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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 369 KB, 331x941, prism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10913653 No.10913653 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10913682
File: 329 KB, 334x944, 136904124282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear setz will have a booth at reitaisai!

>> No.10913686

Western "art". 'nuff said.

>> No.10913710
File: 18 KB, 650x489, trifles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make fun of western artists!

>> No.10913711

translate it spurdos

>> No.10913729 [DELETED] 

first panel:
fugg :DDD byaguren got a cool cape :D

second panel:
i got a cape too now :--DDDD

third panel:

fourth panel:
figg :DD

>> No.10913759


>> No.10913803

Finland is not western, idiot.

>> No.10913826


>> No.10913835
File: 150 KB, 574x960, 1339429228563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10913858

Why are you using American bear speak? That comic is Finnish not American.

>> No.10913871

You don't know much spurdo.

>> No.10913955

He looks so proud. There's such a strong sense of purpose in his eyes.

>> No.10914152

You know it doesn't work like that.

>> No.10914171

Good grief that person is ugly.

>> No.10914372

What does JONNE mean?

>> No.10914453

It's the finnish term for "prepubescent human being who has recently made their first contact with the internet counter-culture". It's rather difficult to find an english equivalent so I let it stay rather than making a clusterfuck of a translation.

>> No.10914485

I think underage B& should fit the description.

>> No.10914524

If you're a self-centered american who isn't aware the rest of the world exists. I don't localize my translations.

>> No.10914533

I am sorry, did I disrespect your epic finnish internet meme-culture?

>> No.10914543

I only know finnish. That doesn't mean I am or wish to be one. I'm not a finnaboo.

>> No.10914550
File: 5 KB, 201x182, 1365923115637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sure.
Have fun sucking your precious Helsinkian dicks.

>> No.10914560

Projecting so hard we can see it on the moon.

>> No.10914562

The only thing I project is my dick on your mom's vagina.

>> No.10914572

I was about to tell you to go fuck yourself but sounds like you're already doing it.

>> No.10914582

Don't make me bump the thread and show everyone how you got burned.

>> No.10914588

You're not bumping this thread because you're the assdevastated one here. I'm calling your shitty bluff and let everyone see how much of a failure you are.

>> No.10914590

It is, mongrel.

>> No.10914591

wow you people are fucking sad

>> No.10914592
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holy shit this fag >>10914582 got ownd hard

>> No.10914601
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>> No.10914603
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>> No.10914605

Your samefagging is pretty sad.

>> No.10914610


>> No.10914612

holt shit

>> No.10914618

Geographically it's not, you uncivilized yankee.

>> No.10914633

Culturally it is, you putred eskimo.

>> No.10914644

Learn politics.

>> No.10914645

Fine. To a some degree. But claiming that it is entirely western is high grade bullshit.

>> No.10914654

Bullshit, everyone knows Finns are no different from mongols.

>> No.10914666

Linguistically it isn't and culturally strongly russian affected.

Is Russia western?

>> No.10914682

It has strong Greek influence besides that not really.

>> No.10914684

Finland is politically as western as a country can be. I wish they'd hurry with the compulsory female conscription.

>> No.10914695

It's going the opposite, potato head.

>> No.10914711
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>> No.10914707

You'd have to be clinically retarded to wish for that.

>> No.10914726

I'm just saying how the things are, fascist chauvinist pig.

>> No.10914732
File: 1.26 MB, 764x1228, fcef77f1d2b82fffd4933a66cf6ae412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10914741

There's no chauvinism in empowering young women and teaching them realism. The voluntary option has already proven to be very functional.

>> No.10914758
File: 1009 KB, 893x1218, 34689351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10914767
File: 375 KB, 896x716, ab353f76985416b181fec7566630a4c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they play at Alice wedding

>> No.10914768

setz pls

>> No.10914776

You probably don't know meaning of chauvinism besides 60s feminism.

Anyway. I hate armies. They teach you their truth and turn you into their thralls. Fascist sympathizers like you are the ones who are completely retarded. Always trying to manipulate people's view on things... Are you getting a boner yet mr.superführer?

>> No.10914779

Before shitstorm issues, that was an April joke.

>> No.10914783

Actuelly, the joke was that it was a joke.

>> No.10914784

we know

>> No.10914785

Shitstorm? More like fuck yes. Shame.

>> No.10914786

Have you ever seen a map, milord?

>> No.10914794
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>> No.10914795 [DELETED] 

Oh god please don't tell me I'm gonna get banned because of my "translation".

>> No.10914797
File: 94 KB, 593x792, 1337216706167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finland is part of a "western" clade of countries, the "nordic fuckers" similar to sweden. This clade of countries runs the Love Boat as part of their cruise ship thing, and lots and lots of ursine caviar and little vampire kids and hanging serial killer victims upside down in the woods over buckets. Also tabloid newspapers that employ teenage lesbian hackers.

>> No.10914799

You're fucked, dude.

>> No.10914800

stay safe

>> No.10914806


Owned hard.

That's what you get for trying to be funny on a website known for its humorous posts!

>> No.10914800,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10914802

See you later retard

>> No.10914804


>> No.10914805

i don't get it

>> No.10914814

Now this is fascism.

>> No.10914820

Janitor is kind of insensitive for deleting Finnish jokes in response to a request for the translation of a Finnish meta-joke.

>> No.10914824

Give her the dick

And then Yukari gives her a sausage

>> No.10914827

thread's about some twit on deviant art, isn't it?

>> No.10914832

Did you know that, apparently, Snacks is back?

>> No.10914833

Sanae's a slut ultra original joke

>> No.10914836

Janitor is just working down the report queue in a robotic manner, as he's been instructed to do. Relax, man, it's not like it doesn't all stick around in multiple archives anyway.

>> No.10914841
File: 144 KB, 850x637, sample-01f6397c1d7d24de587a8054913408a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10914842

Yes, certainly. Why do you ask?

>> No.10914846

Oh and there's one of the little vampire kids

>> No.10914852

>Draw Flandre just for the hell of it

I don't like SDM fags neither but come on, you can't attack everyone who posts a vampire once in a while.

>> No.10914857

wait, what? I wasn't

>> No.10914866

Have you ever read a book?

>> No.10914876

Ok. Quit trying to insult my intelligence. It's vain attempt from you.

>> No.10914887

what instrument do chen play

what instrument do cirno play

what instrument do suwako play

what instrument do tewi play

>> No.10914895

suwako plays the skinflute

>> No.10914898

Seen them all play the Eroge Grade School Flute/Recorder in various art

but I think that's just because it's supposed to be a symbol for cocks.

>> No.10914940

If Japan has democracy does it mean Japan is western too?

>> No.10914967


>> No.10915215

So Finland is a synarchy, like red China or franco spain?

>> No.10915262

I'd fap to it.

>> No.10915297


>> No.10915349

Oh good. Those kinds of countries are a little bit scary. I mean, maybe not North Korea scary, but still scary, I think.

>> No.10915360

Finland is actually just a puppet nation controlled by Swedish jews.

>> No.10915378

You mean Russian jews.

>> No.10915436

I actually really enjoy the art style.

>> No.10915509

No Swedish. They've been fucking with Finland since the ages. They are fucking it with even now and even think Finland belongs to them. Every Swedish half breed born in Finland is wealthier and has better relations in business than a native, because every corporation is run by some Strom. Russians are the ones that get the shittiest jobs if they are let in country at all.
Swedish jews seek to destroy Finland from within and turn it into a kebab land like their own, meanwhile their most high ranking jews get easy luxurious life for themselves.

>> No.10915557

If the truFINNS abandoned their non-communicative culture of brutishness and started reading, things would fix themselves in a generation or two. They've been fucking with themselves since the ages.

>> No.10915571
File: 25 KB, 294x194, snowniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10915667

Why Finland owns the Åland islands then?

And you're wrong about the russians, they're tolerated quite well because they are cheap work force and they mostly fight with other russians on their free time.

>> No.10916180
File: 122 KB, 704x245, prs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10916210


Finnish worries seem hilarious from a Britfags point of view. I never even think of Scandinavia, you don't really hear of them much.

>> No.10916222

Finnish people are better than Swedish. It's just the Jews who won't let in anyone and they got strong hold in the land since they introduced the herald of Judaism, Christianity in the land. They got people in high places and will not give them up to anyone outside their own Jewish ring.

>> No.10916261

The guy is playing a caricature and possibly thinking that he's funny.
