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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.10860741

Not too bad.

>> No.10860789
File: 321 KB, 637x295, proper drawing posture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when a little kid does it, those dances still seem like "acting like a little kid"

They're so...

Quality loli tho. 8/10

>> No.10860823

Why do these songs make me want to have a daughter and make my life worthy? I would feel motivated to work my ass off and kill anybody who threatens my children, much like a Big Daddy

>> No.10860845

Because there is no desire greater in that of men to have a loving daughter whom to hug, to bathe, to take to school, to grow happy together with.

>> No.10860859

Having a daughter has always been the thing that I felt would finally push me to be an adult. I would finally have something and someone to devote my life to. But chances are it will never ever happen no matter how much I want it.

>> No.10860866

what kind of fag doesn't want a son to carry on his name and lineage?

>> No.10860878

She's keeping her maiden name, fuck the husband. He's not getting her cheap. Or at all if I could have my way.

>> No.10860894

Why wouldn't you want your daughter to be married off? What are you going to do with a 35 year old hag daughter?

>> No.10860917

I do want to have both, man. I want to make them good persons, polymaths able to manage well in both arts, sciences and warfare. But recently I came to the conclusion that having a daughter is much HHHNNGHH inspiring. My aunt gave birth to a daughter 5 months ago. My uncle who is a stern man, kinda obnoxious and strict to his employees just became a lot more relaxed, kind and happy thanks to my new cousin.

>> No.10860921

I have a really silly sounding last name.

>> No.10860929

Salz, Hernandez, Mason, Aso?

>> No.10860959

How does one determine the quality of a loli?

>> No.10860961


>> No.10860974

Eye size, pupil size, symmetry of face, cheeks size, phrenology, stamina, behavior, cheerfulness, Cooper's test and psichomotor learning test

>> No.10860987

Is this a thread to post videos of little girls? Here's my contribution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5I8yJtUvCU

Six year old little girl from the UK rides on her father's motorcycle.

>> No.10861037

There's also the lewdness vs innocence ratio to consider

>> No.10861047

such a disgusting accent

>> No.10861086
File: 19 KB, 448x293, mana3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a thread to introduce and discuss actress and singer Ashida Mana.

>> No.10861132

What are some defining roles she's done and why isn't she a shit?

>> No.10861212

Usagi Drop, and a buncha others.
Not a shit due to mega cute in above PVs. And is pretty, and can sing.

>> No.10861312


Are you me?

>> No.10861406
File: 55 KB, 704x396, [refrain] [2010.12.23] Himitsu no Arashi-chan #113 VIP Room Ashida Mana (Part Only).avi_snapshot_18.19_[2013.05.09_15.28.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10862436
File: 51 KB, 600x480, mana6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10862453
File: 220 KB, 1058x810, 1366409426550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arent these girls cute

>> No.10862452

the only thing i could think of is my dick in her puffy vulva

>> No.10862456

I've seen cuter.

>> No.10862463

They're HeartMelting.

>> No.10862459

pop music a shit

>> No.10862468

they dont look very asian

>> No.10862469

my niece on the left

>> No.10862473

oniichan, my schoolbag smells like semen

>> No.10862551

too bad she isnt as cute as the girl on the right

>> No.10864056

I don't think a little girl would know what semen smells like.

>> No.10864409

would u let your little girl dance like this?

>> No.10864468

No, only like this.


>> No.10864474

If she were my sister, she would.

>> No.10864574

How and why?

>> No.10864588

Well, if she were open and willing, we'd have sex, obviously. If not, then I'd have to find more sneaky ways, like covering her eyes for a game, or putting it in her food.

>> No.10864594

>covering her eyes for a game

Why does this turn me on

>> No.10864602

In case I wasn't clear, I meant doing something like, "hey, I'll spoonfeed you some liquids, and you'll have to guess what they are just from the taste". Most would be actual food/juice, but one would be my cum.

>> No.10864605

Yes, that's what I was imagining. You could also hand her an onahole and tell her to hold it still, and then masturbate with it while she just held it there blindfolded.

>> No.10864607

That would be fun too, but just too risky. It's almost guaranteed she would look.

>> No.10864616

Just fasten the blindfold tighter, and also be somewhere dark so in the chance that she does look, she'll see mostly darkness.

I'm sure she'd be curious about any smells though, and also the slurping noise of whatever she's holding.

>> No.10864623 [DELETED] 

I just wish I could openly and amorously play and have sex with kids. I don't even care if girls or boys anymore. I want to huge them, and kiss them, and fuck them...

>> No.10864629

Hugging is alright, kissing is sometimes alright, but fugging them is a huge mistake.

>> No.10864707

that is creepy as fuck. u watch little girls dance

>> No.10864713

They're cute.

>> No.10864964

The one on the right is by far the cutest

>> No.10864966

Is it bad if I found >>10864468 arousing but didn't find >>10864409 arousing?

>> No.10866511


>> No.10866563

I read somewhere that Japanese people think Mana acts to old and bitchy for her age, is this true? She seems cute but I can't be a fan if she doesn't have a naive personality.

>> No.10866570

She seems like a kid who isn't a retard anyway.

>> No.10866807
File: 39 KB, 345x471, mana8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she just has the "I'm famous" syndrome.

>> No.10866817

>naive personality

Nobody in show business is like this.

They're all facades.

>> No.10866833

Japanese like to blow things out of proportion, if someone acts even a tiny bit conceited people will get their pantsu in a bunch.

>> No.10866834

>Japanese like to blow things out of proportion
Is that true?

>> No.10866837



>> No.10866849

I really wish for a loving daughter, /jp/. I am most likely going to have a child in the near future, but I really want it to be female. I feel like if it's a boy I won't love it as much. Internet has ruined me completely and I feel really bad about that.

>> No.10871832

Miyu Honda is better.

>> No.10873385

Seiran Kobayashi is rather cute.

>> No.10874025

How about Kanon Tani?

>> No.10874649

Rio Suzuki is cute too.

>> No.10875013 [DELETED] 

Other loli thread got deleted.

>> No.10875070 [DELETED] 

I think I've prepared myself mentally well enough so they just don't happen during those times. I did get an erection once when she unexpectedly grabbed my hand, and of course when I see some things I can't prepare for, like seeing her panties or seeing from time to time she presses against herself between her legs with one or two fingers.

>> No.10876466
File: 50 KB, 504x465, 1368333802651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10876555

>mana ashida 1 year ago


>> No.10876586
File: 91 KB, 968x544, 1367112549106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is a fan of me ?

>> No.10876592
File: 215 KB, 920x611, c8500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10876596

The thread just got good.

>> No.10876599
File: 151 KB, 624x900, 1365553884836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10876606
File: 108 KB, 600x644, 1366763318594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10876616
File: 76 KB, 640x960, 1367023305236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10876722

I am now.

Who is this guy?

>> No.10879301

Riko Yoshida

>> No.10879557
File: 37 KB, 244x274, 1366351800288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are little Japanese girls so cute but little white children just look like smug assholes?

>> No.10879577 [DELETED] 

Because whites are subhumans.

>> No.10879588

It's not always like that. You have just seen more normal white girls in your life on the street than normal Japanese girls. The ones you see on the net were meant to be photographed.

>> No.10879905

Karen Otomo

>> No.10880636
File: 58 KB, 200x179, Yuyuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you kidding ?
White children and Japanese little girls both look cute but only when they were small.

>> No.10880650

NO, /jp/, NO.

3D = BAD

BAD /jp/

>> No.10880683
File: 102 KB, 400x400, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't /a/, we don't act like we hate 3D.

>> No.10880692

You missed /a/ by a few clicks, moron. Don't even pretend to be from /jp/.

>> No.10880715

I'm not the one trying to push 3DPD bullshit on 4chan. What you /a/ kiddies don't get is that 3DPD was just an ironic thing. You and /v/ never seem to get those sorts of inside jokes.
I guess the saying is true, "Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they’re in good company."

>> No.10880720

Fuck off, kid. 3D is tolerated on /jp/.

>> No.10880737

A tru/jp/sie would sage when shitposting. You are no companion of ours, only a recent convert yet to prove his worth.

>> No.10880744
File: 261 KB, 500x500, 1357152665181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you talking to me?

>> No.10880747

Hello /q/, thanks for filling the board with your idol bullshit and killing the NEET threads. I just love it when /jp/ gets even shittier.

>> No.10880748


>> No.10880750

I only sage when it's a completely irrelevant post to the topic or what the topic evolved into.
The fact you think /jp/'s realtively liberal use of sage is some kind of meme just shows more how you don't belong here.

>> No.10880755

Only by pedos and idolfags.

>> No.10880759

>The fact you think /jp/'s realtively liberal use of sage is some kind of meme
>when shitposting

>just shows more how you don't belong here.
Date your entry into /jp/ for us, please.

>> No.10880763

I used to be known as a bedwetter.

>> No.10880766

Which have been /jp/sies since day one, who are we to judge? Just because kigurumi is weird, doll joints are unsettling and pedophiles post doesn't mean we can chase them away, because at the end of the day we're all /jp/sies.

>> No.10880770

How is this post relevant to the topic?

>> No.10880771
File: 314 KB, 1010x960, 1336355308196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw when crossies don't know how the sage meme works

>> No.10880778

If you can't even answer that post then why are you trying to ask when anyone arrived on /jp/?
Either way it doesn't matter because caring about arrival dates is something people who don't understand imageboard culture do, like people from /a/, /v/ or /b/.
I simply had to provided insurance that
1) I can say without a doubt I have been here before you so I can play you at your own game
2) Give you a small lecture on image board culture

>> No.10880782
File: 56 KB, 312x284, 8695431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u.

>> No.10880783
File: 50 KB, 500x129, ice burn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10880824

>If you can't even answer that post then why are you trying to ask when anyone arrived on /jp/?
I'm sorry, was there a question I was supposed to answer? On the other hand, I did ask you a question, which you have failed to answer.

>Either way it doesn't matter because caring about arrival dates is something people who don't understand imageboard culture do, like people from /a/, /v/ or /b/.
People who jump on people and redirect them to other boards at the first sign of dissent is a sign of newcomer or someone who never lost that mentality despite his years.

>1) I can say without a doubt I have been here before you so I can play you at your own game
You can say a lot of things. Doesn't make them true.

>> No.10881284
File: 249 KB, 1000x707, mana_ashida_vogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10881290

Please don't use my picture for shitposting.

>> No.10881305

She looks very fashionable for a little kid but the should have done her hair up too.

Her parents must be proud that they have a daughter like this.

>> No.10881325

Bangs and straight black hair on a child is perfect. She could use a hair band but thats all I would do to it.

>> No.10881376

I can't wait til she gets older and changes her hair to a wavy brown that's so popular over there it. It would look great great on her face if she keeps that general face shape after puberty.

>> No.10883213

I hope next theread becomes child starlets general.

>> No.10883220

I hope your dick enters my mouth.

>> No.10883807


What do you think, /jp/? I'm probably now on some sort of watchlist for seeking out a video like this. It was worth it, though. I think this girl is adorable.

>> No.10883815


In related, also cute.

>> No.10885940


>> No.10886003


Okay, who of you posted that comment?

>> No.10887750

Anna Fujii is cute.

>> No.10887761

Does anyone have monkeysrock355's videos?

>> No.10887788

Why does she look so good in a skirt? I've noticed that some lolis look good in them, and some don't. Is there an actual reason, or is it just me unconsciously preferring some to others?

Most importantly, why are loli pantyshots so amazing?

>> No.10888471

Somebody posted a lewd comment again.

>> No.10888936

Please respond.

>> No.10892995

Momoka Ishii

>> No.10895450

Yuka Iida

>> No.10895519

she's not as cute as 2 years ago

>> No.10898527

Saki Furuwa

>> No.10900928


>> No.10903494

Yumi Adachi

>> No.10904109

Your song, my heart. It was too cute.

>> No.10906098

Her TV drama Mother was good.

>> No.10908426


>> No.10910158

Marumo no Okite

>> No.10916453

Fuka Haruna

>> No.10917417

Sea Kumada

>> No.10917493

I don't really know, but from what I've gattered by going out and looking is that it's got to do something with the age, weight, and legs. Some legs are disgusting and they stay disgusting look at many women, many of them look horrible in skirts because of their legs. I can''t say exactly what makes them horrible but knees are of great importance.

>> No.10917959

Thanks for the reply.

>> No.10918043

She's fucking ugly. She has the face of a squinty, 50 year-old Japanese housewife.

>> No.10920117

Tamaki Matsumoto

>> No.10920201

/jp/, is it that you really want to become a father but have no means of reproduction?

>> No.10920237

And then she gets her first period.

>> No.10922497


>> No.10928221

good thread

>> No.10928430

Every man in the world wants to become a father at some point. It's just that the real world has set certain standards for that. People have varying views of what is enough, and I have chosen to abstain entirely. Raising a good child requires emotional sensitivity, knowledge and diligence.

I might be a hopeless termite, but I'd like to be a mindful one.

>have no means of reproduction
I can't even begin to wonder how unaware a person would have to be to frankly reply with a "yes".

>> No.10936293

cute girl

>> No.10944315


>> No.10949176


>> No.10949198

There is more to reproduction than just having a penis and functioning sperm cells.

>> No.10951396


>> No.10951440

Elbowing your way into a low-wage job and finding a christmas cake with a ticking biological clock is easy unless you're literally a pampered manbaby who spent his youth masturbating at Pokemon instead of studying.

>> No.10957214

Mana chan

>> No.10957336

Why would you want a son? Boys smell, never listen to their parents, and have no attention span.

>> No.10957950


Do not speak for me.

Kill all children.

>> No.10958009
File: 80 KB, 1440x810, mana10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10958294

This will probably be like the fifth time I've said this, but why isn't there an idol board? That shit isn't otaku culture. It's J-pop culture. It's not niche at all.

>> No.10959001


>> No.10962120


>> No.10962125

I wish there were some sort of filter to find the videos with the cute girls dancing in them. For instance, the girl in >>10883815 and >>10959001 is really cute.

>> No.10962612

Mother, a family drama.
Sayonara Bokutachi no Youchien, a cute movie where 5 kindergarten kids set on a journey to visit a friend in hospital.
Usagi Drop, its Usagi Drop.

Prepare to cry and never stop ever again

>> No.10962615

Implying Touhou and visual novels are niche

>> No.10962641

Looks like my little sister when she was younger and she'd make me watch her dancing.

>> No.10966296

good child actress

>> No.10970927

Why would you want more of those type of videos? They are a bit dull.

>> No.10971380

Her tears in Mother were just amazing. In Marumo, they had her cry in almost every episode but it was never the same. I love seeing her on TV, but she's a fan of shitty girl pop groups.

I hope she grows up happy

>> No.10973634


>> No.10976101


>> No.10976101,1 [INTERNAL] 

the gradual descent into complete depravity
