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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 22 KB, 405x262, Touhou_is_confessing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10804624 No.10804624 [Reply] [Original]

Confess your sins, /jp/.

>> No.10804627

I sexualize and jack off to 2hu on a daily basis

>> No.10804628

I've come to confess that I don't believe in sin

>> No.10804630

I've never 1CC'd a single Touhou game.

>> No.10804631

I had sex with another boy outside of marriage.

>> No.10804636

Sometimes when I'm sad and angry, I take out my frustration on unsuspecting /jp/sies.

>> No.10804638
File: 77 KB, 1920x1200, ffdcaa90e2b51e3c15628957ca0a21f9504135ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think Bad Apple!! is one of the best Touhou arranges and videos. In fact, I even enjoyed Cristina Vee's English version:

>> No.10804642

You should ask for help when that happens instead of hurting others.

>> No.10804640 [DELETED] 



No gays allowed on /jp/

>> No.10804651

I stopped listening to Touhou music I like because it carries connotations of secondariness on /jp/.

I wish I had the self-confidence to just do what I want...

>> No.10804652

I'm not gay! So please don't bully me.

>> No.10804653

About two years ago, I hacked my Touhous to remove the "REPLAY" text, then streamed other people's replays and pretended they were me.

I am so sorry, /jp/.

>> No.10804657

I went out yesterday with friends and enjoyed it.

Tommorow I gonna bake some fucking cupcakes with a girl.

>> No.10804662

I forgive you. Just don't do it again, okay?

>> No.10804661

I played only one VN, years ago, and I have no desire to ever play another.

>> No.10804663

That sounds fun. I hope you enjoy it and the cupcakes taste good!

>> No.10804684 [DELETED] 

Why are here then.

>> No.10804691

Oh, that's good for you. But remember that you will have a crappy future ahead of you like all the other social people. There's nothing you can do to stop this Hehehehe.

>> No.10804692

Then find Touhou arranges you like that you know /jp/ won't take the piss of you for listening to. Go a bit deeper.

My confession is that I pirated the PC-98 games, yet I've played them more than the copy of MoF I bought, I can get to Stage 5 on LLS yet I can't even cllear Stage 1 on MoF.

>> No.10804693

I am actually a very normal person.
I have two facebook accounts. One is my real facebook account with hundreds of friends and the other is my weeaboo one with an anime username.
I am not even close to being a NEET.
I study accounting at a world class university.
Not just study, I am one of my university organization's active staff.
Go ahead /a/, tell me to get out.
I will never leave anyway.

>> No.10804702

Get out.

>> No.10804708
File: 182 KB, 2593x1757, Ironing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you even here then?

>Go ahead /a/, tell me to get out.

Pic related

>> No.10804711

>Go ahead /a/

Ya blew it

>> No.10804717

I'm sinned for knowing beforehand this thread is going to be a dumptruck for people admitting to never actually beaten touhou or actually having life.

>> No.10804718

Most lives are dreadfully boring. It can't be helped.

>> No.10804714

Not lying here, but that life of yours sounds kind of boring to me. It's like a gigantic waste of time without any benefits. I mean, I can buy whatever I want and go wherever I want and didn't even have to go through all that hassle.

>> No.10804716

It's a repost from /a/ retards.
(still, he needs to get out)

>> No.10804728

I don't go to /a/ so I wouldn't know.

>> No.10804729
File: 297 KB, 640x512, 1275832116598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretend to be a boy online so I don't get bullied

>> No.10804732


So what are you then if you're not a boy?

>> No.10804741
File: 44 KB, 226x161, 1359272826629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go ahead /a/
damn, I forgot to change it.

>> No.10804742
File: 98 KB, 459x449, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A dog.

>> No.10804744

You can tell just by googling a sentence from the post. Then again it's pretty obvious.

>> No.10804747

It was obvious that he wasn't being serious, that is why I assumed he was being ironic. I didn't google it because why should I.

>> No.10804751


Animals do not belong on human boards. Get out dogboarder! >>>/an/

>> No.10804764 [DELETED] 

>No gays allowed on /jp/
le newfriend face.

>> No.10804782
File: 139 KB, 517x724, 1275219242237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Het scum plz go

>> No.10804785



this isn't 2011 anymore, kiddo. gays aren't welcome anymore

>> No.10804798

>Confess your sins
I fucked my sister when I was twelve

>> No.10804802

How does one obtain a PC-98 Touhou anyway? They are collectors' item.

>> No.10804812
File: 245 KB, 768x1024, 1180678371385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slay these!

>> No.10804816

Neko sakura was so good

>> No.10804817

And now these days Moot lifts weights.

>> No.10804820 [DELETED] 

so does any self-respecting /jp/sie. I.e. nobody

>> No.10804823
File: 475 KB, 533x800, 1367021494487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too normal for /jp/ but too abnormal for people outside. I like to stay here in hopes I fit someday.

>> No.10804825

I lift occasionally, but also I wouldn't go so far and call me a real /jp/sie.

>> No.10804828

My point was he seems to be a total normalfag these days. Or maybe he was all long and I just didn't notice it.

>> No.10804829
File: 9 KB, 252x252, 1224441944711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fit in? Fuck that shit!
jus b urself

>> No.10804834

Well it;s one of my life dreams to own one of them physically. MS preferably but any will do.

>> No.10804844

I don't lift, although I PT on occasion. I was a true jpsie years ago, but since I got a job I just visit once or twice a month to see if you faggots suddenly started posting good things. I never find any evidence suggesting the like.

>> No.10804850

I think you should just give up and leave us for good

>> No.10804846

I sometimes think of doing lewd things with a cute /jp/ and he doing lewd to me, I'm sorry I am trying not to anymore, it happens less frequently now.

>> No.10804847

I think a shitload of money and publicity makes a normalfag out of everyone.

>> No.10804852

I've been lying to my parents about my relationship status for a while now, because my mom's been pestering me about finding a girlfriend. I told them I've finally managed to find a girlfriend, but in reality I'm still a virgin who's never as much as hugged a girl.
They're planing on coming over to meet her this summer, and I'm not sure will she buy it when I tell her I broke up with her all of the sudden.

>> No.10804863

I love IOSYS' music videos, especially Marisa stole the precious thing and Cirno's perfect math class.

>> No.10804889

Your sin will be pardoned if you describe your fantasies in great detail.

>> No.10804891
File: 309 KB, 888x1280, reimumeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get turned on by meaty, busty versions of touhous that were originally loli or teen.

>> No.10804905

I did drunk driving on a moped when I was 16. A friend of mine, who had invited me to drink because he had stolen some booze from his parents, wanted to get some more of the stuff. I didn't want to but he kept insisting for hours. We even had to drive. Luckily, it was night and we didn't see a single car. In the end, there was no more booze. It was shameful and I hated it.

/jp/ pls
don't drink
alcohol is a tool of corruption

The guy is nowadays a total wreck. When I last saw him, he started raining insults down on me right after I had greeted him.

>> No.10804906

They probably believed that you are kind of guy who is waiting for the right one and be eternally loyal and manly till he dies.

It's sad that their fantasy is soon broken.

>> No.10804912

Shut up, alcohol rules

>> No.10804917

At this point I would say you're either mentally or even physically addicted to it.

>> No.10804919

>don't drink
you shut the fuck up you shitdick anonymous

>> No.10804922

Go ahead and drink, but please also grow tired of it before you reach 25.

>> No.10804927

>mentally or even physically

Isn't it the same thing?

>> No.10804926

Who cares, it's not like /jp/ goes outside anyways besides maybe the few anons who are forced to work and I'm sure they can hold off drinking until they come home. Point is drunk driving and parties is something we will never have to worry about.

>> No.10804933

I have less than a year left. Time is running out!

The difference between drinking and being addicted to alcohol is the same as the difference between eating and being fat. Only the people who have no self control and/or a genetic problem get the extremes of the affliction.

>> No.10804942

I pretend to be a girl because I want to be one, not to shitpost.

I don't feel like I belong here, but I admire you guys too much to leave.

>> No.10804950


Though true. I don't get the same high as I used to. But I found a way to fix it. Stronger booze. It's like with every drug, once you've seen the bottom of it, it has nothing more to offer. It begins to get dull, it's like telling you; I've taught you everything now go home. But it's still like family that waits for you with their arms open and give you that nostalgic feeling. I'm hooked on emotions and sensations without them life is meaningless.

>> No.10804960

I consider it insulting when someone claims to admire me. Who would want to live my life? I barely even want to.

>> No.10804973

I want to be able to take it easy like you guys, but I'm too worried about school and stuff. That's why I like you guys so much; you relax me, and help me to take it easy.

>> No.10804988

Then stop crying and just get disability money. It's so easy if you are not stupid like a rock.

>> No.10805004

I love Sanae but I bully her because I'm tsundere.

>> No.10805010


>> No.10805013

How is she flapping her ribbon?

>> No.10805020

>Who cares, it's not like /jp/ goes outside anyways besides maybe the few anons who are forced to work and I'm sure they can hold off drinking until they come home. Point is drunk driving and parties is something we will never have to worry about.
Please. Hermits are flowers awaiting to bloom.

Solitude stimulates original thought. When you're completely alone and you have all the time in the world, you can start being honest to yourself. You'll finally understand without spoonfeeding that 1+1=2. There will be no noise, no distraction.

Men are resilient. When an asocial man drops out, he's already very accustomed to rejection, and he will never lose that trait. He must realize that perfect people don't know what it feels like: their view of the world is lacking. Absolute, hopeless solitude differs greatly from occasional disagreements with certain people.

As long as you don't do damage, mess up things or cause distracting noise, you can be creative with anything. Carnal pleasures keep people busy. Just avoid them and something else will fill up the void.

Instead of reinforcing egoism, solitary sports reinforce focus. Reading reinforces thought. A healthy diet helps you feel energetic. Eating little keeps you proud of your thin shape. Time makes you realize that frugality is not bad at all. You'll start seeing abusive competition as a thoroughly sick phenomenon because you have forgotten what you were supposed to want. So, you'll start wanting pure, genuine and beautiful things. Your childhood desires and dreams will start pushing themselves into your thoughts.

After six months of clarity, the idea of having a drink will start feeling like total madness.

>> No.10805034

Whenever I'm in solitude for an extended period of time I just put a thousand hours into books and video games. I don't think it made me any more focused or pure.

>> No.10805035
File: 86 KB, 350x495, assburger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10805046

Leave and take you retarded memes with you, fucking scum

>> No.10805051

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.10805060
File: 85 KB, 650x780, yui2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10805080

We don't take kindly to NTs around here.

>> No.10805083

It can't be helped.

>> No.10805082

Creative with what? Creativity, achievements are all delusions when it comes to our final destination that is death. Even after that you might look as a huge stone column you once designed is being turned into more warped shape by all those who followed your instructions on how to construct it.

There is no clarity in silence neither there is clarity in noise but in the void.

>> No.10805088

I smoke the weed and then post on the jay.

>> No.10805095

living the dream
weed, jay and dubs

>> No.10805097


>> No.10805100

>Creative with what?
You'll start getting bright and energetic thoughts about random things. Things look good, calm and worth inspecting. What if, what if? Let's try this.

>There is no clarity in silence
You won't be covered in loud, spiteful and useless gossip. The amount of genuine time in your hands will multiply.

>> No.10805759

Let me tell you about my imouto

>dad kicks imouto out because she's a thieving junky
>dad dies
>imouto shows up like a vulture
>I tell my mom not to let her stay
>mom lets her stay
>she found my hiding spot for my money and stole it
>she stole all my mom's jewelry and her wedding ring
>I beg mom to make her leave
>mom still lets her stay
>sister now runs the house
>I keep all my stuff hid paranoia overdrive constantly
>she brings her friends over and they live here now too
>house is basically a hotel now
>mom has nothing left to steal
>I still have stuff left to steal

Just now I have one last thing to do before I kill myself. I need to give all my valuables to my cousin without him knowing I'm gonna kill myself. If I just kill myself my sister will get all my valuables one way or another. I have to get them away from here and out of my mom's or sister's hands. I'm gonna make sure there's nothing left so she can't profit from my death at all. I want to be able to spite her in death. I want her to see me die too I'm gonna blow my brains out in front of her.

>> No.10805778

I had sex with a real female when I was a teenager.

>> No.10805792

You poor thing. Where do you live? I wouldn't mind letting you stay with me if you are close.

>> No.10805798

who are you quoting?

>> No.10805801

What the HELL

>> No.10805804

I did it to shorten it up rather than writing long paragraphs that no one will read.

>> No.10805811

Find some way to seriously fuck over your imouto without her even knowing you did it. By the way if someone found you hiding spot for your money it must have not been in a good place, you should have kept it with you if not in a better place where no one would ever look.

>> No.10805815

I have my money hid in a tissue box now.

>> No.10805831

>Find some way to seriously fuck over your imouto
/jp/ pls
that's wrong
what about talking

>> No.10805835

no one wants to read green.

>> No.10805837

Listening to certain Touhou music makes you a secondary now?

>> No.10805845

how would /jp/ know you were listening to it?

>> No.10805849

/jp/ knows everything about me

>> No.10805850
File: 397 KB, 512x384, 1356810902796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never completed any touhou without continues on any difficulty. Not that I have really tried. Haven't touched easy though.

Does anyone share this sin?

>> No.10805867

/jp/ is constantly monitoring the music you're listening to. IF they disapprove enough of what your listening to they will mess with it or turn it off when you're listening and delete what is not acceptable to them and will your computer with what you should enjoy.

>> No.10805882

Fuck now I'm depressed again. Couldn't you get the police involved or something? Don't just kill yourself, what about the 2D world and all the other computer things? This is of course implying that you are not just making shit up to get replies.

>> No.10805879

Me too, friend. I really wish I hadn't.

>> No.10805951

If I were you I'd try to kick her out with all my might. Now is the time to be strong, anon. You could first try to get the police involved, but if that doesn't work then you have to do it yourself. You don't even have to shed any blood. You have nothing to loose now so try to fix up your life with your own hands.

>> No.10805972

i jack off to cuckold porn

>> No.10805982

How can this even be real. Why doesn't she just start writing device drivers if she needs money that much?

>> No.10805984

how come

>> No.10806088

kill her instead

be a man

>> No.10806104

I know your joking but this is a horrible idea, he will just end up in jail. Police sounds like the best option to me, anon will need to hide things like loli though before he contacts them especially if he sister know about that.

>> No.10806120

I wish every member of my family was dead because they are all brainwashed against pedophilia.

I feel guilty because I know it's not their fault.

>> No.10806200

I had sex with a real female 7 years ago when I was 17. I don't like 3D.

>> No.10806208

You mean most of the modern world is brainwashed.

>> No.10806225

You guys are just fishing for the same old replies, aren't you?

>> No.10806288

Yeah, and they don't deserve to live.

>> No.10806299

it's better than killing yourself

>> No.10806308

I don't know about that, jail looks pretty horrible.

>> No.10806314

the guy can kill himself afterwards if he wants

at least, by killing her, he's attempting to solve the problem

>> No.10806316
File: 41 KB, 620x388, thepolice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My idea is nonetheless better.

>> No.10806327

>If I were you I'd try to kick her out with all my might.

is this you?

but the guy's obviously a pussy, no way he can do this

>> No.10806331

>is this you?

No look at the filename, that was way my attempt at a bad joke.

>> No.10806334

Don't know why I wrote ''way'' I think I might of had to much beer.

>> No.10806338

i'm sorry for ruining the joke

>> No.10806344

I thought almost everyone knew of the band so I didn't bother explaining the joke guess I was wrong.

>> No.10806350

i wasn't paying to your other posts and i'm probably autistic

>> No.10806357
File: 388 KB, 633x833, 1366407324104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only completed one Touhou game on normal without using a continue.

I really love the fanbase and I enjoy making voice-overs of Bombergrapes comics and uploading them to Youtube.

>> No.10806365

paying attention to your other posts is what i meant

jesus christ what is wrong with me

>> No.10806359

>and i'm probably autistic

I don't even remember anything about the true definition of autism since 4chan has ruined the meaning of the word for me. I only remember it involves obssesing over one type of thing (I guess my obsession for 2D could possibly fall under that) and autistic kids like to stack and order random objects for no reason.

>> No.10806372

That's not quite what it means, that's just a common trait in autistic people. It's not a requirement or anything.

Autism is a communication disorder. Generally speaking it means you're a moron who can't interpret facial expression and you flap your hands a lot.

>> No.10806378

This is my first time browsing /jp/

>> No.10806384

>Generally speaking it means you're a moron who can't interpret facial expression and you flap your hands a lot.

Oh then I don't have autism. That just makes the insult on 4chan seem even more pointless though.

Fuck off autistic cunt.

>> No.10806420

I'm not a virgin. ;_;

>> No.10806422

>who can't interpret facial expression
I have every single trait except that one. Do I qualify?

If I'm not autistic, then what the hell is wrong with me?

>> No.10806424

I don't think there are any sins.

>> No.10806425

You flap your hands a lot?

>> No.10806427

Does your grandma keep talking about that online girlfriend you had for like three months that came to visit you at your city once before breaking your heart?

>> No.10806433

I never look at faces.

>> No.10806434

I'm doing it right now. It happens when I'm slightly excited for something. I did it in public when I was a kid.

I doubt that's an important trait, though. Lots of normal people do it for different reasons.

>> No.10806439

no wait i think i'm schizotypal actually but i think that's the same thing

>> No.10806445

H-How did you know? Not anymore -- it was 7 years ago.

>> No.10806450

Also, I'm intellectually gifted, especially in the area of communication. That's what the psychologist said.

MAYBE that's why I don't have problems with ironies or facial expressions. Everything else about me sound pretty aspergian.

>> No.10806455

Is there a difference at all?

>> No.10806457

I can not get off on porn unless it's a girl getting her every hole stuffed with cock and two more in her hands.

I am also a real girl

>> No.10806460

Grandmas can get quite annoying.

>> No.10806461

I bet you self-insert as the girl don't you, fucking slut

>> No.10806473

AdD mE On sKYPEEEEEE u sexa ting :DD ;A

>> No.10806469

Is there anyone who doesn't? I mean it's kinda gay to crowd around your bro's penises trying to get it in first...

>> No.10806470

autism + delusions

>> No.10806472

I can't get off to porn unless the girl is hairy down there.

>> No.10806479


>> No.10806482

Do you have 4 or more male friends?

>> No.10806484

I have no friends.

>> No.10806498

That's sad but come back when you have some please.

>> No.10806513
File: 503 KB, 1280x1994, ff8v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to /tg/ for the ERP generals.

>> No.10806518

I'm still in love with a 7 years old girl I met when I was 11. I haven't seen her again and she must be like 16 now, so it's like she doesn't exist anymore.

I feel silly as fuck. Last night I dreamed about her (she was 9) and hurried to write down everything after I woke up.

What should I do? I can't forget her.

>> No.10806537
File: 33 KB, 547x335, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know where you are? If you have friends you are in the wrong place.

I would post the "jp otaku culture my friends are here" k-on! autism picture but I couldn't find it.

>> No.10806562

I think the final boss theme from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is a masterpiec and I like it more than any touhou song. Touhou everything else though.

>> No.10806569

I still like pokemon.

>> No.10806570
File: 349 KB, 600x600, 1319253316119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly get off to gangbang porn or at least mmf but I don't usually self insert as anyone, I just enjoy seeing a girl with big cocks in each hand and at least one in each hole, hopefully. I guess sometimes I insert as the girl though. I don't really think it's "gay" for a male to insert as one of the dudes though, it's just like a power fantasy to use your strength in numbers to really mess up her holes, I imagine. I mean there's a lot of gangbang porn seemingly targeted to straight guys.

>> No.10806563

How is that a sin?

>> No.10806574


I still like it, don't play it much anymore though.

>> No.10806576

>What should I do?
Fuck her cousins and kill her entire family with small bombs.

>> No.10806585
File: 423 KB, 982x378, fuck evething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a house wife one day, not a house husband.

>> No.10806595

I don't really understand how people insert themselves into porn. If anything, I insert as some onlooker, maybe the camera guy.

>> No.10806589

Stop spreading Catholicism in Japan

>> No.10806591

I liked it when you could just catch a random pokemon and have fun.

I can't do it anymore because of EV's and IV's. Even if I try to ignore them, natures are still important. I don't feel comfortable when I'm training a random pokemon with a bad nature, even if they don't really matter that much in-game.

Pokemon is ruined for me. I can't enjoy the games anymore.

>> No.10806596

Maybe one day science will progress far enough and boys can become real girls.

>> No.10806617


Same. When you the mechanics behind it, it loses its magic because you can't relax.

>> No.10806622

We are the same!

>> No.10806644

Why is reimu sweating so much when she confessing her sin, despite having such a femininely calm face.

>> No.10806654

She is being confessed to and is embarassed by what is being said

>> No.10806664

I know, i just wanted to hear it from someone.

>> No.10806668


>> No.10806677

She has a strong pokerface.

>> No.10806751

Wow. Me too. 7 years ago too. Except I went to a third world country to be with her. She just wanted to marry me for citizenship. And yeah my grandma kept asking about her for awhile but eventually stopped.

>> No.10806780

I wish I had beautiful memories like you ;_;

>> No.10806861
File: 262 KB, 398x495, 1366551795299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same diagnosis and chris chan and whenever I try to be a normalfag they reject me and get me to leave because I'm "weird and annoying" (actual quote)

I let my guard down /jp/, I should just realize I'm naturally a disgusting useless hikki.

>> No.10806889

Does autism/assburgers have anything to do with pedophilia?

I think it does.

>> No.10806898

Eeh? Actual autism or aspergers? You write pretty well.

>> No.10806905

I often type out long comments and replies, but I rarely submit them, because I don't know if people will understand them correctly.

>> No.10806918

>I think it does.

>> No.10806932

Did didn't say that to provide support for his point, but rather to show the level of interest he has for the subject.

>> No.10806934

What's the difference?

As I understand it:

-Autism: you are kinda trapped in your mind and can't get out. Or something like that.

-Asperger: you feel the need to lock yourself inside your own world but every little interruption disturbs you. After that happens, it's hard to regain your concentration and forget about the outside world.

I'm not sure if this is correct.

>> No.10806941
File: 472 KB, 799x730, 1366856373197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was diagnosed with high functioning autism, which is basically aspergers.

When I was a little kid though I stacked objects and did all of that super autistic stuff but I guess I improved a little.

I can't talk to people in public, when I was registering for college at 18 my mom talked to them for me. I'm a joke. The normalfags will never like me, the only friends I have are people that know they can abuse me without me leaving (this one guy gives me weed but then punches me until I cry and takes knifes up to me).

I was a lot like Tomoko in school, I wished people would like me but they just bullied me and made fun of me. I went full hikki for a while, but then the joy I got out of transitioning into a girl (and passing) made me want to socialize again, and only now I realize why the normals bullied me and hate me so much, and why I withdrew into my room.

/jp/ tells me to leave a lot too, I can't socialize with anyone, not even the lowest of the low.

I'm the tranny from that thread where the guy was asking for a maid, if you remember me

>> No.10806938

What does that have to do with my comment?

>> No.10806949

I do that too. Sometimes when I'm in the middle of writing, I just forget the most basic grammar and have no idea how to finish. I have to look up words from dictionary because I forget how to use them correctly.

>> No.10806944

>not post
return to tumbl you tripfag

>> No.10806958

I feel deep sympathy for you. But if I knew you in person I would break you.

>> No.10806959

The second one is correct. It sucks.

>> No.10806955

You don't have shit.

>> No.10806956

Isn't English your first language? How can you have those problems?

>> No.10806974

It's not. But it happens with my mother tongue too. Though that might be because I use it a lot less than english and I just forget some of it.

>> No.10807000

This happens to me too. In fact, I wanted to write a long confession just now but deleted the whole thing.

>> No.10807011
File: 26 KB, 216x222, thirty-three.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i browse /jaypee/ and i crossboard

fite me

>> No.10807029

>The normalfags will never like me, the only friends I have are people that know they can abuse me without me leaving (this one guy gives me weed but then punches me until I cry and takes knifes up to me).
Don't deal with malicious people at all. If what you say is real, it's insanely damaging to you. Normal people arrange their lives in such ways that they'll be respected and treated fairly.

>the lowest of the low
You're good to go if you never say that out loud. They don't like it because almost everyone tries moderately hard every day and peaceful cooperation between people is quite difficult even when people try to be especially respectful towards each other. The differences are just that great. The dorks are well aware of their mental capabilities and reminding them about them is like reminding you of your social difficulties, i.e. not very constructive.

>> No.10807039

I primarily come here to save the pictures of cute girls and aesthetically pleasing images. Sometimes though, when I actually post, I feel the loneliness that is >please respond and I leave, only to return again.

>> No.10807049

I consume substances that make me feel like I am no longer in a state of reality. I am actually in one of those states now. I should probably leave the internet as soon as possible.

>> No.10807107
File: 100 KB, 1000x708, 1351342141364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to 1cc any Touhou in normal and I'm too embarrassed to play in easy. I can't follow all those bullets in the screen and the game seems impossible yet I see people play in lunatic like it's nothing and then I get depressed.

>> No.10807119

The only touhou game I've played is hisoutensoku

>> No.10807123

How many hours have you played in total? Give it some time and you'll be playing on lunatic too.

>> No.10807128
File: 128 KB, 677x677, tears1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play games like league of legends just to talk with people, and i'm too shy to even talk in-game

>> No.10807133

Playing a videogame to chat with people? Might as well just join an IRC chat.

>> No.10807147
File: 148 KB, 850x850, sample-7bbb9dd2f9461afd388826ae6953b19f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because they PRACTICED.
Playing the games is like learning Japanese. At first. You have no idea what the fuck's going on. Then after a while of fuckin' failing miserably, watching those who do it with easy and getting over it -- once you try again. Things start feeling familiar. The shit's there, all you gotta do is use it properly.

>> No.10807149

I'm currently trying EoSD, I'm trying to play in practice, trying not to bomb and memorize the bullet patterns but I'm stuck at Meiling's first appearance (in the middle of the third stage)

I think I just suck.

>> No.10807175

What is your name in LoL

>> No.10807184

>trying not to bomb

Honestly if you want to practice you're better off bombing your way through as many stages as possible, then doing the problem stages in stage practice.

>> No.10807215

That's not quite necessary; deathbombing reaction time is an important skill to train too

>> No.10807239


Nah, it's mostly talent. Plenty of people have played for long, and still have yet to actually be good at the game. And yet you see some people who can get Lunatic 1cc's within two weeks of never having played an STG before. Nature will always be superior to nurture.

>> No.10807281

>two weeks

Not even two weeks. I've known a few people get lunatic 1ccs in a couple of days.

>> No.10807289

Yeah, as have I. But those are usually the top savants. No practice, getting in the top 20 of a scoreboard, 1ccing the hardest thing within only the first few days of playing the game. Oh, fuck it.

>> No.10807286

I wish I had the "Good at STGs" gene. Fuck!

>> No.10807328


The last Touhou game I played was 12.3.

>> No.10807346

I love to get involved on a lewd roleplay.

>> No.10807360

I like to hyperventilate when I use my Tenga and imagine I'm being raped by a dominant Remi.

I know how it feels to have a thieving piece of shit bitch sister. Don't let her win man.

Why did you delete your video about Remi and the "raging lesbians"?. Good thing I saved it before.

>> No.10807367

I derail threads with lewd roleplay.

I'm so sorry, /jp/.

>> No.10807392

Child sex tourism.

>> No.10807393

>I like to hyperventilate when I use my Tenga and imagine I'm being raped by a dominant Remi.
u wot m8

>> No.10807414

I like to read lewd roleplay.

>> No.10807417

love this! *whips out dick*

>> No.10807432

No roleplay allowed at /jp/!

>> No.10807461

What you gonna do about it? *whips out D20*

>> No.10807490
File: 215 KB, 524x524, 1366991223226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10807590

>this one guy gives me weed

please leave drug abuser!!!!! 4chan is not for drug addicts!!!!!!!!!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>/420 chan/

>> No.10807670

When I was a kid I was a bully. I used to beat up one kid and make fun of him. He was older than me and bigger than me but he didn't have any friends. I feel guilty about it now.

>> No.10807716

The kid I bullied was named Jonathan. He was chubby and had hair on his back.

If you're there Jonathan I'm sorry ;_;

>> No.10807719

I still hate you, faggot.

>> No.10807724

/jp/ is full of bullies!

>> No.10807727

I'll bully you in a minute if you're not careful

>> No.10807729

Hey dude, leave him alone or you'll have to face my fists of steel.

>> No.10807739

Just you try it nerd, I'll get my big brother who knows karate to beat you up.

>> No.10807738

>hair on his back
How is that even possible? Kids are hairless and fat fucks are even more hairless.

>> No.10807740

Please don't.

>> No.10807750
File: 799 KB, 1280x720, 1344748381152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bullied a kid name Jonathan too. Except he was a skinny twig.
Same with Victor.
We were all good friends, but I used to beat them up all the time. So I think they hated me. I guess that's why I've been alone for all these years.

>> No.10807749

I wanna be a bullied little girl.

>> No.10807752

I bet he isn't even a black belt. Get lost, punk.

>> No.10807756

This ain't over!

>> No.10807776

So do I. I wish I could go back to elementary school as a girl and be bullied.

>> No.10807774
File: 21 KB, 500x281, jon-jafari-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this kid had hair on his back. I was like 7 or 8. He had hair on his back.

The kid I bullied looked just like a younger version of JonTron. Might even have been him

>> No.10807801

I used to bully a girl when I was 9. Kill me.

>> No.10807810

You saved a picture of that shit to your cumputer.
Get the fuck out of this place.

>> No.10807813

Tell me what you did. So I can pretend to be her.

>> No.10807814

I looked it up to show everyone.

>> No.10807892


>> No.10807905
File: 19 KB, 600x450, Idoun115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparantly there's an Idoun doujinshi on a japanese auction site.

I want it. ;-;

I suppose that's some sort of sin or something, right?

>> No.10807917

I've been playing Touhou on and off for nearly four years now and I still can't 1cc anything. I practice on lunatic and then step down to normal. Whenever I retry on a session, I get worse every time and soon I'm dying on stage one due to silly mistakes.

>> No.10807934

I'm a girl and I've only played halfway through one touhou game. I pretend to be really into it for the cute girls. I hate the type of game Touhou is and I only want to play the fighting game ones, except they're too hard for me.

>> No.10807938

Are you implying there's something wrong with Jontron/Gamegrumps?

>> No.10807943

Oh fuck no, please take this to /v/ or something!

>> No.10807950

I could show you something hard babe

>> No.10807951

Do you have a steam too?

>> No.10807956

I wish I was a girl but not badly enough to actually do anything about it, and it's too late anyway. It's a weird feeling.

>> No.10807961

No, really, what's wrong with them?

>> No.10807964

This is not something that I want to discuss here, please go to /v/.

>> No.10807984

I just masturbated using a big sausage.

>> No.10808055

I don't care at all for Japanese culture. I've never had interest in 2hus or whatever the fuck you talk about on this board. I just come here observe you all for laughs and the occasional shitpost.

>> No.10808097


I just masturbated as well.

What did you do with the sausage?

>> No.10808146
File: 220 KB, 500x304, 1364336335634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because it uses a touhou picture doesn't mean it's otaku culture

>> No.10808163

Reimu is the perfect person to confess to. She once had to use a carrot.
I am sure she can relate.

>> No.10808178

She also understands what its like to have something like this become public.

>> No.10808182

The moderation staff are functionally retarded.

>> No.10808192

Any souvenir pictures you care to share?

>> No.10808374

I'm unironically homosexual.

>> No.10808464 [DELETED] 

me too

it sucks though because i'm really really lonely and talking to others is so damn scary because they'll find out i'm a girl and be really mean to me and I just want to make friends with other /jp/ers but I have the stigma of being something unwanted even though I couldnt choose that at birth and its caused nothing but problems for me because i've been constantly bullied about not being a good enough girl by other girls and guys dont like me and bully me because i'm a girl.

sometimes I wish I could just be a bad person and attention whore or something but i've too high of morals for that and it'd just make me feel shittier about myself

god i've been drinking for the past hour and i'm pretty close to killing myself. i'm really sorry for taking up your time. I'm just not any good at anything.

but on the plus side at least i'm not a secondary, that counts for something, right? ha ha.

>> No.10808471

have a nice day.

>> No.10808487

please elaborate.

>> No.10808498

i'm not that great but if you wanted it i could be your friend if youre lonely

>> No.10808495

You know the rules.

>> No.10808502

I am sexually attracted to men and unattracted to woman.

>> No.10808516

...how is that ironic? i mean yeah, you're not attracted to women but now-a-days it's not really that strange for men/little girls to be with other men.

>> No.10808524

That's why I said "unironically"

>> No.10808525

I actually want to be normal. But I am not attracted to anything besides 2d males. I thought maybe once I became an adult it would go away,but I'm 22 and its still on.

>> No.10808529

>I'm unironically homosexual.
>...how is that ironic?
/jp/ pls

>> No.10808530
File: 110 KB, 473x263, 1338466694540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't practice kanji and i dropped out of college even though i want to become a translator

>> No.10808531
File: 27 KB, 300x300, Sweating-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't finish Normal mode of IN without using at least 1 continue.

>> No.10808532

How could you be ironically homosexual? Saying unironically suggests the opposite is possible.

>> No.10808537

>Saying unironically suggests the opposite is possible.

>> No.10808543

The fact you mentioned it gives it importance. It was almost like you anticipated people would assume you were an ironic homosexual, whatever that is, and you felt the need to correct them in advance.

>> No.10808553

oh my goodness, how did i miss that, lol.

>> No.10808563

>The fact you mentioned it gives it importance.
>It was almost like you anticipated people would assume you were an ironic homosexual, whatever that is, and you felt the need to correct them in advance.
When did we agree about these things?

>> No.10808607

There are many ironic homosexuals on /jp/

>> No.10808628

I have a boyfriend but I'm not homosexual. Is that okay?

>> No.10808641 [DELETED] 

Everyone is a little bi.

>> No.10808648

So you're a girl?

>> No.10808661

People always call me a girl but I have a penis.

>> No.10808668

Do people call you a girl in person or over the internet?

>> No.10808673


>> No.10808676


>> No.10808752

Masturbation lots and lots masturbation.

>> No.10808770

Everyone does that

>> No.10808777

Even the pope?

>> No.10808976


i've been down this path for 2 years and let me tell you i never was so addicted to drugs in my life until a year ago now i just smoke weed errday its really okay though.

>> No.10808979

I feel like browsing /v/ right now.

>> No.10808982


why would you kill yourself infront of her you little emo boy? she doesn't care about you or anyone she's a drug addict she sells her body everyday and watches people get their heads bashed in. just leave and start on your own somewhere else.

>> No.10809008

Worse, he corrupts children.

>> No.10809262

>i've been down this path for 2 years and let me tell you i never was so addicted to drugs in my life until a year ago now i just smoke weed errday its really okay though.
I dropped alcohol entirely because I no longer had to get smashed to tolerate the general retardation that goes on when young and old pussy hunters drink. I grew tired of boozing alone after about 50 times. I've tried weed twice.

Being tense 24/7 without saying anything unless needed is the best drug there is. I'm finally sure that I was right when I was a little boy.

Now I'm 24 and I have years of experience of being the most aggravating, insolent fuckin' nerd on the block without even opening my mouth. What are you going to do? Make me realize that you could exclude me from the gang? I got that so often that I had to try NEETdom and total war with my parents myself.

It took my mother five months to start giving me worried phone calls, and a week to realize that they're not needed.

When you make noise just for the sake of making noise, you:
a) interrupt the possible thoughtwork of others
b) get used to it yourself
c) cast a vote
A fair man would tell you this in a gentle manner or at least listen to your prose empathetically, but such behavior is rare. Hollywood movies keep pushing the illusion that difficult things just happen, in a cool and emotional way.

Kids who are married to their parents' mountains of money already have an established tribe so they don't care. They're so content that they'll only focus on doing what their well-established tribe wants while simultaneously making sure that they don't anger the poor plebs too much.

If you cry and whine at them vocally, you give them up-to-date information. They'll know how much they can tighten the screw without snapping the camel's back. Acting like a wigger proves that they're right when they claim that reality requires discipline. Don't overwork yourself so much that you'll start pouring your stress over your beloved ones.

>> No.10811682

What are you trying to prove?

>> No.10811704

I do.

I only know about 2hu because of the music.

>> No.10811724

But the music is terrible.

>> No.10811728


i've changed myself, i study for school and have a goal now. i think if i raise my status i'll be around better people more often, i went on a trip for school and some of the older university kids were nice to me and i decided i should go to a university so i can have friends like them instead of being around the losers in my community college class. i can make life easier for myself.

>> No.10811734

I have bad taste in everything.

>> No.10811786

I went back to school after a couple years of doing absolutely nothing. I despise it and I don't wanna go back ever again and I probably did poorly in my classes anyways because I slacked off.

>> No.10811793

What are you studying?

>> No.10811810


I don't even know, I took some math class and some computer one. Everything field of study seems really boring, I don't want to sit in a cubicle with a sore butt for eight hours a day for the rest of my life just to get paid.

>> No.10811812

I despise "otaku" for being obsessed with things that aren't important.

>> No.10811817

Your life will become shitty if you choose to work but I guess you have to find that out yourself the hard way when your illusions shatter.

>> No.10811823

MFW the can't delete this thread because it has 300 posts

>> No.10811831

I can delete it if you want.

>> No.10811838 [DELETED] 

I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy of leaving this thread alone while other similarly /jp/-related threads are deleted merely because they have fewer posts.

>> No.10811843

How old are you now?

I wonder what it's like for someone to be a few years older than all of his peers in college, it seems hard.

>> No.10811845

I guess. The janitor was around when I first made it. I haven't even replied to it since.

>> No.10811849

move out

>> No.10811880


well i don't care, i can play guitar now too and i expirement with noisy tones so more money=more noise

>> No.10812045

how do you do ? are you able to build an amazing fig collection and keep an ever up to date battle station ?

my sin is that I actually started to have social interaction with friend inviting me... It's soooo much of a hassle. I thought they were as socially awkward as me (they are advanced maths student in my university after all) but that wasn't the case... now they always want to hang out with me, spend an evening at someone's house... I always make up excuses but I think they start to smell there's something off... Help me...

>> No.10812216
File: 76 KB, 640x473, c59340c94a0e56c8bbaca6a62cbcceb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night I od'ed on dxm and woke up in the hospital with liquid charcoal all over my body and in my hair.

>> No.10812239

Who paid for the hospital bill?

>> No.10812261
File: 122 KB, 700x840, 1361264109202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never do dxm again, and I'm going to lay off disassociatives for a while now. Liquid charcoal and saline tubes are not fun. Will stick to heroin and xanax for now.

>> No.10812370

I took DMT the other day it felt like i was in gensekyo.

>> No.10812370,1 [INTERNAL] 

How do you "OD" on DXM?

>> No.10812370,2 [INTERNAL] 

you take a lot and die

>> No.10812370,3 [INTERNAL] 

but he didn't die

>> No.10812370,4 [INTERNAL] 

maybe he meant "OD" in a sense that he took a higher dose than he would have wanted.
i actually think that he's a fucking idiot, though.
