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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10207201 No.10207201 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have the meido-san pictures?

Also /jp/er who lives in Japan AMA

>> No.10207205

This isn't reddit you piece of shit I will fucking burn you

>> No.10207212

/jp/ still autismal as ever. Good to see things haven't changed.

>> No.10207217

Calm down Mokou

>> No.10207221

Since the first day you ever used the internet, how bad have you gotten? How far have you fallen? I mean, who knew all those years ago the kinds of strange porn and other things you'd be into now, right?

>> No.10207223
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>> No.10207227
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Eat shit

>> No.10207226

Not really. I used to watch porn on VHS with my friends when I was 12, and it was pretty hardcore. If anything, the stuff I masturbate to nowadays is a lot more vanilla.

>> No.10207228

They're on the Bunbunmaru's Society for the Archival of Modern Original Content or whatever it is.

>> No.10207230

The internet fueled me to become a self-worshipping elitist bastard and at the same time a bit emotionally unstable too. Also, /jp/ was the reason that at one time in my life I exclusively masturbated to 2D.

>> No.10207232

which 2hu u'd fuk

>> No.10207233


>> No.10207235

Have you ever seen Merzbow in concert

>> No.10207239

Yes I have. He's incredible live. Bring earplugs though if you don't want to be deaf for 2 days.

>> No.10207247

Awesome, I hope I can see him one day. He doesn't seem to be on the cusp of retiring at least.

>> No.10207251

Boris is touring though so look out for them. I saw them last year. Just as great live.

>> No.10207263

I'm in NYC, the tour is Euro-only right?

>> No.10207266

Is it really? I saw them last year in LA so I'm not sure. Well if that's the case then sorry dude.

>> No.10207289

Good luck fucking an asthmatic shut-in with anemia.

>> No.10207303

Don't be mean to Patches! Plus I'm kinda hikki-ing it up anyway.

>> No.10207329

I'm not being mean, I'm just saying that such and intense physical activity is no good for someone in her condition.

>> No.10207330

your mom survived so i'm pretty sure she will too

>> No.10207367

holy shit dude

>> No.10207424

I will be up a while if anybody wants to ask more questions.


>> No.10207436

>Also, /jp/ was the reason that at one time in my life I exclusively masturbated to 2D.
Yeah. Went back to mixing it up a year ago.

>> No.10207444

Have you already went to Akihabara?

>> No.10207447

Is Japan as shit as they say?

>> No.10207449


As who says?

>> No.10207455

Do average Japanese people sit around watching anime in the evenings? Or do they watch live-action TV? Or something else?

I'm American. I spend most of my time on the computer but my parents watch TV from like 4-11pm

>> No.10207460

They work till 9, then go drinking with their senpaitachis and then take the last train for about an hour to reach their home. Once home, they sleep for 6hours and then go to work again.

>> No.10207465

> watch TV from like 4-11pm

Holy fuck. Perhaps I'm a hypocrite since I sit in front of a computer monitor all day, but isn't that a little boring or painful? I can watch an hour of television at the most.

>> No.10207474

I'd assume they wouldn't because Japanese people love to linger and don't get home 'til late most of the time.

Normal television doesn't have much anime but it has a lot of variety shows and news shows. Non-cable TV is pretty trash though.

>> No.10207487
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>> No.10207495

I thought there were some good shows like Late Blooming Sunflower

>> No.10207516

I wouldn't know. I don't watch dramas.

>> No.10207552

Living the dream?

>> No.10207554

Nah Japan isn't as great as you think.

>> No.10207570

Why don't you like dramas?

>> No.10207578

Fuck off.

>> No.10207586

They're all overly cheesy and shit. I guess I don't like the style. I do like a lot of Japanese films though.

>> No.10207647
File: 417 KB, 696x487, erf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were talking about pictures of our actual janitor and got excited thinking that they exist.


That's about 48 pictures of meido.

Is Japan really like it is in Yotsuba? That's how I actually imagine Japan.

>> No.10207653

No way in hell lol. This place ain't no mystical wonderland or some shit. I'm going back to America soon and I'm really looking forward to it.

>> No.10207657


Yotsuba isn't exactly a mystical wonderland, it seems very down to Earth.

Do you even nihongo? If you don't it's no wonder you hate it.

>> No.10207661

I would imagine Japan varies a lot. Not as much as America just due to the size of the country, but probably people lead all sorts of different lives in all sorts of different enviroments.

>> No.10207673

Oh I thought you meant 4chan and I never read Yotsuba so I wouldn't know. My bad for not understanding. I read 2ch for a little but it's the same people complaining about the same things over and over. Gets quite boring.

>> No.10207676

What a second Yotsuba is fucking 4chan. What the shit guys?

>> No.10207677

It's shit. The only way in HELL that I would bring myself to live there, would be if I was completely financially independent.

The chance of getting a job that would pay good is pretty much impossible, unless you have the qualifications and knowledge of a madman. And on top of that you have to be fluent in Japanese, that paper JLPT1 cert wont do you any good.

>> No.10207683


Futaba (2leaf) Yotsuba (4leaf) channeru.


(Yeah, I used the word newfag, because I'm so old that the typically perceived notion outside of /b/ that using fag as a suffix is for new people, doesn't even apply to me because I'm so oldfag.)

>> No.10207714

This is not how things work,

Show me where I can find this Yotsuba then.

>> No.10207715



>> No.10207720

Oh you meant the manga (よつばと). I thought you mean there was a BBS named Yotsuba. I don't live in the suburbs so I don't know how that's like.

>> No.10207721


>> No.10207722

What's the deal with japanese women saying "now I can't get married" or stuff like that? Is it a joke? Because not being able to marry because someone saw you naked or something like that seems weird.

>> No.10207724


Looks like we got ourselves a badass over here.

>> No.10207731

>This is not how things work,

If you're fine in getting a shitty job via JET as a teacher with a monthly salary of 3000$, go ahead.

>> No.10207733

It's weird because sexuality used to not be looked down like that. Nowadays, there are a lot of prude girls but a lot less than you might think. That phrase doesn't really apply though so it's kind of a joke.

>> No.10207736

Well I guess if you're a complete foreigner, it might work like that. I'm a graduate student here so that's not a problem for me.

>> No.10207744

Oh, OK. I though it might related to some cultural quirk I wasn't aware of.

Sexuality seems to go back and forth. One decade we're open about it, and the next we're quiet about it. Then we go back to being open about it. On a larger scale you can see even bigger changes, back and forth, back and forth.

>> No.10207782

How is school like there? Were you there for high school or anything like that?

>> No.10207786

$3000 a month is a ton of money. I could live like a king on that salary.

>> No.10207794

Nah only part of college and I hear anything before undergrad then academically it's strenuous and terrible. Undergrad, on the other hand, is a complete joke with no challenge whatsoever. But school does have many great events like bunkasai and the music circles always impress me with how skilled they are.

Not in Japan, you can't. Living here is pretty harsh on your wallet.

>> No.10207803

>Living here is pretty harsh on your wallet.
How harsh? I find it extremely difficult to believe that 3k/month isn't a lot.

>> No.10207806

Small rolls of toothpaste are 5-7 USD over there. A gallon of milk can be around 10 USD.

Stuff isn't cheap.

>> No.10207805

>a lot

That's like minimum wage over here. You can get that kind of pay doing any job.

>> No.10207809

Bullshit, you can get a place for under 50k yen a month if you don't mind living in one room with little else. With a place of that size, your electricity bill is really small. Even accounting for the higher cost of food, if you're regularly spending more than $1k a month on basic expenses, you're spending more than you have to.

>> No.10207814

So don't buy gallons of milk? Things like dairy and beef are really expensive relative to America. If you buy things that are cheap in Japan instead of sticking to the same food, you won't be spending as much.

>> No.10207815

In the US minimum wage is like $1000 a month after taxes

>> No.10207816

Dairy and beef are expensive in America too. You don't realize it because of government subsidies.

>> No.10207820

That's pretty shitty. I don't live in the US though.

>> No.10207822

They're still cheap to the consumer. Your post is meaningless.

>> No.10207825

The meaning is that dairy and beef could be cheaper in Japan if the government subsidized imports.

>> No.10207831

>a place under 50k/month
If you're in Tokyo, not in a lifetime.

The only thing not expensive here is fish.

>> No.10207840

Nevermind I take that back. But I pay around 65k/month for rent. This is about $800/month. So it's quite expensive.

>> No.10207844

>That's like minimum wage over here.
Are you serious? I live in a Nordic country and I've worked a full time industry job, albeit an unskilled one, for 1800€ per month.

>> No.10207842


>60,000 yen~
>43,000 yen~
>45,000 yen~
>35,000 yen ~

And this is just the first google result that I found in English. These are pretty much all within an hour's train ride of central Tokyo.

>> No.10207848

Ok, 800 a month for rent, let's way overestimate and say you spend $500 a month on food. In a small apartment, you're not going to be spending more than 150 or so on water/electric/internet (frankly probably way less) and you still haven't broken $1500 a month, even with everything overestimated. You're spending a lot of cash somewhere you don't need to, necessarily. $3000 is fucking cushy living.

>> No.10207854

This is true but with JET you're lucky if you're 2 hours from the city.

>> No.10207851

>As of 2011, regional minimum wages range from ¥645 (~US$8.40, €6.10) to ¥837 (~US$10.90, €7.95) per hour for all workers

>> No.10207856

With JET you're lucky if you're anywhere near a city at all. The point is that it's a lot of money unless you're pissing hundreds of dollars a month on something else.

>> No.10207858

Yeah I don't know where he's from but that's definitely not minimum wage. Most full time employees make -at least- 1k/hr though.

>> No.10207861

yeah ok let me just not buy essential things i need

stupid mother fucker i will slap you

>> No.10207872

Milk is the opposite of essential. The human body is physically incapable of digesting cow milk. People can only handle it if they have special bacteria living in their guts.

>> No.10207894

Tastes good doe. I'm lactose intolerant and I drink that shit.

>> No.10207892

Which we got because it was an essential part of our diets in the past when we were originally cultivating domestic animals with utters.

>> No.10207920

If anyone has more questions feel free to ask. I'll be up for another couple hours.

>> No.10207925

You fuckers better all how up at the biannual /jp/ meetup.

>> No.10208000

Have you ever bought ero material in Japan (manga, doujinshi, etc)? Were the Japanese clerks/customers surprised?

How many Japanese friends do you have?

>> No.10210184

Thanks for the answers

>> No.10211150

Sorry I fell asleep. I went to C82 and bought the Ishikei doujin fuckin hot. Haven't bought any ero-stuff normally but I'm sure they wouldn't look at you weird if you're in Akiba.

I have quite a few Japanese friends. I'm a university student so that's not a problem

>> No.10211195

Why the fuck are people seriously asking questions?

>> No.10211198
File: 74 KB, 500x281, kyary1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be jealous because you're not interesting.

>> No.10211206

I'm just as confused.

It's a joke, right?

>> No.10211209 [DELETED] 

Not OP but I do his all the time. Not a big deal.

I have a Japanese girlfriend and a few Japanese (plus a couple of Chinese) friends of varying closeness. I don't know any other white people.

>> No.10211226

Someone isn't interesting just because they live in Japan, you fucking weeaboo.

>> No.10211258 [DELETED] 

Pretending to be ignorant isn't funny.

>> No.10211256


>> No.10211263

What are you talking about? I'm just saying someone on /jp/ calling something/someone weeaboo is the pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.10211265

On the subject of living in Japan, Why is it every time I walk down the street and spot another white/black person, both of us seem to start at the other for an extra bit longer than normal...

But yea, living here isnt that great

>> No.10211271

No one here wants to be japanese, /a/-friend.

>> No.10211274

I don't get that because I'm Japanese(-American) but I understand because I do the same thing except they don't look back. I think you just get the feeling that you should ask them why they're there in the first place. My non-asian friends do get that a lot though.

>> No.10211276


>> No.10211297

Only been here for 3 week, and I expected it from the Japs, but not from everyone else.

I notice a lot of eyes on me when the cars drive by as thats when I tend to start talking loudly in English to my friends.

but for next time, Im coming in the summer without an election

>> No.10211328

>without an election
was this intentional
