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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 26 KB, 400x267, danny_choo-732726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10618791 No.10618791[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this guy hated so much?

>> No.10618798


>> No.10618801

Because his dad is rich.

>> No.10618810

Because he's what /jp/ wishes they could be

>> No.10618814

I'm jealous as fuck of him.

Though even if I woke up tomorrow and I was Danny Choo, I wouldn't have the self-confidence (and lack of self-awareness) to be such a huge weeaboo and prey on other weeaboos like he does. I'm not sure if he's a genius or a manchild, but he has my respect for making a fuckton of money by exploiting idiots and doing what he enjoys for a living.

>> No.10618818

Don't expect all /jp/ to know random human
Who the fork is this.

>> No.10618828

I only know of him because he gets posted on /jp/
All I know is he makes shitty little comics, goes to Japan and runs a blog or something, has money, had a successful kickstarter, and /jp/ despises him

I'm scared to learn more about him on my own because I don't want to give him the unknowing satisfaction that I know about him

>> No.10618833

what does his dad do anyways?
and doesn't he have a wife that's really ugly or something?

>> No.10618844


>> No.10618845

Jimmy Choo, the fashion designer. I think he sent his weeaboo kid to an orphanage or some shit.

>> No.10618854

He's a chinese pig.

>> No.10618862

I would be jealous if he was Japanese

I should have been born as a wealthy Japanese racecar driver

>> No.10618863

This. He really popped out of nowhere. One day there wasn't Danny Choo, then one day it was like "hi /jp/ what do you think of this guy he has a huge weeaboo empire all of a sudden".

I can only imagine he received a hefty "investment" from his dad one day, and paid his way to popularity overnight.

>> No.10618864

ewwwwwwwwwww he makes shoes.

>> No.10618871

I like how he avoids talking about his father. People only found out he was Jimmy Choo's son because in some post he wrote an offhand comment about how he used to visit his dad's shoe factory or something.

I'm sure he avoids talking about it because his father was a dick and sent him to foster homes, and it has nothing to do with his dad being incredibly rich.

>> No.10618872

He's got some ridiculous connections

>> No.10618873

He has been popular since around '07 when he started posting those Tokyo Stormtrooper videos on Youtube.

>> No.10618874

I'm more interested as to how people found out he was this guy's son from one "offhand comment".
Incredible detective work.

>> No.10618883

I have nothing against what he does overall, but I really disliked how in one "Otacool Guide" thing when he talks about dakimakura he basically says "Don't care if you don't know who the girl is, they're usually from porn games so nobody knows who they are anyways, just get cute girls for otaku points!" You don't need to be dedicated to only your waifu, but the idea of not even caring about the girl and just doing it for nerd cred is appalling.

Though I don't know if he really said that or if it's just something his detractors made to make him look bad

>> No.10618888

Two British chinks with the surname Choo. I guess there are probably a few, but it raises some eyebrows when they're both successful businessmen.

Anyway, from what I read, that's how it started. I guess someone just had the hunch and confirmed it somehow.

>> No.10618889

>otaku points!
what the fuck?

>> No.10618891

It's really hard to start up your own empire and make industry connections when you've only got a Dad who is one of the most well known people in the fashion industry.

>> No.10618893

I wish my dad would introduce himself to me as some famous rich fashion guy and gib me money

>> No.10618895

I liked those videos. I really wish he'd stopped there. I just want fun, dumb internet things without people selling out or becoming e-celebrities or artists or whatever.

>> No.10618897

I wish I were Danny Choo.
I wish I were borned in London, England.
I wish I get to study korean and japanese in college.
I wish I have a cool dad who designs and have a shoe brand under his name.
I wish I can wear one of his dad's heels which cost a bomb.
I wish I speak perfect english like Danny Choo.
I wish that I can host a website which is as popular as Danny Choo's.

Can I be Danny Choo aka Jimmy Choo, the great high end shoe designer's son aka the popular japanese culture writer aka fluent in korean , japanese and korean?

>> No.10618898

When I read his blog years ago he posted screenshots of anime, commenting how the girls were cute but he'd never seen the shows

>> No.10618900

A lot of people can't stand him because of how he presents Japan as some perfect paradise with no faults or problems.

He also feeds off his fanbase by getting them to send in photos and reports etc, which he then uses for his own financial benefit.

>> No.10618906


Doesn't his Mom still live in some ghetto flat? Did his Dad just fuck her and chuck her?

>> No.10618907

Don't you guys get it? "Otacool" is all about being as little otaku as possible while still inserting yourself into the subculture.

I mean think about it, fat smelly nerds who stay in their rooms all day playing VNs will never be cool. Its all about making people think you're into it while not actually having to be.

Didn't the 'omg I'm such a nerd" movement teach you anything?

>> No.10618901

I'm hella jealous. He says he never asked his father for money, but I'm sure if he wanted to he could just start designing shoes plus the connections. I used to read him in 2005 when he used to work for Amazon or Microsoft; cant remember which at the time. He's like everything I want to be and here I am 22 and still living with my parents ;_;

>> No.10618902
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>> No.10618905

When I was in school, a man pulled up outside in a sports car and came to the gate. He asked me and some friends if we could bring him Luke, a boy from our class, and he gave us £10 each for doing it. So we brought him Luke and it turns out this guy was his estranged dad who abandoned him or something, and now he's super rich and wants to see his son again.

The lucky bastard. He was actually really distraught at the time (and the "Luke, I am your father" jokes didn't help), but now I bet he's living it large with his dickhole of a father trying to buy his forgiveness through houses and cars.

>> No.10618909

How old is he?

>> No.10618913

should have claimed to be luke

>> No.10618916

Oh man, that's hilarious.

>> No.10618915


He is trying to get his generic mirai mascot drawn by every well known artist in Japan. He shat on yuzusoft, which didn't let foreigners on their website in the first place (now they do thanks to Danny). His dad is rich + he probably married any old Japanese woman to get the spouse visa to achieve his goal. He promotes "Otacool" since 2009 as a way to justify his existence in Japan,pretending he does the country service by explaining subcultures. He gets a ton of free shit and has no clue where it's from. Etc...etc..

>> No.10618922

Since he's having an anime made about his mascot, I hope an eroge is made too

>> No.10618919

I think we get it, but he outright lies to people. Bitches aren't going to suck your dick in Akiba because you're a gaijin who likes anime. That's the sort of image Danny Choo aims to present to people.

I don't even mind the idea of Cool Japan or promoting Japanese popular culture, but he does it in such an idealistic way that I'm worried it might actually be harmful. Imagine turning up in Tokyo and it's not the otaku mecca Danny Choo pretends it is.

>> No.10618921

I don't hate him, but I certainly can't like him.

He was a normal person who loves japan, goes to japan at some point, and that motivated him even more to be such otaku.

He made a blog long time ago and it ends up to be such bible for shitty-newfag nowadays. And he turns his popularity into a money-milking company.

He sets up a website-making-designing-or-something-like-that company after getting his way into japan. Befriend some companies like GSC and boosting his popularity more by posting stuff about figures and such. What makes it worse, that he gets stuff for free.

I don't know how much his dad has help him to be like that, but I didn't think that he milk his dad money. What I know, is that he get a job at a huge companies, promoted, then quit at some point, and go back getting a job at another huge companies.

Danny choo, I'm jealous as fuck. But I didn't have motivation or such to be the likes of him.

>> No.10618923


I hate the way he talks. Not his voice or the way he speaks or anything, but he talks as though he's some sort of philosopher or expert at something.

>> No.10618925


I had a quick look at that Mirai stuff and it's the biggest load of "self-insert" shit I've ever seen.

>> No.10618928

So is he some sort of super charismatic social guy or something? I can't even convince people to give me a job fixing computers for minimum wage.

>> No.10618929
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She's had cameo appearances in eroge.

>> No.10618930


I hope people make guro doujins of it and send them in to him.

>> No.10618934


That's because your Dad isn't an influential millionaire.

>> No.10618937
File: 81 KB, 476x523, mirai_millennium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which one of these is Danny's self-insert? I can't tell.

>> No.10618941

He's charismatic, but in a Jim Jones kind of way.

>> No.10618940

He's just adding fuel to the fire, in my opinion. Almost every weeb thinks Japan is the best country in the world thanks to anime. Danny Choo just reinforces that delusion with his blog and Otacool bullshit.

>> No.10618942

But he keeps it under wraps and his dad doesn't help him financially according to this thread.

He's just born better than us, I guess it proves blood is thicker than water.

>> No.10618943

The guy in the back?

>> No.10618944

Because people are jelaous of more successful people

>> No.10618947


Guy has no shame.

>> No.10618948

Heh, I was right.

Seriously how can you not guess who's the self-insert from that picture?

>> No.10618951
File: 36 KB, 350x467, DANNY-CHOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the only male, who wears glasses and a beanie, is half-British, has a crush on Mirai, and likes anime, manga, and dolls?

You're crazy, Anon.

>> No.10618950

>Jimmy Choo footwear is worn by a villain, and cited as a clue to the nature of her character, in The Salt-Stained Book, a children's novel by Julia Jones

Too funny.

>> No.10618954

His writing is an eyesore. If you want to read the words of a moron go right a head and read about buying "peachpais" so his "waifus" can have bigger "eyes." Things that enhance better "dolphin care"

>> No.10618955

No one would admit that their success was achieved mainly by someone else. I seriously doubt his son made enough money to buy a house in fucking Tokyo just by working some low key jobs at Amazon, Nature and Microsoft. I wouldn't be surprised if he got those jobs thanks to his dad's connections, either.

>> No.10618956

His anime might revolutionize the harem genre

>> No.10618957

but you need to polish you're dolphin ^^;
dolphins like been polished ^^

>> No.10618959


>ZK: Is your son (Danny Choo) involved in shoe design?
>JC: He designed shoes under my management and my team before he went to London. But then he said to me, ‘Dad, I want to explore different things first.’ He loves Japanese culture, so he does his animation and all that kind of stuff. He has his own blog Dannychoo.com, which I follow

He keeps it under raps because it destroys his image. Why is the CNN video where it goes into his relationship with his dad private now?


>> No.10618961


The comments on the pictures are even a bigger eyesore.

>> No.10618963

The girl with glasses, obviously.

>> No.10618966
File: 174 KB, 292x518, 8763587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No one would admit that their success was achieved mainly by someone else.

Yeah but he didn't have to post the fairy tale about him growing up in the ghetto either. He's a liar with no morals or integrity whatsoever. Hence his business success.

>> No.10618967

I was trying to find that video, but to no avail (it's not on the CNN website's video section, either).

I can understand wanting to make your own name for yourself, but not to the point where you're basically censoring the truth. That only makes you look more suspicious.

>> No.10618968

didn't he make some blog post that described how he was constantly bullied in his adopted family and estranged as a child or something like that that was posted on /jp/ time ago? Was that a fake if his father is rich?

>> No.10618969

a few years ago on his blog he went to visit his father the shoemaker. it's not a coincidence.

>> No.10618974

>He also feeds off his fanbase by getting them to send in photos and reports etc, which he then uses for his own financial benefit.
this. stop giving him free work.

>> No.10618977

his father was too busy making shoes to raise him. we'll never know the weird dynamic they have

>> No.10618980


Colony Drop wrote a negative article about him, and he configured his server so that links to his site from colonydrop.com redirect to the page "How Discovering Japan Changed My Life". He also deleted his TENGA reviews about the same time (you can still view them through archive.org, they're pretty hilarious).

>> No.10618984

"daddy i want to be an otaku"
"no son u will make shoes no son of mine will be an otaku"

so sad ;_;

>> No.10618985

I don't know much about the guy, I just dislike the way he's convinced a whole bunch of geeks that dollfies aren't a creepy hobby for future cat ladies. Also his mascot sucks so I wish GSC would stop wasting production slots on her.

>> No.10618986

It really isn't all that rare for someone down on their luck to leave their kid in a foster home for a while and then come back when they're back on their feet if there is no family to take over.

He probably spent 6 months in some loud family's house.

>> No.10618988


6 months oh boooo hooo ;_____;

>> No.10618989

Didn't he say he lived with black people that beat him when he was a child?

>> No.10618990
File: 343 KB, 699x1000, hamshou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So? He'll still have given his son money. Danny Choo literally claims to have been brought up in Hackney. He is the son of a multimillionaire. What a fucking joke.

There's no "weird dynamic", he maybe had an absent but rich father. Big deal.

>> No.10618992


Yeah. With some rubber thing from a tire or something.

>> No.10618996

Well, it was a kinda detailed story about how he turned long years of emotional pain from abuse into japanese learning fuel. There was no mention about rich dads either, so yeah.
He probably knows his target audience inside out and exploits it. Shit person, awesome businessman.

>> No.10618995

I find that rich people always try to get out their dramatic sad history when usually its just worded in a way that sounds bad but wasn't that bad at all.

>> No.10619000

>Shit person, awesome businessman
you said the same thing twice.

>> No.10619003 [DELETED] 


Someone help me find it. I know I'm not just remembering hazy memories.I read this same article at least 50+ times.

>> No.10619006


Never mind found it.
>Another unforgettable time was when I was beaten with car racing tracks - a bit like these ones but were made of rubber with an orange strip down the middle. Was left with lovely bright red marks all over. Remember looking in the mirror after the beating session and still remember exactly what I looked like back then down to the green jumper that I was wearing.

>> No.10619015


+1 upvote i cry every single time

take more of my money mr millionaire-san

>> No.10619016

You people are buying his sob stories? Haha oh wow.

>> No.10619018

Oh what ever. what parent DIDN'T beat their kids with a hot wheels track?!?!?!

>> No.10619021

That ain't shit.
Try a fiber glass fishing poles with the eyes removed.

>> No.10619025
File: 32 KB, 554x334, xbaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danny Choo made his second million as a ghostwriter for contestant background stories on the X Factor

>> No.10619026

cry more.

>> No.10619027

Punchable face

>> No.10619028

>mr millionaire-san

I could see if you hate people for how they act but hating them because they are rich is stupid.

It's just as bad as those people who hate on Britney Spears even though it's a well known fact she has mental problems.

>> No.10619030


>> No.10619031
File: 34 KB, 930x523, 7419785086_6054aa7463_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honorable Dato' Jimmy Choo comes along when his son brought a new phone.

>> No.10619041



>> No.10619044

he worked for his money since his dad was an ass.

>> No.10619053

He married a chinese lady he met when studying japanese at a local library.

>> No.10619054
File: 24 KB, 357x297, crying takao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Danny Choo

>> No.10619059

What did he do for microsoft and amazon?

Being asian and speaking fluent english is probably the easiest way to get anything you want in life

>> No.10619061


I hate rich people who pretend they understand poor people and hardships. He was born into wealth.

Same way I would hate Britney if she was only pretending to have mental issues. It's insulting.

>> No.10619067

Neither Danny or Britney were "born into wealth" and hating people for how much money they have is very petty.

You are no better than those "first world problem" people.

>> No.10619069


Some grunt programming work then he thought "fuck this, I'm rich why bother working".

>> No.10619070

He didn't even insult your precious Britney.
He only said that people who pretend to understand hardships without experience in them are bad people, and frankly I agree with him.

Danny got dollahs
You're probably some rich kid who goes on talking about "muh parents were always out working and never spent time with me"

>> No.10619072



doesn't seem like grunt work. he got lucky he was in the tech industry that early.

>> No.10619073

>Former Amazon site manager/Microsoft product manager.

Don't be so butthort, takao

>> No.10619076

you're so mad.

>> No.10619077


You're doing that thing where you're believing what he's written on his blog again.

>> No.10619082

IT MUST BE FAKE IF HE'S RICH! Fuck off, trash.

>> No.10619083


>my working career at Amazon as Website manager and Microsoft as CGM Product Manager


and who wasn't a manger at a tech job that didn't have a college degree in that era?

>> No.10619084


Hi danny.

>> No.10619085

Why do you keep thinking we're attacking the point that he's rich? We dislike him as a person, not for his dad's wealth.

I can write on a blog that I'm the actual owner of 4chan but that doesn't mean people will believe it.

>> No.10619088

What are his favorite anime, manga and VNs then?

>> No.10619090

>He only said that people who pretend to understand hardships without experience in them are bad people

And all I said was that both of them had hardships even if you don't see it that way.

How would you feel if you were put into a strange home with people who use you for checks and beat you for no reason?

I really feel bad for him he had to live at such a young age knowing that his parent didn't love him.

>You're probably some rich kid who goes on talking about "muh parents were always out working and never spent time with me

No I have slept on the floor my whole life and my house doesn't have insulation but I have empathy for others and always try to be understanding no matter what privileges they have compared to me.

>> No.10619094


Mirai Millennium™, Bleach, Katawa Shoujo

>> No.10619099

tfw you will never be able to afford the otacool lifestyle

>> No.10619100
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>> No.10619101

you mean pretending to be a shut-in neckbeard by doing everything in your power to make them jelly?

>> No.10619104

Is this whole OTACOOL thing really made by him or is it some /jp/ joke that's used to garner additional hatred for him?

>> No.10619105

No, it's him, he's just not direct about it but his transparency shines.

This pretty much sums it up >>10618907

>> No.10619108

At the end of the day, for the time being, he passed up the opportunity to fuck models everyday to take money from poor little otaku.

>> No.10619111

ITT: /jp/ conspiracy theories

>> No.10619112

I mean this >>10618902 image specifically.

>> No.10619109
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>> No.10619110
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>> No.10619122

Oh that. There's no doubt it was composed by anon but it hilariously rings true in the way he conveys himself and the picture he's painted for us.

>> No.10619124

god what a chink

>> No.10619128


He probably fucked a lot of whores and he probably still does.

>> No.10619132

Anyone can fuck a whore if they got the cash. The real question is does he get to fuck bitches? Of course not.

>> No.10619137

He had something going on with Kylie Minogue (Lol D-list whore)

>> No.10619142

>believeing his posts

>> No.10619143


so true brah :D
*EPIC brofist*

>> No.10619145

How do you guys know so much about him?

If I was that guy and came to this thread I'd get a huge e-boner. This is the kind of stuff a tripfag dreams of.

>> No.10619146

Fuck off Choo

>> No.10619149


I read his blog since 2007.

>> No.10619154


You see shit about him here and there, then you get curious yourself, then you do some research and realise he's a bullshit merchant with a rich dad.

>> No.10619157


Because we were optimistic once and thought we could be OTACOOL in 2005.

>> No.10619158

I am going to user a foreign term.

Some of the people in this thread are "anti-fans" and they do lots of research on their subject to talk about them and start bad rumors (for example every member of the popular south Korean girlgroup SNSD has a large anti fanbase)

>> No.10619165

you're wrong. if you read someone's bullshit for a few years eventually it'll shine through

>> No.10619243

90% jelly
10% his face

>> No.10619268

Popularity and hate go together. The more popular you get, the more people will hate you. Also there's a greater chance that you will attract the attention of those who have nothing better to do than to dig up anything remotely bad in order to undermine your popularity.

>> No.10619269
File: 170 KB, 500x877, 5799473536_b9dc2b4c3d_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Danny was a web designer, why the fuck is his website so terrible?

I'm considering reporting it to Google as an attack site, because every time I visit it my computer sounds like it's going to explode from loading all those social widgets.

>> No.10619275
File: 209 KB, 930x523, 5799466802_531c872540_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a grade 2 in GCSEs?

Danny did his education after they got rid of the old O-level system, right?

>> No.10619290

>Famous internet personality
>Expert programmer
>Experienced social engineer
>High level otaku that other otaku admire
>Highly educated and experienced intellectual
>Started from nothing as an orphan, worked his way up to achieve success, only after that did his millionaire father finally accept him

He's what you wish you were

>> No.10619295

I don't think he is virgin.

>> No.10619298
File: 75 KB, 285x286, 1358077485790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>High level otaku that other otaku admire

He's not Japanese so he's not an otaku and Japanese otaku don't know who he is.

>> No.10619299


>Famous internet personality

don't care

>Expert programmer


>Experienced social engineer

we sure love social media here at /jp/

>High level otaku that other otaku admire


>Highly educated and experienced intellectual

his writing is contrived and full of errors, and he did shit in his school exams as you can see in >>10619275


not the good kind

>Started from nothing as an orphan, worked his way up to achieve success, only after that did his millionaire father finally accept him

why would anyone want to be an orphan

>> No.10619300


Hey Danny go you even Guro?

>> No.10619301


Yeah, he's married. His wife isn't exactly fap material though.

>> No.10619304

I would have probably turned out better if social services decided to take me away instead of pussing around over the years and then finally taking my siblings after I had already became an adult.

>> No.10619307

>we sure love social media here at /jp/
That’s not what social engineering means.
It’s scamming and manipulating, basically.
>not the good kind
Oh dear.

>> No.10619312


I would rather die poor than exploit otaku culture for my own gain

Scamming normals on the other hand...

>> No.10619316

He looks like a douchebag.

>> No.10619318
File: 119 KB, 930x523, POOR MUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This photo taken with mum last year. I want to be able to buy her a house somewhere so that she doesn't have to live in that council flat anymore.
>Don't have the cash quite yet after I nearly went bankrupt in 2009 but have been able to recover a wee bit of late. Getting a place for mum now would pretty much use up all of our savings and also mean that I would not have enough cash flow to continue to run the company which is not a good thing.


>> No.10619321

How the fuck did he make those awful grades yet got good jobs?

>> No.10619323


rich dad

>> No.10619325

/jp/ is filled with bitter disgruntled things. they hate anyone who's better and make fun of anyone who they perceive is worse. not that any is actually worse, but when you're at the very bottom of the rung at every facet in life you need to pretend someone worse than you exists.

that's why you see them pointing fingers at each other constantly repeating the same mantras.

>> No.10619326

>If Danny was a web designer, why the fuck is his website so terrible?

>> No.10619327

This is what an anus looks like after it takes the dick so many times. So many times that it's no longer a hole, but a smile...

>> No.10619329


hey danny

>> No.10619335

What? Does a rich dad buy you jobs or something?

>> No.10619336

When enough communicative skill you can make anyone pay you to do anything. Or at least trick people into thinking you're worth it.

After all, he trolled all the otaku into giving him free work for publishing pictures of their sad rooms. and gets promotional shit all the time.

>> No.10619340

you're kinda dumb, arent you

>> No.10619341

Plenty of people ITT have admitted they're jealous. I'm jealous as fuck, and he's a fantastic businessman. He's selling snake oil to weeaboos and they're doing free work for him in return. Guy has some serious skills.
However, I'm not being bitter for not liking the guy. I just disagree with pretty much everything about him. I'd feel the same way if he was a teenager on DeviantART, but this guy happened to get famous and that makes my blood boil to the point where I write angry posts sometimes on the internet.

>> No.10619343

>/jp/ is filled with bitter disgruntled things. they hate anyone who's better and make fun of anyone who they perceive is worse. not that any is actually worse, but when you're at the very bottom of the rung at every facet in life you need to pretend someone worse than you exists.

Yeah thats bullshit
We get off on bragging about being the biggest failure. If some guy starts trying to act like he's the big NEET in the basement people will start chewing him down claiming they are in fact the bigger piss bottler.

>> No.10619345

Even if his dad wasn't directly involved, it would definitely increase his chances of getting a job (particularly at companies like Microsoft and Amazon). Imagine if someone called Danny Gates applied for a job, and on their CV they wrote that they used to help out at Microsoft. You'd put the dots together and do a little background checking.

>> No.10619349

People don't hate him, people hate the faggots who keep making these threads. I don't care if he's rich or not, he's dishonest and a scammer and has nothing to do with this board's content.

>> No.10619350

But that wouldn't make me any more inclined to hire him.

>> No.10619351

Don't worry guys, it's not too late. Any one of you could fill the truNEET niche and market it to morons. Just make a few videos of yourself shitting on the floor, fapping to eroge, and shitposting on /jp/. It'll go viral because you're so weird and counter-culture, then before long you'll have a legion of copycats following in your footsteps.

Also if anyone is reading this in 2015 this was my idea and that one guy stole it.

>> No.10619358

It has everything to do with this board's content.

I mean, I don't like these threads, but you're crazy to say they're off-topic. He was even the speaker for "otaku culture" at some event.

He's basically the anti-/jp/. The weeaboo we love to hate.

>> No.10619353


OP a shit.

>> No.10619354



>> No.10619361

I'll make a youtube channel tomorrow.

>> No.10619363


A guy who goes around to companies and throws money at them to draw his shitty self-inserts has absolutely nothing to do with this board.

>> No.10619369

>We get off on bragging about being the biggest failure
who's we? the people who you're describing is a minority on this board and are most likely the ones with sensible replies. the ones i'm describing are the majority with cognitive dissonance who are going on rants about why they hate him and are attacking his grades and technical experience.

>> No.10619373

But pretty much everything he does is an attempt to sell otaku culture to the West. I know the board name is just a made-up umbrella term, but we do discuss it from time to time.

Speaking of which, we should have an Akiba-kei thread some time. Is that still around, or did it die out?

>> No.10619374

But that's wrong.

>> No.10619383

I'm going to spam his inbox so he can visit this board when he gets the chance.

>> No.10619384


No, it's not.

Or you can prove the opposite?

>> No.10619386

You could check his twitter followers and retweets.

>> No.10619388

Not that guy, but doesn't his TV show air over there?


I actually found Danny Choo through the Production I.G episode he did. It was quite interesting, it's a shame he's such a faggot.

>> No.10619389

please do.

>> No.10619402

"omg hiii danny i luurrvv ur site!!! 。◕‿‿◕。
theres this other cool site called 4chan (i bet u've heard of it...( ̄へ ̄) ^^;) and u shud totes do a Q&A on the /jp/ board キタ━━━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━━━ッ!! it's the otaku culture board and its full of otakus like u and they'd totally think its sugoi if u could go there and do an IamA! (・∀・)シ♪
p.s. mirai is so cute, pls post some mirai oc (original creations) if u come to /jp/!!! (>^__^)>"

>> No.10619410

The funny part is he'd probably contact moot and they'd meet up for a buttfucking session and take pictures together then he'd make a sticky on /jp/ for him and give him a fancy tripcode to do a Q&A with like he did with various faggots on /mu/

>> No.10619411


I sent him a tweet.

>> No.10619413
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 1352986248924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell me that you're not serious

>> No.10619414

Janiturd, why is this thread allowed.

>> No.10619417


He only deletes the deep dark sakura threads for some reason.

>> No.10619422


>Wants to buy Mom a house, can't afford it
>Still HAS to buy a new $1000 camera every few months and the latest iMac so he doesn't fall behind the times.

Obviously none of us know his personal life, but surely, seeing as his Dad is a millionaire he SHOULD help out the mother of his child.

>> No.10619425

Why not? It's the proof you wanted and you can look at some nice photos of Nippon.

>> No.10619427

I thought he hated Apple computers

>> No.10619431

moot picks the worst people. Randall Munroe? Fucking seriously? I know they "ironically" pretended to be gay at ROFLCon, but even /co/ hates him.

Who else did he ask? I saw him ask Notch on Twitter, and Notch just blanked him.

>> No.10619432

That was posted years ago. He probably wants to buy her a nice house.

>> No.10619433


>Implying that having a Father who is a top fashion designer won't influence an employer's decision.

>> No.10619437

Would you really want to offer assistance to the woman who gave birth to your weeaboo bastard child?

>> No.10619440


>It's the proof you wanted

No, Japanese otaku don't know who the fuck is this guy and you haven't proved the opposite.

>> No.10619448

I guess his show and the thousands of Japanese followers isn't enough proof for you. OK then.

>> No.10619454

He probably doesn't much care for his kid. For all we know he hates him as much as people ITT do.

Wouldn't you be ashamed?

>> No.10619451

inb4 Danny Choo does another post on "Haters" and references this thread.

>> No.10619452

you don't even have the ability to judge what japanese otaku know so why are you trying to argue they don't know or know something?

>> No.10619456

because he pretends to be a "otaku", he is fucking fake.

>> No.10619464


You still don't get it, do you.


And can you prove that he's ''popular'' between Japanese otaku?

This guy is popular bewteen other kinds of people.

>> No.10619465

Not sure about consumerist otaku, but he knows a lot of people in otaku industries. It's how his generic original character do not steal keeps ending up in anime and VNs.

There are also quite a few hits on Pixiv:

Very few on the boorus, though. I can only assume sites like Danbooru ban weeaboo original characters, even if they're drawn by the Japanese.

>> No.10619468

I'm waiting for all Warosu and Foolz links to his site to redirect to a page about his latest book or something.

>> No.10619472

He's a Star Wars otaku.
He does a lot of ass kissing, but that's the norm in Japan. He's paid to advertise Japan and that's how he makes a living. Please stop making your own definition of "otaku"

>> No.10619473

I hope he replies. His twitter is active right now.

>> No.10619475

not really, no.

>> No.10619483

>He's a Star Wars otaku.

I doubt it. He probably just did the whole Tokyo Stormtrooper thing because it's entry-level I'm-such-a-nerd pop culture. Talk about how lightsabers roxxorz your boxxorz or how Darth Vader is the coolest motherfucker around, you get mad nerd cred among the kids who wear fedoras and parrot memes.

>> No.10619479

if he's impure he's not a true otaku

>> No.10619480

I don't think you get it. His site is also available in Japan if you need more evidence and you can find stuff via google.

>> No.10619486

lol at how jealous some of these haters are.

>> No.10619493

You're deluded.

>> No.10619494


>> No.10619488

He's never going to reply to criticism. He's one of those people who lives in his own little bubble where only good things are allowed to happen. If you try to be critical of him even in the most constructive way, he'll just ignore you.

>> No.10619495


That's becuase he's paid to advertise Japan like >>10619472 said.

I bet you think that Devourment are ''popular'' in Japan too.

>> No.10619500

nice bullshit

>> No.10619502

black and white fallacy turned into a red herring , nice one retard. popularity doesn't scale linearly and you started off saying japanese otaku don't even know who he is, which is wrong. he's known enough to be considered popular to a certain degree, which is enough. nobody claimed he's the most famous person among japanese otaku like you tried to weasel your way into arguing.

fuck off back to preschool.

>> No.10619504

That was also one of my posts. Next thing you're going to tell me that his Japanese followers are all fakes made by weaboos.

>> No.10619512

i just realized, are all the chinese post on sancom due to artefact's falling out with danny?

>> No.10619513

But it really is the go-to for trying to look like a nerd but in an acceptable and neurotypical way.

By the way, I'm a Star Wars fan. I loved those movies (at least the versions George Lucas didn't ruin) and I like a lot of the books, especially the Thrawn trilogy and the West End Games RPG.

>> No.10619513,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm going to delete this thread. It's on-topic but it's about a person I don't like. Also, people are arguing and that's banned from the internet.

>> No.10619513,2 [INTERNAL] 

aww this thread had possible potential to be really really really "Epic".

>> No.10619513,3 [INTERNAL] 

i tried to argue and then got my ass handed to me by anonymous repeatedly and so i decided to delete the thread since i'm a dipshit crybaby
