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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10909443 No.10909443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I make games!

>> No.10909453
File: 303 KB, 733x700, 10817141_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clean up lose some weight hit the bar and try your best bro

>> No.10909461

With luck!

>> No.10909462

Suck dick and lots of it!

>> No.10909558

Dedication and hard work.
It'd be best if you know the basics of programming first.

>> No.10909767

Download GameMaker Studio Pro.
I'm using 1.1.785 version
then pirate these books: Game Maker Apprentice and Game maker Companion
don't forget to grab the cds with the examples too.
Gamemaker is the best option because every problem can easily be solved with google since the tool is popular

>> No.10909781

>Game maker

>> No.10909799

Why, it gets shit done. If you can finish some games with gamemaker you will start finding its limitations, but it's enough for a starter. Also he will learn scripting and other stuff, that will help him if he wants to move to more complex stuff.

>> No.10909841

>doesn't know shit about making games
>complains about game maker

And yet again here we have a gamedev of the "never actually finishes any game" species.
in it's natural habitat, the imageboard, asking about how to make game.

>> No.10909842

sing a love song

>> No.10909847

Say what you want, it's great for learning purposes. You'll learn the basic architecture of a game, as well as some basic coding practices.

>> No.10909859

Javascript + canvas

>> No.10909854

Throw money at other people to make the game for you than put your name on it.

>> No.10909862

you dont
if you really wanted then you would have researched it yourself

there are so many skills required to make a decent game that you will give up before you even start

>> No.10909881
File: 170 KB, 863x354, 1363227103773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10909883

Isn't canvas 4chan's imouto? How will she make games!

>> No.10909886

I am not OP.

>> No.10909890

Good job ignoring the people making valid arguments.

>> No.10909892

>You'll learn the basic architecture of a game, as well as some basic coding practices.
No you will not.

OP, learn simple languages like Java, C# or Javascript.
Make a simple game.

Then move to C++.

>> No.10909895


>> No.10909899

>there are so many skills required to make a decent game
Not really.

>> No.10909905

Programmer art and free domain music doesn't really pass as ``decent''.

>> No.10909903

Then why the fuck are you asking for tips?!

I'm not even that anon but, geez..

>> No.10909908

Not that guy, but I pretty much learned how to program from Game Maker (back when it was freeware by Mark Overmars). I'd say it's a darn good learning tool. The scripting language is very C-like, and it's a good way to show someone how stuff works in a fun, visible way. Of course, it's not going to teach you how to blit surfaces or write a proper game loop or anything like that, but it's a good starting point for beginners.

>> No.10909909


Plus there's music that's free to use besides classical music.

>> No.10909910

>2d game
>being able to program
>being able to design and draw 2D sprites
>being able to design levels
>being able to make pleasant music

>3D game
>being able to design characters
>being able to make 3D models that dont suck
>being able to program a 3D game

>> No.10909913

You are right, Java is quite complicated and so C#.

But the alternatives (Javascript, Python) are much worse (not in the complex way).

>> No.10909915

Too much green. It's hard to read when you do that.

>> No.10909919

>>being able to program
>>being able to design levels
These are pretty basic (for a programmer), the rest you can just steal.

>> No.10909922

It doesn't feel right to take someone's work and use it in your own game. This is the way I feel.

>> No.10909920

I just tried to read SICP and now my head hurts. One of the first exercises was to define a procedure that takes three numbers and outputs the sum of the squares of the two largest numbers. Even when I looked up the solution, it confused me. Some of the solutions actually used techniques that I don't think had been introduced yet.

This reminds me of that one question in K&R where you pretty much have to use some sort of conditional expression before they're introduced. I think I saw one solution that managed it in a roundabout way, but at the time it made my brain explode.

>> No.10909925

>I just tried to read SICP and now my head hurts
MIT students.

>> No.10909923

programing a game, especially a 3D game is WAY harder thank you think. also you cant steal backgrounds, sprites or 3d models and textures unless you want your game to look generic and have no control over the visuals

>> No.10909926

I am studying comp sci and the math and programing is making my head hurt too. I will drop out this semester and become a NEET.

>> No.10909931

>No you will not.
Beautiful counter-argument, keep 'em coming.

>> No.10909932

It's just logic. Keep trying anon. I'm not sure how it feels since I was taught some coding at the school with that Logo program for kids, so that helped to learn when I was older

>> No.10909935

Well, there are some people who don't care about anything except the core gameplay. I used to know one of those types in real life. No matter how terrible the graphics or ear-grating the music, if the mechanics were enjoyable, that was to his liking.

I put a great emphasis on aesthetics, so that stuff wouldn't be okay with me. But I am aware at all times that others do not see it as I do.

>> No.10909936

But the book says it's not just for them! It even lured me in with stories about wizards and spells...

Maybe we're looking at it wrong. I mean, no matter how complex something is, it's made up of simpler parts, right? Perhaps we're over-thinking some aspects of it, or we need to choose which parts to ignore.

>> No.10909939

>No matter how terrible the graphics or ear-grating the music, if the mechanics were enjoyable, that was to his liking.
I'm trying to think of a game that fits that description and I can't.

>> No.10909947

It was mostly a bunch of western freeware and doujin games.

>> No.10909958

And what was your argument, some shitty personal opinion?

>> No.10909961

Dwarf Fortress?

>> No.10909972

>But the book says it's not just for them!
The book is right. For MIT students, it was just another course book among many others. A typical IQ 100 fellow will need time and patience.

>> No.10909969

Programming is really hard. Just use RPG Maker.

>> No.10909979

I like how Dwarf Fortress looks.

>> No.10909981

dork fortress

like, object oriented and cross platformer

>> No.10909984

>And what was your argument, some shitty personal opinion?
>>You'll learn the basic architecture of a game, as well as some basic coding practices.
Please point out the opinion in my statement.

>> No.10909997
File: 38 KB, 396x374, tortue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logo is fun. I liked moving the turtles around.

Here's a neat thing:

to zomg :angle
repeat 4 [ fd 30 rt :angle fd 10 rt :angle fd 20 lt :angle fd 10 lt :angle fd 20 rt :angle]

Enter this in a Logo interpreter. Here's an online one:

Then do

zomg 90

followed by

zomg 120

shit brix

>> No.10910016

>>You'll learn the basic architecture of a game, as well as some basic coding practices.

And it's wrong since you will not learn what is a game loop and so threads.
Also I'm pretty sure you will not learn what pointers, classes, etc are with game maker.

>> No.10910033

The people discrediting game maker, rpg maker and similar tools are purists who are bitter over the fact it's much easier for people to make games these days while they had to grind through programming lessons.

>> No.10910049

/jp/ took programming lessons?

>> No.10910052


>> No.10910053

But you will learn how to draw primitives, how to move primitives on the screen, how to handle event queues, how to handle input, how to use conditionals, etc.

It's basically just like using SDL once you get all the SDL_Surface *screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(... boilerplate crap out the way.

>> No.10910089

Some of us actually work as programmers.

>> No.10910097

But learning programming was really fun!

It's not that I begrudge people for being able to make games without the same degree of work, but that they're missing out on a great experience by just skipping over it.

>> No.10910102

I thought everyone on /jp/ was a cute NEET?

>> No.10910103

>learning programing

only if you are autistic or a masochist

>> No.10910107

They're good programs, they're just very limited. I've seen people do great things in them, but it's a pity how much they're restricting at times.

It reminds me of people making Super Mario World hacks. There are thousands of them by now, and it gets to the point where you're so restrained by the engine that it gets repetitive. Occasionally some ASM programmer will create a new boss that everyone uses (a Thwomp that moves back and forth, how inventive!) but you're still confined by things you can't help, either because you're not a wizard who knows what the programmers were thinking, or because of the technical limitations of the system. In fact a lot of SMW ROM hacks don't work on a real SNES, because they take advantage of emulator features and glitches.
Now if all these people had a completely open canvas where they can do anything, and they weren't constrained by the number of map16 tiles or sprite limits or what music formats they can use, then maybe they'd make something a lot more interesting. Not that teenagers with Lunar Magic and some "great ideas" are particularly creative, but I'm sure there are people who wish they could do more than with the tools they have.

>> No.10910109

Programmers who are bitter over the fact their degree didn't earn them their dream-job developing games and instead stuck them in a cubicle being a code monkey. When they see these threads and game maker and such being mentioned, it's like a reminder of their personal failures. They want every single person with a dream to go through the same hell they did. It's the only way they can feel better about themselves.

>> No.10910112

Gosh darn anon, are you one of those bitter programmers?

>> No.10910116

I wonder how they feel knowing untalented hacks like team meat make a ton of money with half their talent, knowledge and even less creativity.

>> No.10910120

I unironically agree with your hypothetical bitter programmer because it serves as a barrier to entry. 99% of Game Maker games are garbage made by children and idiots.
If Chris Sawyer had written RollerCoaster Tycoon in BASIC as a stupid teenager instead of in x86 assembly as qualified adult, it would have been nowhere near as awesome.

It's like if there was some forum you had to pay to post on. All the posts would be super high quality, right?

>> No.10910126

Thanks to family connections, I might be getting off my NEET ass to work on smartphone games sometime in the near future.

It feels like selling my soul to the devil, but it can't be that much worse than suicide, so I guess I'll just roll with it. I guess the first step would be getting a smartphone.

>> No.10910131

I'm not even a programmer so I'm probably not qualified enough to have this opinion, but I definitely feel bitter towards a lot of developers like this, particularly Web developers. You think you're so smart because you made a game in JavaScript and it topped the App Store sales charts, huh? Well, like, you're dumb, compared to some people. So fuck you.

>> No.10910133

hahaahahaha, I-I'm literally crying, It felt so nostalgic to move the turtle with fd, rt and lt. And it actually has the triangle turtle that I used instead of the turtle looking turtle kids use these days.

Thank you. You made a wizard very very happy today.

>> No.10910134

Exactly. The reason imageboards are so shitty compared to normal forums is because making an account and building a reputation takes so much more effort that simply clicking "quick reply"

if only /jp/ was a more standard forum

>> No.10910136

What le fuck o_O

>> No.10910138

We're all anonymous cowards here.

I mean, if you had something worth saying and you were experienced enough to say it, why wouldn't you post with your real name?

>> No.10910140

Anonymity opens up more free discussion.

>> No.10910147

Everybody working on these teams knows they're far and away dumber than an MIT computer science professor. They just happen to not care because they're rich.

People who are employed really don't give that much of a shit about the marketplace not being a meritocracy because everybody is used to it already.

>> No.10910150


>> No.10910152

I worked as a programmer, but since I didn't bother in study the newer technologies and trends no one hires me. Also I made 0 friends in the industry.
I have been a NEET since 2011

>> No.10910153

A person who actually feels interest towards programming most likely starts when he's around twelve. Later on, CS or some similar path of education will come naturally to him and he'll breeze through it with ease.

>> No.10910156

Download one of the rpg makers. Go to a community like http://rpgmaker.net/ or http://www.charas-project.net/forum/ and post and learn from the other people.

>> No.10910159

I wrote an ANSI C compiler when I was 12.

>> No.10910161

What if I am 19 and don't really have an interest in programming and failed all my programming classes in high school but still want to learn it to make games?

>> No.10910166


>> No.10910169

Damn are you mocking me??? WHAT THE HELL MAN!!!!!!!!

Okay I will download the Makers.

>> No.10910167

Then it's probably more useful to rekindle interest in programming than "learning to do it properly." Go with Game Maker or RPG Maker. If it turns out that you actually enjoy doing this shit you can start over and learn to do things the right way.

>> No.10910172

Damn are you mocking me??? WHAT THE HELL MAN!!!!!!!!

>> No.10910170

read sicp

>> No.10910171

>do things the right way.

"there is no right way to program, only programs"
- some guy

>> No.10910179

You can be as funny as you'd like, but most of the good performers I met during my CS adventure had started young. They sometimes stuffed demo effects in their course projects because why not.

>> No.10910180

You are too young for this place.

>> No.10910185
File: 54 KB, 645x773, 1358656852549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>learning Fourier transforms
>>always read "Fourier" as "Fournier"
>>get aroused and jack off to milk


>> No.10910188 [DELETED] 

please do not misuse the linking function

>> No.10910190

Trust Me I know a lot about the Internet and Life.

>> No.10910196

Do you know so much that you don't want to know more?

>> No.10910199
File: 142 KB, 1087x622, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These books are pretty good too. Gamemaker is easier to get into because if you get stuck, you can just google for the solution.

>> No.10910207

Same. I went to an English university in the late 2000s, so a lot of the teachers and researchers I met were people who grew up learning BASIC in the British home computer boom of the 70s and 80s. I guess that would have been a neat little scene to be part of. Teenagers wrote games and sold them to magazines and stuff.

>> No.10910203

Just use xna or something, entry barrier for gamedev is almost inexistant, even 12 year olds can make simple platformers in game maker and the like.

>> No.10910211

Here's my Process

1 Just start the Day by opening a Browser, pre-Installed with /jp/ Board.

2 Just become instant Bored, CLOSE Browser.

3 After the Seconds Pass, OPEN Browser.

4 Just Close Again.

Years Pass.
I Live. I Am Life.

>> No.10910217

thats pretty deep dude

>> No.10910219

I don't like those bullet points they're trying to sell me on. Am I really going to learn how to "create engaging storylines with believable characters" from a Game Maker tutorial book? Do I even want that from a Game Maker tutorial book?

>> No.10910225

I like the old versions of Gamemaker better. Studio seems stupid as fuck. GM6 is pretty good.

I'd say studio is better if GML wasn't still the same shitty broken language as it was pre-studio, but it is, plus some functions are deprecated and can't be used. Pieces of fuck.

>> No.10910226

The book is aimed at people of all levels, possibly including retards who may never have even played a game before. If you're not one of them, skip over the parts you already know.

>> No.10910224

Fuck off, Mentifex.

>> No.10910235

Well my friend, you'll need a way to print all that writing within the game first. Otherwise you'll have nothing at all!

It seems like it all comes naturally, though. It's the easiest part. Programming doesn't work that way. You have to learn!

>> No.10910251
File: 65 KB, 553x553, 131397416838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game Maker 8 is the best version. Studio is designed for cross platform developement and they took some things out plus they keep updating it which can break your games.

>> No.10910248

I'm 19 too and I learned programming last year.

>> No.10910249

Do it tomorrow.

>> No.10910250

...and this is something le 4chan will never acknowledge. Formal education, and especially CS, is always full of iPad-fingering faggot kikes who can barely type "public static" even with the help of their plastic-framed glasses.

>> No.10910265

>programming jobs
Good one!

>> No.10910267
File: 293 KB, 700x849, 1273150488542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read SICP.

>> No.10910270

no really, check it out

>> No.10910273

CS wasn't so bad, but unfortunately my course had some overlapping modules with the game development courses. Those guys shouted memes, wore fedoras, and slept with girls. There were a few annoying people in CS, but they were your traditional nerds: autistic and unfashionable.

>> No.10910277

Ah, those are just two chapters you can ignore since it's about the Hero's Journey.

I always had problems with the compilation in 8 and I had to restart the program so I could keep testing my game and that stopped with GMS, that's why I prefer the last one.

>> No.10910281
File: 1.06 MB, 1440x900, Screenshot (165).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

download cryengine

>> No.10910298

>basic architecture
>basic coding practices

>> No.10910301

Don't do this, cryengine is retarded and requires you to log in just to build your game.

>> No.10910310

Always Online development! It's the way of the future. Adapt or die, old man.

>> No.10910325

>Ah, those are just two chapters you can ignore since it's about the Hero's Journey.

Hey neat I read that one book already.

Are there any games that fit it to a T? Sort of like how Star Wars does.

I like it when simple things (e.g. for children) follow guidelines like these and follow them well. Batman: The Animated Series taught me more about the three-act structure than any textbook ever could.

>> No.10910339

>Are there any games that fit it to a T?

>> No.10910353

Are there any neets that want to learn programming together?
We could motivate each other and stuff

>> No.10910355

This idea gets suggested about twice a year and the groups die after a week.

Go to #jp-prog (?) on Rizon and see if they're still working on the shmup engine.

>> No.10910365

Well I mean we could just start out by learning a common language instead of tackling a project and getting frustrated.
We could share exercises and bits of code without being obliged to work on something

>> No.10910366

That's what they did. Now they're all programming experts writing an STG engine.

>> No.10910375


>> No.10910380


>> No.10910385

>Now they're all programming experts
A big one. A great one.

>> No.10910386

You need to be motivated to do it on your own

>> No.10910389
File: 1.40 MB, 1024x1024, fake stutter fag wants a nose job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fake stutter, a nose job and frilly clothes won't be enough to distract people from your balding.

>> No.10910399

Who's that supposed to be. His nose looks fine

>> No.10910400

Make up in your mind a prototype of a game that IS FUN ~4 months

Try to make internet friends with people who are not total retards and who would also like to make a game, once you have 2 or 3 of them you are good ~6 years

Spend an evening with them brainstorming in a chat around your original prototype so you can make together a good idea of what the game will be, this also helps everyone feeling pleased working in it ~1 evening

CODE IT! (no art) ~6 months if no one leaves / +1 year if others give up

Slap art on that cold skeleton of a game ~4 months|| 3,5 to make the art and 15 days to fit it

Another month of coding and fixing shit

It's fun?
-----------NO -> Go back to step 3, step 2 if too much people left.

----------YES-> Put it on the web for free so ungrateful anonymous fucks insult your hard work.
The coding language is the least of your problems, believe me.

>> No.10910407

The fake-stuttering faggot trying to act cute on /jp/ over the past 3 months.

>> No.10910408

But I just procrastinate all day like

If we could remind each other about it everyday and show our progress then we could motivate each other a bit

>> No.10910428

Or you can take the alternative route and put it on Github and keep working on it, people will help you out if they think it's an active and good project.

>> No.10910437

I want to know how you came to this conclusion. Did you just ignore the dozens, if not hundreds, of people fake stuttering independently of each other over the past five years?

I really hope you're a crazy person and not a troll.

>> No.10910454
File: 152 KB, 500x500, kickstarter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what kickstarter is for! I can't wait for Kickstarter to go truly international and become a sca- I mean game developer.

>> No.10910468

There's only been one person consistently doing it. Fake stuttering hasn't been en vogue since february last year, after which it was almost never used in /jp/. Then, around December, it started being used again by a new poster who is way behind fashion. That same person, after somehow thinking /jp/ likes him despite how obnoxious he is, finally decided to drop the mask and blog about his life and posted those pictures.

>> No.10910476

Are you the person who was making a raising sim with a flower shop and pharmacy in XNA?

>> No.10910495

I did it once and you wrongly called me out on it.

>> No.10910500


>> No.10910509

I'm still offering help if you need it. I think we decided on an 80/20 split in your favour?

>> No.10910533

I switched to gamemaker because I realized I'm stupid. Also in the last months I tried to make a tower defense game, a puppet theater game and a oregon trail clone. I'm just a hax, my family always say I talk to much and do nothing and sadly is true.

However I have been playing this indie gme "Papers please" and I think something like that would be lots of fun. But with anime. An anime maker simulator.

>> No.10910583

Can I help with that? Maybe you will finish something if you have me to motivate you.

>> No.10910587


How about Dwarf Fortress?

>> No.10910621


I'm not a code monkey and actually work with game development.

And guess what, I don't use Game Maker and neither envy people who use it.

>99% of Game Maker games are garbage made by children and idiots

True that. The other people in the college I study on use Game Maker and their works are far from being at least decent.

The same applies to RPG Maker games. There a few really nice games made with RPG Maker, but they are sparse exceptions rather than the rule.

>> No.10910629

That happens due to the accessibility those tools provide, meaning even 12-year-olds with no clue can somehow get a game done.

>> No.10910634

Alright! How developers communicate? I don't know

>> No.10910640

Most RPG Maker games are shit, but most people's first games written in any language are shit. You make a shit game and then you make a not-so-shit game and a year later maybe you've made a game that somebody would want to play.

>> No.10910648

Do you have an instant message program? We could use email if not.

>> No.10910654


I had a friend (which is an engineer, so it fits him perfectly) that he always said "I don't need to know how to make X, all I need is to know someone that knows how to make X".

If you can't work as a programmer, you can have someone else to do the programming for you, as long as you meet the requirements (which often are paying the programmer).

Although, the more you can do yourself, the better. Sometimes working in a team is not that good because the others are not finishing their shares of work soon enough and your productivity plummets because you need to wait those lazy artists are taking too long to make the art and those lazy designers are taking too long to come up with the fine details of the gameplay design.

TL;DR Be like ZUN and you will be good.

>> No.10910656

Steam and skype are the only ones I have.

>> No.10910667

I have steam too.

>> No.10910687 [DELETED] 

Add me in steam, my english is terrible though. I'm the one with a picard avatar the other one is an account I used when I tried to hoard coal.

>> No.10910710

I'm not at my computer right now so I will do it later if that's okay.

>> No.10910722

okay, no problem.

>> No.10910726

Why should they add LendoKhar on Steam?

>> No.10910736

Ahhh My privacy. Please, stop, I have never been bullied.

>> No.10910758

Please consider who you associate yourself with. I see at least one obnoxious tryhard in your friends list.

>> No.10910761

Nevermind. I checked what groups you belong to and it's obvious you are beyond salvation.

>> No.10910787

O-okay. I guess I'm going back to play videogames.

>> No.10910787,1 [INTERNAL] 

practice practice practice

Programming's not hard, but no matter what, it's going to take a lot of time.

Is C++ really that scary? I learned myself, but admittedly it is very similar to Java, and I took a class of that in high school.

C looks a lot scarier, with its heap memory management (malloc and free). With C++ you don't really have to worry about it - STL containers handle that shit automatically.

>> No.10911511

Ignore programming. I'm an expert programmer with almost two contributions to the Firefox codebase and I still can't make a game. I've tried, it's just so.... lame. I even managed to make tic-tac-toe more boring than when your seven year old male cousin makes you play thirty times in a row.

Learn actual game design, then pawn the coding off on some loser.

>> No.10911548

Why should I use interfaces and singleton?

>> No.10911561


who are you quoting?

>> No.10911570

>the coding off on some loser.
If you want it to be good do it yourself.

>> No.10911625

Jesus christ don't listen to this man, he's a fuckin' idiot.

Programming is one of the most vital skills you can learn if you want to make games. Artists and 'idea guys' are easy to come by if you end up sucking at making art, but programming is rare to find, especially for free.

Go start out with Game Maker, that teaches you the basic logic and concepts of programming through a fairly easy to understand interface. If you want, you can dig deeper and write actual code too.

Otherwise, go create mods for popular engines like Unreal or Source. They're fucking hard to use (especially source because of its age) but if you want to make something without writing your own engine and everything, they're good to start with.

>> No.10911633
File: 23 KB, 600x600, 33469132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun to make systems and things

>> No.10911636

Interfaces are more useful for the programmer than actual coding. They allow you to quickly write the specifications for classes, then fill them in later. It also makes it easier to make extensions and additions to said interface without having to copy and paste/rewrite code (which as your program grows, becomes more and more of a pain) and adds an additional layer of abstraction.

Singleton is when you really don't need more than one instance of an object. For example if you're using say, a Player object and you have linked to it a Movement object, you only need one instance of the Movement object ever.

>> No.10911649

If you're having problems with that exercise, please drop out and go to an arts school.

>> No.10911663

Back to prague, please.

You just said "hey guys i fucking hate politics can i be president"

>> No.10911685

> almost two contributions to the Firefox codebase
Is that supposed to be impressive?

>> No.10911687

Or just use C, because OOP is shit for fags.

>> No.10911736
File: 5 KB, 266x189, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't programmers just come together and programme a not shite language instead of having 40,000 of them?

>> No.10911750

You can still write OOP code in C, and in fact a lot of common game engines utilize aspects of OOP. Such as Unreal for example.

>> No.10911751

Ok, what about structs?

Why is XNA's rectangle a struct if its value is changing every time?

>> No.10911758

Because you need two points to make a rectangle.

You need to brush up on your vector calculus.

>> No.10911768

>coming together

>> No.10911771

I mean, why it is not a class.

>> No.10911773

Almost all languages are derived from C, so just use C.

>> No.10911785

I don't know Microsoft's motivations. Greatly simplify shit, absolutely no need to have member functions, a rectangle as a structure uses, like, 10 bytes, whereas a class could use 10 trillion bytes, having all that extra info that's just going to be stripped and passed to DirectX anyway is wasteful, it would be annoying to make uniform .NET style getters and setters for a million tiny segments of code.... There are numerous reasons to not use a class instead of a structure.

>> No.10911798

So, is making a bullet a struct better?

>> No.10911809

Structs are allocated on the stack rather than the heap. If you don't know what that means it would be valuable to go read up on it.

>> No.10911812

If you have lots of them, maybe. Then again, maybe not. XNA is designed to work on the Xbox and Windows Phone, which have limited resources. If you don't plan on running your stuff on something like a phone, or a i386 with 64MB of RAM, then it doesn't really matter until you are putting a few thousand of them on the screen at once. And even if you are, if you have lots of functions to modify it, it will be a waste of your time, and will make for some ugly as fuck C#.

Even in XNA (.NET)?

>> No.10911839

Why don't you try doing flips in the air before you can even walk?

>> No.10911856

In C#. Apparently XNA also supports Visual Basic .NET but I assume nobody's talking avout that.

>> No.10911869

>Even in XNA (.NET)?
What does the platform have to do with the memory allocation?

>> No.10911871

Not if it's in an array, which is where it will be used 99% of the time.

>> No.10911875

Is writing the full path better performance wise than writing 'using' statements?

>> No.10911881

It compiles to MSIL (which is a stack machine internally, if I recall correctly) (usually), so how it works is up to the VM implementation. Also, it is managed code, so how .NET decides to manage it might be pretty important.

>> No.10911909

pls respond

>> No.10911914

I don't know.

>> No.10911928

I've been switching a lot from engines, librairies or even REAL (purist) programming, but I've noticed one thing : It doesn't matter how good you are, the problem when making a game is mainly graphisms, even more when you try to make a 2D game.

Event though I've got lots of ideas and tools I made myself to supposely help me, since I can't draw shit I just wonder what's the fucking point.

Make them yourself? I SUCK at drawing, seriously.
Ask some artist in a community like deviantart? I don't know why, but artists tends to became extremely arrogant when you ask them something, also trying to find one for hobbyist gaming is near impossible.

>> No.10911942

Steal or use placeholder art to make your prototype game. Once you have that to show people you can try recruiting artists.

>> No.10911954

It's part of the common language spec.

>> No.10911968


who are you quoting?

>> No.10911973
File: 305 KB, 1600x900, text adventures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Event though I've got lots of ideas and tools I made myself to supposely help me, since I can't draw shit I just wonder what's the fucking point.

Looks like it's text adventure time.

Like VNs, only you don't have to draw.

>> No.10912263

I'll show you a game!
*whips out dick*

>> No.10912263,1 [INTERNAL] 

janitor a bully
