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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 223 KB, 560x464, 20121112222852c33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10391081 No.10391081 [Reply] [Original]

lots of 4channer seems to believe we Japanese are Racist.
But you wrong.
We are very friendly and lovely people.
I know you are familier with our culture.
so come to our land and enjoy your life!

>> No.10391086 [DELETED] 

Why does your country have no black people or gay people?

You're all racist.

>> No.10391087


>> No.10391090

>> No.10391092 [DELETED] 

let's see how friendly and lovely you REALLY are!
*whips out dick*

>> No.10391093

You wrong.
We have black people. so we are not racist.
We have gay people. so we are not racist.

>> No.10391094

What about gay black people?

>> No.10391095


>> No.10391096

we have gay black people. so we are not racist.

>> No.10391097


>> No.10391099

But would you let your daughter marry a gay black man?

>> No.10391101 [DELETED] 

Do you have any gay or black friends? If not, you're racist.

>> No.10391105

its ok. thats fate.
I allow everything.

>> No.10391107

>so come to our land and enjoy your life!

translation: so come to our land and brings lots of money!

>> No.10391110

Why would I go work 72-hour weeks doing shitty menial labor?

>> No.10391111


>> No.10391112

I had a friend of gay before.
I don't have a black friend. because black people are very very few in Japan .

>> No.10391113

2ch hasn't spoken about /jp/ yet and the Thread in there is pure shameless samefagging with proxies.

Who are you trying to trick?

>> No.10391121

if u don't have any skills, its hard to live in big cities.

>> No.10391130

Anti-Racism is a code word for native genocide.
Keep on doing what you do, OP. There's nothing wrong with a little nationalism.

>> No.10391134

You're full of shit.

Post ONE bit of proof you're japanese. A ID card with EVERYTHING redacted save for the birthplace info, "for your safety".

A fucking SHRED of evidence would be great.


Do you think we're all morons?

>> No.10391137

>Do you think we're all morons?

>> No.10391148

They really aren't that racist. I mean, the Japs I've met have been pretty cool.

I feel like this is a myth perpetuated by disillusioned american nerds who are treated the same way in their own culture.

>> No.10391151


>I mean, the Japs I've met have been pretty cool.

'the japs you've met' must have been really really japanese if they represent a whole country

ps. you are an idiot

>> No.10391158

From what I understand, it's mainly older people who are racists there. Here in America I run into many old people who are huge racists, but younger people not so much. In Japan, however, the old people are the majority.

>> No.10391161

We are your friend.
gimme your hand and lets hug

>> No.10391173

Sorry that they expect you to not be retarded gaijin scum.

>> No.10391176

That could be. I've mostly met young people.

You kids on this board are always talking about Japs as if they aren't real people. As though they are far off (and sometimes glorious!) objects. It's pretty weird. They're just people same as anyone else.

Yes their country is mostly same race, that comes with being an island. It's the same as Britain and their hate for foreigners but it's easier to get there especially with their laws. Really the Japanese are no different from you.

>> No.10391178


Why are you using an offensive term?

>> No.10391193

>You kids on this board are always talking about Japs as if they aren't real people. As though they are far off (and sometimes glorious!) objects. It's pretty weird.

I know, right? It's kind of embarrassing to read. I know if I went to some foreign board and they talked about Americans like that it would be very strange to read.

>> No.10391199

>You kids on this board are always talking about Japs as if they aren't real people. As though they are far off (and sometimes glorious!) objects.
Who says this? I've never seen this and I spend here 10-15 hours every day

>It's pretty weird.
I don't see how it it's weird.

>> No.10391208

Maybe you've just gotten used to it. The next time there's a thread where people are talking about Japanese people a lot, pretend that they're talking in a similar manner about people from your country and you'll probably notice how strange it sounds.

>> No.10391212

You guys are all boku no Piko

>> No.10391224



(note: I do not actually think all Japanese people act this way, just that it's funny)

>> No.10391228

don't get me wrong
We love howaito piggus!!
We love howaito piggus!!
WE love howaito piggus!!

>> No.10391253


>> No.10391258


He sounds so fierce. Like he's shouting a battle-cry.

>> No.10391272

Remember this: the howaitto piggu allowed you to live as humans and not glass and ashes.

>> No.10391280




then nukes

>> No.10391292
File: 77 KB, 453x435, -287880414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to our land and enjoy your life!

Lol, Japanese may not be racist but you sure are unhappy.

>> No.10391295

This is the worst thread on any board

>> No.10391302

I think like most of the world, people are too busy with their lives to be actively racist.

Especially in main cities, people are used to seeing foreigners and appreciate their interest in whatever.

And if you're staying at places like hostels, of course people will seem really friendly, as the staff are usually those who've also gone overseas and 'get it'.

At clubs and bars and stuff, Japanese people are particularly nice, and they even like to try for foreigners, but I guess they know what they are looking for because they are in a foreigner club. But then even the drunk guys on the street seem really nice most of the time, they are either all really happy or too busy vomiting.

>> No.10391371

No, it's good that you're racist

Maintain pride in your people, pride in your nation.

Multiculturalism is evil, the downfall of the US are foreigners.

>> No.10391377


>> No.10391379

Why the FUCK are you retards still replying seriously? He's probably mexican flanfly lover or some shit and fooling you.

Really? This is why /jp/ is so shit, you people can't tell anything apart and you fall to all piss poor trolls.

>> No.10391386

Relax man.

>> No.10391391

Why are you getting frustrated instead of playing along or having unrelated conversations like everyone else?

>> No.10391394

>imblying evyone her is nt shibposting ironigly
watta fug man

>> No.10391398

Because it's fucking ridiculous and unfunny.

Why is this even up? Janitors delete everything but this crap, really?

>> No.10391404

Because nobody cares enough to report it.

At least I sure don't.

>> No.10391416

Just because your shitty no-reply threads got deleted doesn't mean you have to crap on the other threads.

>> No.10391440

None of that was mine, you fucking idiot.

>> No.10391475
File: 1.25 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20130122_202443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will not post an ID card, but I went to shopping 2/3 hours ago. I bought chicken and tomato, and mayonnais and juice.

You do not believe in Japanese people?

>> No.10391479


I would but your language is intimidating and hard to learn.

>> No.10391484

An honest-to-goodness, real life Japanese person?

I thought I'd never see the day.

>> No.10391487
File: 12 KB, 394x190, onsenyunohanasign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Japan, but then I saw this on the door of the airport.

>> No.10391489 [DELETED] 

Japanese guy, how big is your penis?

>> No.10391492

Most people who claim to be Japanese on 4chan are actually Westerners pretending to be Japanese.

>> No.10391493

I like Japan because it is racist. It keeps the shitskins out.

>> No.10391495

Just put a fucking timestamp with /jp/ near it, you could have got that from anywhere.

Also people don't live in Japan not because they're racist but because your country and its society makes individuals unhappy.

>> No.10391497

no!! you wrong!!
WE are happy!! so happy!! so so happy!!
I wanna hug you!!

>> No.10391501

hehehe I am OP.
yeah I changed my mind.
Howaito piggu go home!!!

>> No.10391504


>> No.10391509


They like black people more than they like white people.

>> No.10391552
File: 675 KB, 640x717, 1350987087917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself that, darkie.

>> No.10391559
File: 249 KB, 904x854, 1343609270870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10391560

this pic is smelly Kimchies

>> No.10391561


>> No.10391566

We glorious Japanese never watch smell Kimchi videoes.

>> No.10391567

OP, you seem to be under the misconception that racism is bad.

It's very much the opposite. The world is a better place when people hate each other.

>> No.10391841

No, hate is bad, racism is good, racism is not hate.

>> No.10391851

Are you gay? Are you a nigger? If you answered "yes" to both of these questions, then GNAA might be exactly what you're looking for!

>> No.10391856

shameful image
end yourself

>> No.10391904

>We have black people.
Why, why would you let these sub-humans in your country.
You've seen what they do in the west why would you let your country and culture get fucked over by cultural Marxists.

>> No.10391934

That's his bushido spirit. Defending the honor and integrity of grorious nippon.

>> No.10391942
File: 35 KB, 320x480, 1349762911354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beginning to think I'll never see chickenman ever again.

>> No.10391948

Ahh true, I have been enlightened.

>> No.10391956
File: 136 KB, 800x1073, 昕薇12年8月號[033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendship knows no color <3

Also OP do you like Rola?

>> No.10392006 [DELETED] 

Shut up, liberal.

We are not same.

We are different.

>> No.10392014


>> No.10392114

Such an unwavering Japanese Spirit. Beautiful.

>> No.10392128 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 350x359, die nip scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10392146

Go back to asia, nigger.

>> No.10392148

Check the date.

>> No.10392158

btw im a nigger grill

>> No.10392214
File: 164 KB, 850x850, 1354319717745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

negro, please.

>> No.10392997
File: 129 KB, 468x271, 1313810723205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Kyubey Mayonaise

>> No.10393031

take your shit 2hu outta here

>> No.10393134

>Most people who claim to be Japanese on 4chan are actually Westerners pretending to be Japanese.
nice try, jap.

>> No.10393151

Thanks to Monster I can't not be creeped out by that.

>> No.10393222

Japanese hate because of similarity (self explanatory):

Japanese hate because of jealousy (attractive, stealin' all da ladies):

Japanese hate because of rationality (self explanatory):

>> No.10395150

This should be deleted already.

>> No.10395155

It's no coincidence "Japan" threads show up along with shitposting threads. It's just another form of shitposting by some retarded white kid.

>> No.10395160

nice bump
i like it

>> No.10395211

Are you crazy? The Japanese (real, pure blooded) don't look anything like those races, and are white.

>> No.10395363

Don't overstep your boundaries, scum.

>> No.10395428

>same as Britain
>implying no kebab in Britain

>> No.10395444

They are though.

>> No.10395611
File: 65 KB, 576x874, 1358925753913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10397797
File: 6 KB, 280x280, chosen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10397833

>The Japanese (real, pure blooded)
There are no pure blooded Japanese (the emperor himself said he has Korean blood)
They are one race, asiatic.

>> No.10397893
File: 635 KB, 997x1028, 1350314442710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10397898 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 501x585, sneakyguy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10397903

Cute post.

>> No.10397930

>and are white
You haven't studied physiology and biochemistry.

>> No.10397931

This isn't very mature of you.

>> No.10397962
File: 57 KB, 497x580, The Koreans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that Korean propaganda & corrupted data.

>> No.10398003

>so come to our land and enjoy your life!
Do you really want more of this shit, "Japanese OP"? Your ancestors are weeping in their samurai graves. No more whites. No more Koreans. No More Jews. No more blacks. No more Chinese.






>> No.10398004
File: 471 KB, 750x750, 1356993800143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoy your life

>> No.10398010

What does it matter if they're racist? That shit only matters if you want to live there, and I don't know why anyone would want to do that. If you like their media you can import or pirate.

>> No.10398012
File: 53 KB, 520x506, 1355717796001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10398012,1 [INTERNAL] 

All my posts in this thread got deleted yet I got no ban

I have a static ip btw

>> No.10398012,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10398012,3 [INTERNAL] 

>Posting from your ISP, IP range, or country has been blocked due to abuse.

>> No.10398012,4 [INTERNAL] 

fukin owned

>> No.10398012,5 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.10398012,6 [INTERNAL] 

who are you

what have you been doing

>> No.10398012,7 [INTERNAL] 


I have no idea. Yesterday I've been posting normally, yet today all of the sudden country got a rangeban.

Guess I'll use this opportunity to do something useful.

I'm from Ukraine by the way.

>> No.10398012,8 [INTERNAL] 

What was the last thing you posted?

>> No.10398012,9 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10398012,10 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks jackass, now the whole Ukraine can't post in the best Touhou board!

>> No.10398012,11 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10398012,12 [INTERNAL] 

Actually I can't post on any board, not just /jp/.

>> No.10398012,13 [INTERNAL] 

I guess it can't be helped, you will have to buy a 4chan pass. It's the only way to byPASS the range ban!

>> No.10398012,14 [INTERNAL] 

Wouldn't that mean some other jackass in your country got the whole place banned? I don't think your post was ban worthy, it wasn't even deleted after all.

>> No.10398012,15 [INTERNAL] 

That's my guess.
Since I have no luck with proxies I think I'll content myself with just reading 4chan.

>> No.10398012,16 [INTERNAL] 

Well you can just keep on posting on ghost, I'm sure people would respond to you regardless. I know I refresh ghost almost as much as I refresh /jp/ itself, these days.

>> No.10398012,17 [INTERNAL] 

Email moot and see if you can accomplish anything.

>> No.10398012,18 [INTERNAL] 

Why would moot care about false rangebans any more when you can just buy a 4chan Pass?
