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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 111 KB, 721x240, sh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10583269 No.10583269 [Reply] [Original]

* No tag limit
* No drama
* No lewdness

Why aren't you using the best booru, /jp/?

>> No.10583270

Because even though it doesn't have the annoying lewdness, it also is missing a lot of the cool pictures, and also lots of translations.

>> No.10583271

Why use Boorus when you could browse Pixiv?

>> No.10583272

>No lewdness

>> No.10583273

I use it for searching for specific stuff when I remember it exists.

It's better than gelbooru, at least.

>> No.10583280

You forgot

* No translations

>> No.10583283

Because Pixiv is better.

>> No.10583289

>* No lewdness
What if I want to masturbate?

>> No.10583288


Artists deleting their work on Pixiv will still be on the *boorus, official art, art that was never uploaded to Pixiv, etc.

It's not hard to figure out at all.

>> No.10583296
File: 268 KB, 1132x1115, 02a9ba26c7fc726973c21c4073393735fb4fd14d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't masturbate to fully-clothed little girls being cute, you don't know shit about otaku culture.

>> No.10583297

Why do English-speaking fans parade the fact that they dislike nudity and sex and are "pure". Your Japanese counterparts don't give a shit and routinely mix sex and nudity with cute AND death and everything in between.

Why are westerners such goddamn self-centered, overbearing faggots?

>> No.10583298

>Artists deleting their work on Pixiv

>> No.10583300


I like nudity and sex. Quit generalizing, asshole.

>> No.10583301

Pixiv is better and only complete idiots have problems with Danbooru.

>> No.10583304

It's just my personal taste. Of course I think I'm superior to you. If I didn't think I was right, it wouldn't be my opinion.

>> No.10583306
File: 205 KB, 695x523, 34075702_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. It's always way better if you take a cute non-lewd image and let your imagination run wild with it. Lewd images just take that fun away.

>> No.10583308

No one's generalizing retard. If I was generalizing I'd be including myself in there, and that doesn't make any kind of sense, does it idiot?

Do I have to start with SOME WESTERNERS to not overcomplicate it for your tiny brain? Or can I just say it when I obviously refer to the vocal bunch here that post this shit, much like I can state my opinion on something without having to preface it with "IN MY OPINION" all the time.

>> No.10583311

Because they are embarrassed by their past failures.

>> No.10583312


Fits of autism, problems with Pixiv itself, them realizing they could make more money by not having all their art there for free, etc.

>> No.10583314


Look at how mad you are.

>> No.10583313

You realize you can blacklist tags on Danbooru so that you can easily set it up to never show you lewd pictures right?

>> No.10583316

There's drama in danbooru?
I'm interested. What happens?

>> No.10583328

I just prefer suggestiveness to explicitness. In ecchi anime or nukige, I skip ahead to the lewdness and get an overall less satisfying experience. It's more fun to be teased with fanservice and images. A little bit of leg is way more attractive to me than a girl masturbating in the nude.

>> No.10583331


Oh look, now I can only search one tag.

>> No.10583337


You do have a point there.

>> No.10583340

Can't you just put rating:not safe or something into the blacklist in the user options?

>> No.10583347

You know, I have no idea. Does that not count towards any sort of limit? Can I blacklist everything *but* Touhou to get only Touhou images?

I don't have a Danbooru account and I don't intend to get one, because I hate registration and I'm a petty bastard.

>> No.10583346


This guy has a point, too.

>> No.10583348

I agree overall. But that's still lewd.

>> No.10583352
File: 217 KB, 779x1000, ba8dfd9e6310090e0b4e7b36bf1eb8c4a7bfaf4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some things are only lewd if you make them that way.

>> No.10583353

I'll try it later. I registered because the loli script required registration but I'm not sure if the script still works in Danbooru 2.

>> No.10583355

You can blacklist rating:e and rating:q on danbooru.

>> No.10583360
File: 181 KB, 690x561, 34075702_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would we do if it weren't for you

>> No.10583358

Don't you realize how subhuman you look when you post an image that has a booru filename?

>> No.10583361

I'm just gonna leave with saying, believe me, your Japanese artists intended for it to be that way.

>> No.10583375

If there was a scatbooru I would use that in a heartbeat.

But none of the boorus have scat in it. Or they have and suddenly decided to take it all off.

>> No.10583378
File: 227 KB, 540x720, dc5e8c410e9a4509d00fd4225c3dee2b9510301a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I heard from /jp/ that Japan hates lewdness. In fact, they're so pure they're dying out from a lack of breeding! I think you just have a dirty mind.

>> No.10583392

Self-reighteous admins. Sankaku is the only one that allows it, I think.

>> No.10583431

they updated it already, so it works.


you have to edit it to enable the loli/shota tags manually though, they're disabled by default.

>> No.10583484

can the /a/v/ crossboarders please stop using the term "lewd" it's getting used a HELL of a lot recently

>> No.10583495

Are we going to stop using popular words now

>> No.10583497
File: 9 KB, 131x225, too_lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you forgetting one of our most popular image macros?

>> No.10583509

>my sides
>who are you quoting
>`` ''

you can now add "lewd" to the oh so long list of terms/phrases/words that idiots have picked up and destroyed

>> No.10583512

Gelbooru to fap, safebooru for general images.

Fuck danbooru's two fucking tag limit, I'd take a cable monopoly any day.

>> No.10583514
File: 39 KB, 600x450, 1359411331332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should we use? Eroi? We need SOMETHING to desdribe stuff like this.

>> No.10583520

hot or sexy.

>> No.10583523

Normalfuck words

>> No.10583526


whatever you want man just as long as i don't see the same word used in every single post in a thread.

>> No.10583529
File: 117 KB, 746x803, 4eee922a19223876860c3e10a5294e8a72a80541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only there was a way to copy pictures onto your hard drive...

>> No.10583536

Is she horrified because she's being forced to delete her folder, or because she even had a folder amongst all that degenerate porn.

>> No.10583546


>> No.10583555
File: 21 KB, 276x294, 1362637779140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proper naughty.

>> No.10583557 [DELETED] 


I don't know your point is if your picture is also from a *booru. Judging from the filename, anyway.

>> No.10583576


I don't know what your point is if your picture is also from a *booru. Judging from the filename, anyway.

>> No.10583575
File: 208 KB, 600x450, 1271624616597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that is rude as HELL dude

>> No.10583604
File: 60 KB, 556x251, safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I already do?

>> No.10583611

obscene!, improper!, vulgar!, indecent!

>> No.10583619

But you don't, you really don't.


>> No.10583630

You just think it's rude because you're a proper naughty one.

>> No.10583653

Oh, and for people using greasemonkey (inb4 yellow text). You can edit the scripts easily by expanding it's menu and clicking with the right button the name of the script. Then just edit, save, and reload the page.

>> No.10583654

>im not usign because im usign
>rape my tags pls

>> No.10583742

Put "rating:explicit" and if you want "rating:questionable" in the blacklist.

Personally I only use danbooru and safebooru to find new tags on pixiv. When I do want something lewd, I don't want to only be able to see what some bigots approve of.

>> No.10584022

I've never had any of these 'problems' and I spend a majority of my time dealing with sexual things. Maybe they should learn how to jerk without the splurt.

>> No.10584041

I felt this way. Then in my late twenties I stopped being able to get it up.

Feels bad man.

>> No.10584094

I don't get why danbooru has a two tag limit. It's only a waste of their bandwidth since people have to browse more pages to find what they want.
Fucking dumb.

>> No.10584102

It's just annoying enough to be an incentive to buy a premium account.

There's probably some name for this effect. If they outright said "You can't find those particular images at all unless you have a Bronze account" then few people would bother. The fact that they say "You CAN find those particular images, but in a roundabout and inconvenient way...say, if you brought a Bronze account..." it's more effective, even though you're arguably paying for less.

>> No.10584308

It's really sad, but once doujin artists get a job in the industry, or sometimes even a job in general, many are quick to delete and hide all their pornographic roots lest they get criticized or fired for it.

Another reason why being NEET is great

>> No.10584316

Except aren't the artists who go professional the ones who quit their day jobs? They are the ones who are becoming NEETs.

>> No.10584317

My Greasemonkey just refuses to work now and I have no idea why. I just get the code when I click Install and I just can't seem to get it to work. I have Firefox 19.0 and the latest Greasemonkey as well, I even uninstalled and reinstalled it but it just won't work for me for some odd reason.

>> No.10584327

Being a professional artist is a job. That's by definition not NEET. Or are you one of those crossboarders who seriously think NEET just means hikkikomori or being at home?

That said, many don't get paid enough and need to work side jobs.

>> No.10584406

Add-ons > User Scripts > better_better_booru 3.0 > options > script settings > edit this user script
Then you edit it to do whatever it is you want it to do through true/false commands.

>> No.10584450

Safebooru is still pretty fucking lewd. There's no booru for cute girls being nonsexual
