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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 292 KB, 1920x1080, 1357765838620[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10340581 No.10340581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/'s Desktop look like?

>> No.10340590


>> No.10340596

Same as it did in the thread last week and in the thread a week before that.
This isn't /g/, it isn't a particularly fast board, and this isn't an especially relevant topic.

Delete your thread.

>> No.10340597

Do you want to play guild wars together sometime, Anon?

>> No.10340599

How do I get a cool looking desktop like that but not the image because it looks pretty generic.

>> No.10340600
File: 1.58 MB, 2560x1440, jkjjlkjlkjgyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10340605

Whats a good music player that isn't iTunes so I won't look like a huge faggot when I won't display my desktop?
What's a good video player so I won't unleash autism flares when I post my desktop with VLC?

>> No.10340609

Rainmeter, Rainmaker, something like that, I haven't used it myself in a long time.

>> No.10340612
File: 565 KB, 1280x800, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is mine.

>> No.10340613
File: 86 KB, 1680x1050, Screenshot - 01092013 - 11:53:45 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10340621
File: 353 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10340619

I can't say I'm surprised that niggy is a Fin

>> No.10340629
File: 141 KB, 1920x1200, 2013-01-09-235626_1920x1200_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10340638


>> No.10340643

epic wallpaper dude


>> No.10340646

Well said, but not much people will listen to you. Just like every other thread before this, it will get hundreds of replies.

>> No.10340653
File: 459 KB, 1920x1080, desktopthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10340654
File: 634 KB, 2000x1125, wallpaper-2219847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have my wallpaper, because theres nothing else aside from the taskbar.

>> No.10340655
File: 822 KB, 2305x2305, fatbabysad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10340657



This will tell you.

>> No.10340658
File: 246 KB, 1280x800, desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, its a bit cluttered.

>> No.10340659
File: 923 KB, 3840x1080, desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10340661
File: 77 KB, 1366x768, desktop .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was doing some weird shit in my Autism folder and I accidentally the Set as desktop background. I think I like it. My past background was more cool though.

>> No.10340663

Do you actually look at your epick 'DAY/NIGHT' indicators in bold sharp fonts?

I'm 90% sure you just use them because they look 'cool.' Not that there's anything wrong with that, but please stop portraying your desktops as tools of function and not form.

>> No.10340665


>> No.10340669
File: 990 KB, 3360x1080, DesktopV7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10340670
File: 649 KB, 1200x1687, no more rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10340671

Thanks for sharing that.

>> No.10340677


Thanks for thanking me for sharing that. ;)

>> No.10340679

I think it's fine because a lot of /jp/ers must have switched their wallpapers for 2013 ones.

>> No.10340680
File: 17 KB, 1280x1024, Cobalt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10340683
File: 11 KB, 320x262, smelly dumb foreigner scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10340685

I like it!

Also, that music player, What is it? it looks nice.

>> No.10340690 [DELETED] 
File: 245 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hacking machine

>> No.10340699

LMAO I wants to be a hacker too.

>> No.10340694

Looks good.

>> No.10340695



>> No.10340709

dark as my soul

>> No.10340712

Looks more like a trolling machine.

>> No.10340714

Wish I had the skills in order to make a desktop like that.

>> No.10340716

I wonder what's DuckDuckGo.

>> No.10340719

>hell space

>evil space

and they all have less that a tb too. what the HELL

>> No.10340723

Just install rainmeter and any ugly icon pack from deviant art.

>> No.10340721
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, desktarp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10340722

Please, I'm just a niggy fan.

>> No.10340726
File: 744 KB, 646x720, zulaire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If u want to fix that, praise the zun

>> No.10340753
File: 18 KB, 650x121, 131313132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What're you gonna do about it, nerd?

>> No.10340759
File: 31 KB, 557x244, foobar_musikarte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. The music player is foobar with a custom skin (see filename)

>> No.10340758

I'm still surprised to see Winamp. I thought it had disappeared along time ago.

>> No.10340770

Where do you download your music from and what quality?

>> No.10340775
File: 329 KB, 1440x900, mywallpaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10340779

What's a reccomended rainmeter skin you weeb shits? ♥

>> No.10340781

weeaboos don't like ricemeter.

>> No.10340782

Would you look at the difference of retards.
I made a desktop thread last week, got only one reply from a spic with a shitty desktop and another post with madotsuki artistic vomit, Early Morning Janitor deleted it quickly. Afternoon, filled with replies and Meido doesn't do shit. Welcome to holidays. Welcome to shitty /jp/.

>> No.10340783
File: 194 KB, 1440x900, bg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see some GNU+Linux machines here.

>> No.10340785
File: 105 KB, 1215x923, 20120903_122102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I download from wherever I can find them. I always go from tta -> FLAC -> v0. Space is no issue for me so I try to find the best quality possible.

>> No.10340790

Needless to say, I made it in Early Morning.

>> No.10340789

>50 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

Most on-topic threads don't get this many replies.

Reminder that the state of /jp/ is a problem with the regular userbase, not shitposters or staff.

>> No.10340794

it's like >>10340782 said, most of times the best user-base is at 7:00 in the morning.

>> No.10340793
File: 278 KB, 2880x1200, gimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10340801 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 616 KB, 3520x1080, wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as it does from the /a/ thread

Edited NSFW

>> No.10340803

Tell me few good websites to download wapanese music or not only wapanese. I know about ISOhunt, TPB, don't have what.cd and heard that rutracker has everything.

>> No.10340806

>I made a desktop thread last week
And you're talking about retards and shittiness.

>> No.10340807

Then where am I supposed to get the wallpapers?

>> No.10340808

>/jp/ at early morning: fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S10314056
>/jp/ at daytime.

>> No.10340811


What is the appeal of having porn as your desktop wallpaper?

>> No.10340813 [DELETED] 


>NSFW is not allowed. Post links externally if you must discuss nsfw, just don't post it. Censoring (spoilers, mosaics) your porn is not allowed either. Moot agreed, don't bother him about it.

The sad part about this is that the janitor wouldn't have muted you or even deleted your post if I hadn't posted this. He has to be told.

>> No.10340818

The OP image looks like it might be from an anime.

Remember the golden rule: anime desktop replies are fine, but the original image should be Touhou.

>> No.10340819

God fine

>> No.10340833

I don't see what's wrong with having an anime wallpaper or people from /jp/ watching anime as a hobby, as long as they don't discuss anime in /jp/.

>> No.10340829


Janitor, since you're on this thread, why don't you delete it at all? Your friend deleted mine days ago.

>> No.10340831

Depends on how you define "regulars". Many of those people are just crossboarders.

>> No.10340837

I deleted the post myself to keep the jackass happy

>> No.10340838

It's from a light novel you colossal retard.

>> No.10340848

I really really like this. What programs are you using?

>> No.10340846

Janitor, you're a marketing director right? You seriously do your job as one. If people are liking the thread, you don't care if it's against the rules.

>> No.10340850

This is how almost every board on 4chan is moderated.

>> No.10340855

Problem is, /jp/ wasn't supposed to be as /soc/ or /b/... which it is today.

>> No.10340860
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, cheers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are my fav threads b/c i get to shit post on topic

>> No.10340869

the only person that didn't was that guy that spammed /a/ with accelerator a bit over a year ago

hell he actually killed a lot of the bad threads, and even I could acknowledge the threads that he was killing that I liked deserved it, didn't really belong, or were hogging the front page

and every /jp/ mod ever too
hence how we're basically not allowed threads on specific light novels (although I do acknowledge that most of those are ln's w/ anime adaptations, and /a/ has a high jap fluency rate than it used to)

>> No.10340870

Hipster general.

Why do you use it in Japanese? How does that differ from a weeaboo? Or better yet, why with that prehistoric theme?

>> No.10340873

Changing your system to Japanese is a good way to practice Japanese. That's how I learned English, actually.

>> No.10340876

Because all other themes are shit

>> No.10340877

Spic to top it off. You haven't explained the hipster theme.

>> No.10340878

I didn't post that image, I just said it was a good way to practice. Fuck you.

>> No.10340879
File: 67 KB, 128x217, Th06Patchouli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right... that's why.

>> No.10340910


I use that theme because one, it uses less resources than other bloated themes such as Aero. Two, I've been using Windows since 95 so it doesn't bother me in the slightest, I think it looks alright.

>> No.10340918

You know Windows automatically disables Aero when it needs the memory, right?

>> No.10340923

>less resources than other bloated themes such as Aero
You haven't really searched any themes, right?

>I've been using Windows since 95
And what the fuck does your OS have to do with your hipster theme? Not to mention your brilliant "le hippette joi d' vivre" wallpaper.

>> No.10340940

he thinks he's genuinely japanese because japanese people use that windows/windows theme more often; let him be, i'm sure you've done such weeaboo things before.

>> No.10340948

I feel bad now because I also use the classic theme. My computer is a fossil and the windows draw and move around more responsively.

Plus I think it's prettier. Maybe it's just because I've used it since 95 as well, and I hate change (I even changed the colors back to the original grey ones instead of that weird browny off-grey, but I eventually accepted the defaults).

>> No.10340950
File: 80 KB, 800x600, rgbo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You haven't really searched any themes, right?

No, because I don't care what my desktop looks like. Which also explains my wallpaper. If I chose a wallpaper with something on it I'd probably get sick of whatever was on it and change my mind within a couple of months and have to go look for a new one. I haven't changed that wallpaper (except the colour, it used to be pic related for a while) for a couple of years.


I feel it's probably better to just keep it off since it's probably just overall quicker to load shit without Aero/theme services using unnecessary CPU.

Besides that, I don't see why you think it's such a terrible theme, I think it looks decent. I've grown accustomed to it over the last 17 or so years.

>> No.10340957


Actually I have very little interest in Japanese culture. My interest extends only to the language. If I had a desktop wallpaper it certainly wouldn't be anime/touhou related.

>> No.10340964
File: 4 KB, 444x48, hipsterfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you by any chance?

At least your computer is a fossile and have an excuse, but you don't need to have posted that you feel bad if you needed, don't you think?

>> No.10340970

Maybe that would've worked in this wasn't /jp/, since I've felt like you before in the subject of feeling like a Japanese otaku.
We all know /jp/ is the most hipster board in 4chan, maybe only topped by /fa/, but that's in physical aspects.

>> No.10340974

>Actually I have very little interest in Japanese culture.
wow i thought all those neo-/jp/ claims about "hating japan is the new cool" were bullshit.

>> No.10340984

How could I forget to add:
>I don't care what my desktop looks like

>What does your desktop look like?

>> No.10340989


I don't hate Japan. I just don't watch anime/play VNs/play videogames/have any interest in Touhou. I mainly come to this board for the random lang threads and also because some of the posts are amusing.


So basically I'm a hipster because I don't care what my desktop looks like? I personally don't really like how all the widgets and transparent stuff look, I just like something simple & not fancy. I also have a computer case without a side-panel and LEDs, does that make me a hipster?

>> No.10340995


hence my post

>these are my fav threads b/c i get to shit post on topic

it was a shit post b/c my desktop is not interesting at all and i just wasted your time looking at it basically. get it??

>> No.10340996

what is the actual point of learning japanese if you're not going to actually do any of those things

>> No.10341006


Not really much point, unless you believe in something like self-betterment. In fact it makes it hard to progress since I basically have to do stuff I don't enjoy to study. The language itself is pretty interesting though. I am a NEET though so I don't really have any point in doing anything.

>> No.10341007

>I don't hate Japan. I just don't watch anime/play VNs/play videogames/have any interest in Touhou
Buddy, what the fuck are you doing here? There are so much many language boards almost anywhere else.

>So basically I'm a hipster because I don't care what my desktop looks like? I personally don't really like how all the widgets and transparent stuff look, I just like something simple & not fancy. I also have a computer case without a side-panel and LEDs, does that make me a hipster?
You actually think that you only have the choice of a /v/-tier desktop or a hispter shit? And yeah, you're hipster for doing so, very much. There's lot of simple, there's no need for fancy in simpleness. You're just a fucking retard trying to make a shitty case and you're an absolute hipster in denial.

>> No.10341013

>I am a NEET.
are you even trying anymore?

>> No.10341022

>I mainly come to this board for the random lang threads and also because some of the posts are amusing.
Fuck off to 2chan then. You'll feel in paradise and I will be one step closer to it.

>> No.10341028

>There's lot of simple, there's no need for fancy in simpleness.

I don't know what you mean by 'fancy'. All I did was go into the services when I built this PC and disable the themes. Which automatically sets it exactly like that except with a different colour wallpaper. It's the quickest way to get something that I don't mind.

>Buddy, what the fuck are you doing here? There are so much many language boards almost anywhere else.

I've been coming to 4chan since like 2006 or so, I'm just used to the culture now, I can't handle normal people.

>> No.10341034


I said "if you believe". It's not really a factor for me.

You guys are so hostile! Stop bullying.

>> No.10341045

What do I mean by fancy? You were the one that brought that up you nimrod! Fucking hell, how retarded can you be?

>I can't handle normal people.
If you were from 06, which you clearly aren't for that statement, you'd have noticed the huge decline in people quality we get here, more so as you said 4chan and not /jp/. You're not fooling anybody, seriously.

>Stop bullying.
Just stop, seriously. You're fucking retarded.

>> No.10341056

>I've been coming to 4chan since like 2006 or so, I'm just used to the culture now, I can't handle normal people.
i'm here since 2009 and i already know people here are normals

>> No.10341066


I don't understand why someone wouldn't want to speak to someone who is neurotypical. I've found autistic people to be very annoying sometimes. There are many normal people who share similar interests and aren't complete idiots.

>> No.10341071


I'm talking about normals in the sense of people who visit ordinary internet websites such as reddit or language forums. I'm not saying that 4chan doesn't have a lot of 'normal' people. This website just has a different net sub-culture, which is quite plain to see. It has nothing to do with the quality of posters.

>There's lot of simple, there's no need for fancy in simpleness.

You said this, I thought you were implying that I was trying to make my desktop fancy/simple, in some hipster way. The entire reasoning behind my desktop is because I want it to be as fast as possible, and I don't really feel the need to go hunting for a theme when that one which takes 2 secs to set up is fine. I don't understand how that makes me a hipster.

>> No.10341081


Neurotypical people generally don't share my interests, and if they do I find it difficult to relate to them since I don't have a life/any friends.

>> No.10341097


>not fancy
There you go, I win, let's move on.

>It has nothing to do with the quality of posters.
So... you're just playing a game of pretend, as a hipster would do.

>The entire reasoning behind my desktop is because I want it to be as fast as possible.

You really didn't say that in past posts, you implied it was beautiful and a lot of bullshit else. It makes you a hipster because if you'd take even a second to actually search, you'd realise a theme takes almost no memory or anything, you'd need to have less than 9GB of HDD and a dick as a RAM stick, which you don't, since you're running photoshop. Searching for a theme takes 2 seconds as well.

Well, here I am, auto-updater showing me I was arguing with a teen. I feel trolled.

>> No.10341104
File: 179 KB, 373x327, 1342214846680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have a life/any friends.

>> No.10341118

>I don't hate Japan. I just don't watch anime/play VNs/play videogames/have any interest in Touhou. I mainly come to this board for the random lang threads and also because some of the posts are amusing.

And threads like these only make this kind of shitheads flock to this board. Take note, janitor. Allowing this kind of threads will only make your job worse in the long run.

>> No.10341119

>I want it to be as fast as possible
>Still buys 1920x1080 display.

>> No.10341128


You've left my quite confused to the definition of hipster, mate. Being lazy is hipster? Liking my simple/easy to set up desktop enough not to want to Google for a new one is hipster? Okay.

I don't understand what you mean by "playing pretend"? I don't care about the quality of posters mainly because I think the quality of posts on this board is decent enough, and this is the only board I go to these days. Besides that, as I said - whether you believe me or not - I've been coming here since 2006, so it's quite hard to just go away and find somewhere else to browse that I'm not familiar with, regardless of how much of a shithole 4chan is. Also, I'm 22, and a NEET, and I rarely leave my house. That's why I have no life, no friends.

>> No.10341134

>You really didn't say that in past posts, you implied it was beautiful and a lot of bullshit else.

The first thing I said in response to you was "I use that theme because one, it uses less resources than other bloated themes such as Aero.". And nowhere did I say anything about it being 'beautiful' I said it was simple and I'm familiar with it.

>> No.10341140
File: 263 KB, 355x325, 1344725901885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, I don't give a fuck about your fashion desktop or anything those people are arguing with you. I wouldn't even care if you were just running amoc posting spurdo images. You just simply came here and show you're, not just as mentiones millions of times, a hipster, but also the fucking shit that is ruining this board. You're not a NEET, you're not here since 2006, you're not creative or lazy or anything. You're just wasting space. Seriously, get your fucking shit out of here.

>> No.10341148


I don't really get your point. My PC is pretty fast, and has no issues with that. I just like it "as fast as possible", which means not having any bloated software.

>> No.10341153

>You've left my quite confused to the definition of hipster, mate. Being lazy is hipster? Liking my simple/easy to set up desktop
Small words coming from a guy who is using Photoshop for a screenshot, or for whatever you're "drawing" or editing.

The quality of the posts, as you'd know if you were really from 06, or for god's sake, 22 years old, you'd realise the ENORMOUS decline in posting, you're living proof of that.
No one cares about your situation since we know it's fake.

>> No.10341164

i don't even know if he's joking anymore

>> No.10341169

How does technology work.

>> No.10341179

>you'd realise the ENORMOUS decline in posting

I'm not sure if you've been here or not since then. I don't know if you really think people posted much better then. These were the days of Habbo Hotel raids mate. Many many 14-16 year old people such as myself. I think you just feel a bit nostalgic if you really were here.

Also I pretty much only use Photoshop to save screenshots, because I'm familiar with it and not familiar with something GIMP. And MSPaint saves JPGs with annoying artifacts.

I dunno why it's so hard to believe I'm a NEET or whatever, there's quite clearly plenty of retarded 20+ year old NEETs on this board.

>> No.10341182

Could you please post that wallpaper? SZS was the best dark romance story ever told.

>> No.10341192

>These were the days of Habbo Hotel raids mate
In /jp/. Okay. Okay.

>And MSPaint saves JPGs with annoying artifacts.
Oh my god I'm even getting tired...

>I dunno why it's so hard to believe I'm a NEET or whatever, there's quite clearly plenty of retarded 20+ year old NEETs on this board.
Holy fuck. FUCK. How can... I mean... how? How? Why?

>> No.10341184


Okay so I don't have any idea about monitors or computers, doesn't bother me.

>> No.10341196


/jp/ didn't even exist in 2006 though...

>> No.10341201

>20+ year old NEETs on this board.
Do you see the obvious flaw in your claim?

>> No.10341204


I can't really since I fall into that category?

>> No.10341206

That's the fucking joke, pinhead.

>> No.10341225
File: 114 KB, 450x400, 1316670684017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying way too hard. Way too hard. You're clearly not from /jp/. Please, seriously, stop trying. I seriously go to /jp/, you're here because of winter break. Stop, stop. You're fucking retarded, you're not fooling anybody, and I'm the only fuckwit that is bothering to tell you to stop trying too hard because I have OCD, and I don't need to be fucking claiming it everywhere to say "lel i'm le part from le /jp/ weirdo league xD neet is the new big bang theory nerd". Get. Out.

>> No.10341221

Please stop arguing you dummies.

>> No.10341226


Well you were talking about the decline in posting since 2006, so since there was no /jp/ you clearly must have been talking about 4chan as a whole. Which is why I mentioned Habbo/etc, how can I talk specifically about this boards quality when it didn't exist then?.. The overall 4chan quality hasn't really changed except on certain boards like /v/, I never went to /a/ so I can't say but I assume that also changed drastically. Mostly due to influx of posters not actual individual quality I think.

>> No.10341229

Better than having a shit desktop thread.

>> No.10341232

You don't have reading comprehension, don't you?
/a/ has more language threads, you know, and has more neurotypical people like you.

>> No.10341238 [DELETED] 

Janitor, explain why a /jp/ census thread gets deleted but desktop threads don't. They both have the same degree of validity in /jp/.

>> No.10341244

Janitor, I'm not him, but why did you delete his post?

>> No.10341243


>and has more neurotypical people like you.

Post /q/ neo neo /jp/ probably has more neurotypicals. 3D idolshit and blogging everywhere.

>> No.10341251

>Post /q/ neo neo /jp/ probably has more neurotypicals
/jp/ had neuries, neo-/jp/ had a 70-30 neurie rate, today it's maybe 95-5.

>> No.10341249


I dropped out of HS at the age of 14 or so, and haven't really left my house much since then. Obviously you won't believe that, but I find it very amusing that you're calling me out for being a normal or something, and anyone else who believes me can also bask in my amusement.


They also have a lot more anime/it's a lot faster. I prefer this board. Don't worry though, I don't usually shit up threads like this. You only have yourself to blame for calling me a hipster though, I don't like to back down from an Internet argument.

>> No.10341255

In fact, both threads cater to the same type of people.

>> No.10341259

>I don't like to back down from an Internet argument.
Yet you suck at them, funny huh?

Your history is blogging, again, showing shit nobody cares and just trying too hard to fit in.
How is having too much of what you come for to /jp/ is bad? What a fucking retard. Why do you say you like slow things? Your computer certainly isn't.

Are you still asking why are you a hipster? I said you're a hipster in denial, which is telling the truth.

>> No.10341262

>Desktop thread
>[136 replies] [31 images]
Damn it /jp/

>> No.10341265

and half of the images are idiots trying to be funny.

>> No.10341268

The weird thing about this flame war is that Bully-anon has seriously convinced me that Stupid-anon is a hipster for having the default classic theme.

>> No.10341270


I don't think I suck at them, I just think you're extremely biased in your own favour and don't believe anything I say. None of your arguments really say anything except "you're retarded I don't believe you, wow stop trying so hard hipster hipster hipster".

To answer your question though, there's a difference between a slow board that is follow-able, and I can come back when I wake up and check the same thread, and something like /a/. I also have no interest in their posts outside of language threads whereas this board has an interesting community.

>> No.10341272

Funny how quickly this post got deleted.

>> No.10341273

Because it is. I'm no bully, I'm repressed janitor.

>> No.10341281

Could you please define hipster for me, once and for all BTW? I actually have no idea what it is, or if it's even a bad thing. I personally don't see what's so bad about me using my desktop, even if all the reasons you gave were true. You're just saying "not taking the time to search for a new theme is hipster" but why is that bad?

>> No.10341286
File: 31 KB, 395x600, desk_chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can do anything.

Convince me this chair is hipster.

>> No.10341285

An interesting community filled of things you don't have interested, or, as you mentioned before, "do stuff I don't enjoy". That's hipster. So is your attitude of NEET tryhard now trying to apply morals on me. So is your FUCKING DESKTOP. And you're a NEET that "has nothing to do", the only threads on /a/ that weren't trackable were new episodes of TWGOK manga or such, not language threads.

And yes, no one believes anything a retarded blogger says, you're retarded, you're a trying too hard and you're a hipster. Saying that I'm saying in a school-mocking way won't change that fact.

>> No.10341291

Typical hipster, acting ignorant of his own hipsterdom.

>> No.10341292

Semantics, yay!

>> No.10341295


It's interesting because of the personalities of people who post here, I have no interest in the subject, but none of the boards subjects interest me here. This one also happens to sometimes have language threads that are specifically interesting to me, so I browse it. What's hard to understand about that? I don't come here specifically to look at language threads, which is all I would go to /a/ for.

>> No.10341301


It's not semantics, it's just such a vague thing to say that it's not really arguable against. You could say that ANYTHING is 'hipster' with that attitude. Your desktop is old: hipster. Your desktop is new: hipster. You don't spend any time looking for new desktops: hipster. Etc. It means absolutely nothing.

>> No.10341302

I can clearly see this is replying for the sake of argument and not looking defeated. Go ahead and recurr to emotional argumentation, it's all you have left after I reply this.

>> No.10341303

Language threads don't even belong here according to the rules. All you are is a rule-breaking shitposter. And a hipster. You only associate with /jp/ for whatever cred it gives you among your circle of friends.

>> No.10341305

This thread sure went to total shit. Here I thought there would be a bunch of new 2013-themed wallpapers from Pixiv and C83 posted in this thread.

>> No.10341307

Can't you just substitute another word for "hipster"? It's like "moe" because I have no idea what it means, it means different things to different people, and some of those people say it's ineffable.
If I find something moe I usually find it "cute" or I "want to dote on it" or whatever.

We've survived without the word "hipster" for centuries of English. Just say whatever it is you mean.

>> No.10341308


There's nothing on the official rule-page about language threads on /jp/

>. And a hipster. You only associate with /jp/ for whatever cred it gives you among your circle of friends.

I think I'm just being trolled now...

>> No.10341310

>It's not semantics
It is. And it is hipster. We're discussing your desktop, not anything. Your desktop, no, your whole attitude is as hipster as everything on /mu/.

>> No.10341311

This thread was shit from the start, specially if you were expecting something like that. You just got a different taste of shit.

>> No.10341314

Mods have posted before that language threads don't belong on /jp/.

>> No.10341312

>I think I'm just being trolled now...

How can a human being be this slow?

>> No.10341313

Yet again, semantics. >>10341302 was right.

>> No.10341318


Yet they are posted and stay up till page 10.

I'm not the one making them, don't blame me.

>> No.10341315

Not that I'm against topic overlap or anything, but what if I told you there was a whole board dedicated to 2D/otaku wallpapers?

>> No.10341317

I'm getting his shit out of our board, don't delude him by thinking I was trolling.

>> No.10341320

There's whole boards for all stuff posted on /jp/.

>> No.10341321

No, he said that /jp/ is not your personal translation service.

"Translate this" threads are routinely deleted.

Japanese language threads (even dumb catchphrase ones about doing your reps) get 200+ replies.

>> No.10341319

You come to /jp/ not for any of the content it's allowed in it but for the ``interesting posts and funny people''. You're here for nothing more than shitposting and enabling of rule-breaking content. You're here to feed your own ego. Stop making false accusations and just leave.

>> No.10341322

Because our janitor, who is obviously sitting with popcorn here waiting for shitposting, doesn't give a shit. Like a guy said earlier, he has the mind of a marketing director.
And you're replying to them, fucking schmuck.

>> No.10341324


You haven't really changed my opinion on anything, because your thoughts about me are so off-based I can't take it seriously. If you don't believe what I said then you aren't arguing with me, you're arguing with some other belief. Not to mention I find absolutely no content in the word "hipster" in any context.

>> No.10341327

See? Semantics and emotional argument. Not much longer until you start bashing grammar.

>> No.10341328

It's not the same bauce he won't be with all the funny people from /jp/. At their heart the people who flock to these threads are much similar to >>10340989. This is a kind of thread made for socializing after all.

>> No.10341329


I didn't say that. I don't come here for shit-posting. I find the posts in non rule-breaking threads to be interesting. Just not for any reason related to the actual subject at hand.

>> No.10341335


The last actual post you made related to this argument was probably this >>10341192 , so how can I have any substantial response at all when you didn't even say anything?

>> No.10341332
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 20120916040337!George_Costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using "argument" as a mass noun

>> No.10341333

It's set as "if the people from /jp/ would like to discuss the subject, they would go there". You aren't really saying anything. It's like saying "I want to discuss /soc/ whores, but with /jp/". No. If you like the /jp/ community but you don't like the fundamental subject of /jp/, fuck off.

>> No.10341335,1 [INTERNAL] 

Nice job, janitor. You tricked a few shitposters into staying in a single thread for a few hours.

Hopefully they'll never learn.

>> No.10341335,2 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you motherfucker. You finally made something useful. I hope you aslo ban him for admitting shitposting and being an overall faggot.

>> No.10341335,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10341335,4 [INTERNAL] 

You remind me of someone, some other stupid argument that took place earlier.

Also were you one of the people in >>10328351?

>> No.10341335,5 [INTERNAL] 

No, sorry to dissapoint you.
