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10229588 No.10229588[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

about to take my plato & aristotle final.
wish me luck /jp/!!

>> No.10229592

Good luck anon-chan!

>> No.10229593

philosophy has to be the king of useless majors

>> No.10229594
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I hope you have a nice day.

>> No.10229602

No one with any IQ majors in philosophy. Unless they are awesome.

My friends in his 5th year dual Quantum Physics/Philosophy major, also fun to have conversations with.

>> No.10229601


>> No.10229609

Funny, my 'friend' does the same. Except I'm not sure what kind of physics he's doing and he's already done with his philosophy studies.

>> No.10229618
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That'll be easy, OP.
I was always really good at philosophy and stimulated by philosophical problems, but I never really bothered to specialize in it. I always felt that although the philosophers throughout history created unique systems of thought with depth and personality, they were inevitably wrong and that's what distracts me when reading their literature.

I assume that if I were to become totally invested in philosophy, I'd hold one author to be the closest example of how I categorize and interpret reality (the one that makes the most sense) and mostly disregard the rest, making the entire discipline one that's concerned with literature for is historical context and not its 'truth'-value. I figure a history major might be more beneficial at that point.

Am I misinterpreting philosophy?

>> No.10229620

Tell me something interesting you learned

>> No.10229639

If philosophy is supposed to create new knowledge, why does it exclusively focus on fucking crusty old theories from the renaissance era?

Philosophy is a *joke* compared to science. It's hilarious that it's taught as a degree. What job if your thinking major going to get you?

>> No.10229642


I think you're one of those people who has an enormous gap between how smart they are and how smart they think they are

>> No.10229658
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Enlighten me.

>> No.10229667

The contrast between how pretentious you sound and how you can't seem to grasp certain subjects is truly amazing.

>> No.10229678

If you truly wish to understand the world the purest form of knowledge is mathematics.

>> No.10229684
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Unfortunately, I was asking for your opinion on the subject matter and not myself. If you are going to bother replying, please refrain from talking with yourself, anon-sama.

>> No.10229685


no it isn't

we build abstractions because we're not capable of understanding things intimately in their raw form

we see 'light' and 'color' instead of 'particles/waves of radiation with different frequencies journeying from distant objects to our ocular sensors' for good reasons

>> No.10229687


That wasn't me. Please try to keep up, trisomy-kun.

>> No.10229689

But all science, including maths is philosophy.

Shouldn't that make it the most pure school of thought?

>> No.10229692


ur mom is the purest form of sleeve for my cock

>> No.10229701
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Please realize that it is a valid reply regardless of who you are. I only want to learn.

>> No.10229704

Platonic love towards fictional characters.

>> No.10229709


I want you to suck my cock, dude.

>> No.10229716
File: 311 KB, 600x339, whao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol cocks.

>> No.10229722


I'm apparently going to differ from everyone else and agree with you.

>I'd hold one author to be the closest example of how I categorize and interpret reality (the one that makes the most sense) and mostly disregard the rest

Yeah, been there. After reading heavily I came to feel sympathetic to basically one philosopher, which made it really difficult to read the other greats without assuming from the outset they must be fundamentally wrong. Not that that always matters. You can appreciate the rigour of a good argument even if you don't entirely agree with its conclusions.

As for modern philosophy... it's a joke.

Think about it: why would a philosophy professor be interested in answering questions? What's in it for them? If a professor could sit down and write a paper that once and for all answers with 100% certainty, say, "what is justice?", why would he bother?

See, if he did that, then he'd be out of a job. If every philosophy professor started giving straightforward, irrefutable answers to questions and problems then there would no longer be a need for philosophy departments -- the subject would come to an end. Which would be great! We'd be all the more knowledgeable for it ... but philosophy professors would lose their precious tenure.

Therefore it's in the interests of philosophy scholars at universities to give vague, equivocal answers to vague, equivocal questions, to constantly perpetuate the same tired debates and nitpick each others' words until they forget what they were even talking about. That's comfortable. That lets them keep their job. Isn't it pathetic? But I think it's true. If you disagree feel free to tell me why I'm wrong.

Notice many of the greatest philosophers were not university lecturers. They did their work independently. The idea of a "professional philosopher" is a ridiculous contemporary construct.

>> No.10229724

too bad he's starving

>> No.10229728

through mathematics you can understand all things in their raw form. You're not limited by your senses, but only your ability to reason.
Philosophy is applied logic which is founded and understood through mathematics

>> No.10229729
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Thank you.

>> No.10229755

>Doing final instead of avoid them by academic excellence
engineering master race here

>> No.10229768

In my opinion, the problem with a lot of those questions is that the answers to them are ultimately subjective or even nonexistent.

Using "what is justice" as an example, people can have entirely different viewpoints that arise from differences in background, upbringing, experience, knowledge, etc.. I'm confident that almost all philosophy professors are able to present their opinions with plenty of evidence as support, and essentially have arguments that are very hard to attack; the only problem is that the multiple different viewpoints are all equally well supported by different people, and thus there is no easily identifiable "correct" answer.

If it truly were possible to answer a question such as "what is justice", I'm sure any philosopher professor would be very eager to do it. Why worry about job security, when you will be eternally famous for having figured out exactly what is just and what isn't? I think the problem is simply that it is impossible to find the answer, or at least extremely difficult to.

>> No.10229781

>what is justice

>> No.10229783

It is impossible to find the answer, in the case of justice. In the realm of contemporary philosophy I'm pretty sure that this is common knowledge and that the discipline has moved towards some other area that isn't defining abstractions.

>> No.10229785

OP here,
I was kind of freaking out but it wasn't too hard.

And my major isn't philosophy, its just something I do for fun on the side since my schedule permits it and it fulfills requirements.

I agree that philosophy isn't a viable major, and it never has been profitable to be a philosopher. Aristotle even says that philosophy is knowledge that is sought without any thought to its utility. Its merely something that we do because we are human, and because we wonder. I don't believe philosophy can ever arrive at any absolute answers, but then again a lot of the things we do are pointless and don't serve any ultimate utility.
I think its fun to see the various ways in which great thinkers have conceived of the world throughout the ages.


I learned that Empedocles jumped into a volcano to prove that he was a god, that the sophists were the trolls of the ancient world, that Aristotle's philosophy is mostly common sense for the masses, that Plato's dialogues make for interesting drama, and that I wish they made a slice of life of all the ancient greek philosophers because it would be pretty awesome.

again, not things which will make me big bucks, but I'm just taking it easy and enjoying myself

>> No.10229815

I disagree. Mathematics is an abstraction created by humans. Newton invented calculus. It's not that that which we can calculate using calculus, such as the net work done by a variable force over a certain distance, did not exist before then, but rather the actual mathematics of calculus simply did not exist. Therefore, I wouldn't say that mathematics allows for understanding of all things in their raw form.

>> No.10229839

How did you even get through the entrance examinations with your atrocious English?

>> No.10229851

the socratic method discounts the actively maintained inequality inherent to the classroom --professor and students alike are only subject to the grading of a insular college; majoring in philosophy codifies philosophy and knowledge constructs as yet another act of conspicuous consumerism.

>> No.10229857

That's better than the English I usually write
t: Laudatur 286/300

>> No.10229874

Spurdo Spärde on suosikkini meme!! :DDDDDDD
