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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1093592 No.1093592 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/,

I know this board is mostly about anime, but I have a question pertaining to the language:

I took Jap 101 at my local university last semester and i'll be taking Jap 102 starting 8/25. I have experience in romanized languages so vocabulary and grammar are not issues for me at all.

My trouble comes with the kanji. I do not really have a practical application for my japanese (i live in colorado) and I cannot think of an application other than anime (which i assume is a pretty worthless study aide until you are much more fluent).

Can you tell me how you learn individual kanji/readings/etc and how you practice them in order to remember them long-term? Also, what should i be learning...should i learn the literal, the on, and the kun readings, or just one?


>> No.1093602

Oh come on. We already had a troll like this earlier.

>> No.1093613

You don't need to know any kanji if you're just using your moon skill to watch raw anime.

Anyway, my advice is to read children's manga (with furigana) as a supplement to your Heisig or whatever.

>> No.1093646

I'm really having a hard time understanding the OP image.
Why would you do that?
Especially somebody his age.

>> No.1093664

This. Also, light novels. The sort of stuff that was AWESOME when you were 12 will be AWESOME again when you once again read and think like you were 12.

>> No.1093674

lol. i dunno why does any1 do anything?

>> No.1093676

Thank you. I think that you're the only other person on this board who realizes the proper age range for light novels.

>> No.1093698


I'm not sure what to feel about the op image

>> No.1093828


>> No.1093819


OP here, where do i find kids manga and light novels online? I really am not part of any online japanese communities or anything...

also, this isnt trolling but i'm actually serious. i just thought hte pic was funny..,.

>> No.1093834

>I know this board is mostly about anime.

Congratulations, you've all been trolled.

>> No.1093841

No, just you.

>> No.1094091

Doing the light novel thing right now. More words for your buck than Manga. I jumped in knowing probably 2/3s the grammar I ought to have, but by the time I roughed out ~50 pages, things sped up insanely out of nowhere. I started to get used to the common Kanji that I previously didn't know, as well as more realistic sentence structures than the packaged just-to-illustrate-a-point-or-two sentences you get in a class.

>> No.1094593


OP here, please please please! How do you make a thread on here without getting derailed and saged?

Will someone please explain how to find some of htese light novels in japanese? or at least explain how to go about learning kanji most effectively

>> No.1094601

>Sup /jp/,
>I know this board is mostly about anime,
I stopped reading there.

>> No.1094628
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heisig 1 2 3 or kanji safari or henshall

Look at that picture guys... just look at it...

Isn't it sad?

>> No.1094676

Serious answer OP. Do what they tell you to do in your course - meaning repetition, flash cards etc. Anki is good for long term memorisation (apparently).

>> No.1094684


In my course we use Yookoso.

She isn't very clear about how to learn kanji. She just expects it. Also, she doesn't really have us learn readings, she just has us learn vocabulary that uses the kanji. This seems like a VERY bad way to do it.

>> No.1094693

Yes, quite sad...

...anyways, I'm also kinda interested in finding some untranslated light novels

>> No.1094702

>Also, she doesn't really have us learn readings, she just has us learn vocabulary that uses the kanji. This seems like a VERY bad way to do it.

That's the only way to do it. If you try to remember every reading for every character you won't be able to read shit properly. It's basically a waste of time since you can just learn vocab on a word to word basis.

>> No.1094706

Not necessarily. You can read mistyped words in english right? ti's teh smae srot fo thign
Japanese give the kanji of their names by giving an example as to what word it is from. Basically you need to do it both ways.

>> No.1096155

Ok, I found Heisig on esnips....looks great :D


>> No.1096164

My best study-aide is my girlfriend.

No, seriously.

She used to be a hardcore weeaboo. Now that's gotten past that, she helps me be ... a hardcore weeaboo.

I guess I'm gloating, but that's my situation.

>> No.1096177

I don't think you have a girlfriend. Enjoy your non-exist ant study aide.

>> No.1096183


wow, that sounds awesome...my boyfriend is swedish so ya lol

>> No.1096195

I wish I had a boyfriend, one that wore dresses and maid uniforms.

>> No.1096227

I wish i had friends....

Will....you guys me my friends?

>> No.1096232

I wish I had friends....

Will....you guys be my friends?

>> No.1096280
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>> No.1096293
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>> No.1096302

She better not get hearing aids.

>> No.1096352

OP what you have to know is that the people saging the thread don't know shit about Japanese

get spaced repetition software to drill kanji
grammar from grammar books

and your choice of media for practice
I like blogs, comics, (small) books

listening practice is another thing altogether since if you don't know a word, chances are you won't find it due to how fast people speak

all this stuff is on the internet

>> No.1096669


I feel stupid...what is spaced recognition software?

Also, do you know where I can find some light novels/blogs etc?

The only real japanese sites I can read anything off are yahoo.jp and a little bit of 2chan....i dont know about the japanese internets at all =x

>> No.1096697

