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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 57 KB, 472x1024, j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10316238 No.10316238 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10316295
File: 698 KB, 902x821, 1356721863538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way better.

>> No.10316298

I bet she Command Seals Karna to take her virginity.

>> No.10316306

>that feelio when you will never have a cute and hip otaku gf

>> No.10316312

titty suspenders

captcha: first itsshit

>> No.10316317
File: 400 KB, 1130x800, 1356267784616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10316355
File: 628 KB, 800x993, クマ X - ジナコ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should really start considering renaming this to Fate/Extra Tits

We haven't even seen Riders new costume yetIf she's even still in the game ;_;

>> No.10316356

I can't self-insert

>> No.10316367

That would be an interesting scene. Since he thinks so lowly of her, he would probably insult her even as he's forced to obey, telling her how pathetic she is for needing to force her servant to fuck her. Hell, she might even get turned on by that.

>> No.10316381


The MC and FeMC are for self-inserting and projection Anon.

Jinako is to stereotype

>> No.10316452

Disgusting fucking designs.

Type-Moon, what the fuck.

>> No.10316453


>Messy hair
>Purse with heart on it
>Yellow wife beater
>Sweater with HUGE Buttons
>7/11 white sneakers

>Cute and hip

I see that our perceptions are vastly different anon

>> No.10316471

They're actually great

>> No.10316487


>> No.10316493

No, not great at all.

Just look at this shit >>10316295


>> No.10316494

You have pleb tastes anon, those designs are fucking amazing

>> No.10316504
File: 484 KB, 720x960, 山田ちりこ@王の器4_テ36 - パッションさん。.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you really implying that that isn't the best design we've seen out of TM yet?

...I don't know what to say. Do you happen to loveSaber clones?

>> No.10316509

was for

>> No.10316542

Flat is justice.

>> No.10316558
File: 663 KB, 959x883, Meltlillith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A Meltlilith fan? How rare~

Most flatfags block her out in favor of the Lancer with the crazy ass tail

>> No.10316595

Who the fuck did the designs?

I wanna murder him.

>> No.10316611


>full metal pussy

>armor piercing cock

>> No.10316648
File: 379 KB, 543x448, youseemupset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was MISS Wada Arco and quite frankly I think she does a better Sakura than Takeuchi ever did

>> No.10316665

shit taste i love >>10316295
fucking hot.
and the face she is making is sexy.
loli flat shit can go shit somewhere else

>> No.10316673

This is actually beyond bad.

>> No.10316675


all hail neo-jp

flat is for claps

>> No.10316692
File: 92 KB, 1280x1024, arcueid-tsukihime-11385525-1280-1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even because it isn't loli.

Her design is very generic, looks like some shit from Black Rock Shooter.
Also the eyes scream "uguu".

Look what is good design.

>> No.10316696

Go back to whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.10316702

Ive been here since 2009 and /jp/ never had that retard flat meme shit. We called that shit back to /a/.

>> No.10316709

Her face she is making is still fucking sexy.
I think its the lips.

>> No.10316716

you don't belong here

>> No.10316733

I think it really is a great design can't wait to play it. I mean yeah she looks like a geek a bit but that just makes her a unique character and makes her more relatable!

>> No.10316741

Is there a term for when the bag strap goes between the boobies? I like it.

>> No.10316752


Oh yeah

search " π/ " on Pixiv

it makes no fucking sense but god dammit its a tag

>> No.10316765

Your full of shit I just asked Woxxy and he agreed and even Jones agreed as well too don't bother us

>> No.10316763


Oh god it's real.

Like it...divides the pie, or what?

>> No.10316783
File: 14 KB, 126x167, plsno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but that just makes her a unique character and makes her more relatable!

Do you really go out in public dressed -anything- like that?

>> No.10316787

For some reason, I'm reading it as "titty (TT) divide".

>> No.10316791

Stupid flat faggots.


It was a user board, you stupid pedos.

>> No.10316824

Japanese word for breasts is oppai.


>> No.10316849


Good design for you.

Reinterpretations of that Arc are good but for me the original is very very bad.

>> No.10316856



>> No.10316884

Typical cow titter. Resorts to ironic capslock, Reddit, and emote spam. Truly scum of this earth.

>> No.10316883

Please, kill yourself.

>> No.10316895

Rather party up with ass-window Rin or even Rani before this bitch. Hope Gil remains broken mode so you'll be able to focus more on his homo route instead of actual fighting. Can't wait for him to brutally impale this bitch and Sakura. With Ea you sick fucks. His dick is for MC.

>> No.10316901


If you like the original design good for you, nothing to say, just don't break the testicles if other peple becuase that's just stupid.

>> No.10316908

Rin's actually a villain in this one. In an interview Nasu said she took over the moon, and the other participants of the war teamed up to fight her.

>> No.10316924
File: 258 KB, 640x480, rinskills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah. Dammit. A good ass wasted. Well guess it's Rani n Gil then to turn her from bitch to dead in 3 seconds flat. Still want to kill Sakura and this thing though.

>> No.10316932

At least you still have her secret garden to look forward to.

>> No.10316955


>A good ass wasted.

Unless they're overplaying that FRIEND OR FOE shit from FE its possible you might be able to assist someone and join sides ala SMT. So maybe you might just get to fuck Rin.


Seriously why do JRPGs go for the shit Final Fantasy angle and not the glorious SMT one? ALL I WANT IS SOME CHOICE

>> No.10317382
File: 150 KB, 157x530, ExtraSakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even after all this time shes the best Type Moon

>> No.10317488


>> No.10317961
File: 92 KB, 452x345, a-non-tan.1203142943174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10318036

>paper scissors rock
All I want is a good Fate RPG damnit. Not this shitty cyber shit.

>> No.10319259


But Anon thats exactly what turn based RPG's are

Then some bullshit that you can't block no matter how many buffs you do

>> No.10319296

Explain further.

>> No.10319606


Lets look at Final Fantasy.

There are some tactics that work,some tactics that work well and some tactics that don't work at all. Casting a death spell on a random Undead enemy leads to nothing because they're already dead,lets call this "Rock". Casting a Life spell on them insta-kills them,lets call this "Scissors". Casting Poison/Fire/Fist etc does okay damage to them,lets call this "Paper". And then there's just this ungodly Summon/Attack that pretty much insta kills it because of its damage and only a handful of bosses have proper resistances against it.

To put it bluntly its all the exact same shit as Extra except its hidden behind more 'choices'. You can argue that these multiple tactics at least exist in Final Fantasy but they're a meaningless distraction with no positive consequence. With that in mind,Extra is actually one of the kindest TRPGs out there.

>> No.10319610

>except its hidden behind more 'choices'
we call that more complex gameplay as opposed to shallow gameplay

>> No.10319663


>> No.10319691

>we call that more complex gameplay

Thats a bad perception of complex gameplay.

Complex gameplay is all options being viable while maintaining a balance, not a select few. When you have paths being shut off just for the sole factor of that it'd make the encounter easy,what you have is the farthest thing from complex. You just have a time sink.

For the record as well i'm not saying that Extra is not a complex game. Shits just memorization of reactions and punching into your brain of how your enemy moves.

>> No.10319749

>Complex gameplay is all options being viable while maintaining a balance, not a select few.
Can you make some concrete example so you make your point clearer? Because it sure sounds like all options being viable makes it pretty irrelevant on what option you take at the end. An enemy which you can just pound with swords or whatever magic indifferently and defeat anyways is the furthest thing from complex, while most games praised for their depth have some sort of aptitude/resistance systems with shit that works very well in some circumstance but is shit in others. Doing away with all the layers and boiling down to "Rock Paper Scissors" while trying to defend a system which actually has only three options is kinda missing the point

>> No.10319970

>Can you make some concrete example so you make your point clearer?

Already did

> indifferently and defeat anyways is the furthest thing from complex

Agreed because thats what I was saying

> Doing away with all the layers and boiling down to "Rock Paper Scissors" while trying to defend a system which actually has only three options is kinda missing the point

Hardly, unless we're looking at different points here. I'll restate it: what Extra does and your more average TRPG does is the exact same shit.

...Another thing too Extra has four options.

>> No.10321932
File: 724 KB, 818x1157, feservant2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extra lacks in-depth 'team' tactics though given that the Master can only move once and is removed from the playing field. It'd be nice if while the servants were duking it out you could go after the other Master or otherwise fight alongside your servant turn-for-turn like the normal HGW or Apocrypha. Even the imposed 1v1 duels feel stifling since you can't make/break alliances (a staple of other HGWs) and do team battles in SERAPH.

Aside from that, I kinda wished Extra was an active-time RPG with the chance for manual control. In other words, more elements of a fighter/action game where if you're skilled enough then the manual control option would be more effective aside from being more entertaining. Having your enemy stuck waiting for you and being able to immediately see their EXACT attack pattern up to 5 moves into the future feels not so much like instinct but having an EX rank in Destiny Creation.

>> No.10321959


You know what. I agree with you. But I'm not sticking around for the inevitable 'sakura a slut' bit that always happens because I can't be assed to have another back and forth discussion that ends up taking over the entire thread.

But I agree with you.

>> No.10322420

Sakura a slut. A digital penisworm slut.
