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10673774 No.10673774 [Reply] [Original]

Does it bother you sometimes that Touhou has this awesome range of characters and a great setting yet ZUN will never do anything meaningful with them?

>> No.10673777

No, not really.

He has other people to do that for him.

>> No.10673783

the setting is actually pretty weak
and most the characters suck with a few interesting ones here and there

and he's not that great of a writer anyways

>> No.10673785


>> No.10673794


But those will never gather the community attention that an official work would could get and they have to be restricted to the stuff that has already being introduced.

Take SSiB for example, do you think people would accept new original characters like the Moon sisters if that was a doujin?

>> No.10673795

It always kinda annoys me when he just adds characters who have no influence on the plot of the game and will never appear in anything again, besides a 1 panel cameo in one of the manga.

>> No.10673789

who the fuck are you?

>> No.10673804

There are a lot of fanworks out there which are known to tons of other fans. None of them will ever be famous as anything ZUN puts out but that's only to be expected. And you won't be getting very many OCs from them, but it's not like ZUN is going to run out of characters anytime soon.

>> No.10673846

I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit.

>> No.10673851

'im not talking to you dumb nerd

>> No.10673855
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That's what fanon is for.

Seriously, Gensokyo is like a campaign setting for D&D. You have the SRDs and some boilerplate characters, stories, and locations, the fans take care of extra material.

>> No.10673866

> characters who have no influence on the plot of the game and will never appear in anything again, besides a 1 panel cameo in one of the manga
You're talking about 80% of characters here.

>> No.10673894

He has gotten somewhat better about it. In UFO, any character besides Kogasa is related to the plot.

Compare that with PCB which has no plot important character before stage 5. Any other character could have appeared in the first 4 stages and nothing would have changed. Besides Chen maybe.

>> No.10673901

Ichirin could be substituted for anyone without affecting the plot.

>> No.10673908

good ideas

poor execution

no men

>> No.10673916

Characters don't have to be important to the overall plot. I like the fact that Reimu or whoever can randomly stumble across a stray youkai before the plot-relevant characters appear, especially when the current incident has affected them in some way but it's way over their heads.

I agree with >>10673894 though. For the past few games it seems more characters have had some role (or at least been directly affected by) the current incident. And SA onwards forms a nice arc, with the incidents being a chain of events followed by the whole religious theme.

>> No.10673918

She still has more plot related reason to be there than characters like Rumia or Wriggle did in their games.

>> No.10673922


Not now that she'll be in the next fighter.

>> No.10673931

Please don't. I'm tired of people doing "meaningful" stuff with their work. Keep taking it easy and charmingly solving incidents. I don't want morals shoehorned into my touhou.

>> No.10673936

Isn't Maybell relatively popular?

>> No.10673939

Why are those race traitors bowing to japanese scum?

>> No.10673940

"Relatively" only in the sense that there's little to no competition.

Although of the fan-made characters, there's no-one with more fame than the Hakurei miko.

>> No.10673946

Alice turned out to be plot-relevant though, as she would move on to team up with Marisa in Imperishable Night.

>> No.10673949

?Nothing meaningful?

what do you mean by that?

>> No.10673950

She wasn't relevant for PCB's plot though.

>> No.10673953

He wants ZUN to talk about real world issues and bring attention to social issues like abortion and gay rights.

>> No.10673959

ZUN already talks about real world issues. He just doesn't beat you over the head with them.

>> No.10673967

That doesn't make her plot relevant, it could've been anyone without changing anything.

>> No.10673969

Fanon characters that are secretly canon characters but actually not are more famous. Like Miko Miko Suika and Advent Cirno.

>> No.10673972

oh c'mon
no one does it

even the people who used to do it dropped it already

OP should go outside once in a while

>> No.10673992

There are no more than three characters in any game up to UFO that are actually plot-critical. They may have plenty of plot-related characters that aren't actually plot-relevant, like Ran or Patchouli. SA has three, IN has two, EoSD has one, and PoFV has zero.

>> No.10674007

it bothers me that chillno-sama will never step on my head

>> No.10674011

All the time.

>> No.10674038
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I want a gaiden series of comics that feature a short story about each of the current cast. Nothing too exciting, just a few pages about Reisen eating breakfast or something.

Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red kind of did this in text format, and I liked it a lot.

>> No.10674043

SoPM has more where that came from.

>> No.10674069


I meant as in an arc that something actually happens with the characters. Like an actual war faith war in Gensokyo, they interacting with people from the outside world and their societies, murders, serious schemes, etc.

At the current state of things though nothing interesting is happening and at the end Reimu will always end up befriending everyone, there will never be a real conflict between them. The only thing that possibly hints at something more interesting and with actual consequences is the stuff we don't know that is going on with Kasen, other than that the written works are just glorified slice of life stories.

>> No.10674070

PoFV is an incident where nothing happens.

>> No.10674066

>PoFV has zero plot-critical characters
you wot

>> No.10674073

who is Komachi

>> No.10674078

So basically, you wish Gensokyo weren't a fantasy land where girls throw colored balls at each other for fun, but a bloody battleground where people get killed? Maybe you should find yourself another series.

>> No.10674081

Maybe she contributed, but the ghosts would still be everywhere even if she were working hard.

>> No.10674101

It's not really that kind of story.

I don't know. It's the difference between a lot of contemporary fantasy stories (particularly those for younger audiences) where every character happens to be important and fights goblins or learns a useful spell every five minutes, and older fantasy stories where there's a lot of walking and camping and boring shit that I love.

Basically, 99 days out of 100, nothing exciting is going to happen with the characters, because why would it? Besides getting roped into incidents for the main games, it's not like there are daily adventures and battles. They sit around and drink tea and head into the human village to do some shopping. The characters are living their own lives, not living the lives an audience of fantasy action fans would want.

>> No.10674107


It doesn't have to be black or white. I'm not asking for a grimdark series. I just want something to happen. Some meaningful interaction between them.

>> No.10674110

Here you go, dude:

>> No.10674121

You can't have an actual war or murders if nobody is getting killed. Arguably you already got what you wanted in SA, disaster was narrowly averted.

But if you're going to claim that nothing is "meaningful" because nobody suffered or died then again, this is not the series for you.

>> No.10674143

>the written works are just glorified slice of life stories.

The entire Touhou series is slice of life

>> No.10674154

>ZUN will never do anything meaningful with them

What does this even mean? They're the fucking bosses, they're about as meaningful as you can get.

Fucking secondaries spilling shite all over me board, fuck sake.

>> No.10674147
File: 508 KB, 750x800, imma invade that moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty funny because Mokou and Kaguya try to kill each other all the time and they can't.

All the killing and death is in the backstory of Gensokyo. It's like one of those Saturday morning cartoons that begins with a prologue about how there was a huge war in the past, even though nobody dies or even gets injured into the cartoon itself.

Gensokyo is mostly peaceful now. That's not to say people don't die or that ZUN's a hack trying to make the story kid-friendly, but it's simply not a vital part of the setting.

>> No.10674177

That's pretty much what SaBND/OSP are.

>> No.10674390

>just a few pages about Reisen eating breakfast or something.
Would she eat raisin bran?

>> No.10674407

reisin bran

>> No.10674422

Please do not misuse spoilers.

>> No.10674431
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I want to be stepped on by Cirno.

>> No.10674522


>> No.10674540


>> No.10674623

I thought Touhou had some really cool story since it seemed so popular.
I was a bit disappointed when I found out that wasn't the case. Still, many of the characters are great.

>> No.10674703

please stop yelling it's scaring me

>> No.10674765 [DELETED] 

Gensoukyou is a place where the youkai chill for the time being. It isn't like nothing meaningful is going to happen there, but it isn't going to be like the ancient times where the youkai were at war, etc.

However, the barrier itself was created for the sole purpose of putting a bit of distance between them and the world of humans because the humans mostly collectively deny their existence and this causes various problems. So what do you think will happen when this obstacle is removed? Akyuu has theorized about this here:
It's really not too far-fetched to say that the age of youkai openly hunting humans as much as they want would probably begin again.

Until then, what we pretty much have is a place of refuge where people don't really do many major things.

Still, looking at it this way, I'd be willing to bet that most here don't want that to change anymore.

>> No.10674815

I wonder what would happen if touhou got picked up by one of the larger companies

I think Blizzard could make some pretty cool PC games, or capcom.

>> No.10674843

Um, no, it would not be good if it became just another cash cow for some big company. ZUN doesn't want this to happen either, because he knows it's going to suck, which is the same reason that he opposed the creation of the various fan anime for the series. And you really can't blame him, since those anime are hilariously bad.

ZUN puts lots of love into the series as it is. We don't need to feed the series to the dogs.

>> No.10674865

Fuck you.

>> No.10674866

But Touhou is already something meaningful for me. Games, tunes and characters that have brought a bit of joy to my daily life.

It's oneself who makes things become meaningful.

>> No.10674872
File: 128 KB, 1920x1080, 東方夢想夏郷・第二話PV.mkv_snapshot_00.44_[2013.03.28_22.14.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't oppose the creation of fan anime. He only had issues with summer day's dream because it was presented in a way it made it look like an official anime. That's why they added "touhou doujin anime" to the title.

Think about it for a seocnd: why would he be against a doujin work just because it's animated?

>> No.10674879

Weren't you supposed to be banned?

>> No.10674898

What does Zun think of people sexualising touhous

Has he read any touhou porn

>> No.10674902

ZUN posted on the blog of ReverseNoise

>> No.10674912
File: 324 KB, 1024x1024, 1357850269974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done anything wrong.

>> No.10674931

Fuck yooooouuuuuu!!!

>> No.10674955

That was probably ReverseNoise reporting something ZUN said secondhand. His blog doesn't even have a comments section.

>> No.10674968

Anyone but Blizzard, they suck Activision's dick nowadays and are just a shadow of their former glory. I bought Diablo 3 and it was simply put a mistake. Cata, MoP and Heart of the Swarm were terrible too.

I honestly have no faith for gaming industry anymore, the only brotier company left is probably CD Projekt Red.

>> No.10674979 [DELETED] 

Please do not use the crossboard feature.

>> No.10674986

Alright, I messed up a bit. The point is, though, he doesn't want to sell Touhou to some company.

>> No.10674989

I forgot that pure shitposting, like your post, is more /jp/ related than actually trying to discuss anything here.

I will try to improve.

>> No.10674993

Maybe if you tried to actually discuss things instead of using lame crossboard jargon you wouldn't get a negative reaction out of people.

>> No.10674996

What "lame crossboard jargon" was used?

>> No.10675003

Oh yeah, just checked it. It's really just Reversenoise himself talking about a conversation he had with ZUN.

>> No.10675004

Never mind, I found it. I'm not sure why you give a shit, though. It's not like /jp/-original shitposting memes (such as "crossboard") are any better.

>> No.10675005

I just gave my opinion on Blizzard based on my experiences with their latest games. Maybe try to contribute instead of shitposting? I'm sorry I'm using words and hurting your feelings.

>> No.10675013

Just curious, what does Reversenoise say?

>> No.10675014

It's not your opinion, it's the language you used.

>> No.10675028

He reported that ZUN said that on the radio that Byakuren's hair is actually what it looks like and it's not just the light from the scroll.

>> No.10675029

>18時 白蓮の髪の青は巻物の照り返しで、実際には金髪だと思うんですけど、やむっさん的にはどうですかね?


It's about Hijiri's hair.

>> No.10675035

It's not a "shitposting meme," it's just a linguistic device to refer to those who flaunt the culture of their (lesser) board of choice and their such behavior.

>> No.10675045

And "flanfly" is really just a still from a Touhou doujin flash animation, but it's still a shitposting meme.

>> No.10675047

In short "ironic shitposting".

>> No.10675050

You're not very logical.

>> No.10675065

And you're being deliberately obtuse.

>> No.10675094

Just because he was critical of your post doesn't mean he was shitposting. The definition of shitposting isn't "any post I don't like."

>> No.10675105

I'm genuinely curious as to what definition the term might have then, if it isn't "any post I don't like."

>> No.10675123
File: 196 KB, 640x427, 7772273668_2a08e06f8d_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs have pretty cool cosplay. I'd love to have that NEET gear myself.

>> No.10675136

A post that was made to be deliberately shitty for some reason or another, whose shittiness even its author can't dispute

>> No.10675150



I don't know what the hell OP means but what more could you want from him? He already gave a couple of the more popular characters their own games and all.

I don't understand...

>> No.10675175

*dodges toxic vomit*

You missed.

>> No.10675239

/jp/ why aren't you bothered that Touhou has an incredibly vapid/large fanbase yet a large majority of touhou fans on /jp/ seem to hate anything else with an vapid/large fanbase?

>> No.10675261

But I am bothered by shitposters.

>> No.10675639

I hate the vast majority of the Touhou fanbase so much.

So fucking much.

And all of you as well!
