


>> No.1099778

Why the fuck is this thread still here?

>> No.1099912

Why the fuck are you here?

>> No.1099921


>> No.1099932

not same but fags nevertheless

>> No.1099939

If I could sage a hundred times...I'd sage a hundred times and more.

>> No.1099964


>> No.1100926

And all I have to do is bump once to counter your sage co'z I'm bored. Where is Mugen anyway?

>> No.1100926,1 [INTERNAL] 

!bar pre polygamy
