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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 73 KB, 384x384, 1217592190928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1064333 No.1064333 [Reply] [Original]

Hikkikomori Quest

Warning: Contains nudity and strong language.

Created by Persona, Kinuko and Paul Robertson of Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 fame, Hikkikomori Quest RPG tells the tale of a recluse who embarks on a perilous journey of self-discovery, hoping to find some form of acceptance by the society that shuns him.

Use the C key to examine objects or select options, and press the X key to access your inventory. Your home doubles as an inn, while colas function the same way as conventional potions. Progress can be saved by checking your computer or accessing the computer terminals when exploring a dungeon. Press the left alt and enter key at the same time to switch between full screen and windowed mode.

The game should take about an hour or two to complete. Not for the easily offended or bored.


>> No.1064341

Game isn't as interesting.

>> No.1064342

I like it.

>> No.1064343

Me too.

>> No.1064344

Does anyone have anything equipped in their left hand? Because I don't.

>> No.1064348


>> No.1064350


As do I.

By the way,watch out for that guy infront of the store. Otherwise, YOU WILL ALREADY BE DEAD!

>> No.1064351

I hate the rpg fight parts
game would be better as a yume nikki clone

>> No.1064356
File: 140 KB, 636x477, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow ...

new battle music is good though

>> No.1064362

I still want that damn wallpaper. ;_;

>> No.1064363

it looks like there is room for party members... maybe I can get friends to join me in fight? ;_;

>> No.1064375


This. There needs to be a Yume Hikki.

>> No.1064389


Hey, thanks. Fuck it, you know what? I think I'll talk about this theoretical game and you people can talk about shit you'd like to see in it or you think would improve it.

A particular scenario would break down like this. You're a boxer, right? A young man. Hard man. Western dude, too; adopted by some Japanese after your real parents got shot while in Japan. Somewhere along the bureaucracy you got tagged as a Japanese citizen, moved to an orphanage and eventually adopted by these folks. You live well with them for a while; you got a sister. She lieks you. When you're about seventeen (and she's thirteen), your new parents get run down. You love your little sister and you got to take care of her, but you don't have a lot of marketable skills. You got one thing though; you can take a punch. You're not fast, not real good looking, get tired quick and you're punches are good but nothing to write home about. The one thing you got though is durability. You will go ten rounds with the Devil himself and never stay down for longer than a three count. As long as they pay the referee not to TKO you and the three-fall rule isn't in effect, you can fight to a decision with anybody in the world. Granted, you'd be bruised and battered and you'd never get the decision itself, but it WOULD go to the judges.

>> No.1064394


You do some low-level pit-fighting at first and catch some of the manager’s attentions. Now, these fellas’ have taken to flying in young negroes and Russians and they’re knocking out the local boys in one hit. The crowd is bored and angry; they want someone to go the distance. The managers have seen you fight and know that if they pay off the referee then you can give ‘em eight rounds. You start getting paid alright money to be basically fed to these guys. Your sister is worried, she feels bad; she’s always had a thing for you. You’re getting roughed up pretty good out there, but you’re starting to almost put up a fight. After taking so many punches, you can nearly see them coming now. You can bob and weave and know to fire a right from the hip. You’ve even knocked some of the guys down. You start getting a bit of a reputation around these parts; something of a local hero standing up to the barbarian hordes, even though you’re not really Japanese.

You’re starting to sleep pretty heavy though. Something about all those punches to the head. Your sister is noticing this, too. She goes into your room now when you sleep. Touches you. She got bold once and kissed you. She’s starting to invite her friends over.

>> No.1064393
File: 63 KB, 593x465, hikki1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1064408

Sounds awesome.
I want that to become my life.

>> No.1064427


Stop reading my mind and using the life I dream about having as a storyline


>> No.1064449
File: 314 KB, 1280x960, wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1064451

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.1064460

Well, I either wanted an action filled life, or something important like fed chairman.
Action filled seemed nice ;_;

>> No.1064468


1680x1050 version or higher please

>> No.1064474


>> No.1064475

how do i walked to the soda unharmed?

>> No.1064477

Are there Touhou references in this game?

>> No.1064494




>> No.1064540
File: 43 KB, 633x479, NEWFAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1064556

So this is just a buggy food-buyan game. Kind of a let-down. The new-game plus doesn't even work right.

>> No.1064557


Well, I don't mind writing the game, but I don't know jack shit about programming or anything like that so I don't really know how to go about it.

>> No.1064559



>> No.1064565

This looks like it was made in RPG Maker XP/VX or some shit.

>> No.1064579


>> No.1064586


>> No.1064603
File: 44 KB, 720x480, rage3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1064620

hey guys, soda machines don't take away your money, you can get free soda

>> No.1064624


>> No.1064655


>> No.1064688

Sell monster soda to amazon
earn free cash.

>> No.1064728

It crashes when I click 'start game'. Shit cucks.

>> No.1064781


>> No.1064792

I guess it was impossible after all! ;_;

>> No.1064802

Nah, just grind.
And exploit vending machines.

>> No.1064895

CAA approves this worksafe gaem is worksame

>> No.1064932

This sounds interesting, downloading

>> No.1064967



>> No.1065044

i need to sell 167 Mr. Monsters to buy pokeball?

>> No.1065058

Was this created using rpg maker?

>> No.1065107
File: 168 KB, 325x315, 1210604747268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this game so fucking hard for? Does the creator of this game actually expect us to level up? My leveling up days are loooooong over. I haven't leveled up in an rpg in 5 years. I guess now that I'm a mature/respectable citizen I no longer have time to level up.

/r/ing cheat codes. Otherwise this game ends here. Which is a shame, seeing how I really want to know how this game ends.

>> No.1065112
File: 6 KB, 300x300, 1212792509107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A challenger appears

>> No.1065113

What the fuck? Why is the first level so hard?
Any tips?

>> No.1065119

None of you have ever played the original Dragon Quest, have you.

>> No.1065129

Yume Nikki 1.5. I like this. I DEMAND MORE GAMES LIKE THIS.

>> No.1065138

We've played it, but that was nice and dandy back in our youth. Nowadays, (unfortunately) we don't have time for this shit.

>> No.1065139

All the dialogue fast-forwards and he constantly walks to the right. Re-installing makes no difference. What the hell?

>> No.1065140

mine just goes black, wtf?

>> No.1065141

I'm getting the same...

>> No.1065157


I have. Which reminds me, I quit my DQ marathon in the middle of 3. I really should remedy that, 3 was fuckawesome.

>> No.1065239

fffffff I've been trying to hack this and it's fucking impossible.

>> No.1065248


>> No.1065259

You know, the idea was godly, but the execution couldn't be any shittier, I played for almost and hour and didn't get any close to getting the fucking hot-dog, I wonder if the game actually ends after I get the food and go back home

>> No.1065260

well, the dialog sure is redundant

just like my japanese animes

>> No.1065264

I killed the fucking hotdog, got dumped by my new girlfriend and crashed the game.

>> No.1065266

as cutesy as the art is the game is horrible

>> No.1065274

Jesus fucking christ, I hate you people.

>> No.1065275

sageing your own sorrows now?

>> No.1065280

You guys act like "hikikomori pride" is awesome.

>> No.1065287

At least it's better than pretending to be "superior" when you are just the same as us

>> No.1065289

Where's the porn at? I was promised pron.

>> No.1065314


itt we bitch about "hikikomori pride" is in every thread that so much as mentions the word without actually bothering to read the threads

sure is a lot of hiki pride up in here i mean every other post is "i havne't gone outside for 2 weeks except to work i'm a hiki right? this is awesome i watched so much tv being a hiki is the best" you know what i mean?

>> No.1065445



>> No.1065485

Anybody know how to actually make the game fucking work?

>> No.1065557

What is supposed to happen after you defeat the hotdog boss?

>> No.1065562
File: 64 KB, 306x227, 1217617045377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what happens after you fight the hotdog? Once I got finished fighting it, some text appeared on the screen and said that I dumped my girlfriend. I never met a girlfriend. Did the game just skip to the ending? Or is it supposed to do ts\Anonymous\Desktop\Gamma Documents\Entertainment\Pictures\macro\3\1209702626622.jpghis?

>> No.1065563

Is the game supposed to end right after you defeat the hotdog?

>> No.1065583



>> No.1065784


>> No.1065811


>> No.1065815

had me at Paul Robertson

>> No.1065915

WHAT THE FUCK I HAVE JUST DEFEATED HOTDOG BOSS... where's the 3rd level?? FUUCK the shop clerk level ... where is it? fucking game ARGGGGHHH

>> No.1065964

why doesn't my money decrease when i buy stuff?

>> No.1065970

I don't have to pay for the rabbit cola is it a bug?

>> No.1066062

It looks to me like somehow the room that opens up after beating the Hotdog King leads to a bug that makes you reach the end of the third level, instead of teleporting you to the third level.

>> No.1066163

Has anybody made it to the third level yet? Or is this bug infecting all of us?

>> No.1066206

I wanna invest time into this, but everyone's talking about a game killing bug- info?

>> No.1066230

Someone post this in /v/

>> No.1066251

After killing the hotdog boss, go back to to original entrance, then go home and sleep. Enter 7-11 again and there'll be a new map. Courtesy of /v/.

>> No.1066258

It was posted on /v/ 3 hours ago slowfag.


>> No.1066268


Thanks, you /v/irgins aren't so bad after all.

>> No.1066276

Is that Tsukasa on his wall?
Couldn't he have picked a better Lucky Star like Kagami~n?

>> No.1066309
File: 54 KB, 644x507, 1217624769175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol secret boss

>> No.1066350

What a piece of shit game this is. Some of you /jp/ guys will seriously play anything.

I'll file this under the Katawa Shoujo folder.

>> No.1066354


>> No.1066361


>> No.1066372

Jealous much?

>> No.1066389

Chad? Wow, I'm not even going to bother to download this anymore.

Was this made with RPG Maker or something?

>> No.1066405
File: 30 KB, 298x386, 1211749181110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this game was a parody of Final Fantasy, Grandia, or Digital Devil Saga it would be a hundred times better. Hell, it would probably be better than Touhou.

Unfortunately the creator of this game was trying to get "hardcore points" by making the gameplay based on the early Dragon Quest games.

PROTIP: DRAGON QUEST SUCKS. With the small exception of DQ 7 most of the DQ games are turds.

Dragon Quest = Super robot.
Final Fantasy = Gundam.

>> No.1066414



>Dragon Quest = Super robot.
>Final Fantasy = Gundam.


go be stupid in /v/

>> No.1066415

Need a parody game based on Star Ocean

>> No.1066416

Fuck you I liked 1 and 3

>> No.1066462

The op's game isn't hard neither is Dragon Quest 1-8.

Tedious leveling up != hard.

Back in the olden days there was little or no strategy in the battles. Your only option was to level up or get killed by the enemies. Nowadays with games like Digital Devil Saga and Grandia you can defeat high level enemies using strategy.

The main reason why the op's game fails is because its gameplay is based on the old generation philosophy. Important model citizens (such as myself) doesn't have time to waste leveling up to defeat an enemy. I'm too busy doing important things like getting laid and/or studying.

>> No.1066474


go back to /b/

>> No.1066485

bump just to piss you weeaboos off.

>> No.1066498

Wow, that's easily the most retarded thing I've read all week.

>> No.1066508

Explain how it's retarded retard.

>> No.1066519


You can't spare a couple hours to relax and enjoy a game? I'd hate to be you, then.

>> No.1066520


I thought


was stupider.

>> No.1066524

Everything he's said is wrong, how is this not retarded?

Most of the old jRPGs weren't about grinding, while 99% of all new jRPGs are about grinding (see: anything made by Atlus.)

Also his last sentence was troll bait.

>> No.1066534


Not a troll bait, it looks like a poor attempt at trolling.

Also, stop sageing my sorrows!

>> No.1066543

Time is money. I wish I had time to waste, but with college, work, and Internet I really don't have time for weeaboo leveling up. Enjoy your wasted hours. Also, let me leave you with some advice. Those hours that we wasted leveling up in Disgaea, Final Fantasy, and Dragon Quest will *never return to us.

>> No.1066549

Fuck,I didnt know you could abuse sell the Cola's. /v/ actually said something HELPFUL about video games. Thats pretty rare.

>> No.1066550


On the other hand, time wasted trolling /jp/ comes back to us like a boomerang.

>> No.1066563

Fail, Atlus is the only company that still does that.

The following games have little or no leveling up:

Final Fantasy 7-10
Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2.
Xenosaga 1-3
Star Ocean 3.
All of the Rpgs on the Gameboy Advanced/Ds.

Need I continue?

>> No.1066571

Bitches, two hours ain't nothin'. Anon wipes his ASS on two hours.

>> No.1066579


>Final Fantasy 10
>Star Ocean 3
>All of the Rpgs on the Gameboy Advanced/Ds.


Please continue, I'd like to see how else you'll fuck your argument up.

>> No.1066583
File: 6 KB, 140x252, 1204180238813s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just compare the old games to their sequels. Grandia for example keeps getting easier. And by easier I mean has less leveling up. Compare the old Final Fantasies to the new ones. Each Xenosaga was a lot easier than the previous one. The growing trend in the JRPG industry is to create linear/easy games. Final Fantasy X is to blame for this trend.

>> No.1066598
File: 12 KB, 300x221, scr_15505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Final Fantasy 7-X has more leveling up than the older Final Fantasies. Your argument is fail. And you should feel bad.

>> No.1066604

ho do defeat the final boss

>> No.1066616

That's weird. Defeated the cashier and ended up beating the game? What was all that about getting that girl and then getting dumped by her, then?


>> No.1066628


Shitty coding is shitty.

Apparently the skiddie fails at basic event coding.

>> No.1066640

seriously, did anyone even playtested this game before release?

>> No.1066648

No ending events. This is underwhelming.

>> No.1066683


>> No.1066692


You guys know what I like?





Fuck do I hate this maze...

>> No.1066689
File: 84 KB, 1282x479, hikki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which cashier did you guys fight?

Get the regular cashier by being nice to the owl, get the monster cashier by being an ass.

>> No.1066711

there's an ending. he gets a girlfriend but dumped after 3 months. did you guys get to save with the pokeball after defeating the cashier or did the game over screen come up??

>> No.1066717

Whoa, WTF happened to this thread?

>> No.1066729


I fought the mid cashier and got the ending.

>> No.1066732


I mean, I fought the mid cashier and got the game over thing. No real ending.

>> No.1066751

if you went straight into the gap after killing the hotdog king you'll get the real ending but all of the third lvl is skipped.

>> No.1066761


Yeah, but then something bugs me about that. Who the fuck is Mina?

Mid Cashier, something tells me there's a cashier easier than the Mid Cashier.

>> No.1066790

me too. i think mina (easiest cashier) is the real GOOD END. but idk how to get that battle. choosing option 1 and 3 when talking to the owl right before the battle or ignoring the owl all together gets the monster cashier. choosing 2 gets the mid cashier.

>> No.1066814


>> No.1066824
File: 82 KB, 643x1208, FFFFFFFFFFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1066829

>idk My best friend Jill.

back to myspace with you, you....

>> No.1066845

gb2/b/. That shitty phone ad didn't come up with the acronym idk.

>> No.1066850


hahaha oh god

>> No.1066867


>> No.1066874
File: 19 KB, 500x324, 1209751317539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phone ad didn't come up with the acronym idk.
Noooooooooooo, ya don't say!

that still doesn't giv u the right 2 say it on /jp/ :)

>> No.1066900

lurk moar newfags


>> No.1066914

jesus fucking christ

>> No.1066915

>2 say


>> No.1066921

successful trolling

>> No.1066923

Jesus fuck, you're not even trying. -5/10

>> No.1066922
File: 174 KB, 281x330, Bffjill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1066931

wait why are people reacting more to the counter-troll than the original troll

this bizarro world confuses and angers me

>> No.1066952

...wow, do people really claim that old games required levelling up?

You only needed to level up only if you couldn't get the game mechanics straight. You can finish FF4 with party on level 7 or something, for example; in FF3 you only needed to change your character class correctly, even in the first DQ I only needed to one or two additional levels before the last boss (just going through the last location for a second time did the trick)... I would give more examples if I actually remembered all those games well...

The "problem" is old games were hard from the very beginning, whereas the new ones start ridiculously easy.

>> No.1066996

Badly coded indie game, /v/ style shitstorm, and /b/ style "you're a newfag" circlejerk. Shame on you /jp/. I'm going back to /m/.

>> No.1067026


yeah you guys suck now

peace i'm going back to /n/


>> No.1067035


This would be comical, except I'm originally from /m/ so this hurts me in my heart the way the memories of old /b/ or /a/ hurt most other people. Oh how I long for the homeland of my youth to be restored.

>> No.1067037

SPOILER : This game is made with RPGMaker XP. The guys did not do any programming or designing. They just put little graphical squares representing stuff side by side. The character walks automatically. You just have to write the text you want to appear and it appears. The battle system is absolutely entirely pre-made. It's not hard. Nor at all "indie". It's not, properly speaking, a "game".

>> No.1067041

>i'm going back to /n/
Enjoy you trip to Japan via a tricycle.

>> No.1068145

i cant run the game.exe
any solution?

>> No.1068172 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 394x297, anHEROduck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

standard question, standard answer.

>> No.1068182


Why would you want a solution?

Listen to your computer for once.

>> No.1068196
File: 54 KB, 425x313, pirate_baby_tshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck didn't they just make a real game based on Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 instead of this crap?

>> No.1068257

Paul Robertson?! Sweet.

>> No.1069248

I'm so disappointed with this game. I thought /jp/ would be awesome, but this thread has shown me that it's not.

I'm going back to /b/.

>> No.1071702

Change the battle system to a more modern JRPG and this game will become an instant classic.

With the exception of Dragon Quest 7, the Dragon Quest franchise sucks donkey balls.

>> No.1071740


>> No.1071749

Worst shit this summer.

>> No.1071803


You were wrong yesterday and you are wrong today.

Take your tears to /v/.

>> No.1072298
File: 409 KB, 800x1200, 1217713336590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Quest 5 is fine too if you see what I mean...

>> No.1074385

DQ will always be second rate.

Just compare DQ to Final Fantasy. DQ doesn't even come close.

Final Fantasy beats it in characters, gameplay, music, story, and innovation. You're just trying to gain l33t hardcore points on the Internet.

>> No.1074410

help here
the game.exe dont run
downloaded like 10 times

>> No.1074439

spoiler: its a virus

>> No.1074447

Final Fantasy is inherently shit because all it has is a bunch of emo pretty boys.

>> No.1074613
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>> No.1074616
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>> No.1074628
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>> No.1074634
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>> No.1074651
File: 48 KB, 454x658, 1217742927274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1074662
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 1217743055863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1074685



>> No.1074721


Will someone give me their nickname and pass so I can watch this? I lost mine because I suck.

>> No.1074769


Not enough Kefka or Strago.
