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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 76 KB, 614x461, aokigahara_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10508472 No.10508472 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody know of any documentaries about Aokigahara?

>> No.10508483

That one with the funny-voiced guy

>> No.10508490

There is at least one documentary out there. Google it.

And by the way, props to the /jp/sie who goes to aokigahara to open a portal there.

>> No.10508495

only one I know about


>> No.10508516

Cool, thank you.

>> No.10508538
File: 59 KB, 377x567, 497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any SUICIDE otaku in here?

>> No.10508547

well if there was there would be none here

>> No.10508554

kawaii as fug

>> No.10508561

He looks pretty...un-decomposed for someone who's been dead for a while. Also, I can only wonder what's in his front pockets right there...

>> No.10508569


>> No.10508571

Too bad that there is no huge bridge and water below it in Japan. At least then nobody wouldn't have to bear sight of their corpses and clean em up. Unless you are into that sort of stuff.

>> No.10508574

why didn't the japanese military just bomb the shit out of that forest?

or make a wall like the wall of berlin or something

>> No.10508581
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>> No.10508584 [DELETED] 

Why don't Americans just bomb the Golden Gate bridge? That bridge has more suicides than any other place on Earth.

>> No.10508590 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 185x159, murrica2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should just give suicidal people and crazy people guns. That way they don't have to trudge all the way to hippy San Fran to off themselves. It's totally un-American. Love, NRA. By the way, unban full auto weapons and legalize civilian ownership of autocannons.

>> No.10508588

It's at the base of Mount Fuji.
Not a chance.

>> No.10508589
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 1352719679900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's in a better place now.

>> No.10508602

Fuck yeah? I say privatise the nuclear weapons industry and allow civilians to purchase what they can afford on the free market. Regulations only serve to deter law abiding citizens.

>> No.10508603

Free shoes, amiright?

>> No.10508605

you are pretty retarded

>> No.10508627

I wonder just how much cool shit you could find around this forest, on, or near dead people.

>> No.10508634 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 600x400, murrica5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brother. The easier we make it for people to have access to weapons specifically designed to kill and maim others, the better our society will be. Also free market. Only commie pinkos would intervene. We should formally allow PMCs and anyone who wants to form one to have standing armies too. Aircraft, tanks, cruise missiles - whatever they want as long as they can afford it. It'll be a huge boon to the defense industry. It's also the fundamental right of peaceful assembly - they aren't invading you right NOW are they? No so let them be faggots. I hear the Buffet corps has great benefits from Geico!

>> No.10508644 [DELETED] 

pol & k plz go.

>> No.10508645

Probably nothing considering all the guvmint workers they have scouring the forest on a regular basis in addition to all of the treasure hunters and grave robbers.

>> No.10508652

Looks like a canteen, is probably that.

>> No.10508663 [DELETED] 

Brb buying Su-35's.

>> No.10508677


next we can bomb the golden gate bridge.

>> No.10508691

What about the other pocket though?

>> No.10508736

A plastic bottle is my guess.

>> No.10508758
File: 39 KB, 700x498, Keeanu_and_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a nice forest to kill myself in.

>> No.10508789

You're not really suicidal if your standards are so high.

Just off yourself quietly in your room while playing your favorite VN or something.

>> No.10508879



>> No.10509151

I'm actually plannning to go there to commit suicide this summer. It'll be the first time I would have stepped out of my mom's house for the last 3 years.

Anybody with me? It would be nice not to die alone.

>> No.10509179

Get two pistols, so we can have a manly duel to the death.

>> No.10509214

We can't import them to Japan.

>> No.10509234

What the fuck is the point in going the whole way to Japan just to kill yourself in some forest? How much of a weeb do you have to be to have to be?

>> No.10509266

Because their life is boring and they want to do something exciting, obviously.

>> No.10509275

Shut up, I want to go out in style.
I want my death to be notable - something my life was not.
And given how much I love Japan and otaku culture this way would only be fitting.

>> No.10509287

oh my. i laughed harder than i thought i would at that.

>> No.10509282

Exciting would be something like skydiving into a volcano.

>> No.10509291

Let's duel with katanas then

>> No.10509294

It's so they have a reasonable excuse to stall.

"Oh a Toranoana. Maybe I'll just check out some doujinshi first..."

>> No.10509617

So about those documentaries...

>> No.10509648

Suck my cock, dude.

>> No.10509653

Did you try Googling "Aokigahara documentary"?

>> No.10509675

Hell no. Why would I work so hard when I can just whine at you guys to spoonfeed me the information. Sheesh. What do you take me for, some sort of person who works hard for what he wants?

>> No.10509681

To busy havin' your mum polish off mine at the moment. Maybe later.

>> No.10509684
File: 22 KB, 200x150, 1348019771493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dick polishing... wouldn't that hurt?

>> No.10509721

Yes. But it's oh, so, worth it.

>> No.10510014
File: 142 KB, 640x480, 4a894d85_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10510063

Sometimes I wonder if anybody on /jp/ killed themself after I told them to.

>> No.10510151

Probably you shouldn't think it like that. It's not called suicide for nothing, as one is responsible for his own life. Unless they were so terribly in love with you and you decided to use something like... "If you really loved me you could kill yourself" or stage your own suicide and leave fake note behind saying something like:"let's join in eternity" etc
That's quite awesomely romantic and pure evil.

It requires much effort to cause that to happen. Don't worry.

>> No.10510166

I'm just hoping that maybe I pushed someone over the edge once or twice and then they never posted again due to being dead.

>> No.10510305

Only truly edgy post I've seen in a while.

>> No.10510315

I want a girl to tell me that she will kill herself if I don't love her. That would be the best.

>> No.10510348

/jp/ should be a bloody place.

>> No.10510419

Kill yourself.

>> No.10510420

>"I'm a girl, and if you don't love me I'm going to kill myself in Aokigahara."

>> No.10510425

I understood your reference even if >>10510419-kun didn't.

>> No.10510435


>> No.10510462

>I celebrate it.

>> No.10510475

It makes sense.

>> No.10510481

Any /jp/sies want to come with me to hell? We can camp out in the woods and drink around the coalfire inside a tent together.

>> No.10510488

only if you don't touch my butt or anything that'd be gay and /jp/ can't be trusted to not be gay.

>> No.10510494


maybe we'll be approached by that old guy trying to stop the suicides~

>> No.10510748

what method of suicide is most popular in japan?

is there a list somewhere with the number of people who die using a certain method?

>> No.10510845


snap neck = insta death

>> No.10510889

if you do it wrong you suffocate

>> No.10510903

You do know how many suicides happen in that forest right? Your death won't be notable, a volunteer will come across your corpse and it will be the 3rd they've seen that day.

Being one of many is not notable

>> No.10510913

You should check out the list on wikipedia of murders in japan each is actually pretty interesting

>> No.10510921

>And given how much I love Japan

No matter how you do it, do it quickly, dweeb scum.

>> No.10511067


That actually hurts the most. If you have seen the VICE doc you'll find out one suicide attempter has backed out because of it.

>> No.10511123

fuck that shit
send them through the mail
lots of shit slips through the mail

>> No.10511227

A whaito piggu may stand out. Sure Japs go there all the time but not so much gaijins.

>> No.10511229

what if your job was the clean up the forest and get rid of the bodies

>> No.10511233

fucking gross, dude

>> No.10511283

It must be awkward moment when you walk in middle of Aokigahara forest and you bump into some other person. Like if Aokigahara forest would be crowded with suicidal people. In the end the place would be like elephant's graveyard.

>> No.10511287

bump into someone and start talking a bit, find out you have similar interest and actually a lot in common, decide you know that maybe suicide isn't the answer, decided to become best friends

later you become lovers and start a small bakery together

this is my dream

>> No.10511474

Either that or buy a van and go on a child rape tour of the country together.

Good times.

>> No.10513931

What's plan B if it doesn't come true?

>> No.10514133

I've heard that some Yakuza folks will go in there and loot the bodies.
Not sure if it's true, though.

>> No.10514136

this video led me to the other video about that one Japanese cannibal.

>> No.10514164

I remember someone having proof of sightings of that guy.

Wasn't using coal furnaces on a closed room the new trend?.

Damn CO feels good.

>> No.10514228

Does this guy have a story or something?

>> No.10514246

What do you mean by sightings? That he is still alive?

>> No.10514256

I want to know what he had in those pockets.

Maybe he purposefully left them in there so people can look through them and see his last thoughts

>> No.10514265

Why does everyone always say they laughed at that? What's funny about it? It's just sad.

>> No.10514270

I've heard that its not the same guy.

>> No.10514271

either that or you would snap your neck in a way that would just leave you paralyzed from the neck down so you are forced to live out your days starving to death slowly

>> No.10514276

It's not really sad.

>> No.10514280

It's not really funny.

>> No.10514281

It's not really real.

>> No.10514289

How do you know that? The only argument I remember is hurr not same person because the shoes are slightly different. Yes. People only have one pair of shoes ever.

>> No.10514297
File: 111 KB, 640x480, I've covered wars you know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10514306
File: 78 KB, 1024x732, drift legend saizensen-kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10514309
File: 54 KB, 468x468, 1288013881378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's alive in my heart!

>> No.10514311
File: 76 KB, 640x480, paranormalpaparazzi - Aokigahara Forest is the woodland at the base of Japan’s Mt. Fuji. Since the 1950s more than 500 people have committed suicide 'Japan’s Haunted Forest.'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I found this image earlier. It is the same forest.

>> No.10514315
File: 93 KB, 484x726, saizensen9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10514334

Yeah, I don't get the funny part either.

>> No.10514343
File: 75 KB, 496x800, 最前線君さん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

最前線君さん confirmed alive during C83.

>> No.10514350

he looks pretty old.

>> No.10514379

Maybe so but I think he actually looks better in that picture then when he was younger.

>> No.10514381

Hard to believe it's really him

>> No.10514382

duh dummy, people get old.

Even men and you!

>> No.10514386

He looks better than me.

>> No.10514391

Its easier to believe when you see the progression pictures about 3/4 down the page. Google image search has a couple more of him, too.

>> No.10514392

Asian don't age as fast as us whaito piggus. Even HR has trouble guesstimating how old asian applicants are.

>> No.10514430

This twitter might be his. It has a link to a tumblr with photos.

>> No.10514543
File: 84 KB, 460x282, Yep, it's wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Same shape of ear anti-helix.
- Same shape, size of nose.
- Attached earlobe.
- Face proportions match.

I'd bet a beer it's really him.

>> No.10514619

and this post made me watch it.
Fuck, what have you done to me?

>> No.10514680


same here.

fucking youtube and their consumer metrics.

>> No.10517296
File: 15 KB, 512x512, weeaboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10517299

PBF was a shitty comic. It had no jokes.

>> No.10517317


>> No.10517652

How do we know you're not just some serial killer who plans to kill us and make it look like we committed suicide in that forest?

>> No.10517664

Huehuehue. You don't. Ever heard of Hiroshi Maeue?

>> No.10517671
File: 336 KB, 800x600, 6631862f0a2388962e01535234644ec4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10517771

Haven't until now.
"Suicide Website Murderer"
Dat title.

>> No.10518097

Sayaka a shit.

>> No.10518386
File: 20 KB, 344x209, 68937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your taste a shit.

>> No.10518447
File: 22 KB, 344x209, 1361509169887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10518541
File: 33 KB, 587x341, 1342079055538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homura is the best girl. Deal with it.

>> No.10519822

This thread made suicide funnier than it should be.

Wait, what. What've you done to me, internet?

>> No.10519857

Ruri Hoshino-san? Can''t be..

>> No.10519904


>> No.10519995


>> No.10520939


>> No.10520941 [DELETED] 

please kill yourself

>> No.10520963
File: 168 KB, 857x610, 1353211095335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides have been rotated and now laughter is gushing out of my spigot!

>> No.10520989
File: 29 KB, 460x345, sony-discman-d-191-nph-460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my guess:

right pocket: cd player. it's cylindrical, thus why someone guessed it was a canteen, but a canteen of that size doesn't look like it'd hold more than 2 cups of water. not sufficient enough for choking down sleeping pills. i think it could be a sony discman due to how flat it looks on top and on bottom. see pic.

left pocket: book. it's bent longways, but not at the spine, so its appearance to me seems to be a soft cover book, probably that renown one that glorifies dying in aokigahara and set all this suicide nonsense in motion.

>> No.10521018

His pockets are on a celestial scale then, especially when you consider that his frame is not very big.

>> No.10521029

>bury my head in her armpit and die
maybe we aren't so different...cannibals and /jp/... perhaps we could even be..friends..?

>> No.10521044

I don't mind but what if mid conversation he forgets all about armpits and starts talking about something weird like feet or something?

I'd like a little insurance against that before I invite one over to dinner or anything.

>> No.10521114

fat people pants can hold a lot. even my size 32 jeans can fit a discman in the front pockets, although it can be a challenge to get it out.

keep in mind he's decomposing, i can't tell how long he's been there but i know that shortly after death bodies become bloated from escaping gases, then slowly shrinks as decomposition takes place. the bloating likely stretched his clothes a little in the first few weeks. his weight is still being held up by the muscles in his neck, so i guess it's possible this picture was taken within six months of his death. [expert opinion needed]

his clothing has been exposed to the elements for months. 100% cotton subjected to months of rain & humidity: they're shrinking. the items in his pockets may have been a tight fit when he put them in, considering how tight the fabric is around it.
