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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10936226 No.10936226[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

On May 20, 2013, the International Labor Organization (ILO) released their Global Employment Trends for Youth 2013 report which outlines the employment environment for people aged 15 to 29 in nations around the world.

Among the statistics were NEET rates among 34 OECD countries’ young people. A NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) rate is the percentage of youth who are not working or in school of any kind.

On average, 15.8 % of teens and young adults fall in this category in developed countries. The following is a full list of the studied countries ranging from the country with the least percentage of NEETs in their population to the country with the highest percentage of NEETs in their population:

1 – Luxembourg (7.1%)
2 – Netherlands (7.2%)
3 – Norway (8.5%)
4 – Slovenia (8.8%)
5 – Switzerland (9.7%)
6 – Japan (9.9%)
7 – Iceland (10.3%)
8 – Sweden (10.3%)
9 – Denmark (10.5%)
10 – Austria (11.1%)
11 – Australia (11.8%)
12 – Germany (12%)
13 – Finland (12.6%)
14 – Czech Rep. (13.2%)
15 – Canada (13.5%)
16 – Portugal (13.5%)
17 – Belgium (14.2%)
18 – Poland (15.2%)
OECD average = 15.8
19 – United Kingdom (15.9%)
20 – United States (16.1%)
21 – New Zealand (16.3%)
22 – France (16.7%)
23 – Greece (18.3%)
24 – Slovakia (18.8%)
25 – Hungary (18.9%)
26 – Estonia (19.1%)
27 – Republic of Korea (19.2%)
28 – Brazil (19.6%)
29 – Ireland (21%)
30 – Italy (23%)
31 – Spain (23.7%)
32 – Mexico (24.4%)
33 – Israel (27.4%)
34 – Turkey (36.6%)

The International Labor Organization mentions that NEET rates will continue to increase into 2018 causing university graduates more stress and delays in finding a job in an already disheartening market.

Full report available here: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_212423.pdf

>> No.10936229

>aged 15 to 29

18 to 30 was too mainstream?

>> No.10936235

>30 – Italy (23%)
>31 – Spain (23.7%)
>32 – Mexico (24.4%)
You Romanics sure do know how to NEET it up.

>> No.10936236

15 year old neets


>> No.10936237

>29 – Ireland (21%)

There is another statistic in this country that 25% of households don't have a single employed person in them.

>> No.10936245

In Mexico you have to pay to go to HS

>> No.10936246

You also have the highest quality-of-life index in the world.

I wonder if there's a connection.

>> No.10936247 [DELETED] 

Not only was Marx right, Marx already won.

Let's go to class.

In America, what do you have?
"But not everyone gets on those!"
You cry. I know, I know. But these people, they're going to get their money for existing regardless of what you do.
"But they game the system!"
You howl. I know, I know. But the system was designed to be gamed in the first place
In order for you and your parents, who grew up on the bridge between two centuries, to keep paying for other people to get their free money, there had to be a commodity to sell to you in order for you to not revolt at the idea of people getting something for nothing
"But what was that, I don't see anything in my house"
It's not something you can lick, my boy. It's called "pride" they sold you pride for not being on the dole. You pay money into the system, the system gets its blowjob from you, and you get to turn around and go
But the system doesn't care, it already got blown and now you just look like a fool with cum on your lip. Pride had to be sold to you because you were too attached to the idea of "You work or you die" when the reality of "There is no more work to make" was creeping up and in on you.

Oh sure, -you- might be enlightened now, but I use you for "every other person in the Country/On the planet"
You would shit your fucking pants if the System didn't have it's rules and people just got money for free.

Even though they already get money for free, you look to the System, your big, omnipotent daddy and say "It's not my fault, they tricked you, Dad!" despite the game being rigged from the start.

It didn't have to be like this, but it really was the only way.

>> No.10936251

So how long until the NEETs and the working class join forces and overthrow the Government, Marxist-san?

>> No.10936255 [DELETED] 


The system>>10936247
is not forgiving, you can't blame them for tossing their hands up in the air and calling it a day. It's not as if you can walk outside and "start a revolution", and even if they wanted to, it's not they who are the problem. It's the actual complicit ones, both living the NEET lifestyle, and caught up in the Keeping Up With the Jones' life.

The real parasite are the ones propagating the current system and empowering it.

>> No.10936264

Does this include people with health problems or who have retired super early?

I think the ILO's definition for "unemployment" means people who can work and who have sought work within the past few weeks. It would be interesting to see what percentage NEETs are actually looking for a job.

>> No.10936265

I am the 10 percent.

>> No.10936272

Does this mean Ireland is the NEET capital of the world?

>> No.10936275

>United Kingdom (15.9%)

Surprising we're only just above average. People talk about NEETs like they're the fucking plague.

Then again, I guess a lot of the master benefit thieves are older.

>> No.10936276
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>33 – Israel (27.4%)

>> No.10936294 [DELETED] 

When the working class can no longer feasibly support the NEETs. Which may not ever happen. See, it's an amazing sleight of hand. Transition the society without the uprising and destruction, force the boom and bust, make them think it's worse than it really is. Get them hooked on your local dealer of government subsidies and so long as they can have two iPads they'll never revolt (and you can track their location at all times, because two iPads)

Y'see the NEETs are parasites and the Working Class are parasites and the only people who can deliver you from your Socialist hell are the people who are being paid 50 cents an hour to dig ditches and assemble televisions.

Sing to the slaves
Sing to the slaves as Rome burns

>> No.10936292

Israelis don't need work or education, they are God's chosen people. They sit on their ass and get hundreds of millions of dollars from America, for no other reason.

And since women are second class, that's the reason there are so many in their armed forces.

>> No.10936295

With just one or two oddities, that's pretty much a "countries from best to shittiest to live in" ranking.

>> No.10936299

I know people don't like Israel but are the girls pure at least? Could I find one who is saving herself for marriage and rejects lewdness?

>> No.10936305

Fuck Israel.

>> No.10936303

If there are so many NEETs, how come /jp/ is this tiny and slow? Are they all mingling with each other face to face?

>> No.10936306

Where's Russia?
I mean... there a lot NEETS there.

>> No.10936311

>Surprising we're only just above average. People talk about NEETs like they're the fucking plague.
It's because they are. You're incredible.

>> No.10936313

Politically incorrect to report it, since the number is so high. They don't want the attention for being a post-communist shithole.

>> No.10936323

>20 – United States (16.1%)


>> No.10936324
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It's not on here.

I guess it's not an OECD country?


Full report, has some other fun NEET facts in there.

>> No.10936328

I got this big-ass wooden pole, with a pointy end, planted in the ground pointy end up. Y'all can jump up and down on my stake, I got it planted in the ground ready and waiting for you.

No? You don't even wanna do that? Then do quit bitching.
Stupidshit NEET threads are a goddamn plague.

>> No.10936332


Jesus Christ, Turkey.

I actually went there that year. I was wondering what everyone was doing, just walking around and sleeping and stuff.

>> No.10936333

When are you going to learn some manners?

>> No.10936336

Suck my big-ass pole with a pointy end, dude.

>> No.10936341

I'd ride up and down on your big ass-pole, dude.

>> No.10936363

70% of statistics are made up. 140% of government unemployment statistics are made up. The real number is likely several points higher for every country.

>> No.10936369

Educational system there is very similar to Japan, so skipping few years after high school is common.

>> No.10936384

>there a lot NEETS there
I don't know where you're getting it from, but that's totally wrong. The belief that one must have some kind of post-school education to be successful plus the affordability of it, absence of NEETbux whatsoever and compulsory military draft keeps NEET numbers extremely low.

>> No.10936392

Please respond.

>> No.10936393

>I was wondering what everyone was doing, just walking around and sleeping and stuff.
What do you expect in a Muslim country?

>> No.10936395
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>> No.10936403


From what i gathered, they're mostly conditioned to believe that non-jews are all neo-nazi skinheads and are pretty qt and good looking, except for those who aren't.

But i learned all of this from the internet, so don't trust me.

>> No.10936406

I get a paycheck every two weeks for something, but I don't really know what.

>> No.10936407

Can I become a Jew? I don't want to lose my foreskin...

>> No.10936412

What do you do with it?

>> No.10936415

Are paychecks really checks?

It seems pretty inconvenient to give someone a check. "Here, take this to the bank, then you can have your money."
Why do I have to waste extra time outside my job just to get my reward? It's like one of those scam competitions that makes you fill in a survey or whatever, then it has the nerve to say, "Thanks! But to be entered into our FREE prize draw, you have to fill in three more surveys, intern at our company for a month, and give us your firstborn."

Don't they just transfer the money into your bank account? Or hell, just giving cash would be better.

>> No.10936416

Unfortunately, no. Jews are prolific and intelligent.

>> No.10936427

Could I persuade a cute pure Jewish girl to stop being a Jew instead?

>> No.10936424

>they're mostly conditioned to believe that non-jews are all neo-nazi skinheads
So like the rest of the world, then.

>Can I become a Jew?
No. You can become a goy with a mutilated penis. Jews can only be Jews if their mothers were Jews. And that's a pretty forgiving scenario, since real Jews don't consider adopted Jews the same thing. It's why the people who own Israel don't care that Israelis will die in the coming war. Ashkenazi Jews are very old and were created to be slave drivers who love gold, and control gentiles. They are pretty smart, but also very inbred.

Why would you want to become one? Since it's technically impossible, there's no point in wanting it.

>> No.10936438

Why would you want to find a feminazi? You realize that they are all "daddy's girls" right? They walk all over their men, which is why all Jewish men are weak, scrunchy-faced weasels and why their women are the type you'd find at high levels of feminist organizations. Plus they won't shave for you and will have a disgusting smelly vagina. They won't marry you, but they might fuck you if you are a good goy and do the little goy dance and tell her you hate Muslims, etc.

>> No.10936443
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holy crap

>> No.10936445

>They won't marry you, but they might fuck you

Sex outside of marriage is a sin. Are Israelis just as unpure as everyone else?

>> No.10936448

/jp/ anon
- glaringly selfish
- no family
- no status
- most likely no education
- no money
- no plans
- likes loli or rape BDSM

Jewish girl
- Jewish
- well-established, healthy and large Jewish family
- studying or working with the support of her family
- impressive formal education is accompanied by very good general knowledge
- may or may not have money
- even without her assets, support and peer group reputation, she would be able to secure a nice future with her already-existing merits and capabilities

>> No.10936458

I talked on webcam with an active-military Israeli woman. She was naked several times, after showering. She had kind of a nice body, but not perfect. She wouldn't shave her hairy vag, either. She said she would fuck me if I ever visited her.

Though this was before I found out the nasty things behind Jews, and I was pro-Israeli.

So, you never know, Anon. Maybe if you openly hated Palestinians and were pro-Israeli statist you could find a qt3.14 Israeli gf. But don't expect her to introduce you to her family or anything.

>> No.10936464

Well, yeah, that's that all the /b/tards want you to think about everybody who posts on the blue boards, though. To the point where they start tangential or blatantly offtopic threads several thousand times a day on even the slowest boards.

>> No.10936467

They're much worse, actually.
Judaism and degeneracy go hand in hand.

>> No.10936479


>tfw no perfect DNA jewess gf like this

>> No.10936482

I want /r9k/ to leave.

>> No.10936487

Wow, did you report her to the authorities for breaking Jewish law?

I wish people still got stoned for adultery, it's absolutely disgusting.

I thought a community like that would actually respect their religion but I guess not...

>> No.10936489

Threads are always plentiful. Maybe other people are even more impatient than me.

>> No.10936492
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Whoah! Jewish girls are cute!

>> No.10936496

>did you report her to the authorities for breaking Jewish law?
No, I didn't consider this at the time, and she was also my friend.

>I wish people still got stoned for adultery

>I thought a community like that would actually respect their religion but I guess not...
What would it do to you if you were constantly being told that you were so superior to everyone else, that even cows were superior to them? Would you care about living up to such high standards?

>> No.10936501

>I thought a community like that would actually respect their religion but I guess not...
Hahahaha, no. They see their religion as more of a race/status thing; that's why the whole goyim/gentile and jewish mother thing exists.

>> No.10936510

Are Muslim women pure? Can I become a Muslim?

>Would you care about living up to such high standards?
It's still no excuse to violate God's will...sex is a sacred act and should only be used for creating new life.

>> No.10936516
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It's a cultural thing.

>> No.10936520

The Jews

>> No.10936523

Is their rampant fetishization of cuckoldry a cultural thing as well?

>> No.10936528

>Are Muslim women pure? Can I become a Muslim?
Yes. The trap of Islam is getting people to fall in to the 'no slut' thing, so unpopular westerners or those tired of being sluts are enticed by it, and beta men who don't like women having knowledge of sex so they can manipulate and control them with no alpha competition - they also like the idea of having a subservient wife who they can manipulate easily.

And since Islam is a different kind of parasite, one that needs all the soldiers it can get, they don't turn anyone away. In fact, you have to say a couple of words and then you're a Muslim for life, and all your sins are forgiven, etc. That's why they have a death penalty for giving up Islam. They need lots of people to fight what they think is evil (non-Muslims).

So, while you have chaste women, you essentially trade your intelligence and freedom for it, and become a drone slave, bowing to the floor half a dozen times per day worshipping dogma.

>> No.10936530
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>Are Muslim women pure? Can I become a Muslim?

Not only are they pure, but you're encouraged to make a harem of delicious brown lolis.

>> No.10936552

I don't understand what you mean.

>> No.10936565

I buy Combos and Powerade and pay my internet bill.

Nope. I've never seen a physical check before. It just ends up in my bank account somehow.

>> No.10936572

That filename... Wouldn't it have been more apt to just call it "Freud pondering"?

>> No.10936568

Why you see so many threads derailed by black dicks in white women on 4chan. /b/, /pol/, and probably /r9k/.

>> No.10936569

Cool, which Powerade is your favorite? I like the blue one the most.

>> No.10936571

I am the 21%

>> No.10936573

Me too! Would you like to be friends?

>> No.10936579

No thanks.

>> No.10936584

Yeah, blue is good. I like yellow too.

>> No.10936589

I don't want to manipulate anyone, I try very hard to give everyone equal respect.

Is there any culture in the world that encourages purity and equality? If there is I want to join it.

>> No.10936599

I would but every time someone asks that on /jp/ it just means homohomo meetups so no ty
pls do not impersonate other anonymous posters

>> No.10936597

4chan is populated by people of low talent but big mouths who need to get their fix of provocation somewhere.

The fact is that they could be studying instead. Even if you're poor, alone, unemployable and desperate, you could be studying instead.

>> No.10936598


>> No.10936608
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>I don't want to manipulate anyone
>Is there any culture in the world that encourages purity and equality? If there is I want to join it.

>> No.10936615

>The trap of Islam is getting people to fall in to the 'no slut' thing
>unpopular westerners
>beta men who don't like women having knowledge of sex so they can manipulate and control them with no alpha competition
>they also like the idea of having a subservient wife who they can manipulate easily.

Why do you libtards always talk and 'argue' like this?

Is it really so hard for you to criticise something without saying that the people who disagree with your ideals are pathetic unattractive "beta" males that are bad, mean, and wrong?

>> No.10936616

You're totally misjudging me. I like loli AND rape BDSM.

>> No.10936617
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What do you have against men, Anonymous?

>> No.10936618

you could try one of those African tribes that promotes female circumcision

>> No.10936621

I'm not a guy and I'm already in a relationship so you wouldn't have to worry about that.

We could do some fun stuff together like playing video games or going on a picnic.

>> No.10936624
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It's rare to meet someone on here with such views. Why are you asking me, if you have an interest in such things? You can find it all out there on the internet.

Read this *whips out religion*

>> No.10936626

btw im a girl

>> No.10936627
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>I'm better than you and don't manipulate anyone
>by the way you're a backwards bigoted unattractive beta virgin if you don't like sluts that sleep around

>> No.10936628

>Is it really so hard for you to criticise something without saying that the people who disagree with your ideals are pathetic unattractive "beta" males that are bad, mean, and wrong?
It's not, but that was a concise, realistic summary befitting the quick nature of 4chan.

>> No.10936636

Lost it.

Why else would you become a Muslim if it wasn't for the female chastity? They are mindless drones who stone people to death for not being Muslim, and a multitude of other stupid reasons. Following the words of a book, about a warmongering warlord who followed nomadic desert code. It has no place in a modern world, it's totally backward and barbaric.

The only things it does right is not eating pork, giving people serious reason to pray, and giving 10% to charity, and by not being whores. It allows multiple wives, though, since this was more beneficial for nomadic warriors over a thousand years ago in the fucking desert.

The fact that this even needs to be debated is the most retarded thing about it.

>> No.10936638
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How do ordinary folks deal with the more relaxed attitude towards sex, anyway?

Sexual jealousy is pretty natural and it even occurs in animals. You can't be comfortable knowing your partner has had other penises inside of her, or that she's sleeping around, or even that she puts out easily (for you or anyone else).

I'm not saying anyone (male or female) should be a paranoid, abusive nutjob, but I don't get why normals are so chill with this whole thing. Do they genuinely not care, or is just one of those things you're expected to put up with?

>> No.10936640

sounds like I'd have to go outside
not to mention it's probably half the country I'd have to travel for a few sandwiches and a cup of tea

>> No.10936642

>You can't be comfortable knowing your partner has had other penises inside of her
I can't*

>> No.10936650

The Quran is less retarded than the Torah or the Bible. Sure, it has some "kill the following people:" sections and extremists take it too far, but it's way more sensible than earlier holy books.


Judaism and Zionism are a bigger threat than Islam or Sharia.

>> No.10936653

Don't you like outside? It's very pretty and you get fresh air and exercise.

Where do you live? If we're close then we should totally do it, it would be really fun!

>> No.10936657

Fuck IsraHELL.

>> No.10936661

Yes, you're right. But the Koran is more retarded than what civilization needs. You want a logical religion? Then look in to Buddhism.

As for Judaism, yes, it's the greatest threat this planet has ever faced. Islam is a tool of Jews. It's the ultimate subservient religion of drones, and I actually think it's going to conquer the world. Now before any Muslim starts celebrating, it's actually a pretty hollow victory, considering they would have willing implemented a slave religion where you aren't allowed to question dogma, all on behalf of Jews, who can then control them.

>> No.10936665

Normies are impulsive and like to do what they want when they want without any kind of consequence.

That's why teenagers these days are so quick to tear down "social constructs" that glorify self-restraint because it gets in the way of that.

It's not that they're actually fine with having promiscous partners, it's that they want everybody else to be fine with their promiscouity.

>The only things it does right is not eating pork,
>giving people serious reason to pray,
Again, what?
>and giving 10% to charity
Hahahaha, oh wow. I see how it is.

>> No.10936667

Well, I was speaking in the generic you, but I see your point.

Maybe it is just me, but I get the feeling it's a natural reaction a lot of people have. I can't tell if some (even most) people simply don't feel that way, or if people do feel that way but they deal with it.

At the very least, I think people should be more aware of it. I could only love a virgin girl in the same way someone may only love a kind-hearted girl. But that's not to say I want to restrict what men or women can do (any more than someone who has a thing for redheads wants to go around forcing everyone to dye their hair).
And yet I feel like a douchebag for having this preference, as though I'm somehow abusive just for having it. I guess it's similar to the situation with pedophiles being assumed to be child molesters, or at least child molesters waiting to happen.

>> No.10936668

>I see how it is
I doubt it.

>> No.10936669

>>I'm better than you and don't manipulate anyone
I don't. Who would I manipulate and why? I'm screwed for life so I might as well sit in my cave, reading books and 4chan.

Not everything is relative.

>if you don't like sluts that sleep around
Feel free to dislike them. The sad fact is that the less educated a person is, the more likely he is to imagine that kids just happen and grow up. They don't.

I'm absolutely terrible at handling people, a perfect target for a "slut" who has spent her entire life doing nothing but studying people and pleasuring herself. Once they reach a certain age, they start wanting children, and that's when they start searching for people like me.

>> No.10936671

Funny enough we could afford more NEETs. You don't need a ton of manual labor. It's not as if all those employed are actually doing something substantial.

>> No.10936673

>That's why teenagers these days are so quick to tear down "social constructs" that glorify self-restraint because it gets in the way of that.

You think this is new?

Teenagers have always been like this. It's not like puberty was invented in the 60s.

>> No.10936675

>And yet I feel like a douchebag for having this preference, as though I'm somehow abusive just for having it.
That's how liberals work, anon.

Rather than providing a solid argument and properly justifying their actions they'd much rather attack your emotions and make you feel bad for disagreeing with them.

>> No.10936678

I saw a brick wall yesterday and it got me thinking about how there are people who are desperate to find jobs making brick walls.

That's dumb. You could get a machine to do bricklaying.

>> No.10936680

It's perfectly alright to want to fall in love with someone who holds similar values.

I only want to marry someone who rejects lewdness and values purity in the same way I do.

>> No.10936681

>Teenagers have always been like this.
Teenagers weren't always taken seriously, though.

>> No.10936685

in the not so sunny south-east

>> No.10936686

Maybe you are right to an extent, that it's somehow natural. I used to feel the same way. But think about it, you're expressing disappointment that another person has experienced things. We're all here to learn, aren't we? Making people feel guilty about having experiences is immature. If you can separate jealousy out of it, I think you'd find it more rewarding. You could also look on the bright side, too. Maybe the things your partner would do came from experiences somewhere else. Maybe she would learn that some other guy enjoyed his ear being kissed in a certain way, and if she ever tried that on you, to please you, and you enjoyed it, then why feel bad about it?

>> No.10936687

Feelio when me granddad fought in a war and then crippled himself working in a mine for 30 years.

Feelio when I wouldn't even want an office job if it was offered to me.

>> No.10936695

More like prolific pieces of shit who act like the world doesn't know how they attempt to influence everything.

Fuck Jizzrael, fuck Judaism.

Mr. Goyim

>> No.10936698

My country is so miserable that it's not even there.

>> No.10936699
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>> No.10936700

Actually they are generally worse than atheists, if you hate Muslims they'll fuck you there and then.

>> No.10936705

Nothing cute about a cumdumpster. It's gonna' be worse when the zionists are burning in hell, real cute eh'?

>> No.10936706

We live pretty close in that case. Would you like to try being friends? If we have stuff in common then I could visit you for a picnic!

>> No.10936702

Modern ways create young adults that are more aware and more suited for demanding, modern tasks. Back in the days, the less apt ones were ruthlessly pushed towards labor and left to mingle among themselves.

Nowadays the losers marry the internet and fade away in silence.

>> No.10936708

You just don't get it, do you?
Not that you would, you seem to have already been guilted into thinking like that.

>> No.10936709

Most Muslim women are pure, and you can easily become a Muslim by reciting the Shahadah.

>> No.10936710
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eat shit!

>> No.10936714

Islam encourages that. I'm not going to argue here with people who are hellbent on propagating anything on the contrary, but I will advise you to research for yourself.

>> No.10936713
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>> No.10936716

He gets it and I do too. I'd say that you don't get what he's saying. Knowledge is extremely precious, and I'm not talking about your personal knowledge.

>> No.10936717

I suppose. But again, I don't think they should stop. I don't understand how they can have the attitudes they do, but they're free to do whatever they want.

Well maybe it's just the minority of crazy feminists the internet keeps putting the spotlight on, but I feel like this is a bad preference to have. If you like a certain appearance or personality, that's fine, but for some reason I've been conditioned to think wanting a virgin girlfriend is wrong. That's old-fashioned, and based on complexes I'm not supposed to have or I'm just supposed to deal with. It's awful of me to impose that requirement on a woman, she should be able to do whatever she wants!

I suppose this is what I was getting at with my original question. Is this the majority view?
I don't know. Generally I don't mind a person's history, it just depends how they are now. You're a reformed serial killer? Cool, let's get a drink some time.
But the issue with virginity is more of a gut feeling than a conscious choice or just a plain old preference. It's like if you saw someone with a scary face that makes you nervous. You can't help how you feel, you can only accept that you're not going to get along.

>> No.10936718

The problem with Islam isn't the religion, it's the people behind it.

>> No.10936719


>> No.10936720

They don't encourage equality?

>> No.10936724

Please stop posting.

>> No.10936725

love how seriously your kopipe dialogue's taking itself

>> No.10936726

This sure looks like otaku culture

>> No.10936727


And you'll probably be eating worse stuff than shit in hell if you're a zionist.

>> No.10936728

>Generally I don't mind a person's history, it just depends how they are now.

>> No.10936729

No, no you don't.

You've adopted this mindset because it makes you feel bad for disagreeing with it, and it provides a few convenient truths for you to latch onto.

>> No.10936732

Islam is fairly sexist. I don't just mean the stuff about dressing modestly, or even different gender roles, but there are different laws governing men and women. For example, when a relative dies, a woman is only allowed to inherit half as much money/property as a man with the same relation to the deceased.

>> No.10936737

The truth is convenient. I've been given loads of fair chances but I've rejected or fumbled them all.

What I'd like to ask is: what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.10936734


I wonder why femino-SA/SRS/tumblr is so hell-bent on defending Islam. Pretty sure that would be completely contrary to their feminazi views.

>> No.10936735

Then I'm curious: what do you think is the right mindset to have in these situations?

>> No.10936736

No you don't, at least not where I live. At most you have to pay a few minimum fees for shit like labs and fixing broken shit in the classroom.
>32 – Mexico (24.4%)
Well, a friend of mine was a NEET for a few years but I never imagined we were in such situation.

>> No.10936742


I met this girl on Omegle once who said she would be my friend but then she started telling me I should go outside and get a job and stuff like that.

Got out of there fast as HECK. Normal people are scary.

>> No.10936743

Hey anybody got that vid with the butt worms? Somebody posted it in a previous neet thread, which is why I ask in here.

>> No.10936738

I wouldn't know where to start

>> No.10936740

>she should be able to do whatever she wants!
And you should be allowed to like and think what you want.

If you want somebody that knows restraint, loyalty, and honesty then that's up to you.
Good luck with finding a woman like that, though.

>> No.10936749

Oh, sorry I was told that you did have to pay for HS in Mexico. Those 15 year old NEETs must be HS dropouts.

>> No.10936751

Well, a lot of the issues are disputed or open to interpretation, and really are a problem with particular governments or extremists rather than Islam itself. But women do get short changed a lot, particularly in legal matters.

Islam does have some pretty progressive views too. For example, women aren't blamed for being raped and only the rapist is punished. Or at least, this is how it's supposed to work. Again, in practice, people are dicks.

>> No.10936752
File: 49 KB, 500x362, dehum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le janitor-approved /pol/ thread

>> No.10936753


I don't really care about all the false shit people attach to Islam. The fact is that it, by itself, is actually extremely sexist.

>> No.10936756

Well do you have an email address? We could send some emails back and forth so we get to know each other!

We don't have to if you don't want to, of course. I know that it's very difficult for some people and I don't want to cause you any undue stress!

>> No.10936756,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janny, go home. /jp/ can take care of itself without your worthless ass. You delete good threads, encourage spammers, and get good people banned.

>> No.10936756,2 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know if I'd call this a good thread so much as less bad than most

>> No.10936756,3 [INTERNAL] 

dude it was terrible, go lurk in a touhou thread sometime if you honestly think this board is this gay

>> No.10936756,4 [INTERNAL] 

What was good about this thread?
