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10793535 No.10793535[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It would be nice to have my own /jp/sie maid
doing all the boring chores around my house and
maybe keep me company when I get bored.
Would any of you girls actually considering being someone's maid 24/7 in exchange for an allowance and housing?

>> No.10793537

look at that fatty

>> No.10793539
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you'll die alone bitch

>> No.10793540

In house maids are really expensive.

>> No.10793542

How much of an allowance are we talking? Would I have to dress up and do lewd things? Are you cute?

>> No.10793544

How was your date, Tokiko?

>> No.10793549

Yo, where is my payment? I don't want to be a slave.

>> No.10793550
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>> No.10793561
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>would any of you girls

>> No.10793565

>Would any of you girls actually considering being someone's maid 24/7 in exchange for an allowance and housing?
Only if you're a filthy rich and good-looking goshujinsama.

>> No.10793566
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he sure is lel

>> No.10793567
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couple hundred dollars a month maybe and a car/motorcycle. I'll just add you to my credit card and place a limit on it and pay it off every month. I'll be paying for food and rent, so you won't have to worry about that.

I will expect you to wear the maid uniform whenever I'm around and to address me as master.

Also, I won't control you all the time. You will get a decent amount of free time when I get bored of having you around.

>> No.10793588

Where do you live? Getting paid to wear a cute uniform and do simple tasks like cleaning is a dream job.

>> No.10793594

What would I need a car for if you pay for food and I live where I work?

>> No.10793600

Right now I live in the Mississippi coast, but I'm supposed to move around September. Not sure where, but I would like to go somewhere on the east coast.

The car is there for you to use if you choose to use it.

>> No.10793611

I'd sell it to add to my retirement fund.

>> No.10793615

Just to be clear, you live alone?

How can I contact you to discuss this more?

>> No.10793632
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Would I have to kneel down and suck your cock daily?

>> No.10793633
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Of course I do, I don't think I would be able to do this sort of thing if I had some sort of roommate or parents living with me.

>> No.10793657

As your master I will be entitled to use you as I see fit within reasonable parameters of course.
I won't make you do anything dangerous that will risk your life or harm you in any way.

>> No.10793711

Keep us in touch and tell us if the deal is working.
I'm interested in having a maid in few years.

>> No.10793713
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So to become your maid I'd have too pretty much become a living onahole, existing only for your pleasure? Do I get my cock sucked too?

>> No.10793725


>> No.10793724

Your only purpose is to serve the master, and do whatever he wants, so no.

>> No.10793738

Not OP but a maid's duty is to serve his master, what wrong with that?
Unless you're thinking that all masters just want you to be their sex-slave and suck their/your cock.

>> No.10793751

True, a maid's duty is to serve her master.
No, I won't use my maids exclusively for sex.

>> No.10793783

I'm dead serious about this, search for this trip in the archive later if you ever want to see if I find something.

>> No.10793792

I sent you an email, please reply.

>> No.10793799

sent ;)

>> No.10793801

"If you're applying to be a live in maid, and expect to not have sexual relationships with your master, you're doing it wrong."

—Amanda Fournier, Thursday, March 3, 2011

>> No.10793809
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I'd take a milk if it was available ;_;

>> No.10793827
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200 a month and a motorbike to wear a maid costume, clean and suck dick?

Much better than being a NEET

>> No.10793835

errrrr, biloxi, MS

>> No.10793852

You could suck one dick, one day for 200 bucks.

>> No.10793862

Wearing a costume probably isn't enough, you have to be cute.

>> No.10793868

But that dick wouldn't give a two shit about you.

It's a maid duty to serve her master, but it's also the master duty to protect her maid.

>> No.10793883
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I'm on hormone treatment, I pass as a girl and guys hit on me and check me out (so fucking easy to notice, seriously guys), though I have social anxiety though and I'm a helpless NEET with no friends, you can't blame me for considering this.

OP would probably have to raise the pay to 600 and throw in free weed, though

>> No.10793892

hi anon

how do I get hormones?

>> No.10793894

What age are you? I want to start hormone treatment but I'm probably too late...

Would you mind posting a picture? I want to see what a cute /jp/sie MTF looks like.

>> No.10793899

informed consent clinic or inhousepharmacy.biz

sorry you'll all judge me

>> No.10793901

I don't do drugs in general and I will not allow them in my dwelling.

>> No.10793910

Do it like all the japanese traps while hiding your face.
If you're indeed cute, people will call you a slut and attention-whore but probably half the normals here would secretly want to bang you.

See >>10793721

>> No.10793908

Can I get them prescribed or something?

>> No.10793931
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Find a therapist and talk to them about it, they write a letter saying they think you're legit trans and you take that to a gender clinic and they prescribe you the hormones.

I am very bad with weed, as soon as I have money I spend it on weed so I'd probably try to hide it in my room and stay high all the time. Too bad I guess.


>> No.10793940

FUCK i hate therapists, but I'll do it.

Btw you look good, when did you start?

>> No.10793950

Should have tried with a cute outfit but nvm.

Your skin looks smooth, would definitely lick. I also think you might look good in a maid outfit, but you should take better care of your hairs.

>> No.10793946

8 months ago at 18

Talking the therapist sucks but after the first few times you'll get used to them and it's a bit easier.

>> No.10793953

It's hard to tell how cute you are with your face hidden like that but you have a nice upper body. I wish I could look like you. ;__;

>> No.10793963

looks VERY promising.
I'm dying to see more

>> No.10793972

Nice, hopefully I can look good..!

>> No.10794094

If you were interested in doing this, what would your demands be?

>> No.10794189

I would do that shit for free in exchange for housing. No one would want me though, and it kinda worries me what I'd do with my life if they ever got bored and decided to kick me out or something. I wouldn't know what to say to my parents either, they care a lot about me. I want to die.

>> No.10794211

>No one would want me though
why not?

>> No.10794233
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>she wheighs a ton
Ahaha, what a fatty.

>> No.10794248

I'm not cute enough, though I'm not sure how much HRT could change my features.

>> No.10794268

It doesn't do much if you are older, it can't change your hips or broad shoulders.

Usually you get breasts at the very least but who wants those.

>> No.10794290

It would be nice if the /jp/sie maid did her job of cleaning this board.

>> No.10794318

My figure is not really the issue, I'm like 168cm tall and weigh around 49kg. My face is not very girly at all and I'm already 21 years old too.

>> No.10794327

This is proving to be a difficult search.

>> No.10794339

You didn't actually really expect to find a cute /jp/sie maid did you?
I can hardly see a real person being a maid in this day and age.

>> No.10794353

I'm dead serious about finding one. I would much prefer it be a girl, but I'm open for more.

I know someone who actually did this and has had his made for about 14 months now. It sounded like a lot of fun, and she does everything he wants, and even wears the maid outfit he got her.

>> No.10794368

The average salary of a live-in housekeeper is $35,000 per year.

>> No.10794406

What do you mean by open for more?

>> No.10794407

well, you wouldn't really be working

>> No.10794413

"Even wearing the maid outfit", meaning sometimes I guess, does not make her a valid maid.

Look, I don't want to break your dreams, but if you're indeed looking for the maid we're both thinking of, you won't find it. OR, you may find it but knows that she'll eventually get bored of the thing.

You're just basically asking for a woman to do all the chores while being faithful to her master. Westerner will simply call that a "submissive girl", from here it's pretty safe to assume what kind of troubles you're going to have to deal with.

As for the traps, I do like to watch them because they're acting "more feminine than a real female" and that is damn cute, but let's face it : They're all lewd, even more than your average female. There's a high chance that you can actually find one to be your maid, but only for a specific amount of time; know also that s/he will definitely be sex-driven all the time and if you fail satisfying her s/he will definitely go away.

>> No.10794420

I also forgot to add the kind of people like >>10794368

>> No.10794421

i cant be a girl but i look like a young boy. im 25 but short and thin, shorter and lighter than even an asian woman. id like to do maid duties in exchange for food, security and a home.

id try my best to be cute.

>> No.10794430


>> No.10794495
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I almost struck a deal with a /jp/er to become my maid. It fell through because of things on my end though I never really communicated with him properly about it. This thread made me wonder if he is still waiting to hear from me

>> No.10794502

please elaborate

>> No.10794511

sorry, i dont want to draw much attention. people would just make fun of me for not showing my face; i dont want 4chan to get hold of that.

ive posted pics before though. im also at a very scary time where i might soon be homeless.

having a kind caring master would be really nice.

>> No.10794537

post pics and let me decide if I can provide a helping hand.

feel free to cover your face

>> No.10794555

No sex before marriage

>> No.10794587

I will consider it tomorrow.

>> No.10794653
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i will post this before i go to bed tonight. this was around a month ago.

that top was actually quite full of air and not my body; imagine maybe 2" on both sides from the side of the top and that's probably about where my torso is. this pic gives a decent look at my small legs for help.

embarrassing but ok. i also have no idea how to wear girls' clothes. that was like my 2nd time.

>> No.10794663

cute clothes, where did you get them?

>> No.10794698

Yes, this pleases me. I might be able to help you out after all.
What state are you located in, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.10794742

just a vender off amazon. i think they look bad on me though.
i dont mind. CA.

>> No.10794752

why don't you send me an email so we can talk a little bit more

>> No.10794770

Please don't e-mail this person! I'll be your boyfriend, and you don't have to submit to such a thing!

>> No.10794817

You should have a healthy relationship, and this is not it!

>> No.10794813

i will think about it over the night. its a scary change and i still dont know my housing situation.

i will consider it though. thank you!

ooh dont confuse me anon, please. im conflicted enough already.

>> No.10794823

Of course, this isn't an overnight kind of thing, you need to think about it first.

I'll be waiting for an email from you, but I recommend you at least send me one so you remember my mail or so I can contact you back later.

>> No.10794843

I'm not too far from you and totally would 'cause I need a place to stay, except that I don't know if you're a serial killer or not

>> No.10794865
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i would be in craigslist instead

>> No.10795064

All this trap talk makes me want to be one.
I think 20 is too old for therapy though, and I guess it doesn't matter anyway in the end.
I guess I could at least shave my legs though.
I agree with >>10794413 though in that traps act more feminine than females, which is why I like them a lot more.
