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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.36 MB, 2400x3200, 0c6dcaa89944445dceb9d3d4a643b8c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10290782 No.10290782 [Reply] [Original]

Do u like lolis /jp/?

>> No.10290791

O-of course not! Do you think I'm a paedophile or what? Hahaha, good one FB- I mean, OP.

>> No.10290807
File: 726 KB, 2400x3200, 7daf0a44acd327237e3e6cdf4b5aa71ef24b26b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a terrible Anyannko loli. Have a better one.

>> No.10290811

that's a toddler body.
toddlercon and diaper are always good tags though.

>> No.10290817
File: 302 KB, 600x852, 05b33bc78789b7f091b7d210a6d4bb54ba852279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10290820

The only loli I like is /jp/

>> No.10290829

Yes. Come at me FBI.

>> No.10290837

not this one

>> No.10290850
File: 52 KB, 774x1000, 1352426652273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count as loli or just flat chest?

>> No.10290854 [SPOILER] 
File: 641 KB, 812x1200, rumia bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, yes.

>> No.10290864

She is like 14,000 years old, so...

>> No.10290861
File: 36 KB, 606x553, rustleface4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would give you that idea?

>> No.10290873
File: 124 KB, 674x960, 16820_474865585882815_1099031900_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's great.

>> No.10290884

If the character has a non-human lifespan, it can count as one.

>> No.10290886
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>> No.10290899
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>> No.10290900

kill all pedos

>> No.10290907


Does that include all forms of animal, or just human? Please respond.

>> No.10290912
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>> No.10290909

suicide is never the answer

>> No.10290911

shut your whore mouth

>> No.10290919
File: 324 KB, 1500x1125, 675409888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really Anyannko?

>> No.10290925

I thought the term was lolicon. Oh well, I guess its interchangeable.

>> No.10290929
File: 313 KB, 1024x1200, cd53142980a69c5c4b00e2fbec7b035d480d7d8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10290931


I can't... your dick is in it.

>> No.10290945
File: 731 KB, 1036x777, rumia brushie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no bully

>> No.10290949

Fucking burned

>> No.10290992

i think they are pretty much synonyms in japan, or at least i heard that from an unreliable party, so i'm not sure.

>> No.10291002

> i think they are pretty much synonyms in japan
Nope, wrong.

>> No.10291013

well ok, i believe you

>> No.10291058

Who doesn't? Even if a person doesn't like them sexually, they will probably not dislike them. Lolis are very pleasant to be around after all.

>> No.10291081

Nooo... Loli characters are so one dimensional. I'd get bored. Unless it's about where they slaughter each other. Then it's ok.

>> No.10291082
File: 274 KB, 1000x1000, 1pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/: just pedophiles

>> No.10291091

The real kind of lolis (young pubescent anime characters) are good. The pedoshit is not.

>> No.10291100

It's all the same in 2D.

>> No.10291131

Do you ever interact with lolis in real life, /jp/? How does it go? Please tell me about it.

>> No.10291172

i hate children in real life. also all of the girls i know with loli-esque bodies (short, slim, flat) are sluts.

2D or shit

>> No.10291216

Why do you hate children?

>> No.10291220

It happens when you become an adult.

>> No.10291242

I'm 23 and immature, but I like kids. It probably depends on the person.

>> No.10291252


>> No.10291255

No. Traps are much cuter.

>> No.10291286

I omit it from most of my searches when I'm on Gelbooru but it doesn't offend me and I have no problem with it. If I stumble across a loli picture that I find hot I add it to my favorites but I don't really search for it.

>> No.10291293


>I omit it from most of my searches

This FAGGOT, what the fuck dude, kill yourself.

>> No.10291314

I hang out with my aunt's kids every now and then, since they live nearby. The younger is starting school next year, and the older is in sixth grade. Both are short and slim for their age, but the older one really lucked out on the genes. She looks like a doll, is very athletic despite not really enjoying sports, and her hair is incredibly voluminous.

The younger is really energetic, playing with her includes lots of physical activities, carrying her, throwing her around, tag and such. It's fun every now and then, but if I don't pace myself and make her run more than me, I tire way too easily. I started going to the (home)gym this year, just so I had more strength to play with her.

The older is very precocious. A lot calmer, she usually enjoys reading books or watching movies to running around or playing games. Despite all that, she's a bit of a tomboy. The only traditionally girlish thing she likes is horses, and even then I don't think most girls would actually enjoy working with them; She helps out at a nearby stable, forking hay and shovelling shit, in return for getting to ride the horses.
All I usually do with her is play with her hair, which she claims is a bother, but never tells me to stop.
Have I mentioned she has great hair? I could go without masturbation for weeks, just to braid it for an hour.

Every summer, I take them swimming once or twice a week for as long as they have summer vacation while my aunt has to work. I have to wear a speedo under my swimming trunks. It's uncomfortable, but damn if it isn't worth it.

Other than them, though, kids are usually just loud, annoying and ugly.

>> No.10291342
File: 366 KB, 640x480, 1352126094152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do females like horses?

>> No.10291354
File: 101 KB, 1064x968, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please don't bully me.

>> No.10291359


Either man the fuck up and fap to loli or get the fuck out.

>> No.10291370

This sounds like a fun and healthy family.

>> No.10291612
File: 383 KB, 1280x800, 12295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their alright

>> No.10291644

are there mods that have fucking animations or is it just loli dress-up?

>> No.10291640

Ooyari Ashito mods Skyrim?

>> No.10292898

Reminds me of my nephew whose six. Except I can't escape him because he literately lives next door. He is like the little brother I never asked for. He is energetic likes rough house and do most things boys like too do. The only thing he doesn't like is bugs he is deathly afraid of bugs. Anyways he is like the little brother I never wanted but, I have to deal. He is a good kid with standing.

Sorry guy I only have shota in my family.

>> No.10297624

Any true romantic agrees that age does not matter, only love.

>> No.10297638

Age matters. And I don't think you have sane definition of love.

And most importantly, loli is more about stature instead of age.

>> No.10297653

Hello, newfriend.

>> No.10297694

It really depresses me hearing of interactions people have with lolis. Even though I too once had the joy of being in the presence of two lolis quite often, but I haven't seen them in just a little over a year now. And that's a story for another time.

>> No.10297723

Trying to define love would be en exercise in futility.

>> No.10297731

Not really. An important sign of love is willingness to sacrifice, be it your wealth, time, or even life, depends on degree of your love to that certain something.

You can love a 10 year old girl, but I'm sure it won't translate to "I want to fuck her so much". If a pedo (by instinct, caused by rough childhood or something) loves that hypothetical girl, she's not going to 'touch' her.

>> No.10299148


Not that guy but you clearly have no idea what loli means. He's right. It's about body type not age.

I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

>> No.10299163

A body type that only people who are children have.

>> No.10299184
File: 21 KB, 564x428, mbyvW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you got the wrong door. The shitposting troll club is two blocks down.

>> No.10300965
File: 194 KB, 666x1000, 1314868577375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can be short and flat.

>> No.10300980


>> No.10301034

She looks like she's very happy to have that ice cream. I want to throw it on the ground.

>> No.10301036
File: 55 KB, 526x404, 1352719400164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neo-neo-neo-neo/jp/ telling /jp/ what Loli is about and what it isn't about.

>who are you quoting nerd
>ur mom LMFAO
>get rekt ownt
>get out of /jp/
>ironic shitposting is still shitposting
There, I just saved you the next 6 posts of the thread. You're welcome.

>> No.10301071
File: 310 KB, 586x800, 1354736335587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true. I can't get a boner if I know that the loli body-typed character in question is officially 12 or older. Azunchang is a perfect example.

>> No.10301102

Then you're a pedocon, not a lolicon.

>> No.10301110

Don't you mean younger?

>> No.10301115

I want to discuss loli more.

>> No.10301118
File: 249 KB, 699x393, 1353874386271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't?

>> No.10301145
File: 38 KB, 360x414, 1161917390541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you hate Ichigos because they're 12?

>> No.10301163
File: 35 KB, 640x360, Mitsudomoe-post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you've found the IRL marui triplets

>> No.10301178
File: 90 KB, 465x650, 6078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on... type in ロリコン, and click on the first link to the Japanese wikipedia. There you have it. But I'm not going to elaborate this, I know that you are only a troll. Speaking for myself, I find only a few 3D little girls attractive and I'm more of a hebephile anyway.

Ok, let's use an interval: girsl between 9 and 14. What I was trying to explain is this: I don't like it when the authors change the official age of a character in fear of being b&-d (or the Japanese equivalent of it). When I want my loli, I want the whole package: the body type, the personality, the (lack of) maturity. A real nymphet, like 'Lo.

Then there's the taboo-thingy in it. The age of consent is 14 where I live, so everything over it is just meh.

>> No.10301213

14 is too old to be loli. Even 13 is pushing it.

>> No.10301218
File: 295 KB, 1200x923, loli[dot]su-41d2fcdc69c2ef49ccb3375489304c7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the contrary, I love the Ichigos. Sorry if I wasn't clear, my mothertounge is not English and it I'm so sleepy I'm almost falling off my chair.

Add the 'age' to the package. It doesn't matter if a character has all of the aforementioned traits if she is not 'in the age'. It is not authentic. At least, not for me.

>> No.10301233

I wouldn't call that woman a loli.

>> No.10301235
File: 1.60 MB, 1400x1500, loli-su-1155cc38533859cfed06f71418365397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, first I wanted the upper limit to be 13 but then I wrote that last part about the age of consent and I didn't want my comment to be torn apart by autists.

>> No.10301253

...she probably has pubic hair. Plus look at her hips.

>> No.10301256

I think if someone wants to have sex with a loli they'll have sex with one. I don't think age of consent will matter much.

>> No.10301260

to me, any girl above 11 is too old to be loli.

>> No.10301277 [DELETED] 

I hate pedophiles.

>> No.10301284

Age of consent doesn't matter much, but only because you would still be murdered by angry parents if you tried to sleep with a little girl.

>> No.10301288

Dunno. Loli is a fetish and the age of consent adds an extra kinky-factor to it. I mean some Americans even find fucking a 16 year old as a nasty thing... I'm not telling that lolicon is the result of the current social constructs, but they can modify its effect.

>> No.10301290

I hate being a pedophile.

>> No.10301301

She's called baba really often.

>> No.10301302

Of course fucking a 16 year old is disgusting. At that age, they are physically mature and mentally childish. I don't see how you could possibly be attracted to that, it makes pedophilia seem reasonable.

>> No.10301304


>> No.10301308
File: 101 KB, 758x1000, loli[dot]su-04a52c57351533c1c07e6230451d6f5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy, m8. At least we were born in the age of the interwebs. Imagine how shit was it to be a pedophile in the past.

>> No.10301315
File: 115 KB, 806x1000, loli[dot]su-347d357eb13affcf6db029b379555e8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not good. He shouldn't hate himself for what he is. He was born that way so stop bullying him. He should try to live his life to the fullest he can despite the restrictive/normalfag legal systems of the West.

>> No.10301318

>At least we were born in the age of the interwebs. Imagine how shit was it to be a pedophile in the past.

I wouldn't have to worry about the government requesting my browsing history from my ISP, for one.

>> No.10301320

>When I want my loli, I want the whole package: the body type, the personality, the (lack of) maturity
A loli personality is to be precocious, not childlike. Like that 'Lo you quote.

>> No.10301322

depends on who you were. Lewis Carroll had it pretty sweet.

>> No.10301326

>Imagine how shit was it to be a pedophile in the past.
Nobody gave a fuck about underage sex until 60~70 years ago.

>> No.10301327

It's precocious in a childish way, though.

>> No.10301351

I blame homosexuality becoming socially acceptable.

>> No.10301357

you mean because society needed a new evil to hate?

>> No.10301360


>> No.10301361
File: 34 KB, 490x368, Lewisx-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... I don't really know. I guess in the olden times the golden rule (old enough to bleed old enough to breed) was widely accepted.

Or if you had dem GREAT BAWLS OF FIRE!

>> No.10301370

You can always convert to Islam and move to the Arabian peninsula.

>> No.10301387

I blame the jews.
>the golden rule (old enough to bleed old enough to breed) was widely accepted.
Is just yous instinct telling something, a younger girl/woman can give you more and more healthy children.

>> No.10301391

The US can be plenty conservative at times, so I would rather just stay here.

>> No.10301396

You blame them for everything.

>> No.10301401

>Is just yous instinct telling something, a younger girl/woman can give you more and more healthy children.
well, that instinct doesn't explain lusting after 7-year-olds. so it comes back to being a fetish.

hot diggity, didn't know that about jerry lee. but meh, 13, she's a tad old.

>> No.10301413
File: 117 KB, 426x600, 6919319_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work at a day camp that ranges from 5-years to 12. some of them are spoiled brats who don't listen to directions but others are quite adorable

>> No.10301418

Seven year old girls grow up, don't they? From a survival perspective, if you mate for life, it doesn't matter when the courtship starts. It's no good from an ethical perspective, though.

>> No.10301426

>well, that instinct doesn't explain lusting after 7-year-olds.
Well, I'm more in the "ephebophile" side.
>so it comes back to being a fetish.
As >>10301178 said, being illegal is probably part of it.

>> No.10301428

Those are two of my most favorite anime.

Kodomo Jinken I have to take in small doses because she can be pretty dam forward.

Also I like to have have loli in many different forms.

>> No.10301433

but humans generally don't mate for life.

>> No.10301436

I once saw this girl who looked like she was wearing a T-shirt and half-naked from the waist down. It was so sexy, I could see her butt cheeks. It turned out that she was just wearing a swimsuit and you couldn't see it under the T-shirt.

>> No.10301443

We are supposed to. Why do you think women have random periods of fertility instead of going into heat at a certain time? It's so that they have partners that stay with them.

>> No.10301446

Congratulations, I'm mad.

>> No.10301461

I like the Ichigos but their age makes me uncomfortable. They're just at the border of my ages of interest. It saddens me to think that they'll soon be fully grown women.

>> No.10301462

You sure get mad easy.

>> No.10301464

Don't worry, they will never grow up.

>> No.10301472


Leave the thread if you dislike it.
We have had this discussion hundreds of times and I don't think anyone but you wishes to repeat it.

>> No.10301477

>random periods
wha? er, last i checked, girl's periods are usually regular, and many of them more or less know their safe and unsafe days. but i don't want to argue for the sake of argument, so i'll just leave it at that.

>> No.10301495

I hope every one of you sick fucks experiences a painful death.

>> No.10301510


Why? Loli doesn't hurt anyone. Being an actual pedo is a different story, but 2D loli is harmless.

>> No.10301512


Don't let the door hit your self-righteousness on the way out.

>> No.10301520

i-i know i'm a sick fuck. but....i'm okay with that now.

>> No.10301525

Maybe it's like marijuana and is a gateway porn.

>> No.10301529

loli is loli and pedo is pedo, stop calling yourself one when you're the other. If you like prepubescent, you are a pedo. 7, 5 year olds are pedo. If you like pubescent girls in the first half or teen years, the that is loli. Even if they are flat and hairless, if they bleed and can get pregnant, they are not pedo. If you like both you are lolipedo, but stop saying 13 and 14 year olds aren't loli because you're a pedo whose age range is 0-11.

Middle school girls are loli.

>> No.10301530

You could probably use that logic to make almost anything illegal.

>> No.10301534

Not trying to start an argument or anything, but...
Loli is still pedo, if you fap to drawn pictures of little girl it doesn't give you a magical title that makes you hate everyone ever being interested into a non-drawn little girl, this is an /a/ meme, i won't ask you to get back there, but please stop that.

>> No.10301537


Stop masturbating it could lead to you raping people and murder.

>> No.10301538

What do I call a seven year old girl? A pedo? That makes it sound like she is attracted to children herself. A little girl? That takes too long to type out and doesn't have sexual connotations. Toddler? That makes it sound like she's still in diapers. It's better just to use loli even if it isn't really accurate.

>> No.10301546
File: 173 KB, 700x900, 860b6cf6c5929aeac8140f62cbf8b2cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a loli professor appears

>> No.10301545

I wouldn't be surprised. I think the fact that I'm a shut-in is the only reason I'm not a dangerous criminal at this point.

>> No.10301573

from this:
to this:
and from this:
to this:
also, this:
to this:
alos this:
onto this:
lastly, but not leastly, this:
all the way to this:

Post should feature more lolis in the middle of all that craptalk.

Protip: turn off 4chanX for a better viewing experience of my complains.

>> No.10301576

I don't understand what you're saying. My point was there is absolutely no harm done in the producing or viewing of 2D loli.

>> No.10301581

Ah, i misread your post, sorry, i'm really fucking sorry, please do forgive me.

>> No.10301587
File: 318 KB, 600x600, a3f6a38f19866e511e6ec2de0ff29d92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loli threads always seem to devolve like that by nature. sad, really.

>> No.10301604


>> No.10301607

Unless they use photographs as reference material.

>> No.10301616

90% of lolicon artists use actual photos to enhance their drawing abilities.
This is a scientific fact, don't attempt to refute it.

>> No.10301618
File: 70 KB, 640x512, b7fcc769573cc535c0bdd0a24cc1750f122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli professor, how about a lolicon professor.

Btw Kusanagi Yume is probably one of the craziest lolicon I've seen since Kanamemo.

>> No.10301620

I view and enjoy 2D and 3D.

>> No.10301621
File: 103 KB, 720x1200, 26703593_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was planning on starting a separate dump. I might hold off for another day or so until this dies the death it deserves so it doesn't spill over.

>> No.10301624

Looking at photographs hurt the children now?

>> No.10301636

It supports the people that take the photographs, which does hurt the children.

>> No.10301640

I wish I was a girl.

It seems as if female lolicon get a free pass.

>> No.10301654

/jp/ is not for discussion of 3D
Please seek medical help

>> No.10301649

What if you get the photos for free from somewhere? There are lots of websites, and even more people that don't waste to waste their money.

>> No.10301651
File: 136 KB, 638x680, c6d7fbdc0b6293cdebe5453b568a23d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at children hurts children.

if you've evern seen a child, stab your eyes out.

>> No.10301661

DAT denial

Dude, you're a pedo too.

>> No.10301656

But I... er, I mean, my friend pirate the children photographs. So if pirating music kills the musicians, pirating CP kills these evil pedos, right?

>> No.10301658

Interest means more production. It doesn't matter if they make money, it still encourages them to do it.

>> No.10301659

They can easily buy Junior Idols videos and picture sets. They don't have to look up CP.

Depends on what the kids are doing are doing in the pictures. Obviously, it is bad if some guy is actually fucking some seven year old.

>> No.10301660
File: 1.02 MB, 1590x1107, s002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10301663

see >>10301534

>> No.10301664


I fuckin came...

>> No.10301667

No matter what the industry claims, they take pirated sales into account when deciding if something is successful. A pirated copy and and an actual sale are both considered the same thing for the purposes of investing more money.

>> No.10301669
File: 287 KB, 800x600, 76d9c396f3a6faaffcd54da2b49b5df56671d0d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even female shotacons, like the teachers who have sex with their students, generally get a slap on the wrist.

>> No.10301674


>> No.10301670

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that likes this manga.

>> No.10301672

who are you quoting?

>> No.10301681

i want to go there.

and get turned into a loli.

>> No.10301693

What is it about little girls that you find so attractive?

I think it's fatherly instinct.

>> No.10301699
File: 134 KB, 1200x802, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Lolicon Saga another good manga.

>> No.10301706


>fatherly instinct

Sounds gay.

>> No.10301713

nigga I self-insert as the little girl.

You got nuthin on me

>> No.10301722

>fatherly instinct

Eh, I wouldn't say it's that way for everyone. I like the immaturity best, the body is just an added bonus.

>> No.10301731
File: 888 KB, 830x1508, 48de1565698e7b74fa5ff3b67b9e85cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also, cute.

beyond that, i dunno. i wasn't always like this. and even now i still go through phases where i want big batayas up top and curvy bodies.

>> No.10301741

I dislike tits and hair, everything else is acquired taste.

>> No.10301750

Also this, I find large boobs on any female disgusting.

>> No.10301766

Some people can't help having large tits you faggot.

>> No.10301762
File: 204 KB, 600x600, f1126d38f8ebc61f1e27371c0fcd4233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank ye sir, will do.

>> No.10301774

Who cares about 3D

>> No.10301769

I'm attracted to cute. I typically enjoy chibi-style bodies.

>> No.10301777

Firstly I like their personalities and secondly I like their bodies.

>> No.10301780

call her a youjo if you want to be a weeaboo, but a little girl is what she is. Loli(technically nymphet) is a special term for a special thing.

On the other hand, using loli to refer to tweens is exactly the same as using pedo to refer to little girls. They both derive from the description of their predators. Lolicons have a con for lolis, pedophiles have a philia for pedos.

>> No.10301782

So it's wrong for me to not be sexually attracted to them?

>> No.10301784
File: 105 KB, 800x600, Blatantly adorable material.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking for this thread, I thought /jp/ let a loli thread die...

>> No.10301807

What is this?

>> No.10301808

My cousin is again spending the night. She didn't want to try any barbecue sauce last night, and today she didn't either. In retaliation I made pudding for myself. She didn't ask for any, but I wouldn't have given her any if she did.

She's in the TV room watching Disney Channel.

>> No.10301812

There are people that can't help shitting themselves all the time, or having a tumor somewhere on their bodies.
Does that mean i should be attracted to them too?

>> No.10301827

I was speaking just for myself. Father daughter incest is the best. It's a shame it's over-shadowed by brother-sister incest.

>> No.10301830

Ichinensei ni Nacchattara

Great manga would recommend it to anybody.


>> No.10301836

I-is it okay to sniff my little sisters panties? ;~;

>> No.10301847

That something I think you have to decide for your self.

>> No.10301853

By 4chan standards it would be weird not to.

>> No.10301860

lol us 4channers amirite?

>> No.10301868
File: 40 KB, 704x396, 1348963917828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's /jp/'s favorite loli?

>> No.10301872
File: 544 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Nisemonogatari - 08 [35A68D8A].mkv_snapshot_20.02_[2012.09.03_16.34.23].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

father/daughter is ok, but i much prefer brother/sister.

just don't get caught.

>> No.10301879
File: 94 KB, 724x1024, Tsubomi (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10301882
File: 581 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Nisemonogatari - 09 [D0AF7EB4].mkv_snapshot_18.09_[2012.09.03_16.56.44].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10301887

I think /jp/ likes Rika nipah the most. I'm a Rin guy personally, though.

>> No.10301889

I prefer mother/daughter incest. The penis ruins it for me especially when it comes to loli.

>> No.10301892

Tsubomi isn't a loli, she is a cute and strong girl.

>> No.10301893

They should have medical loli cards like they do for weed

>> No.10301897
File: 710 KB, 529x432, hakase nyan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10301910

I don't mind having a guy in there as long as it's not some horribly ugly fat guy.


>> No.10301929
File: 274 KB, 597x640, 1329157248740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Hachikuji, too. I wish I could molest her like Arararagi-san.

>> No.10301930

Alright then I guess I'll go with my back up which is >>10301882.

>> No.10301934

What condition would it cure?

>> No.10301942
File: 153 KB, 800x907, 5bc824e41e59cf372adfdc75059256d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is this something you're _going_ to do, or that you've already done and are feeling guilty but can't stop yourself? share.

>> No.10301948

An inflamed lolita complex

>> No.10301950
File: 276 KB, 777x1099, 31969488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10301951
File: 216 KB, 1600x1200, mii from popotan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snail girl is pretty cute.

>> No.10301952

No, no they should. Next thing your going to say is that NAMBLA is a great organization.

>> No.10301957


>> No.10301958

They would have to crimilized loli first.

>> No.10301959
File: 1020 KB, 500x281, be9d7b1509187211d5d99e6ce4b26cf8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so long as she doesn't bite your fingers in half afterward.

>> No.10301963
File: 161 KB, 853x1242, 02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This obviously. Lolita complex is a very serious illness.

>> No.10301965


>> No.10301967

Depending on the country then yes they have.

>> No.10301970
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1355979166524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my picture

>> No.10301974 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 881x1236, not it is not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>File: 1357104903419.jpg-(161 KB, 853x1242, 02[1].jpg)
>This obviously. Lolita complex is a very serious illness.

>> No.10301975


Which countries?

>> No.10301982
File: 229 KB, 881x1236, not it is not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's a crime.

>> No.10301986

Mii is hot.

>> No.10301987
File: 388 KB, 985x1400, 1230016640747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, there is help.

>> No.10302001

Canada comes to mind. They make no distinction between photography and drawn.

>> No.10302006

>I don't mind having a guy in there as long as it's not some horribly ugly fat guy.

Haha, naw all I can think of is /ss/ with fat and bald shota.

>> No.10302008
File: 566 KB, 850x1200, 31952595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10302033

The US is another if you go by this site.


>> No.10302049


>Who Is a Minor?
>For purposes of enforcing the federal law (18 U.S.C. §2256), “minor” is defined as a person under the age of 18.

Jokes on them, all my 2hus are hundreds of years old

>> No.10302056


The more I watch that loop, the hotter it gets. My house might burn down.

>> No.10302059

>indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct

I'm pretty sure a cartoon girl is distinguishable from a minor.

>> No.10302065


>> No.10302073
File: 265 KB, 504x479, 1332620872296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Life is biter, but it also has its sweet parts.

This is a lie.

>> No.10302076

They mean any minor, including fictional minors.

>> No.10302078

No, they mean CG images that are indistinguishable from photographs.

>> No.10302086
File: 100 KB, 533x800, sexy_cgi_girl_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they define this type of CG stuff. Its the type of stuff I've seen when I been to the dark side of the net.

>> No.10302088
File: 160 KB, 673x1024, f81e864576a3f7f5047335212ce2ca79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, and the more i think about it, the more i believe those laws were written specifically to target drawings that are "photorealistic" reproductions of photographs. of course, laws can be abused and misused, as any lawyer or congressman with an agenda loves to do. and also, "obscenity" covers anything and everything.

>> No.10302097

Or stuff like this: >>10291612

Really, the only reason they have that is so that you can't claim the photo is actually highly realistic computer graphics.

>> No.10302121

I wouldn't be lying if I said that would convince me to play Skyrim. Although I would need to have a better computer to play it with that level of graphics.

>> No.10302133

>Tomato milk

>> No.10302136

She seems to have very large nipples, it's kind of a turnoff.

>> No.10302163

The bigger the better

>> No.10302175

That's not usually the mantra for loli.

>> No.10302176 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 261x278, cockit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f uck your c ock /jp/ :DDD

>> No.10302181

I like both, I find it pretty hard to be turned off by any nipple actually.

>> No.10302186
File: 394 KB, 1680x1050, KodomoNoJikanMDx10M90wp1680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody like Rin from Kodomo no Jikan.

>> No.10302212

Only everyone, ever.

>> No.10302216

Best loli ever!!

>> No.10302261
File: 115 KB, 750x900, 26bd291a44834697e63c0fdfcd1e5e11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But of course

>> No.10302265

I think a loli should have small, sensitive nipples that become hard very easily.

>> No.10302277
File: 456 KB, 1920x1200, Kodomo-no-Jikan-kodomo-no-jikan-18560271-1920-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10302284
File: 73 KB, 704x396, Kodomo no Jikan - 03 - Large 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10302286

I love her

>> No.10302291

Can we talk about loli clits please

>> No.10302312

No, because we don't want attract the Janitor.

>> No.10302313

I want to rape, Rin

>> No.10302335

It's OK

>> No.10302341
File: 70 KB, 640x512, Stuff (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about panties?

>> No.10302357

That's also acceptable. If possible, every person in this through should come into posession of at least one pair through whatever means possible. They're simply nice to hold, very soft and have cute designs.

>> No.10302375
File: 89 KB, 550x481, 98f01047f68726a46291eec18fad7811e2d0861e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best panties? I like bloomers myself.

>> No.10302377

I have never touched a pair a panties in my life. Although, I hope to in the future.

>> No.10302380

White and frilly.

>> No.10302385

Bloomers are not panties.

I prefer silk or satin over cotton. I've never really put much thought into the design of the panties.

>> No.10302386

Should I have said underwear then? Or is that still wrong?

>> No.10302393

Underwear would be more correct.

Here a link for further reading


>> No.10302405
File: 452 KB, 1050x1515, kuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only like Kuro. Rin is a slut and Mimi is a whore.

Pic related

>> No.10302408

They are very soft.

>> No.10302412

Is this really a drawing of a figurine of a drawing?

>> No.10302422
File: 44 KB, 468x624, Figur-Rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't the figurine more lewd?

>> No.10302426
File: 7 KB, 250x333, lens20060762_1354330476---.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are panties not bloomers. Yeah, I know they can be interchangeable but, they are different.

They do have Bloomer style panties though. See link below.


>> No.10302428

I want that so badly. Anyway I gotta get some sleep.

>> No.10302434

Is this from the actual manga or a doujin?

>> No.10302433

I think he was just answering the question.

>> No.10302439

I meant those are my favorite kind of panties

>> No.10302447

Actual manga. Teacher was ignoring Kuro's torments and that was the only thing she could think of to get him to react.

>> No.10302484
File: 197 KB, 529x796, 1315255423697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolis are just cowtits in larval form. How does it make you feel watching them age?

>> No.10302489


The only one I have ever loved.

>> No.10302494

Not every girl grows huge tits. I have a cousin two years younger than myself who I didn't notice growing much. She's 18 now and still flat chested, and doesn't have very wide hips.

Aside from here there are still three other cousins who I can watch grow up. I wonder how their bodies will turn out.

>> No.10302510


That's why you shove them in the basement and use the ultra-low-fat, high-carb pasta diet. Works like a charm for a while, until they die from an unfortunate accident.

>> No.10302515

My friend's little sister turned 18 and is still short and flat chested. She looks like 12.

I'm so jealous.

>> No.10302522


So WTF are you waiting for. Tap that shit, bro.

>> No.10302523

One day I will own this

>> No.10302531

Some of my mother's friends have practically unnoticeable breasts, but you can tell they're not lolis from a mile away.

>> No.10302554

Why is she eating ice cream from a cone with a spoon?

>> No.10302559

It's his friend's sister, bro. That would be pretty awkward.

>> No.10302793

/jp/, literally no moderation, ever.

>> No.10302796

What are you talking about?

>> No.10302806

He's the 2D = illegal anon.

>> No.10302868

Plenty of shit threads have been moderated tonight. I'm pleased. This thread is perfectly fine /jp/ material and isn't being used for porn dumps.

>> No.10302912

I self-insert as the loli and imagine myself being that cute.

>> No.10303602
File: 61 KB, 640x512, Stuff (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really surprised to see the thread still up.

>> No.10303634


>> No.10303685
File: 281 KB, 664x705, butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps I though the mods would not like this thread and I'm glad they don't have an issue with it and it is still here.

Anyways what do you think about thongs on lolis?

>> No.10303700

There was even a fuss on /q/ some months ago because a Comic LO thread had its shitposts deleted. I don't think they have a problem with the threads if nothing NSFW is being posted.

>> No.10303749

Guess its a good thing that we have kept things from going that direction and haven't had too many shitposters.

>> No.10303762

it is exciting

>> No.10303829 [SPOILER] 
File: 581 KB, 1109x1600, MS_2011_10_414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loli bitch

>> No.10303836
File: 56 KB, 558x840, 1354166613474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer to all of your sufferings.

>> No.10303854
File: 535 KB, 658x1006, drama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your preferences panty wise?

I'm happy the other girl intervened. I like her better then the other slut.

>> No.10303957
File: 2.60 MB, 2440x3370, 09ecba970d581164935e3a56f2d66dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The details are more important than the type

>> No.10303961

Do you to have the rest of that? In English, of course. Whenever I go to reverse image search it, I only get this. http://clannnu.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-22.html
which is kinda tough considering it's all in moonrunes.

>> No.10304001

artist is henreader, if that helps

>> No.10304008
File: 117 KB, 768x1024, Out doors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like everything about this.
This picture is perfect to me.

>> No.10304009

what he said, search it on sadpanda

protip, use this on the search bar

>> No.10304018

Thanks, guys.

>> No.10304099

Somewhere out there, some people really do have the job of "little girl lingerie designer"

I really wonder about the people who make stuff like that, if they think it's cute or if they don't think any further than "hey I could get a lot of money if..."

Are they like fashion designers who couldn't make it big and consider it demeaning to make hot pants with the word "sexy" on the back that will fit onto 8 year olds?

>> No.10304119

hot pants....ah..

>> No.10304127

Probably all 50 year old gay men

>> No.10304143

god is a pedophile, its time to wake up sheeple

>> No.10304148

did you mean people

>> No.10304190
File: 248 KB, 1500x1260, 484528b7e3c9310c6f5e0cf52035205e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You post reminded me of Aito from Mangaka To Assistant. He is the type of person I who make lingerie for lolis.

>> No.10304345
File: 58 KB, 561x799, 1286619671769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those talking bloomers. I love how lolicons basically deify anything about lolis. It's at least as much a school uniform fetish as a body one. Sometimes I start to think they don't even need the loli at all.

Lolicon is like some meeting of people who like petite women, people who like school uniforms, people who worship youth, people who are pedos, and perverts who want to be the little girl.

>> No.10304466
File: 103 KB, 750x1088, beyond help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what lolicons really believe

>> No.10304569

Well, maybe that one. I don't know if it speaks for all of them.

>> No.10304602
File: 29 KB, 700x400, randoseru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which color randsel would /jp/ wear to her first day of 1st grade?

>> No.10304624

pinku (that's japanese for pink)

>> No.10304625

The black one doesn't look like something a 1st grade student would wear.

>> No.10304642

Probably the classic red one.

On a personal note I would like to get my nephew on of these since they last and can be passed down to his little brother.

>> No.10304652

there are german ones that are quite similar to these that you can get so you wont have to be called out by your weeabooness

>> No.10304677
File: 27 KB, 346x346, 1356926744371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so you wont have to be called out by your weeabooness

>> No.10304693
File: 61 KB, 511x350, 5de15697e55d30e1c57fcbd89680dd28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they have those hard box part just like the japanese ones so you can use it instead of getting called out by your possible faggatory

>> No.10304764

If I'm getting it for my nephew I won't be called on being a weeaboo. The only thing I people who shit on me about is my sister because I bought an expensive back pack for her kid. Most people won't know what it is so, I'm not entirely worried about it.

I would get that version for the kid I don't like. The regular randsel from Japan looks more professional and thus better.

>> No.10304772

No, it makes you a raging fucking weeaboo and you would be stoned for it.

>> No.10304801
File: 178 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_3644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just by buying a book bag it would make a person a weeaboo. This is seriously coming from /jp/. I am shocked.

>> No.10304820

>Just by buying a book bag

A JAPANESE bookbag for japanese. No one uses that shit in the west unless you are a faggot.

They arent going to a fucking business, they are going to school. For kids. At a kids school. Not a business.

>> No.10304826

I will say that those bags look really well built.

>> No.10304847

Dude she's a fat motherfucker.

>> No.10304848
File: 543 KB, 1280x720, ScreenShots (35).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why I want to get one. The last for more then a year. I want to save my sister some money. That is all. It'd be one thing if I was buying it for myself but, I wouldn't. It would go to my sister and her kid.

>> No.10304891
File: 856 KB, 1944x1400, ichinensei05_0072-0073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread need some more loli.

>> No.10305094
File: 642 KB, 966x1400, 011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10305104

I wish I cold be in a room that had the walls ceiling and floors lined with nothing but loli butts and anuses.

every morning i could wake up and orally clean them out one by one and I would hear cute sqiggles on the otherside. I would then get naked and lube up my entire body and rub myself all over the loli butts and anus lined room.

I would not keep them there forever the would get bored. I would have them come out and take turns in shifts.

>> No.10305512



>> No.10305530


What if they all farted?

>> No.10305562

Then I would embrace it all with open arms and lungs.

>> No.10305641

Loli photographer must be the best job in the world.

>> No.10305648

On these child protection topics I always start to wonder about the same thing.

What is the difference between forcing a kid to eat broccoli or to suck on a penis? Worst thing that can happen is that it tastes bad. Yet one is considered "proper raising of children" and the other "An unforgivable crime". The first one you get over in 5 minutes, the second one you commit suicide over since you can never forget.

It seems like just extreme overreactions, caused by people caring more about ancient society standards than logic.

>> No.10305660

You will ``traumatize'' it.

>> No.10306290


Because sexual contact is a big deal in human development and society. Once she learns how the rest of the world views it and how her body starts to react differently to it the child might be traumatized, especially if there is an arrest or if she is exposed publicly.

>> No.10306393

I guarantee you that if the world held the act of eating broccoli to be socially sacred, you'd get the same results.

Girls would be raised with the expectation that they would one day meet the perfect man who would feed them broccoli. They would imagine it and cherish it to the point if someone were to force broccoli on them, they would feel disgusted with themselves, imagining how all their friends and family would discover that she ate broccoli with some creep in an alley.

It's also to do with trust. They met someone who they thought they could trust, and in turn he trounces on something everyone told her was a major point to her coming of age. It would be hard to trust anyone after that, since the person in question would likely be of a close relationship.

>> No.10306448
File: 127 KB, 489x862, 031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most normals of any age would rather eat broccoli than suck dick.

Depending on the method used, forcing someone to eat broccoli is wrong too. If you can cut your dick up and mix it into food, then its fine.

Iunno a comic about a guy who is a loli is kinda gay. Also Ryofuko-chan seems better at that theme.

This is the best comic about lolis though.

>> No.10306461

I remember playing a game when you could capture lolis to use them against other lolis, there was some CG and the game was entirely in black and white, there was a thread about it a while ago but I can't remember the name of the game, does anybody knows it ?

>> No.10306582
File: 345 KB, 576x383, 011823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10306593
File: 43 KB, 400x359, 055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10306833

That pokemon type game?

>> No.10308705

Yeah, this one.

>> No.10308761

I doubt trust is an actual cause. It's like you trust someone to drive you home in a car, just to 4 years later realize it was a dorky car and then you claim it was terrible and you trusted the person who picked you up to not have a dork car.

>> No.10308765
File: 208 KB, 1000x750, waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's better.
