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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 325 KB, 610x343, Fantasy-Kaleidoscope[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10824519 No.10824519 [Reply] [Original]

There’s another episode of Fantasy Kaleidoscope coming out?! ASDFGHJKJH, CAN’T CONTAIN EXCITEMENT


>> No.10824573

those boobs look absolutely ridiculous and make me mad

other than that I am mostly indifferent

>> No.10824594

I like the song

>> No.10824609

Secondary shit.

>> No.10824620

Like all fan products.

Me, I am super excited. I really enjoyed the first episode. Like REALLY enjoyed, easily my favorite fan product since forever.
I am of course curious about the whole 50 characters making the appearance thing. There werent that many characters in SDM times, so I want to see how it actually goes. Perhaps in the style of "Here are touhous drinking beer and telling stories from the past!". That would explain why Sanae/Satori/Etc. were there.

>> No.10824624

Yeah, I also don't like boobs in this fanime.
I'm afraid that will make normals think if Touhou is lewd

>> No.10824637

>>10824594 here and most of the links to the album were broken so it took me a while to find a dl... might as well post it here in case someone else wants it

>> No.10824648

Wow, thanks for pointing it out. Never would have guessed it.

>> No.10824701

Old news.

>> No.10825224


You certainly kept your cool writing that captcha.

>> No.10825362

what captcha

>> No.10825395

I dont fap to doujins because it is secondary shit

>> No.10825398

He might have a 4chan gold account

>> No.10825404

Hello pseudo-primary

>> No.10825406

I bet you have 0 fanart on your HDD because it's secondary shit, right?

>> No.10825405

I hope they will finally kill and eat some humans there. Because that is what all primary touhous do.

>> No.10825402
File: 258 KB, 549x400, 2hu breasts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10825427


Summer Day's Dream über alles

>> No.10825433

Summer Day's Dream is better

>> No.10825434

One of these is not like the others.

>> No.10825449

Those comments...

Why can't these people just die? I don't even care if it's ironic.
And the morons giving them serious replies are no better.

>> No.10825459

Why would you bother reading YT comments?

>> No.10825469

I enjoy a lot of fan made stuff but none of the fan made anime catch my attention. They just seem so unfocused and forced... Sad, because I love the medium; 2D animation, be it eastern or western. I am also usually interested in seeing different kind of portrayals of Gensoukyou, but the lack of any kind of refined atmosphere or depth makes Manpuku Jinya's works come as extremely bland to me. It even lacks that spark of love and enthusiasm that can make other fanworks so enjoyable despite being technically unremarkable.

They look like they belong in a porno. It's highly disturbing, and saddening especially because the visuals are otherwise very appealing, even if they're pretty standard.

>> No.10825480

To find the source of the anime, duh.

>> No.10825487

>Lovin' Anime Sluts *-*
>*Slap* THEY ARE NO SLUTS YOU GOT THAT??? They would kick yo ass.
>I dont know what this is but it looks awesome! An anime? A movie? A new game? O.O

I think everyone one of these faggots are like 12 years old. How do these idiots even find a video in Japanese? If it was some remix or meme video that would be easier to understand (but still disgusting)
Almost makes me wonder if half the comments is just /jp/ shitposting.

>> No.10825488

Among touhou animations this stuff is by far the most true to the source material.

>> No.10825492

Then he's that much more retarded than I thought at first.

>> No.10825494

>And the morons giving them serious replies are no better.

Have you realized the irony in your post yet? Please make sure to not misuse the quoting feature in the future.

>> No.10825498

But he's not replying to them.

>> No.10825501

youtube is underage wonderland. Nothing new or relevant.

>> No.10825510

>Comments currently unavailable.

So I assume this happened minutes ago.

>> No.10825503
File: 38 KB, 829x214, touhoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10825509

He's seriously talking bad about them behind their backs, to people who already know about it better than he does.

>> No.10825513

I think the main problem he has is that people are spoonfeeding retards.

>> No.10825514


>> No.10825520
File: 48 KB, 636x345, img_340737_6567879_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuyuko with boobs is too secondary!

>> No.10825521

But even if we stop talking about it they will still keep talking.

>> No.10825545

someone post that one which everyone is naked in the onsen

>> No.10825566
File: 875 KB, 640x1050, 1330643829634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10825573

Loved this way more than the other fan anime one. Kaguya "playing shmups all night long" rubbed me the wrong way so fucking bad. Compared to that kind of shit, touhous with boobs is fucking meaningless.

>> No.10825585

>hats on

Quoting your mom.

>> No.10825592 [DELETED] 
File: 885 KB, 250x144, 1367287218273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big breasts and nipples!

>> No.10825595

People can't recognize them without hats. That's really the only reson for that

>> No.10825597

a 2hu die if lose her hat, faggot

>> No.10825601

Only tertiaries. But yeah.


>> No.10825603

The other one is filled with fanservice. Yuyuko is a black hole, Kaguya is a NEET, Reisen is bullied by everyone, Yukari's a bitch.

This one is filled with fight and music.

I prefer the other one. Touhou is for cute girls doing cute things, not for some badly written drama.

>> No.10825606

Who do you think is the target audience for that? It shall appeal to even the lowest level of fan.

>> No.10825612


Touhou is about cute little girl monsters shooting cute magic at each other.

>> No.10825618

>Touhou is for cute girls doing cute things, not for some badly written drama.

The fuck. Have you even played the games? Even if its just cute girls shooting lasers at each other, some of the stuff can be rather morbid. This fan anime though didn't even have that drama, for at times it was very dialogue light. Also, be kind and remind me what they do in Touhou constantly. They fucking fly and fight shit while music plays on the background. Then they say something. Then they fight more.

>> No.10825620

My mom hasn't ever said that.

>> No.10825624

Please don't use the word "shmup" unless you want to be viewed as someone of jewish descent.

>> No.10825625

feel when I know you're mom better than you do

>> No.10825630

>not discuss about 2hu with your mother.

>> No.10825632

yeah das a good feel mane your mom just blewed me up and you don't know how good she is

>> No.10825639

my mums dead faglord but with yours i can have all the fun i want

>> No.10825649

cool story bro but im an epic necrophobiac

>> No.10825653

I like discussing with secondary. They can be so amusing to argue with.

So, let me help you. Nice and easy.

The official Touhou manga Eastern and Little Nature Deity is about cute girls doing cute things.

The official Touhou manga Strange and Bright Nature Deity is about cute girls doing cute things.

The official Touhou manga Oriental Sacred Place is about cute girls doing cute things.

The official Touhou manga Wild and Horned Hermit is about cute girls doing cute things.

The official Touhou manga Forbidden Scrollery is about cute girls doing cute things.

The oldest official Touhou manga Curiosities of Lotus Asia is about cute girls doing cute things, and a cute bishonen doing cute things.

So, what did you learn today? Yes. The official manga adaptation of Touhou are all about cute girls doing cute things. Why would the anime be different? No need to thank me. It's my pleasure to educate the ignorant.

>> No.10825660

too bad homogargler shes cremated

>> No.10825661

What is wriggle doing there?
That hentai

>> No.10825663
File: 266 KB, 370x501, 1352247707658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10825667

>claims another anon is a secondary
>proves that he is the biggest secondary lord of them all

Its okay. You can rest now. You can consider yourself a winner of internet argument.

>> No.10825679

You act like you've never seen a response on the Internet. You gon learn today.

>> No.10825685 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10825691

i like sniffing powder too lmao i said BLOW me remember??

>> No.10825701

sorry i cant read your posts with your mother blowing me

you are also not making sense now, too bad

>> No.10825707

sorry it's hard to make sense when im busy fucking your mom

>> No.10825715

out of responses eh homomaster

ill continue bangin your mother then

>> No.10825720
File: 18 KB, 186x223, moku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me more

>> No.10825754 [DELETED] 

no, they're all wearing hats

>> No.10831231



fucking TOLD!

he gonna have to carry that burn

>> No.10831241

I never got the appeal of those types of cups.
They look like they'd be easy to spill.

>> No.10831592
File: 75 KB, 292x612, ThGKSatori[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hating boobs? But touhous are flat only in the games (and probably just because ZUN can't draw nice boobies). There are still plenty of other print works illustrated by different artist. And almost every touhou girl was portrayed with huge tits by one of those artists.
For example, Satori. In game she is flat like a board, a real 5th grade loli. Then SoPM comes out and BAM! Healthy D cup, Satori is now officially a titty monster.

>> No.10831634 [DELETED] 

What about the goblins arc, and the Kishin arc, of Wild and Horned Hermit?
Some of the stuff can be rather morbid.

>> No.10831652

I saw Sanae! This is gonna be great!

She's the slutty touhou /jp/ talks a lot about, right?

Yay, I know a touhou's name! such a nerd

>> No.10831711


>> No.10831713
File: 588 KB, 640x480, Yuugi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heck, Yuugi even had them in the games.
She's facing another direction in her portrait art, but you can see them on her sprite art.

>> No.10831704

Whoa, dude, contain your power level!

>> No.10831771
File: 463 KB, 1024x2381, 34697463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoriboobs are the best.

>> No.10831800

She has boobs in this portrait done by another artist that's not ZUN! Oh you can totally see her boobs in the sprite!
2ndry to the MAX

>> No.10831808



>> No.10831837

>And almost every touhou girl was portrayed with huge tits


>> No.10831835
File: 145 KB, 500x650, 34224272_p21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has some!

>> No.10831843
File: 348 KB, 858x1200, remi and satori hugging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her with a soft budding but I think she is very cute regardless.

>> No.10831847

C at most.

>> No.10831861
File: 756 KB, 951x1206, 22448223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can make them smaller.
