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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10612246 No.10612246[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does your father approve of your NEETness?

>> No.10612262

apparently not since he abandoned us

>> No.10612266

that mom is hot, id fug her

>> No.10612267

No, but at least I'm not a fucking weeb fgt.

My dad hates weebs. My stepsisters are enormous weebs and they piss him off to no end.

>> No.10612278

my father approves of nothing that i do, so thats why i drnk

>> No.10612285

No, I barely know my father.

>> No.10612286


>> No.10612287

They are both "functional" alcoholics. As in they go to work and then come home and drink themselves to sleep. They don't really care. I'm sure they are disappointed and depressed that their only child is such a lost cause but I think they know they are mostly to blame anyway.

>> No.10612292

I'm thinking about seeing that new GI Joe movie with my dad, it should be fun. I'm sort of stressed about getting together with him though since he wants me to have a bunch of car research done when we talk so he can work on getting me a car.

>> No.10612296

stop drinking your daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad's semen

>> No.10612304
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Why do people post that and think that he's upset about her daughter?
I've got some news for you HE IS NOT, in fact back then he tried to make the most of her 15 minutes of fame, he wanted his daughter to save enough money to pay for her education.

>> No.10612312


>> No.10612330

Jokes on you, my parents are both NEETs.

>> No.10612351

Not really. He always tells me he wants me to go to college and get a good job so I don't end up with a shitty manual labor job like him.

>> No.10612361

My father does not give a fuck about me.

>> No.10612381


Why don't you just NEET?

>> No.10612386

I don't have a father.

>> No.10612395

I pretty much idolize my dad. I'd never tell him that, but he knows I have a lot of respect for him.

>> No.10612410

I am a NEET.

>> No.10612480

he probably approves, what with the dog ears ?

>> No.10612514


Is this what they call ``broken family otaku''?

>> No.10612516

that thing in the middle is an obvious guy

>> No.10612518

I was the first child in my family to get a job.

>> No.10612524

Yes, he's a huge NEET enabler. We get along great.

>> No.10612539

And you are an obvious troll.

>> No.10612542
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>> No.10612543

that food looks delicious

>> No.10612572

He gets passive agressive about it sometimes and asks if I applied anywhere for a job sometimes. We usually get into arguments about how he thinks I can when I can't because no one will let me into there workplace anyways and I'm never driving even though there is some old truck in the garage I could use. Can't drive for shit and it's very dangerous for me to but he still thinks I can also do that after I show him time and time again how much I suck at it even if trying my best. I can hardly drive well in a parking lot, the road is like dancing with death every time for me. We also get into huge arguments about what I'm going to do with myself in the future when I'm driving and everyone leaves that day upset.

>> No.10612586 [DELETED] 
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>tfw she's famous and yet doesn't have a 10th of milky-chan's cuteness.

>> No.10612590

The two are about the same in cuteness.

>> No.10612592

Does she have fetal alcohol syndrome?

>> No.10612609

I'm trying to make milk more famous by the janitor is really making it difficult

I wonder if milk can sing

>> No.10612619

Y jannyturd haet milky?

>> No.10612620

He says up until I am 30 and not a second longer, also the second I knock someone up I am my own man. I have 6 more years left.

>> No.10612627

>the second I knock someone up
I really hope you can stay pure, anon-san.

>> No.10612629

What happens at 30? Euthanasia?

>> No.10612635

He becomes a street NEET.

>> No.10612644

I can't live in his house, so yeah, basically. I am sure I can sell my figs for a few months food if I find a nice abandoned house with crackheads. My brother would probably support me for maybe a year but he would ask me to go to school, also his wife came on to me once so I would have to avoid her.

As you can tell we have a good relationship but he is doesn't know that is as likely as me winning the lottery. Once I get my wizard powers maybe I can trick him into thinking I am 20 again.

>> No.10612652

My Dad is such a nice, good natured person. Unfortunately he's just like me, in that he's very irritable, loves to drink and has no idea how to connect with other people. I really wish I could hang out and drink with him more often since it's really the only time the two of us get along really well, but he hates to see me drink.

He doesn't know about my otaku hobbies, though I'm sure he'd enjoy stuff like Bebop and Mushishi if he ever pressed me to show him something.

>> No.10612665

Well sorry but at least he cares. I would drink with you if you promise not to make a pass at me.

>> No.10612671

Dad hates me and the rest of his offspring.

>> No.10612672

Yeah, he says I should be free like he couldn't, he's also a NEET and taught me to screw the system/gamble intelligently, but will support me in whatever I do, we get by comfortably. He has no friends, just mom who's been loyal to him since the start, decades ago.

We play videogames early into the morning sometimes. He's also in his late fourties and does a bunch of stuff like rock climbing etc.

He's a great man.

>> No.10612680

Your lucky for being born to good and happy people.

>> No.10612682

I know, right?

Milk threads are usually pretty nice but then the autistic janitor comes along and deletes them every single time just when they're about to get really good..

I hate this janitor, Milk is a /jp/ idol, she is Otaku Culture.

>> No.10612686
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>/jp/ idol

>> No.10612690
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>being related to culture

>> No.10612698

Who are you quoting, autistic retards?

>> No.10612700


>> No.10612704


They are great people who allowed me to develop healthily into my own person.

They're the reason I don't have daddy issues, or histrionic issues, or pretend to be a little girl, or a thousand other things you see on the net.

>> No.10612707

i'm sad to hear that.

>> No.10612706 [DELETED] 

He's dead.

>> No.10612709

Gotta get bacon somehow.

>> No.10612711

How do you feel about being associated with that pig picture? I mean, it's a pretty cute looking piggy.

>> No.10612712

I'm quoting my own thoughts

>> No.10612715

It really doesn't bother me.

>> No.10612719

That sounds almost too good to be true.

>> No.10612724

That's the kind of dad I want to be.

Too bad I would have to tolerate a woman to be a dad.

>> No.10612725

Are you really overweight and pig-like?
It's ok to admit it if you are, lots of people here probably are.

>> No.10612727

Hey, nice to see you again.

It's been a while. How have you been?

>> No.10612729

My father is NEET.

>> No.10612732

>believing someone in the internet

>> No.10612738

really says something about the average relationship a jper has with their father

>> No.10612741

Just because we're in the Internet doesn't mean that everyone is lying.

>> No.10612744

Without proof, we can say the opposite too.
>Just because we're in the Internet doesn't mean that no one is lying.

>> No.10612746

I was really overweight a long time ago. I was 330 pounds at my heafiest (I'm 6'3." I'm currently 180 pounds or so.

>> No.10612747

You're lying.

>> No.10612775

Which is why the truth is that some people are lying while others aren't.

>> No.10612777

>Has been 330lbs

Dude, please start lifting, you'll become a fucking king among men. Go, go to /fit/ right now and get started.

>> No.10612784

his face is priceless

>> No.10612793

Which is why we can't assume he's right.

>> No.10612796

I like it how the mother seems Ok with it.

>> No.10612795

Why is everyone on /jp/ 6'3"

>> No.10612807
File: 42 KB, 400x358, bundy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of my dad.

>> No.10612813

I don't want to be muscular, and it requires too much effort. It's not like i have a girlfriend or friends to impress.

>> No.10612815

Bundy was my dads hero.

>> No.10612817

Which is why we can't assume he's wrong.

>> No.10612821

I'm a cute 5'9 (I wish I was 5'6 tho)

>> No.10612823

Except nobody is. I'm not assuming he's lying, I'm just criticizing people for assuming he's not lying.

>> No.10612826

I wish my dad cared about me. That would be nice.

>> No.10612828

>Lifting for girls, especially ones who don't exercise or look after themselves.

Brah. Come on. You're better than that.

>> No.10612829

No, the price was the dignity of his entire family.

>> No.10612838


I'm apt to blame dietary hormones if true, but it's likely not, as that lies outside of 95% male heights, so it's likely not.

>> No.10612839

Along with the fact his daughter is an 'icon'.

See: Sexual object of fantasy for single men in the east whom of which have watching girls cartoons as their primary interest.

And the mental and developmental damage that results as she's lathered with the attentions of these people until they viciously lose interest and toss her away.

>> No.10612842

I'm 6"4

>> No.10612867

My father has Alzheimers and is near-death.

>> No.10612872

It's possible that only tall people say their heights.

>> No.10612875
File: 263 KB, 759x1463, 1363162673106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's moe, dude.

>> No.10612881


True, too much response bias. 5'11" here, which is 3rd quartile.

>> No.10612887

You could impress us

The only reason you trip is so you can feel like you're still alive and somewhat important anyway.

>> No.10613267

i.. im 5'4..

>> No.10613267,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10613267,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10613267,3 [INTERNAL] 

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